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Bailiff appointed.. Sergeant Peter Harvey, Dannevirke. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1924, page 1179.)

Open Season for Imported and Native Game, Coromandel Acclimatization District. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1924, page 1180.)

General Regulations under Part 111 of the Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, respecting Opossums. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1924, page 1175-1178.) JFILLICOE, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 13th day of May, 1924. Present : The Honourable Sir Francis Bell presiding in Council. XN pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred upon him by the Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22 .(hereinafter referred to as “ the said Act”), and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby revoke all previous regulations respecting opossums made under Part 111 of the said Act, and doth hereby make the following regulations for the purposes of

the said Act; and doth hereby declare that the regulations hereby made shall have force and effect throughout New Zealand, subject to the said Act and to any special regulations made thereunder in force in any acclimatization district.

REGULATIONS. 1. In these regulations, if not inconsistent with the context,— ■‘Authorized officer” means any person appointed by the Under-Secretary, Department of Internal Affairs, to be an authorized officer for any specified purpose under these regulations: •‘ Official mark means any mark mentioned in these regulations or in any former regulations respecting opossums made under Part 111 of the said Act or under the Animals Protection Amendment Act, 1920 : Skins includes tanned skins, but does not include tanned or prepared skins bona fide used as a rug, coat, muff, or article of personal or domestic or household use or ornament. 2. (1.) Opossums may be taken or killed only in the following manner:— (a.) By means of a running noose fixed in such manner that the head of the animal will pass through the noose. (6.) By means of the trap known as the American jumptrap with or without teeth, or by the box trap, or by the ordinary rabbit-trap. (c.) All such traps for the taking of opossums must be placed on the ground while in use. (2.) Any ranger of any acclimatization society or any Forest Officer is hereby empowered to seize any traps that are illegal for the taking of opossums, if being used or found in use by any trapper. 3. All traps or other contrivances used for the purpose of taking opossums must be visited by the licensee at least once daily. 4. (1.) A license to take or kill opossums may be issued to any person on payment of the prescribed fee, in the form No. 1 in the First Schedule hereto, and shall be issued by the officers appointed in the special regulations issued in respect of each district; provided that no such license shall authorize the taking or killing of opossums in any sanctuary or public domain.

Except as provided in these regulations, or in any special regulations made in respect of any district, no person shall take or kill or assist in the taking or killing of opossums without previously taking out such a license. (2.) Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained, any person in bona fide occupation of any land, and any one son or daughter of such person, may take or kill opossums on that land without a license (but subject to all other restrictions and conditions imposed by or under the said Act or these regulations) during any open season in which opossums may lawfulty be taken or killed under a license in the district within the boundaries of which such land is situated. The skins of all opossums so killed may be disposed of only as provided by regulation 7 hereof. Provided that before any person takes or kills opossums pursuant to this subclause he shall first send notification of his intention so to do to the Secretary of the acclimatization society in whose district his property is situated. Such notification shall contain full particulars of such property. . 5. It shall be the duty of every person desiring to take or kill opossums in any State forest, provisional State forest, forest reserve, forest plantation reserve, bush reserve, timber reserve, reserve for the growth and preservation of timber, to obtain the written consent of a Conservator of Forests or of a responsible officer of the State Forest Service having control thereof; or in any Crown lands, scenic reserve, or any public reserve, to obtain the written consent of the Commissioner of Crown Lands or of any Board having control thereof. In the case of reserves in the Rotorua Acclimatization District under the Tourist and Health Resorts Control Act, 1908, the written consent of the General Manager of the Tourist and Health Resorts Department or his appointee must be obtained. Notification of consent must be endorsed on the license by the issuing officer. This authority must be presented when applying for the issue of a license to take or kill opossums in any area mentioned in this regulation, and no license shall be issued without the production of such written authority. 6. The holder of any license is not entitled by virtue of such license to enter upon any private land without the consent of the owner or occupier thereof ; or upon any State forest, provisional State forest, forest reserve, forest plantation reserve, bush reserve, timber reserve, or reserve for the growth and preservation of timber, without the written authority of a Conservator of Forests or of a responsible

officer of the State Forest Service having control thereof; or upon any Crown land, scenic reserve, or any public reserve without the written authority of a Commissioner of Crown Lands or of any Board having control thereof; or upon any reserve under the Tourist and Health Resorts Control Act, 1908, without the written authority of the General Manager of the Tourist and Health Resorts Department or his appointee. 7. Any person may dispose of opossum-skins by gift, sale, or otherwise howsoever if such skins bear the official mark : Provided that skins which do not bear the official mark may be disposed of to or by a licensed broker only. 8. A person consigning or delivering skins of opossums to a licensed broker for sale must send therewith a true and correct statement in writing, in the form No. 2 in the First Schedule hereto, signed by him, specifying the nature and number of skins, and certifying that such skins were obtained from animals taken or killed in a district for which an open season prevailed during the time such animals were taken or killed, and- such skins must be produced to the secretary or to the ranger of the acclimatization society in whose district the skins were taken, or to a Postmaster or to the Government Tourist Agent at Rotorua or to a Ranger of that Department or to any authorized stamping officer or to any other person specially authorized for that purpose, in order that such person may place his certificate at the foot of such statement. No person shall accept delivery of such skins unless accompanied by such statement and certificate. Any person committing a breach of this regulation shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding £2O. Such statement shall be made in duplicate, one copy to accompany the skins forwarded for sale, and the other copy to be forwarded direct to the Under-Secretary, Department of Internal Affairs:

This regulation shall also apply to skins which are not sold to or by a licensed broker, except that the original copy of the statement shall be forwarded with the skins to the stamping officer. 9. No person or firm shall act as a broker under these regulations without first taking out an.annual license, to be called a broker’s license, in the form No. 3 in the First Schedule hereto. Such license may be obtained from the Undersecretary, Department of Internal Affairs, on application in the form No. 4 in the First Schedule hereto, upon payment of a fee of 215., and shall expire on the 30th day of April following the date thereof: Provided that a separate license must be taken out in respect of every branch of any business. 10. It shall be the duty of every licensed broker to collect from the vendor a royalty of Is. on every skin sold to or by him, upon which he shall be allowed a commission of £sjper cent., payable after his returns have been sent in as provided in regulation 14. Such royalty shall be paid to the authorized officer before the royalty-paid stamp is affixed by him. 11. No skins shall be delivered by a licensed broker unless they have been stamped to show that the royalty has been paid : Provided that skins in possession of a broker which have not been stamped, and upon which royalty has not been paid, may be delivered to the buyer or returned to the seller where authority to do so has been granted by the Undersecretary, Department of Internal Affairs ; and such authority may be granted on such conditions as the said Undersecretary thinks fit to impose.

12. For the purpose of complying with these regulations, the licensed broker shall notify the officer appointed to stamp skins and collect royalty from brokers at least three days before any auction sale of skins takes place ; and in case of a private sale, such notification must be given immediately the sale is effected. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the royalty may be paid after any auction sale takes place, on the condition that the broker gives an undertaking to the stamping officer that royalty will be paid within twenty - four hours after the sale takes place. 13. Every licensed broker shall keep a register in the form No. 5 in the First Schedule hereto, and shall on receipt of any opossum-skins enter therein the correct name, address, and occupation of each company, firm, or person from whom such skins are obtained for sale, indicating the locality where the opossums were taken and to whom such skins are sold. Such register shall be produced for inspection on demand by any constable, officer of an acclimatization society, ranger, or authorized officer.

14. Every licensed broker shall, immediately the sale of any opossum -skins takes place, forward to the secretary of the acclimatization society in whose district the opossums were taken a catalogue of such sale, giving the names of the sellers and buyers ; and, immediately after the last day of each month, shall forward to the Under-Secretary, Department of

Internal Affairs, a certified copy of the entries made during the month in the register referred to in regulation 13, noting thereon the number of opossum-skins then in his possession. 15. Any person who retains opossum-skins for his own use, or for the purpose of preserving and manufacturing into rugs, coats, or other articles, shall pay a royalty of Is. per skin as provided in the foregoing regulations, and such skins must have the royalty-paid stamp affixed by the authorized officer before such skins are tanned or prepared for tanning or other method of preservation. 16. Except as provided in these regulations, every owner of an opossum-skin not bearing the official mark shall pay to an authorized officer a royalty of one shilling (Is.) in respect thereof within one month from the date of these regulations or within one month from the date of the skin coming into his possession, whichever is the later. It shall be the duty of such authorized officer to have the said skin stamped with the appropriate official mark immediately such royalty is paid. 17. All opossum-skins in the possession of any person shall, on demand by any constable, officer of an acclimatization society, ranger, or authorized officer, be produced for inspection ; and any person illegally in possession of skins is liable, on conviction, to a fine of £lO, and to a further fine of £5 for each skin found in his possession, and such skins shall be forfeited to and become the property of the Crown. 18. No person shall at any time have possession of any opossum-skin which does not bear an official mark thereon : provided, however, that it shall not be a breach of this regulation to have possession of any such skin (a.) Within one month from the date on which the same was taken, if the same is lawfully taken in any of the places mentioned in regulation 25 ; or (b.) At any time within one month from the close of the open season, if the same is lawfully taken during the open season in any other place in New Zealand ; or (c.) At any time within one month from the date of importation if the same is imported ; and provided also that the Under-Secretary, Department of Internal Affairs, may extend such periods subject to such conditions as he thinks fit to impose. 19. It shall be an offence for any person to perforate or otherwise stamp or mark an opossum-skin in such a way as to suggest that the appropriate official mark has been affixed by an authorized officer, and the offence shall be punishable by a fine of £SO in addition to forfeiture of the skin or skins concerned, and such skins shall, either upon the conviction of such person or if such person cannot be traced, be forfeited to and become the property of the Crown. 20. All opossum-skins imported into the Dominion, other than those in a manufactured state, must be stamped by an authorized officer with the appropriate official mark as proof of importation ; and every person importing skins must, within three days after the receipt of such skins, notify that officer. No royalty shall be payable in respect of any such skins : Provided that no opossum-skins imported into the Dominion shall be disposed of for gain unless they are sold in the manner provided by regulation 7 and have been stamped with the appropriate official mark to indicate that royalty has been paid. 21. (1.) No person shall export or attempt to export opossum-skins without the consent in writing of the Undersecretary, Department of Internal Affairs : Provided that this shall not apply to skins made up as coats, rugs, muffs, or articles of personal or domestic or household use or ornament. (2.) No person shall export or attempt to export opossumskins unless they have been stamped with the appropriate official mark. 22. There shall be paid to the registered acclimatization societies in whose districts opossums were taken or killed such proportion of the fees, fines, and royalties, as may . be decided by the Governor-General in Council. 23. (1.) The Minister of Internal Affaire may, by writing under his hand, authorize any acclimatization society, or the officers or servants of any such society, or any other person, to catch or take opossums for the purpose of distributing or exchanging the same in some other country or in some other part of New Zealand, or for any scientific or other purpose approved by the Minister. (2.) Any such authority may permit the holder thereof to enter upon a sanctuary or public domain for the purpose of catching or taking opossums as specified therein. (3.) Every such authority shall be subject to such conditions as may be specified therein. 24. (1.) Notwithstanding anything in these regulations, it shall be lawful at any time and in any acclimatization district for the occupier of any orchard registered under the

Orchard and Garden Diseases Act, 1908, or for any bona fide employee of such occupier, to kill by any means not involving unnecessary cruelty any opossums in such orchard, or on any land within half a mile of such orchard, or elsewhere within the areas defined in the Second Schedule hereto, or for the occupier of any land within half a mile of such orchard, or for any bona fide employee of such occupier, to similarly kill opossums in the area occupied by such occupier; provided that in any such case a return, in the form No. 6 in the First Schedule hereto, of the number of opossums so killed in any month shall, within seven da3 thereafter, be forwarded to the nearest Postmaster, who shall forward it to the Under-Secretary, Department of Internal Affairs; and provided further. that the provisions of regulation 6 shall apply to any such occupier or his employee as if he were the holder of a license to take or kill opossums. (2.) The skins of all opossums so killed may be disposed of only as provided by regulation 7 hereof. In any such case two copies of the prescribed notification or notifications relating thereto shall be sent to the broker, and the broker shall forward one copy with his returns under regulation 14. If the skins are required for personal use they shall be dealt with subject to regulation 15 hereof. 25. Subject to the provisions of regulation 24, opossums may be taken or killed at any time within the areas defined in the Second Schedule hereto, or in any registered orchard, or on any land within half a mile of such orchard ; and it shall be unlawful to liberate or harbour opossums in any area defined in the Second Schedule hereto, or in any registered orchard, or on any land within half a mile of such orchard. 26. No person shall tan or otherwise preserve any opossumskins unless the same bear the official mark ; and every person carrying on the business of tanner or skin-preserver receiving opossum-skins not bearing such official mark shall forthwith after his receiving same forward the name and address of the person from whom the skins were received to the Under-Secretary, Department of Internal Affairs. 27. (1.) Every person holding a license to take or kill opossums shall, on demand by any authorized person, produce such license, and after such demand if such license is not produced, or if the person gives a false name or place of residence or address, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding £2O.

(2.) For the purposes of this regulation an “ authorized person ” includes all Justices, constables, rangers, officers of the State Forest service, or officers of acclimatization societies, proprietors or occupiers of land upon which any person may be found in pursuit of opossums, and all holders of licenses to take or kill opossums. 28. Any person authorized to issue licenses hereunder may refuse to issue a license to any person who within two years prior to the date of his application for a license has been convicted of any breach of any of these regulations or of any former regulations respecting opossums made under Part 111 of the said Act or under the Animals Protection Amendment Act, 1920. 29. Where the holder of a license hereunder has been found guilty of a breach of any of these regulations the Court may, if it thinks fit, revoke his license. 30. The Minister of Internal Affairs, on being satisfied that injury or damage to any land has arisen or is likely to arise through the presence of opossums on such land, may in writing authorize the owner or occupier of such land, or his servants, to take or kill such animals thereon subject to such conditions and during such period not exceeding three months from the date thereof as may be specified in such warrant. . 31. Except as provided in the said Act or in these regulations, no person shall take or kill opossums, or sell opossumskins, or have opossums or opossum-skins in his possession: Provided that the Minister of Internal Affairs may authorize the keeping of opossums in possession subject to such conditions as he thinks fit. 32. Any constable, officer of an acclimatization society, forest officer, ranger, or authorized officer may seize any opossums or opossum-skins in respect of which he has reason to believe an offence against these regulations has been committed. 33. Any person who commits a breach of any of the above regulations, if no other penalty is provided therein, is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding £SO in each case, and any opossums, opossum - skins, traps, or other contrivances used for the taking of opossums then in his possession and in respect of which any breach of these regulations has been committed shall be forfeited to and become the property of the Crown.

34. (1.) Any opossums, opossum-skins, traps, or other contrivances used for the taking of opossums forfeited to the Crown under the provisions of these regulations shall be sold or otherwise disposed of in such manner and under such conditions as the Minister of Internal Affairs may direct. (2.) All moneys derived from the disposal of anything sold pursuant to this regulation shall be paid into the Public Account. FIRST SCHEDULE. • [Form No. 1. License to take or kill Opossums. [Name in full], of [Residence and calling], having this day paid the sum of , is hereby authorized to take or kill opossums within the Acclimatization District from the day of , 192 , to the day of , 192 (both days inclusive), subject to the provisions of Part 111 of the Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, and the regulations made thereunder. Dated at this day of , 192 . [Signature.] Note. —The attention of trappers is drawn to regulation 8.

[Form No. 2.

* If no license, authority under which opossums were taken to be stated. [Signature of Trapper.] I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge and belief, that the above statement is correct. [Signature of Ranger, or Secretary of Acclimatization Society, or Postmaster, or Government Tourist Agent at Rotorua, or Ranger of the Tourist Department, or any authorized stamping officer. Date :

[Form No. 3. Broker’s License to sell Opossum-skins. [Name in full], of [Residence and calling], having this day paid the sum of £1 Is., is hereby authorized to sell opossum-skins from the day of , 192 , to the day of , 192 (both days inclusive), subject to the provisions of Part 111 of the Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, and the regulations made thereunder. Dated at this day of , 192 . [Signature.]

[Form No. 4. New Zealand. Application for Broker’s License under Part 111 of the Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22. In pursuance of the provisions of the above-mentioned Act, and the regulations made thereunder, I, [Name in full and address], hereby make application on my own behalf [or on behalf of the firm of , of which I am a member; or on behalf of ( Name of registered company), whose written

authority authorizing me to apply for and hold a license under the said Act is hereto annexed, marked “ A ”] for a broker’s license. My place of business is [State ull particulars as to place, or places of business Dated at this day of , 192 . Signature of Applicant.'] [Form No. 5. Broker’s Register. For the month of

Certified correct. [Signature of Broker.]

[Form No. 6.

* As defined in Schedule 2 of the regulations. I hereby certify that the above is a correct return of all opossums taken or killed by me or my employees in my registered orchard [or in the above-named orchard area] for the month of [Signature.] (1.) This return is to be sent to the nearest Postmaster for each month in which opossums are killed. (2.) Opossum-skins may be sold only in accordance with regulations, and two copies of this return must accompany any skins sent to a licensed broker for sale.

SECOND SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Opossums may be taken or killed without License. Waitemala Area. Comprisingjidings of Kumeu, Pukeatua, Takapuna, Birkenhead, Waitakere, Waipareira, Waikumete, and Titirangi, and also Rangitoto Island. Rodney Area. Comprising ridings of Omaha, Matakana, Kourawhera, Albert, and Tauhoa, and also Kawau Island. Hawke's Bay Area.—-Commencing at a point at the mouth of the Maraetotara Stream ; thence following the coast-line in a north-westerly direction to a point opposite to where the Napier-Hastings Road turns off in a westerly direction at Awatoto ; thence along the same road the Meeanee Bridge ; thence along the right bank of the Tutaekuri River to the Waiohiki Bridge ; thence along the Omahu Road to Fernhill ; thence following the public road along the eastern boundary of Te Awa-o-te-Atua Block to its junction with Iron Gate Road ; thence along the said road to its junction with the Pakipalu-Stortford Lodge Road; thence along the Hastings-Maraekakaho Road in a south-easterly direction to the Te Aute Road ; thence along the said road in an easterly direction to its junction with the Mount Erin Road ; thence

along the said road to Gilpin Road, following along that road to the south-east corner of Havelock Town District ; thence westerly along the boundary of the said town district to the Te Mata Road ; thence along the said road to its junction with the Tukituki River; thence across the said river to its eastern bank ; thence along the said bank to its junction with the south-eastern boundary of the Clive Suburban Area ; thence along the said boundary to its junction with the Maraetotara Stream ; thence along the said stream to its mouth.

Kapiti Area. All that land included in Block 111 of Kapiti Survey District, and also Kapiti Island. Wairarapa Area. All that area in the Wellington Land District bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of western Lake Road and Bocketts Creek, and proceeding thence north-easterly along the said Western Lake Road to Boat Creek, near Pigeon Bush ; thence up that creek, crossing the railway reserve, to a point twenty chains distant from the said railway reserve; thence generally northeasterly by a line parallel to and twenty chains distant from the railway reserve to the Ruamahanga River; thence following the Ruamahanga River southward to its junction with the Kahautara Road; thence in a direct line to the point of commencement.

Nelson Area. —All that area in the Nelson Land District commencing at the mouth of the Otuwhero River in Tasman Bay, and thence bounded by the said bay, the estuary of the Waimea River, Tasman Bay, and Nelson Haven to the southwest corner of Section 4, Block V, Wakapuaka Survey District ; thence by the Nelson-Blenheim Road to the road forming the north-west boundary of Section 24 in Block VI of the said survey district; by that road, by Section 77, by Sections 33 and 4 in Block VI before mentioned, by Sections 15 and 18 in Block X, Wakapuaka Survey District, and by Sections 48, 64, 45, 46, 50, 24, 25, and 28, all in Block IX of the said survey district, and the production of the last-named boundary to the Maitai River; by that river to the western boundary of Section 31 in Block I, Maungatapu Survey District; thence bounded by Sections 31, 2, 18, 28, 26, part 4, and 22, all in Block I last mentioned ; by Section 14 (waterworks reserve) to the road near Trig. J, by the said river, over Trigs. Gb and G, and by the Aniseed Valley Road to the Roading River; thence by the said river, by the Wairoa River to Section 8 in Block XIII of the Waimea Survey District; thence by Sections 8, 67, 63, and 64 in Block XIII of the last-mentioned survey district, and by Section 9 in Block I, Rintoul Survey District; by Sections 3,1, 6, and 18 in Block IV, Gordon Survey District, and by Sections 3 and 4 in Block VIII of the said survey district; thence by a road, a line across a road, by the southeast boundary of Section 63, a line across a road, by the south-east boundaries of Sections 5 and 60, and by the southern boundaries of Sections 60 and 3, all in Block VII, Gordon Survey District; thence by part of the eastern boundary and by the southern boundary of Section 27 in Block VI of the said survey district, by a road to and by the south-east boundary of Section 43 in Block X, Gordon Survey District, to Gordon’s Creek ; thence by the said creek and by the Motueka River to and by the north boundary of Section 2 in Block V, Gordon Survey District; thence by Small Grazing-run 6, by a road, by Sections 11 and 10 in Block IX of the said survey district; by Section 22 in Block XII, Tadmor Survey District, by Brewerton Creek, by Sections 17 and 73 in the said Block XII, to the Motupiko River; thence by a line across that river to the north-east corner of Section 2 in the -mentioned Block XII; by that section and by Sections 12 and 11 in the said Block XII; by Section 13 in Block VII, Tadmor Survey District, by a road, and by a line across the Nelson-Glenhope Railway and across a road to the Tadmor River; thence by the said river to the Motueka River, by that river to the Graham River, and up that river and its tributaries to Trig. Station F (Crusader); thence by the boundary between the counties of Waimea and Takaka to Section 17 in Block I of the Motueka Survey District; thence down the Riwaka River to the east boundary of Section 27 in Block IX, Kaiteriteri Survey District; thence by the said Section 27, and by Sections 45 and 42 in Block VII, Kaiteriteri Survey District, to Kairuru Road; thence by the said road, by Sections 80 and 87 in Block VIII, Kaiteriteri Survey District, and by a line across a road to the Holyoake’s Valley Stream ; thence by that stream and the Otuwhero River to the point of commencement. Christchurch Area. Waimairi and Heathcote Counties and Port Victoria Riding in the Mount Herbert County. Rangiora Area. —All that portion of land contained in Blocks I, 11, V, and VI of the Rangiora Survey District. C. A. JEFFERY, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council.

List of Registering Authorities under the Motor Regulation Act, 1908, and the Distinguishing Letters and Numerals assigned to each. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1924, page 1189.) Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 13th May, 1924. THE following list of registering authorities under the Motor Regulation Act, 1908, and the distinguishing letters and numerals assigned to each is published for general information. RICHD. F. BOLLARD, Minister of Internal Affairs.

2— P.G.

W. Wellington.

License.* of Address, Name, Occupation and Licensee. Skins. Locality and Area where Opossums were taken, and 1 Name of Acclimatization District. Date on which they were taken. Name and Address of Person to whom Skins sold | or of Licensed Broker to whom Skins being consigned. Locality and Area where Opossums were taken, and Name of Acclimatization District. Date on which they were taken. Name and Address of Person to whom Skins sold or of Licensed Broker to whom Skins being consigned. 1 ;

The Statement to accompany Skins.

' Entry. and of Occupation OpossumSale. received Opossums Name taken, District.Acclimatization received. Date N.Z. Number of Opossum-skins received. ImCSJ Number of Opossum-skins received. Imported. CL paid. OfficerInitials Amount certifying paid. Address, of toOccupation whom Opossum-skins sold. Date Opossum-skins of sold.

Locality. Registered Orchard Orchard Orchard Area, which Occupier where Opossums who killed Opossums, whether stating Occupier. of Number taken. how dis-Opossum-skins posed

Return showing Number of Opossums taken or killed in the Undermentioned Areas, together with a Statement of Disposal of Skins.

Name of Registering Authority. j Distinguishing Letters and Numerals. Agriculture Department A.G.D. 1 upwards. Akaroa County Council A.O. 1 to 500. Akitio County Council A.K.T. 1 to 500. Ashburton County Council .. A n it (1 upwards. a.o.h. s C1 600 to 2,000. Ashley County Council N.C. 1 upwards. Auckland City Council A. 1 to 20,000. Amuri County Council A.M.R. 1 to 500 Awakino County Council A.W.K. 1 to 500. Awatere County Council A.C. 1 to 2,000. Bay of Islands County Council B.I.C. 1 to 500. Bruce County Council B.C. 1 to 1,000. Buller County Council B.U.L. 1 to 1,000. Castlepoint County Council .. C.P. 1 to 500. Cheviot County Council C.T. 1 to 500. 1 to 10,000. 1a to 999a. Christchurch City Council C.H. -j 1b to 999b. 1 to 10,000. 1a to 999a. 1b to 999b. jlc to 999c. \ Id to 999d. And similar numbering with each letter of alphabet as required. Clifton County Council lo to 999c. Ud to 999d. And similar numbering with each letter of alphabet as required. C.F. 1 to 500. 1 to 500. Clutha County Council C.C. 1 to 2,000. Collingwood County Council C.W. 1 to 500. Cook County Council C.K. 1 to 1,000. Coromandel County Council C.L. 1 to 500. Dannevirke County Council .. D.V. 1 upwards. Dunedin City Council D. 1 to 10,000. Education Department E.D. 1 upwards. Egmont County Council E.G. 1 upwards. Eketahuna County Council .. E.K.A. 1 to 1,000. Ellesmere County Council E.C. 1 to 750. Eltham County Council E. 1 to 2,000. Eyre County Council E.Y. 1 to 500. Featherston County Council.. F. 1 to 1,000. Forestry Department F.S. 1 upwards. Franklin County Council F.N. 1 upwards. Geraldine County Council C. 2,001 to 2,200. C. 3,801 to 4,000. 99 • • G.D. 1 to 2,000. Gisborne Borough Council .. G. 1 to 2,000. Government Printing Office .. G.P. 1 upwards. Greymouth Borough Council G.M. 1 to 2,000. Hamilton Borough Council .. H.N. 1 to 9,999. Hastings Borough Council .. H.A. 1 to 3,000. Hauraki Plains County Council H.P. 1 to 500. Hawera County Council II.W. 500 to 4,000. Hawke’s Bay County Council H. 151 to 500. H. 900 upwards. H.O. 151 to 500. Heathcote County Council .. H.C. 1 to 1,000. Hobson County Council H.B. 1 to ,500. Hokianga County Council H.K. 1 to 1,000. Horowhenua County Council H.O. 1 to 150. H.O. 501 to 3,000. Hutt Borough Council H.B.C. 1 to 500. Hutt County Council W. 1 to 500. H.C.C. 1 to 500. Inangahua County Council .. I.G. 1 to 500. Inglewood County Council .. I.N.G. 1 to 500. Internal Affairs Department.. I.A. 1 upwards. Invercargill Borough Council I.N.S. 1 to 5,000. Kaikoura County Council K.C. 1 upwards. Kairanga County Council K. 1 to 3,000.

Name of Registering Authority. Distinguishing Letters and Numerals. Kaitieke County Council .. K.I.E. 1 to 1,000. Kawhia County Council K.W.A. 1 to 500. Kiwitea County Council K.W. - 1 to 1.000. Kowai County Council K.C.B. 1 upwards. Labour Department L.A.B. 1 upwards. Lake County Council :. L.K. 1 to 300. Lands and Survey Department L.S. 1 upwards. Levels County Council C. 2,701 to 3,200. L.C. 1 to 1,500. „ L.C. 1 to 1,500. Mackenzie County Council .. C. ' ' 3,201 to 3,300. M.K. 1 to 500. Makara County Council M.K.R. 1 to 500. Malvern County Council M.N. 1 to 500. Manawatu County Council ~ .. M.C. 1 upwards. Mongonui County Council .. M.G.I. 1 to 500. Maniototo County Council .. M.O. 1 to 100. Manukau County Council .. M.U. 1 to 2,000. Marlborough County Council.. M.A.R. 1 to 1,000. Masterton Borough Council .. W. 501 to 1,000. M.S. 1 to 2,500. Masterton County Council .. M. 251 to 1,500. Matakaoa County Council .. M.A. 1 to 500. Matamata County Council .. M.M. 1 to 2,000. Mauriceville County Council M.V. 1 to 250. Mental Hospitals Department M.H.D. 1 upwards. Mines Department .. M.D. 1 upwards. Murchison County Council .. M.R.N. 1 to 250. Napier Borough Council N.A. 1 to 2,000. Nelson City Council N.N. 1 to 1,000. New Plymouth Borough Council N.P. 1 to 3,000. Oamaru Borough Council O.U. 1 upwards Ohinemuri County Council .. O.H.R. 1 to 1,000. Ohura County Council O.R. 1 to 500. Opotiki County Council O.P. 1 to 500. Oroua County Council O.W. 1 to 3,000. Otamatea County Council .. O.M.E. 1 to 500, Otorohanga County Council .. O.T.O. 1 to 1,000. Oxford County Council O.X. : • 1 to 250. Pahiatua County Council P.H.A. 1 to 1,500. Palmerston North Borough Council P.N. 1 upwards. Paparoa County Council P.A. 1 to 1,500. Patea County Council P.C. 1 to 500. Petone Borough Council P. 500 to 2,000. Piako County Council P.K. 1 to 250. Police Department N.Z.P. 1 upwards. Prisons Department P.D. 1 upwards. Public Health Department >. . P.H. 1 upwards. Public Trust Office P.T. 1 upwards. Public Works Department .. P.W.D. 1 upwards. Raglan County Council R.A.G. 1 to 500. Rangiora County Council R.G.A.C. 1 to 500. 99 • • R.G. 1 to 2,000.

Name of Registering Authority. Distinguishing Letters and Numerals. Rangitikei County Council . . w. 2,001 to 2,500. 001 to 2,500. ,, R. 1 to 3,000. Rodney County Council R, 1 to 3,000. R.C.C. 1 to 500. to 500. Rotorua County Council R.O. .. 1 to 2,000. to 2,000. Selwyn County Council s. - 1 9 to 500. to 500. Southland County Council . .. s.o. 1 to 9,999. to 9,999. Springs County Council s.c.1 to 1,000. to 1,000. State Fire Insurance S.F.I. 1 upwards. upwards. Stratford County Council . .. S.D. 1 to 2,000. to 2,000. Tawera County Council T.W.C. 1 to 300. to 300. Taieri County Council T.C. 1 to 1,000. to 1,000. Takaka County Council T.A.K. 1 upwards. upwards. Taranaki County Council .. T. 1 to 2 000. to 2 000. Tauranga County Council T.A. 401 to 1,000. Thames Borough Council T.H.B. 1 to 500. to 500. Thames County Council T.II.C. 1 to 500. to 500. Timaru Borough Council C. 2,201 to 2,700. Tuapeka County Council C. 2, 201 to 2,700. T.B.C. 1 upwards. upwards. T.U. 1 upwards. upwards. Taumarunui County Council.. T.A.U. 1 to 1,000. to 1,000. Uawa County Council U.A. I to 500. to 500. Vincent County Council V.O. 1 to 1,000. to 1,000. Waiapu County Council .. W.A.U. 1 to 250. to 250. Waihemo County Council W.H.O. 1 to 250. to 250. Waihi Borough Council W.B.C. 1 to 2,000. to 2,000. Waikato County Council W.O. 1 to 200. to 200. Waikohu County Council W.K. 1 to 500. to 500. Waimairi County Council C. >-, 6,001 to 6,500. 001 to 6,500. Waimarino County Council . . W.I.B. 1 to 500. to 500. Waimate County Council C. 3,301 to 3,800. 301 to 3,800. „ W.E. 1 to 1,000. to 1,000. Waimate West County Council W.W. 1 to 250. to 250. Waimea County Council W.M. 1 to 2,000. to 2,000. Waipa County Council W.P. 1 to 1,000. ' to 1,000. Waipara County Council W.P.R. 1 to 500. to 500. Waipawa County Council H. 600 to 650. ,, W.I. W.I. 1 to 2,000. 1 to 2,000. Wairarapa S. County Council W.S.C. 1 to 1,000. to 1,000. Wairewa County Council W.C.C. 1 to 500. to 500. Waitemata County Council .. W.A. 1 to 500. to 500. Wairoa County Council W.A.I. 1 to 500. to 500. Waitomo County Council W.T.O. 1 to 1,000. to 1,000. Wallace County Council W.L. 1 to 1,000. to 1,000. Wanganui Borough Council .. W.G. 1 to 6,000. to 6,000. Wanganui County Council . . w.c. 1 to 500. to 500. Weber County Council W.E.B. 1 to 250. to 250. Wellington City Council W. 1,001 to 2,000. 001 to 2,000. ,, W.N. 1 upwards. Westland County Council W.N. 1 upwards. W.D. 1 to 500. to 500. Whakatane County Council .. W.H. 1 to 1,000. to 1,000. Whangarei County Council . . W.R. 1 to 1,000. to 1,000. Whangaroa County Council .. W.A.C. 1 to 500. to 500. Woodville County Council . . W.D.V. 1 to 500 to 500

Name Offender. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. 1 Marks, Distinguishing Neath, Alfred John, Auckland .. 26/4/24 theft (2 charges) convicted and England .. labourer 1881 ft. in. 5 6£ fresh .. dark brown It. brown long Butterfly on right forearm; bunch of flowers on aliasJackson, George, discharged left forearm; coat-of-arms on chest. (See Auckland 26/4/24 theft (2 charges) convicted and England .. labourer 1881 ft 5 .in. 6i fresh .. dark brown It. brown long Butterfly on right forearm ; bunch of flowers on Jackson, George, AlfredHeath, Police Gazette, 1923, page 319, and Photographs, 1920, page 61.) AlfredHeath, Charles Michael Ryan, Auckland 26/4/24 theft convicted and Ireland liftman 1886 5 5 dark .. brown, turnhazel . medium .. Rose, woman, fern, clasped hands, and Union Jack on right forearm ; left forearm ampudischarged ing grey sly-grog selling convicted and tated. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, discharged page 102, and Photographs, page 26.) alias discharged left forearm; coat-of-arms on ohest, (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 319, and Photographs, 1920, page 61.) Rose, woman, fern, clasped hands, and Union Jack on right forearm ; left forearm ampuCharles Michael Ryan, Willie Chan, Auckland 28/4/24 in possession of an unconvicted and China fruiterer .. 1899 5 4 sallow.. black brown .. large F.P. (See Polioe Gazette, 1922, page 723, and registered firearm discharged Photographs, 1919, page 52.) failing to register fireoonvioted and arm discharged bringing a firearm into convicted • and •* # . Auckland 26/4/24 theft convicted and Ireland liftman 1886 5 5 dark .. brown, turnhazel . medium .. discharged ing grey sly-grog selling convicted and tated. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, discharged page 102, and Photographs, page 26.) Willie Chan, Craddock Calvin Dufty, New Zealand without a permit discharged medium AucklandAuckland 28/4/242/5/24 of possession indecent language andconvicted fined China Zealand N. fruitererlabourer 1899 1898 4 sallow.. black brown .. large F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 723, and . 5 10 fair brown brown . . registered firearm discharged Photographs, 1919, page 52.) failing to register fireoonvioted and arm discharged bringing a firearm into convicted and Dufty, Craddock CalvinMcGrath, Joseph New Zealand without a permit discharged AucklandAuckland 2/5/242/5/24 indecent languageobscene language fined £1fined Zealand N. Zealand N. labourercontractor . 51898 | 81901 fair fair blue .. medium 10 fair brown brown .. medium McGrath, Joseph Tony AucklandAuckland 2/5/242/5/24 obscene language3ly-grog selling fined fined on Zealand N. Dalmatia contractor .restaurant 51901 ' 7 fresh .. dark brown blue .. medium 8 fair fair blue medium Baito, TonyGlover, Henry (2 charges) each keeper medium . . AucklandAuokland 2/5/242/5/24 1 r o g trespass fined onfined Dalmatia .. Zealand N. restaurant 1896 5 7 fresh .. dark brown blue medium fitter 18815 5 fresh .. dark brown grey .. Horse-shoe and whip on right forearm ; scar on right shin and under left eye. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 376, and Photographs, Glover, Henry James Walter Cowley, 1922, page 78.) (2 charges) each keeper medium .. AuoklandAuckland 2/5/242/5/24 trespass trespass racecourse fined £20fined Zealand N. Zealand N. fitter draper 18811899 5 65 fair fair blue .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1921, page 476, and Photo5 fresh .. dark brown groy .. Horse-shoe and whip on right forearm ; scar on right shin and under left eye. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 376, and Photographs, 1922, page 78.) See Police Gazette, 1921, page 476, and PhotoCowley, John Angus, Alexander 0 small graphs, 1920, page 24. Scar across right shin ; dot below right thumb. AucklandAuckland 2/5/242/5/24 trespass a trespass racecourse fined £5 ifto up Zealand N. Ireland draperlabourer 1899 U 1859 fresh .. brown blue .. 6 fair fair blue .. medium .. Angus, Alexander EmilBecker, ' small graphs, 1920, page 24. Scar across right shin ; dot below right thumb. called on medium .. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 23, and Photographs, 1920, page 42.) AucklandAuckland 2/5/242/5/24 trespass on a police ifto up ifto come up IrelandTonga labourertaxi-driver . 1859 51897 n fresh .. brown blue .. 6 1 dark .. black, curly brown .. A half-caste Tongan; butterfly on right upper called on convicted and ; ; r : arm; two doves on left upper arm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 2/5/24. resisting police discharged assaulting police oonvioted and Becker, Van Frederick Lume, called discharged medium .. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 23, and Photographs, 1920, page 42.) A half-caste Tongan ; butterfly on right upper AucklandAuckland 2/5/242/5/24 assaulting policeobstructing ifto up convicted TongaEngland . taxi-driver .fireman 18971894 6 0 fresh .. brown blue .. long Scars on right wrist and hand ; two small moles 1 dark .. black, curly brown .. called on arm; two doves on left upper arm. F.P. resisting police convicted and Photographed at Auckland, 2/5/24. discharged assaulting police convicted and Van Frederick Lume, Peokham, Frank John, discharged Auckland i. discharged on left cheek. Photographed at Auckland, 2/5/24. (See Polioe Gazette, 1924, page 15.) 2/5/24 obstructing police convicted and England .. fireman 1894 6 0 fresh .. brown blue .. long Scars on right wrist and hand; two small moles Auokland 2/5/24 assaulting police convicted and Fiji fireman 1898 5 7 copper.. blaok brown .. medium .. Clasped hands, heart, and rising sun on back of Peokham, Frank John, discharged on left cheek. Photographed at Auckland, 2/5/24. (See Polioe Gazette, 1924, page 15.) ' discharged right hand ; peacock and flags on left upper arm; heart on right upper arm; tattoomarks on chest. (See Polioe Gazette, 1924, page 75, and Photographs, 1922, page 4.) alias Auokland 2/5/24 assaulting police convicted and Fiji fireman 1898 5 7 copper.. blaok brown .. medium .. Clasped hands, heart, and rising sun on back of Peokham, JohnTaylor, Louisa discharged right hand ; peacock and flags on left upper arm; heart on right upper arm; tattoomarks on chest. (See Polioe Gazette, 1924, page 75, and Photographs, 1922, page 4.) Auckland .. 2/5/24 theft to come up if England .. domestic .. 1891 5 5 fresh .. dark brown.. medium called on and to make restitution - , ■ . ' ;■ , . Taylor, Annie Louisa Auckland 2/5/24 theft to come up if England .. domestic .. 1891 5 5 fresh .. dark brown .. medium called on and to make restitution

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol

1 • Offcmier. Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, Toetoe Auckland 2/5/24 trespass on ifto come Zealand labourer 1878 in. 5 copper. blaok brown medium side , called on 1923, page 56, and Photographs, page 19.) Scar at base of left thumb. (See Police Gazette, Watson, , called on 1923, page 56, and Photographs, page 19.) Auckland 2/5/24 trespass on a racecourse to come up if England .. labourer 1884 5 0| fresh .. light brown brown .. large called on 1909, page 178.) • . 2/5/24 trespass on a racecourse to come up if England .. labourer 1884 5 Of fresh .. light brown brown.. large Scar at base of left thumb. (See Police Gazette, called on 1909, page 178.) Martha . Auckland 2/5/24 theft fined £10 England .. domestic .. 1882 5 6£ fair fair blue .. medium •• 2/5/24 theft fined £10 England .. domestic .. 1882 5 6£ fair .. fair blue .. medium alias Alfred, • Auckland 2/5/24 a fined Zealand labourer 1872 45 fresh . grey blue medium Scar on George baker Police Gazette, 1923, page 700, 1924, page Graham, alias baker Police Gazette, 1923, page 700, 1924, page 193, and Photographs, 1920, page 15.) Loftus, James 193, and Photographs, 1920, page 15.) Auckland 3/5/24 breach of the peace fined £1 Ireland fireman 1896 5 6f fair brown blue .. medium .. Tombstone, horse-shoe, and GOOD LUCK on right forearm ; anohor, HOPE, clasped hands, and heart on left forearm ; small mole on back; left middle finger missing. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 532.) , # 3/5/24 breach of the peace fined £1 Ireland fireman 1896 5 6f fair brown blue .. medium .. Tombstone, horse-shoe, and GOOD LUCK on right forearm ; anohor, HOPE, clasped hands, and heart on left forearm ; small mole on back; left middle finger missing. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 532.) Murray, Auckland 5/5/24 language fined Sootland seaman 1898 8 fresh brown blue . medium build; tombstone, IN •-; :v DEAR FATHER on back of right hand ; thistle and BONNIE SCOTLAND on back of • DEAR FATHER on back of right hand ; thistle and BONNIE SCOTLAND on back of left Robert Albert Cafiery, Auckland 5/5/24 obscene language i Zealand boilermaker 1885 5 swarthy dark blue . Roman, Tombstone ; called broken Police Gazette, 1924, page and 144, Kennedy, Auokland 5/5/24 police fined £3 Scotland . ship’s 1895 8 fresh brown blue . medium . heart over on ; carpenter on John Henry Auckland 5/5/24 peace lined England fireman 1900 5 pale brown blue . medium . Crossed and KATE wrist ; ; crossed left olasped arm rope See 1917, Knight, Joseph Auckland 5/5/24 attempted if up Zealand butcher 1882 7 dark . dark blue medium called Kathleen, Auckland 5/5/24 idle and disorderly (inconvicted and N. Zealand domestic .. 1884 5 5 fresh .. light brown brown .. medium .. Stout build ; scars on right side of chin ‘and Henderson, Myra sufficient means) discharged near mouth. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 634.) Mole on right side of upper lip. (See Police Auckland 5/5/24 idle and disorderly (inconvicted and N. Zealand domestic .. 1884 5 5 fresh .. light brown brown .. medium .. Stout build; scars on right side of chin ‘and sufficient means) discharged near mouth. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 634.) Mole on right side of upper lip. (See Police Hartley, Auokland 5/5/24 (inconvicted England domestic 1875 5 sallow grey brown . pug sufficient discharged Gazette, Chandler, George. Auckland 6/5/24 theft fined £10 Zealand tinsmith 1903 11 fair brown blue medium . left palm. Photographed Auckland, Frederick Brady, Auckland 6/5/24 obscene fined £3 N. barman 1898 5 fresh fair blue medium George Auokland 7/5/24 charges) (2 3 years’ Zealand clerk 1910 7 pale dark brown medium . Scar on tion, to make restitution, and whipped Leese, Winifred Anetta Auckland 8/5/24 escaping from Army returned to England .. domestic .. 1903 5 4* dark .. dark brown brown .. long Prominent upper front teeth ; scar on right side Brown, Jessie Ellen Agnes .. Home home of throat and on bridge of nose. F.P. (See Polioe Gazette, 1924, page 218.) Auckland 8/5/24 theft to come up if N. Zealand domestic .. 1902 5 10 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium oalled on tion, to make restitution, and whipped >Leese, 8/5/24 escaping from Army returned to England .. domestic .. 1903 5 4J dark .. dark brown brown .. long Prominent upper front teeth ; scar on right side Auckland Home home of throat and on bridge of nose. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 218.) Auckland , , 8/5/24 theft to come up if N. Zealand domestic .. 1902 5 10 fresh .. dark brown brown.. medium oalled on Brown, Jessie Ellen Agnes ..

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Hama of Offender. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Bom. 43 *s Complexion. Hair. Eyes. | Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. tt 1 o n Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. | 1 Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. Hulston, Erie Auckland 9/5/24 assault ifto come N. telegraph 1906 ft. 5 in. 8 fair brown brown medium Upper lip called lineman alias Thomas, Barnett, Auckland 9/5/24 and rogue and N. labourer 1886 5 9 fresh . . auburn . . blue , medium and ; Barrett on premises) discharged palm-tree on left forearm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 6/5/24. (See Police 1 . palm-tree on left forearm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 6/5/24. (See Police ir Gazette, 1911, page 200, and Photographs, page 27.) 9/5/24 Gazette, 1911, page 200, and Photographs, page 27.) MarcusRussell, Auckland trespass on a racecourse fined £2 England .. billiard 1898 5 8$ fresh .. fair blue medium Soar on right forefinger and on right knee. (See marker Police Gazette, 1923, page 315.) 9/5/24 trespass on a raceoourse fined £2 England .. billiard - 1898 5 8i fresh .-. fair blue medium . . Soar on right forefinger and on right knee. (See marker Police Gazette, 1923, page 315.) Summers Edwards, Auokland . 9/5/24 trespass a fined N. labourer 1892 5 dark ... black, curly, grey .. medium . . Left arm amputated; scar on forehead. F.P. turninggrey (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 155, and H dark .. black, curly, grey .. medium . . Left arm amputated; scar on forehead. F.P. turninggrey (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 155, and 5/5/24 1923, Wong, Wing Onehunga . assault fined China gardener 1872 5 2 sallow black brown flat Edwards, Te Aroha 5/5/24 mischief andfined Zealand N. labourer 1879 5 9 pale dark blue . large 410. Police page 6/3/24 false pretences to pay damage Scar on left shin; slight impediment in speech. Trigg, Hamilton . proba Australia .. clerk 1903 6 0 fair light brown brown .. medium . tion 6/3/24 false pretences , to pay damage >5ryea*is probaI • . »;;• V Australia .. clerk 1903 6 0 fair light brown brown .. medium . Scar on left shin; slight impediment in speech. Ford, Te 8/1/24 idle disorderly oonvicted and Australia .. labourer 1882 5 9£ fresh .. brown hazel .. medium .. W. and anchor on left forearm; bracelet on tion convicted and Australia .. labourer 1882 5 9£ fresh .-. brown hazel .. medium .. J y/^/ ' ■ . W. and anchor on left forearm; bracelet on 15/1/24 discharged right forearm; scar under jaw and on chest. " ‘ William Sturt, 15/1/24 discharged right forearm; scar under jaw and on chest. Te Awamutu wilful damage to make re N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 6 fresh .. fair blue medium stitution 15/1/24 wilful damage fined £1 Charles William Sturt, Coyle, Te Awamutu Te damage damagewilful make to refined £1 Zealand Zealand N. labourerlabourer 19001898 55 610 fresh fresh .. fairfair blue .blue . mediummedium . Stutters ; slouching gait. stitution 15/1/24 wilful damage fined £1 .. Madgwick, Frederick Douglas Te Awamutu 15/1/24 wilful damage fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1902 5 7 fresh .. black grey . medium . Coyle, NeilNelson, Te Te_ wilful damage fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1898 5 10 fresh .. fair blue .. medium .. Stutters ; slouching gait. ; 6/3/24 playing prize darts fined £5 Is. . Australia .. showman .. 1886 5 9 fresh .. fair blue medium Frederick DouglasCoulter, Wilding Te Te 15/1/246/3/24 damage theft fined convicted Zealand Zealand N. labourerlabourer 19021900 55 76 fresh .fresh . blackblack grey grey mediummedium 31/3/24 discharged Nelson, Dugald TeAwamutuTe Awamutu assault (2 charges) fined £110s. on N. Zealand labourer 1899 5 8 fresh fair blue medium . See Polioe Gazette, 1913, page 664. each > breach of the peace oonvicted and 6/3/243/4/24 discharged playing prize darts fined £5 Is. . Australia .. showman .. 1886 5 9 fresh .. fair blue medium - Coulter, WildingRichardson, Te Awamutu Te theft and mischief 1 year under England . labourer 1909 5 2 fresh .. fair brown .. medium oversight of Probation 6/3/243/4/24 Officer theft .. convicted and N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 6 fresh .. black :. grey .. medium ■ / 31/3/24 . , discharged Dugald ... Cecil Grieve, Henry Te Awamutu Te charges) theft fined onadmonished . Zealand Zealand N. labourerlabourer 18991909 55 87 freshpale . fairblack blue grey medium .medium 664. page 1 each breaoh of the peace convicted and ... 3/4/24 discharged John .Riohardson, Coombridge, Te Te Awamutu theft and mischief 1 year under England . labourer 1909 5 2 fresh .. fair brown .. medium ' ' 1 1 oversight of 16/4/24 receiving stolen pro2 years’ proba N. Zealand farmer 1899 5 6 fresh .. fair blue medium perty tion theft (2 charges) convicted and discharged 29/4/24 on each 1 Collins, Sydney Probation • ’ • Te Kuiti illegally keeping liquor fined £25 N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 11 sallow .. dark, turnblue .. medium for sale ing grey 3/4/24 Officer Te Awamutu theft admonished . N. Zealand labourer 1909 5 7 pale .. black grey .. medium '> 1 - • \ . Cecil Henry HoraceCoombridge, 16/4/24 receiving stolen pro2 years’ proba N. Zealand farmer 1899 5 6 fresh .. fair blue ... medium » /.*,.• \ '• : : : • M ’ perty tion theft (2 charges) oonvicted and discharged 29/4/24 on each Te Awamutu Te Kuiti illegally keeping liquor fined £25 N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 11 sallow .. dark, turnblue .. medium for sale ing grey k ,. ' . Collins, Sydney Gordon

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Offender. of CO Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, 1 hd ft. in. Leslie .Q N. Plymouth 6/5/24 theft 1 year’s probaN. Zealand labourer 1903 5 5 fair fair grey .. medium .. Soar on right side of face. .. N. Plymouth 6/5/24 theft 1 year’s probation 1 year’s probation fined £7 10s. .. N. Zealand labourer .. 1903 ft. in. 5 5 fair fair .. grey .. medium .. Soar on right side of face. George N. Plymouth 6/5/24 theft 1 year’s probaN. Zealand butcher 1904 5 6 pale red blue .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1923, page 411. • • N. Plymouth 6/5/24 theft N. Zealand butcher 1904 5 6 pale red .. blue .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1923, page 411. Te . Raetihi 19/12/23 breach of the peace .. fined £7 10s. .. Maori .. 1898 5 6 copper.. black brown .. fiat Strong build. .. Raetihi 19/12/23 breach of the peace . < Maori .. 1898 5 6 copper.. black brown.. flat Strong build. WilliamThompson, Raetihi 19/12/23 conducting a lottery .. fined Is. N. Zealand clerk 1892 5 6i fresh .. brown grey .. hooked • • Raetihi 19/12/23 conducting a lottery .. fined Is. N. Zealand clerk 1892 5 6J fresh .. brown grey .. hooked Hunter, Raetihi 19/3/24 idle if Zealand labourer 1900 5 84 pale brown dark . large sufficient means) called Hansen, Raetihi 16/4/24 charges) fined on Zealand labourer 1900 5 8 fresh fair . . grey medium crutch. a ; leg each Lindsay . Napier 28/4/24 unlawfully using a admonished .. N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1909 5 0 fair fair blue .. sharp •• Napier 28/4/24 unlawfully using a admonished .. N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1909 5 0 fair fair ;. blue .. sharp Head, Sydney Napier 28/4/24 unlawfully using a admonished .. N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1911 5 0 dark .. dark brown brown .. sharp • • Napier 28/4/24 unlawfully using a boat unlawfully using a admonished .. N. Zealand schoolboy . . 1911 5 0 dark .. dark brown brown .. sharp Addis, Napier 28/4/24 unlawfully using a admonished .. N. Zealand sohoolboy .. 1910 5 3 fair brown blue .. sharp , # Napier 28/4/24 admonished .. N. Zealand sohoolboy .. 1910 5 3 fair brown blue .. sharp Patrick Haren, Napier 5/5/24 cruelty to horses fined £2 Ireland contractor .. 1870 6 1 tanned grey, going blue .. medium .. Napier 5/5/24 boat cruelty to horses fined £2 Ireland .. contractor .. 1870 6 1 tanned grey, going bald brown .. blue .. medium Dillon, Nanier 5/5/24 cruelty to fined £3 N. labourer 1894 5 9 fresh . grey .. medium brown .. grey .. medium driver Ruby Wanganui . 6/5/24 theft 14 pro N. 1889 5 6 fresh .. brown .. hazel .. medium . . 1889 5 6 fresh .. brown .. hazel .. medium bation Wilson, Wanganui .. 6/5/24 theft 14 years’ probaEngland .. •• 1887 5 4 fresh .. brown blue .. medium •• Wanganui .. 6/5/24 theft 1£ years’ probation 1 year’s probation to come up if England .. •• 1887 5 4 fresh .. brown blue .. medium Johnston, Vera May Wanganui .. 6/5/24 theft 1 year’s probaN. Zealand waitress 1904 5 7 fair brown .. blue .. straight tion •• Wanganui .. 6/5/24 theft N. Zealand waitress 1904 5 7 fair brown .. blue .. straight Gilling, Petone 10/5/24 theft to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1908 5 8| fresh .. dark brown grey .. straight .. Scar on left forearm ; mole on left cheek. F.P. called on ... Petone .. 10/5/24 theft N. Zealand labourer 1908 5 8! fresh .. dark brown grey .. straight '.. Scar on left forearm; mole on left cheek. F.P. called on Nathaniel, . Wellington .. 7/5/24 assault fined £5 West Indies fireman 1890 5 10 black .. black, woolly black .. broad A negro. •* Wellington .. 7/5/24 assault .. .. fined £5 West Indies fireman 1890 5 10 black .. black, woolly black V. broad A negro. Loo . Wellington 8/5/24 of fined £40 China laundryman 1865 5 6 sallow.. dark brown medium .. Slight tip ; injured ; mole on right oheek. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 220.) Joe .. China - injured; mole on right cheek.- (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 220.) Wellington .. 8/5/24 in possession of opium fined £40 China fruiterer 1872 5 6 sallow .. black brown .. flat Stout build; scar under left jaw, under right ear, and on left forearm. » . Wellington .. 8/5/24 in possession of opium fined £40 fruiterer .. 1872 5 6 sallow.. black brown .. flat Stout build; scar under left jaw, under right ear, and on left forearm. Green, Wellington 9/5/24 assault fined N. labourer 1898 5 4 fresh . fair brown medium .. finger in ; butcher and two birds on chest. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 34.) William butcher and two birds on chest. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 34.) Scar on right knee and on left side. F.P. Wellington .. 10/5/24 theft and unlawfully to come up if N. Zealand draper’s 1906 5 54 fair dark brown blue .. medium .. Scar on right knee and on left side. F.P. using a motor-car called on on assistant each . . Wellington .. 10/5/24 theft and unlawfully to come up if N. Zealand draper’s 1906 5 5* fair .. dark brown blue .. medium .. Pieroe, Sydney William using a motor-car called on on each assistant Wellington .. 10/5/24 unlawfully using a fined £5 England .. waiter 1905 5 6 pale dark blue .. medium .. Scar on right knee, on right ankle, and on back motor-car of head. theft to make resti- • tution Wellington .. 10/5/24 unlawfully using a fined £5 England .. waiter 1905 5 6 pale .. dark blue .. medium .. Scar on right knee, on right ankle, and on back motor-car • of head. theft to make resti- • tution . .

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol — continued.

Name Offender. tried. ! Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height 1 Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fec. 1 Sentence. Native of j Trade. j Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. 1 Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. William Charles Kiernander, Wellington 10/5/24 a fined £10 Zealand steward 1903 ft. 5 pale light brown hazel .. ! ■ long Slight build. in. 7 pale .. light brown hazel .. long Slight build. James motor-car theft to ! tution threatening* behaviour tution '" ■ ■ . <>. "i' ■ ■ : :; ■ Hawes, •• Denniston 2/5/24 fined £2 N. Zealand trucker 1902 5 9 pale .. fair blue .. medium .. Talks quiokly. threatening behaviour fined £2 N. Zealand trucker 1902 5 9 pale fair blue .. medium .. Talks quiokly. Michael • Denniston . 2/5/24 threatening fined £2 Scotland trucker 1898 5 8 fresh . dark, blue medium Large Daniel Young, Denniston . 2/5/24 behaviour threatening andconvicted Zealand miner 1892 5 7 florid . brown brown medium . 116. 1924, Gazette, discharged medium . Olsen, , Denniston . 2/5/24 in possession fined Russia miner 1891 5 7 pale dark blue . Left eye missing. • Left eye missing. lawful weapon medium dark . medium ■ Charles Cox, , . Kumara 21/4/24 obscene fined N. Zealand miner 1863 5 8 grey • blue days fined £1 N. Zealand miner 1863 5 8 dark .. grey blue Smith, William Amos, alias Christchuroh 7/5/24 trespass on a racecourse Australia .. brioklayer .. 1877 5 6 sallow .. brown, turnbrown .. large See Police Gazette, 1923, page 73. Smith, “ Bricky ” ing grey Nicholls, Norman .. . , Christchuroh 9/5/24 unlawfully using a 2 years’ proba N. Zealand engineer 1905 5 7 fresh .. fair hazel .. long motor-cycle tion Boyes, Frederick .. Gore 5/5/24 theft convioted and N. Zealand labourer 1904 5 6 fair fair grey .. medium discharged Cleghorn, Robert .. , . Gore 9/5/24 theft 6 months under N. Zealand labourer 1909 5 4 fair fair grey .. medium oversight of Probation Officer S „ , days Australia . brioklayer . Smith, Amos, RonaldCollett, alias . ChristchurchGore 7/5/249/5/24 trespass a racecourse theft fined ifto up 1877 5 6 sallow.. brown, turnbrown .. large ; See Police Gazette, 1923, page 73. N. Zealand labourer 1908 5 6 fair fair blue medium called on Smith, Bricky William Allmon, ing grey long . , , Gore 9/5/24 receiving stolen proto come up if America .. labourer 1897 5 10 sallow.. dark brown .. Roman perty called on Nicholls, Norman .Baker, Geoffrey .•• ChristchurohWaikaia 9/5/248/5/24 using a animals cruelty proba years’ fined £1 Zealand N. England . engineer tutor 19051900 55 78 freshfresh . fairfair hazel grey . . medium motor-cycle tion Frederick Boyes, Anderson, Invercargill.. 28/4/24 breach of probation .. convicted and N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 n fair fair blue .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1924, page 283. discharged 1 year’s proba , , Gore 5/5/24 theft oonvioted and N. Zealand labourer 1904 5 6 fair fair grey . medium discharged Cleghorn, Robert . Dennis, , . Gore 9/5/24 theft 6 months under N. Zealand labourer 1909 5 4 fair fair grey . # medium oversight of Probation Officer alias Invercargill .. 3/5/24 breaoh of probation .. N. Zealand miner and 1890 5 74 dark .. black brown .. long See Police Gazette, 1923, page 436, and 1924, Collett, Quinn tion labourer page 265. # , Gore 9/5/24 theft to come up if N. Zealand labourer 1908 5 6 fair fair ‘ blue .. medium called on William Allmon, Reid, Invercargill.. 3/5/24 theft to an industrial N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1911 5 3 fresh .. light brown blue .. medium .. F.P. breaking, entering, and admonished theft theft admonished ■ :l Gore 9/5/24 receiving stolen proto oome up if America .. labourer 1897 5 L0 sallow.. dark brown .. Roman perty called on , , •• Waikaia 8/5/24 cruelty to animals fined £1 England .. tutor 1900 5 8 fresh .. fair grey .. medium Baker, Geoffrey Anderson, John 28/4/24 breach of probation -.. convicted and N. Zealand labourer 1900 5 n fair fair blue ;. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1924, page 283. discharged 1 year’s probaInvercargill.. alias Invercargill.. 3/5/24 breaoh of probation .. N. Zealand miner and 1890 5 7* dark .. black brown .. long 8ee Police Gazette, 1923, page 436, and 1924, Moynihan, Dennis, tion labourer page 265. Quinn Reid, James Invercargill.. 3/5/24 theft to an industrial N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1911 5 3 fresh .*. light brown blue .. medium .. F.P. breaking, entering, and admonished theft theft admonished i ••

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol— continued.

of Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. a bb ComHair. Eyes. Nose. When disRemarks, and Previous Convictions. t-4 n <x> a plexion. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions ha ve been taken.) ' t>0 ComHair. Eyes. Nose. When disRemarks, and Previous Convictions. n <15 w plexion. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions ha ve been taken.) Auckland ft. in. Robert Davies, John, Auckland G/2/24 theft months Tasmania.. tailor 1885 5 7| fresh brown dark blue-gr’y medium 5/5/24 ; right alias M.C. (See page Robert, alias Photographs, William Auckland 25/1/24 default of maintenance arrears or 3 America .. labourer 1871 5 1£ fresh .. light brown grey .. large 5/5/24 Anchor on right forearm ; W. O. FRANKLIN Charles Auckland 25/1/24 default of maintenance arrears or 3 America .. labourer 1871 5 11 fresh .. light brown grey .. large 5/5/24 Anchor on right forearm ; W. C. FRANKLIN M.C. months on left forearm. Arrested, 6/2/24. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 438.) Magnus M.C.Opotiki M.C. default of maintenance months on left forearm. Arrested, 6/2/24. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 438.) 14/2/24 default of maintenance arrears or 2 N. Zealand farmer 1887 5 102 fresh .. dark brown It. brown medium .. 5/5/24 Slight buiid; scar on left forearm, on top of Opotiki M.C. i 14/2/24 arrears or 2 N. Zealand farmer 1887 5 10| fresh .. dark brown It. brown medium .. 5/5/24 Slight build; scar on left forearm, on top of McFadden, Thomas months knee. 466.) Auckland 29/4/24 obscene language days 7 Ireland labourer 1878 42 fair grey blue medium . 5/5/24 ; Quinn, James. M.C. Gazette, 143.) 1924, Auckland 3/5/24 behaviour days Ireland fireman 1882 7 fresh brown blue . thick 5/5/24 ; fingers M.C. broken ; butterfly on back of right hand; star on back of left hand ; forearms tattooed. F.P. F.P. Fine paid. Arrested, 3/5/24. > broken; butterfly on back of right hand; star on back of left hand; forearms tattooed. F.P. F.P. Fine paid. Arrested, 3/5/24. White, Thames 28/2/24 unlawfully supplying 14 days Zealand N. labourer 1905 10 fresh . dark hazel .. medium . 3/5/24 Ettie, a d 29/4/24 assault .. 7 days N. Zealand prostitute .. 1888 5 3 fair light brown blue small 5/5/24 Stout build; clasped hands over heart and D. assault 7 days N. Zealand prostitute .. 1888 5 3 fair light brown blue small 5/5/24 Stout build ; clasped hands over heart and D. Hettie, M.C. McK. on left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1924, Wilson, M.C. McK. on left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 259.) alias Potts Pelly, | i page 259.) Gabriel, Auckland 23/4/24 ship-desertion days 14 England . fireman 1894 52 dark black brown pug 6/5/24 right ; eye ship, clasped hands, BUFFALO BILL, M.C. ship, clasped hands, BUFFALO BILL, I.L.K.G., TRUE LOVE, hearts, &o., on left forearm. F.P. Plaoed on his ship. • ? I.L.K.G., TRUE LOVE, hearts, &o., on left - ■ forearm. F.P. Plaoed on his ship. Arthur a n Auckland 23/4/24 ship-desertion days 14 England . fireman 1901 4 sallow . brown, dark brown medium .. 6/5/24 Placed ship. Edward M.C. curly Neville Auckland 24/4/24 from inebri-escaping ates’ 14 days Zealand accountant 1893 5 fresh brown, light grey pointed 7/5/24 Left forefinger M.C. bald 1 Charles AugAuckland 24/4/24 false pretences days Zealand labourer 1902 5 fresh brown blue pug 7/5/24 Face scar ; ustine M.C. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 78, and Photographs, 1922, page 16.) Strong build ; soar on nose and on right upper medium".. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 78, and Photographs, 1922, page 16.) John Auokland 5/2/24 charges) (2 (comIreland farmer 1863 11 fresh . grey blue-gr’y 7/5/24 Strong build ; scar on nose and on right upper medium .. 7/5/24 pher S.C. muted to to pris Police page for life) graph 8, page 32.) - j for life) graphs, page 32.) Howard, Auokland 9/4/24 probation 1 England . labourer 1892 7 dark dark brown,’wn medium 8/5/24 ; M.C. wavy scars on forehead. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 9/4/24. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 642.) j. , wavy scars on forehead. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 9/4/24. (See Police Gazette, 1922, - 1 page 642.) Robert, Whangarei 9/4/24 theft month 1 Scotland bricklayer . 1896 102 fresh . curlybrown, blue .. long, 8/5/24 ; (See Taylor M.C. pointed 421.) Scar above right ey e ; forearms tattooed ; crossed flags, woman’s head, and three stars on back Hoey, Joseph Auckland 2/5/24 police days Ireland seaman 1899 5 fresh . brown brown pug 8/5/24 Scar above right eye ; forearms tattooed ; crossed M.C. back head, flags, of left hand ; left thumb deformed. F.P.


Name of Prisoner. tried. When. Offence. j Sentence. Native of Trade. Bora. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. !When jcharged, Previous Remarks, that finger-impressions continued. in. alias Auckland 26/4/24 theft 14 days England .. labourer 1880 5 6£ fresh .. brown, turnbrown -. medium .. 9/5/24 Butterfly on right forearm; bunch of flowers on .. 14 days .. England .. labourer 1880 5 6£ fresh .. brown, turnbrown .. medium .. 9/5/24 Butterfly on right forearm; bunch of flowers on alias Alfred, M.C. ing grey chest. (See George 14 days N. Zealand 6* Police Gazette, 1923, page 319, and Photographs, 1920, page 61.) Thomas Hastie, 14 days N. Zealand Police Gazette, 1923, page 319, and Photographs, 1920, page 61.) Auckland 26/4/24 theft . cook 1887 5 fresh .. dark brown grey • • large 9/5/24 Scars on left fore, middle, and little fingers ; soar on right forefinger and on nose. F.P. .. .. cook 1887 5 fresh .. dark brown grey .. large 9/5/24 Scars on left fore, middle, and little fingers ; soar on right forefinger and on nose. F.P. M.C. Boss, Sootland .. 6* Photographed at Auckland, 26/4/24. fine or 7 days Sootland .. 6J Photographed at Auckland, 26/4/24. Auckland 3/5/24 drunk seaman 1895 5 fresh .. light brown brown.. long 9/5/24 Scar on left ring-finger and on left palm and fine or 7 days seaman 1895 5 fresh .. light brown brown.. long 9/5/24 Scar on loft ring-finger and on left palm and Samuel M.C. forefinger. F.P. 4i forefinger. F.P. Thames 11/2/24 (no and disorderly months N. Zealand fisherman .. 1861 5 sandy .. brown, turndark br. medium .. 10/5/24 Stout build; ETA on chest. (See Police .. N. Zealand fisherman .. 1861 5 sandy .. brown, turndark br. medium .. 10/5/24 Stout build; ETA on chest. (See Police means) grey 1918, alias Samuel, Westropp, Auckland 11/4/24 escaping 1 month and N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 7f fresh .. light brown blue .. large 10/5/24 Scar on left forefinger; portion of left middle in1 month and N. Zealand labourer .. 1883 5 7| fresh .. light brown blue .. large 10/5/24 i • • Scar on left forefinger; portion of left middle Westrupp M.C. home returned to home finger missing; impediment in speech. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 581.) H finger missing; impediment in speech. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 581.) Dowell, d a 12/11/23 theft 6 months England .. cook 1876 5 fresh .. brown, going hazel .. large, 10/5/24 Woman’s bust in wreath on right forearm; .. 6 months .. England .. oook 1876 5 fresh .. brown, going bald hazel .. large, 10/5/24 Woman’s bust in wreath on right forearm; Charles M.C. bald pointed ring on left ring-finger; anohor on back of left hand; indistinct marks on left forearm. William Nicol, N. Zealand 3* (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 682, and Photographs, 1924, page 3.) M.C.Auckland N. Zealand 3* pointed ring on left ring-finger; anobor on back of left hand; indistinct marks on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 682, > and Photographs, 1924, page 3.) 11/4/24 theft 1 month labourer .. 1902 5 fresh .. light brown brown .. medium .. 10/5/24 Scar on forehead. (See Police Gazette, 1924, AuoklandM.C. page 151, and Photographs, 1921, page 71.) 11/4/24 theft .. 1 month .. labourer .. 1902 5 fresh .. light brown brown .. medium .. 10/5/24 Scar on forehead. (See Police Gazette, 1924, M.C. page 151, and Photographs, 1921, page 71.) Edward, Auckland 2/2/20 receiving 2 years N. Zealand butcher 1891 5 5 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium .. 9/5/24 Horse’s head, horse-shoe, whip, and emblem of # # 2 years , , N. Zealand butcher 1891 5 5 fresh .. dark brown brown.. medium .. 9/5/24 Horse’s head, horse-shoe, whip, and emblem of May, S.C robbery, 6 years Faith, Hope, and Charity on right forearm; and 6 years Faith, Hope, and Charity on right forearm; receiving scar near right elbow. Released on license. 5J scar near right elbow. Released on license. (See Police Gazette. 1920, ( page 223, and Photographs, page 22.) Slight build; rose, thistle, and shamrock, &c., Doreen, Alfred, 54 (See Police Gazette. 1920, page 223, and Photographs, page 22.) Auckland 28/4/21 theft months N. Zealand farmer 1885 5 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium .. 9/5/24 Slight build ; rose, thistle, and shamrock, &c., • • N. Zealand farmer 1885 5 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium .. 9/5/24 W. Devine, M.C. theft •• 6 months on left forearm ; ship, swords, woman’s head, &c., on right arm. Detained as habitual Baker, alias William, criminal. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 126, and Photographs, 1920, page 28.) M.C. S.C.Napier theft .. 6 months on left forearm ; ship, swords, woman’s head, &c., on right arm. Detained as habitual criminal. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 126, and Photographs, 1920, page 28.) 23/8/21 theft a . 6 months and England .. labourer .. 1876 5 6 florid .. brown, turnbrown.. medium .. 9/5/24 Scar on right breass, on left hip, and on left Napier S.C. 23/8/21 theft 6 months and England .. labourer 1876 5 6 florid .. brown, turnbrown .. medium .. 9/5/24 Scar on right breast, on left hip, and on left Barker, alias declared an ing grey foot; woman’s bust on right arm, Released alias declared anhabitual ing grey foot ; woman’s bust on right arm, Released ction license. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page habitual crion license. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page alias GreenWatson, minal .« 175, and Photographs, page 100.) 7f 175, and Photographs, page 100.) Sinclair, Auokland 12/2/23 theft 3 months and 2 N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 fair red blue .. medium .. 9/5/24 Right fore and middle fingers injured; two • • 3 months and 2 N. Zealand labourer .. 1885 5 7| fair red blue .. medium .. 9/5/24 Right fore and middle fingers injured; two M.C. years’ calf; ring-finger. mative deF.P. Release i on license. (See Police deF.P. Release! on license. (See Police tention Photographs, and 486, Forsyth, Henry Auckland 27/6/23 false pretences 1 year on each Scotland .. salesman .. 1880 5 n fresh .. white hazel .. large 10/5/24 page 46.) Flags, anch> r, star, and Maltese cross on left (5 1 year on each Scotland .. salesman .. 1880 5 n fresh .. white hazel .. large 10/5/24 page 46.) Flags, anchr r, star, and Maltese cross on left forearm ; flags and anchor on right forearm ; M.C. charges) right flags ; Photographs, 571, page Gazette, 1923, page 571, and Photographs, 80.)page


Name Where 1 j When. Offence. Sentence. Native 1 Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When charged. Convictions. and Remarks, have indicates finger-impressions Waikeria — . ft. Bowden, Blake.. George Hautu — Wellington S.C. 9/5/22 stolen receiving 2 years Australia bootmaker 1894 8 fresh . brown grey medium 6/5/24 New in p.c. lip Scar on ; eye tattooed chest; on ; (See Photographs, page Croft, Alfred Gisborne— Auckland S.C. 8/5/23 robbery 1 year N. labourer and miner 1877 1 fresh . curly, turning grey grey medium 5/5/24 back on scar Strong (See top and page 1919, Daly, alias Francis, alias Gisborne M.C. 4/2/24 idle and disorderly 3 months Australia .. cook 1863 5 6 sallow.. grey grey .. medium .. 3/5/24 48 p.c. Woman’s bust on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 733.) alias alias Wiiliams, ham Gisborne M.C. 4/2/24 idle and disorderly 3 months Australia ., cook 1863 5 6 sallow .. grey grey .. medium .. 3/5/24 48 p.c. Woman’s bust on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 733.) George T o k o m ar u Bay M.C. 4/3/24 idle and disorderly 2 months without labour N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 1 fresh .. light brown blue pug 3/5/24 Slight build ; scar on right leg ; birth-mark on right cheek ; wears glasses. New Plymouth — Maori Tehaua Taua Hori Hawera M.C. 7/4/24 indecent act .. 1 month farmer 1866 5 9± copper.. black, turning grey brown .. medium .. 6/5/24 Mole on right forearm; scar on small of back. F.P. Spencer, Alfred N. Plymouth M.C. 23/4/24 obscene language fine or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1871 5 7 dark .. dark brown hazel .. large 6/5/24 Cross and dot on left forearm; shield, flags, and ferns on right upper arm ; scar on left jaw. F.P. Forrester, Isle Berkeley N. Plymouth M.C. 11/4/24 obscene exposure 1 month England .. farmer 1855 5 n fair grey, going bald blue pointed .. 10/5/24 Wart on left side of neck ; small cyst on forehead ; small mole ou left shoulder-blade; right middle finger injured. F.P. C . ArthurHasler, T o k omaru Bay M.C. 4/3/24 idle and disorderly 2 months without labour N. Zealand labourer 1887 5 1 fresh .. light brown blue .. pug 3/5/24 Slight build ; scar on right leg ; birth-mark on right cheek ; wears glasses. Plymouth Raetihi — Maori 1 N. Plymouth M.C. 11/4/24 theft (3 charges) 1 month on each N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 8J sallow .. brown hazel .. long 10/5/24 1 p.c. Scars on buttocks ; scar on right thigh ; mole on small of back ; small scar on left calf. F.P. Hori alias Pita, Hawera M.C. 7/4/24 indecent act 1 month , .. farmer 1866 5 9£ copper. . black, turning grey brown . . medium . . 6/5/24 Mole on right forearm; scar on small of back. F.P. Spencer, Tapucoro N. Plymouth M.C. 23/4/24 obscene language fine or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1871 5 7 dark .. dark brown hazel . . large .; 6/5/24 Cross and dot on left forearm; shield, flags, and ferns on right upper arm ; scar on left jaw. F.P. Isle BerkeleyNapier Plymouth M.C. 16/4/24 assault 7 days Maori 1898 5 4 copper.. black brown .. flat 23/4/24 3 p.c. Strong build ; scar on back, on left temple, and cheek, near base of thumb, and on one little finger. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 567.1 M.C. 11/4/24 obscene exposure 1 month England .. farmer 1855 5 7J fair grey, going bald blue pointed .. 10/5/24 Wart on left side of neck ; small cyst on forehead ; small mole ou left shoulder-blade; right middle finger injured. F.P. ArthurHasler, Adams, Plymouth M.C.Napier 7/4/24 refusing to give name when unlawfully found on licensed premises and found on licensed premises during prohibited hours fine or 1 month N. Zealand farmer 1878 5 5 fair brown grey .. medium .. 6/5/24 Mole on chin ; scar above left eye. F.P. M.C. 11/4/24 theft (3 charges) 1 month on each N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 8J sallow .. brown hazel .. long 10/5/24 1 p.c. Scars on buttocks ; scar on right thigh ; mole on small of back ; small scar on left ■ calf. F.P. Spalding, Thomas Joseph, alias Smith, Tom, alias Smith, Charlie WaipawaM.C. 18/11/23 unlawfully supplying liquor to Maoris unlawfully supplying liquor to Maoris fine or 3 months fine or 2 months N. Zealand labourer 18S4 5 8| dark .. black .. brown .. i . long 10/5/24 14 p.c. Scars on each forearm, on abdomen, and on top of head; S.R. on wrist. F.P. Arrested, 11/12/23. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 673, and Photographs, 1919, page 3.) Raetihi — alias Pita, Taputoro Napier— , . 16/4/24 assault 7 days Maori 1898 5 4 copper. . black brown .. fiat 23/4/24 3 p.c. Strong build ; scar on back, on left temple, and cheek, near base of thumb, and on one little finger. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 567.) Raetihi M.C. Napier M.C. 7/4/24 refusing to give name when unlawfully found on licensed premises and found on licensed premises during prohibited hours fine or 1 month N. Zealand farmer 1878 5 5 fair brown grey . medium .. 6/5/24 Mole on chin ; scar above left eye. F.P. Adams, Spalding, eph, Tom, 18/11/23 unlawfully supplying liquor to Maoris unlawfully supplying liquor to Maoris fine or 3 months fine or 2months N. Zealand labourer 18S4 5 8f dark .. black brown .. long 10/5/24 14 p.c. Scars on each forearm, on abdomen, and on top of head; S.R. on wrist. F.P. Arrested, 11/12/23. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 673, and Photographs, 1919, page 3.) WaipawaM.C.


and tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. discharged. and Remarks, indicates been finger-impressions Napier— continued. 1 dairyman .. ft. in. N. Zealand dairyman .. 1892 ft. in. brown .. Araputu Hapuku WaipawaM.C. 8/5/24 obscene language 5 6 copper.. black broad 10/5/24 Strong build ; scar on back of right hand and N. Zealand 1892 5 6 copper.. black brown .. broad 10/5/24 Strong build ; scar on back of right hand and assaulting 1 right paid. eye. of fine # Wanganui order 1887 England .. 1887 James Auckland 8/5/23 indecent act 1 fireman 5 3 sallow.. dark brown grey • • medium .. 7/5/24 8 p.c. Tip of right ring-finger missing; cross England .. fireman 5 3 sallow.. dark brown grey .. medium .. 7/5/24 8 p.c. Tip of right ring-finger missing ; cross James alias Dillon, S.C. vagabond 1 and MEMORY DEAR alias William, BROTHER on right forearm. F.P. (See alias James, BROTHER right (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 63, and PhotoWillon graphs, 1921, 47.) Tako —Wi aliasAntonovich, Wellington 6/2/23 stolen 6 Dalmatia barman 1889 5 7 fresh . brown blue medium 10/5/24 1 nose, Antonovich, Ralph, S.C. perty right thumb, wrist, and elbow; left little Antonovich, alias receiving stolen property 1 year finger injured. F.P. Sentences cumulative. Discharged on remission. (See Police S.O. perty receiving stolen property 1 year right thumb, wrist, and elbow; left little finger injured. F.P. Sentences cumulative. Discharged on remission. (See Police alias Gazette, 1918, James George Wellington 6/2/23 theft years Ireland secretary 1878 5 7 fresh .. brown, brown medium 10/5/24 wreath ; S.C grey anchor ; eye Discharged Wellington— JacobMaurison, o e M.C. 15/4/24 stowaway fine days England hat-maker 1899 5 H dark . brown blue medium . 5/5/24 ears. Large Samuelson, Wellington 7/4/24 prohibition fine or days Sweden labourer 1868 5 61 fresh . brown blue pointed, 6/5/24 Strong build ; ; eagle, M.C. order large and (See page Stockdale, alias William, N.Palmerston 8/3/24 theft months England hawker 1866 5 41 dark black brown. broken 7/5/24 right leg ; ; O’Brien, alias M.C. forehead. on F.P. 1924, Willis, ton 9/4/24 ship-desertion 1 England fireman 1876 5 4 dark grey brown . large 8/5/24 Slight ; ; M.C. 1899 left middle finger; burn-scars on left arm; right ring-finger injured. F.P. ‘.Harry. Welling t on 9/4/24 ship-desertion 1 month England .. fireman 5 ioi dark .. dark brown hazel .. large 8/5/24 Strong build ; flower, bird, letter, and ROSE on M.C.M C. left forearm; woman’s face, &c., on right forearm. F.P. 1899 left middle finger; burn-scars on left arm; right ring-finger injured. F.P. Welling t on 9/4/24 ship-desertion 1 month England .. fireman 5 101 dark .. dark brown hazel .. large 8/5/24 Strong build; flower, bird, letter, and ROSE on M C. r left forearm; woman’s face, &c., on right forearm. F.P. Michael Palmerston 9/4/24 disorderly month 1 Ireland labourer 1869 5 fresh .. grey grey .. thick, large 8/5/24 Stout build ; scar on left cheek. F.P. (See 61 fresh .. grey grey .. thick, large 8/5/24 Stout build; scar on left cheek. F.P. (See M.C. 40.) DavidLazarus, Wellington 12/3/24 theft months England .. steward 1903 5 51 fresh . brown, wavy grey medium 10/5/24 Birth-mark moles ; ; M.C. knee; Photo- on right graphed at Wellington, 12/3/24. 1901 graphed at Wellington, 12/3/24. i 1 a m Wellington 19/4/24 ship-desertion weeks England fireman 5 61 dark .. dark brown dark br. medium .. 9/5/24 Small mouth ; scar on left calf and on back of 1901 5 61 dark .. dark brown dark br. medium .. 9/5/24 Small mouth ; scar on left calf and on back of Gamble M.C. knee. Robert onWellingt 19/4/24 ship-desertion weeks England trimmer 1902 5 9 sallow . auburn hazel . . medium 9/5/24 < ; M.C. F.P.


Prisoner. Where tried. When. I Sentence. Native Trade. g Height. ComHair. Byes. Nose. When disRemarks, and Previous Convictions. plexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (.F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 w <D a plexion. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) aparua — ft. in. George . Christchurch 29/4/24 default of maintenance arrears or 7 N. Zealand grocer 1890 ft. in. 5 4f fair light brown hazel .. thick 6/5/24 1 p.o. Scar on left calf. (See Police Gazette, M.C. days 1924, page 39, and Photographs, page 12.) 29/4/24 default of maintenance arrears or 7 days N. Zealand grocer 1890 5 45 fair light brown hazel .. thick 6/5/24 1 p.o. Soar on left calf. (See Police Gazette, 1924, page 39, and Photographs, page 12.) Davison, alias John, Dunedin M.C. 8/6/23 theft 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 11J fresh .. brown brown .. long 7/5/24 1 p.o. Clasped hands, two ferns, and E.L.H. Rodgers, theft 1 year’s reforon right forearm; heart on left forearm. mative deF.P. Discharged on remission. (See Police tention Gazette, 1922. page 707, and Photographs, Dunedin M.C. 8/6/23 theft theft 2 months 1 year’s reformative detention N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 11J fresh .. brown brown.. long 7/5/24 1 p.c. Clasped hands, two ferns, and E.L.H. on right forearm; heart on left forearm. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 707, and Photographs, alias David, Timaru M.C. 10/1/24 rogue and vagabond .. 4 months N. Zealand labourer 1882 5 10 fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. 9/5/24 1924, page 31.) 8 p.c. Left little finger has been broken. F.P. Lauder, Alexander, alias Lander, (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 713, and Photographs, 1913, page 33.) 10/1/24 rogue and vagabond .. 4 months N. Zealand labourer 1882 5 10 fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. 9/5/24 1924, page 31.) 8 p.c. Left little finger has been broken. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 713, and Photographs, 1913, page 33.) Timaru M.C.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIX, Issue 20, 21 May 1924, Page 292

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIX, Issue 20, 21 May 1924, Page 292

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLIX, Issue 20, 21 May 1924, Page 292