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Regulations under the Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act, 1921. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1923, page 2416, and see also Police Gazette, 1923, pages 8, 135, and 179.)

JELLICOE, Governor-General. • 'ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this 10th day of September, 1923.

Present: His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in him by the Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act, 1921 (hereinafter called “the said Act ”), His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the following regulations ; and doth order that such regulations shall take effect on the first day of October, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three.

REGULATIONS. 1. Registration under section 3 of the said Act of a certified copy of an Order shall be effected by the entry of the particulars thereof by a Magistrate in the Criminal Record Book of a Court. The Magistrate shall enter the particulars (or cause the same to be entered) in the same manner as though the Order had been made at such Court, and shall write (or cause to be written) under the entry the words “ Entered in pursuance of section 3 of the Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act, 1921.” Such entry shall be signed by the said Magistrate. 2. Where a Provisional Order is made under section 4 of the said Act, the Order may be drawn up in the form provided for a like Order under the Destitute Persons Act, 1910, with the necessary variations, but such Order shall be headed with the word “ Provisional,” and at the foot thereof shall be written or printed the following words : “ This Order is provisional only, and shall have no effect unless and until confirmed by a competent Court in the country where the defendant is proved to be resident.” 3. The statement under subsection (3) of section 4 of the said Act of the grounds on which the making of the Order might have been opposed shall be in the form of a certificate signed by the Magistrate having cognizance of the case. 4. The words “ prescribed notice ” referred to in subsection (4) of section 4 of the said Act shall mean a notice in the foirn numbered D.P. 25 as set forth in the Schedule hereto, or to the like effect, served upon the applicant for the Provisional Order not less than seven clear days before the day upon which the further evidence shall be taken. 5. The requisition to be sent by the Minister of Justice to a Justice of the Peace under section 5 of the said Act shall be in the form numbered D.P. 23 as set forth in the Schedule hereto, or to the like effect.

6. The summons to be issued under subsection (1) of section 5 of the said Act shall be in the form numbered D.P. 24 as set forth in the Schedule hereto, or to the like effect. 7. If under section 5 of the said Act the Provisional Order is confirmed, the Order to that effect shall be in the form numbered D.P. 26 as set forth in the Schedule hereto, or to the like effect. 8. (1.) When a Magistrate shall have heard the application for confirmation of any Order under section 5 of the said Act, he shall transmit to the Magistrate or other person making the Provisional Order a notification of his decision on the matter. (a.) If the decision is that the Order be confirmed either with or without modification, the notification shall include a copy of the confirming Order in the form numbered D.P. 26. (b.) If the decision is that the Order be not confirmed, the notification shall give the reasons for such decision. (e.) If the decision is that the case be remitted for further evidence, as provided by subsection (4) of section 5 of the said Act, the notification shall set out the points upon which such further evidence is required. In all cases the Magistrate shall inform the Under-Secretary of Justice what he has done in connection with the Order forwarded to him for confirmation. (2.) Where an Order has been confirmed under section 5 of the said Act, and such Order is afterwards varied or rescinded, notification thereof shall be remitted to the Court which made the Provisional Order and also to the Under-Secretary of J ustice. (3.) The failure to give any such notification shall not affect the validity of any Order or other proceeding. 9. All moneys paid into Court in pursuance of a maintenance order under this Act shall be passed through the Law Trust Account of the Clerk of the Court and paid into the Public Account. If the money is to be remitted abroad, the Public Account bank receipt shall be forwarded to the Under-Secretary of Justice, with a pay-out receipt and with sufficient particulars of the case to enable the Treasury to remit the amount to the proper officer or person entitled thereto. 10. Any officer of police or constable may appear for any party or person in any proceeding under the said Act, and may lay any information or complaint or make any application or take or defend any proceeding with regard to the making, confirming, enforcing, varying, or rescinding of any Order under the said Act.

SCHEDULE. [D.P.—23. Requisition to Justice of the Peace. The Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Aot, 1921. To , of , Justice of the Peace. Whereas, upon the application of , a Provisional Order under the Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act, 1920 (Imperial), was made against in the Court holden at , for the payment of towards the maintenance of : And whereas a certified copy of the said Order, together with the depositions of witnesses and a statement of the grounds on which the order might have been opposed, has been transmitted to me in the appropriate manner : Now, therefore, I, , Minister of Justice for the Dominion of New Zealand, in accordance with the provisions of the Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act, 1921, do hereby forward to you the said documents, and request you to issue a summons against the said , calling upon him to appear before a Magistrate to show cause why the said Order should not be confirmed. Dated at Wellington this day of , 192 . Minister of Justice.

[D.P.—24. Summons to the Defendant uroN a Complaint. The Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act, 1921. To , of Whereas, upon the application of , a Provisional Order under the Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act, 1920 (Imperial), was made against you in the Court holden at for the payment of towards the maintenance of :

And whereas a certified copy of the said Order, together with the depositions of the witnesses, and a statement of the grounds on which the order might have been opposed, has been transmitted in the appropriate manner to the Minister of Justice for the Dominion of New Zealand, and the Minister of Justice has caused the said order, depositions, and statement to be sent to the undersigned, one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for New Zealand, with a requisition that a summons be issued thereon : This is to command you to appear on day, the day of ,192 , at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at the Magistrates’ Court, , before such Stipendiary Magistrate as may then be there, to show cause why the said Order made against you should not be confirmed in accordance with the statute in such case made and provided. Given under my hand this day of , 192 , at

A Justice of the Peace for New Zealand

[D.P.— Notice of Time and Place for taking Further Evidence. The Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) . Act, 1921. New' Zealand : To wit. . ‘ Between , Complainant, and , Defendant. To the above-named Complainant. In pursuance of the powers vested in me by the abovementioned Act, I hereby give you notice, under section 4 thereof, that I will take further evidence in the above ease, and I hereby appoint the day of , 192 , at o’clock in the forenoon, as the time, and the Magistrates’ Court at as the place, for the taking of such further evidence.

If you desire to proceed with your application, you must appear at the time and place aforesaid either personally or by your solicitor, and produce further evidence on the matter. Given under my hand at this day of . 192 . Stipendiary Magistrate.

[D.P.— 26

Order confirming Provisional Order for Maintenance. The Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act, 1921. New Zealand : To wit. Between , Complainant, and , Defendant. Before the undersigned, a Magistrate, sitting in open Court at , the day of ,192 . Whereas on the day of , 192 , a Provisional Order was made by the [Set out description of Court sitting at [Describe place and country'] in pursuance of [ Set out title of Act], whereby the above-named defendant was ordered to pay [Here set out order] : And whereas a summons was duly served upon the said defendant to appear on the day of , 192 , at the Magistrates’ Court at before such Stipendiary Magistrate as might then be there, to show cause why the Provisional Order hereinbefore mentioned should not he confirmed :

And whereas the said defendant now appears and fails to satisfy me the said Stipendiary Magistrate that the Order should not be confirmed [or does not appear]: Now, therefore, it is hereby adjudged that the Order be confirmed without modification [or with the modifications hereinafter set out]. All payments hereunder shall be made to the Clerk of the Magistrates' Court at Stipendiary Magistrate. C. A. JEFFERY, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council.

Regulations controlling the Admission of Persons to Carterton Racecourse. (See New Zealand Gazette, 1923, page 2443.) ■

Government : Wellington.

Off tried. When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Corn. Height. Complexion. Hair. j Eyes, 1 Nose. Distinguishing Hona Gisborne 3/9,23 indecent years Maori drover ft. 6 brown black brown . medium .. in tooth little-finger nail crooked. * little-finger nail crooked. Archibald Cyril Gisborne 4/9/23 entering, acquitted N. Zealand car-painter.. 1896 5 9 fresh .. dark blue .. medium .. Scar on right middle finger; faint scar on upper and acquitted N. Zealand car-painter.. 1896 5 9 fresh .. dark blue medium .. Scar on right middle finger; faint scar on upper Bowler, theft lip. Gisborne 5/9/23 theft prosequi Zealand N. butcher 1901 9 fresh .. fair blue .. pointed .. Scar on left leg; prominent ears; left leg 9 fresh .. fair blue pointed .. Scar on left leg; prominent ears; left leg entered 16.) oiler, Gisborne 5/9/23 theft acquitted Sweden and 1877 8 fresh .. light brown blue .. straight, Several upper front teeth missing. 8 fresh .. light brown blue straight, Several upper front teeth missing. money 4 labourer large Dalby, Albert Palmerston 7/8/23 bigamy acquitted England labourer 1883 5 pale dark brown blue .. medium .. Man, heart, and clasped hands on right fore.1 pale dark brown blue .. medium .. Man, heart, and clasped hands on right foredeclaration months’ 6 finger; between arm; mative detention heart on left upper arm ; broken dagger on left forearm ; ring on left middle finger ; deaf in one ear. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 682.) See Police Gazette, 1919, page 466, and 1923, • ij mative detention heart on left upper arm ; broken dagger on left forearm ; ring on left middle finger ; deaf in one ear. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 682.) See Police Gazette, 1919, page 466, and 1923, Bush, Horace N. 9/8/23 andforgery, 3 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer .. 1903 5 n fair dark brown brown .. medium .. and 3 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer 1903 5 94 fair dark brown brown .. medium .. false pretences detention 313.) Arthur George, Palmerston 8/8/23 from dwelling (2 years’ N. labourer 1896 64 fair brown hazel .. medium . (See on alias Mason, charges); and theft mative deGazette, 1922, page 396, and 1923, page 351.) Frank, alias tention charges); and theft mative detention Gazette, 1922, page 396, and 1923, page 351.) Palmerston 8/8/23 theft acquitted England . labourer 1885 5 10* sallow dark hazel . medium . on Woman, Francis some, stolen property dots ; ; Gazette, (See 746.) and wreath, Japanese .on right forearm ; heart and TRUE LOVE on Edward Elija N. 8/8/23 breaking, 1J years’ reforN. Zealand cooper 1887 5 9 fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. and 14 years’ reforN. Zealand cooper 1887 5 9 fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. theft detention LOVE and ; right left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 532.) Hughes, Rennie, N. 7/8/23 breaking, 3 years’ reforMaori labourer 1907 5 8£ copper.. black brown .. flat and 3 years’ reforMaori labourer 1907 5 84 copper.. black brown .. flat las, Cornish, Joseph charges) deon each Palmerston 4/9/23 false acquitted Australia .. labourer and 1879 6 0 fresh ' .. brown, turnbrown .. medium .. Mole on bridge of nose. (See Police Gazette, (3 acquitted Australia ., labourer and 1879 6 0 fresh .. brown, turnbrown .. medium .. Mole on bridge of nose. (See Police Gazette, charges) enginegrey 135.) false pretences 1 year driver ' (3 1 year driver oharges) Thomas charges) Masterton .. 4/9/23 false pretenoes acquitted N. Zealand coachsmith 1882 5 7 fresh .. fair, going bald blue .. medium .. Sharp features. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 510.) . . acquitted N. Zealand coachsmith 1882 5 7 fresh .. fair, going bald blue medium .. Sharp features. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 510.) Violet Dunedin 3/9/23 forgery 3 years’ probation N. Zealand domestic .. 1894 5 2 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium .. Pointed chin. •• 3 years’ probation N. Zealand domestic .. 1894 5 2 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium .. Pointed chin. Roland HillPelvin, Dunedin 3/9/23 indecent a years’ N. Zealand draper 1902 5 dark .. dark brown .. Roman .. Round chin ; protruding upper teeth. 10 dark .. dark brown .. Roman .. Round chin ; protruding upper teeth. Heti male detention - Court, 26/6/23 indecent 2 years Cook labourer 1898 5 7 copper.. black, curly brown .. , # Dumb; right arm paralysed; right hand con(4 2 years Cook labourer 1898 5 7 copper.. k , cur 'y brown .. Dumb; right arm paralysed ; right hand conAlofi, Niue charges) Islands at Photographed Island 13/8/23.


Name Offender. tried. | When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, Ac. Roy Whangarei 4/9/23 theft fined N. Zealand labourer 1906 ft. in. 5 6 dark .. black brown .. medium .. Full face. make tion ‘ > convicted and N. Zealand labourer 1906 ft. in. 5 6 dark black brown .. medium .. Full face. charges) convicted discharged discharged AlfredConnelly, Whangarei 4/9/23 theft fined to N. labourer 1904 7 fresh brown blue medium build. Strong make tion theft convicted discharged Whangarei .. discharged Francis 3/9/23 obscene language fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1861 5 10 fresh .. grey grey .. medium .. Scar over right eye; F.H., scar, woman’s face, and wreath on right forearm. Scar over right eye and on right foot. (See Whangarei .. 3/9/23 obscene language fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1861 5 10 fresh .. grey grey .. medium .. Scar over right eye; F.H., scar, woman’s face, and wreath on right forearm. Scar over right eye and on right foot. (See Henry Auckland 3/9/23 breach of peace fined Zealand hawker 1895 4 fresh . brown hazel medium . Leslie, . Auckland 3/9/23 of and Zealand labourer 1883 9 fair fair blue medium .. page Jack, and clasped discharged onleft right KURA Robson, Auckland 3/9/23 breach fined Zealand labourer 1885 5 copper. black brown medium . arm. A Maori. Henry . Auokland 3/9/23 assault . fined £3 Zealand labourer 1900 5 9 fair fair hazel .. medium . See page Richard.. Auckland 3/9/23 theft fined £10 England .. seaman 1886 5 8 fresh- .. fair blue .. pug Woman, English, American, and German flags .. fined £10 England .. seaman 1886 5 8 fresh .. fair blue .. pug Woman, English, American, and German flags on right forearm ; Faith, Hope, and Charity on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1922, . on right forearm ; Faith, Hope, and Charity on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1922, Henry Auckland 4/9/23 police fined £2 England stoker 1888 7 pale dark brown brown . medium 352.) skull and snake language and ; discharged WINNIE, bust, lifebuoy, ship, Hayes, George Auckland 5/9/23 assault convicted and discharged England .. seaman 1883 5 8} dark .. dark blue medium .. flowers on right forearm. Scar on left forefinger and thumb ; ship on right arm; man’s bust, woman, H.M., and clasped hands on right forearm; right foot deformed ; slightly lame. (See Police Gazette, •• convicted and discharged England .. seaman 1883 5 84 dark .. dark blue medium .. flowers on right forearm. Scar on left forefinger and thumb ; ship on right arm ; man’s bust, woman, H.M., and clasped hands on right forearm ; right foot deformed; slightly lame. (See Police Gazette, Wilfred, Kealey., Auckland 7/9/23 and disorderly convioted and N. Zealand seaman 1893 5 10 sallow.. blaok brown .. medium .. 1915, page 446.) See Police Gazette, 1923, page 49. (inconvicted and N. Zealand seaman 1893 5 10 sallow .. black brown .. medium .. 1915, page 446.) See Police Gazette, 1923, page 49. Healey sufficient discharged Martin, . Auckland 7/9/23 obscene to come up if N. Zealand lineman 1887 5 4 fresh .. dark hazel .. medium called on . , to come up if N. Zealand lineman 1887 5 4 fresh .. dark hazel .. medium called on Cawdran, George Auckland 7/9/23 document re-publishing fined labourer 1889 64 fresh . brown blue broken, turned betting to j\S&CWL/. 'fyf X/ 3*6. turned Cecil Mark, Me betting a fined to Auckland 7/9/23 trespass fined 10s. N. Zealand stonemason 1888 5 6 dark .. dark blue .. medium .. Scar behind left ear. (See Police Gazette 1913, page 196, and Photographs, page 24.) * * fined 10s. N. Zealand stonemason 1888 5 6 dark .. dark blue .. medium .. Scar behind left ear. (See Police Gazette 1913, page 196, and Photographs, page 24.) Barkley, John Onehunga 5/9/23 idle if come called Ireland farmer 1861 10 fresh grey blue thick Right finger Strong, Alfred Hamilton . 3/9/23 assault fined Zealand carpenter . 1883 10 fresh . brown blue .. medium

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol

to Name of tried.Where When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. 1 Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. -P.G Matthews, Ernest John, alias Hamilton .. 7/9/23 rogue and vagabond (no to come up if England .. seaman 1882 ft. in. 5 7f fair fair, bald .. brown.. crooked .. Indistinot tattoo-mark on right forearm; left Jones, John visible means) called on and forearm injured. (See Police Gazette, 1923, prohibited page 115.) Caro, Harold David Hamilton .. 30/7/23 disposing of goods by lottery theft fined £20 N. Zealand merchant .. 1883 5 9 sallow .. black brown.. large A Jew. Saddler, Edward .. Hamilton .. 8/9/23 ' 1 year’s probaN. Zealand labourer .. 1886 5 11 fair light brown blue .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1923, page 501. tio n and prohibited Huty, Harold .. .. Tokomaru Bay Gisborne 3/9/23 oruelty to a horse fined £7 .. England .. shepherd .. 1898 5 0 fresh .. fair blue .. small, sharp medium .. Martin, James Paul 27/8/23 obscene language fined £6 N. Zealand labourer .. 1891 5 9 dark .. black brown.. Cross on right hand. Pratt, George Nelson Magen N. Plymouth 5/9/23 theft 6 months’ proN. Zealand labourer 1906 5 8 fresh .. brown blue .. medium bation | Ranui, William Hawera 6/9/23 theft fined £5 N. Zealand labourer .. 1897 5 8 dark .. black brown .. fiat Scar on bridge of nose. Broughton, James Taihape 7/9/23 obtaining firearm withfined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 9 dark .. dark brown.. medium .. A half-caste Maori. (See Police Gazette, 1922, Taihape out permit i i!,' : page 558.) Kenworthy, Roy .. 7/9/23 assault .. fined £2 N. Zealand labourer .. 1906 5 1 fair fair blue .. medium Neil, John Taihape .. 7/9/23 misohief fined £5 and Tasmania.. bushman .. 1885 6 2 fresh .. brown grey .. medium pay damage Ward, Frederick Edward .. Taihape 7/9/23 selling firearm without fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1901 5)10* fresh .. brown .. blue .. medium Taihape a permit Wilson, Matthew .. 7/9/23 obscene language fined £10 N. Zealand farmer 1885 5 10 fresh .. brown blue .. medium.. Several p.c. not gazetted. mischief fined £5 and Taihape pay damage Wilson, Michael Joseph, alias 8/9/23 assault fined £10 Australia .. bushman .. 1890 5 9 fresh .. brown, ourly brown.. large See Police Gazette, 1917, page 703. Pulley, Michael James, alias Pullen, Oliver Ernest Patrick ; ) • *• Hollis, James Richard Waipawa 6/9/28 obscene language fined £1 N. Zealand blaoksmith 1886 5 6 dark .. dark brown.. medium .. 4 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 487.) Daniel, Henry Mark Eketahuna .. 4/9/23 procuring firearm withfined £2 N. Zealand printer 1905 5 7 dark .. dark brown, brown.. medium .. Stutters. out permit failing to register firefined £1 curly Malloy, Nellie Ellen Adelia.. Wellington .. 3/9/23 idle and disorderly (insufficient means) to oome up if called on and N. Zealand waitress 1904 M* CO 1C fair . .; brown blue . . medium Morrell, John Henry Wellington .. to Home for 2 years ; ] theft 31/8/23 fined £5 N. Zealand driver 1881 5 7 fresh . . dark brown, turning grey brown. . medium Rees, George Lewis .. Wellington .. theft 4/9/23 3 years’ probaN. Zealand saddler and 1889 5 10 fresh ..' brown, turnblue . . medium .. Scar on back of left hand. F.P. Photographed . tion traveller ing grey at Auckland, 31/3/22. (See Police Gazette, Naylor, Beryl Lillian May Wellington .. 4/9/23 theft to come up if Australia .. domestic .. 1901 5 3 fresh .. blaok hazel .. medium .. 1923, page 128.) Slight build. F.P. Carew called on and make restitution - r ; j < ' • v , c Matthews, Ernest John, alias Hamilton .. 7/9/23 rogue and vagabond (no to come up if England .. seaman 1882 ft. in. 5 7f fair fair, bald .. brown .. crooked .. Indistinct tattoo-mark on right forearm; left Jones, John visible means) called on and forearm injured. (See Police Gazette, 1923, prohibited page 115.) Caro, Harold David Hamilton .. 30/7/23 disposing of goods by lottery theft fined £20 N. Zealand merchant .. 1883 5 9 sallow .. black brown .. large A Jew. Saddler, Edward .. Hamilton .. 8/9/23 1 year’s probaN. Zealand labourer 1886 5 11 fair light brown blue .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1923, page 501. tio n and prohibited Huty, Harold Tokomaru Bay Gisborne 3/9/23 oruelty to a horse fined £7 England .. shepherd .. 1898 5 0 fresh .. fair blue .. small, sharp medium .. Martin, James Paul 27/8/23 obscene language fined £6 N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 9 dark .. black brown .. Cross on right hand. Pratt, George Nelson Magen N. Plymouth 5/9/23 theft 6 months’ proN. Zealand labourer 1906 5 8 fresh .. brown blue .. medium bation Ranui, William Hawera 6/9/23 theft fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 8 dark .. blaok brown .. fiat Scar on bridge of nose. Broughton, James.. Taihape 7/9/23 obtaining firearm withfined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 9 dark .. dark brown.. medium .. A half-caste Maori. (See Police Gazette, 1922, Taihape out permit page 558.) Kenworthy, Roy .. 7/9/23 assault fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1906 5 1 fair fair blue .. medium Neil, John Taihape .. 7/9/23 misohief fined £5 and pay damage fined £1 Tasmania.. bushman .. 1885 6 2 fresh .. brown grey .. medium Ward, Frederick Edward .. Taihape 7/9/23 selling firearm without N. Zealand labourer 1901 5)104 fresh .. brown blue medium a permit Wilson, Matthew .. Taihape 7/9/23 obscene language fined £10 N. Zealand farmer 1865-5 10 fresh .. brown blue .. medium .. Several p.c. not gazetted. mischief fined £5 and Taihape pay damage Wilson, Michael Joseph, alias 8/9/23 assault fined £10 Australia .. bushman .. 1890 5 9 fresh .. brown, ourly brown .. large See Police Gazette, 1917, page 703. Pulley, Michael James, alias Pullen, Oliver Ernest Patrick Hollis, James Richard Waipawa 6/9/28 obscene language fined £1 N. Zealand blaoksmith 1886 5 6 dark .. dark brown.. medium .. 4 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 487.) Daniel, Henry Mark Eketahuna .. 4/9/23 procuring firearm withfined £2 N. Zealand printer 1905 5 7 dark .. dark brown, brown .. medium .. Stutters. out permit failing to register firefined £1 curly Malloy, Nellie Ellen Adelia . Wellington .. 3/9/23 idle and disorderly (insufficient means) to come up if called on and N. Zealand waitress 1904 5 3* fair brown blue medium Morrell, John Henry to Home for 2 years theft Wellington .. 31/8/23 fined £5 N. Zealand driver 1881 5 7 fresh .. dark brown, brown .. medium Rees, George Lewis .. theft turning grey Wellington .. 4/9/23 3 years’ probaN. Zealand saddler and 1889 5 10 fresh .. brown, turnblue .. medium .. Scar on back of left hand. F.P. Photographed Naylor, Beryl Lillian May tion traveller ing grey at Auokland, 31/3/22. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 128.) Wellington .. 4/9/23 theft to come up if Australia .. domestic .. 1901 5 3 fresh .. blaok hazel .. medium .. Slight build. F.P. Carew called on and make restitution *

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Offender. of tried. When. Offence. Sentence. |Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. ’ Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. ft. in. 1 1 Trade. 1 Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes, j Nose. Distinguishing Marks, Ac. ft. in. Falconer, . Wellington 4/9/23 of peace fined England fireman 1897 5 8 fair fair blue . medium Tilling, Wellington 4/9/23 obscene language fined England fireman 1398 5 7 pale black dark long White, Wellington . 7/9/23 idle (inif Zealand labourer 1901 4 lli dark . black grey short Gazette, (See sufficient means) called page 534.) Gill, Havelock 8/9/23 selling fined £2 N. clerk 1900 5 8 fresh brown brown . thick and ; right permit left wrist broken. register to failing to pay costs • left wrist broken. arm breach of the peace .. to pay costs Hogg, Blenheim . 5/9/23 fined £3 N. Zealand horse- trainer 1900 5 2 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1923, page 113. breach of the peace .. fined £3 N. Zealand horse- trainer 1900 5 2 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1923, page 113. Vernon Murray, Hobroy Blenheim 5/9/23 the fined Zealand N. clerk 1902 5 9 fair fair blue medium ! ' Hodges, Blenheim . 27/8/23 obscene fined Zealand labourer 1890 5 5 fresh . fair grey . medium . hand. on Millar, . Westport 31/8/23 obscene £3fined Zealand labourer 1897 5 7 fresh . brown brown medium amputated; Boreham, James 583.) (See Westport 31/8/23 language fined £4 Zealand labourer 1893 5 8 fair light, wavy blue medium 231. 1920, page Mahuika, Jack fireman Westport 29/6/23 charges) ifto up Zealand labourer 1905 5 0 brown black brown Right leg amputated; soar on right side of face. , t Right leg amputated ; soar on right side of face. © called 1920, page (See 4/9/23 stolen promonths’ 6 proLewis, Douglas perty bation Westport 4/9/23 theft fined £5 Zealand labourer 1900 5 6 fair fair grey Scars on left arm. , , Scars on left arm. make tion . . . . . theft fined and ♦ Harry make restitution Westport 4/9/23 theft charges) fined N. bootmaker . . 1900 5 1 fair brown light grey . , build. Luff, Lewis make tution Westport 4/9/23 theft and to Zealand labourer 1889 5 7 fresh . dark brown . Two scars on left leg. , , Two scars on left leg. alias make tion ■ Westport 4/9/23 stolen fined Zealand N. labourer 1882 5 L0 fresh fair grey . (See ney perty 627.) • 627.) Thomas Greymouth 3/9/23 mischief a to pay Zealand N. fireman 1891 5 7 fair fair blue . medium ; motor-car) flower on back of right hand ; danoing-woman and Chinese dragon on left arm ; butterfly on Bowen, back of left hand. motor-car) flower on back of right hand ; dancing-woman and Chinese dragon on left arm ; butterfly on back of left hand. Cheviot 6/9/23 vagabond fined Australia horse-break’r 1877 5 7f sallow brown blue medium . ; Williams, William legally on premises) above right ankle. Christohurch 5/9/23 idle and disorderly (in1 year’s probaEngland .. labourer 1891 5 7i fresh .. light brown blue .. medium Joseph Glover legally on premises)sufficient means) above right ankle. tion Christohurch 5/9/23 idle and disorderly (in1 year’s probaEngland .. labourer 1891 5 74 fresh .. light brown blue .. medium sufficient means) tion . Close, Christchurch 5/9/23 theft and N. Zealand labourer 1902 5 6i fresh .. fair blue .. medium .. Warts at back of left ear ; scar over left eye. fSee Polioe Gazette, 1923, page 398, and discharged Photographs, 1921, page 77.) labourer 1902 5 64 fresh .. fair blue .. medium .. Warts at back of left ear; scar over left eye. fSee Police Gazette, 1923, page 398, and Photographs, 1921, page 77.) N. Zealand

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Name of Where When. Offence. Sentence. ofNative Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, ft. in. Raymond Bane, Lyttelton 5/9/28 assault fined Australia artist 1898 ft. 6 fair fair blue .. medium 5 6 fair fair blue .. medium Donald Chalmers 6/9/23 language fined Scotland seaman 1859 5 sallow . grey grey medium Sherwood, Dunedin 3/9/23 breach years’ 5 Tasmania.. domestic . 1903 5 fair brown blue broad Large Police 1923, Vina, alias Ismay George Riley Armstrong, theft (2 charges) tion 126.) Dunedin 3/9/23 charges)assault fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1902 5 8 fresh .. fair grey .. medium .. Strong build; small soar on chin. assault tion fined £5 V N. Zealand labourer 1902 5 8 fresh .. fair grey .. medium .. 126.) Strong build; small scar on chin. Alfred Dunedin 4/9/23 language fined Zealand basket-maker 1895 5 fair brown grey, medium .. Tattoo-marks on left forearm ; small mouth. small hazel, medium .. Tattoo-marks on left forearm ; small mouth. Flynn, Dunedin 5/9/23 theft years’ proN. salesman 1903 6 fair fair medium hazel, medium bation and make restitution large • . Michael Johns, Dunedin 5/9/23 theft andbation admonished N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1910 4 10 fair brown brown .. medium make restitution admonished .. N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1910 4 10 fair brown large brown .. medium • Reid, Dunedin 5/9/23 theft admonished N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1913 4 11 fresh .. brown blue .. medium admonished .. N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1913 4 11 fresh .. brown blue medium Mitchell, John,Thomas Wyndham . 27/8/23 of to pay N. farm 1893 8 dark dark brown . medium registered firearm Richard '-V; Orepuki 3/9/23 firearm registered assault 2 years’ probaN. Zealand dairy-farmer 1892 5 8 dark .. dark dark .. straight .. Thin features. tion assaultassault years’ proba- if up N. Zealand dairy-farmer 1892 5 8 dark .. dark dark .. straight .. Thin features. called on tion to come up if called on assault

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Gaol, of Where When. Offence. jSentence. i of Trade. Bom. Height Complexion. Hair. j Nose. When discharged. Previous and have Auckland in. Whaley, William Auckland 27/2/23 default of maintenance arrears or 6 England .. printer 1874 5 7| fresh .. grey hazel . crooked .. 4/9/23 Scar over left eye. F.P. Arrested, 5/3/23* M.C. 27/2/23 default of maintenance arrears or 6 months England .. printer 1874 5 7§ fresh .. grey hazel . crooked .. 4/9/23 Scar over left eye. F.P. Arrested, 5/3/23 t (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 159.) Webster, Thomas Paeroa M.C. 5/6/23 theft ... 3 months Australia .. plumber 1892 5 10$ fresh .. light brown grey . medium .. 4/9/23 Strong build; scar on bridge of nose. F.P Photographed at Auckland, 12/6/23. Johnson, Robert Walter ary Uo < A u o k 1 a n d M.C. 40 29/8/23 indecent act .. 7 days Norway .. seaman 1879 5 7 *i fregh. — brown hazel .. medium .. Strong build ; indistinct tattoo-marks on left, forearm. F.P. Geary, Cyril .. Auckland M.C. 6/8/23 default of maintenance 1 month N. Zealand clerk 1897 5 8$ fresh .. dark brown Drown .. small 5/9/23 Strong build ; 6 and N.Z. in wreath, crown, and WELLINGTON MOUNTED RIFLES on left forearm; bull-dog and Union Jack on right forearm. F.P. George, John, alias Wilson A u o k 1 an d M.C. 30/8/23 indecent act fine or 7 days England .. seaman 1875 5 5 fresh .. brown hazel .. thick 5/9/23 Soar on each eyebrow and on right cheek; woman’s bust on ieft forearm; left leg has been broken at ankle. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 174.) Chow Gow Auckland M.C. 7/6/23 keeping a gaming-house 3 months China labourer 1855 5 6 yellow.. grey, going bald brown .. flat 6/9/23 Large mouth ; growth under left ear; mole on right side of neck. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 12/6/23. Fitzgerald, John Auckland M.C. 7/8/23 theft 1 month Sootland .. labourer 1898 5 3J fresh .. auburn brown .. medium .. 6/9/23 Scar on right knee, on one lip, under right jaw, on right little finger, and on each middle finger; deaf. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 7/8/23. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 717.) Horse-shoe, EGYPT, 1914, and American flag on right upper arm; soar on left side of chin; dancing-girl and Union Jack on left upper arm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 50, and Photographs, page 26.) Sutherland, William Wilson Thames M.C. 7/8/23 assault 1 month N. Zealand cook ' 1887 6 5$ dark .. black grey .. medium .. 6/9/23 Dowsing, Arthur Hayward Auckland M.C. 4/9/23 inciting prisoner to resist fine or 3 days N. Zealand fireman 1885 5 7$ fresh .. dark brown dark br. broad 6/9/23 Scar on left side of head and under right breast; tombstone, angel, and IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY DEAR FATHER on forearm ; heart on left forearm. F.P. Bishop, George Alexander, alias Bishop, Stephen Alexander, Whakatane M.C. 9/5/23 rogue and vagabond .. 4 months N. Zealand slaughterin' n 1901 5 6 fresh .. brown, wavy grey .. medium .. 7/9/23 Scar on back of left hand. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 688, and Photographs, page 29.) alias Peterson, George Strong build ; M.T. on right upper arm ; right little finger contracted ; diamond on baok of left ring-finger. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 476, and Photographs, page 51.) McMullen, Michael George, alias McMullen, Michael James, alias McMullen, A u o k 1 a n d M.C. 9/8/23 obscene language 1 month England .. labourer 1867 5 9| fresh .. light brown, turning ing grey blue .. medium .. 8/9/23 Michael Charles, alias McMullen, George Michael Portion of right forefinger missing; scar on right side of ohin. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 4/8/23. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 552.) Goonan, Herbert Henry Cambridge M.C. 9/8/23 unlawfully using a motor-car failing to return millitary equipment 1 month fine or 2 weeks N. Zealand motor mechanic 1897 5 7| dark .. dark brown brown .. medium .. 8/9/23 M.C. months (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 159.) Webster, Thomas Paeroa M.C. 5/6/23 theft 3 months Australia .. plumber 1892 5 10J fresh .. light brown grey .. medium .. 4/9/23 Strong build; scar on bridge of nose. F.P Photographed at Auckland, 12/6/23. Johnson, Robert Walter 2T/Y/60' A u o k 1 a n d 29/8/23 indecent act ..." 7 days Norway —rr seaman 1879 5 7£ fresh — T-. brown hazel .. medium .. A/9/23 ‘Strong build ; indistinct tattoo-marks~~Oil~Tefii M.C. forearm. F.P. Geary, Cyril .. Auckland 6/8/23 default of maintenance 1 month N. Zealand clerk 1897 5 8i fresh .. dark brown Drown .. small 5/9/23 Strong build ; 6 and N.Z. in wreath, crown, and M.C. 1 ' • WELLINGTON MOUNTED RIFLES on left forearm; bull-dog and Union Jack on right forearm. F.P. George, John, alias Auokland 30/8/23 indecent act fine or 7 days England .. seaman 1875 5 5 fresh .. brown .. hazel .. thick 5/9/23 Scar o>i each eyebrow and on right cheek; Wilson M.C. woman’s bust on left forearm; left leg has been broken at ankle. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 174.) < Chow Gow Auokland 7/6/23 keeping a gaming-house 3 months China labourer .. 1855 5 6 yellow.. grey, going.brown .. flat 6/9/23 Largo mouth ; growth under left ear ; mole on right side of neck. F.P. Photographed at M.C. bald Auckland, 12/6/23. Fitzgerald, John Auckland M.C. 7/8/23 theft 1 month Sootland .. labourer 1898 5 3J fresh .. auburn brown .. medium .. 6/9/23 Scar on right knee, on one lip, under right jaw, on right little fioger, and on each middle finger; deaf. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 7/8/23. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 717.) Horse-shoe, EGYPT, 1914, and American flag on right upper arm; scar on left side of chin; dancing-girl and Union Jack on left upper Sutherland, William Wilson Thames M.C. 7/8/23 assault 1 month N. Zealand cook 1887 6 5$ dark .. black grey .. medium .. 6/9/23 arm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 50, and Photographs, page 26.) Dowsing, Arthur Hayward Auokland M.C. ‘! 4/9/23 inciting prisoner to resist fine or 3 days N. Zealand fireman 1885 5 7$ fresh .. dark brown dark br. broad 6/9/23 Scar on left side of head and under right breast; tombstone, angel, and IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY DEAR FATHER on forearm ; heart on left forearm. F.P. Bishop, George AlexWhakatane 9/5/23 rogue and vagabond .. 4 months N. Zealand slaughterm’n 1901 5 6 fresh .. brown, wavy grey .. medium .. 7/9/23 Scar on back of left hand. F.P. (See Police ander, alias Bishop, Stephen Alexander, alias Peterson, George M.C. ! Gazette, 1922, page 688, and Photographs, j page 29.) Strong build ; M.T. on right upper arm ; right little finger contracted ; diamond on baok of left ring-finger. (See Police Gazette, 1923, McMullen, Michael Auokland 9/8/23 obscene language 1 month England .. labourer 1867 5 9| fresh .. light brown, blue; .. medium .. 8/9/23 George, alias McMullen, Michael M.C. turning ing grey James, alias McMullen, Michael Charles, alias McMullen, George Miohael " page 476, and Photographs, page 51.) Portion of right forefinger missing; scar on right side of chin. F.P. Photographed at Goonan, Herbert Henry Cambridge 9/8/23 unlawfully using a 1 month N. Zealand motor me1897 5 7$ dark .. dark brown brown .. medium .. 8/9/23 M.C. motor-car chanio failing to return millifine or 2 weeks Auckland, 4/8/23. (See Police Gazette, 1918, tary equipment page 552.) *


I Bom. : Hair. Nose. When dlsRemarks, and Previous Convictions. .... „ s Hair. Eyes. Nose. When disRemarks, and Previous Convictions. Name Gaol, Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. *3 W plexioa. Eyes. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) i Native of Trade. 1 a plexioa. charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) continued. in. build ; ; Strong Police (See Gazette, 1923, page 376.) Campbell, iW M.C. 10/8/23 idle sufficient 1 N. labourer 1896 5 fresh brown blue medium 8/9/23 Gazette, 1923, page 376.) Harkins, Frank, alias Walter Auckland M.C. 3/9/23 threatening fine days Zealand N. labourer 1857 5 fresh . grey blue . medium . 8/9/23 miss- fore Right left woman ; ; ing 1923, Gazette, (See 279.) ship, Snake scroll on right wrist; ring on right middle finger; crossed hands, heart, and TRUE * Powell, Auckland 3/9/23 theft days 7 Australia . dealer 1897 9£ 5 fresh . brown light hazel medium .. 8/9/23 M.C. without fine 7 LOVE on left wrist; scar on tip of right forefinger. F.P. Photographed at Auckland) 3/9/23. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 222 - II ■' scroll on right wrist; ring on right middle finger; crossed hands, heart, and TRUE LOVE on left wrist; scar on tip of right forefinger. F.P. Photographed at Auckland) 3/9/23. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 222.Scar on tip of left middle finger. F.P. Dis. charged on remission. Sentences cumulative (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 730, and Thomas Walton, k n M.C. 17/1/23 theft probation of 6 months Tasmania. carpenter . 1879 6* 5 fresh .. brown blue . pug 6/8/23 Scar on tip of left middle finger. F.P. Dis. charged on remission. Sentences cumulative (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 730, and Photographs, 1921, page 115.) 1 ;Neville, Elsie, ■- Photographs, 1921, page 115.) Neville, Elsie, Neville, Auckland M.C. 9/8/23 breaoh of prohibition order fine or 1 month N. Zealand domestic .. 1880 5 0 pale dark brown brown .. broad 8/9/23 Scar over left eye ; small scar on left elbow ; pock-marked face. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 737.) , , , . , , Neville, ElsieParker, uokland A Dunedin S.C. 15/9/19 theft, and theft from a dwelling (4 charges) 5 years’ reformative deEngland .. miner 1882 5 4 florid .. fair grey • • medium .. 8/9/23 Scar on left side of forehead ; ballet-girl and schooner on right forearm ; anchor, clasped hands, and TRUE LOVE on left forearm. Wellington M.C.S.C. 9/8/236/10/19 prohibition of from a dwelling ordercharges) month fine 1 years’ N. Zealand domestic .. 1880 5 0 pale dark brown brown .. broad 8/9/23 Scar over left eye; small scar on left elbow; pock-marked face. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 737.) mative deF.P. Discharged on remission. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page tention 623, and Photographs, 1918, page 45.) Parker, alias James, Hourigan, Dunedin 8.C. 15/9/19 theft, and theft from a dwelling (4 charges) 5 years’ reformative deEngland .. miner 1882 5 4 florid .. fair grey .. medium .. 8/9/23 Scar on left side of forehead; ballet-girl and schooner on right forearm; anchor, clasped hands, and TRUE LOVE on left forearm. / : Joseph Wellingt o Palmerston CM.C. 6/10/191/6/23 from a dwelling (2insulting fine or 7 days Ireland .. labourer 1864 5 8 fresh .. grey hazel .. medium .. 6/9/23 Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 342.) charges) insulting language 3 years’ reformative deF.P. 1 Discharged on remission. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page Thames— Waikeria— alias James, William Rashleigh, Palmerston N. 1/6/23 tention fine or 7 days Ireland .. labourer 1864 5 8 fresh .. grey hazel .. medium .. 6/9/23 623, and Photographs, 1918, page 45.) Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 342.) JosephGeorge M.C.Auckland S.C. 9/5/22 false pretencs (5 charges) 2 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand salesman and coachbuilder 1882 5 8£ sallow .. dark brown blue .. medium .. 4/9/23 Scar on left shin. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 428, and Photographs, page 84.) Waikeria— Gisborne— William Rashleigh, Philip, Burns, Burns, James Henry, Gisborne M.C. 1/8/23 trespass on racecourse fine or 1 month Australia .. labourer 1865 5 8J fresh .. dark brown blue .. long 31/8/23 Scar on left forearm, on base of left thumb, and on right thumb and shoulder. F.P. alias Reynolds, HerGeorge bert Auckland S.C. 9/5/22 false pretenos (5 charges) 2 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand salesman and o o a o h - builder 1882 5 8£ sallow .. dark brown blue .. medium .. 4/9/23 Scar on left shin. F.P. Released on license. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 428, and Photographs, page 84.) Gisborne— Napier Philip, Broughton, Leslie Masterton M.C. 28/3/23 default of maintenance 2 months N. Zealand electrioian .. 1899 5 10 dark .. dark brown brown .. large 1/9/23 Scar on right shin; little fingers broken; mole on left cheek. F.P. Arrested, 2/7/23. Henry,Fink, M.C.Gisborne Napier 1/8/235/3/23 trespass on pretences month 1 months 6 Australia .N. labourer electrician 18651884 5 8£ 10J 5 fresh .fresh .. brown brown blue hazel . medium .. 4/9/23 1. p.c Slight build; scars on upper lip, on left knee, and on ball of right thumb. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 105. long 31/8/23 Scar on left forearm, on base of left thumb, and on right thumb and shoulder. F.P. Reynolds, Francis Martin Ayre, Napier S.C. 5/6/23 forgery sheep-stealing 3 months 3 months Australia .. auctioneer .. 1876 5 10 fresh .. brown, turning grey blue .. prominent 4/9/23 Stout build; warts under ohin; scar on left forefinger; prominent ears. F.P. — bert Napier Maste rton M.C. 28/3/23 default of maintenance 2 months N. Zealand electrioian.. 1899 5 10 dark .. dark brown brown.. large 1/9/23 Scar on right shin; little fingers broken; mole on left cheek. F.P. Arrested, 2/7/23. Broughton, Leslie Jack Fink, 5/3/23 false pretences 6 months N. Zealand electrician .. 1884 5 10J fresh .. brown hazel .. medium .. 4/9/23 1. p.c. Slight build; scars on upper lip, on left knee, and on ball of right thumb. F.P. Napier M.C. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 105. . Francis Martin .Ayre, 5/6/23 forgery sheep-stealing 3 months 3 months Australia .. auctioneer.. 1876 5 10 fresh .. brown, turning grey blue .. prominent 4/9/23 Stout build; warts under chin; scar on left forefinger; prominent ears. F.P. Napier S.C.


and of Prisoner. tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Kemarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) ' Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicateg that finger-impressions have been taken.) i• N corUinued. apier Scotland .. ft. in. blue medium .. 4 p.c. Scars on left side of back and on right thigh; indistinct marks on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 17.) Napier Kirk, Scotland .. ft. in. blue .. medium .. 4 p.c. Soars on left side of back and on right thigh; indistinct marks on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 17.) Kirk, Archibald 3 ohn . i ■6 M.C.Napier 7/3/23 languageobscene 6 fireman 1883 5 4| fresh brown 6/9/23 Wanganui JackJones, M.O.Marton 6/8/23 theft month 1 Denmark labourer 1875 5 dark . brown light blue sharp 5/9/23 and Woman, (See ; 1919, Wellington— alias alias James, Robinson gt Wei M.O. 4/8/23 theft month 1 N. labourer 1891 6 dark brown grey medium . 3/9/23 Heart, dot on (See 311.) Richard Smith, alias Wellington M.C. 8/8/23 default 1 month Zealand labourer 1890 5 fair fair grey medium . 31/8/23 left on (See page Wong Wong Richard Wellington M.C. 22/5/23 opium possession months or China interpreter 1859 5 dark . black small medium . 6/9/23 ; in right Police (See Thomas, alias Knight N. M.C. 7/8/23 false pretences 1 England .. labourer 1893 5 6 fresh .. dark brown brown .. pug 6/9/23 4 p.c. Dagger on right forearm; clasped hands and dagger on left forearm; ring on left middle finger ; indistinct tattooing on back of left hand ; heart and arrow on back of right hand. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 738.) Several p.c. Scar on tip of right thumb and on each side of chin. F.P. (See Police'Gazette, 1923, page 290.) 1 England .. labourer 1893 5 6 fresh . . dark brown brown .. pug 6/9/23 4 p.c. Dagger on right forearm; clasped hands and dagger on left forearm; ring on left middle finger; indistinct tattooing on back of left hand ; heart and arrow on back of right hand. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 738.) Several p.c. Scar on tip of right thumb and on each side of chin. F.P. (See Police'Gazette, 1923, page 290.) McNeill, Henry i M.O. 8/6/23 theft months 3 Ireland seaman 1885 9 fresh . fair blue medium 7/9/23 Phillip Palmerston N. M.C. 27/8/23 unlawfully using a bicycle 14 days England .. golf-club maker 1879 5 8 dark .. black brown .. medium .. 8/9/23 1 p.c. Heart, dagger, and cross on right forearm ; small blue dot on right little finger ; mole on right cheek. F.P. Point 1870 blue .. Palmerston N. M.C. 27/8/23 unlawfully using a bicycle 14 days England .. golf-club maker 1879 5 8 dark .. black brown .. medium .. 8/9/23 1 p.c. Heart, dagger, and cross on right forearm ; small blue dot on right little finger; mole on right cheek. F.P. JeanKelleher, Wellington S.C. 7/5/23 theft 4 months Ireland laundress .. 4 10 ruddy .. grey medium .. 6/9/23 Soar on abdomen. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 386.) Picton — 1885 Wellington S.C. 7/5/23 theft 4 months Ireland .. laundress .. 1870 4 10 ruddy .. grey blue .. medium .. 6/9/23 Soar on abdomen. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1923, page 386.) BernardMcKenna, Michael Paparua — BlenheimM.G. 26/7/23 14/2/23 disorderly to premises 1 14 Zealand labourer 5 5J dark .. black, turning grey. grey .. medium .. 28/8/23 Cross, heart, anchor, and B.M.K. on right arm; right middle finger injured; soar on right eyebrow. Arrested on second charge, 25/8/23. Portion of fine paid. 28/8/23. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 174, and Photographs, 1910, page 26.) 1885 5 5£ dark .. black, turning grey.. grey .. medium .. 28/8/23 Cross, heart, anchor, and B.M.K. on right arm; right middle finger injured; soar on right eyebrow. Arrested on second charge, 25/8/23. Portion of fine paid. 28/8/23. (See Police Gazette, 1918, page 174, and Photographs, page 26.) Edward Brown, Christchurch M.C. 29/8/23 damage days 7 Zealand N. clerk 1865 7 fresh . brown dark hazel medium 4/9/23 (See page 639.) Joseph . M.C.Dunedin 5/6/23 theft trespass months 1 N. labourer 1893 5 9* fresh brown blue . medium 4/9/23 ; (See page 628.) left wrist, p.o. on and forefinger, at graphed 80.) Robert Smith, William Christchurch M.C. 9/7/23 unlawfully a motor-car months Zealand N. labourer 1895 5 fresh dark brown . medium 8/9/23


1 j Where j When. Offence. Sentence. 1 | of Trade. Bom. Height Complexion. Hair. i |Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates ttyit finger-im-pressiom have been taken.) Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (.F.P. indicates ttyit finger-impressions have been taken.) continued. ft. in. Somerville Jones, Christchurch 27/8/23 assaulting police 14 days N. Zealand salesman .. 1883 ft. in. 5 8* dark .. brown brown.. medium... 8/9/23 3 p.c. Scar on left forefinger, on right palm, M.C. 27/8/23 assaulting police 14 days N. Zealand salesman .. 1883 00 lO dark .. brown brown .. medium .. 8/9/23 3 p.c. Scar on left forefinger, on right palm, on left ring-finger, and on left shin; strong build. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 721.) Scar on right wrist and on left forearm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 21/9/18. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 172.) mrercargill— Slade . Whitu M.C. Auckland Auckland S.C. 8/9/19 indecent refor-de-mative tention Maori labourer 1901 5 8 copper.. black brown .. broad 6/9/23 3 weeks Maori labourer 1901 5 8 copper.. black brown .. broad 6/9/23 on left ring-finger, and on left shin; strong build. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 721.) Scar on right wrist and on left forearm. F.P. Andrew S.C. Invercargill 16/8/23 default of maintenance N. Zealand engineer 1874 5 11 fresh .. grey, going bald brown grey .. medium .. 7/9/23 Photographed at Auckland, 21/9/18. (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 172.) Anohor on left forearm. Murray Invercargill M.C. 16/8/23 default of maintenance 3 weeks N. Zealand engineer 1874 5 11 fresh .. grey, going bald grey .. medium .. 7/9/23 Anohor on left forearm. Shirley, Dunedin M.C. 9/9/21 theft 2 years’ reformative detention N. Zealand labourer 1899 5 8 fresh .. brown grey .. medium .. 8/9/23 Two scars on right leg ; two right toes missing. F.P. Photographed at Dunedin, 7/9/21. M.C. M.C. theft .1 2 years’ reforN. Zealand labourer 1899 5 8 fresh .. grey .. medium .. 8/9/23 Two scars on right leg; two right toes missing. mative detention F.P. Photographed at Dunedin, 7/9/21. 9/9/21


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLVIII, Issue 37, 19 September 1923, Page 539

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLVIII, Issue 37, 19 September 1923, Page 539

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLVIII, Issue 37, 19 September 1923, Page 539