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INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES. 1. You are expected to be in your place before the time appointed for each paper, and on no account will you be allowed to enter the examination-room after the examination

has commenced. You must be prepared to remain in the room until you have finished the paper set for the morning or afternoon, as' the case may be, or until the time allowed for the paper has expired.

2. You must not consult any book or notes, or communicate in any way with any other candidate in the examination-room. The Supervisor has authority to order any candidate who disobeys this instruction to withdraw from the examination.

3. Write on only one side of the paper. Write your. examination number at the top of every sheet of your answers, YOUR NAME IS NOT TO BE WRITTEN THEREON. Do not Write OUt the questions, but put the number of the question before each answer. Leave a margin to each ; sheet and a clear space between one answer and another. You may write the answers in . any order, but the number of the question must be prefixed to its answer. * *, \ 4. Fasten together with the paper-fasteners provided for the purpose all the sheets containing your answers to any one paper, and on the back of the last. sheet write your examination number, the subject, and the number of sheets. Be careful not to omit any sheet of your answers. Do not fold the sheets.

5. When you have finished your answers to any one paper do not leave them on the table at which you have been sitting, but hand them to the Supervisor.


The examinations will be held in the order and at the times prescribed in the time-table, which will be supplied to each Supervisor and candidate.

The Supervisor shall be present during the entire examina' tion, and he is not to answer any inquiry or express any opinion as to the meaning of any questions in the examina-tion-papers. He will allot a seat to each candidate at eaoh sitting, and not allow any to choose his own. Pens, ink, ruled foolscap paper, blotting-paper, pins, and paper-fasteners will be supplied to each candidate at each sitting as he takes his seat in the examination-room. Candidates shall not be permitted to speak to each other or communicate with any person in the room except the Supervisor, and with that exception strict silence must be observed during the examination.

Any candidate detected in the examination-room in possession of any book or manuscript brought in for his assistance, or in copying from the papers of another candidate, or permitting his own papers to be copied, or in attempting to give or receive assistance of any description, will be disqualified; his examination will be discontinued, and the circumstances reported to the Commissioner. No candidate shall be permitted to leave the room during the hours of examination without finally giving up his papers, and any candidate arriving after the examination has commenced shall not be admitted.

Any candidate who may have finished his replies to the questions in his examination-paper before the expiry of the time allowed may deliver them to the; Supervisor and retire from the room.

The examination-papers will be sent in sealed packets to the Supervisor, who will keep them locked up under his own special care until he takes them to the examinationroom.

At the hour prescribed in the time-table for the commencement of the examination in each particular subjeot, the Supervisor will break the seal and open the packet containing the examination-papers in the presence of all the candidates sitting for that subject, and then distribute the sealed envelopes contained in the packet to the candidates to whom they are addressed.

Each candidate will be given an examination number» which he is to reoord plainly at the top of each sheet of paper handed in by him containing his replies to questions in the examination-paper. A candidate’s name must on no account appear on any paper or map handed in by him. At or before the hour prescribed for the closing of the examination in eaoh subjeot, each candidate will hand to the Supervisor the papers containing his replies to the questions in such subject. As he receives each set of papers the Supervisor, after satisfying himself that the candidate’s examination number is plainly inserted at the top .of each paper handed in, will place them in a large envelope prepared for that purpose. When all the candidates’ papers have been received, the Supervisor will secure and seal the envelope and cause it to be posted forthwith to the Commissioner, after first marking on the bottom left-hand corner the date and hour it left his hands to be posted.


fl o ■a .3 3 £ y-T $ (3 £ & 4-3 a CD a s £ o O « § g M W. d £ p o A , -p 0 M 1 PQ

TIME-TABLE. Examination qualifying for Rank of Sub-Inspector. Subject. Date. Hours. Evidence ... Prescribed Acts of Parliament Police Regulations ... Police and Detective duties Arithmetic... Geography English 1922. Tuesday, 26th Sept. ... Wednesday, 27th Sept. Thursday, 28th Sept. 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. 11.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Examination qualifying for Rank of Senior Sergeant. - . Subject. Date. Hours. Evidence ... Prescribed Acts of Parliament Police Regulations ... Police and Detective duties 922 1 Tuesday, 26th Sept. ... Wednesday, 27th Sept. 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Examination qualifying for Rank of Sergeant. Subject. Date. Hours. Elementary evidence Prescribed Acts of Parliament Police Regulations Police and Detective duties Arithmetic ... Geography . t . English 1922. Tuesday, 26th Sept. ... Wednesday, 27th Sept. Thursday, 28th Sept. 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. 11.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Name Where j When. Oflence. j Sentence. Native of 1 Trade. | Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. i Offenoe. Sentence. Native of 1 Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. ; Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, & c. . Charlotte Harris, Auckland 4/8/22 drunkenness . convicted and England .. prostitute .. 1876 ft. in. 5 4 fresh .. brown .. brown .. medium .. Slight build. (See Polioe Gazette, 1912, page CO convicted and England .. prostitute .. 1876 ft 5 in. 4 fresh .. brown • brown.. medium .. Slight build. (See Police Gazette, 1912, page indecent . discharged fined £5 388.) * ■ 388.) Small mole on left side of neck and on right Wong Auckland 4/8/22 Keeping gaming-house • . fined £50 China storekeeper 1872 5 6 copper.. black hazel .. fiat , . Auckland 4/8/22 Keeping gaming-house . . fined £50 China storekeeper 1872 5 6 copper.. black hazel .. flat Small mole on left side of neck and on right ° fr'f, ,BoriS| Marie (See 1917, page 518.) Auckland 4/8/22 breach of the peace to oome up if N. Zealand domestic .. 1879 5 3 sallow .. brown blue small See Police Gazette, 1922, page 217. called on Marie Boras* Thomas John Catlow, Auckland Auckland 4/8/22. 4/8/22 breach the peace assault .. ... if come up fined £5 Zealand England domestio . labourer 1879 1874 5 5 3 7 sallow fair brown , fair blue . blue small large See Police Gazette, 1922, page 217. * called on Thomas John Catlow, Rowland Mullins, . . Auckland Auckland 4/8/22 7/8/22 assault ..: drunkenness •• ## fined andconvicted England . Zealand labourer gardener 1874 1878 5 5 7 7 fair . fresh . fair brown blue . blue medium .. Right little finger has been broken. large wilful damage discharged to pay damage Rowland Mullins, ArthurMullins, Auckland Auckland 7/8/22 7/8/22 drunkenness . drunkenness convicted and N. Zealand gardener .. 1878 5 7 fresh .. brown .. blue medium .. Right little finger has been broken. . . convicted and N. Zealand gardener .. 1897 5 6 fresh .. dark blue .. medium .. Union Jack, clasped hands, and rising sun on damage damage discharged discharged damage pay damage to pay left forearm. gardener .. Arthur Mullins, Collins, . Auckland Auckland 7/8/22 7/8/22 drunkenness obscene language fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1876 6 0 fresh .. auburn blue .. medium .. Strong build. . . convicted and N. Zealand 1897 5 6 fresh .. dark blue .. medium .. Union Jack, clasped hands, and rising sun on wilful damage discharged damage left forearm. ‘ - v Thomas. Collins, , Harry Mahon, . Auckland Auckland 7/8/22 9/8/22 obscene language drunkenness •• # fined fined £1 Zealand Zealand N. labourer labourer 1876 1877 6 5 0 5 fresh . fresh auburn dark, turning blue blue medium . broken build. Strong build. Strong wilful damage to pay damage slaughterm’n -1 grey Mahon, Bishop, Bishop, Auckland Auckland 9/8/22 9/8/22 drunkenness assault fined £3 N. Zealand 1900 5 6 fair brown grey .. medium .. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 88, and .. fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 5 fresh .. dark, turning blue broken .. Strong build. wilful damage . . to pay damage slaughterm’n grey *"■ • ' , Stephen, Photographs, page 29.) Auckland 9/8/22 assault • . fined £3 N. Zealand 1900 5 6' fair brown grey .: medium .. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 88, and Alexander , Moor, Henry ( ■ ■ ■ : " Photographs, page 29.) Patrick,' Moor, Auckland 10/8/22 false (4 convicted America labourer 1890 5 84 pale black brown medium . cheek, on Peter, charges) discharged - left foot. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page alias Meroer, Paul, charges) receiving discharged convicted - left foot. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page .■ 282.) Paul,, alias Muir, alias Charles James, Henry receiving stolen property convicted and . 282.) Muir, Williamson, Adolphus charges) (2 discharged » Henry Charles James, alias Williamson, Adolphus Charles . Henry Auckland . ] 10/8/22 receiving stolen property convicted and N. Zealand commission 1892 5 9 fresh ., brown grey .. sharp Soar on right side of forehead; two moles on (16 charges) i : discharged agent left side of neok. (See Police Gazette, 1922, i. : ; . page 310.) . . Auckland 10/8/22 receiving stolen property convicted and N. Zealand commission 1892 5 9 fresh .. brown grey .. sharp Scar on right side of forehead ; two moles on (16 charges) discharged agent vaudeville left side of neck. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 310.) Frederick Auckland . 9/8/22 f o r t un e-telling (2 fined £5 on America .. vaudeville 1887 5 10 sallow .. light brown grey,medium .. Slight build ; prominent lips. charges) each artist s small . Thomas Timmins, Percy Auckland Aroha Te . 9/8/22 7/8/22 telling t e- o false pretences (2 . , fined and £2 America . Zealand 1887 5 10 sallow .. light brown grey, small medium .. Slight build ; prominent lips. labourer and 1893 5 9 dark .. black dark br. medium .. Soar on right eyebrow. (See Police Gazette, to make restitution painter : 1922, page 134.) charges) each artist Timmins, Percy 1 ■ , Te Aroha 7/8/22 false pretences fined £2 and N. Zealand labourer and 1893 5 9 dark .. black dark br. medium .. Scar on right eyebrow. (See Police Gazette, to make restitution painter 1922, page 134.) Sims, Ryan, Morrinsville.. 15/6/22 false pretences • ' . , oonvicted and N. Zealand bushman .. 1895 6 0 sallow.. dark brown blue .. medium .. See Polioe Gazette, 1922, page 394, and PhotoSims, Morrinsville.. 15/6/22 false pretences . , convicted and N. Zealand bushman .. 1895 6 0 sallow .. dark brown blue medium .. See Polioe Gazette, 1922, page 394, and PhotoParker to graphs, 1921, page 57. titution graphs, 1921, page 57. l * - • : Jeremiah, O’Rielly, titution Jeremiah, aliasO’Rielly, Morrinsville. 1/7/22 incorrigible j , if Ireland seaman 1868 5 8 fresh . grey grey medium . 1919, page Kane, called on 1 called on Skelly, Morrinsville.. 4/7/22 theft : .. j ■ • . fined £3 ,. N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 11 fresh .. brown, turngrey .. medium i. • ... • • : _ : : mg grey : • . Morrinsville.. 4/7/22 theft • . fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 11 fresh .. brown, turngrey .. medium mg grey William Manson, Morrinsville.. 17/7/22 disorderly andconvicted Zealand labourer 1893 5 7 sallow . brown blue medium discharged ✓ ‘ discharged : S ; ■ • . f , Thomas . 1Morrinsville 15/6/22 ammunition fined England . grocer 1866 5 6 sallow grey blue medium a • • • ’ ! 1 license ■ >J license ;• /j : • ~ x V.,., . ' 1

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol

of Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born. : ! Height. Complexion. Hate. *Eyes. Nose. Marks, Simons, Morrinsville. 15/6/22 selling fined England grocer 1870 ft/in. 5 ‘8 sallow .. fair blue medium ft 5 Jin. ‘8 sallow .. fair blue .. medium dealer’s license Maori Thomas . Morrinsville. 15/6/22 possession in fined labourer 1875 5 6 copper.. blaok brown .. medium Maori labourer 1875 5 6 copper.. blaok brown .. medium registered firearm Joseph a, . registered firearm Morrinsville 15/6/22 in of an fined £1 Maori labourer 1860 5 7 copper. black brown medium registered Walter Watana, Morrinsville 15/6/22 in possession fined Maori labourer 1890 6 0 copper.. black brown medium registered firearm Wheki Morrinsville.. 15/6/22 an fined Maori labourer 1880 5 6 copper.. blaok brown . medium registered Puna ... Morrinsville.. 15/6/22 an possession fined £1 Maori labourer 1870 5 8 copper. blaok brown. medium registered firearm Tewhenua .. Morrinsville 15/6/22 of fined Maori labourer 1895 5 4 copper. black brown . medium firearm - j ■ :?> ■■■<. ■: Walter Strevens, Morrinsville. 15/6/22 of possession to pay . Zealand draper 1867 5 6 fresh fair blue medium ■ . t . firearm registered * 1 ■ '• ; ' ' v- : V. L‘ Walter Byrne, Gisborne 7/8/22 theft fined £5 N. labourer 1895 5 8 dark brown brown medium lip upper 11/8/22 theft charges) fined on Paul McColl, Gisborne 11/8/22 assault . and N. farmer 1872 6 1 fresh grey, blue medium ; Strong discharged bald Thomas Atkinson, Gisborne 11/8/22 theft industrial to Zealand schoolboy 1912 4 0 fresh . brown brown medium ' ; ■ school Peter Gisborne 7/8/22, theft fined Denmark labourer 1886 5 9 dark brown brown . medium ; and palm on left forearm; two doves and TRUE LOVE on right arm. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 554.) 4 and palm on left forearm; two doves and TRUE LOVE on right arm. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 554.) Alice Lewer, Hawera 10/8/22 possession an fined Zealand 1877 5 4 fresh .. brown brown .. medium .. Scar on throat. . . 1877 5 4 fresh .. brown brown .. medium .. Scar on throat. : , firearm. registered firearm fiscated •' •' • - ' ' ' • - Frederick Napier 7/8/22 language and Zealand N. schoolboy 1907 4 10 fair fair hazel . flat discharged Te . Whaioranga Hastings 9/8/22 theft convicted and Maori labourer 1915 5 8 copper.. black brown .. medium .. Good teeth. • discharged small 1 * theft convicted and Maori labourer 1915 5 8 copper.. black brown .. medium .. Good teeth. . • discharged Jackson, . . Dannevirke . 31/7/22 rogue vagabond (ilfined £7 Zealand motor 1896 5 5 fresh brown light blue See Police Gazette, 1920, page 539. small See Police Gazette, 1920, page 539. legally premises) mechanic medium .. Andrew Dannevirke 31/7/22: (il- vagabond N. Zealand motor 1895 5 3 fresh .. light brown It. grey medium . . Strong build. fined £10 N.“ Zealand motor 1895 5 3 fresh .. light brown It. grey Strong build. premises) on mechanic medium .. ■*\ medium .. Lawrence McIntosh, Dannevirke.. 31/7/22 and vagabond fined N. contractor 1885 5 8 fresh auburn brown stooped. legally premises) assault fined £2 See Police Gazette, 19l2, page 623. i IsabelWalker, Dannevirke . 12/8/22 theft fined £5 Ireland 1862 5 3 fresh .. dark blue .. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1912, page 623. •• 1862 5 3 fresh .. dark blue .. medium .. Sims, Palmerston N. 7/8/22 j theft if England . tailor 1862 5 fair grey hazel .. medium .. FRANCE, French flags,. 1916, N.Z.E.F., 10/3738, heart, and CAIRO on right forearm; 4* fair grey hazel .. medium .. PRANCE, French flags, 1916, N.Z.E.F., called and ; right L. SIMS, WELLINGTON, SIMS on SIMS on left forearm. Thome, Daisy Palmerston N. 7/8/22 theft to come up if N. Zealand domestic .. 1896 5 6 fresh .. light brown blue medium .. Middle finger of right hand stiff. , , Palmerston N. 7/8/22 theft to come up if N. Zealand domestic .. 1896 5 6 fresh .. light brown blue medium .. Middle finger of right hand stiff. called on called on ■ %-J ' ">.■ ■ ■ ••

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

■ " 1 •40 | Com-. [ plexion. j t j [ — _ 1 a & Complexion. j Name Where When. j. Sentence. Native Trade. '3 W Hair. Eyes. Nose. 1 Distinguishing Marks, &o. .. . . •. - i Trade. l *3 M Hair. - j ; :'Eyes.: j i t ’ • . .Distinguishing Marks," ifco. Armstrong, N.Palmerston 7/8/22 charge in motor-car fined Zealand draper 1882 in. 8 t 1 vi fair brown blue .. medium Scar on right knee, on right shin, and on i brown V., blue V. medium*' i i i s ji;' '• l ' n ■ 1; ; ' * •••; . ; - ■ Ujr 1 11 Kite, N.Palmerston 10/8/22 damage fined Zealand labourer 1857 5 i sallow*.*.; grey brown . medium . and shin, right knee, right abdomen. i •! abdomen. HectorShanks, Otaki 31/7/22 theft (4 charges) convicted and N. Zealand; labourer 1905 5 8 fair ..’ brown blue medium .. Scar on bridge of nose. discharged on each "1 BemSkt, Charles .. Otaki 31/7/22 theft (4 charges) convicted and discharged on each convicted and N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 8 fair "l brown blue medium .. Scar on bridge of nose. Otaki 81/7/22 theft (4 charges) N. Zealand labourer 1906 5 10 fresh .. dark brown blue aquiline .. Scar on right thigh ; strong build. discharged on each •*'- ■ Ron go Palmerston N. 1/8/22 theft (2 charges) 2 years’ probation convicted and N. Zealand labourer 1903 5 7 copper.. black brown,.. fiat A half-caste Maori. Charles Bemgydh MorrisWelsh, Otaki Otaki 31/7/22 7/8/22 theft charges) (4 drunkenness . Canada labourer 1892 5 9 fresh .. black blue medium .. Slight build. convicted and N.; Zealand labourer 1906 5 10 fresh .. dark brown blue .. aquiline .. Scar on right thigh; strong build. discharged on each . j indecent language discharged fined £2 Tip of right forefinger injured ; scar on left Kongo GeorgeKeenan, Palmerston Wellington 1/8/22 7/8/22 charges) (2 drunkenness proba- £1fined N. Zealand labourer 1892 5 5 fresh .. brown blue .. thick tion convicted and N. Zealand labourer 1903 5 7 copper.. black brown,.. fiat A half-caste Maori. resisting police fined £2 cheek. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 42.) Welsh, . George . Wellington .. 7/8/22 drunkenness .. fined 5s. N. Zealand clerk 1882 5 10 fair fair, curly .. blue .. medium .. Strong build. betting with bookmaker fined £5 purchasing pakapoo fined £5 tioket Otaki 7/8/22 drunkenness .. Canada labourer 1892 5 9 fresh .. black blue medium .. Slight build. .. , . ;■ James, May, indeoent language discharged fined £2 - ' •; j Tip of right forefinger injured; scar on left Wellington .. 7/8/22 theft to come up if Australia .. domestic .. 1892 5 3 fair dark brown brown .. medium .. Small scar on right temple. F.P. PhotoGeorge Rivers called on graphed at Wellington, 7/8/22. Wellington .. 7/8/22 drunkenness .. fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1892 5 5 fresh .. brown blue .. thick resisting police :.. fined £2 • cheek. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 42.) McLennan, . George George . Wellington Wellington 7/8/22 9/8/22 drunkenness gaming keeping common fined fined Zealand Zealand carpenter .. 1889 5 6i fresh .. brown blue .. medium clerk 1882 5 10 fair fair, curly .. blue .. medium .. Strong build. bookmaker betting house fined £5 i. . . 5 purchasing pakapoo fined £5 , ■ tioket r •: aliasJames, May, King, Wellington Wellington 7/8/22 12/8/22 *theft . of peace if up fined Australia .. Zealand N. domestic . shunter 1892 1902 5 5 3 8£ fresh .. brown brown .. medium fair dark brown brown .. medium .. Small scar on right temple. F.P. PhotoDillon, Allan Joseph Wellington .. 12/8/22 breach of the peaoe fined £1 N. Zealand storeman .. 1903 5 10 fresh .. black grey .. medium .. Birth-mark on left upper arm and on left calf. Rivers Edward Casey, called on medium graphed at Wellington, 7/8/22. Wellington .. 11/8/22 indecent act .. to come up if Ireland labourer 1884 5 10 dark .. dark, turning grey .. Strong build : scar on back of head. called on grey George DavidJacobs, Wellington Westport 9/8/22 8/8/22 gaming common keeping theft fined if up Zealand N. Poland carpenter shopkeeper 1889 1853 5 5 6£ 5 fresh . fair grey, going brown bald blue . brown Stout build. called on house . ' * * " . , u . King, William Boyd Wellington Christchurch 12/8/22 7/8/22 breach peace breach peace fined fined Zealand Zealand N. shunter porter 1902 1899 5 5 8£ H fresh fair brown fair brown. blue medium medium Dillon, Joseph JohnBaker, Wellington Christchurch 12/8/22 7/8/22 breach . peaoe the peace fined £1 fined Zealand Zealand storeman . labourer 1903 1902 5 5 10 8 fresh . fresh dark brown brown.. medium blaok grey •• medium .. Birth-mark on left upper arm and on left calf. Edward Casey, . Hugh .MoMurray, Wellington . Chris 11/8/22 7/8/22 indecent the peace if up fined Ireland Ireland labourer laboure 1884 1882 5 6 10 0 dark . fresh . dark, turning grey grey blue . . Strong build: scar on back of head. medium called on grey drunkenness .. fined 10s. DavidJacobs, Frederick Hancock, Westport Christchurch 8/8/22 7/8/22 theft . offensive casting if up fined £2 Poland Zealand N. shopkeeper labourer 1853 1889 5 5 5 6 dark .. black grey, prolarge Lame on left leg. fair grey, going bald brown .. . • Stout build. oalled on drunkenness .. fined 10s. minent Boyd Anderson, Christchurch Christchurch 7/8/22 8/8/22 the of breach peace charge while £1fined fined £1 Zealand Zealand porter upholsterer 1899 1894 5 5 H 5 fresh .. brown blue .. medium fair fair blue .. medium of a vehicle John Baker, NellieO’Brien, Cbristohurch Christchurch 7/8/22 10/8/22 the peace drunkenness .. fined £1 fined Zealand Ireland labourer domestio :. 1902 1874 5 5 8 3 fresh . fresh . dark brown dark brown brown . medium medium Hugh . Hugh Christchurch Lyttelton casting offensive matter cruelty to a horse fined 10s. fined £3 Scotland ., coal1896 5 7 fair fair blue .. medium 7/8/22 2/8/22 merchant breach of the peace fined £1 Ireland .. laboure 1882 6 0 fresh .. grey blue .. medium drunkenness .. .. fined 10s. Lame on left leg. Frederick Hancock, Richard .McEvoy, Christchurch Greymouth . 7/8/22 1/8/22 offensive casting indecent fined £2 fined Zealand N. Ireland labourer fireman 1889 1890 5 5 6 10 dark fresh . dark brown blue '.. medium .. Right eye artificial; woman on right forearm ; American flag on left shoulder. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 46.) grey, prolarge blaok fined 10s. minent drunkenness i. Christchurch 8/8/22 drunk while in charge fined £1 N. Zealand upholsterer 1894 5 5 fresh .. brown blue .. medium of a vehicle Anderson, . NellieO’Brien, 10/8/22 drunkenness .. fined £1 Ireland domestic :. 1874 5 3 fresh ;. dark brown.. medium casting offensive matter fined 10s. Christchurch Lyttelton 2/8/22 cruelty to a horse fined £8 Scotland ... coal1896 5 7' fair fair blue .. medium . “ \ ' merchant Hugh Richard .McEvoy, 1/8/22 indecent act .. fined £5 .. Ireland .. fireman 1890 5 10 fresh ’ .. dark brown - blue '.. medium... Right eye artificial; woman on right forearm; .. ; ■ - American flag on left shoulder. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 46.) Grevmouth ..

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

f . Name Offender. i | Where tri«d. 1 | When. 1 Offence. Sentence. Native of I Trade. Born. Height | Complexion. 1 Hair. Eyes. Nose. 1 Distinguishing Marks. J: * • * i ClaraKennedy, Where Greymouth .. When.31/7/22 Offence. j Sentence. Native of | Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Noae. j Distinguishing Marks, *o. theft convicted, disN. Zealand domestic .. 1899 ft. in. 5 3 fresh .. brown brown .. medium .. Round face. 1 Clara .. Kennedy, Hannan, Patrick, Greymouth ..Greymouth .. 31/7/223/8/22 rogue and vagabond .. charged, and prohibited convicted and Australia .. miner 1885 5 10 fair brown hazel .. broken .. Scar on left forearm and on left middle finger ; theft convicted, discharged, and prohibited N. Zealand domestic •• 1899 ft. in. 5 3 fresh .. brown brown .. medium .. Round faoe. Hannan, alias Patrick, nan j,Davey, Greymouth ..Greymouth . 3/8/223/8/22 vagabond rogue vagabond . convicted discharged discharged. convicted Australia .. Zealand minerlabourer 1891 5 10 fresh .. light brown brown .. medium good teeth. (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 279, and 1922, page 257.) * ’ 1885 5 10 fair brown hazel .. broken .. Scar on left forearm and on left middle finger ; good teeth. (See Police Gazette, 1916, page 279, and 1922, page 257.) !Davey, George Greymouth .Greymouth . 3/8/223/8/22 vagabond rogue and . vagabond convicted anddischarged dischargedconvicted and Zealand Zealand labourerlabourer 1883 5 10f fresh .. grey brown .. medium .. Indian’s head on back of right hand ; tiger’s •• 1891 5 10 fresh .. light brown brown .. medium Fitzpatriok, George Naismith, Alexander Ewing Greymouth .Temuka 3/8/228/8/22 vagabond delivering of oonvicted anddischarged discharged fined 5s, Zealand Zealand labourerlabourer 1902 5 9 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium head on chest; heart and bar on left forearm ; scar on left foot. •• 1883 5 lOf fresh .. grey brown .. medium .. Indian’s head on back of right hand ; tiger’s head on chest; heart and bar on left forearm; scar on loft foot. Naismith, Ewing CharlesDougherty, TemukaTemuka 8/8/228/8/22 firearm perfirearm perprocuring possession of fined os, N. Zealand labourer 1905 5 9 sallow .. light brown grey • • medium .. See Police Gazette, 1922, page 199. firearm without permitmit N Zealand labourer % * 1902 5 9 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium fined 5s, i f Temuka 8/8/22 procuring possession of firearm without permit fined 5s, ,, N. Zealand labourer • • 1905 5 9 sallow .. light brown grey •. medium .. See Police Gazette, 1922, page 199. Dougherty, Charles ;

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. d * Eyes. Nose. | Sentence. Native of Trade. d 5 Hair, Eyes. Nose. Gao!, Name j When. 0 w *3 Pi plexion. Hair. charged. (F.P. indicate n that finger-impressions havebeentaken.) Offence. o PQ Pd plexion. charged. (F.P. indicate,-! that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland ft. in. ft in. King* Auckland 8/2/22 idle and disorderly and 6 months Australia .. miner 1894 5 6 fresh .. brown brown .. pointed .. 7/8/22 Scar on bridge of nose. F.P. ' (See Police S.O. in possession of counGazette, 1922, page 131, and Photographs, terfeit coins with inpage 34.) v tent to utter AT;., alias John, Carmody, A Auckland 8/5/22 rogue and vagabond in3 months N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 Hi fresh .. brown, turnblue pointed .. 7/8/22 Slight build; scroll, heart, clasped hands, and and 8/2/22 idle and disorderly and 6 months Australia .. miner 1894 5 6 fresh .. brown brown .. pointed .. 7/8/22 Scar on bridge of nose. F.P. (See Police S.G. in possession of counGazette, 1922, page 131, and Photographs, terfeit coins with intent to utter page 34.) alias John, Carmody, Thomas Carmody, Auckland 8/5/22 rogue and vagabond in3 months N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 11* fresh .. browm, turnblue pointed .. 7/8/22 Slight build; scroll, heart, clasped hands, and Thomas Carmody, Grey George . M.G. sufficient means) ing grey flowers on right forearm; scroll, heart, and clasped hands on left forearm. P.P. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 226, and Photographs, page 50.) ADVANCE AUSTRALIA and G.G.P. on right A neklaiid 9/5/22 assault 3 months N. Zealand journalist .. 1880 5 94 fresh .. grey dk. blue large 8/8/22 S.G. forearm; British coat-of-arms on left forearm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 22/5/22. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 428.) George . Grey George M.C. Auckland sufficient means) ing grey flowers on right forearm; scroll, heart, and clasped hands on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 226, and Photographs, page 50.) ADVANCE AUSTRALIA and G.G.F. on right 2/8/22 drunk and disorderly .. fine or 7 days Ireland fireman 1898 5 8 fresh .. light brown It. blue medium .. 8/8/22 Woman’s figure; tombstone, and IN MEMORY OF MY DEAR MOTHER on right forearm. F.P. Scar on right side of head. F.P. (See Police d M.G. resisting police fine or 7 days 9/5/22 assault 3 months N. Zealand journalist .. 1880 5 9i fresh .. grey dk. blue large 8/8/22 S.G. forearm; British coat-of-arms on left forearm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 22/5/22. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 428.) Woman’s figure; tombstone, and IN MEMORY GeorgeSheridan, Prank .Evans, Auckland Auckland 2/8/22 10/5/22 disorderly . disorderly days 7 months 3 Ireland England . fireman gardener 1898 1859 5 5 8 6 fresh . fresh . light brown It. blue medium .. 8/8/22 white blue long 9/8/22 M.C. M.C. Gazette, 1922, page 134.) resisting police fine or 7 days OF MY DEAR MOTHER on right forearm. F.P. Scar on right side of head. F.P. (See Police Frank Evans, ., Price, Auckland Auckland 10/5/22 10/5/22 disorderly vagabond and .rogue 3 months England . . England .. gardener . steward 1859 1860 5 5 6 54 fresh . fresh . white grey blue br.-grey long medium . 9/8/22 9/8/22• Scar on nose and on right thumb. PhotoM.C. M.C. Gazette, 134.) Police (See Gazette, 1922, page 173.) Price, . Richard Smith, . Auckland H.M.S. 10/5/22 13/7/22 vagabond . ordersdisobeying months days England .. Zealand steward stoker 1860 1901 5 5 54 74 fresh . fresh . grey brown br.-grey blue medium medium 9/8/22 9/8/22 thumb. on right LOVE finger on ; M.C. Chatham (See of one finger. Gazette, 1922, page 173.) Richard Smith, . John . Henry H.M.S. S.[ M. 13/7/22 13/7/22; disobeying orders 28 days N. Zealand stoker 1901 5 74 fresh .. dark brown blue medium .. 9/8/22 TRUE on back of one right finger ; LOVE on i disobeying orders 28 days : England .. seaman 1888 5 94 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium .. 9/8/22 Scar on right jaw; scar on forehead ; clasped Chatham Chatham back of one left linger. F.P. , • hands on right wrist; scar on tip of right j A u c k 1 a n d 1 . ■ k. ... .. ring-finger. F.P. John Henry Edward Gallagher 13/5/22 idle and disorderly { • •- . V 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1879 5 74 fresh .. grey grey .. medium .. 12/8/22 Cross on right upper arm; American flag and 1876 on right forearm ; butterfly on left foreH. M. |M.G. t • 13/7/22 disobeying orders 28 days England .. seaman 1888 5 94 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium .. 9/8/22 Scar on right jaw; scar on forehead; clasped ... ] ; _ arm. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 252.) “ Chath tarn ” hands on right wrist; scar on tip of right Edward Gallagher “George; Mack,' ring-finger. F.P, k lja k n 13/7/22 idle and disorderly (con1 month England .. fireman 1874 5 94 fresh .. dark brown.. hazel .. large ; 12/8/22 Stout build:; POLLY on right forearm; crossed uid 13/5/22 idle and disorderly 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1879 5 74 fresh .. grey grey .. medium .. 12/8/22 Gross on right upper arm; American flag and Mack, George, alias' M.C. 1876 on right forearm ; butterfly on left forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 252.) A u o k 1 and 13/7/22 idle and disorderly (con1 month England .. fireman 1874 5 94 fresh .. dark brown.. hazel . . large 12/8/22 Stout build ; POLLY on right forearm; crossed flags and Maltese cross on left forearm. Stokes M.G. i sorting) flags and Maltese cross on left forearm. p : Photographed at Auckland, 14/11/17. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 537.) ■ i 48 hours Photographed at Auckland, 14/11/17. „ (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 537.) Baker, . k u 10/8/22 drunk and dis rderly .. N. Zealand fireman 1887 5 64 fresh .. light brown brown .. medium .. 12/8/22 Harp and ERIN on right upper arm ; woman’s and 10/8/22 drunk and dis rderly .. 48 hours N. Zealand fireman 1887 5 6i fresh .. light brown brown .. medium .. 12/8/22 Harp and ERIN on right upper arm ; woman’s iM.G, forearm ; two Union Jacks on left forearm. F.P, Rai Tangawai.. KfiilrnKh M.C. 24/6/22 theft fine or 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1903 4 copper.. black brown .. flat 9/8/22 Burn-sear on left forearm. F.P, Arrested, Taumarunui 10/7/22. Photographed at Auckland, 24/7/22. Broadfoot, Hugh 31/7/22 drunk and disorderly .. 48 hours England .. fireman 1872 5 2 fresh .. black, turnbrown .. medium .. 12/8/22 Woman’s head in wreath and I.B. on right M.C., idle and disorderly 14 days ing grey forearm. F.P. .Simpson, Arthur A u c k 1 M.C. A u c k 1 and 13/7/22 theft 1 month N. Zealand clerk 1894 5 74 fresh .. fair blue .. short „ 12/8/22 Scar under chin. F.P. &artland, Thomas and 31/7/22 assault 14 days England .. labourer 1884 5 34 fresh .. brown, turnblue large 12/8/22 Wreath of roses and two birds on chest; snake M.C. ing grey and eagle on left upper arm ; harp and ERIN-GO-BRAGH on left wrist; snake and eagle on right forearm. F.P. ; two Union Jacks on left forearm. F.P. 1/ Rai . Tangawai 24/6/22 theft fine or 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1903 5 4 black brown .. flat 9/8/22 ... • :s. 10/7/22. Photographed at Auckland, 24/7/22. fj _ 6 Taumarunui 31/7/22 drunk and disorderly .. 48 hours England 4 .. fireman 1872 5 2 fresh .. black, turnbrown .. medium .. 12/8/22 Woman’s head in wreath and I.B. on right Hugh f idle and disorderly 14 days ing grey i:• forearm. F.P. M.C., , A u o k 1 a n d . M,0. ■ • Auckland 13/7/22 theft 1 month N. Zealand clerk 1894 5 74 fresh .. fair blue .. short 12/8/22 Soar under chin. F.P. Arthur;,Simpson, >&artland, Thomas assault 14 days England .. labourer 1884 5 34 fresh .. brown, turnblue large 12/8/22 Wreath of roses and two birds on chest; snake 31/7/22 ; • ing grey and eagle on left upper arm ; harp and ERIN- ; M.C. - - ij... . • . ■ GO-BRAGH on left wrist; snake and eagle -on right forearm. F.P. — 1


• ;■■■* 1 Name Gaol, j Where tried. When | Offence. Sentence. ■ j Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When charged. Remarks, Convictions. indicates haveheentaken.) Auckland— in. William Auckland 13/1/22 without selling fine 7 England painter 1880 5 8 fresh . light blue long 12/8/22 ; Japanese woman, snake, eagle, braoelet, and lion’s head on right forearm; butterfly, M.C. protecting it from dust and flies A u o k 1 a n d 14/2/22 forgery and uttering and 6 months tiger’s head, Indian’s head, eagle, and snake S.C. false pretences (2 on left forearm. F.P. (See Police <■ ■ ■■ Gisborne charges) Gazette, 1922, page 195, and Photographs, page 37.) M.C. protecting it from dust and flies Japanese woman, snake, eagle, bracelet, and lion’s head on right forearm; butterfly, Auokland 14/2/22 forgery and uttering and 6 months tiger’s head, Indian’s head, eagle, and snake S.C. false pretences (2 on left forearm. F.P. (See Police Gisborne RobertSmith, ; charges) Gazette, 1922, page 195, and Photographs, page 37.) RobertSmith, New Plymouth Gisborne M.C. 29/7/22 assault 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1898 5 84 dark .. black brown .. wide 4/8/22 Strong build ; two boil-scars near left eyebrow f artillery badge and shield on right arm. i New Plymouth— Gisborne M.O. Plymouth 14/2/22 theft 6 months Maori labourer 1896 5 9| dark .. black brown .. long 12/8/22 1 p.c. Right middle toe missing; scar on left : '• 29/7/22 assault 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1898 5 8* dark .. black brown .. wide 4/8/22 Strong build ; two boil-scars(near left eyebrow ; artillery badge and shield on right arm. | S.C. arm; tombstone, IN MEMORY OF MY DEAR SISTER, MATANGIHAU, and angel Elers ..Rangi Napier— on right forearm ; scar on right side of abdomen. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 402.) N. Plymouth 14/2/22 theft 6 months Maori labourer 1896 5 . 9f dark ... black brown .. long 12/8/22 1 p.c. Right middle toe missing; scar on left S.O. • ■ i arm; tombstone, IN MEMORY OF MY DEAR SISTER, MAT AN GIHAU, and angel MoDonald, John Thomas Wairoa M.C. 8/5/22 theft 3 months Tasmania.. slaugh t e r1881 5 8 fair brown It. blue medium .. 7/8/22 Two scars on left leg; three soars on right man and wrist and on tip of right little finger; left shearer little'finger has been poisoned. F.P. Napier— Wanganui | 1 on right forearm ; scar on right side of abdomen. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 402.) Hastings M.C. ThomasMcDonald, Lionel Edward.. Mosen, 2/8/22 losing military uniform costs or 28 N. Zealand labourer 1901 5 54 fresh .. light brown blue medium ,. 7/8/22 Scar on right knee ; broad, pimply face ; thick Wairoa M.G. 8/5/22 theft 3 months Tasmania.. slaughter1881 5 8 fair brown It. blue medium .. 7/8/22 Two scars on left leg; three scars on right wrist and on tip of right little fiDger; left man and Wanganui Frederick, Wilson, shearer little(finger has been poisoned. F.P. Hastings Feilding days lips. F.P. Arrested, 7/8/22. Costs paid. 28/7/22 indecent act .. 14 days Tasmania.. labourer 1870 5 6i fresh .. light brown grey .. broad 10/8/22 2 p.c. F.W., heart, and wreath on right arm ; Lionel Edward.. Mosen, Whitehouse woman, wreath, flowers, and crossed flags on 2/8/22 losing military uniform costs or 28 N. Zealand labourer 1901 5 fresh .. light brown blue medium .. 7/8/22 Scar on right knee ; broad, pimply face ; thick alias Frederick, Whelan, left arm; bracelet on left wrist. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 750.) Feilding M.C. M.C.Taihape days lips.pF.P. Arrested, 7/8/22. Costs paid. 28/7/2212/5/22 indecent .theft days 14 months Tasmania.Ireland labourerlabourer 18701873 55 61 n fresh .swarthy light brown dark brown grey .blue broadmedium . 10/8/2212/8/22 wreath right ; diamond wrist and p.c. woman, wreath, flowers, and crossed flags on left arm; bracelet on left wrist. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 750.) 3 p.o. Anchor and diamond on left wrist and on Whitehouse Tako— drunkenness .. 48 hours back of left hand ; rings on left ring and left middle fingers; harp and shamrock on right arm. F,P, (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 55.) SimonWhelan, George Taibape Auckland 12/5/225/10/21 theftbigamy months 1 year Iceland England labourerlabourer 18731891 55 n H swarthysallow . . dark brown brown light hazel .. long 10/8/22 Right middle finger contracted and paralysed; blue medium .. 12/8/22 drunkenness .. 48 hours back of left hand ; rings on left ring and left middle fingers; harp and shamrock on right arm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page Tako— Wellington — ; « I i 55.) S.C. ' scar on left wrist, on right side of head, on left side of chin, and on left groin. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 6/9/21. Released on license. George Arthur Holmes, Heneage AuoklandPalmerston 5/10/2110/5/22 theft (2 charges) 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1903 5 14 dark .-. dark brown grey .. small 9/8/22 2 p.c. Scar on left side. F.P. Photographed bigamy 1 year England .. labourer 1891 5 3i sallow .. light brown hazel .. long 10/8/22 Right'middle finger contracted and paralysed; *- ■j . Eearle S.C. • M.C. left on head, right Wellington, (See Wellington aft Bourke, Palmerston N.Wellington ; • * l: . * * ' | i ? . ;; * .; | 1 | I I i I . i ! left side of chin, and on left groin. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 6/9/21. Released on license. • •. 11/5/22 theft 3 months Ireland labourer 1853 5 54 pale grey grey .. long 10/8/22 1921, page 349 ) Numerous p.c. Slight build ; mole on left arm. Arthur Holmes, Heneage Maloney, 10/5/22 theft(2 oharges) 3 months N.- Zealand labourer 1903 5 .14 dark •;. dark brown grey .. small 9/8/22 2 p.c. Scar on left side. F.P. Photographed Eearlealias m.c: ■M.C. * 1 at Wellington, 9/8/22. (See Police Gazette, drunkenness .. 7 days F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 9/8/22. (Se.e Police Gazette, 1922, page 323.) John,"*"a^[as Bourke, Olsen, W ellingtonWellington 11/5/2228/7/22 i theftassault i months days IrelandDenmark . labourerfireman 18531895 55 547 fresh .. fair blue medium .. 10/8/22 2 p.c. Strong build; ballet-girl, girl, and sailor pale grey grey .. long 10/8/22 1921, page 349.) Numerous p.c. Slight build ; mole on left arm. M.C. on right forearm; scar on forehead. F.P. Maloney, Westport— Photographed at Wellington, 18/7/22. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 485.) -M.C. drunkenness .. 7 days . F.P. i Photographed at Wellington, 9/8/22. Power. ., G Upham, William J r • * Westport \ [ i .5 . 28/7/22 ’ -; | • ! - c. • i ; (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 323.) : c. rogue and vagabond .. 14 days ' • Lr N. Zealand . : labourer 1864 5 6 fresh .. grey brown .. medium .. 10/8/22 Scar on right middle finger and on left wrist. W ellingt o n 28/7/22 assault .. .: 14 days . ■ Denmark .. fireman 1895 5 7 fresh .. fair .! blue medium .. 10/8/22 2 p.c. Strong build; ballet-girl, girl, and sailor Olsen, Carl Julius T -V- ... - • • - • ' • • 7 ' ' ... on right forearm; scar on forehead. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 18/7/22; (See M.C.- • ;• !!>%!■ ... ... . ; */ -V. * .• r.i i vm? K ITr. Police Gazette, 1922, page 485.) 1 Westport— 28/7/22 rogue and vagabond .. 14 days — N. Zealand labourer .. 1864 5 6 fresh .. grey brown .. medium .. 10/8/22 Scar on right middle finger and on left wrist. Westport M.C. ZTii hli : S < '• 2 J-J !1? BV M ■L f IED 'v •3 DI9' y r ■ i •‘A- • . - r.'- • Vf.0; dfc


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. j 1 Sentence. Native of Trade. J Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 'A- Paparua— Name Prisoner. Gad, aliasJackson, C - ; - . Lyttelton 11/7/22 obscene language 1 month India labourer 1880 ft. in. 5 7£ black .. black brown .. broad 10/8/22 17 p.c. Scar and lump on right wrist; scar Where tried. | When. i Offence. j f Sentence. Native of Trade. j Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Singh, Charles, alias Singh, Sham, alias Paparua— SamSingh, M.O. and black mark on left eyebrow; scar on right jaw and under left jaw; two black marks on nose; upper front teeth missing. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 847.) Scar on left wrist and on left shin ; two senalias Samuel, ThomasBartlett, LytteltonChristchurch 11/7/2214/6/22 obscene language theft month 1 1 N. Zealand carter 1891 5 9f fresh .. brown blue large .; 12/8/22 India ] labourer 1880 ft. in. 5 7J >lack .. black jrown .. broad 10/8/22 17 p.c. Scar and lump on right wrist; scar M.C. theft 1 month tences cumulative. P.P. theft 1 month alias Charles, Singh, Invercargill— 14 days Soar on right forearm and above navel ; mole alias Sham, Singh, Thomas.. Edward Legg, Bluff M.C. .. 29/7/22 theft Australia .. fireman 1888 5 8£ sallow.. dark brown grey .. medium .. 11/8/22 on right side ; scar on back. F.P. and black mark on left eyebrow; scar on right jaw and under left jaw; two black marks on nose; upper front teeth missing. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 347.) M.O. SamSingh, ThomasBartlett, 14/6/22 theft ,<v .. 1 month N. Zealand carter 1891 5 9f fresh .. brown blue .. large" .; 12/8/22 !3car on left wrist and on left shin; two senChristchurchM.C. 1 month :• tences cumulative. F.P. thefttheft :■■ ■■< , > 1 month 14 days medium .. ■ ... Thomas.. Edward Legg, 29/7/22 theft Australia .. fireman 1888 5 8J sallow.. dark brown grey .. 11/8/22 Soar on right forearm and above navel; mole v ' : % \ on right side ; scar on back. F.P. Bluff M.C. ..


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLVII, Issue 33, 23 August 1922, Page 515

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POLICE EXAMINATIONS, 1922. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLVII, Issue 33, 23 August 1922, Page 515

POLICE EXAMINATIONS, 1922. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLVII, Issue 33, 23 August 1922, Page 515