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Auckland. 29th ultimo, on warrant for failing to maintain his wife and three children, William Henry Arthur Elliott Franklin, age forty-one, height 5 ft. 7 in., auctioneer and land agent, native of New Zealand, slight build, ruddy complexion, dark hair, blue eyes? clean-shaved ; usually dressed in a dark or brown suit and Light-velour hat; wears glasses. rtttMQjle d i a

Auckland. 2lst March last, on warrant for false pretences, R. W. Andrews, age about forty-five, height 5 ft. 1\ in., painter, strong build, dark eyes, hair, and complexion, darkbrown heavy moustache, pointed nose ; usually dressed in a navy-blue-serge suit and a fawn woollen heavy overcoat. On above date accused obtained 10s. from William John Davison, paperhanger, 56 Jervois Road, by falsely representing that his mother was the owner of a house at 13 Oliphant Street and that she required portion of it papered.

Auckland. —2lst April last, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Jane Smith, 1 Warnock Street, Harry Smith, age about forty-two, height 5 ft. 8 in., labourer, medium build, sunburnt complexion, brown hair turning grey, grey large eyes, ginger moustache, “ W.H.S.” on right forearm, thick arms, small hands and feet ; usually dressed in dark trousers, brown coat and vest, and hard-felt hat worn on back of hcajU Arrears to 15th April last, £l7 14s.

Huntly. —6th instant, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his illegitimate child, of whom May Wright, Pukemiro, is the mother, Bert Carter, age twenty height 5 ft. 6 in., cook and hotel porter, native of New Zealand, slight build, pale complexion, fair hair, dark-brown eyes; usually wears a white scarf. Arrears to 31st ultimp, £2A 3s. / (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 66. / 2/7/HZ'

Hamilton. 3oth March last, on warrant for theft of a bicycle (recovered), value £5, the property of Bonds Limited, booksellers, Harold Kerr, alias Kirk, age twenty-one, height about 5 ft. 8 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, slight build, fresh complexion, dark-brown hair, blue eyes, small face ; dressed in a grey suit, grevxfelt'hat, and fawn trenchcoat. ..

Cambridge. —2oth ultimo, on warrant for failing to maintain his wife, Elsie Aspin, Fencourt, Harry Hartley Aspin, age twenty-nine, height 5 ft. 8 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, strong build, fair complexion, auburn hair, grey eyes, four artificial front teeth ; dressed in a navy-blue suit, fawn overcoat, and fawn-velour hat; deaf. J^^./3-Z-ZA,

Te Awamutu. —lst ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for three months in default of paying £25 13s. fine and costs for illegally supplying liquor to a Maori, Frank Arthur Jeffery or Jeffrey, age twenty-nine, height 5 ft. 2 in., cook and kitchen hand, native of New Zealand, strong build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, “ E. J.” on left forearm, “ In loving memory of Brother Harry ” and “ Kia Ora ” on right forearm; dressed in riding-breeches, khaki shirt, and black-felt hat; spine deformed; slovenly appearance. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 722.) g Q/q ,

Te Awamutu. —Ist April last, on warrant for using obscene language in Alexandra Street, Frederick Harwood, age twentytwo, height 5 ft. 1 in., labourer and jockey, native of New Zealand, slight build, fair complexion, light-brown hair, blue eyes, sharp features, clean-shaved ; usually dressed in a brown suit and dark-felt hat; smart appearance. He failed to appear in answer to a summons. (See Police* Gazette, 1922, page 206, and y

Te Awamutu. lst ultimo, tha/two distress 'warrants for (1) £l2 Is. lOd. fine and costs for negligently driving a motorbicycle, (2) £5 10s. fine and costs for using an unregistered motor-bicycle, total £l7 11s. 10d., may be executed upon his effects, Frederick Harwood, age twenty-two, height 5 ft. 1 in., labourer and jockey, native of New Zealand, slight build, fair complexion, light-brown hair, blue eyes, sharp features, clean-shaved; usually dressed in a brown suit and dark-felt hat; smart appearance. (See Police Gazette, page 206, nd preceding paragraph.) f 2 /‘Y n

Gisborne. 2nd instant, on warrant of commitment to Gisborne Prison for three days in deafult of paying £1 13s. fine and costs for a breach of his prohibition order, John Ryder, age about twenty-four, height 5 ft. Sin.., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, large nose, slightly bow-legged, erect gait; slovenly appearance. ) &3* *

Gisborne. Bth instant, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife and child, James Ambrose Fltzmauriee, age twenty-nine, height 5 ft. 7|-in., labourer, native of Australia, medium build, fair hair and complexion, blue eyes, scar on left ringfinger ; usually neatly dressed in a dark suit; fond of drink. Arrears to 15th ultimo, £278 ss. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 750.)

Raurimu. —23rd ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for seven days in default of paying £3 12s. Id. balance of fine and costs for theft, David Kara, age seventeen, height 5 ft. 6 in., labourer, Maori, medium build, copper complexion, black hair, brown eyes ; usually dressed in ridingbreeches and dark e,>s i - • police Gazette, 1921, page 673.)

Napier. —llth ultimo, on warrant for failing to maintain his illegitimate child, of whom Jessie Moore is the mother, Frank Curtis, age about twenty-seven, height sft. Bin., labourer, native of New Zealand,/medium build, dark hair and complexion, brown/eves,mi«m-sMkved . walks lame.

Ongaonga. —22nd August last/that a distress warrant for £7 Is. fine and costs for allowing cattle to wander may be executed upon his effects, Joseph Berjersen, age thirty, height 5 ft. in., labourer, native-of New Zealand, stout build, fresh complexion, fair hair, blue-eyes ; usually dressed in a brown suit and soft-felt hat. . Vuv,"l> j? 7„ A J/ 'Ofrff'l'

Wanganui. 6th instant, on warrant for failing to maintain his wife, Jessie Mary Short, 72 Harrison Street, and child, Henry George Short, age thirty-five, height 5 ft. 5 in., labourer, medium build, fair hair and complexion, blue eyes, woman’s face, “Lena,” and snake on left arm ; usually dressed in a navy-blue suit and grey cap.

Napier. — lsth ultimo, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his illegitimate child, Frank Harris, age -eight, height 6 ft., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair and eyes, round face, clean - shaved; dressed in a navy-blue suit and -felt hat, He left for Sydney about January last. Arrears to Hie 27th March last, £l6 Is. /£v-?s> s ' %/&/& 7

Foxton. 3oth ultimo, on warrant for the theft of an overcoat, a coat and vest, two hats, a pair of spectacles, a hairbrush, a watch, a pipe, a mirror, a fountain pen, a trinketbox (recovered), and £4 35., total value £27, identifiable except money, the property of Wilfred McDonald, carrier, Robert Brown, age about forty, height 5 ft. 8 in., labourer, medium build, ruddy complexion, dark hair, blue eyes (one artificial); dressed in brown trousers, dark vest, grey coat, and Panama hat. Accused stole the articles and money from complainant’s bedroom at Whyte’s Hotel, and sold the fountain pen to D. Ball. He is also suspected of stealing a chequebook on the Bank of New Zealand, Foxton, containing five blank cheques, Nos. ter* >5, CfHj-xp /w x

Wellington. comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Letitia Rose Cosgrave, Patrick Joseph Cosgrave, age thirty-three, height 5 ft. 9 in., ex-hotelkeeper, stout build, ruddy complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, good teeth ; usually dressed in a blue suit and light-felt hat; good appearance. He may be accompanied by Olive Sarah Wallace, and may assume the name Wallace or Harrison. His photograph is filed in the S/meHntend/nt’s jOffice, Wellington. Wellington.— Johns, tMft : /Percival Valentine Johns has been interviewed by the Dunedin police and ascertained that he is not identical with accused B. Johns. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 302.)

Wellington. —6th instant, on warrant for failing to maintain his wife, Laura Julia Petley, 178 Moles worth Street, John Petley, age ' thirty-six, height 5 ft. 9 in., bushman and mill hand, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, scar on right side of face and head ; dressed in a dark-grey shabby suit and brown-felt hat.

He is also wanted that an order may be made against him for the maintenance of his five children, inmates of Wellington Receiving Home. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 25, and

Wellington. sth instant, for failing to comply with the conditions of his release upon probationary license, Thomas McNamara, age forty-three, height 5 ft. 6f in., groom, native of New Zealand, dark complexion, dark-brown hair, blue eyes, scar on bridge of nose, right eye has been injured, shamrock between right thumb and forefinger. His license has been cancelled, and his arrest is (&mPplice Gazette, 1922, page 190.) I<X> *<> G<?

Wellington.- sth instant, that he may be requested to comply with the conditions of his release upon probationary license, Walter James Donghi, age thirty-nine, height 5 ft. 5-|in., bushman, native of New Zealand, dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes, large nose ; scar on right instep, on left calf, on right fore, middle, and ring fingers, and on left thumb ; cross, anchor, and heart on right forearm. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 561, and Photographs, 1909, page 5.)

Westport. — l6th March last, for failing to comply with the terms of his release upon probation, Harvey Herbert Nicholls, alias Charles Charack Nicies, age thirty-two, height 5 ft. 7 in., labourer and greaser, native of England, strong build, fair hair and complexion, blue eyes ; snake on palmtree, Faith, Hope, Charity, sailing-ship, hands across the sea, and anchor on right forearm ; lifebuoy and “ Florence ” on left forearm ; usually dressed in a dark suit and cap ; fond of drink and noisy and quarrelsome while under its influence. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 196, and Prisoners discharged, this issue.)

Christchurch.— lst instant, on warrant for attempting to leave New Zealand with intent to make default in obedience to a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Gladys Ivy Burns, 121 Huxley Street, Percy Carpenter Turner Burns, age about thirty height 5 ft. 6 in., carrier, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, good front teetlu^-diamoud in centre tooth of upper jaw ; in a hat or light cap.

Christchurch. —7tli February last, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his illegitimate child, of whom Amy Laura Harding is the mother, William Brown, age about thirty-seven, height about 5 ft. 7 in., horse-trainer, native of New Zealand, strong build, dark complexion, dark-brown hair, grey eyes ; slovenly to Mtj/LWyfl jrist, £3 2s. fid.

Christchurch. 29th/AprSf last, on warrant for failing to maintain his illegitimate child (an inmate of Christchurch Receiving Home), of whom Ivy Vine is the mother, John McNaughton, age thirty-five, height 5 ft. 3 in., labourer, native of Scotland, medium build, fair hair and complexion, blue eves, scar on bridge of nose jyfnndof drink. (See Police '//f/ 1 1-

Christchurch. 6th instant, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his illegitimate child, of whom Martha Elizabeth Pepper is the mother, Sydney George Hambiy, alias Humbly, age thirty-three, height 5 ft. 11J in., dyer, native of New Zealand, slight build, fresh complexion, black hair, blue eyes, slight cross in left eye. Arrears to 17th ulthud, £63 I Is. (See Police Gazett^l92Ljage^^) %

Christchurch. — Ist ultimo, on warrant for theft of an express (recovered) and a set of harness, total value £3O, the property of Samuel George/Unwin, merchant, 153 Victoria Street, Alfred Ernest Smith, alias Arthur Watson, age thirtytwo, height 5 ft. 7 in., Inborn*4, native of New Zealand, medium build, hair atfm complexion, blue eyes ; dressed in perinJc-aTfc/- sWucAPriure d. m<\ dWfeee ( i, trousers, tan leggings,‘'grey coat, and bMt/feiyhnat. Accused hired from complainant the articles/ mentioned, and subsequently borrowed £ls from a money-lender by depositing the express as security. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 327, and Photographs, 1920, page 12.y__. / m -

Waimate. —25th ultimo, that proceedings may be insti tuted against him for failing to maintain his wife, Barbara McMurchy, 'Hunter, Donald Riehard McMurchy, age thirtytwo, height 5 ft. 10 in., farmer, medium build, brown hair, blue eyes, sharp features ; dressed in saddle-tweed trousers, light-grey coat, and fawn overcoat ; Scotch accent; fond of drink, and prohibited. __ // / Ho further action to &Q f&pß* 'Qs/hf'*- ' t

Dunedin - . 6th instant, that ho may be compelled to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his illegitimate child, k/bshe-f/r, Lee, an inmate of Caversliain Industrial Schooj/'/fonn j DaVmSQD), alia/' 1 John James Dalton, age thh(2ydfl!lfee. Jwigpy f ft- vfcrfi&yfta oure r, native of t/iilaj /complexion, brown hair, grey epos/scar on bridge .of m/se and inside of left arm. Arrears to 22nd February last/ I Os. (See Police Gazette, 1922, page 45.) fa /Wj'/M

Dunedin.— 7th instant, on warrant for theft of a blackcloth bag, containing five £5 notes, sixteen sovereigns, nine £1 notes, and four Post Office Savings-bank pass-books, the numbers of two being 205195 and 209452, the property of Mary Walkinshaw, 8 City Road, Roslyn, William Walkinshaw, age thirteen, height 5 ft. 3 in., schoolboy, native of New Zealand, medium build, fair complexion, reddish hair, blue eyes ; dressed in navy-blue knickerbockers and grey-woollen jersey. Accused, who is complainant’s son, stole the. money, &c., from the kitchen mid disappeared. •

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLVII, Issue 23, 14 June 1922, Page 359

Word Count

PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLVII, Issue 23, 14 June 1922, Page 359

PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLVII, Issue 23, 14 June 1922, Page 359