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Whangarei. —lst instant, on warrant for assaulting Constable Johnston, Peter Mahaney, age about thirty-five, height 5 ft. 8 in., labourer, medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair and eyes ; dressed in dark-grey trousers and vest. He is supposed to be slightly mentally, deficient. Whilst in the police lock-up on a charge of drunkenness he assaulted the constable, and made his escape without his hat, coat, and boots. TL, 7/ a

Queen Street Wharf (Auckland). 4th instant, on warrant for being absent from the ship “ Helen B. Sterling ” without leave, Robert William Elliott, age nineteen, height 5 ft. 6A in., apprentice, native of Australia, fair complexion, light-brown hair, blue eyes. /&/xY *2^-1

Queen Street Wharf (Auckland). —4th instant, on Warrant for being absent from the ship “ Helen B. Sterling ” without leave, Nicholas Militionas, age eighteen, height 5 ft. 3 in., cabin-boy, native of Greece, strong build, black hair, brown eyes. He has not taken the oath of,allegiance to His Majesty. td/sfe-/’

Queen Street Wharf (Auckland). ’4th instant, on warrant for being absent from the ship “ Helen B. Sterling ” without leave, David Thompson, age nineteen, height 5 ft. 9-J in., apprentice, native of Australia, medium build, fair hair and complexion, hazel eyes, mole on centre of back.

Queen Street Wharf (Auckland). —26th ultimo, on warrant for being absent from the s.s “ Trewinnard ” without leave, William Peake, age forty-five, height 5 ft. 7 in., fireman, native of England, medium build, fair complexion, dark-brown hair, blue eyes, brown moustache ; roughly dressed. He has not taken the oath/' of allegiance to His Majesty. CLHJU2 PyJ <~/

Queen Street Wharf (Auckland). —26th ultimo, on warrant for being absent from the s.s. “ Trewinnard ” without leave, William Ross, age twenty-six, height 5 ft. 10 in., fireman, native of Scotland, strong build, ruddy complexion, fair hair, brown eyes, large mouth, thick lips, clean-shaved ; rough appearance. He has not taken the oath of allegiance to His Majesty.

Auckland. —Ist ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for six months in default of paying £77 arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Mary Mitchell Turner, 5 Gundry Street, Newton, and child, Neil Smith Turner, age forty-one, height 5 ft. 10 in., engine-driver, native of New Zealand, strong build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue-grey eyes, mole on left cheek, dot on left arm and between left forefinger and thumb; fond of drink. He may be accompanied by a barmaid named —• McKechnie. Arrears computed to 28th January last. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 634, and Photographs, page 40.) /v j n * ft?

Te Aroiia. —24th ultimo, on warrant for theft of £4 ss. 6d. the property of John Robinson, carrier, James Johnson, age about eighteen, height about 5 ft. 5 in., labourer and carter, native of New Zealand, medium build, dark sallow complexion, black hair, dark-blue eyes, upper front teeth project slightly ; dressed in a dark-grey-tweed suit and soft black hat ; usually wears no hat when working ; slovenly appearance. Accused who was employed by complainant as carter, collected £4 ss. 6d. from Mrs. Horace Wood for coal, &c., and failed to pay it to Ti is employer, _ / j $£ / £/2-/

Hamilton. February last, on warrant of commitment to military custody -forvfourteen days in default of paying £2 3s. balance/ fine ami costs for .failing' to render personal service, Samuel Robert Holland/ age twenty-one, height 5 ft. 11 in.,'painter a*^M,pe^anger,-motive of New Zealand, strong build/fresh complmaoH.durly ' dark-brown hair, brown eyes, clean-shaved; muaay/dressed in a navy-blue suit.

Hamilton. —25th/ultirqo, on warrant of commitment to Hamilton. —25th ultirpb, on warrant of commitment to Hamilton Police Lock-up for forty-eight hours in default of paying 13s. fine and costs for drunkenness, John Quinn, age thirty-seven, height oft. 7Jin., labourer, native of England, medium build, swarthy complexion, black hair, brown eyes ; snake, cutlass, harp, clasped hands, and dagger on right arm; chain of leaves on right wrist; snake, , tree tombstone, In Memory of mV Dear Mother,” and clasped hands on left arm ; shamrock, leaves, and rose on left wrist.

Hamilton. — On the 15th instant/ on warrant for breaking and entering the dwelling of Gilbert Thomas Griggs, labourer, Anglesea Street, and stealing therefrom a brown-leather Gladstone bag, with nickel plate on side, containing two pairs khaki riding-breeches; two khaki shirts; two woollen singlets, one blue and the other dark red ; a cotton singlet; a dozen linen handkerchiefs with “ G.G.” in red on them ; eight collars, 15 in. by If in. and 15 in. by 2 in. ; two silk handkerchiefs ; a nickel-cased Auto-strop razor, with “Valet ” on it and inside case; a shaving-brush; a pair of black wooden-backed military hair-brushes ; a military jack-knife with brown-bone handle ; a knife and fork; a nickel tablespoon ; a morocco-leather cigarette-case, black outside and lined with green silk ; an amber-tip cigarette-holder in case ; a pair of boot-lasts, size 7 ; a red American-leather purse, containing French and German coins; photographs; a soldier’s canvas sea-kit, No. 70166, “ G. Griggs ” on outside; a' war certificate in name of Lance-Corporal Gilbert Thomas Griggs ; two £5 notes and seven £1 notes; a gabardine raincoat, light fawn with darker lining, indelible-ink spot on right sleeve ; blue-silk handkerchief in pocket; a navy-blue-serge coat and vest, vent in back, “ P. Groos, Auckland,” on the tab ; a silver English lever open-face watch, with silver chain and George IV shilling and sixpence and two keys attached; a soldier’s discharge in name of Gilbert T. Griggs, Peg. No. 70166 ; and socks, ties, pyjamas, &c.’total value £6O, identifiable except money, —• Finlay (name probably fictitious), age about twenty-six, height about 5 ft. 9 in., medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair, prominent nose, full face, clean-shaved; dressed in a blue-serge suit and dark-felt hat, silk handkerchief protruding from breastpocket of coat, and wears a gold long-linked watch-chain; slightly stooped and pigeon-toed. Accused sold one of the stolen overcoats to Albert Percy Smith, taxi-driver, for 12s. 6d. He is believed to be identical with William Joseph Finlay, referred to in Police Gazette, 1918, page 295, and Photographs, page 22. He was accompanied by Dally, referred to in the following paragraph.

Hamilton. — instant, on warrant for breaking and entering the dwelling of Ernest James Fowler, labourer, Anglesea Street, and stealing therefrom an overcoat (recovered) ; a navy-blue-serge suit, “ P. Groos, Auckland,” on tab of coat; a black-striped cotton shirt, size 3 ; a white linen soft collar, size 14J in. by 2 in. ; a green-flower-pattern tie ; a pair of black-canvas Bull-dog braces ; a 9 ct. gold ring, set with a brown stone; a 9 ct. gold tie-pin; about ss. in silver; and a 10s. notetotal value £22, identifiable except money, —■ Dally (name probably fictitious), age about thirty-four, height about 5 ft. 4 in.,, slight build, sallow complexion, dark-brown hair turning grey, keen small eyes, lips close in mouth as if teeth were missing ; dressed in a drab or grey suit. He was accompanied by —• Finlay, referred to in preceding paragraph.

Wairoa. —l2th March last, on warrant of commitment to Napier Prison for fourteen days in default of paying £3 ss. fine and costs for a breach of her prohibition order, Jean Millard, alias Allen, alias Aubrey, alias Webber, age thirty-one, height 5 ft. 2 in., domestic, native of New Zealand, stout build, fresh complexion, brown ludn grey eyes y (See Police Gazette, 1919, page 624.^^/j f /X /

Wairoa. — 12th March last, on warrant of commitment to Napier Prison for one month in default of paying £5 15s. fine and costs for a breach of his prohibition order, Toatawa Manuka, age forty, height 5 ft. 6 in., labourer, Maori, medium build, copper complexion, black hair, brown eyes, closelytrimmed whiskers and moustache, boil-scar on right side of neck ; left forefinger deformed. . . ’>1(1 V V-/

Hawera.- — ultimo, on warrant of commitment to New Plymouth Prison in default of finding sureties to compel his obedience to a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Madeline Rhoda Wheelhouse, Regent Street, and family, Harry Hall Wheelhouse, age thirty-six, height 5 ft. 7 in., upholsterer, native of Australia, stout build, fresh complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, scar- on upper lip, may have heavy dark moustache; dressed in a /grey suit; fond of drink. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 241.) _ J)

Wanganui. 9th ultimo, ,6n warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for three months in default of paying £2O arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his wife, Thomas Alfred Reynolds, age thirty-two, height 5 ft. 9 in., labourer and hotel porter, native of England, medium build, ruddy complexion, light-brown hair, grey eyes, scar on left wrist; usually dressed in a grevguit and, cap. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 389 /J/S2/3&.

Wanganui.— lst' October last, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his three children, Edmund Enock Talbot, age about fortythree, height 5 ft. 11 in., labourer and shearer, native of England, thin build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes ; usually dressed in a navy-blue suit and blue-felt hat; quiet manner ; fond of drink and associates with Maoris. Arrears to 19th October last/£4'Uos,-y Sa

Featherston. —29th ultimo, on warrant for theft of a gentlemen’s bicycle (recovered), value £6, the property of David Morgan Chalmers, cycle agent, Charles Legg, age twenty-six, height 5 ft. 8 in., painter and labourer, native of England, medium build, dark complexion,' hair, and eyes, clean-shaved, one little finger crooked; dressed in a darkbrown suit, cap, and threelength British Warmer overcoat. He is of Italian descent, and is therefore very dark. Accused hired the bicycle, and sold it to Joseph Kennedy, Tauherenikau, for £3. •

Wellington. -Bth ‘instant, on warrant for being absent from the ship “ Pampa ” without leave, Emil Kylamanen, age thirty-five, height 5 ft. 9 in., seaman, native of Finland, strong build, 1 vy-cotriple xipn, brown hair, grey eyes, tattooed on arms/ L) Dv „

Wellington.— -Bth instant, on warrant for being absent from the ship “ Pamp a ” without leaye, Yrjo Rafael Gronroos> age twenty-sbven, height 6~ft., seam all, native of Finland, medium build, fair hair aqd complexion, light-blue eyes, scar under left eye, clean-sM yed ■/j-t j

Wellington. 3oth uljTimo/for failing to comply with the conditions of his release upon probation, Edward Jones, age twenty-two, height 5 ft. 6Jjn., motor mechanic and hotel porter, medium build, fresh complexion, auburn hair, grey eyes, hands across the sea and woman’s bust on right forearm, scar on right wrist. His arrest is desired., (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 113.)~^Z /'$

Taranaki Street (Wellington).— llth instant, that he may be compelled to pay arrears of maintenance due for the support of his daughter, Ida Ilena Rosewarne, who was .an inmate of St. Joseph’s Industrial School, Upper Hutt, George Rosewarne, age fifty, height 5 ft. 6 in., labourer and miller, native of Australia, medium build, brown hair, eyes, and moustache, round features .{£)t9<i4. /iIL $-Zsr>

Greymouth. — Frank Hayes, default of fine and costs, has remitted by post from Balfour to the Greymouth police £1 2s. 6d., leaving . a balance of £1 7s. 6d. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page&iby)/ , t/£/ < Xf

Ashburton. 29th November last, on warrant for failing to comply with the terms of a maintenance order for the support of his illegitimate child, James Muir, alias Hunter, age thirty-seven, height 5 ft. 6 in., labourer and miner, native of Australia, slight build, dark complexion, black hair, blue eyes, thin lips, prominent cheek-bones. Arrears to 29th November last, £46 '2s. , (See'PoliFL Gazette, 1919, page 119.)

Ashburton.— 6th instant, on warrant for failing to maintain his three children, inmates of Christchurch Receiving Home, Robert Somerville, age thirty-two, height 5 ft. 11 in., butcher and shearer, native of Ireland, strong build, ruddy complexion, curly brown hair, brown eyes, clean-shaved, long straight nose ; usually dressed in a navy-blue sport’s suit, black-felt hat, and tan boots ; good appearance. His photograph is filed in the Superintendent’s Office, Christchurch. (See Police Gazette, 1921, paggYlOfi.) * .

Dunedin.lst July last, that she may be compelled to maintain her illegitimate child, Ernest McKee, an inmate of Caversham Industrial School, Margaret McKee, age thirty, domestic, small build, full face ; speaks slowly ; quiet manner. Arrears to 23rd March last, £ll 10s.

Invercargill.—lst ultimo, on warrant for theft of ■ a gentlemen’s bicycle (recovered), value £5, the property of Thomas Joseph Mahoney, Defence Department, L. Simson (name. probably fictitious), age about twenty-two, height about 5 ft. 4 in., native of New Zealand, slight build, dark hair and complexion, large mouth, good teeth, long features ; dressed in a dark suit, light-grey-felt hat, and pointed tan boots ; a quarter-caste Maori ; speaks with an American accent; smart appearance. Accused stole the bicycle from Esk Street and sold it to a man named - Eunson for £5.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLVI, Issue 19, 18 May 1921, Page 321

Word Count

PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLVI, Issue 19, 18 May 1921, Page 321

PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLVI, Issue 19, 18 May 1921, Page 321