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All those areas being the acclimatization districts under the control of the following acclimatization societies: Auckland, Grey District, Hawera, Nelson, North Canterbury, Otago, Rotorua, South Canterbury, Southland, Taranaki, Wanganui, Wellington, Westland.


Areas wherein Opossums may be taken or killed without License. Waitemata Area. —Comprising ridings of Kumeu, Pukeatua, Takapuna, Birkenhead, Waitakere, Waipareira, Waikumete, and Titirangi. Rodney Area. —Comprising ridings of Omaha, Matakana, Kourawhera, Albert, and Tauhoa. Hawke's Bay Area. Commencing at a point at the mouth of the Maraetotara Stream; thence following the coast-line in a north-westerly direction to a point opposite to where the Napier-Hastings Road turns off in a westerly direction at Awatoto ; thence along the same road to Meeanee Bridge ; thence ‘along the right bank of the Tutaekuri River to the Waiohiki Bridge; thence along the Omahu Road to Fernhill; thence following the public road along the eastern boundary of Te Awa-o-te-Atua Block to its junction with Iron Gate Road; thence along the said road to its junction with the Pakipaki-Stortford Lodge Road; thence along the Hastings-Maraekakaho Road in a south-easterly direction to the Te Aute Road; thence along the said road in an easterly direction to its junction with the Mount Erin Road; thence along the said road to Gilpin Road, following along that road to the south-east comer of Havelock Town District; thence westerly along the boundary of the said town district to the Te Mata Road; thence along the said road to its junction with the Tukituki River; thence across the said river to its eastern bank; thence along the said bank to its junction with the south-eastern boundary of the Clive Suburban Area; thence along the said boundary to its junction with the Maraetotara Stream ; thence along the said stream to its mouth. Kapiti Area. All that land included in Block 111 of Kapiti Survey District. j Kaitawa Area. —Comprising Lots 1,2, 3,4, and 5, in D.P. 669, being part of Muaupoko Block, in Block XIII, Kaitawa Survey District.

Nelson Area. —All that area in the Nelson Land District commencing at the mouth of the Otuwhero River in Tasman Bay, and thence bounded by the said bay, the estuary of the Waimea River, Tasman Bay, and Nelson Haven to the southwest comer of Section 4, Block V, Wakapuaka Survey District ; thence by the Nelson-Blenheim Road to the road forming the north-west boundary of Section 24 in Block VI of the said survey district; by that road, by Section 77, by Sections 33 and 4 in Block VI before mentioned, by Sections 15 and 18 in Block X, Wakapuaka Survey District, and by Sections 48, 64, 45, 46, 50, 24, 25, and 28, all in Block IX of the said survey district, and the production of the last-named boundary to the Maitai River; by that river to the western boundary of Section 31 in Block I, Maungatapu Survey District; thence bounded by Sections 31, 2, 18, 28, 26, part 4, and 22, all in Block I last mentioned; by Section 14 (waterworks reserve) to the road near Trig. J, by the said river over Trigs. Gr and G, and by the Aniseed Valley Road to the Roading River; thence by the said river, by the Wairoa River to Section 8 in Block XIII of the Waimea Survey District ; thence by Sections 8, 67, 63, and 64 in Block XIII of the last-mentioned survey district, and by Section 9 in Block I, Rintoul Survey District; by Sections 3,1, 6, and 18 in Block IV, Gordon Survey District, and by Sections 3 and 4 in Block VIII of the said survey district; thence by a road, a line across a road, by the southeast boundary of Section 63, a line across a road, by the south-east boundaries of Sections 5 and 60, and by the southern boundaries of Sections 60 and 3, all in Block VII, Gordon Survey District; thence by part of the eastern boundary arid by the southern boundary of Section 27 in Block VI of the said survey district, by a road to and by the south-east boundary of Section 43 in Block X, Gordon Survey District, to Gordon’s Creek ; thence by the said creek and by the Motueka River to and by the north boundary of Section 2 in Block V, Gordon Survey District; thence by Small Grazing-run 6, by a road, by Sections 11 and 10 in Block IX of the said survey district; by Section 22 in Block XII, Tadmor Survey District, by Brewerton Creek, by Sections 17 and 73 in the said Block XII, to the Motupiko River; thence by a line across that river to the north-east corner of Section 2 in the last-mentioned Block XII; by that section

and by Sections 12 and 11 in the said Block XII; by Section 13 in Block VII, Tadmor Survey District, by a road, and by a line across the Nelson-Glenhope Railway and across a road to the Tadmor River; thence by the said river to the Motueka River, by that river to the Graham River, and up that river and its tributaries to Trig. Station F (Crusader); thence by the boundary between the counties of Waimea and Takaka to Section 17 in Block I of the Motueka Survey District; thence down the Riwaka River to the east boundary of Section 27 in Block IX, Kaiteriteri Survey District; thence by the said Section 27, and by Sections 45 and 42 in Block VII, Kaiteriteri Survey District, to Kairuru Road; thence by the said road, by Sections 80 and 87 in Block VIII, ' Kaiteriteri Survey District, and by a line across a road to the Holyoake’s Valley Stream; thence by that stream and the Otuwhero River to the point of commencement. Christchurch Area. Waimari and Heathcote Counties and Port Victoria Riding in the Mount Herbert County. Rangiora Area. All that portion of land contained in Blocks I, 11, V, and VI of the Rangiora Survey District.


Regulations prescribing Conditions as to the Taking or Killing of Opossums. 1. In these regulations, if not inconsistent with the context, “ authorized officer ” means any person appointed by the Under-Secretary, Department of Internal Affairs, to be an authorized officer for any specified purpose under these regulations. 2. Opossums may be taken or killed only in the following manner (a.) By means of a running noose fixed in such manner that the head of the animal will pass through the noose. ( b .) By shooting with a pea-rifle, except in scenic reserves. (c.) By means of the trap known as the American jumptrap ; provided that such traps with teeth, or the ordinary rabbit-trap, may be used only for the season provided in these regulations. In future seasons only the American jump-trap without teeth may be used. 3. All traps or other contrivances used for the purpose of taking opossums must be visited by the licensee at least once daily.

4. A license to take or kill opossums may be issued to any person on payment of the sum of £2 10s., in the form prescribed in the Fourth Schedule hereto, and any Postmaster or authorized officer is hereby authorized to sign and issue such license to take or kill opossums ; and, except as provided in this Order in Council, no person shall take or kill opossums without previously taking out such a license.. 5. It shall be the duty of every person desiring to take or kill opossums in any State forest, provisional State forest, Crown lands, scenic reserve, or any public reserve to obtain the written consent of either a responsible officer of the Forestry Department, or the Commissioner of Crown Lands, or any Board having control over such State forest, Crown lands, or scenic or public reserve, as the case may be. Notification of consent must be endorsed on the license by the issuing officer. This authority must be presented when applying for the issue of a license to take or kill opossums in any State forest, provisional State forest, Crown land, scenic reserve, or public reserve, and no license shall be issued without the production of such written authority. 6. No person shall dispose of opossum skins for gain unless such skins are sold through a licensed broker by public auction, and are marked with a perforated device to indicate royalty has been paid. This royalty-paid stamp shall be affixed by an authorized officer. 7. It' shall be an offence for any person to perforate or otherwise stamp or mark an opossum skin in such a way as to suggest that the legal stamp has been affixed by an authorized officer, and the offence shall be punishable by a fine of £SO in addition to forfeiture of the skin or skins concerned, and such skins shall, upon conviction, be forfeited to His Majesty. 8. No person shall act as a broker under these regulations without first taking out an annual license, to be called a broker’s license, in the form prescribed in the Fourth Schedule hereto. Such license may be obtained from the Undersecretary, Department of Internal Affairs, on application in the form prescribed in the Schedule hereto, upon payment of a fee of 215., and shall expire on the 31st day of December following the date hereof.

9. It shall be the duty of every licensed broker to collect from the vendor a royalty of Is. on every skin sold through him, upon which he shall be allowed a . commission of £5 per cent., payable after his returns have been sent in as provided in regulation 11. Such royalty shall bo paid to the authorized officer before the royalty-paid stamp is affixed by him. 10. Every licensed broker shall keep a register m the form prescribed in the Fourth Schedule hereto, and shall enter therein the correct name, address, and occupation of each company, firm, or person from whom opossum skins are obtained for sale, or to whom opossum skins are sold. Such register shall be produced for inspection on demand by any constable, officer of an acclimatization society, ranger, or authorized officer.

11. Every licensed broker shall immediately after the close of each sale of opossum skins forward to the secretary of the local acclimatization society a catalogue of such sale, giving the names of the sellers and buyers ; and, not later than one month after the close of every season, shall forward to the Under-Secretary, Department of Internal Affairs, a certified copy of the register referred to in regulation 10, together with a statement shoving the number of opossum skins then in his possession. 12. It shall not be lawful for any person other than a licensed broker to have opossum skins taken during the open season in his possession for more than fourteen days after the close of the open season, or for a licensed broker to have opossum skins upon which royalty has not been paid in his possession for a period of more than one month after the close of the open season ; provided that the Under-Secretary, Department of Internal Affairs, may in any case extend such period subject to such conditions as he thinks fit to impose. 13. All stocks of opossum skins in the possession of any licensed broker or any dealer in opossum skins, trapper, or other person shall, on demand, be produced for inspection by any constable, officer of an acclimatization society, ranger, or authorized officer; and any person illegally in possession of skins shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine of not less than £1 for each skin found in his possession, and such skin shall be forfeited and become the property of the Crown. 14. The holder of a license to take or kill opossums is not entitled by virtue of such license to enter upon any private land without the consent of the owner or occupier thereof, or upon any State forest or provisional State forest without the written authority of a responsible officer of the Forestry Department, or upon any Crown land, scenic reserve, or any public reserve without the written authority of a Commissioner of Crown Lands, or any Board having control over any such reserve. 15. There shall be paid to the acclimatization society in whose districts the opossums were taken or killed such proportion of the fees, fines, and royalties as may be decided by the Governor-General in Council.

16. (1.) No person shall export or attempt to export opossum skins without the consent in writing of the Undersecretary, Department of Internal Affairs. (2.) No person shall export or attempt to export opossum skins which have not passed through the hands of a licensed broker and on which royalty has been paid. 17. All opossums skins imported into the Dominion must be stamped by an authorized officer with the official stamp as proof of importation; and every person importing skins must, within three days after the receipt of such skins, notify that officer. No royalty shall be payable in respect of any such skins.

18. On or before the 31st May, 1921, all persons havingopossum skins in their possession shall declare to the Undersecretary, Department of Internal Affairs, the number thereof. Such skins shall be produced for stamping or marking by an authorized officer.

19. Before any skins are delivered by a licensed broker they shall be stamped as provided for in regulation 6, signifying that the royalty has been paid to the Department of Internal Affairs.

20. For the purpose of complying with regulation 19 it shall be necessary for the licensed broker to notify the officer appointed to stamp skins and collect royalties from brokers at least three days before any sale of skins takes place. 21. (1.) Notwithstanding anything in these regulations, it shall be lawful at any time and in any acclimatization district for the occupier of any orchard registered under the Orchard and Garden Diseases Act, 1908, or for any bona fide employee of such orchardist, to kill by any means not involving unnecessary cruelty any opossums in such orchard, or elsewhere within the areas defined in the Second Schedule hereto, or for the occupier of any land adjoining any such orchard and included in any area defined in the Second Schedule hereto, or for any bona fide employee of such occupier, to similarly kill opossums in the area occupied by such

occupier, provided that in any such case a notification, in the form prescribed in the Fourth Schedule hereto, of the number of opossums so killed in any week shall, within seven days thereafter, be forwarded to the nearest Postmaster, and provided further that the provisions of regulation 14 shall apply to any such occupier of an orchard or his employee as if he were the holder of a license to take or kill opossums.

(2.) The skins of all opossums so killed may only be sold through a licensed broker as provided by regulation 6 hereof. In any such case two copies of the prescribed notification or notifications relating thereto shall be sent to the broker, and the broker shall forward one copy with his returns under regulation 11. If the skins are required for personal use they shall only be dealt with subject to regulation 23 hereof. 22. Every person, company, or firm receiving opossum skins for the purposes of tanning same shall forward his or its full name and address to the Under-Secretary, Department of Internal Affairs. No such person, company, or firm shall have in their possession any opossum skins which have not been stamped signifying that royalty has been paid, and shall at all times produce on demand all skins in their possession for inspection by any constable, officer of an acclimatization society, ranger, or authorized officer.

23. Any person who retains opossum skins for Ms own use shall pay a royalty of Is. per skin as provided in the foregoingregulations, and such skins must have the royalty-paid stamp affixed by the authorized officer before such skins are tanned or prepared for tanning or other method of preservation. 24. (1.) Every person holding a license to take or kill opossums shall, on demand by any authorized person, produce such license, and after such demand if such license is not produced, or if the person gives a false name or place of residence or address, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding £2O.

(2.) For the purposes of this regulation an “authorized person ” includes all Justices, constables, rangers, or officers of acclimatization societies, proprietors or occupiers of land upon which any person may be found in pursuit of opossums, and all holders of licenses to take or kill opossums. 25. Except as provided in these regulations, no person shall take or kill opossums or sell opossum skins, or have opossum skins or opossums in possession.

26. Any person authorized to issue licenses hereunder may refuse to issue a license to any person who within two years prior to the date of his application for a license has been convicted of any breach of any of these regulations.

27. Where the holder of a license hereunder has been found guilty of a breach of any of these regulations the Court may, if it thinks fit, revoke his license. 28. Any constable, officer of an acclimatization society, ranger, or authorized officer may seize any opossum skins in respect of which he has reason to believe an offence against these regulations has been committed. 29. Any person who commits a breach of any of the above regulations, if no other penalty is provided therein, is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding £SO in each case, and to forfeiture of any opossum skins then in his possession and in respect of which any breach of these regulations has been committed.


License to take or kill Opossums. Name in full], of Residence and calling'], having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorized to take or kill opossums within the area endorsed on the back hereof, from the day of , 192 , to the day of , 192 (both days inclusive), subject to the provisions of the Animals Protection Amendment Act, 1920, and the regulations made thereunder. Dated at this day of , 192 . [Signature.] Broker’s License to sell Opossum Skins. [Name in full], of [Residence and calling], having this day paid' the sum of £ , is hereby authorized to sell opossum skins from the day of , 192 , to the day of ,192 (both days inclusive), subject to the provisions of the Animals Protection Amendment Act, 1920, and the regulations made thereunder. Dated at this day of , 192 . No. . ' [Signature.]

Broker’s Register.

Return showing Number of Opossums taken or killed in the Undermentioned Areas, together with a Statement of Disposal of Skins.

* As defined in Schedule 2 of the regulations, &c.

I hereby certify that the above is a correct return of all opossums taken and killed by me or my employees in my registered orchard [or in the above-named orchard area] for the week ending (1.) This return is to be sent to the nearest Postmaster for each week in which opossums are killed.

(2.) Opossum skins may only be sold through a licensed broker, and two copies of this return must accompany any skins sent to a licensed broker for sale. [ Signature .] New Zealand. Application for Broker’s License under the Animals Protection Amendment Act, 1920. In pursuance of the provisions of the above-mentioned Act, and the regulations made thereunder, I, [Name in full and address hereby make application on my own behalf [or on behalf of the firm of ,of which lam a member; or on behalf of ( Name of registered company), whose written authority authorising me to apply for and hold a license under the said Act is hereby annexed, marked “A ”] for a broker’s license. My place of business is [State full particulars as to place of business ]. Dated at this day of , 19 . [Signature of applicant.] C. A. JEFFERY, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council.

'Canadian Goose turned at large in Southland Acclimatization Society's District declared to be vested in that Society. Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, sth May, 1921. HIS Excellency the Governor- directs it to be notified that the Southland Acclimatization Society has turned at large the following bird, namely : Canadian Goose; and that the property in such bird and its offspring, and every bird of like species in that acclimatization district, is deemed to be vested in the Southland Acclimatization Society for a period of three years from the date hereof, as provided in section 56 of the Animals Protection Act, 1908. WM. DOWNIE STEWART, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Marks, Wellington :

Entry. of No. Address, Name, Occupation whosePerson on behalf Opossum received are Sale. received. Date N 7i I m ' ported. O M g-B CL ' Number of Opossum Skins received. tb CO j Ou Amount of Royalty paid. Initials of Authorized Officer certifying Amount of Royalty paid. Full Name, Address, and Occupation of Person to whom Opossum Skins are sold. Date of Sale. j Number of Opossum Skins sold. Number of Opossum Skins received. c? Amount of Royalty paid. Initials of Authorized Officer certifying Amount of Royalty paid. Full Name, Address, and Occupation of Person to whom Opossum Skins are sold. Date of Sale. Number of Opossum Skins sold. 1

Locality. Orchard Area.* or Orchard which specify Occupier where of killed. who Person killed stating Employee or cupier. Number Opossums taken. Particulars Opossum of.posed

Offender. Where tried. When. Offenoe. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. j 1 Eye*. | Noes. Distinguishing Marks, &o. Hair. 1 ! Eye*. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, to, Walter Simone, Whangarei .. 2/5/21 vagabond rogue to up N. pensioner 1845 ft. in. ft. 55 fresh . grey grey . medium W.T.S. on right forearm. 5 in. 5 fresh .. grey grey .. medium W.T.S. on right forearm. premises) legally called on dark William Preston, Auckland 2/5/21 racecourse on fined £5 Zealand N. carter 1887 5 n fresh grey Roman . Emblem of Faith, Hope, and Charity in wreath, clasped hands, and heart on right forearm ; cross on left forearm. (See Polite . Roman . Emblem of Faith, Hope, and Charity in wreath, clasped hands, and heart on right forearm ; cross on left forearm. (See Polite Gazette, 1921, page 69.) MoKenzie, John Murdooh .. Auokland 2/5/21 drunk while in charge fined £2 N. Zealand carrier 1876 5 8 fair brown blue medium Strong build. of a horse and vehicle Gwynne, William .. Auckland 2/5/21 obscene language fined £2 Ireland fireman 1900 5 7 fresh . brown blue medium Anchor in wreath on back of left hand ; woman’s head and flags on back of right hand; TRUE LOVE, clasped hands, woman, and star on right forearm. Moran, Patriok James Auckland 2/5/21 drunk and disorderly .. fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1881 5 74 fair fair blue . • medium See Police Gazette, 1918, page 670. • Webb, William Ernest Auckland 2/5/21 drunk and disorderly .. fined £1 hi. Zealand labourer 1880 5 8 fresh . brown grey . medium Scar on right cheek ; tip of left forefinger missresisting police fined £2 fair ing. Luoas, John William Auokland 2/5/21 theft and attempted 2 years’ probaIreland oycle me 1899 5 9 fair blue . medium Scar on right cheek. theft tion and to make restitution chanic McQuoid, Cecil Raymond .. Auckland 3/5/21 drunk while in charge fined £2 N. Zealand carter 1895 5 8 dark . dark brown hazel . medium Shrapnel-scar on left shoulder. of a horse and vehicle Winton, William .. Auckland 3/5/21 drunkenness .. convicted and Scotland .. engineer 1896 5 74 fair brown grey . medium Dagger and DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR mischief (breaking discharged to pay damage on right forearm ; scar on forehead; two dots at base of left thumb. window) Morgan, David Auckland 3/5/21 idle and disorderly (into come up if N. Zealand seaman 1878 5 Si fair auburn grey . . medium Two hearts, man, and woman’s bust on right sufficient means) called on arm. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 385.) Clancey, John Auckland 3/5/21 stowaway oonvioted and Irelan seaman 1901 5 5 pale fair grey . medium F.P. Photographed at Auekland, 18/4/21. attempting to land withdischarged convicted and Derroches, Charles out a passport discharged Auckland 3/5/21 stowaway convicted and Tahiti ship’s store 1902 5 6 dark . blaok brown . . medium F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 18/4/21, discharged man attempting to land withconvicted and Alfred, Leon out a passport discharged Auckland 3/5/21 stowaway convicted and India labourer 1892 5 10 dark . dark brown . medium Strong build. F.P. Photographed aU'Auckattempting to land withdischarged convicted and land, 18/4/21. Helme, Adolphus Ambrose .. out a passport discharged 3 years’ probaAuckland 4/5/21 theft (2 charges) Tasmania. barman 1898 5 5 dark . dark grey . . medium Scar on left forearm and on right/elbow. tion, to make restitution, and to be prohibited each Cavanagh, John Auckland 4/5/21 indecent act .. fined £5 Ireland seaman 1868 5 6 fresh . dark, turning grey . medium Star on back of right hand ; woman on left foregrey arm ; blind in right eye. Gazette, 1921, page 69.) -McKenzie, Murdoch . 2/5/21 drunk while in oharge fined £2 N. Zealand carrier 1876 5 8 fair brown blue medium Strong build. of a horse and vehicle Auckland .. Auckland 2/5/21 obscene language fined £2 Ireland .. fireman 1900 5 7 fresh .. brown blue medium Anchor in wreath on back of left hand; woman’s head and flags on back of right hand; TRUE LOVE, clasped hands, woman, and star on right forearm. William Gwynne, Patriok JamesMoran, 2/5/21 drunk and disorderly .. fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1881 5 7J fair fair blue .. medium See Police Gazette, 1918, page 670. • Auckland Auckland 2/5/21 drunk and disorderly .. fined £1 N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 8 fresh .. brown grey .. medium Scar on right cheek ; tip of left forefinger missresisting police fined £2 fair .. ing. Webb, William Lucas, 2/5/21 theft and attempted 2 years’ probaIreland cycle me 1899 5 9 fair blue .. medium Scar on right cheek. theft tion and to make restitution chanic Auckland Auckland .. 3/5/21 drunk while in charge fined £2 N. Zealand carter 1895 5 8 dark .. dark brown hazel .. medium Shrapnel-scar on left shoulder. of a horse and vehicle Raymond . William Winton, 3/5/21 drunkenness .. convicted and Scotland .. engineer 1896 5 7* fair brown .. grey .. medium Dagger and DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR Auckland mischief (breaking discharged to pay damage on right forearm ; scar on forehead; two dots at base of left thumb. window) > Auckland 3/5/21 idle and disorderly (into come up if N. Zealand seaman 1878 5 3i fair auburn grey .. medium Two hearts, man, and woman’s bust on right arm. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 385.) sufficient means) called on Morgan, JohnClancey, 3/5/21 stowaway convioted and Irelan seaman 1901 5 5 pale .. fair grey .. medium F.P. Photographed at Auekland, 18/4/21. attempting to land withdischarged convicted and Auckland out a passport discharged blaok Auckland 3/5/21 stowaway convicted and Tahiti ship’s store 1902 5 6 dark .. brown .. medium F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 18/4/21. discharged man attempting to land withconvicted and CharlesDerroches, Leon Alfred, discharged out a passport 3/5/21 stowaway convicted and India labourer 1892 5 10 dark .. dark brown .. medium Strong build. F.P. Photographed aU’Auckattempting to land withdischarged land, 18/4/21. convicted and Auckland out a passport discharged 3 years’ probaAuckland 4/5/21 theft (2 charges) Tasmania.. barman 1898 5 5 dark .. dark grey .. medium Scar on left forearm and on right/elbow. tion, to make restitution, and to be prohibited each Adolphus Ambrose .Cavanagh, John 4/5/21 indecent act .. fined £5 Ireland .. seaman 1868 5 6 fresh .. dark, turning grey .. medium Star on back of right hand; woman on left fore- « - - . grey arm ; blind in right eye. Auckland

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

Name Where When. Offenoe. Sentence. of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Marks, Distinguishing Thomas .McKail, Auckland 4/5/21 drunkenness . an disturbing fined fined Scotland . fireman 1882 in. 5 dark . brown brown. broken flat, hand ; Ship ; ; profusely Claude Rae, Auckland 4/5/21 assault ... . fined Zealand barman 1892 5 6 sallow . dark brown grey . long ; 544.) 1918, (See alias Manning, McManus Auckland 4/5/21 oblanguage ifto called Zealand N. labourer carter 1895 5 8i dark . . black brown medium ; ; 186, 71.) Photographs, alias Allen, Hunt, Auckland 5/5/21 of maintenance expenses pay years’ Australia cook ; 1888 5 n pale black brown medium 1920, Frank Hunt, (3false pretences oharges) - prohibited 1 JohnKeegan, Auckland 5/5/21 drunkenness year andconvicted England . fireman 1902 5 H dark brown hazel . medium chin. Scar • discharged mischief (damaging a discharged to pay damage ; mischief (damaging a to pay damage ... - T -.,. . . ; . Jarvis, Auckland 5/5/21 motor-tyre) assault . fined England fireman 1897 5 9 fair fair grey medium ; ; Ship flags, and buoy on left forearm ; butterfly, eagle, flags, dagger, and DEATH on back of left hand. i. • ' ■ flags, and buoy on left forearm; butterfly, eagle, flags, dagger, and DEATH on back of m • ... ; Martinez, Juan left hand. Auckland 5/5/21 assault convicted and Chile seaman 1894 5 5 dark .. black hazel .. broad Flag and JOHAN MARTINEZ on right foredischarged arm ; ship, two flags, and SYDNEY, 1919, on chest. Martinez, John GibbHastings, Auckland. .'. ! ■ 5/5/21 assault .. convicted and discharged Chile seaman 1894 5 5 dark .-. black hazel .. broad Flag and JOHAN MARTINEZ on right forearm ; ship, two flags, and SYDNEY, 1919, on chest. John Hastings, Auckland 5/5/21 : breach andconvicted discharged Zealand labourer 1899 5 2 fair brown blue medium Gazette, on 1915, 1921, page 29.) (See on right Ring Frederick alias John, Auckland 6/5/21; theft andconvicted N. and 1874 5 7 fresh brown grey . medium John Sharp, discharged butcher 1871 medium 1916, RobertHutton, Auckland 6/5/21 threatening fined Zealand tailor 5 9 dark brown grey Archibald Sullivan, Auckland 7/5/21 theft of strokes Zealand N. schoolboy 1907 4 0 fair, fair blue medium 1919, birch and to make restition to oome up if freckled ' ' • , " birch and to make restition to come up if rr ;; * freckled •.' 8 ?[• ' C.Jj *) * 1 ' *• . Percival Auckland 7/5/21 theft ... Zealand tiler 1899 5 H fresh . fair grey medium ; andcalled make restitution medium . Scar on left wrist. Arthur Auckland 7/5/21 charges) ifto up Zealand N. saddler 1897 5 81 fresh brown grey . medium Scar on left wrist. and to make restitution long, straight :• .V ; . Francis Mooney, to make restitution • - ' Hamilton .. 2/5/21 assault fined £5 N. Zealand labourer 1893 5 11 ruddy .. fair brown .. James Mooney, John George Hamilton . Awamutu Te 2/5/2116/4/21 assault . disorderly fined £5convicted Zealand N. Zealand N. labourerlabourer 18931903 55 11 8 ruddy dark . fairbrown brown brown . . long,medium Scar on left side of neok. Returned to indusstraight discharged trial school. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 198.) Te Awamutu 16/4/21 idle and disorderly convicted and N. Zealand labourer 1903 5 8 dark .. brown brown .. medium Scar on left side of neok. Returned to indusdischarged trial school. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 198.) Winton, John George

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Name of Where When. ■ Offence. 1 Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. &c. Marks, Distinguishing Bates, Raymond Awamutu Te 22/4/21 aggravated fined £10 Zealand labourer 1902 in. 6 dark brown hazel long, straight at spot (See 716.) David Wadsworth, Royston, Rotorua 4/5/21 (income Zealand labourer 1899 8 sallow dark hazel medium on alias sufficient means) called ship in in ; O’Connell, Tasman Te 22/4/21 the . peace fined Zealand driver 1897 16 fresh light brown blue broad language fined £15 wharffore- ; labourer arm. William Herbert, Te 22/4/21 of fined N. Zealand labourer . 1892 114 dark curly blue medium Maori A appearance. quarter-caste languageobscene £15fined j j 27/4/21 wilful and discharged . broad right Slightly Richmond, . Te Karaka 27/4/21 assault fined Zealand labourer 1902 4 copper. blaok brown . Robins, Rapana Karaka Te 27/4/21 assault . fined £10 Zealand labourer 1897 8 oopper.. black brown broad build. Strong Jack shearer medium « shearer medium George SeyWaitara 4/5/21 behaviour fined Zealand labourer 1892 7 fresh brown light blue mour Albert Kupinga, Waitara 4/5/21 drunk disorderly fined Maori labourer 1898 10 5 dark . blaok brown medium Leo Hawera 6/5/21 (13 charges) proba- years’ 1J Zealand buttermaker 1898 6 1 fresh brown blue large Tip to restitution Several boil-scars on right forearm ; two small - ! Several boil-scars on right forearm ; two small Rogers, Hawera 6/5/21 theft and Zealand butter - 1899 9 fresh brown brown medium discharged assist- tory cheek. right Anthony Hawera . 3/5/21 receiving property fined Dalmatia . restaurant1890 10 fair fair blue . ... medium receiving stolen property on keeper oharges) (2 receiving convicted ✓ • (4 on each medium • dark medium ColvinHarris, Hawera 3/5/21 a if up come Zealand N. carpenter 1891 7 fresh grey • • dark • ■ motor-car on pretences and Martin Palmerston 29/4/21 assault prohibited fined Spain hotel-porter 1889 5 sallow dark brown medium on 59.) Thomas Tanner, Featherston 2/5/21 theft .. fined Zealand labourer 1882 7 sallow . brown hazel . medium dirty ; ; Daniel Wellington 2/5/21 theft convicted Zealand barman 1882 64 fair fair blue Roman . Scar discharged fair blue long 1896 fair blue long Isabella Wellington 3/5/21 theft andconvicted Zealand domestic 5 3 fair 1896 5 3 fair Ian , Wellington 5/5/21 in while charge discharged fined Scotland . chemist 1885 10 ruddy brown blue medium motor-car Quirk, Wellington 6/5/21 drunkenness fined 5s. Scotland .. driver 1879 5 10 fresh .. brown blue prominent, twisted indecent fined £lfined Scotland .. driver 1879 5 10 fresh .. brown .. blue .. prominent, twisted fined £1

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Name of Where tried. When. Offence. ! j Sentence. Native of 1 / j Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. ICyea. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fco. 1 Where tried. 1 When. Offence. ! Sentence. Native of i Trade. 1 Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Kyea. i Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fco. Jackson, Wellington .. 6/5/21 obscene exposure convicted and 8. Africa .. cook and 1890 ft. in. 5 9 swarthy black brown .. medium Scar on forehead and on lower* lip; faint diadischarged contortionist labourer mond and two dots on left forearm. 1 Wellington .. 6/5/21 obscene exposure convicted and 8. Africa .. cook and 1890 ft. in. 5 9 swarthy black brown .. medium \ Scar on forehead and on lower* lip; faint dia- ' ' / ■ discharged contortionist labourer mond and two dots on left forearm. MartinCarroll, Wellington . 6/5/21 pretences years’ Ireland 1887 5 fresh .. brown blue .. long Hands across heart and TRUE LOVE on right 84 fresh .. brown blue .. long Hands across heart and TRUE! LOVE on right and resti-make tution forearm. false convicted discharged false pretences discharged and convicted discharged 1 year’s probatheft discharged Gavan Wellington 7/5/21 1 year’s probaN. Zealand labourer 1904 5 6 fresh .. brown blue .. long Scar on left cheek, tion theft N. Zealand labourer 1904 5 6 fresh .. brown blue .. long Scar on left cheek. tion Donald Wellington 7/5/21 theft year’s 1 Zealand labourer 1904 5 54 pale fair blue pug bation William Brinfield, Wellington 7/5/21 theft to Zealand schoolboy 1906 5 3 fresh brown grey . medium 1917, school OliveHunter, Wellington . 7/5/21 false years’ proZealand domestic 1906 4 1 fresh . dark blue medium bation short N. Zealand short Percy . Westport 2/5/21 assault fined blacksmith 1889 5 fair fair grey •- medium Heart on left upper arm ; scar below left knee. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 490.) Anchor, heart, and cross on right forearm. F.P. blue N. Zealand blacksmith 1889 5 64 fair fair grey -. medium Heart on left upper arm ; scar below left knee. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 490.) William Irvine, Christchurch 2/5/21 charges) theft to Zealand clerk 1888 5 8 sallow auburn medium blue medium Anchor, heart, and cross on right forearm. F.P. called to to officerbation 1 make restitution 1 William Green, Christchurch 4/5/21 theft receiving a Zealand N. schoolboy 1906 5 0 fresh . brown blue medium 1 home Cecil McKinnon, Christchurch 5/5/21 probation . andconvicted Australia traveller 1899 5 9 fair fair . brown medium See discharged England .. Orchard, Lyttelton 2/5/21 disorderly . fined fireman 1886 5 fresh .. fair grey .. medium England .. fireman 1886 5 44 fresh .. fair grey .. medium AnnBowden, Mary Lyttelton 4/5/21 assault tofined Zealand domestic . 1881 5 5 fresh . dark brown medium 1919, , keep 723.) peace blue .. ' Arthur .. Robert Timaru 5/5/21 charges) inZealand schoolboy . 1906 5 7 sallow brown medium blue medium school T McLennan Donald McRae, Timaru 5/5/21 theft 1 Zealand seaman 1875 5 H fair grey brown broken forearm; Heart, tion forearm. on English 1916, page Lawrence, Clinton 29/4/21 cruelty to fined England domestic . 1872 5 2 fair grey grey . medium William James, Mataura 14/4/21 theft fined Zealand labourer 1893 5 7 dark dark blue medium speech. impediment

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

of tried. When, j Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <fec. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c. Cowan, George James, Ballantyne Harold Treasure, Inveroargill. Invercargill. ■Invercargill. 5/5/21 7/5/21 7/5/21 indecent exposure damaging police uniform assaulting police drunkenness .. damaging police uniform assaulting police (2 charges) drunkenness .. 2 years’ probation fined £3 and to make restitution convicted and discharged convicted and discharged fined £3 and to make restitution convicted and discharged convicted and discharged N. Zealand N. Zealand N. Zealand labourer labourer labourer 1901 1894 1895 ft. in. 5 6 5 9 5 10 sallow .. fresh .. ruddy .. dark brown brown j brown hazel .. blue .. blue medium medium medium Large ears. Soar on right thumb and forefinger, on back of neck, on back, and on right leg, (See Police Gazette , 1921, page 124.) Scar on right side of nose. Invercargill.. - 5/5/21 7/5/21 7/5/21 indecent exposure damaging police uniform assaulting police drunkenness damaging police uniform assaulting police (2 charges) drunkenness .. ' 2 years’ probation fined £3 and to make restitution convicted and discharged convicted and discharged fined £3 and to make restitution convicted and discharged convicted and discharged N. Zealand N. Zealand N. Zealand labourer labourer labourer 1901 1894 1895 ft. in. 5 6 5 9 5 10 sallow .. fresh .. ruddy .. dark brown brown brown hazel .. blue blue medium medium medium Large ears. Scar on right thumb and forefinger, on back of neck, on back, and on right leg. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 124.) Scar on right side of nose.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol-continued.

Prisoner. 3aol, Where |When. |Offence. 1 Sentence. of Trade. Born. 4» A a $ a Comj plexiou. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) u o CQ Height. Complexion. Hair, Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken . J Auckland— alias Percy, W 25/4/17 dwelling months 4 Zealand N. labourer 1896 in. 6 fair fair blue .. medium 20/4/21 Scar on right forearm, on right side of nose, in. 6 fair fair blue .. medium 20/4/21 Scar on right forearm, on right side of nose, and on right wrist; ring and little fingers 'alias Peter, S.C. (5 charges), breaking, each and deFrederick Bowman, entering, and theft, dared an paralysed. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, and theft (7 charges) habitual 30/6/18. Sentences cumulative. Released on criminal probationary license. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 91.) S.C. (5 charges), breaking, each and aeand on right wrist; ring and little fingers entering, and theft, dared an paralysed. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, and theft (7 charges) habitual 30/6/18. Sentences cumulative. Released on criminal probationary license. (See Police Gazette, - 1864 1917, page 91.) . Michael 1 1/1/21 drunkenness 14 Ireland dealer 5 64 fresh .. grey blue pug 10/1/21 Scar on forehead; left ankle broken. Portion 1864 5 6£ fresh .. grey blue pug 10/1/21 Scar on forehead ; left ankle broken. Portion M.C. of fine paid. ■ of fine paid. Hines, d 4/4/21 indecent or England . labourer 1897 5 3£ ruddy .. red brown .. medium 3/5/21 Full-rigged ship on chest; basket of flowers on H ruddy .. red .. brown .. medium 3/5/21 Full- rigged ship on chest; basket of flowers on M.C. right forearm. F.P. ' M.C. right forearm. F.P. MoKearnery, Frederick d M.C. d u 4/4/21 assault month 1 Zealand labourer 1890 5 4 fresh .. black blue pointed .. 3/5/21 F.P. 4 fresh .. blaok blue .. pointed .. 3/5/21 F.P. alias Ellis, 5/4/21 drunkenness month Zealand N. labourer 1867 5 4f sallow .. brown grey .. large 4/5/21 Anchor on right forearm; scar on right fore4f sallow .. brown grey .. large 4/5/21 Anchor on right forearm; scar on right foreWilliam Henry M.C. ; 1919, Richard Auckland M.C, Auckland 5/4/21 drunkenness 1 Australia fireman 1871 5 8 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 4/5/20 See Police Gazette, 1921, page 191. 8 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 4/5/20 See Police Gazette , 1921, page 191. Joseph 5/4/21 obscene fine 1 Australia . . carpenter 1892 5 10i fresh .. ginger blue .. medium 8/4/21 Scar on left temple. F.P. Portion of fine 5 lOi fresh .. ginger blue .. medium 8/4/21 Scar on left temple. F.P. Portion of fine M.C. behaviour 7 1892 paid. Harris, Auckland 7/2/21 theft months Tasmania labourer 5 8J fresh .. brown brown .. pointed .. 6/5/21 Six dots on left wrist ; portion of left forefinger 84 fresh .. brown brown .. pointed .. 6/5/21 Six dots on left wrist ; portion of left forefinger Rolando, S.C. missing. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, ' missing. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, Tasman, 6/1/21. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 439.) 1879 6/1/21. (See Police Gazette, 1917, page 439.) Leslie, Auckland 7/4/21 theft 1 Australia labourer 5 9f fresh .. grey grey .. long 6/5/21 Two scars on left middle and ring fingers ; scar 1879 5 9f fresh .. grey grey .. long 6/5/21 Two scars on left middle and ring fingers ; scar M.C. on left palm. F.P. •V Vi on left palm. F.P. WilliamEdwards, Auckland 7/2/21 breaking, and entering, months Maori labourer 1897 5 9 copper.. black brown .. medium 6/4/21 Scar on inside of right forefinger. F.P. Photo9 copper.. black brown .. medium 6/4/21 Scar on inside of right forefinger. F.P. PhotoS.C. theft graphed LockhartMcLaren, Auckland M.C. M.CRotorua 29/4/21 indecent 1 England . seaman 1872 5 8 ruddy .. grey blue thick 6/5/21 F.P. Portion of fine paid. 8 ruddy .. grey blue .. thick 6/5/21 F.P. Portion of fine paid. Joseph 8/2/21 charges) on Maori labourer 1900 5 6 copper.. blaok brown .. flat 7/5/21 F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 22/2/21. each fine or 1 month Maori labourer 1900 5 6 copper.. black brown .. flat 7/5/21 F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 22/2/21. Royal 1 8/4/21 language N. Zealand seaman 1900 5 6J fresh .. brown grey .. medium 7/5/21 Flowers, anchor, bird, heart, sailor-girl, and fine or 1 month N. Zealand seaman 1900 5 64 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 7/5/21 Flowers, anchor, bird, heart, sailor-girl, and M.C. Chinese idol on right forearm; butterfly and Buffalo Bill on left forearm; scar on chin. F.P. • Chinese idol on right forearm; butterfly and Buffalo Bill on left forearm; scar on chin. F.P. William Auckland 9/4/21• assault . month 1 Zealand cook 1886 5 dark .. black, curly blue long 7/5/21 American flag, eagle, and horse-shoe on right 64 dark .. blaok, ourly blue long 7/5/21 ; ' American flag, eagle, and horse-shoe on right Nelson M.C. Greek ; left arm. upper Rotorua ' Wine Tauranga M.C. 8/4/21 assault month 1 Maori labourer 1894 5 7 copper.. blaok brown .. broad 7/5/21 6 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 114.) 7 copper.. blaok brown .. broad 7/5/21 6 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 114.) Waikeria William k 1 n M.C. 26/11/20 of 6 England . fireman 1891 5 8 dark .. dark brown blue-gr’y medium 3/5/21 Scars on face ; scar on right forefinger. F.P. 8 dark .. dark brown blue-gr’y medium 3/5/21 Scars on face.; scar on right forefinger. F.P. Gisborne 25/4/21 ; 7 25/4/21 Lewis Newman, , Karaka Te 25/2/20 default or N. labourer 1886 5 8 fresh .. dark brown grey .. pointed .. Scar on left forearm. Arrested, 26/1/21. Not 8 fresh .. dark brown grey .. pointed .. Scar on left forearm. Arrested, 26/1/21. Not M.C. months in previous Plymouth— Police Gazette, 1913, page 348.) ‘ Police Gazette, 1913, page 348.) Green, Ernest Wanganui 28/5/17 indecent (4 4 years England . labourer 1880 5 2 fresh .. blaok, ourly brown .. medium 7/5/21 Scar on each forearm, on left shoulder, and on years’ reforEngland . labourer . 1880 5 2 fresh .. black, curly brown .. medium 7/5/21 Scar on each forearm, on left shoulder, and on S.C. charges) each leg and shin. F.P. Photographed at refor- years’ mative Photographed Released on pro-de-tention New Plymouth, ■ - bationary license. tention


of Prisoner. Stool, Where tried. When. 1 Offence. Sentence. 1 jNative |Trade. Bom. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) j Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Napier - ft. in. Napier M.C. ' ft. in. Strong build ; scar on tip of left middle finger; Coyle, . 4/4/21 assault (2 charges) 1 month on N. Zealand labourer 1896 5 71 dark . . black hazel .. medium 3/5/21 Napier M.C. 4/4/21 assault (2 charges) 1 month on N. Zealand labourer 1896 5 n dark . black hazel . medium 3/5/21 Strong build ; scar on tip of left middle finger; each bullet-scar on right knee ; scar above right elbow and on left forearm. F.P. Antonio, each bullet-scar on right knee ; scar above right elbow and on left forearm. P.P. ■ Napier 8/2/21 (inidle disorderly 3 months Chile labourer 1841 5 4 swarthy grey brown . broad 7/5/21 Stout build ; thick eyebrows ; blue spot on left - 3 months Chile labourer 1841 5 4 swarthy grey brown .. broad 7/5/21 Stout build ; thick eyebrows ; blue spot on left Montizeano, alias sufficient means) shoulder ; anchor on right forearm ; left foreJohn, alias Montisimia, arm has been broken; forefingers crooked; sufficient means) shoulder ; anchor on right forearm ; left forearm has been broken ; forefingers crooked; Antonia • scars on right shin; mole on left shoulder. , , . alias Smith, - F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 103.) alias John, Brown, alias Napier scars on right shin; mole on left shoulder. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 103.) 29/4/21 drunkenness . fine England labourer 1864 5 fair grey blue medium 7/5/21 Numerous p.c. Coal-marks on left side of forehead ; scar on left eyebrow and on nose ; 54 fair grey blue medium 7/5/21 Numerous p.c. Coal-marks on left side of Walsh, alias alias Murphy, Murphy, alias , forehead ; scar on left eyebrow and on nose; anohor and dot on left forearm ; left forefinger alias O’Driscoll, Ophee, alias White, Wright forefinger ; 264.) 1921, (See injured. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 264.) WrightWanganui— Wanganui— ArthurThorburn, Wanganui 3/2/21 default of maintenance arrears or 1 N. Zealand labourer 1867 5 8| dark brown blue . medium 3/5/21 4 p.c. Anchor on right forearm ; scar on left ArthurThorburn, alias William, Ellis, Wanganui M.C. 3/2/215/5/21 month leg; blemishes on neck and throat. F.P. Arrested, 4/4/21. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 680.) default of maintenance arrears or 1 N. Zealand labourer 1867 5 81 dark . , brown blue .. medium 3/5/21 4 p.c. Anchor on right forearm ; scar on left W anganui drunkenness .. 24 hours England .. labourer 1870 5 fresh . light brown grey . medium 6/5/21 5 p.c. Mole above right eye and at corner of alias William, Ellis, Stubbs M.C.M.C. left eye ; scar on left middle finger; wreath, clasped hands, woman, flag, bird, and TRUE LOVE on right forearm; butterfly, wasp, and W.S. on left arm ; four dots on baok of left hand. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 5/5/21 month leg; blemishes on neck and throat. P.P. Arrested, 4/4/21. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 680.) W anganui drunkenness .. 24 hours England . labourer 1870 5 54 fresh . . light brown grey . medium 6/5/21 5 p.c. Mole above right eye and at corner of StubbsPalmerston N. 135.) M.C. left eye ; scar on left middle finger; wreath, clasped hands, woman, flag, bird, and TRUE LOVE on right forearm; butterfly, wasp, and W.S. on left arm ; four dots on baok of left hand. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page N.Palmerston Michael Higgins, Gray, 135.) Palmerston N. 25/4/21 drunkenness .. fine or 3 days. N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 7| dark . red blue medium 27/4/21 10 p.c. Not received in time for previous Michael Gray, alias alias Harris, Quinn N.M.C. return. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 192.) * 25/4/21 drunkenness .. fine or 3 days. N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 7 dark . • red blue .. medium 27/4/21 10 p.c. Not received in time for previous M.C. return. (See Police Gazette, 1921, page 192.) Quinn Tako— Tako — Henri Arthur Hirt, Wellington 2/8/20 receiving stolen property 1 year Switzerland labou 1894 5 sallow . brown grey . medium 2/5/21 F.P. Henri Hirt, Henry Wellington Hastings 19/5/20 threatening behaviour sureties or 1 N. Zealand painter 1877 5 fresh . brown hazel . medium, 4/5/21 1 p.c. Scar on right wrist, on chin, on foreyear broken head, and on left shin and foot. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 186.) <3.0. . 2/8/20 receiving stolen property 1 year Switzerland labou 1894 5 44 sallow . brown grey .. medium 2/5/21 P.P. HenryWellington Hastings M.C. 19/5/20 threatening behaviour sureties or 1 N. Zealand painter 1877 5 54 fresh . brown hazel .. medium, 4/5/21 1 p.c. Scar on right wrist, on chin, on forehead, and on left shin and foot. P.P. (See year broken Police Gazette, 1903, page 186.) Bade, Bade, Taihape M.C. 4/2/21 drunk and disorderly .. 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1875 5 n fresh . black brown . hooked . 3/5/21 Scar at base of left thumb. F.P. (See Police Alfred, Bade, alias Taihape M.C. 4/2/21 drunk and disorderly . 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1875 5 71 fresh . black brown.. hooked . 3/5/21 Scar at base of left thumb. F.P. (See Police alias Arthur, Baide, Gazette, 1919, page 410.) Arthur AlfredBarrett, Gazette, 1919, page 410.) W e llington 28/4/21 ship-desertion 7 days England .. fireman 1889 5 7 fresh . brown blue . medium 4/5/21 Woman’s head on right hand ; butterfly on left Barrett, John Spring, Wellington M.C. hand ; flowers on right forearm. F.P. 28/4/21 ship-desertion 7 days England . fireman 1889 5 7 fresh . brown blue .. medium 4/5/21 Woman’s head on right hand ; butterfly on left Wellingto n 28/4/21 drunkenness .. fine or 7 days. England .. steward 1889 5 10 fresh . black brown . medium 4/5/21 Rose on back of right hand. F.P. John Spring, Smith, Riohard, M.C. hand ; flowers on right forearm. F.P. Wellington 28/4/21 drunkenness .. fine or 7 days. England . steward 1889 5 10 fresh . black brown .. medium 4/5/21 Rose on back of right hand. F.P. Smith, alias Richard, M.C. indecent act .. fine or 3 days Masterton M.C. 8/4/21 theft 1 month England .. labourer 1896 5 5J fresh . • brown brown . large • 7/5/21 Scar on nose. F.P. Leighton, John William Palmerston N. 4/4/21 default of maintenance arrears or 1 N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 9 dark . black brown . medium 3/5/21 Deaf. M.C. month M.C. indecent act .. fine or 3 days Masterton M.C. 8/4/21 theft 1 month England . labourer 1896 5 54 fresh . • brown brown.. large • 7/5/21 Scar on nose. F.P. Leighton, John 4/4/21 default of maintenance arrears or 1 N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 9 dark . black brown.. medium 3/5/21 Deaf. Palmerston N. .. ... month M.C.


Name tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Bom. Height. Com- ! piexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous 1 Convictions. ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) I Native of Trade. Bom. Height. Cora- ! plexion. I Hair. | Eyes. J Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken,) Greymouth — maintenance default ft. James Gr 24/1/21 arrears N. labourer 1887 5 84 sallow .. brown blue medium 7/5/21 knee 4 ; M.G. months scars on left forearm and heel. F.P. Arrested, 8/2/21. (See Police Gazette, 1919, i M.G. months scars on left forearm and heel. F.P. ArV'V'*. •• • . Paparua— rested, 8/2/21. (See Police Gazette, 1919, Lyttelton 6/4/21 obscene language page 66.) Robert Landy, 1 month England .. fireman 1878 5 7 dark .. brown brown .. broad 5/5/21 1 p.c. Anchor and left forearm; crossed flags Lyttelton M.G. 6/4/21 obscene language 1 month page 66.) Gbristchuroh 1/12/20 theft (2 charges) on right forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page.702.) Robert Landy, Joseph Me England .. fireman 1878 5 7 dark .. brown brown.. broad : 5/5/21 1 p.c. Anchor and left forearm; crossed flags 6 months on N. Zealand tailor 1891 5 84 sallow .. brown blue .. medium 7/5/21 Two scars on right side of nose ; scar near right M.G. on right forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, Joseph Addington— Ohristohuroh M.G. 1/12/20 theft (2 charges) 6 months on N. Zealand tailor 1891 5 84 sallow .. brown blue .. medium 7/5/21 1920, page: s 702.) Two soars on right side of nose ; scar near right Dunedin M.G. each eye. F.P. Photographed at Christchuroh, 8/5/21. Discharged on remission. Addington— 3/8/20 breaking, entering, and 5 years’ reforN. Zealand domestic .. 1903 5 0 fresh .. brown brown .. pug 28/4/21 Left arm disabled. Released on probationary M.C. eaoh • * eye. F.P. Photographed at Christchurch, Dunedin M.G. \. 3/5/21. Discharged on remission. Gwendoline Bains, Marsdon theft mative detenlicense. Omitted from previous return. 3/8/20 breaking, entering, and 5 years’ reforN. Zealand domestic .. 1903 5 0 fresh .. brown brown.. pug 28/4/21 Left arm disabled. Released on probationary McQuinn, Mary Barclay, Christchurch 6/4/21 theft 1 month N. Zealand prostitute .. 1884 5 64 pale brown grey .. medium 5/5/21 See Police Gazette, 1918, page 118. alias Barclay, Mary Marsdon Lyttelton theft mative detenlicense. Omitted from previous return. M.C. Mary Barclay, John Mack, . Ghristohurch Lyttelton 6/4/21 27/4/21 idle and disorderly 7 days England .. fireman 1884 5 6f fresh .. brown, turnblue .. large 3/5/21 1 p.c. Indistinct tattoo-marks on left forearm. theft 1 month N. Zealand prostitute .. 1884 5 64 pale brown grey .. medium 5/5/21 See Police Gazette, 1918, page 118. Mary James ..Flaok, M.G. M.G. idle and disorderly ing grey F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 90.) Lyttelton ivr.n. 27/4/21 7 days Australia .. fireman 1898 5 4f copper.. black brown.. broad 3/5/21 Scar on each upper arm and on left wrist. F.P. Lewis, John Edward Lyttelton— Francis^ Lyttelton Lyttelton ' 1 M.G. 2/5/21 obscene language fine or 1 month England .. fireman 1883 5 4 fair brown grey .. medium 5/5/21 Scar onjeft foot. F.P. Portion -of fine paid. 7- T&J Walter Bertram Lyttelton 2/5/21 drunk and disorderly .. fine or 1 month England .. seaman 1893 5 6 fresh .. brown, ourly grey .. broad 5/5/21 Circle, flower, sailing-ship, anchor, EUNICE, M.G. heart, and clasped hands on right forearm; heart, sword, and DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR on left forearm; eagle and white ensign on left forearm. F.P. Portion of John Mack, . Thomas MoGee, 27/4/21 idle and disorderly 7 days England .. fireman 1884 5 6§ fresh .. brown, turnblue .. large 3/5/21 1 p.c. Indistinct tattoo-marks on left forearm. Lyttelton 2/5/21 obscene language fine or 1 month England .. fireman 1893 5 3f fresh .. brown grey .. medium 5/5/21 fine paid. Heart and clasped hands on right forearm, James Plaok, ArthurHudson, M.G. M.G. F.P. Portion of fine paid. idle and disorderly ing grey F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1920, page 90.) Lyttelton Christchuroh 1/12/20 obscene language 6 months England .. labourer 1854 5 8 sallow .. grey blue .. medium 7/5/21 4 p.c. Anchor, cross, and A on left forearm ; ivr.p. 27/4/21 7 days Australia .. fireman 1898 5 4§ copper.. black brown.. broad 3/5/21 Scar on each upper arm and on left wrist. F.P. Lewis, Invercargill— M.C. cross on right forearm ; suffers from St. Yitis dance. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 18.) Francis^ JohnNewman, Lyttelton Napier 29/11/20 rogue and vagabond (il6 months N. Zealand plasterer .. 1878 5 7& fresh .. brown brown .. medium 6/5/21 19 p.c. Scar on back of right hand, on left legally on premises) wrist, on abdomen, and on each leg; right shoulder has been dislocated. F.P. Photographed at Napier, 22/12/20. (See Police M.G. . 2/5/21 obscene language fine or 1 month England .. fireman 1883 5 4 fair brown grey .. medium 5/5/21 fook fine paid. Circle, flower, sailing-ship, anchor, EUNICE, Bertram McDermott, Hugh Lyttelton Invercargill 2/5/21 6/4/21 and disorderly maintenance fine 1 1 England Zealand seaman baker 1893 1885 5 5 6 9 fresh . fresh . ourlybrown, brown grey . . blue broad . medium 5/5/21 7/5/21 Gazette, 1920, page 440.) 1 p.c. Small scar above right knee ; scars on M.G. M.G. heart, and clasped hands on right forearm; heart, sword, and DEATH BEFORE DIS- ■ . _ HONOUR on left forearm; eagle and white ensign on left forearm. F.P. Portion of month right knee ; scar under left knee. Arrested, 8/4/21. Lyttelton 2/5/21 obscene language fine or 1 month England ... fireman 1893 5 3| fresh .. brown grey .> medium 5/5/21 . i fine paid. Heart and clasped hands on right forearm, Thomas MoGee, ArthurHudson, F.P. Portion of fine paid. M.G.Ghristchuroh obscene language 6 months England .. labourer .. 1854 5 8 sallow .. grey blue .. medium 7/5/21 4 p.c. Anchor, cross, and A on left forearm ; 1/12/20 M.G. ; oross on right forearm ; suffers from St. Vitis dance. F.P. Discharged on remission. (See 'Police Gazette, 1913, page 18.) Invercargill— William Newman, 29/11/20 rogue and vagabond (il6 months N. Zealand plasterer .. 1878 5 7f fresh .. brown brown.. medium .6/5/21 19 p.c. Scar on back of right hand, on left legally on premises) v wrist, on abdomen, and on each leg; right shoulder has been dislocated. F.P. Photoi graphed at Napier, 22/12/20. (See . Police Napier M.G. Invercargill 6/4/21 default of maintenance arrears or 1 N. Zealand baker 1885 5 9 fresh .. brown blue .. medium' 7/5/21 Gazette, 1920, page 440.) 1 p.c. Small soar above right knee ; scars on M.G. month -. ■ i right knee ; scar under left knee. Arrested, 8/4/21. McDermott, Hugh


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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLVI, Issue 19, 18 May 1921, Page 326

Word Count

FIRST SCHEDULE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLVI, Issue 19, 18 May 1921, Page 326

FIRST SCHEDULE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XLVI, Issue 19, 18 May 1921, Page 326