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(From Gazette, 1914, rages 530 and 540.) Amended Rules under the Judicature Act, 1908.


At the Government Buildings, at Wellington, this sixth day

of February, 1914. Present :

The Right Honourable W. F. Massey presiding in Council. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred by the fifty-first section of the Judicature Act, 1908, His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council thereof, and with the concurrence of Their Honours the Judges of the Supreme Court of the said Dominion, doth hereby revoke the rules made under the said Act numbered *l7Bf and 178 g, and in lieu thereof doth hereby make the rules contained in the Schedule hereto, and doth declare that the said rules set out in the said Schedule shall come into force and take effect on the first day of March, 1914.


178 e. Where the Commission, rogatoire, or letter of request has been transmitted to the Court through His Majesty’s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the Registrar shall forward the depositions so certified, and the Commission, rogatoire, or letter of request to His Excellency the Governor for transmission to the said Secretary of State. 178 g. Where the Commission, rogatoire, or letter of request has been transmitted to the Court through any officer or representative of His Majesty’s Government in New Zealand, the Registrar shall forward the depositions so certified, and the Commission, rogatoire, or letter of request to His Ex-

cellency the Governor for transmission to such foreign Court or tribunal. Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of February, 1914. J. F. ANDREWS, Clerk of the Executive Council. * See Police Gazette, 1911, page 276.

Regulations under the Beer Duty Acts.

IN pursuance and exercise of the authority conferred on me by the Beer Duty Act, 1908, the Beer Duty Amendment Act, 1913, and of all other powers and authorities enabling me in this behalf, I, Francis Marion Bates Fisher, Minister of Customs, do hereby revoke the regulations made under the Beer Duty Act, 1880, by Commissioner’s Order numbered 317, dated 27th December, 1888, and published in the New Zealand Gazette dated 27th December then instant, and by Minister’s Orders numbered 827 and 879, dated 7th December, 1906, and 6th June, 1908, and published in the New Zealand Gazette dated 7th December, 1906, and 11th June, 1908, respectively, and do hereby make and prescribe the following regulations, and declare that the same shall take effect on the sth day of February, 1914.


1. The following shall be the casks and the respective sizes thereof in which beer shall be sold or removed for consumption or sale, viz. : Casks, viz. : Butts, of a capacity of 108 Imperial gallons. Hogsheads, of a capacity of 54 Imperial gallons. Barrels, of a capacity of 36 Imperial gallons. Kilderkins, of a capacity of 18 Imperial gallons. Other kinds, of a capacity of 30, 28, 27, 10, 5,3, and 2 Imperial gallons respectively.

2. Butts shall be assessed for duty at 106 gallons, hogsheads at 52 gallons, and all other casks shall be assessed for duty as containing the number of gallons of beer they are respectively capable of holding when filled. 3. The book required to be kept by subsection (1) of section 23 of the Beer Duty Act, 1908 (hereinafter referred to as the “ principal Act ”), shall be in the form No. 1 of Schedule “ A ” hereto, and the book required to be kept by subsection (2) of that section shall be in the form No. 2 of the said Schedule.

4. Every cask of beer when sold or removed for consumption or sale shall be stamped with one stamp only in the manner required by section 16 of the principal Act, and the particulars thereof shall be entered in the book required to be kept for that purpose, as prescribed in regulation 3 hereof. The stamp shall denote the duty payable in respect of the beer contained in the cask in accordance with the provisions of regulation 2 hereof, and shall be so placed as to fairly cover the whole of the plug or stopper of the tap-hole. 5. A certified copy of the name, signature, or initials, and an imprint of any stamp used by the brewer in cancellation of stamps, must be furnished to the Collector of the district by every person carrying on a licensed brewery under the principal Act, and if any change is made in the mode of such cancellation the same shall be immediately notified to such Collector.

6. No stamp shall be covered or concealed from view with any address-card or otherwise, but it may be secured by cork or otherwise at each corner to prevent the stamp from coming off the cask, or it may be protected by covering the stamp with a card or metal plate having a circular hole in the middle not less than one and one-half inches in diameter.

7. Before any brewer or other person destroys or runs off any beer in a brewery he shall make application to the Collector of the district, who may thereupon grant permission and appoint an officer to be present at the operation, and when completed an entry thereof must be made in the book prescribed in regulation 3 hereof, and such entry shall be certified by the officer so present. 8. Every brewer shall, at the request of a Collector or other officer of Customs, produce all materials for brewing and duty stamps and beer in his possession, and shall permit such Collector or officer to take particulars thereof, and shall satisfactorily account for any discrepancy appearing to exist between such particulars and the statement thereof in any book required to be kept by the principal Act or these regulations.

9. The books required to be kept by the principal Act and these regulations shall be properly balanced by the brewer at the end of every month, and the brewer shall permit a balance to be struck therein by the Collector of the district or other officer of Customs whenever required. 10. The said books shall be kept at and shall not be removed from the brewery.

11. The application for a permit for the removal of beer under the provisions of section 29 of the principal Act shall be as follows :

I, , of , in the district, brewer, owning or occupying a depot or warehouse used exclusively for the storage (or sale) of beer in bulk, and situated at , in the district of , hereby apply for the necessary permits to remove of from brewery to the depot or warehouse aforesaid without affixing duty stamps thereto.


Dated the day of ,19 . To the Collector of the district. 12. The form of permit shall be as follows :

Permit to remove without duty-stamp one from the brewery situated at , in the County (or Borough) of , to the depot or warehouse situated at , in the District of This permit remains in force for day of , 19

days, from this

, Collector.

13. The Collector, upon receiving the application, shall sign and issue the required permits to the applicant, who must endorse upon his application a receipt in the following form, viz. :

Received this day from the Collector of District permits, numbered to , which are to be affixed to the casks of beer for removal as herein specified.


Dated the day of ,19 . 14. The brewer, upon receiving the permits, shall within twenty-four hours affix them upon the heads of the casks, immediately under the bung-stave, and at the same time cancel each permit in the same manner as beer-duty stamps are required to be cancelled. 15. All beer removed under bond shall have a permit affixed to the cask containing it before removal from the brewery. 16. All beer for which permits have been obtained shall be delivered from the brewery and deposited in the depot or warehouse within the time specified in such permits, or, if not used, the permits shall be returned to the Collector before the expiration of that time. 17. As soon as the permits are affixed, the brewer shall notify to the Collector of the district the date of such affixing, in order that it may be recorded. 18. The date of affixing the permit, or, in case the date is accidentally obliterated, the date of issue of the permit, shall be the point of time from which calculation shall be made in determining whether the cask has been too long in transit from the brewery to the depot or warehouse; and in case both dates are illegible the casks may be detained and the owner required to prove the absence of fraudulent intent. 19. When the depot or warehouse is situated in a different district to that in which the brewery is situated, due notice of the intended removal of beer shall be forwarded by the Collector issuing the permits to the Collector in whose district the depot or warehouse is situated, and the brewer must promptly notify to the Collector last mentioned the receipt in his depot or warehouse of the casks containing such beer. 20. Beer may be repacked in the depot or warehouse as aforesaid into other casks, provided they are of such sizes as are prescribed by regulations, and the necessary stamps are affixed before delivery as required by section 16 of the principal Act. 21. Permits are to remain upon the casks until they are removed from the depot or warehouse aforesaid, or until the contents thereof have been repacked into other casks and the necessary duty-stamps affixed, at which time they are to be scraped off and destroyed. 22. Every brewer removing beer under permit shall keep a separate account in a book, to be provided for that purpose, of all beer received into his depot or warehouse aforesaid, and of all beer sold or removed therefrom for consumption or sale,

23. Such book shall be kept in the manner similar to the book required to be kept under the provisions of subsection (1) of section 23 of the principal Act, and shall be subject in all respects to the provisions of the principal Act requiring brewers to keep books and render statements. 24. Except in special cases, and with the previous consent in writing of the Collector of the district in which any depot or warehouse for the storage or sale of beer in bulk is situate, it shall not be lawful to remove beer from such depot or warehouse between the hours of five o’clock- in the evening and eight o’clock of the following morning. 25. When beer is to be removed from one part of New Zealand to another before being stamped, the Brewer shall give a bond in the form provided for the removal of warehoused goods under the Customs Acts, so far as the same may be applicable.

26. Immediately after arrival at the port of destination, and before leaving the wharf, each cask is to be stamped in the manner required by section 16 of the principal Act, in the presence of an examining officer of Customs. 27. The permit on every such cask shall he destroyed by the examining officer at the time when the stamp is affixed.

28. The agent of the brewer at the port of destination may for the purposes of these regulations be treated as the brewer for the purpose of purchasing, affixing, and cancelling of stamps as required by law and regulations 29. Beer may be exported without being stamped, provided the exporter enters into the bond required under the Customs Acts for the exportation of warehoused goods, so far as the same may be applicable, and obtains and affixes the usual permit to each cask.

30. The bond to be given under section 7 of the principal Act shall be in the form of Schedule “ B ” hereto.

31. Every brewer desirous of removing beer to a bottling store by means of a pipe or other conduit under section 8 of the Beer Duty Amendment Act, 1913, shall apply to the Collector for permission to do so. 32. He shall at the same time submit a plan of such part of his brewery as contains the storage vats from which it is proposed to bottle. 33. He shall supply meters approved by the Collector to record the quantity of beer transferred to such storage vats, and also from such storage vats to his bottling store.

34. The Collector shall have sole control of such meters, and shall seal the same from time to time as required; and no person other than the Collector shall break such seal or in any way interfere therewith, or with such meters. 35. If any person fails, refuses, or neglects to do anything required by these regulations, or wilfully does anything prohibited by these regulations, every such person so offending shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding £SO.

The quantity of malt used during the month was


The quantity of hops used during the month was pounds.

The quantity of sugar and glucose used during the month was pounds. The quantity and description of other materials used during the month was Pursuant to the Beer Duty Act, 1908, I, , of , declare that the foregoing entries were made by me, and that they state truly, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the estimated quantity of the whole amount of beer brewed, and the actual quantity sold, and the actual quantity removed in and from the brewery owned by , at , in the County (or Borough) of , from the first day of the month of to the last day of that month ; and, further, that I have no knowledge of any matter or thing required by the aforesaid Act to be stated in the said entries having been omitted therefrom.

(To be signed by the person who made the entries in the book.) , this day of

Declared at before me, —

,19 ,

(or a Justice

Collector for the District of of the Peace) Pursuant to the Beer Duty Act, 1908, I, of , declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the foregoing entries contain all the particulars required by the aforesaid Act, and that the same are true in such several particulars.

(To be signed by the brewer if entries in book not made by him.) , this day of 19 ,

Declared at before me, —

Collector for the District of of the Peace)

(or a Justice

Form No. 2.

Book to be kept by Brewer under the Provisions of Subsection (2) of Section 23 of the Beer Duty Act, 190 S. Account of all Materials purchased or made for the Purpose of producing Beer at the Brewery carried on by at , in the County (or Borough) of together with the Several Balances thereof on Last Days of the Month of ,19

the First and

Pursuant to the Beer Duty Act, 1908, I, , of , declare that the foregoing entries were made by me, and that they state truly, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the quantity of all materials purchased or made and received at the brewery for the purpose of producing beer at the brewery owned by , at , in the County (or Borough) of , from the first day of the month of to the last day of that month ; and,

further, that I have no knowledge of any matter or thing required by the aforesaid Act to be stated in the said entries having been omitted therefrom.

(To be signed by the person who made the entries in the book.) day of

. Declared at before me, —

, this

,19 ,

(or a Justice

Collector for the District of of the Peace) Pursuant to the Beer Duty Act, 1908, I, of , declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the foregoing entries contain all the particulars required by the aforesaid Act, and that the same are true in such several particulars.

(To be signed by the brewer if entries in book not made by him.) Declared at this day of ,19 , before me, —

Collector for the District of (or a Justice of the Peace). Schedule B. Know all men by these presents that we (1) , of , in the Provincial District of , brewer (principal party hereto), and , of , and , of (his sureties), are held and firmly bound unto our Sovereign Lord King George the Fifth in the sum of (2) , to be paid to our said Lord the King, his heirs and successors ; for which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and every of us, jointly and severally, our and every of our executors and administrators, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals. Dated this (3) day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and

Whereas the said , being a brewer within the meaning of the Beer Duty Act, 1908, and intending to be engaged in the business of brewing within the district of , at Street, in the County (or Borough) of , has proposed to enter into these presents pursuant to section 7 of the said Act, and the Collector for the district has approved of the said and

, as such sureties as aforesaid

Now the condition of this obligation is such that if the said shall duly and punctually from time to time account for all beer in his or their brewery, and shall pay, or cause to be paid, as provided by law, the duty required by law on all beer, as the same is defined by the Beer Duty Act, 1908, and made by him or them, or for him or them, or in his or their brewery, whenever the same shall be sold, transferred, or removed for consumption or sale, except when removed as provided by law, and shall duly stamp each cask before delivery; and shall keep true and exact account as provided for in sections 23 to 25 of the said Act of all material purchased, made, and used, of all beer brewed and delivered, and of all stamps purchased and used or to be used, and shall in all other respects faithfully comply without fraud or evasion with all the requirements of the said Act, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and virtue.

Signed, sealed, and delivered by the above-named in the presence of (4) Signed, sealed, and delivered by the above-named in the presence of (4) Signed, sealed, and delivered by the above-named in the presence of (4)

(1) Names, occupations, and residences in words at length of the brewer and two sureties. (2) Amount of bond in words at length. (3) Date of first signature in words at length. (4) A seal to be affixed for each party, and the witnesses to add their occupations and addresses after their signatures.

Given under my hand, at Wellington, this sth day of February, 1914.

[Minister’s Order No. 1065.]

F. M. B. FISHER, Minister of Customs,

By Authority: John Mackay, Govern® ,nt Printer, Welling ten, 1

Form No. 1. Book to be kept by Brewer under the Provisions of Subsection ( 1 ) of Section 23 of the Beer Duty Act, 1908. ACCOUNT of all Beer produced and disposed of, also of all Beer-duty Stamps purchased and used, at the Brewery carried on by , at , in the County [or Borough] of , together with the Balances of Beer and Stamps in Hand on the First and Last Bays of the Month of ,19 Date. Beer produced: Kind and Quantity, estimated in Hhds. ready for Sale. Stamps purchased. Quantity of Beer removed under Bond or Permit. Actual Quantity of Beer sold and delivered for Consumption, and Stamps u«*ed. CC ■4-3 B rq 5 | 86 Gals. O CO c6 0 cc cm cS CM c3 o cc 10 Gals. 0 cc cc T? cd ds o CO Oil 1 Value of Stamps. Date. Quantity. To what District Depot, &c Date CC +3 X CC X K CO CO 80 Gals. CC o3 CO CM cc o3 o fcCM d CC o5 $ o Is 0 uO o3 <5 CO CO c6 Od Total Quantity in w Hhds. sold or disposed " of. « Stock on band first of month Brewed on - - - d K > Total to be accounted for Sold and otherwise disposed of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Balance on hand last day of month

Date. Materials. Other Materials Malt. Hops. Sugar. Glucose. (each kind to be specified). Stock on hand first day of the month Purchased or made and received at the brewery on Bush. lb. lb. lb. Total to be accounted for Used and sold Balance on hand at end of month

1 i i c 43 Comj plexiou. “' ~ ■' Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of j Trade. J-i j o j £h • HP *3 M Hair. Eyes. j Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &c 1 Faithful, Harry Russell 31/1/14 indecent exposure convicted and N. Zealand bushman .. 1875 ft. in. 5 8} sallow .. dark blue medium Two large scars on right side of neck ; scar on Eusfcage, Joseph .. discharged and prohibited left ear; bald on top of head. Te Awamutu 30/1/14 enteiing licensed preto pay costs .. N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 11 fresh .. brown blue .. medium 2 p.c. for assault and refusing to quit licensed mises while prohibited (2 charges) premises, not gazetted. Strong active build. procuring liquor while lined 10s. prohibited procuring liquor while fined £2 prohibited drunk and disorderly .. fined £3 Woods, Frank William Te Awamutu 30/1/14 sending liquor into a fined £5 N. Zealand ex postal 1893 5 4 dark .. black grey .. medium Thin sharp features ; fond of drink. proclaimed area without notifying Clerk of Court of name and address cadet Giltrap, James Te Awamutu 30/1/14 cruelty to animals fined £3 Ireland farmer 1853 5 9 fresh . . grey grey .. medium 2 p.c., not gazetted, for similar offences. Tinotahi Himiona .. Waipiro Bay 30/1/14 theft to come up if aboriginal labourer 5 2 copper.. black blue .. large Mentally deficient. • called on Richards, Reuben .. Tolaga Bay . . 28/1/14 sly-grog selling fined £40 N. Zealand labourer 1868 5 8 fair fair blue .. medium Bald on top of head. Morris, Reihi Tolaga Bay .. 28/1/14 drunk while in charge fined £1 aboriginal labourer 1893 5 4 copper. . black brown .. broad of a horse obscene language fined £3 Walker, Robert Tolaga Bay .. 28/1/14 drunk while in charge fined £l N. Zealand labourer 1892 5 6 dark .. black brown .. medium A half-caste Maori. of a horse obsoene language fined £3 Stevens, Arthur or Steve Wairoa 4/2/14 theft to come up if England .. labourer 1889 5 8 dark .. dark brown brown .. rather Nose has been broken ; A. S. on left wrist. called on thick Moodie, James Port Awanui 2/2/14 supplying a female fined £50 Kngland .. hotel-porter 1846 5 5 4 sallow .. grey blue .. medium Delicate appearance. Maori with liquor Peaohey, Frank Port Awanui 2/2/14 attempted suicide to come up if N. Zealand carpenter .. 1883 5 8 fair fair grey .. long called on Haenga Urikore Port Awanui 2/2/J4 drunk and disorderly . . fined £1 aboriginal labourer 1894 5 n copper .. black brown .. broad Clarke, Michael Napier 2/2/14 breach of a prohibition fined £5 N. Zealand carpenter .. 1873 5 64 fresh .. fair grey .. medium Bald on top of head. order Pool, Richard, alias Jockey Napier 2/2/14 obsoene language convicted and England .. labourer 1859 5 5f fair light brown grey .. large See Police Gazette , 1909, page 60. Poole, alias Smith discharged Blake, Charles, alias Neville, James, alias Downey, Mangaweka 5/2/14 drunk and disorderly, oonvioted and England .. labourer and 1876 5 94 sallow .. dark, turning blue .. crooked . . Woman’s head and bust on right forearm ; mole and indeoency discharged on carpenter grey on left cheek. (See Policed azette, 1912, page James each 659.) Butler, Evelyn Wellington .. 19/1/14 soliciting prostitution to come up if Australia .. prostitute .. 1874 5 4 pale black grey .. medium called on Johnston, Mary Wellington .. 19/1/14 soliciting prostitution to Army Home N. Zealand prostitute .. 1880 5 7 ruddy .. dark brown grey .. medium for 6 months Bums, Joseph Wellington .. 19/1/14 resisting police fined £2 England .. trimmer 1882 5 6 fair fair grey .. medium wilful damage to pay damage

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

to Naftie of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Comj plexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, <&c. —P.G Barr, William Wellington .. 19/1/14 obscene language fined £3 Scotland .. labourer 1870 ft. in. 5 8i dark .. dark grey .. medium Mole on left arm. (See Police Gazette , 1913, fruiterer page 598.) Young Sing, Charlie Wellington .. 19/1/14 in possession of opium fined £20 China .. 1859 5 8i sallow .. dark grey .. brown .. medium smoking opium fined £5 China .. Ah Joe Wellington .. 19/1/14 smoking opium fined £5 fruiterer 1881 "5 n sallow.. dark brown .. medium Lanny, Grace Wellington .. 21/1/14 soliciting prostitution to come up if N. Zealand prostitute .. 1872 5 4 fresh .. dark blue medium called on Ah Joe .. Wellington .. 21/1/14 assisting to manage a fined £20 China fruiterer 1856 5 5 sallow .. dark brown .. medium lottery Low Fun .. Wellington .. 21/1/14 assisting to manage a fined £20 China fruiterer 1891 5 5 sallow .. dark brown .. medium lottery China Ho To Wellington .. 22/1/14 assault causing bodily to pay oosts .. seaman 1885 5 6J dark black brown .. broad harm China yellow Ah Forr .. W ellington .. 22/1/14 assault causing bodily to pay costs .. seaman 1884 5 4 sallow .. black brown .. medium harm Pinis, Walter Percival Wellington .. 24/1/14 assault fined £5 England .. seaman 1881 5 n fresh .. brown brown .. medium Tretheway Robert King Wellington .. 26/1/14 theft fined £1 N. Zealand labourer and 1888 5 5 fresh .. fair grey .. medium F.P. N. Zealand porter Pomeroy, Samuel .. Wellington .. 26/1/14 breach of the peace fined 10s. labourer 1887 5 8i dark .. dark brown .. medium Broken nose; scar over right eye ; flag on left N. Zealand wrist. Callaghan, Alfred .. Wellington .. 27/1/14 assault o strokes of sohoolboy .. 1901 5 0 fresh .. fair grey .. medium birch Hankinson, Annie .. Wellington .. 28/1/14 assault to pay costs .. England .. prostitute .. 1878 5 3 fresh .. brown brown .. medium obscene language fined £1 Rogers, Teenie Wellington .. 29/1/14 soliciting prostitution .. fined £2 Ireland prostitute .. 1888 5 2 dark .. dark brown .. medium Thomas, Frederick James .. Wellington .. 30/1/14 breach of the peace fined £1 Australia .. showman .. 1883 5 74 dark .. dark dark .. medium Leckie, Archibald .. Wellington .. 30/1/14 insulting language fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 64 fair dark brown blue long Pye, Richard Charles Wellington .. 3/2/14 theft (2 charges) 6 strokes of N. Zealand message-boy 1900 5 2 fair fair grey .. medium birch Soderburg, Carl Vilhelm Wellington .. 32/14 absent from ship to pay costs .. Sweden fireman 1876 5 7 fair fair blue long ship-desertion to pay costs Pearson, Leonard .. Wellington .. 3/2/14 resisting police handed to naval England .. seaman 1892 5 11 fresh .. fair blue long wilful damage authorities to pay damage ' Erickstead, Alfred Wellington .. 3/2/14 obstructing police fined £2 Norway .. seaman 1892 5 9 fair fair grey .. medium Woman, heart, and ship on left arm. Sullivan, David Wellington .. 4/2/14 theft to pay costs .. England .. boilermaker 1875 5 4 fresh .. grey grey .. medium Sailor and M. A. S. on right arm ; crossed hands on right hand; J. MORRISON on left arm ; coat-of-arms on left hand. Hagan, Henry Westport 2/2/14 obscene language fined £2 N. Zealand labourer 1888 5 10 fresh .. brown grey .. medium Senior, Ben Westport 2/2/14 obscene language fined £2 N. Zealand butcher 1894 5 9 fresh .. brown grey .. medium

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol —continued.

Name of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of j Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &e Hartigan, James .. Westport 2/2/14 drunkenness .. fined 5s. N. Zealand labourer 1888 ft. in. 6 1 fresh .. brown blue .. medium resisting police fined £2 Hearne, Michael .. Reefton 30/1/14 obstructing police fined 5s. Australia .. miner 1890 g 7 sallow .. brown dk. grey medium, turned up Logan, Daniel Ahaura 23/1/14 indecent language fined £5 Ireland .. miner 1880 r 9 fresh .. brown grey •• broad Dunford, Thomas .. Dunedin 2/2/14 drunkenness .. fined 5s. N. Zealand carter 1879 £ 7 fresh .. dark blue-gr’y medium Scar under right eye. obscene language fined £1 resisting police fined £1 N. Zealand Dunford, John Dunedin 2/2/14 resisting police fined £1 oarter 1891 g 7 medium dark hazel .. medium Cast in right eye. Sayers, John Alexander Gore 2/10/13 ordering liquor for a refined £10 on England .. clerk 1854 £ 8 fresh .. fair blue .. medium sident of a no-license first and condistrict without notivicted and fying the vendor that discharged the said liquor was to be delivered to such resident (2 charges) on second Humphrey, John .. Invercargill 4/2/14 indecent language fined £5 N. Zealand upholsterer 1874 ! 9 fresh .. sandy brown .. pointed .. 1 p.c. for drunkenness at Invercargill, 2/12/07. insulting behaviour convicted and discharged McIntyre, Donald .. Invercargill 4/2/14 cruelty to a horse convicted and Scotland .. farmer 1864 £ 10 ruddy .. dark brown .. medium Stout build. discharged furious driving fined £5 5/2/14 drunk while in charge of fined £1 a horse and trap Mendham, Sidney Prank Bluff 30/1/14 assault fined £1 England .. sailor 1893 £ 7 fresh .. dark grey .. medium Ryan, Richard George Invercargill 5/2/14 breaking, entering, and sent to Weraroa N. Zealand labourer 1899 £ 5 dark .. black brown .. medium A half-caste Maori. (See Police Gazette, 1909, theft (2 charges) Indus. School page 251.)

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, but not sent to Gaol— continued.

Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Whore tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. fl U o PQ 5 *© w Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. | When discharged. Bemarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland — ft. in. fresh .. Ruston. Leonard Janies Auckland 2/2/14 theft remanded N. Zealand machinist . 1883 5 71 dark brown blue large 3/2/14 Bust of sailor-girl on left forearm ; two scars on Parker M.C. left forefinger. F.P. Richards, Arthur Auckland 31/1/14 theft remanded N. Zealand clerk 1881 5 84 fresh .. brown blue pointed .. 3/2/14 Fern-leaf, N. Z., KIA ORA, 7th, and A. R. on M.C. left forearm. F.P. Dufaur, Reginald Hamilton 12/1/14 theft 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1897 5 8 dark .. black brown .. medium 3/2/14 Scar on left forearm, between left forefinger and M.C. thumb, on left forefinger, and on sole of left foot. F.P. Committed to Burnham. Chadwick, John William Paeroa M.C. 28/8/13 false pretences 6 months England . miner 1859 5 11 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. large 4/2/14 9 p.c. Tip of right forefinger missing ; scar on « Auckland falselpretenoes 3 months left hand. F.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, 2/12/08. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 229.) Ogier, Alfred Dory, alias 5/11/13 theft 3 months N. Zealand barber 1872 5 4 fresh .. grey blue .. Roman .. 4/2/14 18 p.c. Scar on nose and on right forefinger. Jackson, George, alias M.C. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 15/6/12. Dory, alias Simpson Auckland (See Police Gazette 1913, page 667.) Rigby, Edward 5/12/13 indecency 2 months England . labourer 1890 5 3 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 4/2/14 6 p.c. Three moles under left ear ; scar on left M.C. thumb. F.P, Photographed at Auckland, 11/11/13. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 726.) Hartley, Frederick Auckland 1/10/12 default of maintenance arrears or l England . engineer 1873 5 94 fresh .. light brown blue-gr’y medium 4/2/14 2 p.c. Several dots on right forearm. Arrested M.C. * months 5/12/13. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 317.) Pollock, James or Wil - Auckland 5/1/14 theft 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1867 5 9 fresh .. brown It. hazel medium 4/2/14 8 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 9/9/12. liam M.C. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 726.) Chase, Charles Frederick J Auckland 5/1/14 theft 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1870 5 2f fair brown brown .. medium 4/2/14 25 p.c. Shield, flag, and A. P. on right forearm ; alias Smith, Frederick M.C. McMAMUS on right upper arm ; shield and flag on left forearm ; star on left upper arm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 15/9/11. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 771.) Andrade, John Auckland 25/11/13 default of maintenance arrears or 1 England . , storeman . 1860 5 74 pale black hazel .. broad 4/2/14 Arrested 5/1/14. M.C. month Deam, Thomas William Wellington 5/8/12 breaking, entering, and 18 months’ re _ N. Zealand seaman 1892 5 8i swarthy black dark br. wide 4/2/14 Brown birth-mark on left arm ; small oblong S.C. theft (2 charges), and formative de - tattoo-mark on left wrist. F.P. theft tention Warden, Emily Auckland M.C. 5/1/14 theft 1 month N. Zealand cook 1869 5 3 dark .. dark brown hazel .. medium 4/2/14 Artificial teeth. F.P. Ousley, Tom .. Auckland 6/11/13 making a false declara3 months England . labourer 1880 5 6J fresh .. fair brown .. large 5/2/14 Bust of Queen Victoria, flowers, and two flags on chest; fan and bird on each shoulder ; S.C. tion under Marriage Act eagle on left upper arm ; female on right upper arm. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 14/10/13. Martin, Frederick Auckland 16/1/14 ship-desertion 21 days Scotland . seaman 1887 5 3f fresh .. light brown blue .. medium 5/2/14 Tombstone inecribed IN MEMORY OF MY M.C. MOTHER on right upper arm ; female bust, F. L., butterfly, clasped hands, and TRUE LOVE on right forearm; ship on left upper arm ; clasped hands, ship, and butterfly on left forearm; star on left hand; grave on chest; tip of left forefinger missing. F.P. McDougall, James Auckland 16/1/14 ship-desertion 21 days Scotland . miner 1893 5 4 fresh .. light brown blue broad 5/2/14 Horse-shoe with JEANIE on right forearm; M.C. large scar on left knee. F.P. Taggart, Thomas Auckland 16/1/14 ship-desertion 21 days Scotland . miner 1894 5 44 fresh <■. fair blue .. medium 5/3/14 Sailor’s head, T. T., and indistinct tattooing on M.Cright forearm. F.P.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. 1 Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. j When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ( F . P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland — continued. ft. in. Blair, Samuel .. Auckland 24/1/14 breach of a prohibition fine or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1870 5 7i fresh .. grey brown .. large 6/2/14 32 p.c. Tattoo-mark on right forearm; scar on M.G. order nose ; cross on left forearm. Photographed at Auckland, 29/7/12. (See Police Gazette, • 1913, page 771.) Campbell, Mary Auckland 24/1/14 obscene language 14 days N. Zealand prostitute .. 1877 5 5 sallow .. dark brown, blue-gr’y medium 6/2/14 27 p.c. Scar on right arm. F.P. (See Police M.C. turning grey Gazette, 1912, page 358.) Neville, Archibald, alias Auckland 26/1/14 threatening behaviour fine or 14 days N. Zealand guesser 1883 5 2f fresh .. dark brown grey .. large 7/2/14 15 p.c. Dot on left forearm. F.P. PhotoWilliams, Harry, alias M.C. graphed at Auckland, 10/8/09. (See Police O’Keefe, Daniel Gazette, 1914, page 77.) McLeod, Jessie, alias Auckland 10/8/12 incorrigible rogue 2 years Ireland .. prostitute .. 1858 5 2J sallow .. brown brown .. small 7/2/14 14 p.c. Scar on forehead, left eyebrow, bridge Alexander M.C. of nose, and on right wrist. F.P. On special remission. (See Police Gazette, 1912, page 334.) McCarthy, John, alias Auckland 2/2/14 assaulting police 7 days Ireland canvasser .. 1874 5 fresh .. auburn blind .. medium 7/2/14 Several p.c. Blind. F.P. Photographed at McArthur M.C. Auckland, 25/3/06. (See Police Gazette, 1912, page 482.) Lee, Samuel John Auckland 6/2/14 breach of a prohibition fine or 3 days England .. fireman 1869 5 swarthy black brown .. long 7/2/14 12 p.c. 0. LOGAN on right forearm ; bracelet M.C. order on right wrist; ring on right middle finger. Gisborne — (See Police Gazette, 1911, page 474.) O’Brien, James, alias Gisborne M.G. 5/12/18 vagrancy 2 months Ireland labourer 1880 5 6* fai r light brown blue long, in4/2/14 Scar on wrist; shamrock and lump on right Larmer drunkenness .. fine or 48 hours dined to forearm ; lump on left forearm. (See Police left Gazette, 1910, page 349.) Napier— Gorstad, Martin, alias Napier M.C. 3/11/18 vagrancy 3 months Norway .. seaman 1882 5 54 fresh .. light brown hazel .. medium 2/2/14 1 p.c. Scar on left side of chin ; M. J. on right Gerstad hand ; ring on left middle finger ; scar on tip of right thumb. F.P. (See Police Gazette, New Plymouth— 1913, page 564.) Forbes, Edward Joseph Eltham M.C. 8/1/14 theft (2 charges) 1 14 days on each Australia .. labourer 1883 5 H dark dark grey .. medium 4/2/14 Clasped hands and wreath on left forearm. F.P. Sentences cumulative. Wanganui— Griffin, Daniel Wanganui 29/1/14 drunkenness .. to pay costs .. Ireland labourer 1849 5 5 fresh .. grey blue medium 5/2/14 Upper teeth missing. On remand from 29/1/14 M.C. to 5/2/14. Palmerston N. — Storrie, Alfred PalmerstonN. 6/1/14 theft 30 days Australia .. labourer and 1874 5 8 fresh .. brown, turnblue medium 4/2/14 Scar on left eyebrow ; boil-mark at back of neck. M.C. clerk ing grey ■ F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 24/2/12. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 333.) Thompson, Joseph, alias PahiatuaM.O. 29/1/14 attempted theft 7 days Ireland labourer 1882 5 6 florid .. brown blue broad 4/2/14 F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 8/7/07. (See Manning, Arthur, alias Police Gazette, 1914, page 33.) Hagney, alias Ingram, alias Andrews Burke, John, alias Wat PahiatuaM.G. 29/1/14 theft 7 days Ireland labourer 1856 5 54 fair white hazel .. medium 4/2/14 Large birth-mark on left upper arm. F.P. son, alias Power, alias Photographed at Dunedin, 11/5/11. (See Fitzpatrick, alias Wil Police Gazette, 1913, page 230.) son, alias Brown, alias Maloney, alias James Wellington — Petberson, Carl Gore M.C. .. 4/12/13 default of maintenance 6 weeks Sweden labourer 1847 5 5 4 dark .. brown blue medium 2/2/14 Anchor, heart, and cross on right arm; woman holding flag on left arm. F.P. Arrested 23/12/13. McDonald, Alexander . W ellington 20/1/14 obscene language fine or 14 days Scotland .. fireman 1876 5 if fair light brown blue, medium 2/2/14 4 p.c. Long blue scar behind right ear ; scar on M.C. breach of a prohibition fine or 7 days small back, on left side of neck, and on back of orcier head. F.P.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. j Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. j When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wellington — continued. ft. m. . Wiltshire, Robert John Welli ngton 5/1/14 assault fine or 48 hours England . seaman 1887 5 54 fair light brown blue large 4/2/14 Angel on world, Britannia, sailor with flag, M.C. obscene language . fine or 1 month pierced hearts, I.T. K. M., and clasped hands over flower with TRUE LOVE on right arm ; ship on right hand; fly on right middle finger; star, clasped hands, ship and flags, heart and dagger, tombstone with IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY DEAR FATHER, harp with I. L. K. S., and bracelet on left arm ; flowers on left hand. F.P. Driscoll, Joseph Wellington M.C. 5/1/14 vagrancy 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 6£ dark .. dark brown blue medium 4/2/14 Tip of right thumb injured. F.P. Morris, Alfred George . Nelson M.C. 5/12/13 vagrancy 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 4| dark .. dark brown hazel .. large 4/2/14 St. George and Dragon on right upper arm; I. L. 76 on left forearm. F.P. Fraser, John, alias CartertonM.C. 6/1/14 vagrancy 1 month N. Zealand tailor 1873 5 H dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 5/2/14 Numerous p.c. F.P. Chambers Smith, James, alias CartertonM.C. 6/1/14 vagranoy 1 month Tasmania. labourer 1872 5 2f fair light brown grey .. medium 5/2/14 Numerous p.c. Female head on right arm; Griffo scar on right thumb. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 9/6/08. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 623.) McCarthy, John Wellington 23/1/14 breach of a prohibition fine or 14 days England . fireman 1878 5 5i dark .. dark brown hazel .. medium 5/2/14 Several p.c. for drunkenness. Ooat-of-arms with M.C. order (2 charges) on each UNITY IS STRENGTH, J. McGARTHY, and Me. on right arm ; crucifixion on chest; tombstone with IN MEMORY OF MY MOTHER on left arm ; large burn-scar on chin. (See Police Gazette , 1914, page 48.) Stanton, James, alias Otaki M.C. . 7/1/14 vagranoy 1 month Ireland labourer 1878 5 6 flor;d .. brown blue broad .. 6/2/14 Several p.c. Scar near left eyebrow. F.P. Manning, Arthur, alias Ingram, John, alias Andrews, alias Crofton Photographed at Auckland, 8/7/07, and at Invercargill, 31/5/09. (See Police Gazette , 1914, page 33.) Henry, alias Neville alias Hagney . Anderson, Robert Wellington 9/5/10 attempted carnal know 5 years N. Zealand paper-runner 1864 5 H copper.. black dark br. thick 6/2/14 3 p.c. Mole on middle of back ; defective eyeS.C. ledge sight. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 1/1/02. On special remission. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 154.) Harrison, John, alias Wellington 8/11/13 breach of the peace fine or 7 days Ireland fireman 1884 5 5i sandy .. brown brown .. medium 7/2/14 5 p.c. Four boil-scars on back of neck. F.P. Kelly M.C. vagrancy 3 months Photographed at Wellington, 19/1/12. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 693.) McGowan, John Wellington 31/1/14 assault (2 charges) fine or 7 days Ireland firema 1878 5 8f florid .. dark brown brown .. medium 2/2/14 Britannia on right arm ; star with K. F. S. S. A., &c., on left arm ; clasped hands on left wrist. M.C. on each fine or 7 days Fine paid. F.P. McGrath, Patrick Wellington 31/1/14 assault Ireland fireman 1886 5 7f dark .. brown blue medium 2/2/14 Mole above left eyebrow; tip off left middle M.C. finger ; dimpled chin. F.P. Fine paid. Tait, William John H.M.S. 20/11/13 abscent from place of 90 days England . seaman 1893 5 9 fresh .. dark brown dark br. medium 5/2/14 Woman’s head on right arm; Buffalo Bill, S. C., “ Psyche ” duty (2 charges) and E. B. on left arm. F.P. To naval refusing to work (2 authorities. charges)


3aol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. N^.e. When discharged. Hemarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wellington — continued. ft. in. Churchman, Alexander, W ellington 2/2/14 caking part in an un acquitted Scotland .. seaman 1876 5 3f fresh .. brown brown .. medium 4/2/14 27 p.c. Gross with IN MEMORY OF MY alias Ingram S.C. lawful assembly MOTHER, man’s head, and emblem on right arm ; anchor, heart, and cross, with A. 0. and M. A. I. on left arm. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1912, page 378.) Henderson, Henry, alias W e llington 2/2/14 forgery and uttering .. 12mos’ prob’t’n N. Zealand labourer 1888 5 7£ fresh .. brown blue medium 2/2/14 Scar on left palm ; tiiree boil-scars on back of Bums, Thomas S.C. neck. F.P. McKee, Leslie Wellingto n 2/2/14 forgery and uttering .. 12mos’ prob’t’n N. Zealand labourer 1888 5 S£ fair brown blue .. thick 2/2/14 Scar on forehead ; two moles on neck. F.P. Lawson, Christina Wellingto n 5/1/14 vagrancy .. .. 1 month Scotland .. prostitute .. 1859 5 2 fresh .. brown brown .. pug 4/2/14 Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1912, M.C. page 346.) Barclay, Mary Wellington 5/1/14 vagrancy 1 month N. Zealand prostitute .. 1884 5 pale light brown grey .. medium 4/2/14 Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1910, M.C. page 122.) MoEwan, Jessie, alias Wellington 6/1/14 vagrancy 1 month Scotland .. prostitute .. 1868 5 04 sallow.. brown, turnhazel .. medium 5/2/14 Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1914, Harvey, alias Edwards M.C. mg grey page 23.) Mcllroy, Mary Wellington 8/1/14 drunkenness .. fine or 3 days Scotland .. prostitute .. 1854 4 10 sallow .. grey blue wide 7/2/14 Numerous p.c. Sear on right cheek. F.P. M.C. obscene language 1 month (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 624.) Picton — Jones, John BlenheimM.C. 5/1/14 theft 1 month England .. miner 1884 5 54 dark .. dark brown .. medium 4/2/14 Right wrist has been broken ; scar on forearm. F.P. He was convicted at Christchurch, 29/5/09, for obscene language, and fined £2, not gazetted. Gorrish, Henry BlenheimM.C. 4/2/14 drunkenness .. to come up if England .. labourer 1841 5 2 fresh .. brown turngrey .. long, thick 6/2/14 Small lump on forehead. An old-age pensioner. Westport— called on mg grey Stephens, Eric Jack Westport M.C. 31/1/14 indecency remanded N. Zealand painter 1890 5 8 dark .. black brown .. broad 5/2/14 F.P. Sent to mental hospital. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 454.) Lomas, James Charles . Westport M.C. 6/2/14 drunkenness .. 48 hours England .. labourer 1880 5 5 fresh .. fair grey • • medium 7/2/14 1 p.c. Anchor on left hand. McSweeney, John Christchurch 21/1/14 resisting police 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 44 dark .. dark brown .. medium 3/2/14 Left forefinger twisted; nose broken. F.P. M.C. Photographed at Lyttelton, 2/2/14. Sellars, Samuel Christchurch 31/1/14 drunkenness .. fine or 48 hours N. Zealand labourer 1874 5 7 fresh .. dark blue .. large, 3/2/14 Anchor on right arm ; burn-mark on left arm. M.C. travelling on railway fine or 24 hours broken Sentences cumulative. without paying fare .Fleming, John, alias Oxford M.C. 5/1/14 vagrancy 1 month Tasmania.. labourer 1880 5 74 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 4/2/14 3 p.c. Scar on right calf; two scars on Gibson, alias Wilforehead. F.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, liams, alias Smith, 2/2/14. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 90.) George Taylor, James, alias Oxford M.O. 5/1/14 vagrancy 1 month Australia .. labourer 1879 6 14 fresh .. grey blue crooked .. 4/2/14 5 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 134.) Campbell, Robert, alias Tyler Leigh, Francis Geoffrey Christchurch 5/2/14 theft committed for N. Zealand clerk 1881 5 n fresh .. brown grey .. large 5/2/14 Left eye artificial. F.P. Bailed. M.C. trial Rowe, David .. Christchurch 31/1/14 drunkenness .. fine or 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1886 5 74 dark .. dark brown brown .. small 6/2/14 24 p.c. F.P. Pnotographed at Auckland, 26/8/10. M.C. (See Police Gazette, 1914, page 65.) Buttolph, William Robert Rakaia M.C. 31/1/14 assault with intent to remanded N. Zealand labourer 1891 5 64 dark .. dark brown .. broad, 6/2/14 Scar on upper lip and on right arm. F.P. Addington — cause bodily harm pointed Ainsley, Elizabeth Christchurch 4/2/14 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours England .. domestic ». 1858 5 3 fresh .. grey brown .. straight .. 5/2/14 Dunedin — M.C. Mulligan, Alice Dunedin M.C. 10/11/13 breach of a prohibition fine or 7 days England .. cook 1860 5 0 fresh .. brown blue .. pug 6/2/14 Scar on forehead and on right temple. Fine order paid. Arrested 6/2/14.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXIX, Issue 6, 18 February 1914, Page 103

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXIX, Issue 6, 18 February 1914, Page 103

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXIX, Issue 6, 18 February 1914, Page 103