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Newton. —15th instant, on warrant for assaulting John King, engineer, Upper Pitt Street, Auckland, and robbing him of £9O 10s., consisting of four £2O notes, ten sovereigns, and one half-sovereign, Hiney Sandow and Harry Kelso. First: Age twenty-one, height sft. 6iD., wharf labourer and pugilist, of German descent, strong build, fair complexion, blue eyes ; dressed in a double-breasted coat and a brown sweater. Second: Age thirty, height 5 ft. 9 in., showman and spieler, medium build, full face, sallow com plexion, large blue eyes; dressed in a dark suit end hard hat.

Auckland. —6th instant, for failing to comply with the terms of his release upon probationary license under the Crimes Act, John Thomas Bennett, alias White, alias Dyson, alias Robinson, age sixty-one, height 5 ft. 3|in., labourer, native of England, medium build, fresh complexion, light-brown hair, grey eyes, two lower front teeth missing, “J. 8.,” “M. 8.,” and “ 1861 ” on right forearm; star on back of right hand ; “ Rob Roy ”on left forearm. A man of weak intellect. (See Police Gazette, 1907, page 223.)

Auckland.— l&th-»U;imo, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison fopJorty-eight hours in default of paving 13s. fine George Campbell, alias George Wharton Campbell, alias lan Grant, age thirty-eight, in./ engineer, native of Scotland, medium build, datslt hair ancr hazel eyes, scar on bridge of nose. -'(See Police Gazette, 1913, page 333, and Photographs, 1911, page 43.)

Auoklani?.— 2B£h Ma*y last, on warrant of oommitmen to military custpay in default of paying £2 13s. ffbw—jCto aMrreach- oiihaf Defence Act, H. Y. Gribble, age twenty, hermit l/ut/6 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, medium ImildT-'frUgh complexion, brown hair, blue-grey eyes. /

Auckland. —l2th May last, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for three days in default of paying £1 3s. fine and costs for a breach of the Auckland City By-laws, Edward Jones, age about forty, height about 5 ft. 3 in., labourer and dairy-farm hand, native of England, medium build, fresh complexion, dark hair turning grey, small features ; wears speotaoles.

Auckland.— l6th April last, cm tour warrants of commitment .to iaili|ary*deijgnjti£p for (1), (2U and (3) seven days each, days, imdefoult of paying fines and costs amounting to £7 2s/for bieachd! of the Defence Act, C. Li. Aldridge, age twSrity, height'-sit. 6 in., hawker, native of New Zealand, maedrilfn buiffl, fifesh complexion, dark hair, blue eyes ; usually dressed m suit and grevfelt hat.

Auckland. —17th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prison for fourteen^ 5 default of paying £9 arrears due to tim ljQth May last on a maintenance order for the supjaFA-eu Joseph Hollis, age fifty-five, height sft. 4in., labout&r, native of England, strong build, fresh complexion, br<!Mn hg I h?r'bl«9 > eyes, scar on each thumb and left forefinger ;*t)oil-maik ob right forearm. Complainant, Mary Josephine Hollis, Auckland. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 375.)

Auckland ultimo, on warrant of commitment to Auckland Prisoh fdr hours in default of paying Bs. fine and Blanche Brooks, alias Cook, age th/rty-seven, height 5 tt»'3£Cn., domesjjo, native of New Zealand, medium build, brown hair, blue eyes. (See Police Gazette, 1913,

Auckland. —17tfcr ISTVy last, qn warrant of commitment to Auckland seven dpys in default of paying £2 3s. fine &r)A fcoSts f6ii|ai{b reach'd f his prohibition order, George McCauley, age farty-4ix, height 5 ft. 7 in., labourer, native of New Z/alati|, mefiyjm build, dark hair and complexion, hazel tip middle finger missing ; soar on right temple, on back of S»d, on right knee, and left shin. (See PoliceJMCzette, l!|l27"page 645.)

Thames. —That a distress warrant may be executed on him for £3 19s. 6d. for failing to pay costs for attempted suicide, Alfred Yince, age twenty-two, height sft. 7iu., oook aud labourer, native of New Zealand, medium build, brown hair, blue eyes.

Waihi. —That he may be served with a notice of fine for a breach of the Dehmpß" Phillip John Marks, age twenty, height s fount, ininer, (native of Australia, medium build, fre|lLoaipiexion, lightjbrown hair, blue eyes, lifebuoy on right upper arm, flag on leiit, upper arm, bird and star on left forearm! (See Police Gazette 1912, page 646.)

Napier. Edward Murphy, obscene language: Offender left for Sydney on the 7th February last. (See Police Gazette , 1913, page 93.)

Hastings. —l4tli May last, on wunpant of commitment to Napier Prised, 15s. fine apucKios%s fur dKmkeuness, Thomas Tracy, alias Gardiner, age forty-eigl(L Igpigbjl 5 ft. 8 in., cook, native of Eng and, stout build, fresncor&piexion, blue eyes, grey hair, scar on left side of Police Gazette, 1912, page 534.) ’ J

Wellington. —l6th ultimo, on warrant of commit ment to Gisborne Prison for thirty days in default of paying £l9 16s. arrears due on a maintenance order for the support of his illegitimate child, James Hutton, age about thirty-six, height 5 ft. 6 in., billiard-marker and bootmaker, native of New Zealand, medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair and eyes.

Wellington —sth instant, on warrant for forgery and uttering, F. Walsh (supposed fictitious), age about thirty, height about 5 ft. 7J in., well built, clean-shaven, reddish hair and complexion, grey eyes. Accused forged the name of J. Anderson to a cheque for £3 18s. on the Na tional Bank of New Zealand, Limbed, Te Aro, aud uttered the same to Andrew Begts, grocer, 93 Ghuznee Street, in payment for go ds. He is identical with A. Anderson, wanted for a similar offence, vide Police (Gazette, 1913, page 426, and with John Henry Hurley, alias Bruce, who was discharged from Lyttelton Pris n on the 3rd ultimo. (See Police Gazette, 1907, page 197 ; and 1913, page 378).

Wellington. — A.An/dersonAorgery and uttering : It haß n oy\ ryyfcjlgr'tmiiecT tlffli is identical with John Henry Hurley, alias was discharged from Gaol on the 3rcTultirno. His correct height is sft 7£ in. (See Police Gazette, 1907, page 197, and 1913, pages 378 and 426.) DgNNispoN.—l2th May last? thafrhe mtfy be compelled to pav TEI'-fin'ts'^bTr'at^^ Act, Henry RoberfCoppersmith, ageytwenty-two, height 6 ft. 2 in., miner and labourer, smart appearance, dark hair and complexioungrey eyes. (See Police Gazette, 1913, page 487) ( O DENNisjfl&.— l2th May last/ thaHre m#y be compelled to pav fob a Tireadh of thA Defence Act. William John Coppersmith, ager twenty, height 5 ft. 11 Jin., miner and labourer, native of New Zealand, curly hair, fresh complexion, blue eyes. (Sej Gazette, 1913, page 48.) Dunollie. —9th ultimo, on warrant of commitment to military custody for twenty-eight days in default of paying £2 13s. fine and costs for a breach of the Defence Act, Thomas Garvey, age twenty, height 5 ft. 9 in., miner and lauouier, native of New Zealand, medium build, pale swarthy complexion, dark hair, flat - chested; a heavy cigarette smoker. There are also two summonses and a notice of fine for service on him for similar offences. Brunnerton. —That a sumnjnhs may be served on him for a breach of •the Dapjiptdrydst, Reginald Burnett, age about twenty-t^ej^/height about 5 ft. 6 in., miner and labourer, nativjeuof- England, medium build, fair hair and complexion, blue ayea< usually dressed in dark suit and cap.

Cheistchur<^ -13th ultimo, vpn warrant of commitment to military &istofiy ror fourteen days in default of pa\ing £2 10s. fine and eoSwf breach of the Defence Aot, Edwin Nicholls, age twenty, height 5 ft. 7 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, fjair hair and complexion. Accused left for Sydney on the 30th ultimo.

Christchurch. —loth instant, on warrant for failing to maiutain his wife, William Polkinghorne, age fiftyfive, height 5 ft. sin., insurance agent, native of England, medium build, fair complexion, grey eyes, lump on back of neck, grey hair, bald on top of head. His pnotograph is filed in the Superintendent’s Office, Christchurch. Complainant, Matilda Polkinghorne, 46 Trafalgar Street, St. Albans. Christchuhch. —26th ultiind/ on warrant for failing to make adequate provision-for the future maintenance of his unborn iUfifgivimwte child, Arqjhpj&id Stewart, age height 5 labourer,' native of Scotland, slight build, light-brown bair, brownpy&s, long nose ; speaks with a Scotch accent. Complainant, Lillie Dawson McLeod, care of Mr. Beattie, solicitor, Christchuroh. instant, oryVrfffraiit for theft of a cheque for £2 Bs',7the'property-of Peter Bowker, fisherman, Taumutu, Leonard or Lya>lLH&,nsen, age about thirtyfive, height 5 ft. 5 in.-f lapoure/ of New Zealand, medium build, very daffc completions first joint missing from one thumb, bracelet oir'one wrist; -dressed in dark clothes and dark-green hat. Geraldine. —2nd instant, on warrant for disobeying an order of Court to pay 10s. a week towards the maintenance of his wife, William|Trowell, age fifty-seven, height about 5 ft. 9 ina \&hoaterlapw shearer, native of England, dark complexion, dork, bfaiZturning grey, ring on one finger of right hand dressed in dark clothes and cap. Arreais due to/Ist'instant, £9. Complainant, Mary Elizabeth Trowel), Orari. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 48.)

Timaru. —That he may be served with a notice of fine for a breaoh of the Defence Aot, William D’Arcy, age nineteen, height 5 ft. 7 in., farm labourer, native of New Zealand, brown hair, pale complexion, grey eyes.

Timaru. —That he may be served with a notice of fine for a breach of the Defence Aot, John Campbell, age about twenty-three, height 5 ft. 9 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, fair complexion. No further description obtainable.

Timaru. —That he may be served with a notice of fine for a breach of the Defence Act, Bernard Whitburn, age about twenty, height about 5 ft. 6 in., labourer, native of New Zealand, dark sallow complexion, brown hair worn long on forehead ; very countrified appearance.

' on his wife, Campbell, age twerftv-one, height 5 ft, 5 in., of '■biiffldf-pftie comgrey eyes, two false teeth, in front, cameo ritoggu6n one Jitijez-flnger • wears/# gold-mounte(Jj/tie-mu drpafrffl. jp JblaA J hatr Eompnnuaht, Jessie Campbell, care of Mrs. Taylor, William Street, Timaru.

Waimate. —That- he may be served with a summons for a breach of the Government Railways Act, 1908, Christopher Hamilton, age about twenty-five, height aoout 5 ft. 7 in., labjurer, supposed native of Scotland, medium build, fair hair and complexion.

Dunedin- —sth May last, on warrant for theft of a gentleman’s overcoat, value £5 10s. (recovered), the property of John Louden, farmery-care of Prince of Wales Hotel, Alexander Donald MqMasters, age thirty, height 5 ft. 6 in.yK stockman, native of New Zealand, stout bu ld, fresh complexion, brSyni hair, blue eyes. (See Police Gazette, 1912, page 323,>and Photographs, page 53.) Dunedin. —l6th instant, on warrant for failing to maintain his illegitimate John O’Connell, age about twentyjsefeh/bfi'ghf l auout 5 ft. 5 in,', labourer and farmer, native of New flight build, dark hair and complexion, freotl«9i faoer'Has the of a j ickey. Accused evaded service of a summons "about seven years ago by clearing out of New came over from Sydney recently to see about property which had been left to him, and will endeavour to return to Australia,

Dunedin. —TJiat he may be compelled to contribute towards the support of his children? an industrial school, James Stanton, alias Nobby; alias Tobin, alias labourer, native of Euglandy)swarthy complexion, sandy hair, blue eyes, large nose.-"'"(See jjP(tsice Gazette, 1912, page 418.)

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 29, 23 July 1913, Page 445

Word Count

PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 29, 23 July 1913, Page 445

PERSONS WANTED. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 29, 23 July 1913, Page 445