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(From Gazette, 1913, pages 1440, and 1493-1502.)

Certain Species of Birds indigenous to New Zealand not to be deemed protected. LIVERPOOL, Governor. ORDER TN COUNCIL

At the Government Buildings, at Wellington, this twentyfirst day of April, 1913. Present :

The Honourable W. F. Massey presiding in Council. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in him by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, as amended by the Animals Protection Amendment Act, 1910, His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby suspend the operation of section ten of the said Animals Protection Amendment Act, 1910, for the period commencing on the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, and ending on the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, with respect to the species of birds indigenous to New Zealand mentioned in the Schedule hereto:

Provided, however, that the said birds shall not be taken or killed except in such districts and on such conditions as may be notified by the Governor under the said Acts.

SCHEDULE. Pukeko, teal, grey duck, spoonbill duck, black swan, wild geese.

J. F. ANDREWS, Clerk of the Executive Council

Special Shooting Season for Native Game, Ashburton Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908,1, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twentysix of the said Act the Ashburton Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following native game—viz., duck, teal, pukeko, and black swan—may be killed within the said Ashburton Acclimatization District, comprising the County of Ashburton (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive. And I do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all. SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Native Game shall not be killed. 1. All that area in the Canterbury Land District being the two small lakes known as Maori Lakes, situated in the Heron and Tripp Survey Districts, and the area included in a line running parallel to and 20 chains distant from the shores of those lakes.

2. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.

H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs

Special Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, License Fee, Ac., Auckland Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor.

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby revoke any previous Warrant fixing shooting season in Auckland Acclimatization District, and do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the said Auckland Acclimatization District, comprising the Counties of Rodney, Waitemaca, Eden, Manukau, Franklin, Thames, Ohinemuri, Piako, RaglaD, Waikato, Waipa, Kawhia, Awakino, Waitomo, and Ohura, and that part of each of the Counties of Matamata and West Taupo lying north of a right line extending southwesterly from the summit of Puwhenua Mountain, at the

easternmost corner of Matamata County, to the summit of Rangitoto Mountain ; and do notify that the following imported game viz., cock pheasants and Australian quail—may be killed within the skid Auckland Acclimatization District (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and do hereby restrict the number of cock pheasants that may be killed by any one person in any one day to twelve. And I do further notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each; and the Chief Postmasters at Auckland and Thames, and the Postmasters at Cambridge, Hamilton, Mercer, Papakura, Pukekohe, Karangahake, and Waitoa are hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And I do furiher notify that the following native game —viz., grey duck, spoonbill duck, teal, pukeko, and black swan—may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in ihe Schedule hereto) from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twentyfive head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported and Native Game shall not BE KILLED. 1. All that area in the County of Waitemata bounded on the north by the Wairau Creek from its mouth to the main road from Devonport to Waiwera; on the west by the said road to its junction with the Sea View Road ; on the south by that road to the sea ; and on the east by the sea to the point of departure. 2. All those areas at Waitakerei, Nihotapu, and Huia, in the County of Waitemata, vested in or under the control of the Auckland City Council for the purposes of waterworks, recreation, or the conservation of the native flora and fauna. 3. Little Barrier Island, Hauturu, Auckland (see Netv Zealand Gazette No. 104, of the 14th December, 1899, page 2266). 4. Hen and Chickens Islands. 5. All that area within a radius of three miles from the General Post-office, Auckland. 6. The Rangiriri (or Karaka) Lake, Waikato. 7. The Auckland Acclimatization Society’s hatchery and game-farm at Tapapa, near Okoroire, including a radius of a mile in all directions therefrom. 8. All that section, containing by admeasurement 141 acres, more or less, being the Hamilton Domain, including the Rotoiti or Hamilton Lake, Borough of Hamilton. 9. Fresh-water Lake, known as Lake Hakanoa, near Huntly, Waikato, and an area of 5 chains in width surrounding the said lake. 10. All that part of the Waihou River between the Waiorongomai Bridge and the Mangaiti Bridge over such river. 11. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this twenty-fourth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.

H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs

Special Shooting Season for Imported and, Native Game, License Fee, &c., Bay of Islands Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor.

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Bay of Islands Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following imported game—viz., cock pheasants and Californian ana Australian quail—may be killed within the said Bay of Islands Acclimatization District, comprising the County of Bay of Islands and part of the County of Hokianga (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and do hereby restrict the number of cock pheasants that may be killed by any one person in any one day to twelve. And I do further notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to

any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each ; and the Postmasters at Russtll, Kohukohu, Kaikohe, Kawakawa, Rawene, Herekino, Ohaeawai, and Okaihau are hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And 1 do further notify that the following native game viz., grey duck, black swan, and pukeko—may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto) from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirtieth day of June, oDe thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive ; and do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all. SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported and Native Game shall not

BE KILLED. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.

H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs

Special Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, License Fee, &c., Buller Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor.

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Builer Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following imported game——viz., hares- may be killed within the said Buller Acclimatization District, comprising the County of Builer (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive. And Ido further notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each ; and the Chief Postmaster at Westport is hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And I do further notify that the following native game —viz., grey duck, black swan, and teal—may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto) from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive ; and do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported and Native Game shall not BE KILLED. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Special Shooting Season for Imported Game, License Fee, &c.,

Coromandel Acclimatization District. L I V EEPOOL, Gov e r nor.

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Coromandel Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following imported game—viz., cock pheasants—may be killed within the said Coromandel Acclimatization District, comprising the County of Coromandel (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and do hereby restrict the number of cock pheasants that may be killed by any one person in any one day to twelve. And Ido further notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each, and the Postmasters at Whitianga, Cabbage Bay, and Coromandel are hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported and Native Game shall not BE KILLED. At,t, lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this twenty-fourth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs

Special Shooting Season for Native Game, East Coast Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the East Coast Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following native game—viz., grey duck, teal, and black swan—may be killed within the said East Coast Acclimatization District, comprising tue Counties of Cook, Waikohu, and Waiapu (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the second day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and I do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than iwenty-five head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Native Game shall not be killed. All that area in the Hawke’s Bay Land District, being the Ratahi Lagoon, in the Township of Te Puia, Block XVI, Mata Survey District; also all lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this twenty-fourth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Special Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, License Fee, cCx., Feilding and District Acclimatization District.


IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Feilding and District Acclimatization District, and do notify chat the following imported game —viz., cock pheasants, Californian and Australian quail—may be killed within the said Feilding and District Acclimatization District, described in the First Schedule hereto (except in the areas mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and I do hereby restrict the number of cock pheasants that may be killed by any one person in any one day to twelve. And Ido further notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each; and the Postmasters at Feilding, Kimbolton, Apiti, and Ashhurst are hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And I do further notify that the following native game—viz., grey duck, black swan, teal, and pukeko—may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto) from the second day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive ; and do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

FIRST SCHEDULE. All that area in the Wellington Land District bounded towards the north by the Kawhatau and Pourangaki Streams from the Rangitikei River to the summit of the Ruahine Range ; thence towards the east generally by the summit of that range to the Manawatu Gorge, and by the Manawatu River to the Raukawa Road; thence towards the south

generally by that road which forms the north-eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 455 and 454, Block VIII, Kairanga Survey District, to the Palmerston - Ashhurst Road; thence by that road to Stony Greek Road ; thence by that road and the railway-line to the Oroua River; thence by that river to Awahnri; and thence by the Awahuri-Bull’s Road to the Rangitikei River ; and towards the north-west generally by the Rangitikei River to the Kawhatau Stream aforesaid.

SECOND SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported and Native Game shall not BE KILLED. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. 11. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs

Special Shooting Season jor Imported and Native Game, License Fee, ike., Grey District Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Grey Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following imported game viz., hares —may be killed within the said Grey District Acclimatization District, comprising the County of Grey (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive. And Ido further notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each ; and the Chief Postmaster at Greymouth is hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And I do further notify that the following native game—viz., grey duck, black swan, and pukeko may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto) from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported Game and Native Game shall NOT BE KILLED. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Special Shooting Season for Imported. Game and Native Game, License Fee, &c., Hawera Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor.

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908,1, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Hawera Acclimatization District; and do notify that the following imported game—viz., cock pheasants, Californian and Australian quail—may be killed within the said Hawera Acclimatization District, comprising the Counties of Hawera, Waimate West, Patea, and Eltham, together with that portion of the County of Egmont lying to the eastward of the Taungatara River, being the Oeo Riding of the said County of Egmont (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and I do hereby restrict the number of cock pheasants that may be killed by any one person in any one day to twelve. And I do further notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person

on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each; and the Postmasters at Hawera, Patea, Pihama, Otakeho, Manaia, Awatuna East, Kaponga, Mangatoki, Okaiawa, Normanby, Eltham, Manutahi, Alton, Hurieyville, Waverley, aud Waitotara are hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And I do further notify that the following native game—viz., grey duck, teal, and black swan—may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto) from the first day of Mav, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive ; and do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported and Native Game shall not BE KILLED. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Special Shooting Season for Imported Game and Native Game, License Fee, tic., Hawke's Bay Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor.

£N exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Hawke’s Bay Acclimatization District; and do notify that the following imported game namely, cock pheasants, Californian and Australian swamp quail—may be killed within the said Hawke’s Bay Acclimatization District, described in the First Schedule hereto (except in the areas mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and I do hereby restrict the number of cock pheasants that may be killed by any one person in any one day to twelve. And Ido also notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings; and the Chief Postmaster at Napier, and the Postmasters at Waipawa, Woodville, Daunevirke, Hastings, Waipukurau, Norsewood, Ormondville, Porangahau, Wimbledon, and Takapau, are hereby authorized to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And I do further notify that the following native game—namely, black swan, grey duck, teal, and pukeko—may be killed within the above mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto) from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive ; and do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

FIRST SCHEDULE. All that area bounded towards the north generally by East Taupo and Whakatane Counties; towards the north-east generally by the Rotorua Acclimatization District, as defined by Warrant published in the New Zealand Gazette of 14th May, 1908, page 1382; towards the east generally by the sea; towards the south generally by the Akitio and Pahiatua Counties; and towards the west and north-west generally by the Poharigina, Kiwitea, and Rangitikei Counties to the southern boundary of East Taupo County aforesaid. The said area comprises the Counties of Hawke’s Bay, Patangata, Woodville, Waipawa, Dannevirke, Waipukurau, and Weber, and part of the County of Wairoa.

SECOND SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported and Native Game shall not BE KILLED. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Special Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, License Fee, dc., Hobson Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN exeroise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Hobson Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following imported game —viz., cock pheasants and Californian quail—may be killed within the said Hobson Acclimatization District, comprising the County of Hobson, and parts of the Counties of Otamatea and Hokianga (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive. And I do hereby restrict the number of cock pheasants that may be killed by any one person in any one day to twelve; and I do also notify that licenses to kill suoh imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings; and the Postmasters at Maungaturoto, Paparoa, Pahi, Matakohe, Dargaville, Te Kopuru, Aratapu, Tangi teroria, Tangawahine, Kaihio, Mititai, Raupo, Ruawai, and Tokatoka are hereby authorized to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And I do further notify that the following native game—viz., pukeko, teal, grey duck, and black swan—may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto) from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported Game shall not be killed. All that area in the Auckland Land District, situated in Kai Iwi and Kaihu Survey Districts, Hobson County, being the lakes known as Lake Waikere, Lake Taharoa, and Lake Kai Iwi, and the area surrounding the said lakes included within a line running parallel to and 40 chains distant from the margins of the said lakes; and all lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Special Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, License Fee, dc., Mangonui-Whangaroa Acclimatization District.

LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 19C8, I, Arthur William de Brito Savde, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Mangonui-Whangaroa Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following imported game viz., cock pheasants and Californian and Australian quail—may be killed within the said MangonuiWhangaroa Acclimatization District, comprising the Counties of Mongonui and Whangaroa (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive ; and I do hereby restrict the number of cock pheasants that may be killed by any one person in any one day to twelve. And I do further notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each; and that the Postmasters at Mongonui, Whangaroa, Totara, Awanui, Fairburns, Herekino, Kaeo, Saies, Waiharara, Waihopo, and Kaitaia are hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And Ido further notify that the following native game viz., grey duck, teal, pukeko, and black swan—may be killed within the abovementioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto) from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive, and 1 do hereby restrict the number of sucn native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty five head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Native Game shall not be killed. All that area situated in Blocks VI, VII, IX, and X, Maungataniwha Survey District, and described in the New Zealand, Gazette No. 62, of 7th August, 1902. The Tongonge Lake, Ahipara, and an area of half a mile from the shore thereof. The Kaitaia Lake, County of Mongonui, and an area of half a mile from the shore thereof. And all lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. 11. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Special Shooting Season for Imported Game, License Fee, dc., Marlborough Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Saviie, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Marlborough Acclimatization District; and do notify that the following imported game—viz., Californian quail—may be killed within the said Marlborough Acclimatization District, comprising the Counties of Marlborough, Awatere, and Sounds (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the twentieth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen to the twenty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive. And Ido further notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each ; and the Chief Postmaster at Blenheim and the Postmaster at Havelock are hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported Game shall not be killed. All that area in the Marlborough Land District bounded towards the north-east by the ooean from the north-western end of the Boulder Bank, at the mouth of the Wairau River, to the south-eastern end of the Boulder Bank, at the northeastern corner of Section No. 10 of Block IT, Omaka, situate in Block 111, Clifford Bay Survey District: thence towards the south generally by that section, Section 8 of Block I, Wakefield Downs, and Section 9 of Block 11, Omaka, both of which sections are situate in Block 111, Clifford Bay Survey District, to a point 5 chains distant from high-water mark of tbe Big Lagoon ; thence by a line parallel to and 5 chains distant from high-water mark of the Big Lagoon through Sections 9 of Block 11, Omaka, and 7 of Block I. Wakefield Downs, both of which sections are situate in Block 111, Clifford Bay Survey District, to the channel between the Big Lagoon and Chandler’s Lagoon : thence towards the west generally by the said channel to a small lagoon in Section 5, Opawa, situate in Block I, Clifford Bay Survey District; thence by the western side of that lagoon and a line parallel to and 5 chains distant from high-water mark of the Big Lagoon through Section 5 Opawa, public road, Crown land, and Section 3 Opawa, all of which sections are situate in Block I, Clifford Bay Survey District, aforesaid, to the channel in Section 3 Opawa, situate in Block I, Clifford Bay Survey District; thence by that channel through Sections 3, 4,6, 9 Opawa, situate in Block I, Clifford Bay Survey District, aforesaid, and a line parallel to and 5 chains distant from high-water mark, through Section 9 Opawa, public road, 7 Opawa, public road, 8 Opawa, all of which are situate in Block I, Clifford Bay Survey District, aforesaid, to the southern side of the estuary of the Wairau River ; thence by a right line across the said estuary in the direction of the Pilot-station to the west side of the mouth of the Wairau River; and thence by a right line to the north-western end of the Boulder Bank, tbe place of commencement. Also all that area in the Marlborough Land District known as Lake Grassmere, and the area within a line running parallel to and 5 chains distant from the margin of the said lake.

Also all that area in the Marlborough Land District, situated in Blocks VI and VII, Cape Campbell Survey District, being the lake known as Lake Elterwater, and the area surrounding the said lake included within a line running parallel to and 40 chains distant from the margin of the said Lake Elterwater.

Also certain area in Ship’s Cove described in New Zealand Gazette No. 24 of the 27th March, 1913.

Also all lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.

H. D. BELL, Minister of interna! Affairs

Special Shooting Season for Imported Game, Nelson

Acclimatization District

LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908,1, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Nelson Acclimatization District; and do notify that the following imported game namely, Californian quail and Virginian quail—may be killed within the said Nelson Acclimatization District, comprising the Counties of Waimea, Takaka, and Collingwood (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and I do also notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings ; and the Chief Postmaster at Nelson is hereby authorized to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game.


Areas wherein Imported Game shall not be killed. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.

11. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs

Special Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, License Fee, dc., Opotiki Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Opotiki Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following imported game—viz., cock pheasants and Californian quail—may be killed within the said Opotiki Acclimatization District, comprising the County of Opotiki (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the second day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive. And I do hereby restrict the number of cock pheasants that may be killed by any one person in any one day to twelve. And I do further notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each ; and the Postmaster at Opotiki is hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And I do further notify that the following native game—viz., grey duck and black swan—may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto) from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported and Native Game shall not BE KILLED. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs 2-P.G.

Special Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, License Fee, dc., Otago Acclimatization District. LI VERPOOL, Governor.

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Otago Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following imported game—viz., Californian quail may be killed within the said Otago Acclimatization District, comprising the Counties of Vincent, Maniototo, Waihemo, Waikouaiti, Taieri, Peninsula, Tuapeka, Bruce, Clutha, and part of the County of Southland, being all that area in the Provincial District of Otago bounded on the east and south by the ocean from Shag Point to the mouth of the Mataura River; on the west, south-west, and south by the Mataura River and the Counties of Southland and Wallace ; on the north-west by the ocean ; and on the north, north-west, and north-east by the Counties of Westland and Waitaki (excepting therefrom the County of Lake and the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive. And Ido also notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings; and the Chief Postmaster at Dunedin is hereby authorized to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And I do further notify that the following native game viz., grey duck, teal (except black teal), pukeko, and black swan—may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto) from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive. And Ido hereby restrict the number of native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported and Native Game shall not BE KILLED. 1. All that area in the Greenvale Survey District described in the Neiv Zealand Gazette No. 81, of the sth October, 1899, page 1870. 2. All that area in the Otago Land District known as the Hawksbury Domain (see New Zealand Gazette No. 93, of Bch November, 1900, page 2033). 3. The lagoon reserve in the Borough of Hawksbury (see Neiv Zealand Gazette No. 4, of the 10th January, 1901, page 70). 4. All that area between Milford Sound and Lake Te Anau (see New Zealand Gazette No. 10, of the 6th February, 1902, page 240). 5. The lagoon known as the Tomahawk Lagoon, Otago Peninsula. 6. All that area in the Otago Land District described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 50, of 26th May, 1910, page 1589, and known as the Outram Lagoons. 7. The Islands in the Otago Harbour used as quarantine stations (see New Zealand Gazette No. 102, of the 24th November, 1910, page 4069). 8. All that area near Middlemarch, in the Otago Land District, de3oribed in the New Zealand Gazette No. 60, of the 4th July, 1913, page 2146. 9. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.

H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs

Special Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, License Fee, dc., Rotorua Acclimatization Distiict. LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908,1, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Rotorua Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following imported game—viz., Californian and Australian quail—may be killed within the said Rotorua Acclimatization District, comprising the Counties of Rotorua, East Taupo, and Whakatane, and parts of the Counties of West Taupo, Wairoa, and Matamata (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from

the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive. And I do further notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each; and the Director of Commerce and Tourists, Department of Agriculture, Commerce, and Tourists, Wellington, or any one authorized by the said Director in that behalf, is hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And I do further notify that the following native game—viz., grey duck, teal, and black swan—may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto) from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and that black swan may be killed during the said period within such district (except upon Lakes Rotorua, Rotoiti, and Tarawera,also except the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto); and do hereby restrict the number of the such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported and Native Game shall not be killed. All that area from Kawaha Point in a line due west to the Tauranga Road, thence by the Tauranga Road and Utuhina Stream to the western boundary of Rotorua Town, thence by this boundary to the Wairoa Road, thence by the Wairoa Road to the Maketu Road, thence by the Maketu Road to signpost at Rotokawa, and thence westerly in a direct line to Kawaha Point. Also Lakes Okataina, Rotokawa, Rotoaira, and Okareka, and the land within one mile of the shores of these lakes. Also all land within one mile of the Okere Bridge. Also all that area in the Auckland and Hawke’s Bay Land Districts being the Waikaremoana Lake and surrounding land, as defined in Gazette No. 30, of 13th April, 1911. Also all lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.

H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs,

Special Shooting Season for Native Game, South Canterbury Acclimatization District.


IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908,1, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the South Canterbury Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following native game—viz., grey duck, wild geese, teal, and black swan—may be killed within the said South Canterbury Acclimatization District, comprising the Counties of Geraldine and Levels, and that portion of the County of Mackenzie lying to the east of a line commencing at Mount Cook and proceeding by a right line over the Ball Hut to the Tasman Glacier, thence along the western boundary of the Tasman Glacier to the Tasman River, thence by a line along the middle of that river, and the middle of Lake Pukaki, and the middle of Pukaki River to the Waitaki River, together with the Boroughs of Geraldine, Timaru, and Temuka (exoept in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive. And I do hereby restrict the number of suoh native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Native Game shall not be killed. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Special Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, License Fee, dc., Southland Acclimatization District.


IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Southland Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following imported game—viz., hares—may be killed within the said Southland Acclimatization District, consisting of so much of the County of Southland as lies to the westward of the Mataura River, together with the Counties of Fiord, Wallace, and Stewart Island (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive. And I do further notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each ; and the Chief Postmaster at Invercargill is hereby authorized to sign and issue the said liceuses to kill imported game. And I do further notify that the following native game—viz., grey duck, black swan, and pukeko may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto) from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported and Native Game shall not BE KILLED. 1. Resolution Island, off Dusky Sound. 2. Section 27, Block IV, Invercargill Hundred. 3. Sections 41 and 42, Block VII, Jacob’s River Hundred. 4. Sections 3,4, and 5, Block XIV, New River Hundred (of which Mr. Philip A. Vyner is the owner). 5. The following blocks of land on the west side of the Oreti River, situated south of Oporo—namely, Sections 6,7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, Block XVI, New River Hundred. 6. All that area in the Paterson Survey District, Stewart Island, containing about 120 acres, being a strip of land 10 chains in width, 5 chains on each side of Duck Creek, Paterson’s Inlet, extending from the mouth of the stream to the western boundary of Paterson Survey District, a distance of about a mile and a half.

7. Sections 19, 20, 32, 37, 43, and parts 9 and 11, Block IV, Campbelltown Hundred (Mr. Thomas Maclean’s property). 8. Sections 2 and 3, Block VI, Lillburn Survey District, containing about 2,429 acres (Mr. Arthur Struan Gardner’s property). 9. All that area in the Southland Land District, containing 2,485,900 acres (approximately), and known as the Fiordland National Park.

10. All that area in the Southland Land District, containing by admeasurement 127 acres and 16 perches, more or less, and known as the Southland Racing Club’s Racecourse.

11. All that area in the Southland Land District comprising Sections 1, 27, 28, 29, 31, and 32, and part Sections 2, 3, and 30, Block IV, Invercargill Hundred, the properties of Messrs. R. A. Anderson, W. D. Hunt, and R. Russell. 12. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.

H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs,

Special Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, License Fee, dc., Stratford Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor.

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Stratford Acclima tization District, and do notify that the following imported game—viz., cock pheasants and Californian quail—may be killed within the said Stratford Acclimatization District comprising the Counties of Stratford, Whangamomona, and the Borough of Stratford (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days

inclusive; and Ido hereby restrict the number of cock pheasants that may be killed by any one person in any one day to twelve. And I do further notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each; and the Postmasters at Stratford. Toko, Cardiff, Midbirst, Whangamomona, Strathmore, Huiakama, and Eltham a,re hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And I do further notify that the following native game viz., teal, grey duck, and black swan—may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto) from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive ; and do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

BCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported and Native Game shade not re KILLED. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. H. 1). BELL. Minister of Internal Affairs. Special Shooting Season for Imported Game, License Fee , dc., Taranaki Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Taranaki Acclimatization District; and do notify that the following imported game—viz., cock pheasants and Californian quail—may be killed within the said Taranaki Acclimatization District, comprising the Counties of Taranaki, Clifton, and the County of Egmont, excepting the Oeo Riding (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirtyfirst day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and Ido hereby restrict the number of cock pheasants that may be killed by any one person in any one day to twelve. And I do also notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each; and the Chief Postmaster at New Plymouth, and the Postmasters at Inglewood, Waitara, and Opunake, are hereby authorized to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game.

SCHEDULE Areas wherein Imported Game shall not be killed. The reserve known as Mount Egmont Forest Reserve, being the area included within the circumference of a circle having a radius of six miles from the summit of the said Mount Egmont, and all lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.

H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs

Special Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, License Fee, dc., Waimarino Acclimatization District.


IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908,1, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Aot the Waimarino Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following imported game—viz., quail—may be killed within the said Waimarino Acclimatization District, comprising the Counties of Waimarino and Kaitieke (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the second day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive. And I do further notify that lioenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person

on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each; and the Postmasters at Raetihi and Ohakune are hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And I do further notify that the following native game — viz., grey duck, teal, and black swan—may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto) from the second day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported and Native Game shall not be killed. The Rangatawa Domain, and all forest and scenery-pre-servation reserves, and all lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. 11. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs. Special Shooting Season for Native Game, Waitaki-Waimate Acclimatization District (Waimate Branch). LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908,1, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Waitaki-Waimate Acclimatization District (Waimate Branch), and do notify that the following native game—viz., grey duck and black swan—may be killed within the said Waimate Branch of the Waitaki-Wai-mate Acclimatization District, comprising the County of Waimate, and that portion of the County of Mackenzie lying to the west of a line commencing at Mount Cook and proceeding by a right line over the Ball Hut to the Tasman Glacier, thence along the western boundary of the Tasman Glacier to the Tasman River, thence by a line along the middle of that river and the middle of Lake Pukaki and the middle of the Pukaki River to the Waitaki River (except in the areas mentioned in the Sobedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive. And I do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Native Game shall not be killed. 1. Mill-dam at Willowbridge and an area of 20 chains surrounding the said mill-dam ; and all lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. 2. Valley of Franz Josef Glacier described in New Zealand Gazette No. 60, of 4th July, 1912. 3. All lands notified or set apart as sanotuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.

H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs

Special Shooting Season for Native Game, Waitaki- Waimate Acclimatization District (Waitaki Branch). LIVERPOOL, Governor.

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908,1, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Waitaki-Waimate Acclimatization District (Waitaki Branch), and do notify that the following native game—viz., grey duck and black swan—may be killed within the said Waitaki Branch of the Waitaki-Waimate Acclimatization District, comprising the County of Waitaki (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive. And I do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Native Game shall not be killed. Lake Ohau and its watershed, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 10, of the Gth February, 1902, page 240, and all lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.

H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs

Special Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, License Fee, dc., Wanganui Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Wanganui Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following imported game—viz., cock pheasants and Californian quail—may be killed within the said Wanganui Acclimatization District, comprising the Counties of Wanganui and Waitotara (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive ; and I do hereby restrict the number of cock pheasants that may be killed by any one person in any one day to twelve. And I do further notify that licenses" to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each ; and the Chief Postmaster at Wanganui, and the Postmasters at Fordell and Mangamahu, are hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And I do further notify that the following native game—viz., grey duck, pukeko, teal, and black swan—may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto) from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive, and do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all. SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported and Native Game shall not BE KILLED. The lakes known as the Westmere and Virginia Lakes, and an area 10 chains in width surrounding the said lakes, and all lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.

Special Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game Wellington Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor.

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Aot the Wellington Acclimatization Distriot; and do notify that the following imported game—namely, cock pheasants, hares, Californian and Australian swaunp quail—may be killed within the said Wellington Acclimatization District, described in the First Schedule hereto (except in the areas mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and I do hereby restrict the number of cock pheasants that may be killed by any one person in any one day to twelve. And I do further notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said distriot shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings ; and the Chief Postmaster at Wellington, and the Postmasters at Palmerston North,'Sanson, Maogaweka, Taihape, Pahiatua, Eketahuna, Masterton, Carterton, Greytown, Martinborough, Featherston, Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt, Petone, Foxton, Otaki, Bull’s, Hunterville, and Marton, are hereby authorized to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game.

And I do further notify that the following native game—namely, grey duck, black swan, and teal—may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto) from the second day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive. And I do further notify that pukeko may be killed from the second day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive, within the area mentioned in the Third Schedule hereto; and I do hereby restrict the number of native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

FIRST SCHEDULE. All that area in the Wellington Land District bounded towards the north-west and north generally by the Counties of Wanganui, Waimarino, and East Taupo from the mouth of the Wangaehu River to the Rangitikei River; thence towards the east generally by the County of Hawke’s Bay and the summit of the Ruahine Range to the Feilding and District Acclimatization District, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 38, 4th May, 1899; thence towards the south-west, south-east, and north-east generally by that distriot and the Counties of Dannevirke, Woodville, and Weber to the sea at the mouth of the Waimata River ; and thence again towards the south-east, south, and west generally by the sea to the Wangaehu River aforesaid : including adjacent islands (excepting Kapiti). The aforesaid area comprises the Counties of Hutt, Makara, Masterton, Featherston, Castlepoint, Wairarapa South, Pahiatua, Eketahuna, Maurioeville, Akitio, Horowhenua, Kairanga, and Rangitikei, and parts of the Counties of Manawatu and Oroua, together with the Boroughs of Carterton, Foxton, Greytown, Karori, Levin, Lower Hutt, Marton, Masterton, Melrose, Onslow, Palmerston North, Pahiatua, Petone, City of Wellington, Eastbourne, Miramar, and Taihape.

SECOND SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported Game shall not be killed. The Wainui Forest Reserve, near Paraparaumu, Akatarawa Survey District, described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 12, of the 19th day of February, 1903; or within the area in the Haurangi, Waipawa, and Kaiwaka Survey Districts, described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 12, of the 19th day of February, 1903 ; or within the area known as the “ mallard district,” near Martinborough, described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 25, of the 9th day of April, 1896; or upon the area known as the Lansdowne Dam, near Masterton ; or upon the Island of Kapiti, in the Kapiti Survey District, Land District of Wellington; or upon Lake Hokowhitu, or Te Ngutu Lagoon, and the area adjacent thereto, situated in the Borough of Palmerston North, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 10, of the 6th day of February, 1902 ; or in the Horowhenua Lake Reserve, as defined by the Horowhenua Lake Act, 1905; or upon the Totara Lake and the Kawhakahia Lake, in the County of Horowhenua, and an area of 5 chains surrounding the said lakes; or upon Sections 86, 87, 88 (and part of a closed road), 211, 266, and 267, and part of Section 89, Hutt District, part of which is owned and occupied by John Barton, Trentham, and the remainder is occupied as golf-links by the Wellington Golf Club, containing about 670 acres ; or within that area, containing 154 acres, being Section No. 374, and part of Sections Nos. 372 and 373, Palmerston North, the said area being owned and occupied by Charlotte Sarah Slack ; or within that area, containing 296 acres, at Longburn, being Sections Nos. 18, 20, and 21, Kairanga Survey District, the said area being owned and occupied by William Edward Arthur Slack and John Upton Gaskell Slack; or within that area in the Wellington Land District, containing by admeasurement 195 acres 3 roods 20 perches, more or less, and known as the Petone Waterworks Reserve; or within that area in the Wellington Land District, containing by admeasurement 209 acres 2 roods 29 perches, more or less, being Section No. 273, Block IV, Arawaru Survey District, and known as the Waterworks Reserve, Palmerston North ; or within that piece or parcel of land, containing by admeasurement 39 acres 2 roods 10 perches, more or less, being portion of Rural Section No. 1536 on the plan of the Borough of Palmerston North, and known as the Esplanade; or within that area in the Wellington Land District, at Foxton, containing by admeasurement about 1,500 acres, situated in Block 111,. Moutere Survey District, and Block IX, Mount Robinson Survey District, owned and occupied by Mr Cresswell; or upon certain lagoons in Mangaone Survey District, the property of Mr. H. W. Bridge, Tatawai, and an area 10 chains in width surrounding the said lagoons; or within that area in the Wellington Land Distriot the property of Mr. T. Scrimshaw, comprising Sections Nos. 26, 27, 28, 90, 91, and 212, situated at Trentham.

Also all lauds notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game.


The area contained within a line starting from Shannon on tl-e Manawatu Railway-line; thence following the line to Palmerston North; ihence by a right line to Kairanga ; thence to Glen Oroua, and thence to Carnarvon and the sea; thence along the sea-boundaiy to the south bank of the Manawatu River ; tin nee following the river to the bridge on the Foxton and Shannon Road, and thence to Shannon.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.

H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs

Special Shooting Season for Native Game, Westland Acclimatization District. LIVERPOOL, Governor.

tN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of 'section twenty-six of the said Act the Westland Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following native game—viz., pukeko, grey duck, and black swan—may be killed within the said Westland Acclimatization District, comprising the County of Westland (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

SCHEDULE. A.REAS WHEREIN NATIVE GAME SHALL NOT BE KILLED. Lake Rotokino, Lake Kanieri, and Lake Mahinapua, and the road reserve around the shore of the said Mahinapua Lake, Waiho Glacier, and Mahinapua Creek and the road reserves on either side of the said creek; and all lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs.


Special Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, License Fee, dtc., Whangarei, Acclimatization District,


IN exercise of the powers vested in me by the Animals Protection Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby exempt from the operation of section twenty-six of the said Act the Whaugarei Acclimatization District, and do notify that the following imported game—viz., cock pheasants—may be killed within the said Whangarei Acclimatization District, comprising the County of Whangarei and part of the County of Otamatea (> xcept in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto), from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive ; and I do hereby restrict the number of cock pheasants that may be killed by any one person in any one day to twelve. And Ido further notify that licenses to kill such imported game within the said district shall be issued to any person on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each ; and the Postmasters at Whangarei, Waipu, Kamo, Maungakaramea, Whakapara, Poroti, and Hikurangi aie hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses to kill imported game. And I do further notify that the following native game—viz., grey duck and black swan—may be killed within the above-mentioned district (except in the areas mentioned in the Schedule hereto) from the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, both days inclusive; and do hereby restrict the number of such native game that may be killed by any one person in any one day to not more than twenty-five head in all.

SCHEDULE. Areas wherein Imported and Native Game shall not BE KILLED. 1. All that area within a radius of five miles from the Whangarei Post-office. 2. All lands notified or set apart as sanctuaries or reserves for the preservation of imported or native game. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this twenty-fourth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. H. D. BELL, Minister of Internal Affairs

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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 17, 30 April 1913, Page 261

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 17, 30 April 1913, Page 261

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 17, 30 April 1913, Page 261