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(From Gazette, 1910, pages 4213, 4217, and 4218.) Regulations as to talcing and marking Trout in the Southern Acclimatization District. ISLINGTON, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this twelfth day of December, 1910. Present : His Excellence the Governor in Council. WHEREAS by Order in Council dated the twentyfirst day oi September, one thousand nine hundred and four, and publisned in the New Zealand Gazette No. 78, of the twenty-second day of the same month, regulations were made for trout, perch, and tench fishing m the Southern Acclimatization District :

And whereas it is desirable to make additional regulations to provide for the netting of trout at the mouths or entrances of any rivers or streams within the boundaries of the Canterbury Acclimatization District for the purpose of numbering trout so taken in order to ascertain their migratory habits; and to provide for the allocation of numbers for such purpose to Acclimatization Societies in the Southern Acclimatization District, which are herein or may hereafter be authorized to net trout for such purpose in their respective districts : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred upon him by the Fisheries Act, 1908, and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in that behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the following additional regulations.

REGULATIONS. 1. Notwithstanding anything contained in Regulation 13 of the said regulations of the 21st day of September, 1904, it shall be lawful for the Canterbury Acclimatization Society to net trout at the mouths or entrances of the rivers or streams within that society’s district which extends from the mouth or entrance of the Conway River to the northern mouth or entrance of the Rakaia River, both inclusive, for the purpose of numbering such trout in order to ascertain their migratory habits. 2. The Minister of Marine may, on the application of any acclimatization society in the Southern Acclimatization District, allocate to such society numbers which shall be affixed to trout taken for the purpose of ascertaining their migratory habits. 3. Any person taking, by accident or otherwise, any trout so numbered shall immediately return the same alive into the water, and shall notify the fact of its having been so taken and returned, together with the number of the trout, to the secretary of the acclimatization society in whose district the trout is taken. 4. Any licensed angler catching during the fishingseason any trout so numbered shall forward same, together with the number affixed to same, to the secretary of the acclimatization society in whose district the trout is caught, or in the event of difficulty being experienced in forwarding such trout, then the anglers must forward full particulars as to the date of catch, exact weight, where trout is caught, together with the number referred to, and such particulars shall be verified and certified to by another licensed angler or responsible person. 5. Any person committing a breach of or failing to comply with clause 4 of these regulations, or any person other than a person acting under the direction of a society to which numbers have been allotted, who affixes such numbers to trout, is liable to a fine not exceeding £5. J. F. ANDREWS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Certified Homes under the Reformatory Institutions Act, 1909. ISLINGTON, Governor. WHEREAS by section 3 of the Reformatory Institutions Act, 1909, hereinafter termed the said Act, it is provided that the Governor, on the application of any person or society (whether incorporated or not) desirous of establishing or maintaining a Reformatory Home, may by Warrant gazetted, if satisfied as to the fitness of the Home and of the person or society proposing to establish or maintain it, certify it as a Reformatory Home under the said Act, and thereupon and at all times thereafter while the Warrant is in force the Home so certified shall be a certified Reformatory Home under the said Act : And whereas the Salvation Army is desirous of establishing and maintaining Reformatory Homes at Christchurch and Dunedin respectively, and has made application accordingly : Now, therefore, I, John Poynder Dickson - Poynder, Baron Islington, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, being satisfied of the fitness of the Homes proposed to be so established, do hereby certify the Salvation Army Rescue Homes for women at Christchurch and Dunedin respectively, as described in the Schedule hereto, to be Reformatory Homes under the said Act.

SCHEDULE. Salvation Army Reformatory Home at Christchurch. All that building containing fourteen rooms, with appurtenances thereto, situate in Papanui Road, St. Albans, Christchurch. Salvation Army Reformatory Home at Dunedin. All that building containing sixteen rooms, with appurtenances thereto, situate on Allotments 17-30, Block VII, Rockyside, Caversham, Dunedin. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this tenth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and ten. JOHN G. FINDLAY, Minister of Justice.

Clerk of Court appointed. Department of Justice, Wellington, 14th December, 1910. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Henry Scott to be Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court at Chatham Islands, from the 7th day of December, 1910, vice Constable W. A. Matthews. J. CARROLL, For Minister of Justice.


• Date tried Name. Offence. or Sentence sentenced. AUCKLAND S. 1910. Ingram, John, alias Andrews, alias Breaking, entering, and theft (2 Oct. 3 12 months’ labour. Crofton charges) Stone, Henry George, alias Fisher, Breaking, entering, and theft Oct. 3 12 months’ probation. Arthur I). Doyle, Sid. Herbert G. Shop-breaking (4 charges) Theft from dwelling Theft (9 charges) l ) Oct. 3 / 2 years’ labour on each for entering, and 1 year on each for theft (concurrent), and declared habitual 1 criminal. Johns, Leslie Charles .. Breaking, entering, and theft (6 Oct. 17 2 years on each (concurrent). charges) Pahihi Tunua Breaking, entering, and theft Oct. 17 18 months’ probation. Wells, James Indecent assault Oct. 17 4 years’ labour. Davis, Hay, alias R. Rewiti Carnal knowledge Oct, 17 2 years’ labour. Halford, John, alias Lindsay, alias j Forgery and uttering 1 1 Oct, 17 Fined £15. Hartley ( False pretences (2 charges) Chapman, Nora E. Procuring her own miscarriage Nov. 7 To come up when called on. Arnott, James, alias Cameron, Theft from dwelling Nov. 7 2 years’ labour, and declared habitual alias Douglas criminal. Smith, John, alias Driscoll, John Theft from dwelling Nov. 7 2 years’ labour. T., alias Martin Soland, Thomas Forgery and uttering Nov. 7 2 years’ probation, and to come up when called on. Trembath, Frank Perjury Nov. 21 12 months’ probation. Chappell, Robert H. Theft from the person Nov. 21 2 years’ labour. Campbell, Hugh Assault causing bodily harm Nov. 21 Bill ignored. Smith, William Theft .. Nov. 22 2 years’ labour, and declared habitual criminal. Smith, William Theft from dwelling Nov. 22 2 years’ labour (concurrent). Grant, Sutherland M. .. False pretences .. Nov. 22 Acquitted. 6 months’ labour. McQuane, Harry Perjury Nov. 23 Barraclough, Thomas .. Perjury Nov. 24 3 years’ probation, and prohibited. Corcoran, Thomas Theft from the person Nov. 24 Acquitted. Marshall, William Theft from the person Nov. 24 Acquitted. Fyfe, Harry .. Perjury Theft .. ) ) Nov. 25 (5 years’ labour ) , .. . - , , , 1 (concurrent). 1 1 year s labour ) v ' Barak, Marcus False pretences and theft (2 charges) Nov. 25 6 months on each (concurrent). Simpson, Duncan Incest .. Nov. 26 Acquitted. 3 years’ labour. Andrews, Charles Attempted carnal knowledge Nov. 28 Wilson, Cecil A. Robbery with violence Nov. 28 Acquitted. Little, Charles J. Buryiary, and assault with intent to Nov. 28 Convicted of indecent assault, and commit rape sentenced to 12 months’ labour. Freland, James Assault causing bodily harm Nov. 29 Acquitted. Cole, Arthur R. Assault causing bodily harm Nov. 29 Acquitted. Kendall, Alfred, alias Berry Carnal knowledge Nov. 29 Acquitted. 6 months’ labour. Aylward, Vincent P. J. Obtaining goods by fraud Dec. 1 WANGANUI S.C.O’Brien, John, alias O’Shea, John, Indecently assaulting female child Sept. 20 18 months’ labour. alias Lloyd, Edgar John, alias Donaldson, John under 10 years of age Heppell, Reginald Noel False pretences .. Sept. 20 Bill ignored. Brady, John .. Theft of a bicycle Sept. 20 12 months’ probation. WELLINGTON S.C.Cicel, John Theft .. Oct, 15 6 months’ labour. McClelland, Harry Breaking and entering Oct. 15 12 months’ probation. Bartoldy, Albert, alias Westguard, Theft from dwelling Oct, 15 9 months’ labour, and declared Laurist, alias Vinge, Ludwig, alias Lind, Louis habitual criminal. Buckland, Charles Breaking and entering (2 charges) Oct. 22 9 months on each (concurrent). Aanensen, Olaf Escaping custody Oct. 22 5 weeks. Tokaiwa, Te Raro Breaking, entering, and theft Oct. 29 6 months’ labour. Lewers, Henry, alias Lister, Alfred, Theft .. Oct. 29 To come up if called on. alias Neil, Harry, alias Cook, Harry Saunders, Raymond Forgery and uttering Oct, 29 12 months’ probation. Powell, Robert Ernest, alias i Forgery and uttering Oct. 29 12 months’ labour) 0QCurrent) _ 9 months labour j ' Stevens 1 Sending forged telegram .. Nov. 5 Renata, Mita Harawira Breaking, entering, and theft (2 Nov. 5 6 months’ labour. charges) Doreen, Ernest Alfred, alias Theft .. Nov. 5 6 months’ labour, and declared Devine, William habitual criminal. Thompson, Ernest Edwin Attempting to procure noxious thing Nov. 15 Sentence deferred pending Court of Appeal. Harrison, John Assault and robbery Nov. 16 18 months' labour. White, Ernest Assault Nov. 16 6 months’ labour. Duffy, Thomas False pretences .. Nov. 16 Acquitted. Russell, Robert Breaking into dwelling by night Nov. 17 6 months’ probation, and to pay £20 costs. Beasley, George Joseph Assault Nov. 18 18 months’ probation. Griffiths, John Breaking, entering, and theft ) ) Nov. Nov. 18 21 Acquitted. 12 months’ labour. Maloney, Cornelius Arson .. Nov. 19 Acquitted. 6 months’ labour. Taylor, Alexander Theft on high seas Nov. 21 La very, William Carnal knowledge Nov. 21 4 years’ labour. 2 years’ labour on each (concurrent), Crimmins, James Vincent, alias Breaking, entering, and assault and Nov. 21 Dawson robbery and declared habitual criminal. Cunningham, Charles .. Breaking, entering, and assault and Nov. 21 2 years’ labour on each (concurrent). robbery 2 years’ labour on each, and declared Reston, Charles Breaking, entering, and assault and Nov. 21 robbery habitual criminal. Lindsay, John, alias Lewis, alias Breaking, entering, and assault and Nov. 21 2 years’ labour on each, and declared Newton robbery habitual criminal,

Return of Prisoners tried or sentenced at the Supreme Courts.

Date tried Name. Offence. or Sentence. sentenced. WELLINGTON S.C .—continued. 1910. Taylor, John William .. Attempting to carnally know Nov. 21 5 years’ labour. Lyons, Francis Joseph Carnal knowledge Nov. 21 Acquitted. Blacklidge, Frederick .. 1 1 Breaking, entering, and theft | Theft .. .. .. } Nov. Li f 12 months’ labour) , „ ,, 1 ,, .i)ii (concurrent, i 12 months labour) ' Seymour, John Charles, alias Theft from dwelling Nov. 21 12 months’ labour. Simpkiss, Charles Earnshaw, John Burglary Nov. 21 18 months’ labour. Hunt, Henry Robert .. Burglary Nov. 21 18 months’ probation. Ellis, Leslie .. Burglary Nov. 23 Acquitted. 2 years’ labour. Watkins, William Bigamy and breach of Marriage Act Nov. 23 Wilson, Arthur Assault Nov. 23 Acquitted. NELSON S.CFerguson, John William Perjury Dec. 1 12 months’ probation. Willis, Clifford Raffenell Theft .. Dec. 1 Bill ignored. Wi Waaka .. Assault Dec. 1 12 months’ probation. 12 months’ probation. Harris, James Obtaining property on credit by false Dec. 1 representation BLENHEIM S.C.Jones, Frank, alias Greville, alias Theft from the person Dec. 7 6 months’ labour. Gravilli, alias Smythers, Smithers alias WESTPORT S.C.Parker, Sidney ( Breaking, entering, aird theft ) Assault .. .. j Dec. 7 1 Acquitted. -] 12 months’ probation, and to ah- ( stain from intoxicating liquors. Walton, Albert Assault with intent to rob Dec. 6 Acquitted. Gallaher, Charles Breaking and entering with intent Dec. fi Acquitted. to commit a crime Lane, Ernest Breaking and entering with intent Dec. 6 Acquitted. to commit a crime CHRISTCHURCH S.C.McKenzie, James Gird wood Theft (2 charges) Oct. 24 6 months’ labour on each (conJohnston, Charles current). Breaking, entering, and theft (2 Oct. 24 12 months’ labour on each (conSearby, Benjamin charges) current). False pretences .. Nov. 14 2 years’ labour. Collins, Thomas Assault and robbery Nov. 14 Acquitted. Pollock, Cecil Gifford Laurence .. False declaration Nov. lb Acquitted. Durey, Ernest Carnally knowing a girl under lb . . Nov. 17 Acquitted. Dunn, Peter .. Indecent assault Nov. 17 7 years’ labour. Moore, George, alias Johnston \ /4 years’ labour, and declared an I 1 habitual criminal. Nicholls, Ernest, alias Power , &c. ; Theft from the person Nov. 18 -! 4 years' labour. Black, Angus, alias Smith I j 4 years’ labour, and declared an ) l habitual criminal. Willis, Leonard ( i Assault with intent to commit rape j Assault with intent to commit rape ■ Nov. 18 (4 years; labour 1 (cumulative) . j 4 years labour | ' l Indecent act with intent to insult ) (Stay of proceedings entered. f Attempted buggery and indecent ) / 10 years’ labour i Mitchell, John Layman J i assault Nov. 18 1 (cumulative). Indecent assault Theft .. .. .. J , 4 years’ labour 1 (2 years’ labour (concurrent). ( DUNEDIN S.CArledge, Thomas f i Theft .. .. .. i Horse-stealing .. .. i Sept. 28 (3 months’ labour on each (concur- | rent). Arledge, Albert Ernest Horse-stealing .. Sept. 28 12 months’ probation. O’Brien, John, alias Maloney, alias Theft (3 charges) Sept. 28 9 months’ labour on each (conMcGrath, &c. current). Kempshed, Frank Mervyn, alias Failing to comply with terms of his Nov. 8 2 years’ labour. Kimshed probation Harris, George Attempted incest Nov. 8 2 years’ labour. Crquhart, Frederick Alexander .. Theft .. Nov. 10 3 months’ labour. Higgins, William Wenttas Ward, John Moreton, Thomas \ ') Breaking, entering, and theft Nov. 21 Bill ignored. Hogg, Leonard Frederick Theft .. Nov. 21 To pay costs of prosecution. Graham, Selina Priscilla, alias False registration of birth of child . . Nov. 21 To come up when called on ; bail Ellis, Lily £25. Cross, George Edward Perjury Nov. 21 Acquitted. Kinney, William Cattle-maiming . . Nov. 21 12 months’ probation, and pay costs of prosecution. Scott, Gilbert Theft (4 charges) Nov. 23 Acquitted. Brown, Arthur Spencer Theft (2 charges) Nov. 24 6 months without labour. Searle, Robert Rape .. Nov. 24 10 years’ labour. Bannister, Charles Henry Theft from dwelling (3 harges) Dec. 8 6 months’ labour on each (concurrent). Living, Joseph Theft from the person Dec. 12 6 months’ labour. Pollock, Henry ( 1 Receiving stolen property ) Attempted buggery .. j" Dec. 12 j 12 months’ labour. 1 Acquitted. INVERCARGILL S.C.Burke, John .. ) ( 12 months’ probation. Hutchins, Percy Breaking, entering, and theft Nov. 29 J To come up for sentence when called. McQuarrie, Charles 1 (6 months’ labour. Green way, Henry Making false statement under Births Nov. 29 Fined £5. and Deaths Registration Act, 1908 Jocelyn, Samuel, alias Wilson . . Breaking and entering with intent to Nov. 29 (1 months’ labour. commit theft Louttit, James .. Attempted murder Nov. 29 12 years’ labour. Robertson, James 1 Comforting and assisting prisoners) Nov. 29 j (Fined £5. Robertson, William Alexander i to escape f I Fined £5. Winter, Henry Faithful Theft of postal packet Nov. 29 6 months’ labour.

Return of Prisoners tried or sentenced at the Supreme Courts -continued.

Waiee of Offender. j Where tried. When. | 02-enoe. Sentence. | Natire of j Trade. Born. I A Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. Distinguishing Marks, &<% Austin, Elizabeth .. Auckland 5/12/10 incorrigible rogue to come up if called on N. Zealand prostitute .. 1868 ft. in. 5 2 sallow . . black brown .. small Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 521.) assisting to keep a to come up if brothel called on Clarke, Mary, alias Neary .. Auckland 5/12/10 keeping a brothel convicted and Denmark .. prostitute .. 1870 5 34 sallow .. dark brown dk. blue medium Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette . 1909, page Jack, John Lewis .. discharged Scotland .. 208.) Auckland 7/12/10 theft (2 charges) fined £10 street1887 5 3 fresh .. brown brown .. medium Gay, Francis Benning Auckland 2/12/10 theft fined £2 N. Zealand driver GO o> 5 .4 fresh .. black haz.el .. medium See Police Gazette , 1910, page 44. Spencer, Frederick Pukekohe .. 2/12/10 theft fined £3 England .. wheelwright 1883 5 6 fresh .. light brown grey .. regular Mulligan, John Wellington .. 29/11/10 idle and disorderly to come up if called on Australia .. labourer 1875 6 4 dark .. dark brown .. medium Half-caste Australian aboriginal. Thompson, Daniel Percy Wellington .. 2/12/10 theft fine, or 7 days SouthAfrica labourer and 1880 5 11 sallow .. fair blue medium F.P. clerk Burton, Albert William Wellington .. 3/12/10 theft committed to N. Zealand message-boy 1897 4 4 pale fair blue medium Weraroa Thompson, Thomas Augustus Wellington .. 9/12/10 theft convicted and Victoria .. salesman .. 1881 5 8f dark .. black, curly brown .. medium Sheehan, Bryda discharged Wellington .. 9/12/10 idle and disorderly Army Home for N. Zealand domestic 1883 5 64 dark dark blue medium 6 months Rompf, Charles Greymouth .. 6/12/10 attempted theft fined £2 Victoria .. barman 1882 5 n fair fair grey .. medium See Police Gazette, 1909, page 330. Stewart, Stanley David Blackmore, Edwin Lyttelton 7/12/10 receiving stolen property fined £2 N. Zealand clerk 1891 5 9 dark brown brown .. medium Sailor standing on barrel on right arm ; flower on left arm ; scar on right cheek. Timaru 7/12/10 illegally on premises .. convicted and England .. horse-trainer 1864 5 4 fresh .. brown blue medium Styles, Cecilia discharged Invercargill.. 9/12/10 theft (3 charges) to come up if N. Zealand married 1884 5 6 fresh .. fair blue prominent Receding chin ; three upper front teeth missing. called on woman

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates' Courts, but not sent to Gaol.

, _ -— — — d 3 Eyes. Nose. When disRemarks, and Previous Convictions. Saol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. o PQ ’© a plexion. Hair Hair. ( charged. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Luckland - Mahia te Haki Auckland 14/5/09 breaking and entering (3 2 years on eachi aboriginal abourer 1893 ft. in. 5 7 copper.. black | brown .. broad 5/12/10 Left forearm has been broken. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 23/11/10. Madden, George S.C. Auckland 29/11/10 charges), and uttering obscene language fine or 7 days Australia .. .abourer 1870 5 fresh .. grey grey .. broad 5/12/10 1 p.c. Dunn, Harry .. M.C. Hamilton 7/9/10 procuring liquor fine or 3 mo’s Australia .. abourer 1851 5 5 fresh .. dark brown blue large 6/12/10 Left thumb and little finger missing. F.P. Woods, Arthur James .. M.C. Auckland 7/11/10 assault 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 3 fresh .. black brown .. large 6/12/10 3 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1907, page 506.) Harrison George, alias M.C. Auckland 7/11/10 assault on police fine or 1 month England .. labourer 1859 5 8 sallow .. black .. grey .. Roman .. 6/12/10 44 p.c. F.P. (See I’oiice Gazette , 1910, page 479.) White, alias Martin, M.C. blue .. Thomas Beattie, John .. A u o k 1 and 30/11/10 breach of prohibition fine or 7 days England .. labourer 1885 5 64 fresh .. brown medium 6/12/10 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 520.) M.C. order arrears or 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1888 5 84 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium 6/12/10 Grossed flags on right forearm ; heart on left Osborne, William Auckland 26/11/10 default of maintenance forearm; long scar on ball of left thumb. F.P. M.C. 14/2/10 obscene language N. Zealand bushman .. 1879 5 94 sandy .. light brown grey .. straight .. 7/12/10 Arrears paid. Arrested 3rd December, 1910. 10 p.c. Cut on lower lip; upper front teeth 12 months White, Arthur Andrew Auckland missing ; slight impediment in speech. F.P. M.C. Photographed at Auckland, 23/11/10. Johns, William,, alias Jones, alias Thomas George Auckland 7/10/09 theft theft theft 3 months 4 months N.S. Wales steward 1881 5 5 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. large 7/12/10 7 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1908, page 479.) M.C. Ngaruavvahia M.C. Auckland 8/10/09 1 month 15/2/10 theft 12 months fine or 7 days M.C. 30/9/09 breach of by-laws N. Zealand chaffeur 1888 5 24 sallow .. brown hazel .. medium 8/12/10 Horse, crossed whips, spur, bit, and GOOD LUCK on right forearm ; nail of right foreJames, William Auckland 5/12/10 theft Palmerston N. M.C. Dargaville 10/9/10 theft Germany .. labourer 1854 5 8f medium brown, turnhazel .. medium 9/12/10 finger been injured; scar on left middle finger. 2 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 17/1C/10. 3 months Roloff, Harry .. ing grey hazel .. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 387.) 3 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 28/2/10. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 296.) Myers, Thomas M.C. Auckland M C 12/9/10 breach of prohibition order fine or 7 days England .. labourer 1865 5 94 fresh .. brown medium 10/12/10 McCullough, Robert Auckland 12/9/10 theft theft 3 months 3 months India labourer 1815 5 74 fresh .. grey blue medium 10/12/10 18 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 398.) Wakeham, Mary Friend, Mary, alias Rykers Alexander, Jessie, alius M.C. Auckland M.C. Auckland M.C. 'Auckland 29/11/10 29/11/10 4/12/09 drunkenness .. obscene language breach of prohibition order wilful damage incorrigible rogue fine or 3 days 7 days fine or 7 days fine or 3 days 18 months Scotland .. N. Zealand Ireland cook domestic prostitute .. 1857 1879 1858 5 5 5 0 H 24 swarthy fresh .. sallow .. light brown black brown dark br. brow n .. browu .. large medium small 5/12/10 ' 8/12/10 10/12/10 27 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 121.) 12 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 331.) Sentences cumulative. 12 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1909, page 420.) McLeod, alias Wood, M.C. . Mary Kaikohe— Kira Whare .. Kaikohe M.C. 10/8/10 killing imported game fine or 3 weeks aboriginal labourer j 1885 5 10 copper.. black brown .. broad 7/12/10 Small scar on left oheek-bone. Arrested 17th November, 1910. Waiotapu— Williamson, Henry Wellington 4/4/10 theft 6 months Ireland labourer 1888 5 74 pale black brown .. small .. 6/12/10 Scar on right cheek-bone, on right arm, and on left foot. F.P. Photographed at Waiotapu, Charles Adolphus, alias De Martamer, Peter M.C. Palmerston N 11/4/10 false pretences 6 months 1/9/10. alias Mercer, Paul M.C. Wellingt on 30/4/1C theft (2 charges) 3 mo’s on each S.C. 3 years N. Zealand labourer 1872 5 64 fresh .. dark brown blue large .. 8/12/10 T,E, on left arm; several dots on left hand. F.P. Photographed at Waiotapu, 1/9/10. (See l/1VTeLennan, Charles, alia. Palmerston N 8/9/08; breaking ana entering a dwelling b*|lay r Criss, alias McLellan S.C. 1 1 Police Gazette, 1903, page 327.) - __ — — p


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. a S 5 3 W Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. tVhen discharged. Kemarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) 1 Waipa Valley— | | ft in. ! Scar on right thumb, on left forearm, and on left middle finger. F.P. Photographed at Waipa, 2/9/10. Daveys, Kenred Horace Gisborne— Hamilton S.C. 28/2/10 theft from a dwelling .. 1 year England .. 1 butcher 1889 5 H fresh .. light brown grey • • medium 5/12/10 Behash, James Gisborne M.C. 7/12/10 rape corn’d for trial Mount Lebanon Assyrian hawker 1887 5 24 copper.. black, curly dark br. medium 7/12/10 Scar on right knee ; prominent mouth. Bailed. Napier - Creedon, John ■ .. Dannevirke M.C. 9/9/10 breach of prohibition order fine or 3 mo’s Ireland labourer 1858 5 4| fresh, sandv dark auburn blue thick 8/12/10 2 p.c. Irregular teeth; wide between eyes; large ears ; getting bald. McDonald, John, alias Napier M.C. 12/9/10 idle and disorderly 3 months Scotland .. labourer 1878 5 64 fresh .. light brown grey .. snub 10/12/10 1 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 407.) Macdonald Walsh, Mary, alias Minnie Hastings M.C. 11/10/10 idle and disorderly 2 months N. Zealand domestic . 1879 5 2 fresh .. auburn grey .. broken .. 10/12/10 Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 466.) Wellington— Chaplin, Cecil Stanley .. Wellington S.C. 3/12/10 detaining postal packets (2 charges) to come up if called on England .. letter-carrier 1889 5 n fair brown blue medium 3/12/10 Faint anchor on right arm ; lips thick and protruding. F.P. Brogmus, David Morrison, alias Warne, August Wellingto n M.C. 6/8/10 idle and disorderly obscene language 3 months 1 month Australia .. labourer 1879 5 74 fair auburn .. grey .. medium 5/12/10 20 p.c. Small scar on right upper arm ; scar on left eyebrow and on forehead. F.P. Sentences cumulative. (SeePoZice Gazette, 1910, page 351). West, William, alias Westphal Well ington S.C. 17/8/08 attempted rape 3 years Germany .. porter 1881 5 44 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 5/12/10 2 p.c. Scar on back of neck and on palm of left hand; several dog-bites on left thigh. F.P. Photographed at Wellington, 5/12/10. (See Police Gazette, 1907, page 188.) Dumbleton, David John, alias Dimbleton Denniston M.C. Wellington TVpr, 11/7/10 16/11/10 trespass breach of Mines Act .. defaultof maintenance fine or 11 days fine or 7 days remanded Australia .. storeman . 1879 6 1 fair brown brown .. medium 5/12/10 Scar on right thumb. F.P. Warrant executed 21st November, 1910. McAlear, Terence, alias Cameron, alias McKenna, alias Brown, Wellington M.C. 30/11/10 breach of prohibition order fine or 7 days Scotland .. fireman 1872 5 7f dark .. brown brown .. medium 6/12/10 23 p.c. Braoelet on eaoh wrist ; scar on head. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 531.) Edward . Ruddy, Patrick Well ington M.C. 30/11/10 breach of prohibition order fine or 7 days Ireland labourer 1847 5 6f sallow .. brown, turning grey blue broken .. 6/12/10 2 p.c. Crucifixion on left forearm ; anchor on left hand. (See Police Gazette, 1907, page 277.) Armstrong, James Oliver W ellington M.C. 21/11/10 default of maintenance arrears or 14 days America .. seaman 1855 5 sallow .. brown, turning grey brown .. medium 6/12/10 15 p.c. Large growth on left side of neck; several dots on right forearm ; bracelet on left wrist; large growth on left side of chest. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1909, page 505.) Reid, William Wellington M.C. 23/11/10 wilful damage fine or 14 days England . fireman 1882 5 54 fair brown dark br. medium 6/12/10 1 p.c. Ten-pointed star on right forearm; numerous dots on left forearm ; scar on left side of nose. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1909, page 431.) Haviland, Richard • Master ton M.C. 7/10/10 sly-grog selling 2 months Australia .. labourer 1861 5 n swarthy brown blue medium, broken 6/12/10 1 p.c. Scar on right wrist. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 37.) Buckley, Michael, alias Blenheim S.C. McWilliams 7/12/10 K theft from the person .. bill ignored .. N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 74 fair brown grey .. medium 5/12/10 Several p.c. Scar across bridge of nose and above left eye ; large scar below right knee and on right forearm. Photographed 7/11/05. (See Police Gazette, 1910, pages 283 and 329.) Holborne, Joseph Frederick William Wei lington M.C. i8/(yro obscene language 21 days N. Zealand hairdresser 1870 5 ! 54 fair brown I 1 brown .. medium 8/12/10 3 p.c. Scar over right eye. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 331.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. | Offence. ' Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Wellington continued. Newman, William I Wellington 2/12/10 breach of prohibition fine or 7 days N. Zealand carter 1888 ft. 5 in. 6| fresh .. brown hazel .. medium 8/12/10 4 p.c. N.Z., star, and IN MEMORY OF CARRY M.C. order on right forearm. F.P. (See Police Gazette 1910, page 178.) Troy, James, alias Nathan Wellington 11/11/10 drunkenness .. 1 month Australia .. labourer 1859 5 6i fair grey blue medium 10/12/10 13 p.c. Bald ; clasped hands across heart on M.C. right forearm ; woman’s head on left forearm ; scar on left ring-finger. P.P. (See Police Gazette , 1910, page 506.) iNodine, Charles Wellingt on 11/10/10 contempt of Court 3 months England .. tailor 1851 5 6 fair grey blue medium 8/12/10 Scar on side of right eye. Portion of sentence S C remitted. Thompson, Thomas Augustine Dannevirke 3/12/10 theft | remanded to Australia .. clerk 1881 5 8i swarthy black, curly brown .. medium 9/12/10 Mole on chin. M.C. Wellington Westport— Rhodes, William, alias Westport M.C. 28/11/10 drunkenness 7 days N. Zealand saddler 1877 5 9 fair light brown grey .. medium 10/12/10 Several p.c. (See Police Gazette , 1910, page 62.) Cecil William breach of prohibition 7 days order Lyttelton — Sinnott. Patrick, alias Christchurch 30/11/10 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours Ireland labourer 1860 5 H fresh .. dark brown grey .. broad 6/12/10 10 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 437.) M.C. damage fine or 7 days shirt-cutter light brown Beattie, James Christchurch 7/9/K) theft 3 months N. Zealand 1886 5 6f fresh .. blue medium 6/12/10 Scar on left side of neck, on right hand, and on M.C. theft 1 month England .. domestic .. brown left thumb. F.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, 6/12/10. Landells, Mary Ann Christchurch 7/11/10 procuring liquor fine or 1 month 1857 5 0 fresh .. brown .. medium 6/12/10 Repeatedly convicted. P.P. (See Police Gazette , M.C. SouthAfrica journalist .. 7f 1910, page 361.) Taylor, Christian John Christchurch 8/9/10 theft (4 charges) 3 mo's on each 1864 5 fresh .. grey grey .. broad 7/12/10 1 p.c. Photographed at Lyttelton, 6/12/10. (See M.C. clerk dark Police Gazette, 1909, page 432.) Scott, Joseph .. Christchurch 30/11/10 idle and disordelry remanded England .. 1854 5 3§ dark .. grey .. medium 7/12/10 Purbrook, Henry James M.C. Christchurch 26/11/10 default of maintenance remanded England .. electrician., 1855 5 8J fresh .. grey brown . medium 8/12/10 1 p.c. Photographed at Auckland, 31/12/91. M.C. (See Police Gazette, 1892, page 6.) Timaru - Blaok, Lupus .. Timaru M.C. 24/11/10 breach of by-law fine or 14 days Roumania bookseller .. 1884 5 6| dark .. black dark br. medium 8/12/10 Jewish appearance. Kelly, Thomas Allan Temuka M.C. 1/12/10 drunk and disorderly .. fine or 7 days America .. labourer 1855 5 4J fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium 7/12/10 Birth-mark on back of left ankle. Dunedin — Lambert, James Port Chalmers 30/11/10 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours England .. fireman 1880 5 5* fresh .. light brown grey .. large 6/12/10 Flowers above right wrist; man’s head with hat M.C. absent from ship 7 days on and fern-leaves underneath on left hand ; women’s bust between two flags and ship in reef on right forearm. Hall, George .. Dunedin M.C. 24/10/10 ship-desertion 2 weeks England .. fireman 1882 5 2i fresh .. fair blue large 6/12/10 Bulldog’s head on left upper arm ; flowers, bird, woman, and I.O.B.S. on left lower arm ; flags, making false declaration 1 month brown anchor, woman, tombstone, and heart on right upper arm. McLean, William Dunedin M.C. 27/10/10 disobeying order of Court 14 days N. Zealand carpenter .. 1865 5 5| fresh .. grey .. medium 7/12/10 Discharged by order of Magistrate, under the dark, turning Bankruptcy Act, 1908. Langley, John George .. Dunedin M.C. 8/12/10 drunkenness .. fine or 24 hours England .. lumper 1853 5 5* fresh .. grey .. large 9/12/10 Crucifix, two flags, and anchor on right arm ; sailor and ship on left arm ; left eye glass. breach of prohibition fine or 14 days grey order 1 (See Police Gazette, 1910, page 202.).


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXV, Issue 50, 21 December 1910, Page 537

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXV, Issue 50, 21 December 1910, Page 537

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXV, Issue 50, 21 December 1910, Page 537