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(From Gazette, 1906, pages 741, 742, 744, and 745.)

Amending Regulations for Trout-fishing, Auckland Acclimati

sation District. PLUNKET, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL.

At the Government House, at Wellington, this first day of March, 1906.

Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council

WHEREAS by an Order in Council dated the twentyeighth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and four, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the third day of November, one thousand nine hundred and four, certain regulations were made under “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884 ” (hereinafter termed “ the said Act”), providing for trout-fishing within the Auckland Acclimatisation District as therein defined: And whereas it is expedient to revoke numbers two, twelve, twenty, and twenty-four of the said regulations and to make other provisions in lieu thereof:

Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in exercise of the powers conferred by the said Act, and of all other powers enabling him in this behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby revoke the said regulations numbers two, twelve,

twenty, and twenty-four, and in lieu thereof doth hereby order as follows :

2. Every whole-season license shall entitle the holder to fish in all the waters of the said Auckland Acclimatisation District for the period extending from the first day of November in any one year to the thirtieth day of April in the year following, both days inclusive: subject, however, to the special limitations and restrictions hereinafter mentioned.

12. The period from the first day of May to the thirty-first day of October following, both days inclusive, is hereby appointed a close season, during which it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for or take any Salmonidce or trout, or in any way to injure or disturb the same. No person shall have in his possession any Salmonidce or trout between the first day of May and the first day of November following : Provided that this regulation shall not apply to fish taken by officers of the said society for purposes of acclimatisation.

20. Nothing herein contained, or contained in any license issued under these regulations, shall be deemed to authorise any person to fish for or take Salmonidce or trout in any of the following streams or waters—namely, the Utuhina Stream, the Fairy Spring, the Ngongotaha Stream, the Waiteti Stream, the Awahou Stream, the Hamurana Spring and Stream—all being streams flowing into Lake Rotorua, except during the period extending from the first day of December in any one year to the thirty-first day of March in the year following, both days inclusive. 24. Notwithstanding anything in these or any other regulations contained, it shall be lawful for the said society to purchase trout in the County of Rotorua from holders of licenses, and to sell trout so purchased, and to establish a shop or depot for that purpose, and to appoint a manager or managers thereof: Provided always that the whole of the net profits from such buying and selling shall be devoted by the said society to the purposes of the distribution, rearing, cultivation, and protection of fish in the district of the said society, and an account of the receipts and expenditure of such buying and selling shall be shown in the annual statement of accounts of the said society. And in pursuance of the like power and authority it is hereby declared that the foregoing regulations shall be read and construed as part of the said recited regulations of the twenty-eighth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and four.

ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council

Regulations for Deer shooting, Wanganui. PLUNKET, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this first day of March, 1906.

Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. IN exercise of the powers vested in him by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,’’ and the Acts amending the same (hereinafter called “ the said Acts ”), His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations respecting the deer-shooting season within the Wanganui District, comprising the Counties of Wanganui and Waitotara, and hereinafter called “ the said distriot.”


1. Fallow deer (bucks only) may be taken or killed within the said district from the 2nd day of April, 1906, to the 15th day of May, 1906, both days inclusive. 2. Licenses to kill such deer may be issued by the Chief Postmaster at Wanganui on payment of a license fee of twenty shillings, in the form prescribed in the Schedule hereto, and subject to the said Acts and these regulations. The number of such licenses shall not exceed thirty.

3. No licensee shall be allowed to take or kill more than two bucks, and no buck shall be killed carrying antlers with less than four points ; and, further, the said Chief Postmaster shall not issue more than one license to take or kill deer to the same person. 4. No doe or fawn will be allowed to be killed on any pretext whatever, and no dogs will be allowed to accompany either the licensee or any attendant he may have with him. 5. The licensee must give notice to the said Chief Postmaster of the date on which it is his intention to stalk deer ; such notice to be posted, or delivered, or telegraphed three clear days before such date. 6. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorising any person to sell any deer or portion thereof.

Schedule. No. License to take or kill Game (Deer). , of , having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorised to take or kill deer (bucks only) of not less than points within the District of , from the day of , 1906, to the day of , 1906, both days inclusive, subject to the provisions of “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the amendments thereof, and the regulations made thereunder.

Dated at , this day of , 190 . ALEX. WILLIS. Clerk of the Executive Council. Regulations for Deer-shooting, Otago. PLUNKET, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this first day of March, 1906. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. IN exercise of the powers vested in him by “ The Animals . Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same (hereinafter called “the said Acts”), His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations respecting the deer-shooting season within the Otago Acclimatisation District.

REGULATIONS. 1. Licenses to shoot and kill deer (bucks or stags only) in the Otago Acclimatisation District, except within the area described in Regulation No. 6 of these regulations, will be issued under the hand of the Chief Postmaster at Dunedin, on the recommendation of the secretary of the Otago Acclimatisation Society, in the form prescribed in the Schedule hereto, and subject to the said Acts and these regulations. For every such license to kill red deer (stags only) a fee of £3 sterling will be charged; and no holder of any such license as aforesaid shall kill more than four stags under or by virtue of such license, and no stag with less than eight points shall be killed. And for every such license to kill fallow deer (bucks only) a fee of £2 sterling will be charged; and no holder of any such license as aforesaid shall kill more than four bucks under or by virtue of such license, and no buck with less than eight points shall be killed. The said Chief Postmaster is hereby appointed and authorised to issue and sign the said licenses. 2. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to kill fallow deer (bucks only), as provided in Regulation No. 1 of these regulations, from the 15th March, 1906, to the 30th April, 1906, and red deer (stags only), as provided in Regulation No. 1 of these regulations, from the 2nd April, 1906, to the 31st May, 1906. Ball cartridge only to be used. 3. No doe, hind, or fawn will be allowed to be killed on any pretext whatever; and no dogs will be allowed to accompany either the licensee or any attendant he may have with him.

4. The licensee must give notice to the said Chief Postmaster of the date on which it is his intention to stalk deer ; such notice to be posted, or delivered, or telegraphed three clear days before such date. 5. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorising any person to sell any deer or portion thereof. 6. No deer shall be shot within an area containing about 24,800 acres in one block, being parts of Mid-Hawea, Longslip, Lower Hawea, and Lindis Districts, plans of which area will be issued by the secretary of the Otago Acclimatisation Society to persons to whom licenses to shoot deer are granted.



License to take or kill Game (Deer).

, of , having this day paid the sum of £ , is hereby authorised to take or kill deer (bucks or stags only) of not less than points within the District of , from the day of , 1906, to the day of , 1906 (both days inclusive), subject to the provisions of “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the amendments thereof, and the regulations made thereunder.

Dated at

, this

, 190 .

day of ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council

Hares may be killed in Part of Te Horo Road District, County of Horowhenna. PLUNKET, Governor. IN pursuance of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, William Lee, Baron Plunket, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby declare that from and after the date hereof hares shall cease to be within the operation of the said Acts within the area described in the Schedule hereto.

SCHEDULE. Area in which Hares may be taken or killed

All that area in the Wellington Land District, situated in Kaitawa and Waitohu Survey Districts, bounded towards the north-east by the Otaki River from the sea to a point opposite the westernmost corner of Section No. 7a, in Block IV, Kaitawa Survey District; thence by a right line across the Otaki River to the westernmost corner of the said Section No. 7a ; thence by the north-eastern boundarv-lines of Sections Nos. 7a, 7,8, 9, 10, 11. 12. 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, Block IV, Kaitawa Survey District, to the easternmost corner of the last-mentioned section; thence towards the south-east by Section No. 18, Block V, Taungata Survey District, to the Otaki River ; thence by the said Otaki River to its confluence with the southern branch of that river at

the northernmost corner of Section No. 3, Block XII, Kaitawa Survey District; thence by the southern branch of the said Otaki River to the north-eastern boundary-line of Section No. 6, Block XII aforesaid ; thence by the lastmentioned section to its northernmost corner ; thence across a road and by Sections Nos. 3 and 5, Block XII aforesaid, Sections Nos. 4 and 1, Block XI, Section No. 60, Block X, Kaitawa Survey District, and the production of the northeastern boundary-line of the last-mentioned section to the sea; and thence towards the north west by the sea to the place of commencement. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and six.

ALBERT PITT, Acting Colonial Secretary

Police Gaoler appointed. Department of Justice (Prisons Branch), Wellington, 26th February, 1906. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint

Sergeant John Watt

to be Police Gaoler at Rotorua, vice Sergeant William John Phair, transferred.


By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.

Hame of Offender. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. B O e Height. Complexion. Hair. 1 Eye». Nose. Distingnishrng Marti, Ae. Awa Awa.. Opotiki 14/2/06 theft fined £3 N. Zealand labourer 1878 ft. in. 5 6 copper.. dark brown .. regular Harrison, Albert .. Gisborne 24/9/05 theft convicted and N. Zealand 1894 4 4 fair light brown grey .. medium discharged Hogg, Arthur Joseph Gisborne 27/10/05 theft ■ 12 mo. probat’n N. Zealand plumber 1884 5 8 dark .. black grey .. medium Courtney, Leonard Gisborne 21/10/05 theft 6 mo’s probat'n N. Zealand carpenter .. 1886 5 9 dark .. dark grey .. medium Hicks, Elsie Gisborne 10/1/06 theft convicted and N. Zealand 1895 4 4 fair fair blue .. medium discharged Hicks, Ethel Gisborne 10/1/06 theft convicted and N. Zealand , , 1896 4 4 sallow.. brown blue .. medium discharged Puano Hiko Hawera 6/3/06 theft to come up N. Zealand labourer 1890 5 8 dark .. dark dark .. medium when called on Watkins, Ebor Manaia 1/3/06 theft to come up when called on England .. labourer 1843 5 4 sallow.. grey grey .. medium Eccentric habits ; very excitable. Buchanan, William Petone 28/2/06 theft (2 charges) convicted and N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1895 4 3 fresh .. brown grey .. medium discharged Parrant, Robert Petone 28/2/06 theft (2 charges) convicted and discharged 3 mo’s probat’n N. Zealand schoolboy .. 1895 4 2 fresh .. brown blue .. medium White, William Greymouth .. 26/2/06 theft London .. labourer 1874 5 10 fresh .. black blue .. large Burn-mark on right side of head and temple.

Return of Persons summarily convicted at Magistrates’ Courts, out not sent to Gaol.

Baol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. 3 *© B Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Noae. When discharged. Bemarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) Auckland— ft. in. Hines, John Sidney Auckland 27/1/06 threatening behaviour fine, or 1 month England .. fireman 1866 5 10 dark .. dark brown dark br. large 26/2/06 6 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 3/2/06. (See Police Gazette , 1905, page 359.) F.P. Sentences concurrent. Lee, William White, alias Leah Beamish, Thomas Whangarei .. 30/1/06 theft (3 charges) 1 mo. on each N. Zealand drover 1889 5 8£ fresh .. light brown blue .. medium 26/2/06 Auckland 13/2/06 drunk and disorderly .. obscene language 14 days 14 days Ireland gardener .. 1858 5 5 fresh .. dark brown brown .. thick 26/2/06 3 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 298.) Bailey, Edward Auckland 15/5/05 theft 12 months England .. cabman 1864 5 3| swarthy dark brown grey .. large 26/2/06 2 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 22/2/06. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 209.) Sloane, Frederick Charles Auckland 23/2/06 breach of city by-laws fine, or 48 hours Ireland porter 1857 5 4|i fresh .. dark brown It. grey thick 26/2/06 2 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 311.) Dixon, John Edward Longmore Waihi 31/2/06 vagrancy 1 month Victoria .. Venetian blind maker 1882 5 85 fresh .. dark brown, turning grey blue large 27/2/06 3 p.o. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 369.) Morris, Lottie.. Auckland 29/1/06 vagrancy consorting with thieves and prostitutes 1 mouth 1 month N. Zealand prostitute .. 1879 5 34 fair dark brown brown .. pug 27/2/06 3 p.c. An upper front tooth out; almost blind of left eye. Wakeham, Mary Auckland 28/11/05 drunkenness.. 3 months Scotland .. (iook 1857 5 0 swarthy light brown dark br, large 27/2/06 26 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 443.) Williams, Margaret, alias “ Opium Mag ” Auckland 2/12/05 drunkenness.. 3 months England .. prostitute .. 1858 5 14 sallow .. black, turning grey grey .. pug 1/3/06 Numerous p.o. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 208.) Brockbank, John Auckland 5/1/06 breach of prohibition order (4 charges) fine, or 14 days on eaoh England .. photograph ’r 1860 5 5 fresh .. black dark br. medium 1/3/06 17 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 9/1/06. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 443.) Sentences cumulative. Gillin, James .. Auckland 8/8/04 indecent assault 2 years S. Australia bushman .. 1855 5 7f fresh .. dark brown blue .. medium 1/3/06 One scar on right arm and two on left forearm. F.P. 20 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 20/6/93. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 165.) Atkins, Henry John, alias John James, alias Milward, John, alias DalAuckland 8/8/04 theft 2 years England .. olerk 1858 5 3 fresh .. light brown blue .. medium 1/3/06 ton, George, &c. Jackson, Thomas, alias Turner, William, alias Hennessy Auckland 23/2/05 assault 15 months N. Zealand labourer 1882 5 7| pale, freckled brown grey .. medium 1/3/06 11 p.c. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 10/2/06. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 167.) light brown Newell, William James Auckland 8/8/04 theft horse-stealing 2 years 2 years N. Zealand bushman .. 1876 5 54 sallow .. grey .. medium 2/3/06 Top of right forefinger been injured. F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 2/3/06. • Napier— brown Hempin stall, John, alias Hastings 23/2/06 drunkenness .. fine, or 48 hours Ireland labourer 1852 5 6 fresh .. blue .. aquiline .. 24/2/06 See Police Gazette, 1905, page 94. O’Connor, John Larsen, Anton, alias Andrew Armstrong, John, alias Dannevirke .. 30/1/06 vagrancy 1 month Sweden .. seaman 1860 5 7 swarthy fair blue .. medium 28/2/06 See Police Gazette, 1906, page 25. Dannevirke .. 26/2/06 illegally on premises .. 7 days Sweden .. carpenter .. 1865 5 7| fair light brown hazel .. broad 3/3/06 See Police Gazette, 1905, page 386. Mattison, Johan Simpson, Charles, alias Evans, Ernest, &c. Gisborne 10/5/05 illegally on premises .. 12 months England .. station-cook 1869 5 114 fresh .. light brown grey .. long 3/3/06 F.P. Photographed at Auckland, 22/8/99. (See Police Gazette, 1903, page 311.) Macalister, Archibald .. Hastings 5/1/06 vagrancy 2 months Scotland .. labourer 1855 5 3 fresh .. light brown grey .. thick 3/3/06 See Police Gazette, 1905, page 454. Marchbank, Robert Gisborne 5/1/06 breach of Licensing Act 2 months Scotland .. labourer 1865 5 94 fresh .. brown brown .. straight .. 3/3/06 Bugden, Edward Gisborne 5/1/06 breach of Licensing Act 2 months England .. labourer 1833 5 lOf florid .. grey grey .. straight .. 3/3/06 Walks lame. Brown, Henry, alias Harry, alias Scott, Walter Napier 5/2/06 obscene language 1 month Cape Colony seaman 1849 5 74 swarthy dark brown brown .. medium 3/3/06 See Police Gazette, 1905, page 69.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. 1 When disj charged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) New Plymouth— ft. in. Brook, William, alias Clarke, Arthur N. Plymouth 20/7/05 theft 4 months England .. seaman 1868 1 6J fresh .. dark brown brown .. small 27/2/06 1 p.c. First joint of left ring-finger broken ; dot 22/7/05 theft 6 months on left arm; two boil-marks on left calf; theft 2 months narrow forehead. F.P. The four months and Wanganui— theft 3 months three months concurrent. Photographed at New Plymouth, 16/2/06. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 262.) Cooper, John .. Waverley 2/12/05 vagranoy 3 months England .. hawker 1849 I 8 dark .. brown brown .. small 1/3/06 Repeatedly convicted. F.P. (See Police Gazette, Thurston, George, alias 2/1/06 breaoh of Impounding 1905, page 444.) Wanganui .. 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1880 £ 14 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium 1/3/06 Previously convicted. F.P. (See Police Gazette, Thurstey Act wilful damage 2 months 1904, page 110.) McAlinden, Norman Wanganui .. 26/2/06 failing to comply with 12 mo. probat’n N. Zealand labourer 1885 £ 34 dark .. brown brown .. medium 26/2/06 See Police Gazette, 1905, page 86. terms of probation Mackay, Richard Wanganui .. 26/2/06 being an incorrigible acquitted N. Zealand labourer 1858 r 6 fresh .. red blue pointed .. 26/2/06 11 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1904, page 72.) rogue, and having no lawful visible means Wellington — of support Hammell, James Wellington .. 17/2/06 indecency remanded Australia .. labourer .. 1869 5 74 dark .. blaok blue .. medium 26/2/06 Scar near right eye. Mills, John, alias HenWellington .. 16/2/06 rogue and vagabond .. corn’d for trial Scotland .. labourer 1872 5 104 fair light brown grey .. medium 27/2/06 Several p.c. F.P. Photographed at Lyttelton, derson Pickering, Matthew 28/5/03. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 96.) Bailed. Wellington .. 22/9/05 rogue and vagabond .. 6 months Tasmania.. carpenter .. 1848 5 5 fresh .. grey brown .. medium 27/2/06 Numerous p.o. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, Wata Mita Masterton .. 30/1/06 obscene language 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1881 5 6| copper.. black brown .. medium 28/2/06 page 323.) Two marks on upper left arm. F.P. Simmonds, William J. alias Parker, &o. Headley, Thomas Thompson Wellington .. Wellington .. 2/12/05 23/6/05 vagrancy theft 3 months 6 months England .. England .. clerk stockman .. 1865 1879 5 8J 5 5 fresh .. fair brown red hazel .. grey .. large large 1/3/06 2/3/06 Several p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 360.) 1 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1904, page 127.) default of maintenance 3 months Bell, George Harry Dunedin 21/11/04 theft 14 days N. Zealand cook 1876 5 8| fair fair brown .. medium 3/3/06 1 p.c. Both elbows deformed. F.P. Arrested Dalgarno, William Francis 19th February, 1906. Wellington .. 5/2/06 drunkenness .. 1 month Scotland .. fireman 1876 5 7f fair fair blue large 3/3/06 W.D., bracelet, &c., on right arm; heart, sword, &c., on left arm. Anderson, Ellen Wellington .. 28/11/05 vagrancy 3 months Norway .. prostitute .. 1875 5 7 fair fair light br. medium 27/2/06 Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, Hokitika— page 429.) White, William Greymouth .. 26/2/06 theft 3 mo’s probat’n England .. labourer 1874 5 8} fresh .. dark brown grey .. large 26/2/06 Scar between eyebrows ; burn-mark on right side Lyttelton — of head; boil-mark on right side of neck; birth-mark on right shoulder-blade. Barnett, John Henry .. Lyttelton 26/2/06 theft .. .. remanded England .. fireman 1882 5 54 dark .. dark blue medium 28/2/06 Dots on both arms ; large soar on neok. Bailed. Blunden, Thomas, alias HefEernan, Thomas Lyttelton 23/2/06 threatening behaviour.. fine, or 7 days England .. labourer 1850 5 5J fair grey grey .. medium 1/3/06 Numerous p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 455.) 1 p.c. F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1905, page 124.) Thompson, William Henry, alias Harold Ashburton .. 4/12/05 theft 3 months Adelaide .. blacksmith.. 1886 5 54 fresh .. dark blue medium 3/3/06 Timaru — Wilson, George Joseph .. Waimate 22/2/06 obscene language 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 104 fresh .. brown brown .. medium 28/2/06


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. When discharged. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. (F.P. indicates that finger-impressions have been taken.) iunedin— Keogh, Patrick Dunedin 15/9/05 aggravated assault 6 months England .. coppersmith 1868 ft. in. 5 9£ sallow .. dark, turndark br. large 27/2/06 Scar on forehead and on right knee. F.P. (See * ing grey brown Police Gazette , 1905, page 342.) Sent to Seacliff Asylum. Brown, Caroline, alias Dunedin 28/11/05 drunkenness .. 3 months Ireland .. 1868 5 2 fair blue .. large 27/2/06 F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1905, page 380.) Catherine dark brown McGee, Ellen .. •• Dunedin 28/11/05 drunkenness .. 3 months England .. prostitute .. 1867 5 0 fair grey .. pug 27/2/06 F.P. (See Police Gazette , 1905, page 414.) Geddeson, Alfred Dunedin 20/2/06 incest dismissed England .. sailor 1862 5 H fresh .. black, curly hazel .. very large 20/2/06 Large mouth ; one blue dot on right wrist; blue brown mark centre of forehead ; nose broken and inclined to right. Indictment quashed at S.G. Milne, Alfred, Miller alias Oamaru 5/1/06 obscene language (2 chg) 2 mo’s on each England .. labourer 1862 5 Of fresh .. grey .. large 3/3/06 See Police Gazette, 1902, page 277. Walker, Charles, alias Lawrence 29/1/06 vagrancy 1 month England .. labourer and 1869 5 2 sandy .. sandy, ourly blue-gr’y medium 28/2/06 Scar between first and second finger of left hand; Jackson, George tailor labourer dark scar back of head. (See Police Gazette, 1905, page 428.) Gibson, William Dunedin 2/2/06 assault 1 month N. Zealand 1886 5 6 fresh .. grey .. thick 1/3/06 Brown birth-mark on upper left arm ; five small moles on upper right arm. McPherson, Neil , , Dunedin 3/2/06 theft acquitted Scotland .. labourer 1879 5 61 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. large 19/2/06 N.M.P. (in red and blue ink) and five-pointed star on right arm ; ring on third right finger; anchor on back of left hand. Donaldson, John , , Dunedin 9/2/06 default of maintenance 6 months in N.S. Wales labourer 1883 5 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. very large 26/2/06 Anchor on right arm ; blue mark on right wrist; default of X, Maltese cross, &o., on left arm ; scar back surety dark brown of left hand. Surety found. Leckie, James , , Dunedin 13/2/06 drunkenness .. fine, or 48 hours N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 5* fresh .. grey .. large, thick 2/3/06 See Police Gazette, 1906, page 80. resisting polioe damaging uniform fine, or 14 days fine, or 48 hours blue .. Anderson, John , , Dunedin 23/2/06 assault causing bodily remanded N. Zealand seaman 1883 5 7 dark .. dark brown thick 23/2/06 Mole under right side of chin. Bailed. harm Simpson, John HenderDunedin 23/2/06 assault causing bodily remanded England .. engineer 1881 5 n fresh .. dark brown brown .. short, thick 23/2/06 Heart, anchor, TRUE LOVE, J.S., and many son harm dots on left arm; J.H.S. on left wrist; triangle on back of left hand. Bailed. nvercargill — Thompson, John Riverton 3/2/06 theft 1 month Scotland .. labourer and 1870 5 54 fair brown blue medium 2/3/06 Squints left eye ; slightly bald. F.P. (See Police bootmaker Gazette, 1901, page 201.)


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXI, Issue 10, 14 March 1906, Page 92

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EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXI, Issue 10, 14 March 1906, Page 92

EXTRACTS FROM NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXXI, Issue 10, 14 March 1906, Page 92