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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1901, pages 1311, 1312, 1314, 1316, 1317, and 1346.) Trout-fishing Regulations, Stratford District. RANFURLY, Governor. ORDER IE COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Auckland, this tenth day of June, 1901. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. IN pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” and the amendments thereof, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations for, and to have force and effect in, the County of Stratford and in the Borough of Stratford, and for and in all the lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, creeks, and other waters situated in the whole or in part in such County and [or] Borough of Stratford respectively; and doth hereby declare that these regulations shall, as from the date of the publication thereof in the Neic Zealand Gazette, supersede all regulations at variance therewith. Regulations. 1. No person shall fish in any river, stream, creek, or other water situated in the whole or in part in the County of Stratford or Borough of Stratford without a license ; and every person fishing in any such river, stream, creek, or other water shall, on demand of any Ranger, constable, member of the Stratford Acclimatisation Society, or person producing a license of such society to fish, produce and show to such Ranger, constable, member, or person, as the case may be, his license, the contents of his creel or bag, the fish then in his possession, and the bait used by him for taking, catching, or killing fish. 2. Licenses to fish for trout in all the waters aforesaid shall be issued by the Stratford Acclimatisation Society under the hand of its Secretary for the time being. For every such license, except as hereinafter provided, a fee of ten shillings shall be charged: Provided that such licenses may be issued to boys not over sixteen years ot age and to women and girls at a reduced fee of five shillings; and provided also that it shall not be obligatory on the said society to issue a license to any person in any case. 3. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish for trout in any of the said waters from the first day of October in any one year to the thirty-first day of March in the following year, both days inclusive, between the hours of four a.m. and ten p.m. only; but no such license shall confer any right of entry upon the land of any person without his consent. 4. The said Secretary may issue day licenses to fish in any of the said waters to bond fide travellers and strangers not resident in the County of Stratford and [or] Borough of Stratford on their introduction to him by any two members of the said society, and on payment of a fee of two shillings and sixpence for each week’s fishing: Provided that this payment may be remitted if the traveller or stranger be a member of or hold a valid license from any other society in New Zealand which grants the like privilege. 5. No person shall fish for, take, catch, or kill, or have in his possession, or attempt to fish for, take, catch, or kill, in any manner whatsoever, trout, between the first day of April and the thirtieth day of September in any year, both days inclusive, which last said period is hereby appointed and declared to be a close season for all trout. 6. Every such license as aforesaid shall entitle the person named therein, and no other person, to fish for trout with one rod and line and hook, and no more at any one time, and with the following baits: Natural or artificial fly, natural or artificial minnow, silveries, bullies, grasshoppers, spiders, caterpillars, creepers, and worms. 7. No person shall use any other bait, or any method, device, or contrivance of any sort whatsoever, for the purpose of fishing for, taking, catching, or killing trout, except a rod, line, and hook, and a landing-net for fish taken with a rod, line, and hook. 8. No “ cross-line fishing,” “ stroke-hauling,” or other unsportsmanlike device or contrivance shall be used for the purpose of fishing for, taking, catching, or killing trout, except a rod, line, and hook, and a landing-net for fish taken with rod, line, and hook; nor shall any of the above-men-tioned baits be used with any medicated, poisoned, or chemical preparation whatever. 9. Every trout not exceeding eight inches in length fiom nose to tip of tail, taken or caught by any person, shall immediately be returned alive into the water from which such trout was taken.

10. No person shall take, fish for, catch, or kill, in any manner whatsoever, or have in his possession, any salmon, salmon-parr, or smolts, or the ova, young, or fry of any of the salmonidae or trout in any stage whatever ; and any of the above-mentioned fish or things taken by accident or otherwise shall immediately he returned to the water from which it was or they were taken. 11. No person shall buy, sell, or expose or offer for sale, within the said County of Stratford and [or] Borough of Stratford any of the salmonidae or trout, or take, fish for, catch, or kill any of the salmonidae or trout in order to make sale of the same, without the permission in writing under the hand of the Secretary of the Stratford Acclimatisation Society first had and obtained for such purposes. 12. No person, persons, or corporation shall place, cast, or put in any of the rivers, streams, or waters or creeks mentioned in the Schedule hereto any sawdust or sawmill refuse, and the casting of sawdust or any sawmill refuse in any of the said rivers, streams, creeks, or waters is hereby prohibited. 13. The penalty for the breach of any of these regulations shall be such sum of money, not exceeding fifty pounds and not being less than forty shillings, as the Justices of the Peace by whom the information charging such breach shall be heard, tried, determined, and adjudged shall appoint or fix, and such penalty is hereby imposed. 14. If any person shall be convicted of any offence against these regulations, the license (if any) held by the offender shall thereupon become void. 15. These regulations shall come into force as from the date of the publication thereof in the New Zealand Gazette. The Schedule hereto. The Patea River, the Kahouri River, the Piakau River, the Rum-keg Creek (a tributary of the Manganui River), the Manganui River, the Waingongoro River, the Gentle Annie Stream, the Konini or Cold Stream (tributaries of the Patea River), the Toko River, the Waipuku River, the Waitara River, the Mangaehu River, the Makuri River, the Makino River, and every tributary of any of such rivers respectively. J. F. ANDREWS, Acting-Clerk of the Executive Council.

Hares may he taken or killed in the South Malvern Road District, County of Selwyn. RANFURLY, Governor. IN pursuance of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly, Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby declare that from

and after the date hereof hares shall cease to be within the operation of the said Acts within the South Malvern Road District. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this fifteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and one. WM. HALL-JONES.

Virginian Deer, dec., turned at large in Nelson Acclimatisation Society's District declared to be vested in Chairman of that Society. Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 10th June, 1901. HIS Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified that the Nelson Acclimatisation Society have turned at large a number of Virginian deer and Virginian quail in the Nelson District, and that the property in such deer and quail, and their offspring, is deemed to be absolutely vested in the Chairman of the said Nelson Acclimatisation Society for a period of three years from the date hereof, as provided by section 38 of “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880.” J G. WARD.

Probation Officer appointed. Department of Justice (Prisons Branch), Wellington, 10th June, 1901. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Sergeant Joseph Swinburne Kelly to be Probation Officer for the Boroughs of Christchurch, St. Albans, and Sydenham, vice Sergeant William Lyons, transferred. james McGowan.

Clerks of Courts, (Pc., appointed. Department of Justice, Wellington, 26th June, 1901. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Andrew Christie to be Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court at Waimate, and Clerk of the Licensing Committee for the District of Waitaki, from the 10th instant, vice F. S. Parker ; and Constable John Walton to be Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court at Mosgiel, and Clerk of the Licensing Committee for the District of Taieri, from the Bth instant, vice Constable A. Christie, transferred. james McGowan.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington

No. of Watch. Description. Owner’s Name and Address. Police Gazette Reference. Ladies’ gold hunting keyless Beenie Marlin, Wellington 1901. Page 84 English silver lever open-faced G. Kelly, Invercargill .. 85 Waterbury, chased case H. Larkin, Auckland .. „ 85 180773 Silver lever hunting E. Backe, Auckland 85 158555 Gentlemen’s silver hunting lever J. Welborn, Auckland .. „ 104 116691 Silver lever hunting .. .. .. .. ... T. Quinn, Palmerston North „ 104 106451 Silver Rotherham hunting.. A. E. Moir, Wellington „ 105 Geneva keyless f-plate H. Pearce, Wellington.. . 105 Gentlemen’s small gold, double-case, E.H.S. scratched on case E. Smith, Waimate . 105 42920 Gentlemen’s hunting lever.. J. Campbell, Dunedin .. * 105 241 Silver open-faced lever, “ Morton ” on dial .. P. Savidan, Thames „ 114 Short-wind Waterbury C. A. Cornish, Wellington „ 114 Ladies’ silver Geneva J. Eckford, Wellington „ 114 Silver open-faced .. Ladies’ Geneva gold open-faced keyless C. C. Smith, Nelson „ 114 26261 Mary Park, Motueka . „ H4 250802 Silver hunting Swiss S. Richards, Phillipstown „ 115 156246 Silver lever hunting H. Brough, Dunedin .. „ 115 Open-faced keyleFs, black metal case Silver, maker “ Haughton, London ” B. G. Thompson, Invercargill .. R. Dohen, s.s. “ Tavinui,” Wei- „ 115 10527 „ 115 White-metal open-faced keyless lington J. Pearon, Dunedin „ 116 English lever open-faced silver keyless J. Stoffans, Tauranga .. , 124 Geneva silver open-faced .. E. Nelson, Hawera „ 124 563437 Silver keyless hunting C. H. Holland, Wellington „ 124 576633 Gold keyless hunting R. Murray, Wellington „ 124 Ladies’ Swiss silver keyless hunting Mrs. M. Hannah, Riverton „ 124 Silver lever hunting J. Bailey, Lyttelton „ 125 86090 and Ladies’ silver Geneva hunting C. Maitland, Auckland.. „ 134 66098 7556 Gentlemen’s silver English lever C. A. Hooper, Otaki „ 134 Gentlemen’s silver Waltham hunting, J.A.M. on case.. J. A. Muir, Otaki „ 134 7474 English lever open-faced .. A. Horne, Methven „ 134 977921 Silver Waltham hunting .. W. Taylor, Dunedin .. „ 135 Silver lever hunting, monogram M.O. on case W. C. Davey, Woodhaugh „ 135 22241 Silver lever open-faced, T.M. on case T. McCullough, Riverton . 135 2099 Silver lever hunting stop .. T. Bowen, Auckland .. „ 135 16493 Open-faced Waltham W. H. Redwood, Nelson . 148 92643 Gold open-faced Rotherham, G.P.G. on case S. Garforth, Christchurch . 148 6308 Silver lever hunting, gold hands Solomon Abrahams, Palmerston „ 149 North

LIST OF WATCHES REPORTED STOLEN DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 30th JUNE, 1901. (For preceding list see Police Gazette, 1901, page 95.)

No. Of Bicycle. Description. Owner’s Name and Address. Police Gazette Reference. 7094 Dayton, green enamelled .. E. Robson, Wellington.. 1901. Page 85 5859 Red Bird, free wheel Fitzgerald Brothers, circus pro- * 104 154 Gentlemen’s Austin, blaok enamelled prietors E. Shepherd, Christchurch 106 Gentlemen’s Star, 84 gear F. Bonella, Christchurch 106 13 Gentlemen’s Zealandia, rat-trap pedals Best and Towne, Christchurch .. 106 1298 Gentlemen’s Zealandia, “ W. W. Baxter ” on handle-bar E. Jackson, Christchurch 116 10034 Star, 22-in. frame Wm. B. Rollinson, Papanui 116 16776 Gentlemen’s Globe W. J. Young, Timaru .. 116 Gentlemen’s Banfield, B.S.A. parts .. W. Ellison, Christchuroh 125 3108 Gentlemen’s Star .. J. E. Jenkinson, Wellington 149 Gentlemen’s Hickok H. Westbury, Wellington 149

LIST OF BICYCLES REPORTED STOLEN DURING THE QUARTER ENDED 30th JUNE, 1901. (For preceding list see Police Gazette , 1901, page 95.)

Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. 1 When. 1 Offence. Sentence. 1 | Native of Trade. 1 a o n tut B Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Auckland — Charles Rennie Scrivener H.M.S. 2/4/01 absent without leave .. 70 days England .. stoker 1875 ft. in. 5 6 sallow .. brown blue long Horse-shoe, &o., on right arm; clasped hands, &c., Te Whetu “ Mildura ” Auckland 20/11/99 assault causing bodily 2 years N. Zealand labourer 1844 5 34 copper.. black dark br. broad on left arm. Birth-mark on breast; upper front tooth out; line Henry John, alias George, Atkins, alias John Mil ward, alias George Dalton, alias James Wilson Auckland 20/11/99 harm theft 2 years England .. clerk 1858 5 3 fresh .. dark brown blue medium tattooed near left wrist; right leg injured ; lame. 17 p.c. Photographed at Auckland, 20/6/93. Joseph Thomas, alias Auckland 20/11/99 mischief 2 years Australia .. painter 1854 5 8£ fresh .. black, curly, hazel .. large, 5 p.c. Boil-scar on tight arm; scar on left hand Knight Martin Lestrange Auckland 20/11/99 receiving 2 years Ireland labourer 1850 5 44 fresh, turning grey dark brown hazel .. prominent medium and on right eyebrow. 61 p.o. Two right fingers contracted. Edmund Watling Auckland 12/6/01 wilful damage fine, or 24 hours England .. travelling 1841 5 8| p’ckpit’d swarthy dark brown dk. hazel large 3 p.c. All upper teeth out. John Delaney Auckland 12/6/01 attempted theft from corn’d for trial N. Zealand jockey 1879 5 4 fair, light brown hazel .. medium 1 p.c. Mole on left nostril; bow-legged. On bail. Henry Barstow, alias York, Auckland 21/5/01 the person drunkenness .. 14 days (For description see page freckled 56) .. (See Police Gazette , 1898, page 125.) Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1901, alias Turner William Williams Auckland 4/6/01 obscene language drunkeuness .. 14 days fine, or 14 days (For description see page 43) .. page 109.) See Police Gazette, 1901, page 152. William Smith .. Auckland 19/4/01 theft 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1863 5 6 fresh .. black It. hazel medium 30 p.o. Deaf; mole right side of belly. Jimmy Watene .. Dargaville .. 20/4/01 theft 2 months N. Zealand bullock driver 1882 5 64 copper.. black dark br. large Scar on forehead. Sentences concurrent. Sydney Herbert Hansen .. Auckland 27/8/00 theft theft .. 1 month 12 months N. Zealand butcher 1872 5 74 fresh .. dark brown blue medium 4 p.c. Two birds on tree, &c., on right arm ; merWilliam Knox, alias John Auckland 27/8/00 theft 12 months N. Zealand labourer 1872 5 44 fresh .. dark brown It. grey medium maid on left arm. 19 p.o. Six burn-scars on belly; scar on forehead. Johnston William James McCauley Auckland 20/11/99 breaking and entering 2 years Ireland labourer 1879 5 8J swarthy dark brown dark br. long 7 p.c. Scar on right side of head and on upper lip. Frank Roberts .. Auckland 7/6/01 drunkenness • 14 days (For description see page 129) .. See Police Gazette, 1901, page 152. John Graham, alias Wm. Auckland 14/6/01 drunkenness .. fine, or 7 days . . •• See Police Gazette, 1901, page 142. Johnston, alias Stephen Brighting description . William Henry Whiteside Auckland 14/6/01 on licensed premises, fine, or 7 days (For see page 43) .. Sentences concurrent. (See Police Gazette, 1901, John Hawker, alias SimpAuckland k 22/3/01 being prohibited drunkenness .. vagrancy fine, or 48 hours 3 months (For description see page 30) .. page 99.) See Police Gazette, 1901, page 43. son, alias Carill, &c. James Thompson, alias Auckland 22/5/01 theft 1 month 9 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 77.) Thomas Bohan Andrew Jacobs .. Auckland 8/6/01 drunkenness .. fine, or 14 days Africa stableman 1870 4 84 copper.. black, curly dark br. broad 2 p.c. John, alias Benoni John Auckland 21/5/01 default of maintenance 1 month England .. labourer 1867 5 54 fresh .. black, curly brown .. medium 1 p.c. An upper front tooth out. Frederick Slatter Norah Williams, alias Clegg Auckland 23/5/01 drunkenness .. 1 month Ireland prostitute .. 1852 5 0 fresh .. black, curly hazel .. medium 129 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 111.) Henry Clarke Auckland 19/6/01 theft 12 mo. probat’n N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 7 fair, light brown blue medium Large scar on left heel ; bullet-scar on left thigh. John Keir Auckland 21/5/01 neglecting to send child fine, or 3 days Canada boarding1825 5 8} freckled sallow .. grey grey . medium 1 p.c. to school house keeper


Gaol, and Kame of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. 1 Born. ! s sc ’© 1 B Com- | plexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Napier— ft. in. black brown .. 9 p.c. First joint of right little finger contracted. Peter Peterson, alias Jensen Hastings 21/5/01 trespass fine, or 7 days Denmark .. labourer 1844 5 3£ dark .. pointed .. obscene language 14 days Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1892, page 169.) Archibald McAlister Napier 29/5/01 obscene language 14 days Scotland .. labourer 1855 5 3 fresh .. light brown grey .. thick 40 p.c. Scar on top of head. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 40.) George Barrs Dannevirlte .. 13/5/01 vagrancy 1 month England .. baker and 1859 5 8£ pale brown, blue sharp 2 p.c. Scar on lower lip ; birth-mark on chest and cook rather curly right arm; eccentric. (See Police Gazette, 1897, page 217.) Cornelius Manlv, alias Dannevirke .. 1/6/01 drunkenness .. 14 days Three right fingers contracted; mole near right eye. John O’Shea, alias Kelly Napier 17/6/01 drunkenness .. fine, or 7 days blue (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 110.) Andrew, alias Arthur, NeilHastings 20/5/01 false pretences 4 weeks Denmark .. sailor and 1874 5 8f fair fair large 2 p.c. Compass and square, clasped hands, on right arm. (See Police Gazette, 1900, nage 50.) son labourer Frederick Theophilus Coley Napier 15/6/01 wife-desertion N. Zealand shepherd .. 1870 5 8J fair fair blue medium Birth-mark inside left ankle. Remanded to Palmerston North. Fanny Preston, alias MeHastings 15/6/01 drunkenness .. 7 days (For description see page 99) .. Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 130.) Mahon, alias McPnerson Tikitiki Maitai .. Tologa Bay .. 22/3/01 theft 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 5| dark black dark br. flat Scar ou left thumb and on right side of head. copper New Plymouth— swarthy dark brown brown .. sharp James Tnomas H. Shears Wanganui .. 2/4/01 horse-stealing 18 months England .. brickmaker 1870 5 6 Sore eyes ; hands and arms freckled. (See Police Gazette, 1888, page 57.) Walter Smith N. Plymouth 20/12/00 breaking and entering 3 mo’s on each N. Zealand labourer 1880 5 10* sandy .. auburn blue medium Scar on rigut cheek and on left side of face. Has Wanganui — To Moti (2 charges) brown .. medium befn an inmate of Burnham. Sentences cumulative. Wanganui .. 10/6/01 theft 12 mo’s proba’n N. Zealand shearer 1874 5 8 copper.. black Scar on left arm and on right knee. Paki .. Wanganui .. 10/6/01 theft 12 mo’s proba’n N. Zealand labourer 18S6 5 8 copper.. black brown .. broad Henry Sinnett .. Wanganui .. 22/5/01 theft 1 month N. S. Wales labourer 1869 5 5 fresn .. brown blue large Scar under left knee. George McAllister Wanganui .. 22/5/01 theft 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1881 5 5* fair auburn grey .. medium 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 181.) George Smith, alias Wil Wanganui .. 15/5/01 theft 30 days (For description see page 110) .. Repeatedly convicted. (See Police Gazette, 1901, liam Kirk dark .. page 130.) Jeremiah Leahy Wanganui .. 13/5/01 drunkenness .. 1 month Newfoundlabourer 1875 5 5 black hazel .. medium Two females, &c., on left arm; ship, bust of man, land fresh .. &c., on light arm. John McSweeney Wanganui .. 13/5/01 vagrancy 42 days Ireland shoemaker.. 1857 5 8* black, turnhaze) .. large Small white spot on right wrist. swarthy mg grey Joseph Allen Wanganui .. 10/5/01 breaking and entering bill ignored .. Victoria .. labourer 1854 5 9 black hazel .. sharp Warts on small of back and back of neck. Andrew Clark Foxton 11/3/01 assault 2 months England .. engineer 1862 5 2 fresh .. sandy blue .. pointed ,. Indistinct tattoo on left hand ; ship on left calf. obscene language 3 months swarthy William Harris ,. Bull’s 13/3/01 drunkenness .. 14 days N.S. Wales jockey 1879 5 1 black brown .. medium M.O. on right arm; burn-scars on both ankles. Sentences cumulative. resisting police 3 months Wellington — dark .. medium “ Remember the Maine,” &c., on right arm ; flag on Matthew James Stretch .. Wellington .. 13/5/01 theft 1 month England .. seaman 1872 5 6 dark brown brown .. right hand; star, &c., on left hand. Henry Hargreaves, alias Wellington .. 12/3/01 theft 3 months . . .. .. .• See Police Gazette, 1901, page 69. Cook, alias Taylor William Potter, alias Wilindecent language 12 months Ireland seaman 1852 5 6$ dark .. grey grey .. long,thin 8 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 206.) Wellington .. 31/8/00 liam Henry Stewart fresh .. Nude woman, &c., on right arm; T.B. on right hand. Thomas Brown .. Wellington •. 13/5/01 wounding remanded England .. seaman 1853 5 5 grey brown .. large


Gaol, and N ame of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Boru. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Wellington — continued. ft. in. David Riley Wellington .. 1/6/01 assault remanded England .. fireman 1869 5 6 fresh .. dark brown .. medium Two birds, cross, &c., on right arm. Denis McCarthy Wellington .. 1/6/01 assault remanded England .. fireman 1876 5 7f fresh .. fair brown .. medium Female, D. McC., &c., on right arm; flowers, &c., on left arm. Adam Davis Wellington .. 5/6/01 naval desertion remanded Wales seaman 1875 5 7 dark .. dark brown .. medium Coal-marks on each hand. Tasman Steinmuller Wellington .. 2/4/01 default of maintenance default of sureties 7 days 6 months Germany .. hairdresser 1872 5 7£ fair brown brown .. large Large scar across right palm. Sureties found. Mary Val adore .. Hokitika — Wellington .. 18/3/01 damage 3 months Born at sea prostitute .. 1849 5 6 sallow .. grey brown .. large Numerous p.c. Hugh Adam, alias Adams Greymouth .. 16/4/01 idle and disorderly 2 months Scotland .. plumber 1838 5 24 fair grey grey .. thick 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette , 1899, page 110.) George Houghton Greymouth .. 11/1/01 theft 6 months 4 p.c. Gone to Wellington. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 23.) Thomas Francis Shanahan Westport 23/5/01 theft 1 month N. Zealand upholsterer 1878 5 84 pale dark brown bluisherey thin, hooked Small mouth; sharp chin; left big toe has been broken. Lyttelton — John Burke O’Brien Christchurch Lyttelton 26/2/01 11/3/01 drunkenness .. attempted suicide 14 days 3 months (For description see page 11) .. . . • Sentences concurrent. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 58.) William Naylor .. Christchurch 4/6/01 drunkenness .. fine, or 7 days England .. tailor 1847 5 6J fresh .. brown blue long 1 p.c. James Stapleton, alias Charles Wright Hevvett, Christchurch 13/11/99 theft 2 years England .. canvasser .. 1856 5 1 sallow .. brown hazel .. long 12 p.c. Photographed at Wanganui, 23/9/90. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 152.) alias Charles Williams, alias Vane Richard Legg Christchurch 6/6/01 assault 1 week England .. labourer 1864 5 5 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 2 p.c. Stammers ; weak knees. John Fisher Christchurch 15/3/01 # indecent exposure 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1868 5 2 dark .. black brown .. medium 2 p.c. Noah Norwood .. Christchurch 1/6/01 illegally on premises .. 14 days England .. labourer 1858 5 54 swarthy brown blue pug, wide 2 p.c. Sailor, &c., on right arm ; nail off first right finger. George Cooper .. Oxford 10/6/01 theft (2 charges) 7 days on each N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 44 fair light brown grey .. medium Third right finger abnormally large. Sentences concurrent. Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 144.) John Kinley Christchurch 10/6/01 drunkenness .. 14 days • • Samuel Jones Lyttelton 13/6/01 refusing duty obscene language 14 days 14 days Ireland seaman 1863 5 7 sallow .. brown brown .. large Crucifix and clasped hands on right arm. Put on board. Sentences concurrent. Nicholas Crawford Lyttelton 17/6/01 exposing person drunkenness .. 7 days fine, or 21 days Fine paid. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 22.) Thomas Goulding Timaru 22/4/01 theft 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 5| fresh .. brown grey .. short Sent to Burnham. Photographed at Lyttelton, 17/6/01. Annie Fraser Christchurch 7/6/01 drunkenness .. fine, or 7 days •• See Police Gazette, 1901, page 154. Emily Russel Christchurch 23/3/01 vagrancy 3 months England .. prostitute .. 1854 5 14 fresh .. brown, turning grey blue medium Numerous p.o. Margaret Webster, alias Crossley Christchurch 23/3/01 vagrancy 3 months Ireland prostitute .. 1845 5 3 sallow .. dark, turning grey blue 1 trge Numerous p.c. Mary McKegny .. Christchurch 20/5/01 drunkenness .. 1 month (For description see page 23) .. • • Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 144.)


Gaol, aud. Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of j Trade. Born. +3 rC X '<0 H Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Timaru — David McDonald Waimate 1 7/6/01 obscene language 14 days Scotland .. seaman 1855 ft. in. 5 4£ sa low .. j brown brown .. long J.M. over heart on right wrist; blue dot hear right John Foster Timaru 8/6/01 drunk and disorderly .. 7 days England .. fireman 1863 5 9 fresh .. brown .. i grey • • eye. Oamaru— William Kane .. Oamaru 15/6/01 theft to come up N. Zealand 1887 4 11 fair light brown grey .. medium Thomas Bermingham Oamaru 15/6/01 theft when called on to come up N. Zealand : 1888 4 10 fair brown grey .. medium John Cairns Oamaru 15/6/01 theft when called on, to come up N. Zealand 1886 5 2 fair fair ..! grey .. medium when called on Dunedin— Margaret Williams, alias Dunedin 12/4/01 drunkenness .. 2 months (For description see page 46) .. 37 p.c. (See Police Gazette , 1901, page 112.) “ Opium Mag ” Frank Drum Port Chalruers 11/5/01 obscene language 1 month England .. fireman 1877 5 7f fresh .. brown grey . • large, Rose on left hand; F. DRUM, &c., on left arm; Frederick Miller Port Chalmers 11/5/01 resisting police breach of the peace obscene language 1 month 7 days 1 month England .. fireman 1875 5 71 sa low .. brown grey .. broad long ship, flags, &c., on right arm. Sentences concurrent. E.A. on left arm. Sentences concurrent. Robert McNab .. Dunedin 13/5/01 resisting police breach of the peace indecent language 1 month 7 days 1 month N. Zealand bootmaker .. 1872 5 6 florid .. black hazel .. medium 13 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 103.) Henry Fleet Dunedin 13/5/01 drunkenness .. 1 month Dunedin .. expressman 1864 5 7f fresh .. light brown, blue thick Scar on inside of right leg. Catherine Stevenson, alias Milton 15/5/01 vagrancy 1 month (For description see page 59) .. turning grey 39 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 122.) Stephenson John McPherson, alias Kaitangata .. 18/5/01 disorderly behaviour .. 1 month Scotland .. blacksmith 1844 5 6| fresh .. b ac dk. blue arge Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 45.) Mary Graham .. Kaitangata .. 18/5/01 soliciting prostitution 1 month Ireland prostitute .. 1857 |5 0 sallow .. brown blue broad Scar over left eye and top of forehead; several front Ellen Hayes Dunedin 1/6/01 unlawfully on premises 14 days .. teeth out. 6 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 59.) Patrick, alias Peter, Reid.. Dunedin 3/6/01 resisting police fine, or 7 days (For description see page 70) .. .. , , 8 p.c. Sentences concurrent. (See Police Gazette, James Donaldson Oamaru 8/6/01 11/6/01 drunkenness .. breach of the peace default of maintenance fine, or 4S hours fine, or 7 days 2 months Scotland .. tinsmith 1849 6 3£ fresh .. grey grey .. long 1901, page 122.) Scar on nose ; first left finger-joint broken. William Simmons Dunedin 12/6/01 assault 7 days . America .. sailor 1863 5 61 bronzed black, curly browu .. souat .. Large scar on right cheek; W.S. on right hand; Robert Crouch .. Dunedin 18/6/01 theft 6 mo. probation Dunedin .. fireman 1877 5 51 fresh .. brown brown .. : 8hatp .. clasped hands, &o., on left hand. Scar on right wrist. Invercargill— John Cameron, alias Canning, alias Campbell Invercargill.. 10/1/01 theft 6 months Scotland .. painter 1850 5 91 fresh .. 'brown grey .. large See Police Gazette, 1900, page 64. John Reid Invercargill .. 21/5/01 theft 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1864 5 81 fair | brown blue .. large Small mouth ; scars on right leg; squints left eye.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXV, Issue 14, 3 July 1901, Page 159

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXV, Issue 14, 3 July 1901, Page 159

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXV, Issue 14, 3 July 1901, Page 159