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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1900, pages 1815 and 1817.) Regulations for Trout- and Perch-fishing, Hawera and Patea Counties. RANFURLY, Governor. By his Deputy, ROBERT STOUT. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this fourth day of October, 1900. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. IN pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations for the Counties of Hawera and Patea, and in the waters thereof; and doth hereby declare that these regulations shall, as from the date of the publication thereof in the New Zealand Gazette, supersede all regulations at variance therewith. Regulations. 1. Licenses to fish for trout and perch in all the waters within the Counties of Hawera and Patea will be issued under the hand of the Secretary of the Hawera Acclimatisation Society, and for every such license a fee of ten shillings will be charged: Provided that it shall not he obligatory upon the society to issue a license. 2. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish in any of the said waters from the first day of October in any one year to the eleventh day of April in the following year, inclusive, between the hours of four a.m. and ten p.m. only; but no such license shall confer any right of entry upon the land of any person without his consent. 8. No person shall fish for, take, catch, or kill, or have in his possession, or attempt to fish for, take, catch, or kill, in any manner whatever, any of the salmonidse, or trout, or perch, except during the above-mentioned period. 4. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish with one rod and line only, and with the following baits: natural or artificial fly, natural or artificial minnow, silveries, bullies, grasshoppers, spiders, caterpillars, creepers, and worms. 5. No person shall use any other bait, or any method, device, or contrivance of any sort or kind whatever, for the purpose of fishing for, taking, catching, or killing trout or perch, except a rod and line, and a landing-net or gaff for fish taken with rod and line. 6. No cross-line fishing, stroke-hauling, or any other unsportsmanlike device shall be used for the purpose of taking, catching, or killing trout or perch; nor shall any of the baits above mentioned be used with any medicated or chemical preparation whatever. 7. No person shall fish without a license; and every person fishing shall, on demand of any ranger, constable, member of the said society, or person producing a license, produce and show to such ranger, member, constable, or

person his license, and the contents of his creel or bag, and the bait used by him for taking, catching, or killing trout or perch. 8. Every trout or perch not exceeding eight inches in length fiom nose to tip of tail, taken or caught by any person, shall immediately be returned alive into the water from which the same is taken. 9. No person shall put, throw, or place, or allow to be put, thrown, or placed, in any of the said waters, any sawdust or sawmill refuse, or anything of any kind or description whatever poisonous, deleterious, or noxious to fish. 10. No person shall take, fish for, catch, or kill, in any manner whatever, or have in his possession, any salmon, salmon-parr, or smolts, or the ova, young, or fry of any salmon in any stage whatever; and any of the above-named taken by accident shall immediately be returned to the water from whence it was taken. 11. No person shall buy, sell, or expose or offer for sale, within the counties to which these regulations relate, any of the salmonidos, or trout, or perch, or take, fish for, catch, or kill any of the salmonidae, or trout, or perch in order to make sale of the same, without permission in writing under the hand of the Secretary of the said society. 12. No person shall have in his possession any of the salmonidse, or trout, or perch between the twelfth day of April and the first day of October in each year, which period is appointed a close season for all such fish. 18. The penalty for the breach of any of these regulations shall not be less than forty shillings or more than fifty pounds. 14. These regulations shall come into force as from the date of the publication thereof in the New Zealand Gazette. ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Inspector of Factories appointed. Department of Labour, Wellington, 3rd October, 1900. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint the under-mentioned person to be an Inspector under “ The Factories Act, 1894,” and to assign to him the district set opposite his name, viz.:— Name. District. Sergeant Paul Shirley .. The Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. R. J. SEDDON, Minister of Labour.

Licensing Officer under “ The Arms Act, 1880,” appointed. Police Department, Wellington, 3rd October, 1900. HIS Excellency the Governor, by his Deputy, has been pleased to appoint Sergeant James Treanor, of the New Zealand Police Force, to be a Licensing Officer under “ The Arms Act, 1880.” JAMES McGOWAN.

Name. Offence. Where and when tried. Sentence. 1900. Sydney Herbert Hansen ... Theft Sup. Court Auckland. 27 Aug. 12 months' labour. Frank Ryder Davies Theft from the person m „ „ 2 years’ labour. Ada Coles... Attempted suicide ... „ „ Tocomeup when called on. 12 months’ labour. William Knox, alias John Johnston Theft from a dwelling „ „ Helena Marsh, alias Nellie Wright Nellie Bridson ... ... ... j Attempted suicide ... Theft (2 charges) * • * To come up when called on. (3 years’ labour on each False y>retences ... f " * " t charge (concurrent). Kate Davies Abandoning an infant * „ 12 months’ probation. Francis Hughes ... Attempted breaking and enter- " " » Acquitted. Te Kipa te Whetuiti Horse-stealing „ 18 months’ labour. Knowles Scott Assault with intent to commit « » 28 Aug. Bill ignored. Thomas Finnigan Unlawfully wounding (2 chgs) 5 years’ labour on each charge (concurrent). John Bobinson ... Theft from the person * Acquitted. 2 years’ labour. Edward Byan, alias James O’Brien, alias Theft from a dwelling „ „ „ John Johnson ( Breaking and entering (101 Walter Joseph William Thorp ... charges) f Theft from a dwelling (1 chg) j " " •• 12months without labour. Tom Hickey, alias Batu ... Cattle-stealing „ 18 months’ labour. Turuwaho „ „ „ „ Acquitted. Joseph Smith „ „ * 29 Aug. „ Arthur Charles Rollo, alias A. G. Boss j False pretences ... 1 Forgery and uttering 1 - . - f 2 years’ labour on each 1 charge (concurrent). Herbert Tonks ... Cattle-stealing „ „ Acquitted. 12 months’ without labour. Albert Brown Theft from a dwelling „ „ Pera Wi Kaira Breaking and entering „ * „ II n Charles Henry Middleton Theft from a dwelling Horse-stealing ... 1 " " - 12 months' probation. Bertie Thompson ... ... j Burglary Theft from a dwelling ) „ „ „ 12 months on each charge without labour. Peter Hansen Cattle-stealing „ „ 31 Aug. Acquitted. 9 months’ labour. Alexander McIntosh Arson „ „ „ Albert North Indecent assault * „ Acquitted. Alexander Campbell, alias Balph Douglas Indecent assault (2 charges)... „ * „ 7 years on each charge (concurrent). Frederick Eyre ... ( Theft „ „ 1 Sept. 12 months’ probation. Attempting to carnally know a „ „ 4 Sept. Acquitted. Albert Ernest Masters ... ... -j girl under 12 years Indecent assault 6 Sept. 9 months’labour. Whio Taura ... ... ... 1 Tira Putiki ... ... ... ) Cattle-stealing « » 4 Sept. | Acquitted. Benjamin Marshall * n I 5 Sept. •1 Samuel Patrick Moody ... ... j Rape ... ... ... ) Indecent assault ... J - » 6 Sept. 1 2 years’ labour. Breaking and entering, and > 8 Sept. Joseph Braslau, alias Thomas Sullivan j theft j- „ H 12 months’ labour on each Perjury ... ... ; charge (concurrent). William Henry Palmer ... Cattle-stealing „ „ U Remanded to next session. Joseph Ehrman ... ... ... | Theft ... ... ) Receiving (2 charges) j " 11 Sept. | Acquitted, i 2 years’ labour. Buka Miromiro ... Forgery Sup. Court, Gisborne, 9 Aug. 12 months’ labour. TuNiaNia Horse-stealing » ff n 2 years’ labour. Edward McMahon Assault causing bodily harm n H n Acquitted. 12 months’ labour. Moana Paratane ... Theft „ „ 10 Aug. Hone te Bua Perjury „ • „ Acquitted. 3 years’ labour on each William Herbert Avers, alias BrackenForgery and uttering (2 Sup. Court, Napier, 10 Sept. bury, alias George Norton, alias Wilcharges) charge (concurrent). liams / Indecent assault on a girl) Frederick Jones ... ... ... j under 12 years of age Attempting to carnally know f a girl under 12 years of age ) - 5 years’ labour on each charge (concur; ent). Wi Houkamau Horse-stealing (2 charges) n .1 n Acquitted. Rawiri Paraki Theft n II 11 Sept. 2 years’ probation. Manahi Awaroa ... Theft and forgery „ „ „ Frederick Sands ... Fraudulent bankruptcy „ * „ Acquitted. 9 months’ labour. Harold Cooper Mosely ... Causing bodilv harm Sup. Court, rs. Plymouth, 26 Sept. Joseph Daniel O’Brien ... ... .,. Theft of Post Office letters, u „ H 2 years’ labour on each and theft (6 charges) charge (concurrent). William Doyle, alias William Kennith Housebreaking « H II 2 years’ labour. Franklin James F. Hicks ... Personation at an election ... Bill ignored. Thomas Wearing Corbett Forgery u » H II Patrick Christopher Murray Theft from the person w It It n Frederick*6traw ... 1/ ••• m II II a Joseph Hannam, alias Broughton Assault causing bodily harm u „ 27 Sept, 18 months’ labour. George Millard Walker ... Theft... „ „ 28 Sept. 6 months’ labour. William Graham Indecent assault „ n 29 Sept. 4 years’ labour. Axel Holmes Breaking and entering, and „ „ 2 Oct. Two juries disagreed; adtheft journed to next sitting of Supreme Court. 3 years’ labour and one Harry Thompson, alias Harry Robertson, Attempt to carnally know a Dist. Court, Wanganui, 2 July alias William Thomas girl under 12 years of ago whipping of 25 strokes. Thomas Hepburn Indecent assault „ ,, „ 18 months’ labour and one whipping of 10 strokes. Thomas Blinkhorne Mischief Sup. Court Wanganui, 17 Sept. Bill ignored. John Henry Gordon, alias Henry John Theft from a dwelling n H H 18 months’ labour. Humphries To come up when called on. Thomas Irwin Theft from a dwelling(2 chgs) „ n a Louis Fitzer Mischief * H 18 Sept. I, Dunstan Hoskins Theft from a dwelling „ „ „ Alice Hutchinson „ „ 19 Sept. 4 months’ labour. Walter Edward Turner ... Indecent assault „ Acquitted. William George Thompson, alias J. W. Theft of a horse, trap, and „ „ n 12 months’ labour. Wilson, alias Charles Henry King harness 1 9 months’ lab’r J con- „ 1 current. Herbert Williams, alias Bert Hood False pretences ... 1 Breaking and enter'g(3 chgs) $ » James Edwards, alias Johnson ... Horse-stealing „ „ 12 months’ probation. Michael Collins... Breaking and entering y 20 Sept. 4 years’ probation. Michael Collins .. Walter Hammington ... ... j „ (3 chgs) « » 4 years’ probation. William Miller ... Theft from the person „ * 21 Sept. 12 months’ labour. Thomas Rogers ... False pretences „ 6 months’ labour. William Charles Tuffnell Arson „ , Hawera, 22 Sept. 4 years’ probation. 3 months’ labour. William Landy ... Absconding from his creditors Dist. Cour 11 July Herbert Anderson Williams Fraudulent bank’ptcy (6 chgs) „ „ 11,12 July Acquitted. Louis Doyle Theft Sup. Court, Wellington, 20 Aug. 2 years’ labour. Alexander Beid ... Forgery (4 charges) ... u „ 18 months’ labour on each (concurrent).


Name. Offence. Where and when tried. Sentence. 1900. William Everest ... Theft... Sup. Court, Wellington, 21 Aug. Acquitted. George Sigglekow Indecent assault „ „ ‘20 Aug. M Howard Paton Gandy Theft and forgery „ •23 Aug. 9 months’ probation. Edward Meyer Meyers ... Theft * „ „ 9 months’ labour. George Dent, alias Alfred Thomas Forgery „ „ w 9 months’ labour, concurRichards rent with previous sentence Mullis Amos Ashenden ... Theft... „ „ „ 6 months’ labour. .Tane Anne Byrne ... ... \ 1 Acquitted. David Arthur Austin Wyndliam Byrne [ Breaking aud entering a ware- „ n J2 years and 6) 1 mos’ labour L rent ? lth Barney Ryan, alias Charles Johnston ) house (2 years’ labour f menses. Wyatt Edward Jones Arson „ 24 Aug. Acquitted. Robert Anderson... Carnally knowing a girl under 16 Attempting to break into an > • » 25 Aug. 5 years’ labour. John Meyer , u To come up when called on. Frank Voss ... ... ... > office 1 u „ 3 Sept. 6 months’ labour. Frederich Josephs, alias Zohara. alias Theft from a dwelling Sup. Court, Blenheim, 4 Juiy 18 months' probation. Lahout, &c. Acquitted. John Fisher Cattle-stealing (2 charges) ... Sup. Court, Nelson, Sup. Court, Hokitika, 11 July William Angelo Jones Breach of Probation Act 3 Sept. 2 years’ labour. Lock Yee... Murder (2 charges) ... „ „ 3, 5 Sept. Acquitted. Timothy Begley ... Assault „ „ 4 Sept. 6 months’ labour. Alexander Morrison Michael Bourke Forgery .:. 5 Sept. Sentence deferred pending decision of Appeal Court. Josephine Webb, alias Milldove ... Unlawful use of instruments Sup. Com t, Christch’ch, 13 Aug. Nolle prosequi on first to procure abortion (3 chgs) charge, 7 years’ labour on other charges (concurrent) William Alfred Packer, alias Carden Theft „ „ „ 6 months’ probation. Walter William Rowe „ „ „ „ „ Julius Danton, alias Louis Sorrenson Assault and robbery „ „ „ 5 years’ labour. Richard Walton, alias William Thompson Theft „ „ „ 3 months’ labour. Charles Richards .. .. 1 1 12 months’ labour Charles Henry Dudley Heatley ... 1" ” " 1 Albert George Driscoll ... Breaking and entering, and a „ 2 years’ labour on each theft (2 charges) charge (concurrent) John Williams, alias John Allen, alias Breaking aud entering, and „ „ „ 5 years’ labour. James Turner, alias John Brown, alias Anderson theft Alexander Young Hay Alexander Young Hay ... ... j Theft (2 charges) „ (3 charges) " * " 15 years’ labour on each J charge (concurrent). 14 years’ labour on each William Allan " " " l charge (concurrent). Peter Olsen Thyge Justesen Stabbing with intent to do „ „ 13, 14 Aug. 12 months' probation. bodily harm George Knight ... ... ... I Joseph Bugg ... ... ... 1 Theft ■■ « 14 Aug. (12 months' labour. (18 months’ labour. John Chamberlain Attempted rape „ „ 14, 15 Aug. 7 years’ labour. Henry Harris Divers Manslaughter „ II 15 Aug. Acquitted. Henry Vincent Styche ... Attempting to procure one to „ „ U Adjourned to next sitting commit murder of Supreme Court. Ellis Mills 1 William Millington ... ... ) Sheep-stealing (2 charges) ... Sup. Court, Timaru, 18 Sept. f 18 months’lab’r | concur115 months’ lab’r 1 rent. Andrew Wixon ... Theft , H v 3 months’ labour. Robert Young Ferguson ... Theft (3 charges) „ It n 3 years’ labour on each charge (concurrent). Robert Melville Grant ... ... 1 George Levens ... ... ... f Breaking and entering « - - 1 12 months’ probation. Edward Stephens Theft (5 charges) " * 27 Aug. 4 years' labour on each charge (concurrent). 12 months’ probation conWilliam Johnson Theft and receiving ... Sup. Court, Dunedin, ditionallv on paying costs. Charles Jones Theft from a dwelling and receiving Attempted suicide ... " " • 6 months’ labour. Marv Ellen Tradick „ „ „ To come up when called on. John Jones False pretences „ It it 2 years’ probation. John McKenzie ... Assault and robbery... „ U 28 Aug. Acquitted. 6 months’ labour. Adrian Bluckens... Assault causing bodily harm... „ tt Archibald Anderson Assault and robbery... t, f tt 4 years’ labour. Walter Anderson... „ ,, >t V tt James Bowling Smith n tt It 2 years’ labour. James Robertson Attempted rape tt t 29 Aug. Acquitted. Alexander Mackie if t « It John Mackie u H u m Frederick William Wedlake Receiving stolen goods tt tt 30 Aug. tt James Mahoney ... It it tt Assault and robberv... „ „ ff „ James Hislop Scott Threatening to shoot Sup. Court, Invercargill, 18 Sept. To come up when called on, and to pay costs. William James Johnston Theft from the person „ „ „ 12 months’ probation. Arthur Graeme Heywood Theft H u It * James Grant * „ » 19 Sept. Acquitted. Francis King ... , ... Assault v Sentence deferred pending decision of Appeal Court. Bailed.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Boru. V w Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Kemarks, and Previous Convictions. Auckland— Pokaihau Rotorua 18/8/00 drunk and disorderly .. 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1841 ft. in. 5 8i copper.. black, turndark br. broad Star and cross on right hand; star, PERAHAMA, George Darlington Henry Mills Auckland 18/6/00 resisting police theft 1 month 3 months (For descrip tion see page 100) ing grey &c., on left arm; branch of tree, &c., on right arm. Sentences concurrent. See Police Gazette, 1900, page 155. Auckland 4/9/00 drunkenness .. fine, or 24 hours England .. rangemakt r 1833 5 4 fair dark brown, blue large Margaret Wilkie Auckland 11/9/00 wilful damage drunkenness .. fine, or 14 days fine, or 7 days (For descrip tion see page 50) turning grey See Police Gazette, 1900, page 133. Bridget Ann Hunter Auckland 27/8/00 breach of Licensing Act fine, or 7 days .. .. Arrested 11th September, 1900. (See Police Gazette, Ngh Wong Auokland 19/9/00 default of paying pollfin6, or 12 mo’s China fruiterer 1876 5 sallow .. black dark br. flat 1900, page 205.) A Chinaman. Large mouth ; scar on left hand; Ambrose Bearpark, alias Auckland 12/9/00 tax breach of Licensing Act fine, or 7 days (For descrip tion see page 39) burn-scars on right hand and wrist. See Police Gazette, 1900, page 215. Bearpath, &c. Isabella King Auckland 14/9/00 theft remanded N. Zealand domestic 1880 4 9 fresh .. fair brown .. medium Thomas Dowd .. Auckland 20/7/00 assault 2 months N. Zealand sailor 1854 5 5* swarthy dark brown grey .. medium 1 p.c. Birth-mark on left leg. John, alias James, Dunn.. Auckland 13/9/00 drunkenness .. fine, or 7 days (For descrip ’ion see page 155) •• See Police Gazette, 1900, page 155. Joseph Linton .. Auckland 28/5/00 mischief 4 months England .'. seaman 1868 5 61 fresh .. light brown It. blue short Henry Edward Tattersfield Auckland 7/9/00 theft 2 weeks .. See Police Gazette , 1900, page 215. Samuel Blair Auckland 14/9/00 assault fine, or 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1870 5 n fresh, black brown .. flat 14 p.c. Mole on right breast; butterfly on right arm. William Johnstone, alias Auckland 23/11/96 indecent assault 5 years England .. labourer 1856 4 iii freckled fresh .. black brown .. medium Stout build ; bald ; upper front tooth out; scar on Twining William Smith .. Auckland 25/8/00 vagrancy 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1863 5 6 fresh .. black It. hazel medium nose; ruptured. 29 p.c. Mole on belly; large scar on chest. Charles Henry Emson H.M.S. 5/9/00 breaking his leave 21 days England .. naval stoker 1877 5 5} fresh .. dark brown dark br. medium Crossed flags, snake, &c., on left arm; anchor and James Griggs Cummings .. “ Porpoise ” Auckland 6/3/99 false pretences (3 chgs) 2 years England .. clerk 1852 5 7 fresh .. grey grey .. medium cross on left hand. Stout build ; bald on top of head ; upper front tooth Henry Kauhoti, alias Hamilton 6/9/00 illegally impounding fine, or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1873 5 22 copper.. black dark br. flat decayed. Large mouth ; blind in left eye. Kahukoti Joseph Edwards H.M.S“Royal Arthur ” H.M.S“Royal 2/7/00 cattle disobeying orders 90 days England .. seaman 1877 5 71 pale dark brown It. hazel medium Flower-pot, snake, &c., on left arm. Charles Arthur Barnes 2/7/00 disobeying orders 90 days Ireland seaman 1875 5 81 fair fair blue large Female bust, &c., on each hand and wrist. Herbert Campion Arthur ” H.M.S“Royal Arthur ” Auckland 2/7/00 disobeying orders 90 days England .. seaman 1880 5 6J fresh .. fair grey .. medium Snake, walking-stick, &c., on right arm; Prince of George McCauley 30/7/00 theft 2 months (For descrip tion see page 19) Wales feathers on left arm. 7 p.c. Top of second finger off; scar on right William Moar .. Auckland 1/8/00 assault 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 HI fair fair, curly .. grey .. medium temple. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 90.) 6 p.c. Large scar on left shin. Albert Booth, alias MoPaeroa 31/8/00 theft (3 charges) 1 mo. on each N. Zealand carpenter .. 1878 5 6i fair fair It. blue medium Cunstard William McAllister Thames 18/9/00 assault fine, or 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1879 5 61 fresh .. black dark br. medium 2 p.c. M on right arm ; left thumb crippled. Fine Robt. Riohard Morton, alias Auckland 22/9/00 theft discharged paid. Photographed at Auckland, 12/5/99. See Police Gazette, 1900, page 40. Charles D. Roberts, alias Jones, alias Lewis, &c.


G-aol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Bom. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Thames— ft. in. Patrick Donnelly •• Thames 19/9/00 false declaration 24 hours Ireland miner 1838 5 8f fair fair, turning blue .. medium Herbert Anderson Paeroa 28/9/00 breach of railway bylaws 48 hours N. Zealand chemist 1879 5 10 fair grey brown blue .. medium Gisborne — Charles Johnston Gisborne 4/9/00 indecency 14 days Sweden sailor 1851 5 3£ sallow .. dark brown brown .. short John Kearns Gisborne 18/9/00 indecency 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1858 5 0 fair fair blue .. medium 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette , 1899, page 46.) James Johnston Gisborne 20/9/00 wilful damage 7 days Sweden .. labourer 1856 5 4 dark .. dark brown grey • • medium Three bars and crown on left arm. John Kelly Gisborne 24/9/00 drunkenness .. 7 days (For descrip tion see page 53) Several p.c. (See Police Gazette , 1900, page 206.) Napier — John Walsh Waipawa 1/9/00 drunk and disorderly .. fine, or 14 days Ireland fireman 1865 5 7 fair fair blue, large 12 p.c. Photographed at Napier, 12/7/98. (See Police breach of railway byfine, or 7 days smal Gazette , 1898, page 221.) Robert Smith Waipawa 1/9/00 drunk and disorderly .. fine, or 21 days N. Zealand shearer 1871 5 6 fresh .. light brown dk. blue medium See Police Gazette , 1898, page 150. breach railway by-laws fine, or 7 days Wii Houkamau, alias Wi Dannevirke .. 30/7/00 cruelty to a horse fine, or 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1876 6 copper.. black brown .. flat 1 p.c. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, Pahuru Napier 10/9/00 theft horse-stealing 1 month acquitted 1896, page 49.) New Plymouth — Thomas Doherty Hawera 18/9/00 1 breaking and entering remanded N. Zealand labourer 1879 6 0 sandy .. sandy blue .. pug Scar on first joint of first right finger; two toes of right foot crippled. Wanganui — William Dench .. Waverley 18/6/00 breach of Post-office Act 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 2£ fresh .. brown blue .. medium Scars on both third fingers and on left eyebrow. William Charles Tuffnell .. Wanganui .. 17/9/00 arson 4 yrs. probation N. Zealand coachbuilder 1883 5 3 pale dark brown hazel .. large and long long Boil-scar on back of neck; burn-scar on breast. James Edwards, alias Wanganui .. 17/9/00 theft 12 mo. probat’n Victoria .. labourer 1838 5 7 fresh .. brown, turngrey .. Eleven moles on shoulders ; varicose veins on left Johnston 24/7/00 ing grey leg. Walter Walker .. Wanganu theft 2 months England .. fisherman .. 1878 5 7 sallow .. dark brown grey . medium Two scars on left knee and one on right. Edward Norman Wanganui .. 24/7/00 theft 2 months N. Zealand fisherman .. 1880 5 n pale light brown grey .. medium Scar below left knee. Frederick Payne Patea 27/7/00 theft 2 months Ireland butcher 1844 5 5£ sallow .. grey • • grey .. broken .. 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1884, page 169.) James McGibbon, alias Wanganui .. 24/8/00 vagrancy 1 month Ireland Repeatedly convicted. (See Police Gazette, 1900, McKibbin page 198.1 Walter E. Turner Wanganui .. 17/9/00 indecent assault acquitted England .. hawker 1872 5 tanned fair grey .. long Slight scar between eyes ; bow-legged. Michael Collins .. Wanganui .. 17/9/00 housebreaking 4 yrs. probation N. Zealand 1888 4 4f freckled light brown grey .. broad Scar on left shin. Wellington — breaking and entering Samuel Bennett, alias N. Plymouth 29/9/97 4 years England .. labourer 1852 4 11* fresh .. brown grey .. medium Sent to Napier. (See Police Gazette, 1897, pages 57 Be van and 129.) Duncan McIntosh Te Nui 18/6/00 false pretences 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1873 5 Hf fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1895, page 110.) William Edlin .. Wellington .. 20/8/00 obscene exposure 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1884 5 4f •’ fresh .. light brown brown .. medium W on left arm. Alexander Scott Blenheim 13/8/00 vagrancy 6 weeks (For descrip tion see page 170) •• • • Scar on right cheek. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 198.) See Police Gazette, 1897, page 227. Alexander Johnston Wellington .. 14/9/00 idle and disorderly 7 days Ireland seaman 1848 5 8 dark .. brown grey .. medium Maurice Joseph Archer .. Wellington .. 21/9/00 theft 3 mo. probation N. Zealand baker 1881 5 2 fresh .. dark brown blue .. medium John Ross Wellington .. 19/9/00 theft remanded . . See Police Gazette, 1900, page 217. Charles Wilson .. Wellington .. 21/9/00 default of maintenance remanded N. Zealand labourer 1873 5 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium Small scar on right side of forehead. Bailed. Edward Winter .. Wellington .. 25/9/00 assault remanded England .. labourer 1873 5 5 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium Emblem on right arm ; part of right thumb off. Anchor and star on right hand. Robert Templeton Wellington .. 31/8/00 theft 1 month Ireland seaman 1858 5 11 dark .. dark,turning grey brown .. large


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. a u o cq 43 A he '3 X Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Wellington — continued. Rebecca McLaughlin Wellington .. 26/6/00 drunkenness .. 1 3 months .. i ft. in. ' 1 See Police Gazette , 1900, page 123. Belinda Linn Greytown ..! 6/9/00 theft (2 charges) 7 days on each England .. laundress .. 1854 5 1£ fair dark brown brown .. small Small scar on nose. Sentences cumulative. Catherine Musgrove .. i Levin 8/9/00 drunk and riotous 21 days Ireland 1864 5 9 ruddy .. dark brown grey .. medium 1 p.c. Joseph Watson Kennedy .. Wellington .. 15/9/00 vagranoy remanded •• .. See Police Gazette, 1900, page 208. Picton — fair blue Christopher Anderson, alias Havelock 13/8/00 theft 14 days Norway .. 1 seaman 1868 5 7§ fair medium 5 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 20, and 1899, Frank Emile Anderson Nelson— Annie Owens Nelson 26/9/00 obscene language drunkenness .. 1 month fine, or 24 hours, Ireland dressmaker 1863 5 4 sallow .. dark grey .. medium page 16.) • M - John Smithurst .. Nelson 28/9/00 wilful damage assault causing bodily harm fine, or 48 hours remanded England .. patternmaker 1856 6* 0 fresh .. light brown blue hooked .. Bailed. Hokitika — 5 2£ sallow .. bluishGeorge Knopp .. Westport 21/7/00 theft 2 months Poland dealer 1842 grey broad 4 p.c. Soar on second and little finger of right hand. Lyttelton— Annie Fraser Christchurch 4/9/00 drunkenness .. 14 days ' .. grey .. (See Police Gazette, 1884, page 95.) See Police Gazette, 1900, page 102. James Ardell Briscoe Christchurch 18/6/00 vagrancy 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1873 5 3f fair fair brown .. large, broken .. Several p.o. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 86.) Michael McCarthy Christchurch 4/9/00 drunkenness .. 14 days * * •• 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 21.) Kate Moore, alias WilkinChristohurch 13/9/00 drunkenness .. 7 days (For descrip tion see page 21) *• .. See Police Gazette, 1900, page 191. son James Cooper Timaru 6/2/00 theft 9 months England .. carriage1875 5 4 fair light brown grey .. iong. 6 p.c. in Dunedin. John Clark Ashburton .. 10/9/00 illegally on premises .. 1 week Scotland .. painter butcher 1862 5 3J ' fresh .. black hazel .. pointed, inclined to right medium . j 2 p.c. Right arm partly useless. Lewis A. Earl Lyttelton 14/9/00 resisting police damaging uniform ship-desertion 48 hours 48 hours 14 days England .. seaman 1881 5 6* copper.. black black .. wide A negro. Ship, L. A. EARL, &c., on right arm. Michael J. Morrissey Timaru 6/2/00 theft 9 months N. Zealand labourer 1875 5 9£ fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium 1 p.c. Mole on left cheek. Thomas Jarvis Ryan Christohurch 15/9/00 drunkenness .. fine, or 7 days (For descrip tion see page 123) 5 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 199.) Robert Mahon e .. Timaru 6/2/00 theft > 9 months N. Zealand labourer 1872 6 2* i fresh .. light brown blue .» large 11 p.c. in Dunedin. Mole on each oheek. Mary McKegney Christchurch 23/7/00 drunkenness .. 2 months (For descrip tion see page 56) " .. • .. Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 182.) James O’Donnell Kaiapoi 23/7/00 procuring liquor for 2 months , . . • . . .. .. •• 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 65.) Margaret Webster, alias Christchurch 17/9/00 prohibited person vagrancy 7 days Ireland prostitute .. 1845 5 3 sallow .. dark,turning blue .. large Repeatedly convicted. Crossley Maud Hamilton Christchurch 17/9/00 soliciting prostitution 17 days •• - 1 i grey .. Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 102.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. e When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Bemarks, and Previous Convictions. Lyttelton — continued. Joseph Hands Lyttelton 25/7/00 habitual drunkenness.. 2 months England .. fireman 1868 ft. in. 5 7J fresh .. light brown dk. grey large J. H. A. on left wrist; mole on left cheek. John McCann Christchurch 19/9/00 drunkenness .. fine, or 24 hours Wales I. fireman 1869 5 6| swarthy black brown .. medium 1 p.c. Woman and anchor on right arm. Mary Cameron, alias Kellett Elizabeth Ferrans Christchurch 27/6/00 assaulting police obscene language vagrancy fine, or 48 hours 7 days 3 months (For descrip tion see page 114) See Police Gazette, 1900, page 136. Christchurch 31/8/00 drunkenness .. 1 month •• .. .. See Police Gazette, 1900, page 102. Oamaru — George McKenzie Oamaru 15/9/00 robbery discharged N. Zealand bootmaker .. 1869 5 10£ fair fair grey .. •• See Police Gazette, 1899, page 163. Dunedin— Charles Stewart Gordon .. Dunedin 27/11/99 theft from employer 12 mo’s on each Christch’ch clerk 1869 5 9f fair fair dk. grey medium 1 p.c. Photographed at Lyttelton, 5/3/92. (See Police Thomas Bryce Wilson Dunedin 23/10/99 (2 charges) assault fine, or 5 weeks N. Zealand hairdresser 1866 5 11 fair auburn. grey .. medium Gazette, 1892, page 57.) 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1897, page 145.) John Russell Wilson Dunedin 27/11/99 17/8/00 assault, with intent to do bodily harm default of maintenance 12 months 1 month Australia .. labourer 1869 5 2£ ’ fresh .. nearly bald dark dk. blue small 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 80.) Mary Jane Barry Dunedin 27/8/00 obscene language 1 month Dunedin .. 1881 5 3£ fair brown grey .. long 5 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 218.) William Murray.. Dunedin 31/8/00 drunkenness false pretences fine, or 14 hours 1 month Scotland .. miner 1866 5 6| sallow .. black dark br. small 1 p.c. Photographed at Dunedin, 28/9/00. (See Police Andrew Sharp .. Balclutha .. 12/9/00 obscene language 5 days N. Zealand miller 1872 5 Hi dark .. black blue .. long Gazette, 1899, page 238.) James Woods Dunedin 15/9/00 drunkenness .. fine, or 7 days England .. labourer 1873 5 2^ fair dark brown blue .. medium 3 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1896, page 189.) Rose Ann Harvey Dunedin 17/9/00 vagrancy remanded N. Zealand •• 1885 5 1 pale red grey .. large Sent to the Home. James Templeton Milton 17/9/00 drunkenness .. fine, or 14 days Ireland farm-labour’r 1868 5 8f blotchy brown blue-gr’y medium 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 214.) Elizabeth Gray .. Dunedin 18/9/00 obscene language 7 days N. Zealand 1846 5 5 sallow .. brown, turndark .. medium Large mouth. Evan Thomas Dunedin 25/9/00 drunkenness .. fine, or 24 hours Wales seaman 1868 5 3* fair ID S grey brown brown .. medium Scar on nose ; female bust on right arm. Frido Hill Dunedin 25/9/00 drunkenness .. fine, or 48 hours Denmark .. seaman 1878 5 6i fair light brown grey .. medium Malcolm Molntyre Dunedin 25/9/00 assaulting police drunkenness .. fine, or 3 days fine, or 24 hours Scotland .. seaman 1876 5 4 fair dark brown dk. grey small Scar on right little finger; American flags, &c., on Catherine Stephenson, alias Dunedin 30/5/98 housebreaking, theft, &o. 3 years Ireland prostitute .. 1853 5 4 fresh .. black grey .. large right arm. 33 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 50.) Stevenson Invercargill — Henry Budd Wyndham .. 8/5/00 disobeying order of Court 3 months N. Zealand saddler 1870 5 li fair fair blue .. medium Crippled in both legs. Thomas Kelly .. .. Invercargill.. 12/9/00 drunkenness .. 14 days •• •• 4 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 171.) Dennis M. Fox .. Invercargill.. » 18/9/00 drunkenness .. fine, or 24 hours Australia .. labourer 1858 5 8£ fresh .. black hazel .. medium 6 p.c. D. L. (in wreath) on left arm.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXIV, Issue 21, 10 October 1900, Page 223

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXIV, Issue 21, 10 October 1900, Page 223

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXIV, Issue 21, 10 October 1900, Page 223