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Extract from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1900, page 212.) Regulations for Netting Trout in the Lakes in the South Canterbury Acclimatisation District. RANFURLY, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this twentythird day of January, 1900. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council.

IN pursuance of the powers and authorities conferred by “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations for the purposes of the said Act; and doth hereby declare that such regulations shall have effect within that part of the Provincial District of Canterbury comprising the Counties of Geraldine and Levels, and that portion of the County of Mackenzie lying to the east of a line commencing at Mount Cook, and proceeding by a right line over the Ball Hut to the Tasman Glacier; thence along the western boundary of the Tasman Glacier to the Tasman River; thence by a line along the middle of that river, and the middle of Lake Pukaki, and the middle of the Pukaki River, to the Waitaki River; together with the Borough of Timaru.

Regulations. 1. Until otherwise ordered by His Excellency the Governor, the South Canterbury Acclimatisation Society (hereinafter termed “ the said society ”) shall have the control and management of all salmon and trout now in or hereafter to be placed in the lakes in the district to which these regulations relate, and for this purpose may divide the lakes in the said district into suitable areas; the right of netting such areas to be let by the said society from year to year, or, at the option of the said society, for any term not exceeding three years, in such manner as the said society shall think fit.

2. Tbte season for netting trout shall extend from the Ist day of October in any year to the 15th day of April in the year following: Provided that in letting any right of netting the said society shall have power to restrict the season for such netting.

3. No nets of a smaller mesh than four inches in diameter (when the net is wetted) shall be used in any portion of the said district for the taking of trout, and all trout taken weighing less than three pounds shall be forthwith returned to the water from whence taken.

4. No net for the taking of fish of any kind or description whatever shall be used or set or placed in any of the rivers, or streams, or creeks within the said district, or within one

mile of the mouth of any river, stream, or creek within the said district.

5. No person shall be permitted to use a net for the purpose of fishing in any of the lakes aforesaid unless he holds a valid license so to do from the secretary of the said society. Any person holding a license to fish for trout, perch, or tench with rod and line only, under the hand of the secretary of the said society, may fish with rod and line in any of the aforesaid lakes, anything contained in these regulations notwithstanding. 6. Notwithstanding anything contained in the regulations for the time being in force for fishing for trout, perch, or tench with rod and line, it shall be lawful for every person duly licensed to net trout to sell any trout which he may have lawfully netted, and it shall be lawful for persons to purchase such trout. The said society may also issue licenses to persons (others than the holders of licenses to net) to sell trout lawfully netted: Provided that it shall not be obligatory on the said society to issue a license to any person. In the case of a prosecution against any person for having unlawfully purchased trout, it shall be a sufficient defence if such person can prove that such trout were purchased from any person having a license to sell the same.

7. Licenses to sell lake trout will be issued only on the express condition that the society, by its officers, rangers, inspectors, constables, members of the council, or any other person duly authorised, shall have full power at all reasonable times to enter the shop or premises of any person holding a license, and to request the licensee to produce his books showing all the particulars required by these regulations to be kept and entered ; and it shall be a breach of these regulations for the licensee to withhold from any of such persons as aforesaid any material information relative to such particulars which he is able to give, or which such persons may reasonably require, relating to the taking, procuring, or selling of trout. 8. Every holder of a license to sell lake trout shall keep a book wherein shall be entered the true Christian and surnames of every person from whom such license-holder shall purchase or procure any lake trout, specifying the number and weight of trout purchased from each person, and the district, and the exact locality in which such trout was or were taken ; and, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these regulations, a penalty of not less than one pound shall be incurred for any breach of this section. 9. No person shall use any dynamite or other explosive substance whatever, or any lime or other noxious material of any kind or description whatever, for the purpose of taking or procuring lake trout. 10. Every person committing a breach of these regulations shall on conviction be liable to a penalty, unless otherwise specially provided, of not less than one pound and not exceeding fifty pounds, and his license or licenses thereupon shall immediately become forfeited, without any compensation whatever.

11. These regulations shall come into force on and from the date of the publication thereof in the New Zealand Gazette. ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

(From Gazette, 1900, pages 301, 303, and 304.) Shooting Season for Deer, License-fee, <&c., County of Wairarapa South. RANFURLY, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that reddeer (stags only) may be taken or killed within the County of Wairarapa South (excepting therefrom the area described in the Schedule hereto) from the" seventeenth day of February to the ninth day of April, one thousand nine hundred, both inclusive (subject, nevertheless, to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned); and I do further notify that licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each; and the Chief Postmaster at Wellington, and the Postmasters at Masterton, Carterton, Greytown North, Featherston, and Martinborough, are hereby appointed to issue the said licenses; and I do further notify that the said licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued subject to the following condition, namely, that no stag shall be killed carrying antlers with less than ten points. SCHEDULE. All that area of land in the Huangarua Survey District, in the County of Wairarapa South, being Sections 29 to 41 inclusive, 59, 71, 72, 75, 79, 83, 90, 93, 97, 98, and part of

Sections 70, 74, 78, 82, 86, 89, 92, 91, 94, 95, 96, 87, and 84, now in the occupation of Mr. John Martin and Mr. Feather - ston Johnston, and known as the Puruatanga Estate or Station. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this sixth day of February, one thousand nine hundred. J. CARROLL.

Fixing Shooting - season for Deer, License-fee, &c., Marlborough District. RANFURLY, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that red-deer stags and fallow-deer bucks may be taken or killed within the Marlborough District, comprising the Counties of Marlborough and Sounds, from Wednesday, the fourteenth day of February, one thousand nine hundred, to Saturday, the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred, both inclusive (subject, nevertheless, to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned); and I do further notify that licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued on the payment of the sum of twenty shillings each, and that no licensee shall be allowed to kill more than six stags or bucks, and that the Chief Postmaster at Blenheim is hereby appointed to issue the said licenses. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this sixth day of February, one thousand nine hundred. J. CARROLL, For Colonial Secretary.

Police Gaoler appointed. Department of Justice (Prisons Branch), Wellington, 31st January, 1900. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Edwin Eales to be Police Gaoler at Herbertville, vice Constable Archibald Gray, transferred. WM. HALL-JONES, For Minister of Justice. Inspector of Factories appointed. Department of Labour, Wellington, 6th February, 1900. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint the under-mentioned person to be an Inspector under “ The Factories Act, 1894,” and to assign to him the district set opposite his name, viz.:— Name. District. Constable Thomas O’Grady The North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. R. J. SEDDON, Minister of Labour. Award of the Royal Humane Society of Australasia granted in New Zealand. 1798. — Andrew George Douthett, of Newton, New Zealand, a police constable, aged twenty-four years, who rescued Eliza Clements, of Auckland, aged fifty-two years, from drowning, at Auckland, on the sth June, 1897. Hearing cries of “ Man overboard ” on the Auckland Wharf, Constable Douthett ran in the direction of the sound, and then, hearing cries for help proceeding from the water (it being then too dark to see any one), dived in, and succeeded in rescuing the woman, who was in a very intoxicated state: Certificate of merit.

Name. Offence. Date of Issue. Station. Police Gazette Reference. Ah How Default of fine 21 Sept., 1899 Lumsden 1899. Page 230. Aickin, George Disobeying order of Court 6 April ,, Whangaroa „ 92. Allan, John Charles Indecent assault 24 Feb., ,, Christchurch ... „ 4L. Anderson, Charles Theft 4 Jan., „ Hamilton „ 12. Attfield, William Henry Deserting H.M.S. “ Royalist ” ... 5 Jan., „ Auckland „ 13. Aubrey, William Assault 14 April, „ Rangiora „ 90. Baker, Richard Default of maintenance 19 Feb., ,, Waimate „ 92. Bannerman, George Conspiring to defraud 30 Dec., „ Auckland 1900. Page 1. Barrett, Thomas Mischief 27 Dec., „ yy • •• 13. Bissett, Ewen ... Default of fine 12 June, „ Dunedin 1899. Page 194. Black, Kenneth McLean Forgery and uttering 27 Nov., „ Helensville „ 257. Bogue Daniel ... Theft 31 Oct., Devonport „ 241. Bond, William... Disobeying order of Court 28 Feb., „ . Wanganui „ 52. Bowern, Leopold Default of maintenance 4 Feb., „ yy Auckland „ 42. Brian, Box Mahoment ... Breach of Bankruptcy Act 29 Mar., „ „ 75. Brickie, Robert Default of fine 26 Nov., 1898 yy „ 41. Bryant, Mary Ann Child-desertion 7 June, 1899 yy . ••• „ 167. Burke, Claude... Disobeying order of Court 3 Aug., „ Christchurch ... „ 177. Burton, William Failing to support ... 23 Oct., „ yy „ 243. Carter, William Henry ... Theft 27 Mar., „ yy „ 76. Cavell, Albert Corvay ... Wife-desertion 20 Mar., „ Wellington „ 61. Clarke, Cavanagh Horse stealing 16 Dec., ,, Pukekohe 1900. Page 4. Clark, Newton... 16 Dec., ,, 4. Clifford, Charles Default of fine 27 June, „ Johnsonville ... 1899. Page 144. Coates, Alfred Richard ... Deserting H.M.S. “ Royalist”... 5 Jan., ,, Auckland „ 13. Cochrane, Francis Angelo Deserting H.M.S. “ Ringdove” 3 May, „ Lyttelton „ 106. Cole, John Henry Failing to provide 20 Oct., ,, Palmerston N..„ „ 242. Cook, Henry ... False pretences 21 Sept., „ Timaru „ 208. Costello, William Default of maintenance 30 Oct., „ Auckland 1900. Page 25. Darnell, James, alias Edward Disobeying order of Court 13 Nov., „ Christchurch ... 1899. Page 251. Stratton Davies, Richard 21 July, „ Auckland „ 167. Dawes, William Menloye 28 Oct., „ Christchurch ... „ 243. Douglas, Robert Wife-desertion 30 Mar., „ Dunedin ,, 115. Dudley, Arthur Default of fine 20 Dec., „ yy *" 1900. Page 2. Duncan, Walter Default of maintenance 1 May, „ Wellington 1899. Page 105. Eckhoff, Dugald Napier... Disobeying order of Court 16 Oct., „ Dunedin „ 251. Evans, Arthur W. False pretences 16 Mar., „ Ashburton „ 60. Farrant, James Theft 27 Nov., ,, Auckland „ 258. Fisher, Donald Wife-desertion 28 Aug., „ Westport „ 195. Fisher, William Theft 28 July, „ Palmerston N.... „ 166. Fitzhenry, Albert Default of maintenance 20 Mar., „ Christchurch ... ,, 78. Flaherty, M. ... Theft 11 Dec., „ Auckland „ 265. Fordham, George Default of fine 3 Aug., „ Dunedin „ 194. Frost, John Joseph Disobeying order of Court 20 Mar., „ Wellington „ 78. Gamblin, James Thomas Assault 14 Dec., „ Christchurch ... 1900. Page 2. Gibson, John ... Default of fine 7 Jan., „ Invercargill 1899. Page 11. Gibson, William Theft 29 May, „ Waitekauri „ 134. Grant, Patrick P. Disobeying order of Court 18 Dec., ,, Napier 1900. Page 4. Green, Walter... Default of maintenance 9 Mar., „ Christchurch ... 1899. Page 61. Hamilton, Robert Default of fine 16 Mar., „ Lyttelton „ 60. Hawthorne, Ashby Samuel Theft 17 Oct., „ Levin „ 231. Head, William James Hardv Deserting H.M.S. “Mildura” 16 June, „ Port Chalmers .. „ 146. Hillson, Charles Failing to maintain ... 22 Dec., „ Wellington 1900. Page 4. Hobman, Edward Theft 18 April, „ Napier 1899. Page 90. Hope, Henry ... ,, ... ... ... 25 Aug., „ Wellington „ 194. Hotten, William James ... Deserting H.M.S. “Ringdove” 19 April, „ Lyttelton „ 106. Howell, William Default of fine 25 Nov., 1898 Auckland „ 41. Hume, George... j, ... 25 Sept., 1899 Dunedin „ 230. Hyatt, George... yy ••• ••• 3 Feb., „ Paeroa „ 41. James, Percy ... Theft 7 April, „ Wellington „ 76. Johnston, John Frank ... Wife-desertion 11 Jan., ,, Dunedin „ 23. Kelly, Charles ... Default of fine 30 May, „ „ 124. Killey, Edward Perjury 8 May, „ Greymouth „ 114. King, Harry ... Wife-desertion 4 July, „ Wellington „ 156. Langdon, Wilfred Failing to provide 2 Sept., „ Christchurch ... „ 195. Laskery, Frederick Absent from H.M.S. “Ringdove” 14 June, „ Wellington „ 146. Lee, John Andrew James Default of fine 26 Nov., 1898 Auckland „ 41. Lee, William John Fraudulent conversion 9 Jan., 1899 Oamaru „ 21. Lewis, Basil Charles ... Default of fine 21 April, „ Auckland „ 41.


Name. Offence. Date of Issue. Station. Police Gazette Reference. Logan, David ... Wife-desertion 27 June, 1899 Napier 1899. Page 167. Mahoney, Patrick Housebreaking 23 Aug., 99 Christchurch ... „ 184. Mallett, Alfred James ... Deserting H.M.S. “ Ringdove” 9 Nov., )> Lyttelton „ 251. Man, name unknown Theft 11 Dec., 99 Paeroa 1900. Page 2. Marigold, Frederick Wife-desertion 6 Sept., 99 Christchurch ... 1899. Page 195. Maxwell, Alexander Default of fine, &c. ... 25 Nov., 99 Foxton » 257. Meek, Peter Disobeying order of Court 23 Aug., 99 Wellington „ 195. Miles, Jack or John, alias Hackett Horsestealing, &c. 13 Sept., 99 Kawakawa „ 209. Mills, Edward ... Disobeying order of Court 6 Mar., 99 Christchurch ... „ 52. Monaghan, John Default of fine 26 Nov., 1898 Auckland » 41. Morgan, James Default of maintenance 7 Feb., 1899 Hokitika » 32. Mosley, James Joseph, alias James Wife-desertion 17 April, 99 Auckland „ 105. Hudson McDonald, James McQueen Theft 31 Aug, 99 Dunedin Page 194. McDonald, John Default of fine 26 Oct., 99 Wellington >, 241. McDonald, Roderick Default of maintenance 5 June, 99 Invercargill „ 135. McDonald, William False pretences 11 Mar., 99 Palmerston N.... „ 51. McGrath, James Assault ,,, 14 Feb., 99 Christchurch ... ,, 51. McGregor, William Disobeying order of Court 19 May, 99 99 » 135. McIntosh, Walter Absent from H.M.8. “ Ringdo ve” 24 May, 99 Auckland „ 125. McKay, Alex. ... Default of maintenance 21 April, 99 Wanganui » 146. McLean, Donald Theft 16 Aug., 99 Wellington „ 183. McLeod, Kenneth Default of fines 27 Oct., 99 Dunedin ,, 257. Napier, John ... Disobeying order of Court 24 Oct., 99 Christchurch ... » 243. Nesbitt, William Failing to provide 18 Oct., 99 Auckland ,, 231. O’Brien, John... » 7 Aug., 99 Westport Pages 185, 209. O’Brien, Michael, alias Ford Housebreaking 23 Aug., 99 Christchurch ... Page 184. O’Neil, J. Theft 25 April, 99 New Plymouth „ 103. Osborne, Maud Vagrancy ... 30 Mar., 99 Auckland „ 103. Pardington, Arthur Theft 28 Nov., 99 Pungarehu Page 257 (and 2, Pedersen, Peter, alias Jacobson ... 99 Disobeying order of Court 27 Mar., 99 Waipawa Page 61. [1900) Penk, Robert Tyrer 22 Aug., 99 Paeroa „ 209. Poittiers, Walter Default of maintenance 12 April, 9 9 Christchurch ... „ 92. Pringle, James Theft 20 Sept., 9) Rotorua „ 208. Purcell, James... Deserting “ Belford ” 27 Nov., 99 Napier „ 259. Raddich, Jacob Attempted buggery ... 26 May, 99 Mangonui Pages 143, 155. Ren wick, Edward Horsestealing 21 Dec., 99 Dannevirke 1900. Page 5. Roberts, George Housebreaking 9 Aug., 99 Wellington 1899. Page 176. Rooney, Thomas Theft 5 June, 99 Gisborne „ 133. Rowlands, William Disobeying order of Court 22 June, 99 Christchurch ... „ 146. Saddler, James Default of fine 28 Aug., 99 Napier „ 193. Sams, Frederick James Daniel » 4 May, 99 New Plymouth „ 123. Sandiford, John Disobeying order of Court 4 Sept., 99 Blenheim „ 209. Saunders, John Default of fines 16 June, 99 Auckland „ 155. Schmidt, John... Default of maintenance 21 Feb., 99 Christchurch ... „ 52. Shipman, John Thomas ... Wife-desertion 10 July, 99 Lumsden Pages 157, 185. Simeon, Frederick, jun. ... Failing to provide ... 6 Dec., 99 Wellington Page 266. Smith, Charles... Default of fine 1 Mar., 99 Auckland „ 123. Smith, Phil Indecent assault 19 Oct., 99 Napier „ 241. Sorensen, John N. Failing to provide 6 Nov., 99 Auckland „ 251. Spargo, William Francis Charles ... Stein, James ... Child-desertion 14 Aug., 99 Wellington „ 185. Default of fine 28 July, 99 Christchurch ... „ 175. Stephens, Edward, alias Codger .. Assault 10 June, 99 Wellington „ 144. Stevenson, Dora Default of fine 10 April, Christchurch ... „ 90. Stewart, George Desertiug child 24 Mar., 99 Auckland „ 92. Sullivan, James Default of maintenance 4 July, 99 Christchurch ... „ 61. Pages 241, 249. Swan, James ... Theft 3 Nov., 99 Dannevirke Tai Shing Breach of Bankruptcy Act 28 Feb., 9 9 Hawera Page 76. Tate, John Abandoning child 7 June, 99 Auckland „ 133. Taylor, William Failing to maintain ... 3 Oct., 99 Christchurch ... „ 221. Thomas, W. Horsestealing 26 Sept., 99 Napier Pages 221, 231. Thompson, G. T. Theft 14 Oct., '9 Wanganui „ 229, 251. Thompson, Thomas Default of fine 8 Dec., 1898 Auckland Page 41. Toy, Harry Perjury 8 Nov., 1899 Wanganui „ 249. Walker, James Forgery 5 June, „ Bulls... „ 133. Walter, Richard Theft 30 Oct., 99 Palmerston N.... „ 249. Weal, Robert ... Horsestealing 25 Feb., 99 Moawhango „ 53, 92. Williams, Albert Default of fine 18 May, 99 Petone „ 123. Williams, W. ... Theft 17 Oct., 99 Auckland „ 230. Wilson, John Russell Disobeying order of Court 29 Sept., „ Timaru „ 266. Winks, John Frederick ... 99 17 July, » Napier „ 167.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Auckland— ' ft. in. 5 5 Henry, alias Samuel Henry, Davia John James Griffin Auckland 22/1/00 theft 1 mo. probation Ireland wharf1861 fresh .. dark brown grey .. large Stout build ; bald ; large mouth; H, flag, H. DAVIS, Auckland 23/1/00 breaking and entering, and theft discharged .. England .. lumper fisherman .. 1876 5 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium half-bracelet, &c., on left arm. William Reid Auckland 23/1/00 breaking and entering, corn’d for trial Scotland .. fisherman .. 1875 5 n fresh .. dark brown large, medium Left ear disfigured; clasped hands, FRIENDSHIP, and theft * It. blue &c., on right arm; tattoo-mark on left arm. John Henry, alias Joseph, Carpenter Auckland 23/1/00 breaking and entering, and theft discharged N. Zealand fisherman .. 1878 5 5 fresh .. dark brown blue .. thick Bailed. 5 p.c. Cross on left arm ; small scars on right hand, left wrist, left arm, and one between fore and second left finger. (See Police Gazette, 1897, page James Reid Charles Campbell Auckland Auckland 23/1/00 23/1/00 breaking and entering, and theft breaking and entering, corn’d for trial corn’d for trial Scotland .. Scotland .. fisherman .. fisherman .. 1871 1867 5 5 6| 6i fresh, freckled swarthy red light brown hazel .. blue medium large 128.) Three upper front teeth out; scar on right forefinger. Bailed. Stout build ; large mouth; emblem and wreath on and theft right arm ; sailor on left arm; third left finger Thomas McDonald Auckland 17/1/00 fighting fine, or 7 days Ireland street-porter 1840 5 8 fresh, light brown, blue .. long stiff. 16 p.c. Arms and hands freckled. (See Police GaWilliam Williams Auckland 17/1/00 fighting fine, or 7 days Wales fireman 1868 5 3i freckled fresh .. turning grey brown, turnblue .. medium zette, 1899, page 137.) 8 p.c. Brig, rose, shamrock, and thistle, and female John Hawker, alias Simpson, alias Cavill, &o. Paeroa ., 25/10/99 vagrancy 3 months England .. tailor 1824 5 5£ sallow.. ing grey grey grey .. medium on right arm. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 261.) Repeatedly convicted. H.G., glass, bottle, pipe, &c., on left arm; anchor on right arm. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 245.) Quarter-caste Maori. Stout build ; M. MILLS (in Thomas Hunt .. Auckland 23/1/00 breaking and entering, corn’d for trial Auckland .. fisherman .. 1880 5 5| dark .. black dark br. thick Mary Richards .. Auckland 16/12/99 and theft habitual drunkenness.. 6 weeks . • # , , # , , wreath) on left arm. Bailed. See Police Gazette, 1900, page 8. Kate Griffith Morrison Auckland 25/1/00 false pretence remanded Auckland .. 1869 5 0i fresh, dark brown hazel .. long 2 p.c. Scar on forehead. Bailed. (See Police Gazette, William John Morrison .. Auckland 25/1/00 false pretence remanded England .. labourer 1856 5 6§ freckled fresh .. dark brown brown .. large, prominent 1895, page 118.) 1 p.c. An upper front tooth out; unfinished star on right hand ; boil-scar on left arm. Bailed. (See Ambrose Bearpark, alias Bearpath, alias Henry J. Brocklesby, &o. Auckland 23/11/99 2/2/00 drunkenness .. attempting to wound .. drunkenness.. fine, or 24 hours corn’d for trial fine, or 24 hours England .. shipwright 1849 5 5f fresh .. black, turning grey grey • • large Police Gazette, 1895, page 118.) 5 p.c. No teeth ; scar on upper lip. Bailed. Photographed at Auckland, 7/11/96. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 108.) Large mouth ; bald ; lower lip split; FANNY CAM, Frederick Barrett Auckland 28/12/99 assault fine, or 1 month Ireland bootmaker .. 1835 5 11 fresh .. grey grey .. large &c., on right arm ; part of bracelet, &c., on left John Gardiner .. Auckland .. 28/12/99 stowaway fine, or 1 month Scotland .. fireman 1866 5 6 sallow.. black dark br. medium arm. Coal dot on right arm ; dot below left thumb ; two Matthew Graham, alias Matui Puhipi Auckland 21/11/98 housebreaking 18 months N. Zealand labourer 1869 5 8£ copper.. black dark br. flat scars back of head. 2 p.c. Large mouth; scars on right shoulder, left upper arm, one inside corner of right eye, and on nose. (See Police Gazette, 1893, page 206.) See Police Gazette, 1900, page 27. Walter Mark Kenny Auckland 23/1/00 breaking and entering, and theft corn’d for trial •• •• •• • •• •* •• •• James Welsh Auckland 8/1/00 drunk and disorderly .. fine, or 48 hours Newfoundseaman 1873 5 n fresh .. dark brown dk. blue medium Stout build; defective vision; JMG on right arm; assaulting police fine, or 7 days land M on left arm. Sentences cumulative. damaging uniform fine, or 7 days default of costs fine, or 7 days


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Bom. 1 <3 H Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Auckland — continued. Edward Day Paeroa 2/11/99 theft 14 days Dunedin .. labourer 1880 ft. in. 5 9 fair light brown It. grey large Stout build; large head and mouth; articulation vagrancy 3 months imperfect; prominent lower lip ; several moles on theft (2 charges) 3 mo. on each right arm; scar below left forefinger. Joseph Holborn .. Auckland 31/1/00 theft fine, or 7 days Auckland.. actor 1869 5 4f fresh .. dark brown dark br. long, thin Fine paid. Edward Gubbins, alias Gibbons, alias William Auckland 3/2/00 theft discharged * * * * • • * * * * # * See Police Gazette , 1900, page 8. Hamilton, &c. John Wilson, alias Hoppy Auckland 3/1/00 obscene language 1 month England .. labourer 1843 5 6£ fresh .. dark brown dk. grey medium 66 p.c. Lame ; sinews of right foot contracted. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 180.) Robert Richard Morton, Cambridge .. 24/8/99 false pretence 6 months England .. engraver .. 1868 5 9£ fresh .. dark brown brown .. prominent 11 p.c. Two moles on right arm and one on left; alias Charles D. Roberts, scar on left knee. (See Police Gazette, 1895, page alias Jones, alias Lewis, 151.) &c. Joseph Bernard Halloran Auckland 4/1/00 assaulting police 1 month Auckland .. horse-train’r 1877 5 3| fresh .. black grey .. prominent Slight huild ; an upper front tooth out; scar below right thumb. Taniora Ruhe Auckland 21/11/98 breaking and entering, 18 months N. Zealand labourer 1871 5 11J copper.. black dark br. flat 1 p.c. Stout build ; an upper front tooth out and one and theft broken; scar on right cheek, one over right eye, and two on chin. Henry Thomas Spain, alias Spayne Emily Alice Murphy Te Aroha 4/11/99 false pretences (3 chgs) 3 months India labourer 1867 5 5f fresh .. light brown grey .. medium 2 p.o. An upper front tooth out; top off third left finger. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 245.) Auckland 28/8/99 fraud 6 months Auckland .. nurse-girl .. 1880 5 0 sallow .. light brown grey • • medium Slight build. Sentences concurrent. housebreaking (2 chgs) 6 months Port Awanui — dark .. dark dark .. A on right arm. Tihema Pakura .. Port Awanui 19/1/00 indecency 7 days N. Zealand •• 1865 5 9 squat Napier — Jeremiah Flynn Dannevirke .. 13/1/00 - » * < .■ obscene language 14 days Ireland settler 1867 5 4 sallow .. black dk. blue large, Gut on left shin ; nearly all teeth out; scar on nose. Henry Hensley, alias Hastings 29/11/99 vagrancy 1 month England .. labourer 1847 5 9 dark .. black, turnhazel .. long Largo ears ; scars on right thumb, tops of right third Hinsley trespass 2 months ing grey and fourth fingers, and right arm. (concurrent) See Police Gazette, 1900, page 9. Archibald McAlister Hastings 30/12/99 vagrancy 1 month ' * dark br. medium J ohn Conrad Dannevirke .. 6/5/98 disobeying maintenance order 6 months Wellington bootmaker 1875 5 3 fresh .. auburn 1 p.c. Anchor on left wrist; scar on upper lip and left arm; moles on back and left side of neck; pink spot under left eye. Arrested 22nd January, 1900. Arrears paid 30th January, 1900. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 94.) James Madder .. Gisborne 15/12/99 theft corn’d for trial England .. bricklayer .. 1866 5 1 fair brown blue .. large 4 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 271, and 1900, page 6.) Alfred Chorley, alias Chas. Hastings 5/1/00 resisting police 1 month England .. sailor and 1857 5 7 fresh .. auburn dk. blue medium 4 p.c. (See Police Gazette , 1898, page 108.) Golden, alias Lockwood labourer New Plymouth — Carl Schinkel Hawera 26/1/00 drunkenness .. 7 days Germany .. clerk 1854 5 3f fair light brown blue .. large Large scar on breast; varicose veins on left leg. drunkenness.. 3 days Wanganui — George E. Prebble Palmerston N. 23/10/99 theft 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1860 5 4* sallow .. brown grey .. aquiline .. 4 p.o. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 101.) John Douglas Ferguson .. Auckland 21/11/98 breaking and entering (2 charges) 18 months N. Zealand labourer 1871 5 9 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium Two soars on left thumb ;?mole on belly and left arm. Sentences concurrent. Wanganui .. 6/1/98 false pretences (3 chgs) 6 mo. on each


Gaol, and N ame of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Wanganui— continued. ft. in. John Turner Palmerston N. 30/10/99 theft 3 months England .. ropemaker.. 1842 5 fresh .. grey grey .. large 2 p.o. Bald spot on head. Bennet Taiera, alias Bennett Perera Wanganui .. 25/1/00 breach of Licensing Act 7 days Ceylon labourer 1875 5 4 copper.. black brown .. large 1 p.c. Profusely tattooed; lion, unicorn, crown, and wolf on breast; crucifix on back. William Elliott .. Foxton 23/1/00 breach of the peace assaulting police 24 hours 7 days America .. labourer 1880 5 n dark .. dark brown grey .. small Right forefinger broken; scar on right hand, wrists, both shins, and left thigh. Wellington — Prank McCarthy, alias Denis McCarthy Pahiatua 29/11/99 theft 2 months N. Zealand baker 1867 5 6| fair light brown bluegrey broken .. 5 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1896, page 146.) George Montague Benson Wellington .. 28/12/99 vagrancy 1 month See Police Gazette, 1900, page 10. John Rose Wellington .. 16/1/00 absence from ship remanded England .. fireman 1865 5 6f dark .. brown grey .. large Three fish on right arm ; J.R. and cross on left arm. Dancing-woman on right arm ; WD over EM on left arm ; wound on throat. George Dymott .. Wellington .. 18/1/00 attempted suicide remanded England .. ship’s cook.. 1845 5 5| sallow .. grey brown .. small Harry Hamden, alias Francis Gallagher Wellington .. 26/1/00 theft 3 mo. probation England .. shepherd .. 1869 5 8f fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium Scar on bridge of nose. Albert Benfield, alias Goddard George Allen Wellington .. 28/8/99 theft 6 months England .. tailor’s cutt’r 1876 5 3 fresh .. brown brown .. small Wellington .. 4/1/00 theft 1 month See Police Gazette, 1900, page 22. Sarah Aldridge, alias Igo Wellington .. 20/1/00 theft remanded Australia .. prostitute .. 1842 5 2 sallow .. black blue medium Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 216.) Picton — Robert Dalziel .. Hokitika— Blenheim 24/1/00 drunkenness .. convicted and discharged Ireland labourer 1854 5 10J fresh .. dark,turning grey grey .. large Scar on left wrist and end of forefinger ; large mouth. Joseph Charters .. Lyttelton — Hokitika 21/1/00 obscene language 7 days England .. clerk 1848 5 5* fair grey blue large 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 142, as James Charters.) John Wilson « Christchurch 14/11/98 breaking and entering 18 months N. Zealand dealer 1870 5 4 florid .. dark blue medium 1 p.c. Stout build ; boil-mark on left side of neck. Photographed at Lyttelton, 12/1/00. Edward Arthur Ryder Christchuroh 23/11/99 theft 2 months Tasmania.. saddler 1867 5 6* fresh .. dark brown blue medium 10 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 87.) William A. Fisher Lyttelton 3/11/99 disobedience of orders.. 12 weeks England .. seaman 1842 5 7 fair fair blue .. prominent William Fisher .. Lyttelton 3/11/99 disobedience of orbers.. 12 weeks America .. seaman 1844 5 4£ fresh .. dark light br. medium Anchor on left hand. Stephen Coley .. Lyttelton 3/11/99 disobedience of orders.. 12 weeks Isle of Man seaman 1869 5 7 fresh .. black light br. medium Anchor on left hand ; dot on each hand. William Junck .. Lyttelton 3/11/99 disobedience of orders.. 12 weeks Denmark .. seaman 1878 5 9 fresh .. brown brown .. medium G. V. H. J., emblem, &c., on right arm; 1878, 1894, &c., on right hand ; naked man, &c., on left arm ; 26A on left hand. Claude Hulme .. Christchurch 15/1/00 theft corn’d for trial N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 3f fresh .. brown blue long Arthur Samuel Robinson Christchurch 29/5/99 assault and robbery .. 9 months N. Zealand seaman 1875 5 8j fresh .. brown brown .. medium Photographed at Lyttelton, 25/1/00. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 38.) Eliza Beagarie .. Christchurch 27/12/99 illegally on premises .. 1 month England .. prostitute .. 1858 5 0 fresh .. brown brown .. pug Repeatedly convicted. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 262.) Mary McLaughlin, alias Portelli James Martin .. Christchurch 27/12/99 illegally on premises .. 1 month Ireland matron 1852 5 4 fair brown brown .. medium 8 p.c. Lyttelton .. 28/12/99 theft 1 month See Police Gazette, 1900, pages 10 and 21. Henry Whittpenn Lyttelton 25/1/00 obscene language 7 days Germany .. seaman 1859 5 If fair auburn blue .. large, wide Bald; female’s head (in circle) and star on right arm ; flower on right hand ; woman on eagle, &c., on left arm ; circle on left thumb. Daniel Burns Christchurch 27/1/00 drunkenness .. threatening language .. 48 hours 48 hours Ireland labourer 1852 5 11 fresh .. brown blue .. medium Henry Lock Rangiora 2/1/00 drunkenness .. 1 month N. Zealand farmer 1868 5 9* fresh .. brown blue .. medium 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1894, page 202.) John Howard, alias Edwards, alias Lindsay, alias Gill, &c. Christchurch 2/11/99 theft (2 charges) 3 months England .. labourer 1864 5 n fresh .. dark brown blue .. large, thick T and scar on right arm ; birth-mark on left ribs ; ruptured; impediment in speech. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 151.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Byes. Nose. 1 Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Lyttelton — continued. ft. in. 14 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1896, page 112.) William Stuart Lee, alias Nelson 13/7/98 forgery 2 years England .. tailor 1857 5 7f florid .. sandy brown .. short, thick William Spencer, alias Wm. Chas. Paisley, &c. Ruptured both sides. Photographed at Lyttelton, 25/1/00. John Shaw Smellie Timaru 4/11/99 obscene language (4 chs) 3 months Scotland .. canvasser .. 1850 5 84 fresh .. brown dk. grey medium John Williams, alias John Brown, alias John Allen, Timaru 9/2/97 breaking and entering theft 4 years 3 months America .. labourer .. 1859 5 4 black .. black black .. broad Repeatedly convicted. A negro. Sentences concurrent. Photographed at Invercargill, 9/2/91. Frederick Hulme Christchurch 5/1/00 theft (3 charges) 1 month N. Zealand photograph ’r 1879 5 6 fresh .. brown blue .. medium Scar on palm of left hand and on second left finger. Edward Jones .. Rakaia 22/1/00 indecent language 14 days England .. fireman 1878 5 7 fair sandy dark br. medium Mermaid on left arm; 21 on back of left hand ; left thumb has been broken. Timaru — Mary Vincent Timaru 28/12/99 obscene language 1 month England .. matron 1862 5 If fresh .. brown brown .. medium Several p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 274.) John Proudfoot .. Temuka 22/1/00 vagrancy 7 days England .. labourer 1853 5 8 sallow .. brown blue medium 1 p.c. Scar on right wrist. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 248.) Thomas Blake .. Waimate 22/1/00 indecency 7 days England .. butcher 1840 5 84 fresh .. brown light br. medium Dunedin— Ernest William Robson .. Dunedin 28/11/98 arson, and conspiring to commit a crime 18 months Christch’ch bookbinder.. 1871 5 fresh .. brown blue .. medium 2 p.c. Gone to Christchurch. (See Police Gazette, 1891, page 99.) Henry C. Munro, alias George Henry Rogers, Oamaru 23/10/99 theft 3 months Scotland .. fitter 1860 5 n fresh .. dark,turning grey grey .. large, long 14 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 212.) alias Conyers, &c. 3 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 191.) William Buchanan Dunedin 31/10/99 resisting police obscene language 1 month 2 months Dunedin .. labourer 1877 5 84 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium John Walquest .. Dunedin 28/8/99 theft of a horse 6 months N. Zealand labourer 1871 5 84 fresh .. dark brown brown .. large 1 p.c. Photographed at Dunedin, 1/2/00. (See Police Gazette, 1897, page 112.) Peter Robert Dewar Clinton 24/1/00 theft arson corn’d for trial discharged .. N. Zealand telegraphist 1881 5 9f fresh .. brown, curly brown .. medium Large mouth ; scar on forehead ; scar on first left finger ; mole near right eye. Bailed. Jane Whittaker .. Dunedin 15/1/00 drunkenness .. fine, or 7 days Scotland .. prostitute .. 1844 5 3 fresh .. iron-grey .. grey .. large 20 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1895, page 128.) Adam Edgar Dunedin 18/1/00 default of maintenance discharged Scotland .. baker 1803 5 7f fresh .. brown blue .. medium Scar on left, wrist. Daniel Dunn, alias Dunne Dunedin 22/1/00 assault fine, or 3 mo’s Ireland groom 1873 5 n sallow .. dark brown brown .. large 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 275.) John Conroy Outram 29/1/00 arson discharged Ireland saddler 1862 5 i dark .. dark blue .. long Cut on nose. Frederick Owen .. Port Chalmers 23/1/00 disobedience on ship .. fine, or 7 days England .. fireman 1874 5 54 fresh .. brown blue .. long Anchor on right arm ; right thumb-nail injured. Alfred Lane Port Chalmers 23/1/00 disobedience on ship .. fine, or 7 days England .. fireman 1872 5 44 fresh .. brown grey .. large Bracelet and flower on breast; lifebuoy, woman, and FORGET ME NOT on left arm, &c. William Matthews Port Chalmers 23/1/00 disobedience on ship .. fine, or 7 days England .. fireman 1874 5 H sallow.. brown brown .. medium Cross and flowers, &c., on right arm ; emblem on left arm, &c. Patrick Keogh .. Dunedin 29/1/00 breach of the peace fine, or 7 days England .. coppersmith 1869 5 84 sallow.. dark grey .. dark br. large 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 239.) Invercargill— Tnomas Dyer Invercargill.. 28/7/99 disobeying order of Court 6 mo. in default or surety England .. blacksmith 1851 5 64 fresh .. dark brown .. broad 2 p.c. Round chin. William Lachlan Campbell Waikaia 19/1/00 theft 14 days Scotland .. labourer 1850 5 4f fresh .. brown, turning grey blue .. medium 5 p.c. L.C. on left arm ; anchor on each hand; bald on crown. James Thomas Pettingall Invercargill.. 27/1/00 false pretence 7 days England .. baker 1863 5 8 sallow .. light brown hazel .. medium 1 p.c. Scar on right foot. (See Police Gazette, 1887, page 220.)


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXIV, Issue 4, 14 February 1900, Page 35

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Extract from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXIV, Issue 4, 14 February 1900, Page 35

Extract from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXIV, Issue 4, 14 February 1900, Page 35