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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

[Prom Gazette, 1897, pages 249, 250, 251, 252, and 253.]

Regulations under “ The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896.”


At the Government Buildings, at Wellington, this twentieth day of January, 1897.

Present: The Honourable R. J. Seddon presiding in Council. WHEREAS by the thirty-eighth section of “The Infant Life Protection Act, .1896 ” (hereinafter termed “ the said Act ”), it is, among other things, enacted that the Governor in Council may from time to time make regulations for all or any of the purposes in the said Act mentioned, and it is expedient to make the regulations hereinafter set forth: Now, therefore, I, David, Earl of Glasgow, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority contained in the said Act, and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, do hereby make the regulations set forth in the Schedule hereto for the several purposes in the said Act mentioned.


1. In these regulations, unless inconsistent with the context and the terms of “The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896 ” (hereinafter termed “ the said Act ”), —

“ Inspector ” means the principal officer in charge of a police-station affected by these regulations ; or any Inspector appointed or authorised as such under the provisions of the said Act: Generally, terms and expressions used in these regulations which are similar to terms and expressions used in the said Act shall have the like meanings as are attached thereto by such Act. 2. Applications for registration may be made by any person being the bona fide occupier of a house who desires to be registered under the said Act, provided that such house shall also be registered for the purposes of the said Act. Every such application shall be made in the Form A hereto, and shall be addressed to the Commissioner, and lodged with the police officer in charge of the station where the applicant resides.

3. Every such application shall contain the particulars required by the said Act; and the Inspector shall, on receipt thereof, make such inquiry as appears necessary, or as he may be directed by the Commissioner, and shall report to him. If the Commissioner is satisfied that the applicant should be registered, and that the house is suitable for the purpose, he shall issue a license accordingly. 4. A license shall be in the Form B hereto. If the application be refused the Commissioner shall inform the applicant accordingly, through the Inspector. 5. A register shall be kept under the Act at the office of the Commissioner, at Wellington ; and such register shall contain the particulars set forth in the Form C, and shall be kept in custody of Commissioner, who shall cause to be entered in such register the particulars required by the said Act and these regulations. 6. Every license granted or registration effected under the Act shall, unless cancelled under the provisions thereof, remain in force until the 31sb day of the month of December next following the making of such registration, and no longer, unless the same be renewed. Licenses and registrations may be renewed on the 31st day of December in which the same expire, and all such renewed licenses and registrations shall, unless cancelled as aforesaid, remain in force for one year from the expiration of such month of December in which the same are made. An application for renewal shall be in the like form as an original application, but shall indicate that it is for a renewal. 7. No fee shall be charged or taken for the making of any registration or renewed registration effected under the said Act and these regulations. 8. Houses registered under the said Act shall be classified according to the floor-area available for infants, which shall be determined on the basis specified hereunder, namely,— (a.) The floor-area of the house shall be taken to be the total internal floor-area of all the rooms of the house, the following deductions having been made—namely: (1) That of the passages and stairways, of the bathroom, of the kitchen and scullery, and of any lean-to imperfectly closed or of less height than 7ft. in any part; (2) that of any room or rooms specially set apart as sittingor receiving-rooms, and not regularly occupied either by day or by night; (3) that of any cupboard or dresser, extending down to or within 7ft. of the floor; (4) that of any room or rooms having a smaller area than 90 square feet, or having no open chimney or flue, or having no readily open windows, or having a glazed windowsurface of smaller area than two-thirds of a square yard ; (5) that of any room or rooms, or of portion of room or rooms, of less height than 7ft.; and (6) that of any cellar or cellars. (b.) The floor-area available for infants, hereinafter called “the available floor-area,” shall be taken to be the floor-area minus such area as is required for the other occupants of the house, including the attendant or attendants on the infants, and allowing 50 square feet as the requirement for each such occupant. 9. The classification of houses registered shall be as follows :

(a.) Houses with available floor-area measuring 50 square feet, to receive not more than one infant; (b.) Houses with available floor-area measuring 100 square feet, to receive not more than two infants ; (c.) Houses with available floor-area measuring 150 square feet, to receive not more than three infants ; (d.) Houses with available floor-area measuring 200 square feet, and with an outdoor area of at least 400 square feet, to receive not more than four infants;

(e.) Houses with available floor-area measuring 275 square feet, with an outdoor area of at least 400 square feet, to receive not more than five infants ; (/.) Houses with available floor-area measuring 350 square feet, with an outdoor area of at least 400 square feet, to receive not more than six infants; ( g .) Houses with available floor-area exceeding 350 square feet, with an outdoor area of an least 400 square feet, to be specially considered as to the maximum number of infants to be admitted.

10. The Commissioner, or any member of the Police Force authorised in that behalf by the Commissioner, accompanied by a legally-qualified medical practitioner and female Inspector, if the Commissioner or such member of the Police Force (as the case may be) think fit, may at all reasonable hours in the day-time inspect any house registered under the Act, and any infant or infants under the care of the occupier of such house. 11. The occupier of any house so registered shall permit the Commissioner, or any member of the Police Force or female Inspector so authorised as aforesaid, or any such medical practitioner, to inspect such house, or any part thereof, and the fittings and furniture thereof, at any reasonable hour in the day-time, and also shall, on being so required by the Commissioner, or any such member of the Police Force, medical practitioner, or female Inspector, produce for his or their inspection any infant or infants in the care or control of such occupier. And if such occupier shall commit a breach of this regulation he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five pounds. 12. Any person registered under the said Act who shall have charge of a greater number of infants than the number allowed by or under these regulations for the house occupied by such person shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five pounds. 13. Every person registered under the Act shall from time to time keep the roll required by the tenth section of the Act, and shall comply with and observe the provisions of that section in every respect. Every such person shall also from time to time, as occasion requires, comply with and observe the requirements of section 13 of the Act respecting the notice to be given in respect of the death of an infant as therein provided. 14. Female Inspectors may be appointed under clause 12 of the said Act, and shall have the same powers as to inspection as provided for in clauses 10 and 11 of these regulations, and shall have power to examine the house, infants, and books as provided for in the said Act. 15. Before an infant is weaned in order that it may be licensed out under this Act, a certificate from a dulyqualified registered medical man, stating that the child is strong enough to be taken from its mother, must be handed over to the licensee with the child, and must be produced upon demand of any person entitled to call for such production.

16. Particulars of every warrant by the Minister exempting, or order by a Justice of the Peace suspending, the operation of the provisions of section 3 of the said Act shall be entered in a book to be kept in the office of the Minister at Wellington, in the form set forth in Form K in the Schedule hereto.

Every application for exemption or suspension of the provisions of section 3 aforesaid shall be in writing signed by the applicant.

17. In the event of the loss or destruction of a license, the Commissioner shall, before issuing a duplicate license, obtain from the applicant a statutory declaration setting forth the facts and circumstances of such loss or destruction, and such declaration shall be filed in the office of the Commissioner.

18. The forms set forth in the Schedule hereto are hereby prescribed as forms to be used for the purposes of the said Act and these Kegulations.

SCHEDULE. Form A. Form of Application for License as an Infants' Home Keeper tinder “ The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896 ” (Sections 5 and 6 ). No. I, the undersigned, apply for a license as an infants’ home keeper under “The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896,” as the occupier of the house the description of which is hereunder set forth, and I request that such house mav be registered as an infants’ home under and for the purposes of the said Act.*

And I declare that the several particulars above set forth are true and correct, and that the same form the basis of the application hereby made. Dated this day of , 189 . Witness to signature : (Signature of applicant.) * [lf application be for a renewal, add here: “ I hold a license under the said Act, which expires on the 31st day of December, 189 , and which I desire to have renewed.”] The Commissioner of Police, Wellington.

Form B. Form of Home Keeper’s License under “ The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896” (Section 8). No. . In pursuance of the provisions of “The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896,” I hereby certify that [Name in full], of [Residence and occupation ], is duly licensed as the oocupier of [State situation of house] , and that such house is duly registered as an infants’ home under the said Act. This certificate entitles the holder to retain or receive into care or charge in the above house infants under the age of four years, and is in force until the 31st day of December, 189 . Dated at Wellington, this day of , 189 . , Commissioner of Police.

Form C.—(Section 9 of Act.) Register of Persons having Infants under the Age of Four Years in their Care for Payment or Reward under “ The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896.”

Form D.—(Section 13 of Act.) Record, of Infants received into the Infants' Home at , in Charge of No. . Date of entry into home: Name of infant in full: Sex: Age: Full names of parents (or guardians) :* Occupation of parents (or guardians) :* Address of parents (or guardians) :* Amount paid or to be paid to licensee in respect of infant: In case of death, date and circumstances: Removal: Date, name, occupation, and address of person by whom removed :

* Strike out one or other, as the case may be,

Form E. —(Section 16 of Act.) Warrant for the Removal of a Child under “ The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896.” No. . Whereas is now an inmate of , a licensed infants’ home within the meaning of “ The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896 ”; and whereas it has been made to appear to my satisfaction that is entitled to remove the said , and that the entry relating thereto in the

record-book is duly made and signed : I, , Inspector of Police for the District of , do hereby authorise such removal. Given under my hand, at , this day of , 189 . , Inspector of Police for the District of

Form F.—(Section 18 of Act.) Notice of Cancellation of License under “ The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896.” Whereas it has been made to appear to me that , licensee, is not conducting the infants’ home for which she holds a license in a satisfactory manner, and is therefore not a fit person to hold such license : I hereby give notice that—subject to appeal as provided in sections 19 et seq. of the above-mentioned Act—the said license will be cancelled at the expiration of ten days from the service of this notice. Dated at , this day of , 189 . , Commissioner of Police.

Form G. “Infant Life Protection Act, 1896 ” (Section 26). Warrant for Custody of Infants when License is cancelled. Whereas by virtue of the provisions of “ The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896,” the license No. , dated , granted to , has been cancelled : I hereby order and direct the following infants now in the said home shall be removed therefrom, and disposed of as follows : Dated at , this day of , 189 . , Commissioner of Police.

Form H.

Certified Copy of Entry in Register of Persons licensed under “ The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896 ” (Section 37). Register of Persons having Infants under the Age of Four Years in their Care for Payment or Reward under “The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896.”

I certify that the above is a true copy of an entry in the register of persons licensed under “ The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896.” Dated at , this day of , 189 . , Commissioner of Police.

Form I.—(Section 4 of Act.)

Warrant of Exemption from Provisions of “ The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896.” In the mattter of the application made by , of

In pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by “ The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896, ” * [and upon reading the order made herein on the day of , 189 , by , Esq., a Justice of the Peace for the Colony], I hereby direct that be exempted from the operation of section 3 of the said Act. Given under my hand, this day of , 189 . Minister of Justice.

Form J. —(Section 4 of Act.)

Order by a Justice of the Peace under Section 4 of “ The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896.” In the matter of the application made by , of

Upon reading the application made herein [and on hearing Mr. , of counsel for the applicant], and in pursuance of the power conferred by section 4 of “The Infant Life Protection Act, 1896,” I do hereby order and direct that the operation of the provisions of section 3 of the said Act be suspended for a period of days from the date hereof

* Omit this if no order by a Justice be made.

in so far as the same relate to [ Here state institution or I person intended to be exempted , and ground of exemption]. Dated at , this (lay of , 189 . A Justice of the Peace for the Colony of New Zealand.

Form K.— (Regulation 16.) Record of Warrants and Orders isstied under Section 4 of

ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council

Fixing Shooting Season for Deer , License-fee, dbc., Wanganui


GLASGOW, Governor.

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, David, Earl of Glasgow, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that deer (stags only, of not less than eight points) may be taken or killed within the Wanganui District, comprising the Counties of Wanganui and Waitotara, from Monday, the first day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, to Monday, the fifteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, both inclusive (subject, nevertheless, to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned); and Ido further notify that licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each, and that no licensee shall be allowed to kill more than one stag, and the Chief Postmaster at Wanganui is hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this nineteenth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven.

R. J. SEDDON, Acting Colonial Secretary.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.

I Full Name and Kesidence and Occupation. Married or Single. Full Name, Kesidence, and Occupation of Husband or Wife. Whether living together or apart. Situation of House, Number and Size of Rooms. . . Number of Infants it is proposed to receive. Names of Three Householders who certify as to Applicant’s Character and Fitness.

Date of Registration. Name in full. Calling or Occupation of Applicant, or of Husband if Married. Persons ?gistered. Locality. Si Street and No. CD W £ ® CD 1/5 • a Number of Rooms. Names of Persons recommending Applicant for License. Name and Age. Children Care Names of Persons from whom received. Whether nursed or maintained. D Pi © Maximum Number of Infants allowed to receive.

Date of Registration. Name in full. Persons registered. Calling or Occupation of Applicant, or of Husband if Married. Locality. Houses registered Street and No. Number of Rooms. Names of Persons recommending Applicant for License. Name and Age. Children under Care. Name of Person from whom received. Whether nursed or maintained. Maximum No. of Infants allowed to receive. Remarks.

2 o Warrants. Date. To whom issued (Name in full. Occupation, and Address). Nature of Exemption. Reason for Exemption. SJ o Orders. 1 _ . Date. To whom issued (Name in full, Occupation, and Address). Name and Address of Justice making the Order. Nature of and Reason for Exemption.

Complexion. | Where Gaol. Name. \\ here tried. W hen. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Hair. Eyes. | 1 Nose. Photographed, and Date. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. A itclcland .. 1 Mary Lewis ... j Auckland Oct. 12, 1896; drunkenness obscene language ... fine, or 7 days 3 months Auckland ... Auckland ... prostitute ■853 1881 ft. 5 in. 0 fresh fair light brown dark brown brown medium 49 P-c. Five upper teeth out; AB on left arm. ( See Police Gazelle, page 7.) Large mouth; two dots on right arm Auckland ... Robert David Pitcorn, Auckland Ian. 13,1897 theft ...j mill-hand 5 o* dk. grey small alius Peterson Tasmania ... 7* and six on left arm, Sent to industrial school. Auckland .. j Frank Evans ... Thames Oct. 28,1896 illegally on premises...' 2 months painter 1856 5 fresh dark brow 11 dk.grey medium An upper front tooth out; scar over left drunkenness 1 2 chgs) 48 hours eye; burn-scar on left arm ; left hand ciippled. default of costs ...1 14 days Tasmania ... 53 Auckland ... William, alias Larry, M ercury Bay Dec. 14,189m theft 1 month ... bootmaker 1861 S sallow black brown Roman Auckl'd, S-7-92 9 p c. Round, shoulders. (.See Police Small Ireland Gazette , page 95.^ Auckland ... Thomas Tinley Mercury Bay Dec. 14,1896I theft 1 month seaman 1869 5 ti fresh dark brown dk. blue small 2 P-c. Ballet-girl on right arm; ring on each middle finger; scar on throat. (See Police Gazelle. 180s. page 106. Auckland ... M utu Hohepa Auckland June 1,1896 personation 9 months N. Zealand labourer 1872 5 7* copper black dark br. fiat Right finger crippled. Auckland ... Lucretia Autheman Auckland June 1,1896 sheep-stealing 9 months Auckland ... matron 1859 5 3 florid dark brown hazel medium Scar on left little finger. Gone to VV hangar ei. Auckland ... Richard Howarth, alias Onehunga ... Oct. 17,1896 obscene language 3 months England ... labourer 1824 5 3 fresh light brown blue broad lop.c. No teeth ; scar on breast and forehead. (See Police Gazelle, 1S96, Howard page 80.) Auckland ... Alexander Jakobsen ... Aratapu Jan. 4,1897 false pretence 14 days Denmark ... gum-digger 1869 S 3 fair fair blue medium Eagle inside two flags on right atm. Auckland ... Mary Brown, alias Auckland Dec. 18,1896 theft 1 month England ... prostitute 1829 5 3* pale and wrinkled fresh grey grey large ... 29 p.c. (See Police Gazelle, 1896, page 217.) Auckland ... Margaret Brew Auckland Jan. 19,1897 theft convicted and disIreland 1857 5 4 black grey large Three upper front teeth out; scar on charged forehead. Auckland ... David Veale Auckland Dec. 21,1896 assault 1 month ... Auckland ... ironmoulder 1876 S ci fai r, freckled fair hazel medium ... Slight build; horse, cap, and whip on left arm; top of second left finger crooked. Auckland ... John, alias James, Dunn Auckland Oct. 22,1896 habitual drunkenness 3 months N. Zealand oysterman 1871 5 6i pale dark brown It. grey medium 17 p.c.. Right eye glass ; two flags, &c., on right arm ; TD, wreath, &c., oit left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1896, page 26.) Auckland ... Ernest HansweU BenAuckland Dec. 23, 1896 breach of Bankruptcy 1 month Auckland ... auctioneer 1872 3 9* fresh fair, curly blue medium nett Auckl’d, 18.1.96 Auckland .. James Holmes Thames Nov. 23,1896 drunkenness fine, or 24 hours ... Melbourne labourer 1865 5 Si fresh dark brown It. grey thin 17 p.c. Cross and star on right arm; Henry Dwo, alias Richard Cullen resisting police fine, or 2 months tombstone, &c., on left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1896, page 196.) 1 p.c. in Wellington. RC and heart on left arm. Auckland ... Auckland Mar. to, 1896 breaking and entering 12 months Sydney blacksmith 1868 S 63 dark black brown medium N. Plymouth Bubbs McDhoom N. Plymouth Jan. 14, 1897 carnally knowing a committed for trial India labourer 1834 5 0 copper grey brown flat First joint of first right finger has been Samuel Marshall girl under ten years broken ; scar on small of bark and in left groin ; varicose veins on right leg. N. Plymouth N. Plymouth Jan. 14, 1897 drunkenness 48 hours England ... shoemaker 1841 S 61 fresh grey brown long Large scar on left arm ; small scar on Rawiri Tawiri left thumb. Gisborne ... Gisborne Jan. 9, 1897 theft committed for trial N. Zealand labourer i860 S 8 copper black brown flat MERIMATA on tight arm. Bailed. Gisborne ... Michael Ryan Gisborne Dec. 7. 1896 drunkenness fine, or 24 hours ... Ireland labourer 1863 3 It* fresh dark brown blue long assaulting police fine, or 7 days damaging uniform ... fine, or 7 days Michael Barrett, alias obscene language 30 days Napier Hastings ... Dec. 22, 1896 obscene language .. 14 days Ireland shoemaker 1832 3 4i dark black, turnhazel medium 56 p.c. American coat of arms, &c., on Mullins William Meyer, alias disorderly fine, or 7 days ing grey rightarm ; three fish, &c., on left arm; left forefinger contracted. Napier Napier Dec. 2, 1896 breach of Prisons Act 6 weeks England ... cook 1856 5 8 fresh light brown dk. blue medium In’cargill, 18.3.93 9 p.c. Mark of cut under right eye. Nicknamed “ Strain htback.’’ A spieler 1 Herbert Collis, alias drunkenness 24 hours Lyttelton, 8.1.96 i George Moison, &c. Napier, 20.10.96 and confidence man. Napier j Louisa Cameron, alias 1 Mitchell, alias Wood Ernest VVright, alias Napier jSept. 22, 1896 rogue and vagabond... , 4 months England ... cook and nurse 1862 3 0* pale brown blue thick 2 p.c. Round face. Napiei Auckland [June 3. 1895 . theft and forgery j 18 months N. Zealand jockey 1873 3 <3 fair brown blue medium t p.c. Boil-mark on tight side of forej Witt Napier ISept 10, 1895 | theft (2 charges) , 6 months head ; second and third toes partly joined ; several teeth out. Napier lames Ryan | Wellington ... July |6, (896 'default of maintenance ’6 m’ths.orsureties N. Zealand bootmaker 1866 3 10 dark dark brown, hazel long Wide mouth; strong build ; blue spot William Higgins, alias curly above left wrist and on third right finger; scar on left temple. Repeatedly convicted ; lock of grey hair Napier j Napiei Oct. 23, 1896 vagrancy 3 months Ireland labourer 1852 5 9* dark, reddish br’wn brown Roman O’Brien, alias Price. I drunkenness 1 48 hours sandy on front of head ; part of ship’s mast, &c. &c., on right arm ; scar on left cheek. Napier Charles Nash Gisborne May 15, 1896 [theft (3 charges! 1 12 months ... Knglanri ... watchmaker 1876 3 7 dark dark brown brown broken Napier, 18.7.96 Scars on cheeks: Ton left wrist; round scar above left knee. Napier l i Charles Ernest Tennant Gisborne 1 May 15. 1896 theft (3 charges) 12 months N. Zealand sailor 1874 5 43 sallow dark brown grey thick Napier, 18.7.96 Pink spot under left eye; anchor above 1 1 right wrist ; cross, star, & c., on left arm ; wrinkled chin.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Where Photographed, and Date. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Wanganui... Karepa Waata Bull’s Oct. is, 1896 false pretences 3 months ... N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 9h copper black brown broad Wanganui... Herbert Beaufort Hunterville ... Dec. 23,1896 theft (4 charges) 1 month England ... labourer 1854 5 10 sallow dark brown grey medium W’ganui, 5.1.97 EH on right arm ; cross-cupped on right Wanganui... Charles Williams Wanganui ... Jan. 14, 1897 indecency 7 days Wales labourer 1854 5 II fresh dark brown grey large side of neck. Ruptured on left side ; varicose veins on Wellington Thomas Nordish, alias John Briggs, alias Wilson Wellington ... Nov. 18, 1895 horse-stealing 18 months ... England ... groom 1853 S 9 fair fair grey medium ... legs. . Numerous p.c. Soldier, &c., on nght arm ; castle, tree, &c., on left arm; rings on both hands. (See Police Ga - Wellington Jeremiah Dunn ... Wellington ... Oct. 14, 1896 vagrancy 3 months England ... fireman 1862 5 4 ruddy red blue long, Well’n, 19.6.96 zette, 1895, page 7.) crooked scar near right eye. (See Police Gazette, Wellington James Campbell Wellington ... Dec. is, 1896 theft 1 month ... Ireland labourer 1838 S 6J dark dark blue large 1896, page 178.) Small scar on left cheek; mole on back Wellington John Traynor Wellington ... Dec. 22,1896 obscene language ... 1 month N. Zealand cooper 1861 S 8 fresh dark brown grey medium of neck. Right little finger deformed. Wellington Wellington Hugh McFarlane Frank Fitzpatrick Wellington ... Wellington ... Dec. 30,1896 Jan. 18,1897 drunkenness assault theft 24 hours 1 month, or sureties 7 days N. Zealand Canada labourer sailor 1863 1861 5 5 9i III fresh dark brown dark brown grey brown large medium Mole on right hand ; scar on left side of head. Sureties fourd. Top off right thumb ; dot on left arm. Wellington Frederick Cunningham Wellington ... Jan. is, 1897 assault 7 days England ... sailor 187s S 6 fair light brown brown medium 1 p.c. Sailor and girl, &c., on right arm : FC, shamrock, 8cc., on left arm ; Wellington John McKinnon Wellington ... Jan. 16,1897 default of maintenance remanded Scotland ... sailor 1872 5 4 dark brown brown small crucifix on breast. J. MiK. McK.on right arm; scar over Wellington Eliza Blaine Wellington ... Dec. 17,1896 drunkenness 1 month ... ... left eye. See Police Gazette, 1897, page 8. Wellington Frances Curry, alias Jones Richard Torpey, alias 0' Donnell, a/iaiEvans, alias Patrick Bedford Wellington ... Jan. 18, 1897 vagrancy remanded England ... prostitute 1839 5 3 fresh black brown large, II p.c. Nelson Napier June 17, 1895 forgery 2 years Ireland ... cook and labourer 1838 S 7i fresh brown, turning grey hazel crooked large, sharp Well’n, 6.7.83 Repeatedly convicted. Flower-pot over D on left side; woman, RTET, &c., on left arm ; woman, soldier, &c., on right arm ; bad feet. Gone to WeiHokitika ... Alexander Simpson, alias John Galbraith Hokitika Oct. 22, 1896 vagrancy 3 months Scotland ... baker 1861 S sl fair fair blue •medium lington en route to Napier. Tattoo-mark on second right finger. Lyttelton ... William Wallace Hunt Christchurch Jan. 11, 1897 attempting suicide ... discharged Scotland ... engineer 1851 5 ii fresh black srrey long 1 p c. Dot on right hand ; scar on right Lyttelton ... Edward Robert McEvoy Christchurch June 1, 1896 breaking and entering 9 months N. Zealand labourer 1873 5 7 fresh dark brown blue medium cheek. Lyttelton ... ChariesFrederickTalbot Timaru Sept. 22, 1896 (2 charges) sheep-stealing 4 months England ., seaman 1873 5 8i fresh brown blue medium Impediment in speech; woman’s head and bust on light arm ; heart and Lyttelton ... Frederick Power Ashburton ... Jan. 8, 1897 exposing indecent fine, or 7 days ... N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 81 fresh light brown It.brown medium clasped hands on left arm. Mole on left cheek. Lyttelton ... Charles Larouche Methven Dec. 17,1896 vagrancy 1 month ... Jersey travelling 1827 S 4$ swarthy black hazel medium 3 p.c. Right leg off at knee; left leg has Lyttelton ... Mary McKegney Christchurch Oct. 19,1896 rogue and vagabond... 3 months ... N. Zealand tinker prostitute 1874 5 61 fair brown blue medium been broken. Repeatedly convicted. Small mouth; Lyttelton ... Margaret Wickham, alias Wackbam Christchurch Jan. 7, 1897 drunkenness 14 days Ireland matron i860 S • 1 dark brown brown medium ... slight build. 10 p.c. Stout build. Lyttelton ... Edward Erickson ... Akaroa Nov. 20,1896 vagrancy 2 months ... Norway bootmaker 1872 S 8 fair fair It. blue medium 1 p.c. E.T.S. MARIE HEI.GESF.N, &c., on right arm; LOUISA VICTORIA MAUD BROTHER, &c., on Lyttelton ... Donald Cunningham ... Lyttelton Dec. 23,1896 theft 1 month Canada seaman 1874 5 61 fair light brown grey medium left arm; E. E. A. on left hand; lame. Anchor on right arm; A on left arm; Lyttelton ... James McLean Lyttelton Dec. 23, 1896 theft ... 1 month ... Scotland ... seaman 1849 S 61 fair light brown blue large,thick burn-marks on right hand. Tombstone, willow, &c., on right arm ; Lyttelton ... Gustav Berg Lyttelton Jan. 16, 1897 drunk and disorderly fine, or 7 days Norway seaman 1872 5 7 fair light brown blue medium crucifix and eagle on left arm. 3 p.c. GAB, anchor, &c., on left hand; Lyttelton ... William Kennedy ... Christchurch Nov. 18,1895 breaking and entering 18 months N. Zealand baker 1868 5 4 fresh lightbrown It. brown medium Dunedin, 12.6.95 sleepy eyes. Several p.c. Small mole on right cheek; Lyttelton ... George Humphries ... Christchurch Nov. 18, 1895 breaking and entering 18 months Australia ... labourer 1837 5 81 fair fair blue medium thick lips; small ears. 1 p.c. Heart and anchor on left arm; Lyttelton ... Robert Lynch Lyttelton ... Jan. 11,1897 obscene language 14 days England ... seaman 1869 5 4* fresh brown f?rey medium bracelet on left wrist. Coat of arms, See., on right arm ; Timaru William Burns, alias Munro Timaru ... Dec. 14, 1896 resisting police 1 month Ireland seaman and 1843 5 21 swarthy dark brown blue broad Japanese woman on left arm. 5 p.c. Two joints off first lefc finger. labourei (For marks, see Police Gazette, 1896, Timaru ... Joseph Fleming Timaru ... Dec. 19,1896 vagrancy 1 month „. Ireland labourer 183s 5 81 dark black brown medium page 3S- ) 3 p.c. Cut on forehead. (See Police Gazette, 1892, page 91.)


Gaol, Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Where Photographed, and Date. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Oamaru ... Douglas Kleeber ... Oamaru Dec. 16, 1896 wilful damage (2 chgs) 1 month ... N. Zealand labourer 1874 ft. in. 5 i>4 sallow fair blue medium 1 p.c. (SeePoliccGazette, \8g6,x>agesi-) Oamaru ... Thomas Brown Oamaru Jan. 11, 1897 absent from ship 14 daj'S See Police Gazelle, 1897, page 19. Dunedin ... Dunedin ... Thomas Barrett Charles Stock Dunedin ... Oamaru ... June Oct. 3, 1890 IS, 1896 attempted murder ... vagrancy 10 years 3 months Ireland England ... labourer tinplatemaker 1861 1852 S 4 S 7i sallow fresh black light brown grey blue short, broken medium n p.c. Special remission. (See Police Gazette, 1890, page 51.) See Police Gazette, 1895, page in. Dunedin ... Mary McGlashan ... Dunedin Nov. 30, 1896 vagrancy . ... 2 months Ireland prostitute 1863 S 6 fresh dark brown brown medium See Police Gazelle, 1889, page 121. Dunedin ... James McGuire, alias Thompson Dunedin Dec. Dec. s, 1896 7, 1896 threatening language vagrancy ... 14 days 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1874 5 4i fresh dark brown grey medium See Police Gazelle, 1888, page 185. Dunedin ... Patrick, alias John, Murphy Port Chalmers Jan. 13, 1897 soliciting alms 7 days Ireland labourer 1857 5 1 fresh dark brown blue medium See Police Gazelle, 1896, page 188. Dunedin ... Donald McCorkindale... Dunedin Jan. Jan. S. 1897 13, 1897 theft ... theft 7 days 7 days Scotland ... farmer 1857 S 73 sandy light brown hazel medium Scar over right eye; wen on forehead; bald on crown of head. Invercargill Edward JamesDonoghue Invercargill... Oct. 33, 1896 theft 3 months ... N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 4 fair dark grey medium 1 p.c. Small chin j scar on back of head. Invercargill Robert William Thompson Invercargill ... Oct. 33, 1896 theft 3 months N. Zealand labourei 1880 S fresh fair blue broad First joint of third left finger stiff; scar over right eyebrow.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXI, Issue 3, 3 February 1897, Page 24

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXI, Issue 3, 3 February 1897, Page 24

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXI, Issue 3, 3 February 1897, Page 24