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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

Prom Gazette, 1895, pages 441 and 459.) Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, Licensefee, dc., North Canterbury District.

GLASGOW, Governor.

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, David, Earl of Glasgow, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that quail and hares may be taken or killed within the North Canterbury District, consisting of the Counties of Cheviot, Ashley, Akaroa, and Selvvyn, from the first day of April, one thousand eight

hundred and ninety-five, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, both inclusive (subject nevertheless to the restrictions in tho said Acts mentioned); and that cock pheasants may be taken or killed in the said district from the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, to the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, both inclusive (also subject to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned). And I do further notify that licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each, and that licenses to sell game and native game shall be issued on payment of the sum of five pounds each; and the Chief Postmaster at Christchurch is hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses. And I do further declare that native game, excepting tui, huia, white heron, and crested grebe, may be taken or killed within the above-mentioned district from the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, to the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, both days inclusive. And I do also declare that no cylinder or box exceeding two feet six inches in depth shall be used for the purpose of taking or killing wild duck or other native or imported game on any lake or stream in the above-mentioned district. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five.


Officer under “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884," Nelson District, appointed. Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 28th February, 1895. IT is hereby notified that, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred by section 9 of “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” Constable John Ingram has been appointed an officer for the purposes of that Act within the Counties of Waimea and Collingwood and the boroughs and town districts therein. P. A. BUCKLEY.

Ranger under the Animals Protection Acts, Nelson, appointed. Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 4th March, 1895. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable John Ingram to be a Ranger, under “ The Animals Protection Act, 1884,” and the Acts amending the same, for the District of Nelson. P. A. BUCKLEY.

By Authority ; Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.

Gaol. Name. Where tried. [ When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Where Photographed, and Date. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Auckland ... John Driscoll Auckland Nov. 20,1894 theft 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1S69 ft 5 in. 7$ fresh black It. brown prominent 22 p.c. (See Police Gazelle, 1894,page 82.) Auckland ... Nov. 26, 1894 theft 3 months Alfred Beehre Auckland Nov. 26, 1894. breaking and entering, 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 31 fresh light brown dark br. medium 1 p.c. Scar on left arm and hand. (See Auckland ... Ely Blake and receiving prostitute Auckland Nov. 26, 1894 keeping a brothel 3 months F.ngland ... 1861 5 5 k fair turning grey blue large Auckland ... Hugh Mattison, alius Auckland Nov. 27, *894 theft 3 months Melbourne conjurer 1835 5 64 sandy red It. blue small, pug Auckland ... Eugene Matheson Receiver, Alfred Frederic Fitzroy Auckland Aug. 3. 1892 embezzlement and 4 years England ... 1834 5 81 fair grey blue medium Etheridge forgery Cr. Lands ment in Geelong, Australia. Two upper front teeth out: scar between right thumb and forefinger, below forefinger, Auckland ... Joseph Welling Auckland Jan. 31. 1895 theft fine, or 1 month ... England ... labourer 1833 5 6 swarthy black It. hazel medium and on right shin. 30 p.c. Britannia and JW on left arm. Auckland ... Charles Robinson, alias Auckland Jan. 31. 1895 mischief 1 month England ... marine 1847 5 II swarthy dark brown blue large A tickl’d, 12.10.91 (See Police Gazette, t8q2, page 115. J it p.c. Part of second left finger oil; Wilkinson, alias engineer blue mark on left cheek ; no upper Trowling teeth: large scar on right arm, &c. Auckland ... James, alias Patrick Auckland Sept. 3, 1894 manslaughter 6 months Ireland hydropathist 1855 5 6 sallow long, turning blue medium Auckl’d, 27.2.95 (See Police Gazelle, 1891, page 192. 1 1 p.c. in Tasmania Scar on right leg James Beard k grey and left atm. (See New South ll’ales Police Gazelle, 1885, page 52 ; and 1886, Auckland ... John Murphy Huntly Dec. 3. 1894 drunkenness fine, or 48 hours ... Ireland labourer 1842 5 84 pockdark brown It. hazel large 11 p.c. Large mouth: D on left breast. Auckland ... Edward Williams, alias assaulting police fine, or 3 months Capetown ... painter pitted light brown dk. blue small ( See Police Gazette, 1892, page 90. ) Auckland Sept. 3. 1894 receiving 6 months 1870 5 2! fair Auckl’d, 27.2.95 Scar down lei t cheek ; slight build. Auckland ... Johnstone, alias William Thomson Daniel Bailey Orchard Auckland Dec. 9, 1880 forgerv and uttering (8 7 years England ... commission 1825 6 fresh grey It. grey medium Bald ; bad teeth. Auckland ... Moses, alias Arthur charges ) agent Auckland Oct. 13, 1894 mischief fine, or 14 days ... Auckland ... newsvendor 1880 4 4 fresh dark brown dark br. small A cripple; left atm scalded. Atrested Auckland ... Herbert Oliver Henry Samuel Curry or Tauranga ... Nov. iS. 1894 false pretence 4 months Christch’ch watchmaker 1S66 5 83 swarthy dark brown grey long Auckl’d, 7.3.95 21st February, 1895. Three pimples on left cheek and one on Currie right cl eek ; anchor (faint' on left Auckland ... Frederick Courtney ... Auckland Dec. 14, 1894 breach of the peace '... fine, or 3 days N. Zealand stable-boy 1879 2 fair, red dk. blue small aim. Lives at Stratford. 3 p.c. C on right arm : heart and anchor freckled on left arm. Arrested 6th February, Auckland ... William James Yandle Auckland ... Sept. IC, 1894 threatening language 6 months, or sur’ties England ... toy-maker 1S42 5 2i fresh light brown blue crooked ... 1 895* Broad features; scar on nose and left Auckland ... Thomas Martin Smyth Auckland Dec. II, 1894 default of maintenance fine, or 1 month ... Ireland decorator 1859 5 4l fresh light brown blue medium ai m. No upper front teeth. Arrested nth Gisborne ... Thomas Broomhall Gisborne Mar. 8,1895 larceny as a bailee ... discharged England ... labourer ■ 853 s III fresh brown blue large Timaru, 19.9.92 February, 1895. TBS, 1847, anchor, and wreath on left N.Plymouth Smith arm. f S ee.Police Gazelle, 1894, page 26.) William Powell Auckland Nov. 28, 1892 procuring abortion ... 10 years England ... chemist 1828 84 fair grey blue medium N. Plv’th, 26.1.95 Discharged on special remission, and Napier James Hoggard, alias Herbertville... Nov. 26,1894 vagrancy 3 months England ... carpenter 1838 5 7 fair fair, curly It. blue large 7 p.c. 1 on left arm ; piece off right ear ; Napier Hoggart scar down right cheek. Ernest Bedingfield Ormondville... Feb. 14,1895 wilful damage fine, or 14 days England ... labourer 1871 6 3 tawny dark brown grey large Athletic build; ntoies on left cheek; Napier Ernest Harold Cooper... burn-marks on left band ; scais on Napier Sept. 11,1894 false pretences 6 months England ... mechanical 1873 5 81 fresh fair hazel medium Napier, 17.11.94 Strong build; large teeth; birth-mark Napier Wi Kingi forgery 6 months engineer on right arm ; moles on back of neck ; mouth slightly drawn on one side. Gisborne Dec. 29,1894 theft 2 months N. Zealand shearer, & c. 1S56 6 0 copper black brown broad, flat Athletic build ; I\A on left arm; Napier Frederick De T.acy, alias GAMAKO on right arm; hollow temples. Gisborne Jan. 4. 189s habitual drunkenness 2 months England ... labourer 1841 5 7i dark grey grey large Napier, 30.6.91 Repeatedly convicted. Bald ; tumours Napier Critchell, alias Macier on head. Janies McMillan Gisborne Sept. 26, 1804 theft 6 months England ... fireman 1863 5 4i sandy dark reddish brown straight Napier, 17.11.94 One upper front tooth broken ; cross, anchor, and heart fin wreath) on right ■ brown Napier Napier Thomas Desmond Napier Feb. 18, 1895 habitual drunenuess 14 days England ... labourer 1863 5 43 fresh dark brown dk.grey long, straight ... 4 p c. Rather deaf ; thick dark eyebrows: anchor on left hand ; ring on left mird'e finger; waits on riglt middle finger. Charles Botchell, alias Napier Mar. 4, 1895 illegally on premises... 48 hours Prussia groom i860 5 44 fair fair brown large, 4 p.c. Diamond on left aim: anchor on rig 11 hand ; mole on front of neck and Hewald drooping lower lip ; very broad head. 2 p.c. Burn-marks on right leg and Napier Robert Grant Brown ... Napier Mar. 4, 1895 illegally on premises... 48 hours Scotland ... housepainter 1861 3 2 fresh black brown small Napier ... John Fitzgerald Napier Mar. 4, 1895 illegally on premises... 48 hours England ... sailor 187s 5 43 dark black bluegrey straight J.F. on right arm ; anchor on left arm ; thick, black eyebrows. Napier John Hayes Napier Mar. 4. 1895 illegally on premises... 48 hours N. Zealand butcher 1876 5 5 freckled dark auburn dk. grey short, broken Scars on forehead; high cheek-bones; thick-set build.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. j Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. ’0 Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Where Photographed, and Date. Remarks and Previous Convictions. j 1 Napier Mary Ann Jones, alias Glover George Ashwai tit Napier Mar. 1,1895 drunkenness 7 days See Polic, Gazette, 1895, page 42. Napier ... Napier Feb. 25,1895! default of maintenance 14 days England ... shoemaker 1854 5 9l freckled dark brown hazel large 1 p.c. Thin features; an upper front Napier Peter Ross, alias Rose... Napier Mar. 8, 1895' illegally on premises... 1 days England ... fisherman 1870 5 Oj dark black hazel large Anchor and mole on right arm ; cccenfresh Wanganui... William, alias Joseph Wilson John Rear, alias John Marton Jan. 9, 1895 assault 2 months ... England ... labourer 1871 5 71 fair grey sharp Tips off each little finger. Wanganui... Wanganui ... Feb. 4, 1895! vagrancy 1 month England ... labourer 1844 5 7l fresh grey grey medium See Police Gazette, 1891, page 192. I hompson, alias \ates Palmerston N. Victoria Wanganui... Charles McMahon Feb. 8,1895 theft 1 mont compositor 1848 5 71 sallow brown grey long Bald; scar on left arm ; boil-mark on back. Wanganui... Edward Gowtree Palmerston N. Feb. 18, >895 assault 14 days England ... labourer 1865 5 9 fresh brown brown sharp Wellington Joseph Beck Wellington ... Dec. 28, 1894 obscene language 2 months ... England ... fireman 1861 5 5 fresh brown grey flat, brok’n One large scar and several small scarson head. Three dots and ring on middle finger of Wellington Albert Weston Auckland Jan. 7.1895 default of maintenance 1 month N. Zealand labonrer 1867 5 Si fair light brown blue medium Wellington Henry Phillips Wellington ... Wellington ... Feb. 18,1895 obscene language false pretences (2 chgs) 7 days England ... seaman 1838 dark dark It. blue medium each hand ; cross on right arm. Crucifix, E.D.D., &c., on right arm; F.P.D., cutter, &c., on left arm ; Wellington Tasman J. C. Gurr Feb. 27, 1895 discharged N. Zealand commission 1874 5 4l fair. light brown It. blue mediu m Wellington Wellington ... agent s s! freckled side of head. Alfred Williams Feb. 22,1895 indecency 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1876 dark dark b row n brown medium Wellington ... Wellington Stephen Laker Feb. 2,1895 assault 1 month England ... fireman -18G8 5 lol sallow brown grey medium Sailor dancing, bracelet, &c., on right Wellington Wellington ... assault (2 charges') ... Robert King Feb. 2,1895 i month i month Scotland ... fireman 1868 5 8 sallow brown grey medium Barque, three women, anchor, &c., on right arm ; mermaid, ship, &c., on left Wellington Charles McLoughlin ... Wellington ... Feb. 7, 1895 assault 1 month fresh See Police Gazette , 1895, page 7. 2 p.c. Culs on left wrist and on nose. Wellington William Gumming Greytown Feb. 7, 1895 indecency 1 month Ireland cook 1840 5 4$ grey grey medium Wellington Charles Phillips Masterton ... Feb. 23, 1895 fair iSee Police Gazette, iSo r• naee in.) vagrancy 7 days England ... labourer 1871 5 8 light brown grey broken Large lump back of right ear. Wellington Janies lackson Masterton ... Feb. 23, 1895 vagrancy 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1S67 S 7l dark brown brown medium Wart on left n iddle finger. Wellington Alexander Johnston ... Wellington ... Feb. 16, 1895 theft 14 days Ireland labourer 1848 5 8 dark brown grey medium 5P c. Left forefinger crippled. (See Police Wellington Walter Smith Wanganui ... Sept. 25, 1894 receiving 6 months Tasmania ... labourer 1862 S ioi fresh dark brown brown straight Gazette, 1S94, page 179.) Wellington Richard Bender Wellington ... Mar. 4, 1895 obscene language 48 hours N. Zealand 1882 4 84 dark dark small Wellington Julius Neilson ... Wellington ... Jan. 26, 1895 disobedience on ship... 6 weeks Denmark ... seaman 1871 5 61 fair light brown blue medium Female with flag, VJ, and MA on right Wellington Harold Downie Wellington ... disobedience on ship... Jan. 26, 1895 6 weeks England ... seaman 1867 S 6i fair light brown It. blue medium Star and emblems on right arm ; sailor Wellington Charles Evans, alias “ Piccolo Charlie ” Wellington ... Dec. 11,1894 vagrancy 3 months England ... labourer 1828 S ioi dark grey blue medium Several p.c. Lame on light leg. Wellington Thomas Harvey, alias Wellington ... July 24,1894 vagrancy 3 months N. Zealand cabinet1870 5 4l fresh brown grey medium 1 p.c. Omitted from return of 3rd Wellington Buckley Wellington ... maker Frederick Windsor, alias Mar. 4,1895 assault with intent to bill ignored N. Zealand groom 1868 5 7 fresh brown grey sharp, Several p.c. Part of yacht on left arm ; Boyd rob crooked arms freckled. (See Police Gazette, Wellington John Walsh Wellington ... Mar. 4, 1895 assault with intent to bill ignored Ireland labourer 1868 S 64 fresh light brown blue medium 1894, Pages 57 and 122.) 5 p.c. Bracelet on light arm; left arm rob crooked ; scars on forehead and over left eye. (See Police Gazette, 1894, page 127.) 2 p.c. Emblems on right arm ; banners. Wellington Henry Graham, alias Wellington ... Mar. 5, 1895 attempted extortion ... acquitted at S.C. Scotland ... engineer 1854 5 6 dark brown brown medium Goodward KGW, &c., on left arm ; ship on breast; eagle on right leg. (S ee Police Wellington John Fairbairn Wellington ... Mar. s. 1895 theft acquitted at S.C.... England .. labourer 1844 5 ioi fair red and grey, It. blue medium Gazette, 1892, page 7.) Anchor on left arm; varicose veins on Wellington Thomas Shaflrey Wellington ... Mar. 8, 1895 theft acquitted at S.C.... N. Zealand cabdriver 1871 S 84 fair, curly light brown blue medium both legs ; left eye defective. Scar across left wrist and thumb ; large freckled scar on left leg. {See Police Gazette, Nelson Thomas Johnson, alias Ohingaiti April 16, 1894 false pretences (2 chs) 12 months N. Zealand carpenter 1S61 S 81 sallow black brown sharp 1894, page 209.) Slight build; square chin. (See Police Jerome Gazette, 1893, page 188. ) Gone to Nelson Herbert Ayers Wellington ... Mar. 7, 1892 forgery (2 charges) ... 4 years England ... coach1865 5 9 sallow dark brown grey medium Wellington Wanganui. 1 p.c. Three upper front teeth wanting; Nelson Charles W. Ninkey, Wellington ... painter Mar. 7,1892 larceny from dwelling 4 years England ... engineer 1 8(59 5 9l fresh brown grey straight Well’n, 5.3.92 Several p.c. Scar on left side; burnalias Johnson (2 charges) mark on right hip; two boil-marks on Nelson William Slack Nelson Feb. 8,1895 drunkenness 24 hours left arm. Gone to Wellington. See Police Gazette, 1895, page 25. obscene language 14 days assault ... 7 days theft ... 7 days


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. eC bo X Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Where Photographed, and Date. Remarks, and PreviousConvictions. Hokitika ... John Schrimshaw. alias Curran, alias Brown Maxwell Kearney Greymouth ... Feb. i, 1895 indecency ... t month ... N. Zealand labourer 1868 5 9 dark brown hazel medium Scar over left eye and on right little finger. Scar on bridge of nose. Repeatedly convicted. Crucifix, JC, heart, &c., on right arm; tree, flags, and wreath on left arm; bracelet on W estport ... Westport Feb. 16, 1895 larceny 14 days Ireland labourer 1850 6 Lyttelton ... William Warner, alias Alfred Gregory, alias Smith Christchurch Sept. 18, 1894 larceny ... 6jmonths England ... labourer 1829 5 9i fresh dark brown blue crooked Lyttelton, 29.4.90 Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Kate Moore, alias Wilkinson Thomas Allan Christchurch Lyttelton Nov. 26, 1894 Feb. 18,1895 drunkenness obscene language drunkenness fine, or 48 hours ... 3 months fine, or 24 hours ... Ireland England ... prostitute seaman 1863 1852 S 5 6 fresh dark black dark brown grey It.brown long medium left wrist. Repeatedly convicted. Small mouth ; stout build. Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Ashburton ... Christchurch Patrick Begley Charles Ward, alias Valentine Verne, alias William Charles, &c. Feb. 15, 1895 Feb. 28,1895 assault vagrancy 14 days discharged ... America ... comedian 1853 5 7 dark black It. bine straight Well’n, 7.8.91 See Police Gazelle, 189s, page 16. 2 p.c. CH on right arm; bald; slightly Christchurch deaf. Lyttelton ... George Palser Dec. 3,1894 drunkenness fine, or 24 hours ... N. Zealand labourer i860 5 7l swarthy black medium 2 P.C. Lyttelton ... James Whitehead Kaiapoi obscene language Feb. 18,1895 theft (3 charges) committed for trial England ... stationer 1851 5 7l fresh darkbrown dk. grey large, proSlight build ; ruptured on left side. Lyttelton ... Benjamin Drury Christchurch Feb. 16,1895 breach of by-laws (3 fine, or 96 hours ... England ... cabman 1851 5 6 dark dark brown grey minent large, Bailed. Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Charles,<j/fiixRobert Foy Geerge Milne Joseph Barnett Lyttelton Christchurch Christchurch Feb. 6,1895 Feb. 28, 189s Mar. 6,1895 charges) ship-desertion drunkenness assault stealing from a dwell1 month!! fine, or 24 hours ... 7 days to come up when England ... N. Zealand baker groom 1865 1878 5 5 3 93 fresh fair dark brown fair blue blue drooped m edi tint medium See Police Gazette, 1895, page 33Ring on second finger of right hand. Slight build ; right shinbone has been Lyttelton ... John Allen Christchurch Aug. 14, 1S93 mg housebreaking called upon 2 years England ... labourer 1839 5 4i fresh dark, turning grey large Lyttelton, 9.6.91 broken. 2 p.c. Large mouth. Lyttelton ... Christopher Curtain ... Lyttelton Feb. 23, 1895 theft fine, or t4 days ... N. Zealand labourer 1878 s 3i fair. grey fair blue Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Timaru John Frederick Recce... Bartholomew O’Rourke Christchurch Timaru Timaru Dec. to, 1894 Jan. 11,1895 Feb. 2t, 1895 theft assault ... 3 months 2 months England ... Ireland cabman labourer 1864 1847 6 6k 2i freckled fresh fresh dark brown blue brown prominent Well’11, 30.4.92 3 P-C. illegally on premises... 7 days England ... labourer 1867 S 5 fair dark brown blue long Cross on left hand; - small blue dot on Tirnaru John Morrison Timaru Feb. 21,1895 illegally on premises... 7 days England ... labourer 1845 5 4} fair brown, turnblue long chest. Scar over left eye. Oamaru ... Jemmie Joe, alias John Berry Robert Henry Rout ... Oamaru Feb. 11,1895 larceny (2 charges) ... 28 days China cook >8.59 5 64 yellow bS gr6y dark br. medium Lyttelton, 15.3.92 5 p.c. Mole on chin; prominent teeth. Oamat'u ... Oamaru Mar. 3, 1895 larceny from the percommitted for trial X. Zealand labourer 1869 5 10 fresh brown blue medium (See Police Gazette, 1893, page 131.) 2 p.c. Mark of sore on left wrist ; Dunedin ... John Gillison Dunedin Nov. 30,1S91 son housebreaking 3 years England ... labourer 1848 5 64 fresh brown hazel large squeaking voice. Bailed. 20 p.c. Scar on nose; blue mark on each Dnnedin ... James Joseph McGuire Dunedin Sept. 7, 1894 Mar. 4, 180 1 prison offences shopbreaking 3 months acquitted at S.C.... X. Zealand labourer 1879 5 84 sallow dark blue medium arm. Burn-mark on right breast ; scar on left Dunedin ... John Blackwood Howie Dunedin ... Mar. 4, 1894 breach of trust 2 years ’ probation Scotland ... accountant 1837 5 5 pale brown, turnblue medium thigh. Bald. Dunedin ... George Christie llendetson Dunedin ... Mar. 4, 1895 attempted suicide bound over Scotland ... canvasser >834 5 4 fresh ing grey grey brown large 1 p.c. Blue mark over and scar under left eye ; two scars on left leg; slightly Dunedin ... Thomas Alexander Dunedin Mar. 4.1895 theft 12 months’ prob’n England ... labourer 1S24 4 II fresh grey blue long bald. Burn-mark on leftside of neck ; left little Dunedin ... Dunedin ... Arthur Allen Dunedin Dunedin Jan. 28, 1S95 wilful damage 1 month England ... traveller 1853 _ fresh hazel finger injured. Jan. 26, 1895 assault fine, or 1 month ... England ... seaman 1854 8 fresh light hazel medium 3 p.c. Bracelet on right arm; LR, heart, Dunedin ... Dunedin ... Martin Davis Dunedin Feb. 18, 1895 breach of the peace ... vagrancy 48 hours >4 davs N. Zealand labourer 1871 and dagger on right hand. Small mole under right eye. 1 homas 0 Brien Feb. 28, 1895 larceny discharged Australia ... bootmaker 1879 5 4 dark light brown blue medium Dunedin ... Albert Edward Morgan Dunedin Feb. 25, 1895 breach of the peace ... fine, or 24 hours ... England ... plasterer 1866 5 £3 fresh brown grey medium 2 p.c. Blind right eye. Dunedin ... Thomas Gubbins Dunedin Mar. 2, 1895 default of maintenance discharged England ... labourer 1862 5 84 fresh brown grey medium T on right arm; powder-marks on forehead ; indent between eyes. Large mouth; right hand crippled. Invercargill Duncan Stewart Invercargill... Sept. 21, 1894 violent behaviour fine, or 14 davs Scotland ... labourer tS.54 5 9 dark darkbrown brown large Invercargill David Wybrow Invercargill ... Sept. 26, 1894 Dec. 28, 1S94 assault 2 months N. Zealand horse1866 - 4i dark black brown broad, flat Half-caste: pointed chin; top of left Invercargill Douglas Alexander Harvey Thomas Brownlie Invercargill ... Jan. 30, 1895 obstructing police t month N. Zealand trainer clerk 1875 3 9 thumb off. Small mouth; anchor on right arm ; Invercargill Invercargill ... Feb. 27,1895 damaging uniform ... disorderly conduct ... fine, or 14 days fine, or 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1872 5 8 fair fair grey broad heart on left arm. Fine paid. Long chin ; astronomical sign for Hebe resisting police fine, or 14 days on left arm ; scar on right arm. Fines Shortland ... Edmond Boxall Thames Jan. 28, 1895 ill-treating a child 1 month ;.. N. Zealand miner 1878 5 10 fair fair blue medium paid. Shortland ... Alfred Lomas Thames Feb. 2:, 1895 larceny 14 days N. Zealand carter 1863 s 8 fresh brown hazel medium


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XIX, Issue 6, 20 March 1895, Page 48

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XIX, Issue 6, 20 March 1895, Page 48

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XIX, Issue 6, 20 March 1895, Page 48