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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette , 1891, pages 1486, 1493; Gazette, 1892, page 2.)

Prescribing a Close Season for Seals.


At the Government Buildings, at Wellington, this twentyfirst day of December, 1891. Present: The Honourable Mr. Buckley presiding in Council.

WHEREAS by “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884” (hereinafter termed “ the said Act”), it is, among other things, enacted that the Governor in Council may from time to time make, alter, and revoke regulations (which shall have force and effect only in any waters or places specified therein) for prescribing, among other things, a close season or close seasons for seals: And whereas it is provided by the third section of “ The Fisheries Conservation Act 1884 Amendment Act, 1887,” that a penalty not exceeding five hundred pounds may be imposed in respect of the breach of any regulations respecting seals, and a further penalty of not exceeding twenty pounds for every seal illegally taken : And whereas it is expedient to make the regulations hereinafter set forth with respect to seals inhabiting or found within the waters of the colony herein mentioned : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Right Honourable William Hillicr, Earl of Onslow, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the said Act and “ The Fisheries Conservation Act 1884 Amendment Act, 1887,” and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the regulations set forth in the Schedule hereto ; and with the like advice and consent doth order that such regulations shall take effect on and after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, and shall have force and effect throughout the Colony of New Zealand, and in all salt, fresh, and brackish waters of the colony, and on all shores of such waters or any part thereof, or that may be contiguous or adjacent to such waters.



1. The months of January, February, March, April, and May, 1892, are hereby prescribed a close season for seals. 2. No person shall buy, sell, expose for sale, or have in possession any seal, or the skins, oil, or blubber of any seal, taken during the close season hereby prescribed for the same. 3. Any person committing a breach of any of these regulations shall be liable to a penalty of not less than £5 and not exceeding £SOO, and a further penalty of not exceeding £2O for every seal illegally taken. 4. Every penalty imposed by these regulations shall be recovered in a summary manner before any two or more Justices of the Peace. Alex. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Inspectors of Weights and Measures appointed , Nelson. Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 22nd November, 1891. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Robert Kerry to be Inspector of Weights and Measures, under “ The Weights and Measures Act, 1868,” for the Borough of Nelson and for the Counties of Waimea and Collingwood, vice Constable Hawksworth. P. A. BUCKLEY.

Police Gaoler appointed. Department of Justice (Prisons Branch), Wellington, 26t'n December, 1891. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable John Hawksworth to be Police Gaoler at Reef ton, vice Constable R. Patterson. W. P. REEVES.

Probation Officer appointed. Department of Justice (Prisons Branch), Wellington, 2Gth December, 1891 HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Sergeant-Major Wirriam Thomas Mason to be Probation Officer, under “ The First Offenders Probation Act, 1886,” for the Boroughs of Christchurch, St. Albans, and Sydenham, vice Sergeant-Major A. McDonald. W. P. REEVES.

Regulations for Brown-trout-fishing in the Inangahua Acclimatisation District.

ONSLOW, Governor.

ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings, at Wellington, this sixth day of January, 1892. Present: The Honourabre the Premier presiding in Councir. IN pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884,” His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations for the County of Inangahua and the town districts therein, and the waters thereof; and doth hereby declare that these regulations shall, as from the day of the date hereof, supersede all regulations at variance therewith.


1. Licenses to fish for brown trout in all the waters of the County of Inangahua and the town districts therein shall be issued under the hand of the Secretary of the Inangahua Acclimatisation Society (hereinafter termed “ the said society”), at Reefton, and for every such license a fee of ten shillings will be charged : Provided that it shall not be obligatory upon the Secretary of the said society to issue a license.

2. The Secretary of the said society may issue day-licenses to bond fide travellers and strangers not resident within the district aforesaid on payment of a fee of two shillings and sixpence for each day’s fishing. 3. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish for brown trout in any of the said waters from the first day of January to the thirty-first day of March next inclusive in each year, but no such license shall confer any right of entry upon the land of any person without his consent.

4. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish with one rod and line only, and with the following bait, namely, fly or other artificial bait. 5. No person shall use any other bait, or any method, device, or contrivance of any sort or kind (except a rod and line and landing-net or gaff) whatever, for the purpose of fishing for, catching, killing, or taking brown trout. 6. No cross-line fishing, stroke-hauling, or any other unsportsmanlike device shall be used for the purpose of catching, killing, or taking brown trout; nor shall the bait above mentioned be used with any medicated or chemical preparation whatever. 7. No person shall fish without a license, and every person fishing shall, on the demand of any ranger, constable, member of the said society, or person producing a license from the said society, produce and show to such ranger, constable, member, or person his license or the contents of his creel or bag, and the bait used by him for catching, killing, or taking brown trout. 8. Every brown trout not exceeding seven inches in length, taken or caught by any person, shall be immediately returned alive into the water from which the same is taken.

9. No person shall fish for, take, catch, or kill, or attempt to fish for, take, catch, or kill, in any manner whatsoever, or have in his possession, any brown trout, except during the above-mentioned period. 10. No person shall buy, sell, or expose or offer for sale any of the salmonidse or trout, or take, fish for, catch, or kill any of the salmonidse or trout, in order to make sale of the same.

11. No person shall take, fish for, catch, or kill in any manner whatever, or have in his possession, any salmon, salmon-parr, or smolt, or the young of any salmon, or any trout other than brown trout; and any of the above-named taken by accident or otherwise shall immediately be returned to the water from whence it was taken.

12. No person shall have in his possession any of the salmonidse or trout during the period appointed for a close season for any such fish.

13. Except as aforesaid no person shall fish or use any net or other engine, instrument, or device for taking fish in any river or stream within the district aforesaid.

14. No person shall put, throw, or place, or allow to be put, thrown, or placed, in any of the waters hereinbefore mentioned, any sawdust or sawmill refuse, or anything of any kind or description whatever poisonous, deleterious, or noxious to fish.

15. No person shall put, throw, drag, draw, or place, or allow to be put, thrown, dragged, drawn, or placed, for any purpose whatever, any net of any description (except a land-ing-net) in any of the waters hereinbefore mentioned, or at the mouth or entrance of any such waters. 16. Any person committing a breach of any of these regulations shall be liable to a penalty of not less than one pound and not exceeding fifty pounds. 17. These regulations shall come into force as from the date hereof.

Arex. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

By Authority; George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—lß92.

Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. 1 Native of Trade Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Where Photographed, and Date. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Auckland ... Isaac Edward Nansett Auckland Dec. 21, 1891 larceny 8s., or 24 hours America ... 1876 ft 4 in. Si fresh dark brown almond medium 1 p c. MJN, headstone, and wreath on right arm ; scar on left thumb. 1 p.c. Birthmark on right side of head. Auckland ... Alice Sarah Lamb Auckland Dec. 16, 1891 drunkenness 8s., or 24 hours England ... • 854 5 Si ruddy brown hazel medium Auckland ... Patrick Sullivan Auckland Dec. 21, 1891 larceny 13s., or 3 days Auckland ... labourer 1876 4 III pale, dark brown blue thick-set 1 p.c. AC and dot on right arm; birthAuckland ... William Miller Auckland Dec. 21,1891 drunkenness malicious damage 8s., or 24 houis 23s., or 48 hours Scotland ... 1823 s 41 freckled sallow grey blue medium mark under left armpit; large mouth. 1 p.c. Legs and right arm paralysed. Auckland ... assault 43s., or 3 days Alexander Mackay Auckland Dec. 23,1891 fighting 31s., or 7 days Scotland ... miner 1840 5 91 fresh dark brown blue large Three flesh lumps on top of head: left Auckland ... Sarah Symonds Auckland Sept. 29, 1891 disobeying a mainte-nance-order 3 months N. Zealand 1864 5 I fresh. dark brown brown medium little finger stiff. Fine paid. 1 p.c. Scar over left eye. Auckland ... James Clare Auckland Oct. 1,1891 indecent exposure 3 months N. Zealand seaman 1867 5 61 fresh light brown It. grey medium anchor below left thumb; heart on Auckland .. John Henry Burton Auckland Mar. 10, 1891 forgery and uttering... 12 months England ... labourer 1863 5 4l fresh Auckl’d, 28.1.91 Auckl’d, 31.12.91 right hand. Auckland ... Henry James Purbrook Auckland Mar. 10,1891 larceny 12 months England ... electrician 1855 5 4l fresh fair blue thin, Two moles on left side of stomach. Auckland ... John Hill Johnson Cambridge ... Auckland Mar. Mar. April II, 1891 10, 1891 10, 1891 vagrancy breaking and entering larceny 3 months 12 months 6 months England ... clerk 1842 5 81 fresh dark brown brown prominent medium Auckl’d, 31.12.91 1 p.c. Defective vision; scar on right side of head; top of left thumb off. Auckland ... Samuel Taylor Auckland Nov. 2, 1891 larceny <concurrent) 2 months England ... 1821 5 61 sallow grey dk. grey large 15 P.c* Deaf; toothless; burns on each Auckland ... Edward Roberts Auckland Jan. I, [892 drunk and disorderly assaulting police 25s. 6d., or 48 hours 23s., or 14 days England ... clerk 1856 s 9 fresh dark brown hazel prominent shin ; large mouth. Scar below left wrist. Fines paid. Auckland ... John Paul damaging uniform ... 16s. 6d., or 7 days Auckland Dec. 22, 1891 assault 58s., or 7 days Ireland dealer 1843 5 5i fair dark brown blue thin, Left side paralysed; anchor and JP on Auckland ... John Morgan Dargaville ... Dec. 4, 1891 vagrancy 1 month Ireland labourer 1838 S 4* swarthy black, turnbrown pointed medium right arm. to p.c. Wreath on breast; crucifix on Auckland ... John Alexander Russell Auckland Nov. 4, 1891 larceny 2 months Ireland seaman 1856 5 Si swarthy ing grey dark brown blue large, left arm. broad and wreath on right arm ; scar Auckland ... Peter Anderson Helensville ... Nov. 4, 1891 assault 2 months Sweden seaman 1847 .3 8i fresh black It. hazel medium over left eye : large mouth. Crucifix on left arm; LOPAS in heart Gisborne ... Alfred William Croft ... Gisborne Dec. 12, 1S9I embezzlement committed for trial England ... clerk S Wtwl long on left hand; 1847 on left fingers, &c. Bailed. Gisborne ... John Clancy Gisborne Dec. 21, 1891 obscene language 24 hours England sailor 6 blue Napier Jessie Johnston Napier Sept. 23, 1891 threatening language 3months,orsureties Scotland ... servant 1841 5 I fresh dark brown, brown medium 2 p.c. Broad features; stout build. Napier Wiremu Taika, alias Te Urupa Mary Lamb William Piper Charles Anderson Waipiro Nov. 12, 1891 trespass £10, or 3 months ... N. Zealand labourer 1841 s 9l copper turning grey black, turnbrown broad, flat ANARE on right arm; RIPE on left Napier Napier Napier Napier Hastings Napier Nov. Aug. Dec. 26, 1891 26, 1891 14, 1891 drunkenness indecent language ... vagrancy assaulting police resisting police indecent language ... 25s., or 7 days 3 weeks 2 months £10 .ss., or 2 months 14 days 14 days England ... England ... Norway dealer labourer sailor 1841 1865 1868 s 5 S 4 .si 4i fair fair fair ing grey dark, turning grey brown fair blue grey blue straight, small medium medium arm : large mouth. Fine paid. Stout build. 2 p.c. Round face; full lips. (See Police Gazette, 1891, page 51.) Round head; scar near right elbow; cross, heart, anchor, and wreath on right arm ; woman, sailor, and ship on Napier Elizabeth Sneller Waipawa Nov. 3. 1891 gross indecency 2 months N. Zealand prostitute 1863 5 2 sallow brown grey small. left arm. 7 P.c. Wanganui Henry Watkins Palmerston Nov. 24, 1891 vagrancy 1 month London butcher 1837 s 5i fair brown grey broken large Well’11, 6.8.90 x p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1890, page 246.) Wanganui John Menchin Palmerston Sept. 30,1891 larceny 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1871 s 61 freckled brown firrey medium One upper front tooth out. Wanganui James O’Connor, alias Connel Wanganui ... Dec. 8, 1891 drunkenness resisting police damaging uniform ... 24 hours 3 weeks 1 week Ireland bushman i860 s 93 fresh dark brown errey broad Repeatedly convicted. Boil-marks on left side; varicose veins in legs. Woodville... James Hyland Woodville ... Dec. 17,189: vagrancy (concurrent) 7 days Ireland cook 1842 s 7 dark iron-grey brown long Wellington James Bassett Masterton ... Oct. 25, 1891 larceny 2 months England ... labourer >833 81 1 p.c. Cross-eyed ; freckled. Several p.c. Scar on forehead and top Wellington Mary Murray Wellington ... Sept. 25, 1891 habitual drunkenness 3 months Ireland prostitute 1863 5 4 sallow fair blue pug Wellington Thomas Windsor Masterton ... Dec. 22, 1891 obscene language 7 days England ... labourer 1864 5 9 fair brown grey medium of nose. Cut on forehead; barque on light arm ; Wellington Charles Curran Wellington ... Oct. 31,1891 larceny vagrancy 14 days 2 months (concurrent) 2 months Sydney labourer 1868 5 9 fresh brown grey large flags on left arm. Wellington William Watts Wellington ... Oct. 31,1891 assault London fireman 1S68 5 0 fair auburn dark br. thick Scar on right arm ; cross on left arm.


Gaol. | I Complexion. Where Name. Where tried. When. Offence. | Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. bx> V Hair. Eyes. Nose. Photographed, and Date. Remarks and Previous Convict ions. Wellington Henrv Goodward, alias Wellington ... July 24,1891 larceny (2 charges) ... 6 months Scotland ... engineer 1854 ft 5 in. 6 dark brown blue medium Emblem of Faith, Hope, and Charity on Wellington Graham Daniel Davis Wellington ... right arm; banners of war, crucifix, bracelet, and HKGW on left arm; ship on breast; eagle on right leg. (See Police Gazette, 1887, page uo.! Oct. 2,1891 larceny 3 months Ireland sailor 1856 3 9i stout fair blue aquiline 21 p.c. BMcD in wreath on left arm ; Wellington Bridget Lane Wellington ... Maltese cross on right wrist. Nov. 27,1891 drunkenness T days Wales 1856 5 3 sallow dark brown blue pug, large 4 p.C. Reefton Thomas Dawson Reefton damaging property ... i month Dec. 10,1891 disobeying a mainte14 days ... Scotland ... labourer 1830 s 61 sandy sandy brown large 4 p.c. Reefton John Muttagh Reefton Dec. 31.1891 indecency 12 hours’ imprisonIreland miner 1839 s 10 ruddy brown, turnhazel large 1 p.c. Greymonth Frank Silvy Greymouth ... Dec. 28,1891 false pretences ment 6 months’ prob’n ... N. S. Wales labourer 1872 5 61 dark ing grey black dark br. medium Small scar on right side of mouth; moles Lyttelton ... John Slatter Christchurch Dec. 21, 1891 obscene language 48 hours England ... pork1870 5 2i fair light brown blue medium on right side of face. Cut near right wrist and on left little Lyttelton ... James McLaren butcher Dunedin [June 2, 1890 larceny 2 vears Scotland ... 1873 a light brown hazel medium 1.3'ttelton, 24.12.91 3 P.C. Lyttelton ... Mary Cunningham, alias Ashburton ... Dec. 19, 1891 obscene language 7 days Ireland matron 1843 5 ii dark, turning blue medium 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1891, pageSt.) Lyttelton ... Petty Lyttelton iDec. 26, 1891 drunkenness 45s., or 7 days Amount paid. William Barry Christchurch Oct. 29, 1891 assault 2 months London chimney1841 5 4i swarthy dark brown grey straight Lyttelton ... Charles Huddy Christchurch Dec. 24, I89I absent from Volunteer 28s., or 96 hours ... N. Zealand blacksmith 1872 5 42 light brown hazel medium Lyttelton ... John Richmond Jones... parade Christchurch Dec. 29, 1891 damaging property ... 19s., or 48 hours ... England ... labourer 1839 5 9! fresh grey blue large Spot on left hand ; ruptured on left side ; Lyttelton ... Joseph Blake Ashburton ... Dec. 1,1891 drunkenness ios., or 3 days N. Zealand labourer 1870 5 61 dark black grey medium Lyttelton, 24.12.91 varicose veins on each leg. 1 p.c. Lyttelton ... Christopher James Stutsburv Lyttelton rogue and vagabond... 1 month Dec. 29,1891 larceny 23s., or 1 month ... London seaman 1859 5 s fresh brown grey medium Amount paid. Timaru John Wishart Temuka Dec. 17,1891 obscene language 8 days Scotland ... labourer 1862 5 7i fresh dark brown medium JW on left arm ; ring on third and fourth Timaru Edward Murphy Timaru Dec. 18, l?9t disorderly conduct ... 14 days Tipperary ... labourer 1848 6 0 dark black brown medium fingers of left hand. 12 p.c. Dunedin ... Emma Parnell, alias Ellis Dunedin June 2, 1890 larceny 2 years England ... prostitute 1833 S 3 fresh dark brown hazel small 8 p.c. Large mouth. Dunedin ... Bridget Cleary Hampden Sept. 3, 1891 obscene language (2 3 months Ireland i860 5 ?i fair blue broad 2 p.c. Broad face. charges) damaging property ... t month Dunedin ... William Roach Dunedin Sept. 30, 1891 drunkenness 1 month England ... labourer 1823 s 3 dark black brown medium 29 p.c. Teeth all out of upper jaw and Dunedin ... Charles McLennan Dunedin Dec. 2, 1891 larceny 1 month N. Zealand carter 1872 61 dark brown large both sides of lower jaw. Dunedin ... Helen Walls Dunedin Dec. 23,1891 larcenv 7 days Scotland ... dark brown Dunedin ... Benjamin Smith, alias Thompson Dunedin Dec. 24,1891 breach of the peace (2 charges) 48 hours N. Zealand labourer 1864 s 33 fresh light brown grey medium 2 p.c. Blind right eye; large mouth. I nvercargill Michael Slatery Invercargill ... Dec. 1,1891 larceny 1 month Ireland sailor 1857 5 61 fresh dark brown haze! large Two females, sword, shield, flags, emblem of Faith, Hope, and Charity, and ship on right arm ; emblem of Young America and cross on left arm ; scar on left knee. Hokitika ... George McLeod Greymouth ... Nov. 24,1891 assault 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1870 81 light brown Hokitika ... Moss Levy Hokitika ... July 21, I89I fraudulent bankruptcy 6 months England ... storekeeper 1848 5 10 fresh black It. brown large Scar on left elbow, left side, and left wrist; large mouth.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XVI, Issue 1, 13 January 1892, Page 4

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XVI, Issue 1, 13 January 1892, Page 4

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XVI, Issue 1, 13 January 1892, Page 4