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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1887, pages 357, 369, 364, 365, 366, and 386.) As to Recruiting for the Permanent Forces.

(1.5.) Wm. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor.

A PROCLAMATION. Under “ The Defence Act, 1886.”

THE Proclamation published in Gazette No. 47, of the 9th September, 1886, relative to recruiting for the Police and Permanent Forces, is hereby cancelled, and the following substituted in lieu thereof:— The Artillery, Engineers, and Torpedo Corps, with the exception of special artificers, engineers, or electricians, shall be selected from the Rifle Branch of the Permanent Militia.

Appointments to the Permanent Militia, Rifle Branch, are to be exclusively given to efficient Volunteers of not less than one year’s efficient service, nor over twenty-five years of age, at the date of their application. The following regulations are published for the guidance of Volunteers desirous of entering the Rifle Branch of the Permanent Militia:—

Applicants for appointments to the Permanent Militia, Rifle Branch, will send in their applications to and wait, if possible, on the Officer Commanding Permanent Militia at Dunedin, Lyttelton,- Wellington, or Auckland, with their addresses, ages, medical certificates of fitness, and certificates of character, one of which must be from the Commanding Officer of the corps in which they are serving. As vacancies arise, appointments will be made from the list of applicants from each part of the colony in turn. On his being informed that he has been so appointed, the

candidate will report himself for enrolment at Mount Cook Barracks, Wellington, within one month, otherwise the vacancy will be offered to the next on the list, and he will be held to have forfeited his appointment, unless in case of certified sickness, when he may bo replaced at the head of the list within three months, if then fit for service. The minimum height for the Artillery is sft. Sin. „ „ Engineers is sft. Sin. „ „ Torpedo is sft. 4in. „ „ Rifles is sft. 7in. Given under the hand of His Excellency Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois, Lieutenant-General in Her Majesty’s Army, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty’s Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same ; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony, at Dunedin, this third day of March, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven. J. BALLANCE. God save the Queen !

Police Gaol proclaimed,


WHEREAS by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled “ The Prisons Act, 1882,” it is provided that the Governor may, by Proclamation published in the New Zealand Gazette, declare that such police stations as he shall name therein shall be police gaols : Now, therefore, I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the said colony, in pursuance of the aboverecited power, do hereby declare that the police station at Herbertsville shall be a police gaol. Given under the hand of His Excellency Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois, Lieutenant-General in Her Majesty’s Army, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty’s Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony, at Dunedin, this eleventh day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven. Jos. A. TOLE. God save the Queen !

Police Gaol closed ,

(1.5.) Wm. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled “ The Prisons Act, 1882,” it is enacted that the Governor may, by Proclamation published in the Nao Zealand Gazette, declare that any prison or police gaol shall no longer be a prison or police gaol, and, upon the gazetting of such Proclamation, or from and after any later date fixed in such Proclamation for the purpose, such prison or police gaol respectively shall cease to be a prison or police gaol: Now, therefore, I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance of the above-recited power and authority, do hereby declare that, from and after the gazetting of this Proclamation, the police gaol at Porangahau, in the Provincial District of Hawke’s Bay, shall cease to be a police gaol. Given under the hand of His Excellency Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois, Lieutenant-General in Her Majesty’s Army, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty’s Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same ; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony, at Dunedin, this eleventh day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven. Jos. A. TOLE. God save the Queen!

Shooting Season for Deer, Wellington and Wairarapa District.


IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and “ The Animals Protection Act Amendment Act, 1881,” I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that deer (bucks or stags only) maybe taken or killed within the boundaries of the Wellington and Wairarapa District Acclimatisation Society’s District, from the first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eightyseven, till the tenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, both days inclusive, subject, however, to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned. And Ido further notify that licenses to take or kill such game may be obtained from the Chief Postmaster at Wellington on payment of the sum of one pound each ; and that the said Postmaster is hereby appointed to issue and sign the said licenses : Provided nevertheless that nothing herein contained shall extend to authorize any person to sell any deer or portion thereof under any license so obtained as aforesaid. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this ninth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven. P. A. BUCKLEY.

Inspectors of Weights and Measures appointed, Hauraki, Tauranga, and Waitaki.

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 11th March, 1887. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Richard Stapleton

to be an Inspector of Weights and Measures, under “ The Weights and Measures Act, ISGB,” for the District of Hauraki, vice Constable Stanton, transferred; also to appoint

Constable Alfred Stanton to bo an Inspector of Weights and Measures, under the said Act, for the Counties of Tauranga and Rotorua and the Borough of Tauranga, vice Sergeant Cahill, transferred ; also to appoint Constable William Bethel

to be an Inspector of Weights and Measures, under the said Act, for the Counties of Waitaki and Waihemo and the boroughs therein, vice Constable Pascoe, resigned. P. A. BUCKLEY.

Clerks of Courts appointed.

Department of Justice, Wellington, 16tli March, 1887. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable John Haddock to be Clerk of the Resident Magistrate’s Court at Warkworth, and Clerk of the Licensing Committee for the District of Mahurangi, vice Constable Neil McLeod, transferred; and

Constable Neil McLeod to be Clerk of the Resident Magistrate’s Court at Dargaville, and Clerk of the Licensing Committees for the Districts of Aratapu, Dargaville, and Okahu, vice Constable J. Haddock, transferred. Jos. A. TOLE.

Police Gaoler appointed .

Department of Justice (Prisons Branch), Wellington, 7th March, 1887. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Frank Schultz to be Police Gaoler at Herbertville. Jos. A. TOLE.

Forest Banger appointed,

General Crown Lands Office, (State Forest and Agricultural Department,) Wellington, 12th March, ISB7. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Henry Fretwell,

First-class Police Constable at Gore, to be an Assistant Forest Ranger under section 12 of “ The New Zealand State

Forests Act, 1885.” The appointment to date from the Ist instant.

J. BALLANCE, Commissioner of State Forests,

Fixing Shooting Season for Imported Game , License Fee , dc., Taranaki District.


IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that cock-pheasants and hares may bo taken or killed within the Taranaki District, consisting of the Counties of Taranaki and Clifton, from the first clay of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, both inclusive (subject nevertheless to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned). And I do further notify that licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each, and that licenses to sell such game shall be issued on payment of the sum of five

pounds each ; and the Chief Postmaster at New Plymouth is hereby appointed to issue and sign the said licenses. And I do further notify that native game (excepting tuis) may be taken or killed within the said district from the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, both inclusive. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this ninth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven. P. A. BUCKLEY.

Clerk of Court appointed.

Department of Justice, Wellington, 23rd March, 1887. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable John Haddock

to be Clerk of the Resident Magistrate’s Court at Port Albert, and Clerk of the Licensing Committees for the Districts of Albert and Tauhoa, from the Ist April next, vice John Shepherd, resigned. Jos. A. TOLE.

By Authority: George Didsbbry, Government Printer, Wellington. 1887

Gaol. ! 1 Name. Where tried. When. Oflence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. C to CD r Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Lyttelton ... Robert Martin Ashburton Sept, to, 1S86 threatening language 3 months’ imprisonBelfast ... labourer ... 1848 4 2 fair brown blue large medium medium Two previous convictions. Both legs ment amputated above ankle; walks on his knees. Lvttelton ... August Schultze Lyttelton ... Mar. i, 1887 disobedience of orders 7 days’ labour Germany... seaman ... 1849 5 4 dark black brown large medium medium on board ship Lyttelton ... Harry Libean Akaroa Dec. 11,1886 having no lawful 3 months’ labour ... N. Zealand bootmaker 183S 5 5i fresh brown brown medium medium medium One previous conviction. Ashburton ... means of support Lyttelton ... Frank Gribben Dec. 13,1886 having no lawful 3 months’ labour ... Co. Down groom 1838 5 6J fresh brown grey small medium medium One previous conviction. means of support Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... James Devine Christchurch Christchurch Feb. 10, 1887 assault obscene language ... 14 days’ labour 14 days’ labour (cumulative) 6 months’ labour ... j Ayrshire labourer ... 1851 s e;A fresh brown blue large medium medium A small cut-mark on forehead. George Brown Oct. 4, :886 unlawfully wounding Scotland ... cab pro1843 s 7i swarthy dark brown blue large medium wide A blue mark in corner of left eye. Lyttelton ... John Patrick Davis ... Dunedin Oct. 4,1886 uttering counterfeit 6 months’ labour ... England ... prietor labourer ... 1S38 5 S dark black brown medium medium medium Blind of left eye. Lyttelton ... Thomas Reglish, alias Dunedin Oct. 4, 1886 larceny 6 months’ labour ... Buenos seaman and i860 S 73 fresh fair brown broad medium medium One previous conviction. Crucifix tatMince Ayres lumper tooed on left arm and two ships on Lyttelton ... Thomas Meddar, alias Dunedin Oct. 4,1886 larceny 6 months’ labour ... Queensland seaman and 1855 S 7 sallow dark brown brown medium medium medium right arm. Lyttelton ... Cook Thomas Henley, alia: Christchurch lumper fresh large crossed flags tattooed on right arm, and anchor on back of right hand; scar on left wrist; both little fingers Feb. 28,1887 obscene language ... 14 days’labour Dublin labourer ... 1843 S 94 grey blue medium medium Previously convicted. Sullivan Lyttelton ... lohn Gilchrist Ashburton ... Feb. 18,18S7 cruelty to a horse ... 1 month’s labour ... Scotland ... shepherd ... 1846 - 6 fresh grey blue large medium medium One previous conviction. Lyttelton ... James C. 1 lornsby ... Christchurch Feb. 19, 18S7 assault i month’s labour ... Tasmania 1832 4-1 pale black brown small small Lyttelton ... Hugh Douglas Christchurch Dec. 20,1886 assault 3 months’ imprisonment 6 months’ labour ... Co. Down labourer ... 1855 5 3 sandy red hazel large wide medium Lyttelton ... John Strain, alias Straghan, alias Andrew Anderson, alias O’Neill, alias Kelly, &c. Sarah Hazelhurst Dunedin ... Oct. 11,1SS6 larceny Ayrshire ... tailor 1839 S 64 dark black brown sharp medium medium Repeatedly convicted. Addington Christchurch Feb. 18,1887 obscene language ... 14 days’ labour J fresh medium wilful damage (3 9 days’ labour > Staffordprostitute >8S5 5 i4 brown blue medium heavy Nine previous convictions. Annie Hill Christchurch charges') (cumulative) 14 days’ labour J shire Addington Mar. 2,1887 obscene language ... dark small wilful damage 14 days’ labour in de(J.yttelton matron ... 1859 S 3 black grey small small, One previous conviction. Fine and Eliza Wilson Christchurch fault of paying 30s. fine and costs J round costs paid. Addington Dec. 20,18S6 habitual drunkenness 3 months’ labour ... Edinburgh prostitute prostitute 1854 5 14 sallow black hazel long medium medium Addington Johanna Gallagher ... Christchurch Mar. 7,1887 habitual drunkenness 14 days’ labour Co. Kerry 1844 pale dark brown brown medium medium medium Addington Isabella Leckie Christchurch Mar. 7, 1887 habitual drunkenness 14 days’labour Manchester prostitute 1853 4 ici sandy, freckled sandy grey medium medium medium Repeatedly' convicted. Timaru ... Charles Lyford James Gill Geraldine ... Timaru Feb. 15, 1S87 threatening language 12 months’ imprisonment in default of sureties England ... labourer ... 1833 5 4i dark fresh dark hazel large straight medium medium Circle and anchor tattooed on back of right hand ; cross, anchor, and heart on right arm; and woman, &c., on left forearm. Timaru ... Mar. 8,1887 breach of the peace 7 days’labour N. Zealand 1863 5 Q brown blue medium medium Nelson John Rose Nelson Mar. 1,1887 stowaway 7 days’ labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1869 s 84 fresh dark brown grey large, medium pointed Previously convicted. Varicose veins aquiline behind right knee; mole on breast and between shoulders; small scar on forehead. Scar on right groin ; small boil-scar on Nelson George Gray Nelson Jan. 28,1887 assaulting a constable 1 6 weeks’ labour San Franlabourer ... 1844 s 4 fresh brown hazel large, red large medium Napier Harry Douglas Gisborne ... Sept. 30,1886 larceny 6 months’ lahour cisco Scotland ... labourer ... I84O 1834 5 Si fair brown blue large medium medium left forearm ; speaks through his nose. Napier Hori Kapekape Gisborne ... Dec. 13, 1886 assault with intent to fined £20, or in deN. Zealand labourer ... 5 9 copper black brown flat wide medium do grievous bodily fault 3 months’ imarm, and “ Hori ” on right arm. Charles Clement WatNapier harm prisonment Napier Feb. 28, 1887 abusive and insulting fined £1 ns. and England ... fisherman '855 S ioi dark dark brown brown medium medium medium Blue dot tattooed on left wrist. son language costs, or 14 days’ Napier William Rawlison ... Napier Feb. 28,1887 stowaway fined £3 and costs, England ... fireman ... 1833 s 94 fresh brown brown medium medium medium Bald on top of head; crucifix, full-rigged or 14 days labour ship, &c., tattooed on right arm; crucifix, ship, tree, mermaid, &c., tattooed Wellington John alias James AnWellington Mar. 2, 18S7 having no visible 7 days’ labour Denmark carpenter 184s s 81 fair brown blue large large large One previous conviction. A IS, CIS, derson Skoy means of support IAS, CAS, 1857, and part of wreath on right arm; scar on left arm and over left temple; slovenly gait.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Wellington William Simpson Wellington Feb. to, 1887 larceny (2 charges)... 1 month’s labour on each charge (concurrent) 14 days’labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1871 ft 5 in. 2 fresh brown blue medium large large Wellington Frederick Arnold Wellington Feb. 24, 1887 having no visible N. Zealand labourer ... 1862 5 5 fresh brown grey large medium medium Eleven previous convictions. means of support Ireland ... cook Wellington Mary Murray, alias Wellington b eb. 24, 1887 obscene language ... 14 days’labour 1863 5 4 sallow fair blue pug medium medium Scar on forehead and top of nose. Mc.Mullins having no visible labourer ... Wellington Joseph Alexander Wellington Feb. 2.S, 1887 14 days’ labour France ... 1839 5 5 dark dark brown large medium medium Two previous convictions. Profusely means of support 14 days’ labour Sweden ... labourer ... tattooed on both arms. Wellington Charles William PeterWellington Feb. 2.3, 1887 having no visible 1849 5 si dark dark brown brown medium large round One previous conviction. Scar on right means of support 14 days’labour leg near knee. Wellington George Speller Wellington Mar. I, >887 assault [•England ship-boy ... fresh assaulting police 14 days’ labour 1871 5 2 brown blue pug medium medium Two lines tattooed on left wrist. (concurrent) J cigar-maker William Fowler Greytown ... Feb. 18, 1887 wilful damage 1 month’s labour on Ireland ... 1865 5 7 fresh brown hazel medium medium medium Two previous convictions. (2 charges) each charge tconcurrent) Wellington Samuel Barnes Wellington Mar. 12, 1887 obscene language ... 7 days’ labour N. Zealand labourer .. 185s 5 3l fair fair blue small small small Third and fourth fingers of left hand labourer ... contracted. Wellington John Brown Wellington Mar. 14, 1887 having no visible 7 days’ labour England .. 1871 4 10J dark dark dk. grey pug large medium Yacht tattooed on left wrist. means of support 14 days’ labour England ... labourer ... Elliott Daines Manaia Feb. 24, tS8 7 cruelty to animals ... 1847 sallow black grey medium medium medium Boil-mark on left shoulder. N .Plymouth Benjamin Ward, alias Hawera Dec. 14, lH86 iarceny 3 months’ labour Germany... labourer ... 1862 5 H fair light brown grey medium medium medium Scar on top of head. 3 months’ labour N. Zealand labourer ... N. Plymouth Kotomirireahu N. Plymouth Dec. 15, 1886 larceny 186S 5 7i copper black brown broad medium medium Scar on right arm and on corner of left Moss Schmidt Hawera Mar. 8, 1887 larceny 3 months’ probation Denmark labourer .. 1868 5 0. fair light brown grey medium medium medium 03 • Two small moles on left shoulder-blade. N.Plymouth Tuanini Hawera Mar. 8, 1887 larceny acquitted at Distiict N. Zealand labourer ... iff 57 5 bi copper black brown medium medium medium KO HA REN A and KO tattooed on Court Ireland ... labourer ... right arm. lohn McKnight Ashburton ... Feb. 20, 1887 trespass 14 days’ labour 1855 5 9 dark black grey medium medium medium Lawrence... Thomas Barrett Roxburgh ... Mar. .1, 1887 larceny 14 days’labour lasmania groom i860 5 7i fresh brown grey long medium medium Mark of cut on second and third fingers N. Zealand prostitute Dunedin ... Alice James Dunedin Feb. 10, 1887 riotous and indecent 1 month s labour '865 5 4 fresh dark brown brown medium medium medium behaviour prostitute Eliza Smj the Dunedi i Feb. 10, 1S87 riotous and indecent 1 month’s labour ... N. Zealand 1866 4 10 pale light brown brown medium small medium Very irregular teeth. behaviour Dunedin ... Margaret Smythe Dunedin Feb. 10, 1887 riotous and indecent t month’s labour N. Zealand prostitute 1869 5 5 fresh dark brown brown medium medium medium behaviour Dunedin ... Bessie Woods Dunedin Feb. to, 1887 riotous and indecent 1 month’s labour ... France ... prostitute 1864 5 0 pale sandy brown flat medium medium behaviour 3 months’ labour ... N. Zealand prostitute Dunedin ... Theresa Pappleton ... Dunedin Dec. 14, 1886 riotous and indecent 1867 5 5 swarthy sandy grey medium medium medium Three previous convictions. DB, anbehaviour chor, heart, and cross tattooed on light Dunedin ... Andrew H. Lockhart Dunedin April 29, 1886 false pretences (2 12 months’ labour ... Scotland ... clerk 1862 4 cl fresh light brown blue iarge large long A small scar on back of wrist, and wart charges) on back of head. Dunedin ... William Thomas Dunedin Dec. IS, 1886 insufficient lawful 3 months’ labour Wales labourer ... 1850 5 9 fresh light brown blue large, medium small Five previous convictions. An upper means of support 7 days’ labour hooked front tooth out. Dunedin ... Ann Smith, alias Annie Dunedin Mar. to, 1887 breach of the peace England ... prostitute 1836 4 10 fresh brown hazel sharp, medium medium Nineteen previous convictions. habitual drunkenness 1 month’s labour pointed Annie Maria Horley ... Dunedin Feh. 19, 1887 Ireland .. married .. 1848 5 .3 fresh black grey medium medium Thirty-two previous convictions. Dunedin ... Pepo Bornechie Dunedin Mar. IS, 1887 larceny 4 days labour Malta ... cook 1847 ,s 3 dark black brown large large medium 18 tattooed on right arm; mole on left acquitted at Supreme England ... domestic cheek ; bald on top of head. Dunedin ... Agnes Sergeson Oamaru Mar. 15, 1887 murder 1862 s 3 fresh light brown brown medium large medium Broad face, irregular teeth. Court servant Invercargill Annie Tait I nvercargill Feb. 28,1887 having no visible 14 days’ labour Tasmania prostitute 1848 s 3 sallow dark brown blue medium large medium Four previous convictions. means of support x month’s labour Invercargill John Dhu Invercargill Feb. 8, 1886 larceny as a bailee ... ) Tasmania sailor 1862 5 4 swarthy dark brown blue medium medium medium Two ships, cross, anchor, heart, AN, AN, robbery with violence 12 months labour ... f and emblems of faith, hope, and charity tattooed on right forearm; SR, thistle, EFBM, heart, CDBD, star, Maltese cross, anchor, and bracelet on left arm; anchor on each hand; ring on having no visible 2 months’ labour Norway ... third finger left hand; right little finger ber.t at first joint. Wanganui Louis Coleman Palmerston Jan. II, 1887 painter ... 1851 5 81 pale brown blue medium medium medium One previous conviction. Pockpitted ; North means of support 14 days'labour N. Zealand marks of cupping on left side. Wanganui Teira te Ka Wanganui ... Feb. 12, 1887 ill-treating a horse ... labourer ... 1852 5 5 copper black brown large, flat medium medium TAR1 KO tattooed on right arm, and having no visible t month’s labour Ireland ... HIRNGA-A on left arm; ears pierced ; burn-marks on left arm. Wanganui Michael Foley, alias Marton Feb. l6, 18S7 labourer ... 1837 5 III fair sandy blue medium medium medium Repeatedly convicted. means of support 1 month’s labour England... Wanganui Frederick H. Adams... Wanganui ... Feb. 19, 1887 injury to property ... waiter 1847 5 5 fresh dark brown hazel medium medium bearded Left leg has been broken.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Olrence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Wanganui Thomas Eastburg Wanganui ... Mar. 16, 1887 assault 12 months’ imprisonEngland ... joiner 1852 ft. in. 5 8 sallow brown grey medium medium medium Three previous convictions. Two light Hokitika ... Susan Low Greymouth... Jan. 13, 1887 having no visible ment in default of sureties 2 months’ labour ... Ireland ... matron ... 1834 S 5 sallow dark brown, blue medium large medium spots of hair on back of head. Admitted to bail. Three previous convictions. Auckland... Patrick Sheedy Auckland ... Feb. 8, 1887 means of support habitual drunkenness 1 month’s labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1837 S 2l sallow turning grey dark brown brown broad medium medium Three previous convictions. Scar on nose Auckland ... Emma Crowther Auckland ... Feb. q, 18S7 habitual drunkenness 1 month’s labour none 1863 4 9i dark black dk. grey medium medium medium Four previous convictions. Auckland... George Barton Auckland ... Feb. 25, 1887 illegally on premises 14 days’ labour West Indies seaman ... 1857 5 9 black curly, black, dark br. broad, flat large large A negro; large broad features, large lips; speaks good English; RB tattooed on left forearm, and flag, anchor, and cable on right forearm. Scar from scald and mole on left elbow ; Auckland ... William Smith Auckland ... Feb. 11, 1887 larceny 1 month’s labour bushman... 1845 5 5i fresh woolly dark brown grey medium medium medium Auckland ... Mary Ann Wilson Auckland ... Dec. 11, 1886 habitual drunkenness 3 months’ labour none 1856 5 2 fresh light brown grey medium medium medium scar on left shin. Six previous convictions. Auckland... James McAnally, alias Auckland ... Oct. 4, 1886 larceny as a bailee ... 6 months’ labour Ireland ... barman 5 7i fair dark brown grey medium medium medium Auckland... Mclnerney Harry Williams Auckland ... Oct. 4, 1886 larceny (2 charges)... 6 months’ labour on Ireland ... labourer ... 1855 5 7i sallow dark brown brown medium medium medium Seventeen previous convictions. Auckland ... Patrick Kavanagh Auckland ... Feb. 14, 1887 larceny each charge (concurrent) 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... labourer .. 1841 5 6 pale black light br. pointed large large Three previous convictions. Bald on Auckland... Charles Frederick Auckland ... Oct. 4,1886 larceny as a bailee ... 6 months’ labour England ... billiard1863 5 sallow black light br. drooped medium medium top of head. Auckland... Baker James P. Tierney Auckland ... Dec. 15, 1886 disobeying a mainte3 months’ labour Ireland ... marker cab-driver 1865 5 2j fresh dark brown blue small, medium medium Two previous convictions. Two toes of Auckland... Frederick Saunders ... Auckland ... Feb. 15, 1887 nance-order injury to property ... 1 month’s labour England ... seaman ... 1862 5 4i fresh dark brown It. hazel pointed thick set medium medium left foot connected at first joint. MC tattooed on left forearm and F in Auckland... William Gleeson Auckland ... Feb. 16. 1887 habitual drunkenness 1 month’s labour Australia... bushman ... 1858 fresh black grey medium medium medium wreath on right forearm. . Four previous convictions. Auckland... Patrick Martin Papakura ... Mar. 10, 1887 assault 7 days’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1844 5 9 fresh black, turnblue large large large Three previous convictions. Auckland... Harry Herbert Hamilton ... Dec. 17, 1886 stealing in a dwelling 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... seaman ... 1S59 5 4i swarthy dark brown blue prominent riiedium medium Figure representing goddess of liberty Auckland ... James Brown Auckland ... Feb. 17, 1887 travelling by steamer 1 month's labour Scotland ... fireman ... ■858 5 4 swarthy black, turngrey medium medium medium and serpent tattooed on right forearm; goddess of liberty and emblem of faith, hope, and charity on left forearm : scar from stab on chest and under right ear. Scar over left eve, on nose, and on back Auckland ... William Mattison Auckland ... Feb. 17, 1887 without paying his fare travelling by steamer 1 month’s labour ... America ... labourer ... 1856 5 3 fresh ing grey dark brown grey small, medium medium of both hands; sight of left eye defective. Top off right middle finger ; scar at tip Auckland... Edward Burns Auckland ... Feb. 17, 1887 without paying his fare travelling by steamer 1 month’s labour ... England ... fireman ... 1862 5 81 fresh light red .. dk.grey Roman broad large medium of third Anger right hand; burn-scar on calf of right leg. Bracelet tattooed on right wrist; scar Auckland... Charles Searle Auckland .. Feb. 17, 1887 without paying his fare travelling by steamer 1 month’s labour England ... seaman ... 1867 5 Si fresh dark brown dk.grey medium large medium across bridge of nose. Cross, IN MEMORY ES, and dots tatAuckland ... Harry Hines Auckland ... Mar. 5, 1887 without paying his fare larceny 14 days’ labour Scotland ... tailor 1862 5 2 fresh dark brown dark br. broad large medium tooed on left forearm; flag on left upper arm ; bracelet on left wrist; EMO and ship on back of left hand ; Union Jack on right forearm; EAK on right upper arm ; and other tattoomarks on breast. Very bad teeth ; scar under right eye. Auckland... Alexander Watson ... Auckland ... Dec. 20, 1886 drunk and disorderly 3 months’ labour ... America ... shoemaker 1847 5 9 fresh black brown medium medium medium Five previous convictions. Dot tattooed Auckland ... Kate Hinch Auckland ... Mar. 14,18S7 injury to property ... 7 days’ labour N. Zealand none ■839 4 4 sallow dark brown dark br. medium medium medium below left thumb; scar on left groin. Eighteen previous convictions. Auckland ... Edward Wilson Auckland ... Dec. 21, 1886 larceny 3 months’ labour N. Zealand none 1872 4 10 fresh dark brown dark br. small small small 1 wo previous convictions. Boil-scar on Auckland ... Henry Vickers Auckland ... Mar. 7,1887 larceny 14 days’ labour England ... gumdigger 1861 5 7 fresh light brown grey medium large medium left knee-cap ; scar on right wrist. Birth-mark on left groin; two scars on Auckland ... Richard Garnett, alias Auckland ,.. Feb. 21, 1887 non-payment of costs 1 month’s imprisonAustralia... sailmaker 1843 5 8i sallow dark brown It. hazel long, medium medium right shin. Garnaut ment thin


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XI, Issue 7, 30 March 1887, Page 63

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XI, Issue 7, 30 March 1887, Page 63

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XI, Issue 7, 30 March 1887, Page 63