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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette , 1887, pages 258, 259, and 260.) Form to be used under “ The Industrial Schools Act, 1882," and Amendments thereof.


At the Government Buildings, at Wellington, this fifth day of February, 1887. Present: The Honourable the Premier presiding in Council. BY virtue of the powers and authorities vested in him by “ The Industrial Schools Act, 1882,” His Excellency

the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth prescribe that the form of warrant set forth in the Schedule hereto shall be used in proceedings under the said Act and any amendment thereof, instead of the form prescribed by Order in Council dated the twenty-second day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six.


Warrant of Commitment for Want of Distress.—“ The Industrial Schools Act, 1882,” and “ The Industrial Schools Act 1882 Amendment Act, 1885.” To , Constable, and to the Gaoler of the Prison at

Whereas [ name of inmate ] , of , was, by an order made on the day of , 188 , by Esquire, a Resident Magistrate for the District of , directed to be sent to the Industrial School at , to be there detained as an inmate in terms of the said order: And whereas, on the day of , 188 ,an order was made by , Esquire, a Resident Magistrate for the said District of , directing that , the parent of the said inmate, should pay to the sum of per week for the maintenance and education of the said inmate : And whereas it hath been made to appear to me, the undersigned, a Resident Magistrate for the said District of , that, on the day of , 188 , there was due and owing by the said , under and in pursuance of the last-mentioned order, the sum of pounds shillings and pence: And whereas the said hath not paid the said sum or any part thereof, but therein hath made default: And whereas it appears to me, by the return of Constable to a warrant of distress to him duly issued, that the said hath made diligent search for the goods and chattels of the said , but that no sufficient distress whereon to levy the sum above mentioned could be found :

This is to command you, the said , to take the said , and him safely convey to the prison at aforesaid, and there deliver him to the said Gaoler, together with this precept; and Ido hereby command you, the said Gaoler of the said prison, to receive the said into your custody in the said prison, there to imprison him [and keep him to hard labour] for the space of , unless the said sum, and all the costs and charges of the said distress [and of the commitment and conveying of the said to the said prison], amounting to the further sum of , shall be sooner paid unto you, the said Gaoler. Given under my hand, at , this day of 188 Resident Magistrate. FORSTER GORING, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Fixing Shooting Season for Deer, License Fee, <&c., Nelson District.


IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and “ The Animals Protection Act Amendment Act, 1881,” I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that deer (bucks or stags only) may be taken or killed within the Nelson District, consisting of the Counties of Waimea, Buller, and Collingwood, from the nineteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, to the nineteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, both inclusive (subject nevertheless to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned). And Ido further notify that licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each, and that licenses to sell such game shall be issued on payment of the sum of five pounds each; and the Chief Postmaster at Nelson is hereby appointed to issue the said licenses. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this ninth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven. P. A. BUCKLEY.

By Authority: Geobge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.-1887.

Is'ume. Offence. Where and when tried. Sentence. By whom arrested. George Robert Howell 1886. Cattle-stealing ... Supreme Court, Invercargill, 7 Dec. Acquitted 2 years’ labour iergt. Charles Rutledge. Jidward Jackson Perjury ... Appeared on summons. Frederick Hassel Dale Embezzling a post moneylefer Stealing a post-letter containing a gold looket Unlawfully opening a post-1-tter ) „ ,. ,, 2 years’ labour on each charge (concurrent) Detec. James W. Ede. ,, Unlawfully detaining a Thomas Shelton post-letter Forgery and uttering (2 9 months’ labour on each Sampson Gregg charges) charge (concurrent) Cattle-stealing ... 8 Dec. Acquitted William Lloyd JohnBenjamin Boivin Norman GustayusHall Breaking into and stealing from a shop Arson 9 Dec. 3 years’ penal servitude ... 5 years’ penal servitude (concurrent) 18 months’ labour Sergt. Charles Rutledge, » Forgery... „ Napier, 7 Dec. Const. Denis Brosnahan. Daniel ltae ... ,, Discharged on entering into recognizance to come up for sentence when called George Brond Attempted rape on a girl 2 years’ labour ,, Arthur Pickering. Frederick Hird, alias under 12 years of age Stealing a postal letter ... Acquitted Deteo. Martin Grace. Elms Robert Mitchell Frederick Hill Forgery (2 charges) Stealing postal letters (7 ” 8 Dec. 18 months’ labour on each charge (concurrent) 2 years’ probation. His .. charges; father and himself bound Henare Kahukino ... in recognizance of £100 that he appears lor sentence when called upon Horse-stealing (2 charges) » ’* 2 years’ labour on each charge (concurrent) 10 years’ penal servitude ... Const. Denis Brosnahan. John Norval Bell Rape on a girl under 12 ,, Sergt. Percy F. Oarlyon. >> years of age Indecent assault ... 3 years’ penal servitude (concurrent) ft Rape on a girl under 10 n Halle prosequi entered „ ,, Alfred Cropp years of age Breaking and entering Bound over to appear for Const. James Siddells. Henry Connell sentence when called upon Ditto Detee. Martin Graoe. Thomas Cunningham Stealing from a store 9 Dec. 9 months’ labour ... Sergt. James O’Malley and C list. Denis Brosnahan. John Wallace James Allen John McLean Thomas Francis RenArson 10 Dec. 5 years’ penal servitude ... Ditto. Const. Frank Schulz. Sergt. Percy F. Carlyon. Rawiri Karaha False prelenees (adjourned ,, Gisborne, 13 Dec. Acquitted Appeared on summons. Hetera Pauro from June sitting-) Forgery (5 charges; 9 months’ labour on each Const. John Farmer. Jacob Tomshack ft it .. charge (concurrent) 2 months’ labour (cumulative) 9 months’ labour „ Patrick Carmody. Escaping from custody ... Unlawfully wounding ,, ,, Buka Tereto Forgery ... Fined £20, or in default 3 ,, John Farmer. Hori Kapa Kapa Assault occasioning bodily Appeared on summons. harm months’ imprisonment Ambrose Wiekens .. Unlawfully wounding District Court, Hawera, 14 Dee. 9 months’labour ... Const. Patrick Carmody. Benjamin Ward, alias Larceny ... 3 mouths’ labour „ George G. Sparke. Bowman, alias 11 off ,, Michael Joyce. Alexander Gascoyne, Housebreaking and larceny Supreme Court, Timaru, 3 years’peual servitude alias Alfred Sulifant, alias William N orman „ W. Willoughby. Detec. Austin Kirby. Patrick O’Raw Larceny... Acquitted Patrick Nolan 0 months’ probation, and to refund £15, the amount stolen John Cromie 15 Dec. Acquitted ft ft Richard Dale Stealing from the person ... » » 18s7. 4 Jan. 2 years’ labour » » Samuel Bennett Breaking into and stealing ,, Wellington, 3 years’ penal servitude ... Const. P. L. Harnett. from a shop Detec. William Campbell. Allen Coekburn Uttering counterfeit coin... Bill ignored 2 years’ labour Charles Ruscoe, alias Breaking into and stealing ,, W. L. Chrystal. Williamson, alias Henry Watson from a shop George Raddon Ditto ,, „ 18 months’ labour >. William Harris Larceny... 5 Jan. 12 months’ labour Const. F. C. Smith. Henry Davis Cutting and wounding ,, James Bree. John Smith Larceny ... 2 years’ labour William Pilkington ... Manslaughter 6 Jan. 3 months’ imprisonment ... ,, Robert Darby. Henry Offer Embezzlement ... 7 Jan. Acquitted ,, H. H Carr. Detec. William Campbell. Clement George HardFalse pretences (5 charges) 12 months’ labour on each ing chaige (concurrent) Dllo Forgery and uttering Nolle prosequi entered Detec. W. Campbell and Frederick Austin, Breaking into and stealing 9 months’ labour uliaj< Frank La Masurier, alias Charles Matthews, alias Alfred Lucas from a store Const. G. L. \\ alker. Ditto. Charles Johnson, alias Ditto ,, Baker • Agnes Plimmer Neglecting to support an }i Acquitted Appeared on summons. infant with necessary food and clothing Const. J. T. Steele. William Williams ... Cutting and wounding 10 Jan. ,, ... ... Charles Cheymol Forgery and uttering 17 Jan. 4 years’ penal servitude Detec. William Campboll. Alfred Coleman lleckForgery and uttering (3 ,, Christchurch, 4 Jan. 4 years’ penal servitude on Chief Detec. Thomas Neil. ett, alias Frederick Brown, alias James Brown, alias S. Thompson charges) each charge (concurrent) Detec. M. O’Connor. William Hall Zoueh... Forgery and uttering >> » „ 2 years’ labour


Name. Offence. Where and when tried. Sentence. By whom arrested. 1817: William Hall Zoueh... Larceny as a bailee Sunreme Court, Christchurch, 4 Jan. Bill ignored Detec. M. O’Connor. George 12. Bentley ... Forgery and uttering (2 charges) » 12 months’ probation ” Patrick Connor, alias O’ Donnell, alias Maurice Kerr Forgery and uttering if ” 3 years’ penal servitude ... ” ” Ditto James Affleck it ” Acquitted. No evidence offered by Crown Acquitted ” ” James Henry Roberts Forgery and uttering (2 charges tt ” 4 years’ penal servitude on each charge (concurrent) Detec. Robert Neill. James Stewart Forgery and uttering (3 charges) it ” 2 years’ labour on each charge (concurrent) Michael Dobick Horse-stealing ... 12 months’ probation Const. William Bethel. Albert Payne Breaking into and stealing from a shop It ” 4 years’ penal servitude ... ” Ditto II it ” Acquitted. No evidence offered by Crown » Alice Payne Stealing from a shop it it ,, Acquitted it tt it tt ” Acquitted. No evidence offered by Crown ” Daniel Grace Attempted murder ,, Acquitted 3 years’ penal servitude on each charge (concurrent) ,, John Black. Joseph Rumble Breaking into and stealing from a dwelling (2 charges) Indecent assault... it tt it „ W. H. Haddrill. Richard Beale 10 Jan. Acquitted 2 years’ labour ,, T. H. K. Beddeck. Chief Detec. Thomas Neil. Ellesmere Goodwin... Perjury ... Stephen Hubbard ... ft 9 Pleaded guilty. Discharged on account of his youth, and having given evidence against Goodwin 2 years’labour tt It John Henry Sutherland William Stewart Lee Larceny... >* Dunedin, 4 Jan. „ A. Henderson. Larceny, forgery and uttering, and false pretences ” 12 months’ labour on each charge (concurrent) 2 years’ labour Detec. Robert Bain. Edward Kirk Larceny... Sergt. William Hanlon. Henry Percy Fisher... Escaping from legal custody " 4 years’ penal servitude, to commence at the expiration of the sentence he is at present undergoing 3 months’ labour on each charge (concurrent), and concurrent with previous sentence Larceny (2 charges) " James Walls Larceny 2 years’labour ,, Henry Green. Const. H. P. Rasmussen. Sarah Jones Breaking into and stealing from a dwelling » *> ” 3 months’ labour ... Frederick Jones Ditto Bill ignored 3 months’ labour ,, William Pool. Philip Mennard Broad Stealing in a dwelling Maurice Edward Barton John H. Hunter Larceny... >, » » 6 months’ labour ... „ B. McLaughlin. Unlawfully w'ounding 3 years’ penal servitude ... 6 months’ labour ... ,, Thomas King. Insp. Thomas Broham. Ching Choy... 5 Jan. Thomas Hall Murder ... " 24 *J Jill. Death. (Execution respited until the decision of the Court of Appeal upon points reserved) John Grant Forsyth... James Hinch Wililam O’Brien Forgery and uttering (4 charges) Breaking and entering ” Auckland, 10 Jan. 6 months’ labour on each charge (cumulative) 12 months’labour Detec. James J. Tuohy. ,, John M. Walker. George Waters Joseph McNamara ... Larcenv... ” •> ” 6 months’ labour ,, Edward L. Hughes, George Russell Stealing from a dwelling ... 12 months’ probation ,, Richard Doolan. John Livesey Forgery and uttering (4 charges) ” ” » 5 years’ penal servitude on each charge (concurrent' Act.-Detec. P. Herbert. Thomas Daniels Breaking and entering Unlawfully wounding 12 inoDths’ probation Acquitted 12 months’ labour Const. George Foreman. John Scarborough ... ,, Edward Maekay. Otto Faudre Emanuel Him John Howard Breaking and entering ” ” ” ,, Charles Hogg. ,, Patrick W hite. Sergt. William Emerson. William Henry Jones Forgery and uttering (3 charges) » *> 10 Jan. 12 months’ probation John Joseph Knash... Thomas Wheeler Leadbitter Malicious injury to property Ditto ,, " 12 lashes ... ... ... ,, Nicholas Kiely. Alfred Patterson Stealing a yacht... Bill ignored ,, Robert J. Gillies. Const. William J. Rist. William Wilson Forgery and uttering and false pretences *> ” 2 years’ labour on each charge (concurrent) George Camwell Edward Lavery William Fidler Richard Weston Robert Sergeant Stealing from the person ... Larceny...* » 11 Jan. Discharged under section 15 “ First Offenders’ Probation Act, 1886.” His father to enter into recognizance for his son’s good behaviour, and to pay costs of prosecution 3 months’ labour 12 months’ labour Acquitted 12 months’ labour „ Abraham Hobson. ,, Thomas Collis, ,, Michael Keany, Sergt. Nicholas Kiely. Detec. John M. Walker. Joseph Hood William Anderson ... Harry Brady Thomas Kelly Breaking and entering Larceny as a bailee Personation ” ” 12 Jan. 3 years’ penal servitude ... Acquitted 3 months’ labour Const. William Goughian. ,, John Forbes. Sergt. Robert J. Gillies. Aiding and abetting a person to commit a misdemeanour ” ” ” Acquitted )) » Matilda Jones Unlawfully wounding 3 months’ labour Const. George Foreman. Henry Sayers Peter Johnsen Joseph Wallace Arson Stealing from a store ” ” ”> Acquitted 12 months’ labour 3 months’ labour tt it Detec. John M. Walker. William Knight Richard Burke Attempted rape ... “ ” 13 Jan. Acquitted 12 months’ labour Const. John Haddock. James Saunders Gibbons John Caffrey Arson Murder ... 17 Jan. 22 Jan. Acquitted Death Appeared on summons. Const. Samuel John May, New South Wales Police. Henry Albert Penn ... » ” ” » a ••• ••• ••• Senior-Const. McLelland, New Sout h Wales Police. Louisa Eyles _ Abandoning her child under 1 year old District Court, Nelson, 7 Feb. Acquitted Sergt. John Nash.


Name of Person. Name of House. Description of License. Locality. Why cancelled or refused. By whom. John Morley Murray Robert Kidd Murray Creek Hotel Panama Hotel Accommodation license Accommodation license Murray Creek Hawera Lake Failing to maintain accommodation, and deserting licensed premises Licensee sentenced to two months’ imprisonment for felony, at the Supreme Court, Dunedin, on the 8th October, 1886. Forfeiture of license to take effect from the 18th January, 1887 F. Bird, Esq., R.M., Westport. Hawea Licensing Bench.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous ( onvictions. Invercargill John Pomeroy Invercargill Aug. 25,1886 stealing from a store 6 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1873 ft. in. 4 10I swarthy dark brown grey large large medium medium Two blue dots tattooed on left wrist; mark of cut on left forefinger and palm of hand. Invercargill Thomas Morecombe... 1 nvercargill iAug. 25, 1886 stealing from a store 6 months’ labour N. Zealand labourer .. 1S70 4 11 fresh dark brown hazel medium medium Hokitika ... lohn Sweeney Westport ... Dec. 3, 1886 4, 1886 assault 2 months’ labour Ireland ... shoemaker 1833 5 33 pale brown grey pug medium medium Several previous convictions. Hokitika ... Levina Fogden Greymouth... Nov. vagrancy 3 months’ labour ... England ... prostitute 1841 4 ioi pale dark brown, turning grey blue blue short medium small medium medium bearded One previous conviction. Small face. Oamaru ... John Lindsay Oamaru Jan. 19, 1887 vagrancy 7 days’labour Scotland... mechanical 1828 5 icl fresh grey .... Oamaru ... James Power Oamaru Dec. 30, 1886 assault t4 days’ labour •) # medium medium medium Three previous convictions. Top off left disturbing a congre14 days’ labour >Ireland ... labourer ... 1870 5 0 dark brown grey gation (cumulative! J medium thumb and third finger of same hand. Oamaru ... lames Allen Oamaru Jan. 21, 1887 vagrancy 14 days’ labour 14 days’ labour Scotland... cook 1820 5 10 sallow grey grey medium bearded Two previous convictions. Shortland Michael Carroll ... Thames ... Jan. 20, 1887 obscene language ... Ireland ... labourer .. 184S 5 6J sallow 1 brown grey medium medium medium


Lyttelton ... Henry Birmingham, alias Charles Morris Christchurch Sept. 2, I886 larceny 6 months’ labour ... Dublin cutler 1829 S 7i fresh grey grey drooped large broad Repeatedly convicted. Lyttelton ,1. ..... . I . William S. McGeachie Christchurch Oct. IS. 1886 embezzlement 4 months’ labour ... Dundee ... clerk 1858 5 83 fresh brown ... blue thin medium medium Anchor tattooed on left arm, and spots on left hand. Lyttelton ... Andrew Campbell Christchurch Jan. 26, 1887 disobeying a maintenance order obscene language ... 14 days’ labour Ayrshire ... farmer 1850 5 6 fresh dark blue large medium medium One previous conviction. Lvttelton ... Samuel Dobbinson ... Christchurch Jan. 29, 1887 14 days’labour 3 months’ labour ... London ... labourer ... 1840 - 10 fresh brown brown large medium medium Previously convicted. Lyttelton ... John Gitlison Dunedin Nov. 12, 1886 having no lawful means of support Liverpool labourer ... 1848 5 6 fresh dark brown blue medium medium medium Repeatedly convicted. Dot tattooed on left arm and on right hand. Lyttelton ... James Anderson Christchurch April S, 1886 horse-stealing 12 months’ labour ... 18 months’ labour ... London ... groom labourer ... 1869 s li florid dark brown brown large medium medium P I tattooed on left arm. Lyttelton ... Henry Palmer Timaru Dec. 8, 188s unlawfully wounding London ... 1865 6 oi pale dark brown grey large medium medium Dot tattooed on right wrist. Lyttelton ... Albert Hoskins Timaru Dec. 8, 1885 larceny 18 months’ labour ... London ... saddler ... 183s S 8 fair brown grey medium medium medium Previously convicted. Scar on nose and on right breast; cast in right eye. Lyttelton ... Ah, Chew, alias Wong Meng, alias Ho Joe, alias Ah Foo, alias Dunedin Jan. 7, 1884 breaking into and stealing in a shop 4 years’ penal servitude China carpenter 1840 5 6 sallow black hazel broad large medium Previously convicted. Right arm has been broken; high cheek-bones. Lyttelton ... Ah lay George Leach Christchurch Nov. 18, 1886 larceny 3 months’ labour ... Berkshire boilermaker hawker ... 1847 & '3 fresh dark brown light br. medium medium medium Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Lupi Wikey Charles Anderson Christchurch Feb. 3. 1887 14 days' labour China 1837 5 8 A sallow black dark br. flat medium small Scar on left temple. Rangiora ... Feb. S. 18S7 false pretences 14 days’ labour Sweden ... seaman ... 1868 5 2j fresh dark brown grey medium medium medium Anchor tattooed on left hand. Lyttelton ... Francis Sanderson ... Christchurch Feb. 3. 1887 wife-desertion 6 months’ labour in default of bail Tasmania cook 1851 5 4i sallow dark blue large medium medium Admitted to bail. Nelson Elizabeth Adams Nelson Feb. 7,1887 assault fined £2 10s. and costs, or 7 days’ labour Ireland ... boardinghouse keeper 1859 s 5 fair fair blue straight small pointed Fine and costs paid. Nelson John Stewart Nelson Feb. 2, 1887 assault 3 months’ imprisonment in default of sureties Scotland ... shoemaker 1S4S 5 7 3 fair auburn blue straight medium large Large wen behind right ear; small wen in front of left ear; boil-scar under right knee; two boil-scars on outside of left thigh. Admitted to bail. Nelson Frederick Cundy Richmond ... Feb. 9, 1887 supplying liquor to a prohibited person fined £1 and costs, or 7 days’ imprisonment 1 month’s imprisonment in default of sureties, and 7days’ labour in default of paying £5 is., fine and costs England ... carpenter 1839 5 7l fair brown ... blue thin small medium Fine and costs paid. Nelson Joseph Bungate Nelson Feb. 4, 1887 insulting language [ 2 charges) England ... labourer ... 1815 5 5l fresh grey blue '‘SSk.d wide medium Stout build; three fingers of right hand crooked. Admitted to bail. Addington Sarah Hazelhurst Christchurch Jan. 29, 1887 obscene language ... 14 days’ labour 1.. Staffordshire Stirlingshire prostitute 185s S ij fresh brown blue medium medium heavy Eight previous convictions. Addington Margaret Reid Godfrey Christchurch Feb. 11, 1887 larceny 7 days’ labour housekeeper 1843 4 ioi dark black brown medium medium small Addington Alice Carlyle, alias Edwards Christchurch Oct. 30. 1885 larceny (3 charges)... 18 months’ labour ,.. Christchurch servant ... 1864 S I fresh dark brown dk. blue medium medium medium Oneprevious conviction. Timaru ... John Morgan Timaru Jan. 19, 1887 larceny 1 month’s labour ... England ... fireman ... 1S68 S 9 fresh fair grey large large medium Ring tattooed on third finger of left hand; indistinct marks on left wrist. Timaru ... William Bryant Temuka Jan. 21, 1887 harbouring vagrants 1 month’s labour ... 14 days’ labour England ... blacksmith 1840 5 dark dark grey cocked medium medium Timaru ... John Leacey Timaru Feb. 4, 1887 obscene language ... America ... labourer ... 1842 5 0 fresh brown grey medium medium medium Five previous convictions. Napier Robert McNamara ... Napier Nov. 8, 1886 illegally on premises 3 months' labour ... N. Zealand butcher ... . ._ 1847 5 8 fresh sandy grey broken medium medium


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. L . Height.j Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Napier Thomas Hogan Napier ... Jan. 12, 1887 illegally on premises 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1845 5 in. 1 dark brown brown large medium medium Two previous convictions. Left hand Napier Michael McHugh Napier June 14, 1886 horse-stealing 10 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1869 5 9 dark dark brown brown medium medium medium off. One previous conviction. MH tattooed Napier Henry Donoghue Napier Dec. l6, l8S6 illegally on premises 2 months’ labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1850 s 7 fresh brown blue medium medium medium on left arm. One previous conviction. Man-of-wars-man, flag, ship, and star tattooed on Napier Daniel Deer, alia: Beere, alias Burke, alias Sullivan Napier Dec. 21,1886 begging and having no lawful means of support 2 months’ labour ... England ... labourer ... 1847 S 9 sallow dark brown brown medium medium medium left arm. One previous conviction. Ship tattooed on breast; coat-of-arms on right arm ; wreath and female head on left arm : N. Plymouth John Gough Hawera Nov. 13, i8se illegally on premises 3 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1846 s iii sallow brown hazel broken medium medium and other tattoo-marks on both hands. Previously convicted. First finger of N.Plymouth Tamati Opunake ... Feb. 4, 1887 larceny 14 days’ labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1847 5 8 copper black brown broad medium medium left hand contracted. Previously convicted. TAMATI tattooed on right arm; scrofula-marks on Ashburton James Patterson Ashburton ... Jan. 28, 1887 obscene language ... 14 days’ labour Kaikoura labourer ... 1857 5 10 large medium medium large rniln . right side of neck. Ashburton Ashburton Wellington Colin Mc T ..ean Thomas Blackburn ... Thomas Lawson Ashburton ... Ashburton .. Wellington Jan. Keb. Feb. 31, 1887 12, 1887 5, 1887 illegally on premises obscene language ... inciting a prisoner to resist police 14 days’ labour 7 days’labour 7 days’labour Ireland ... England ... Scotland... labourer ... labourer ... sailor 1847 1834 1855 s 5 5 4k S 8 fair dark fair brown brown light brown blue grey dk. blue large medium medium medium medium medium One previous conviction. Two previous convictions. Several previous convictions. Female dancing tattooed on right arm; scar Wellington William Fowler Wellington Jan. 10, 1887 wilful damage 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... cigar-maker 1865 media 1 on left side of upper lip. Wellington Frederick Stock Wellington Sept. 4, 1886 larceny ... 6 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1859 5 el fair light brown blue sharp, medium medium Several previous convictions. Blue spot Wellington William Symonds Masterton .. Jan. II, 1887 wilful damage 1 month’s imprisonment 7 days’ labour England ... fellmonger 1847 5 3k dark dark, curly brown aquiline medium medium medium tattooed on right wrist. Wellington Alfred Jones Wellington Feb. 4, 1887 assault England ... 1864 pug large large large medium large Wellington James Anderson Skoy Wellington Jan. 14, 1887 larceny (2 charges),.. 1 month’s labour on Denmark carpenter 1845 S 8i fair brown blue AIS, CIS, IAS, CAS, and part of current) 6 weeks’ labour wreath tattooed on right arm; scar on Wellington John Patrick Wellington Jan. 6, 1887 having no lawful Scotland ... baker 1840 5 7 dark dark blue large medium medium left arm and over left temple. Repeatedly convicted. Wellington Isabella Jane Elley ... Wellington Feb. 7,1887 committing a grossly 1 month’s labour ... England ... matron ... 1857 5 4 fresh dark brown grey long small small Unexpired portion of sentence remitted by His Excellency the Governor. Wellington Lillian Leonard Wellington Feb. 16, 1887 assault 3 months’ imprisonment in default of bail t month’s imprisonment in default of England ... prostitute 1865 5 S pale auburn grey small large medium Admitted to bail. Wellington Harriet Reeves Wellington Feb. 19, 1887 threatening language England ... 1827 S 2 dark black brown small medium medium Seven previous convictions. Wellington Daniel Driscoll Wellington July S. 1886 stealing from the perbail 9 months’ labour ... England ... fireman ... 1842 S 6 fresh light brown It. blue medium medium medium Scar on right wrist and left arm. Wellington John Collins Wellington Feb. 7. 1887 stowaway 14 days’ labour England ... clerk 1868 5 3l dark dark It. hazel large medium medium Cross, anchor, heart, and HL tattooed Wellington Thomas Jones Wellington Feb. 7, 1887 stowaway t4 days’ labour Australia... labourer ... 1866 5 S sallow brown on left arm. Wellington Charles Brown W ellington Feb. 7, 1887 stowaway 14 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 1868 5 4 dark dark brown large large medium Blue line tattooed on right arm; scar on Wellington Thomas Patterson ... Wellington Feb. 7, 1887 stowaway 14 days’ labour N. Zealand tailor 1869 5 Si right wrist. Ficton Joseph Dodson, alias Jackson, alias HodBlenheim ... Jan. 10, 1887 larceny 30 days’ labour Birmingham jockey 1870 5 a brown light dk. grey thick large long Three blue spots tattooed on left arm and one on right arm; scar on forePicton Denis Egan Blenheim ... Feb. I, 1887 illegally on premises 14 days’ labour Cork labourer ... 1837 5 8 dark dark blue large large medium head. Three previous convictions. Scar on left Auckland ... Richard Bell Auckland ... Feb. 8, 1886 doing an offensive act 12 months’ imprisonment in default of sureties 12 months’ imprisonment in default of sureties 12 months’ imprisonN.S. Wales blacksmith •856 5 3l fresh light brown brown small medium medium hand. Nine previous convictions. Auckland... James Gilies, alias Gilbert Auckland ... Feb. 8, 1886 doing an offensive act Ireland ... seaman ... 1864 5 4 sallow dark brown grey small, broad large medium JG tattooed on left forearm. Auckland... Prior Horne Auckland ... Feb. 8, 1886 doing an offensive act N. Zealand labourer ... 1868 5 Si fresh, dark brown brown small, large large Two previous convictions. Large scar at left elbow and one on right foot; ment in default of sureties 14 days’ labour freckled pug Auckland... Kate Hinch Auckland ... Jau. 29, 1887 habitual drunkenness N. Zealand 1S39 4 4 sallow dark brown lisps slightly. Seventeen previous convictions. Auckland... Mary Winkle, alias Hanagan Auckland ... Jan. 14. 1887 larceny i month s imprisonment Ireland ... 18G7 5 3! fair golden grey medium medium medium Auckland... \\ illiam Claude Adams Otahuhu ... Feb. I, 1887 assaulting a constable 14 days’ labour England ... farmlabourer seaman ... i860 5 71 fresh dark brown grey medium medium medium Right elbow dislocated. Auckland ... Richard Lane Auckland ... Feb. I, 1887 larceny ud;ns labour Ireland ... 1868 5 Si * Auckland ... George Wilson Auckland ... l'eb. 2, 1887 travelling by steamer 14 da.' s labour England ... labourer ... :Sso 5 81 fresh light brown blue broad medium medium without paying his fare

Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of 1 Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. I Chin. ; Remarks and Previous Convictions. Auckland ... John Lucas, Navvy Jack Eliza Md linn alias Te Awamutu Feb. i, 1887 larceny 14 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 1831 ft. in. 5 9 swarthy grey grey large large medium Two previous convictions. Scar at point of nose. Auckland ... Auckland ... Nov. 16,1886 habitual drunkenness 3 months’ labour ... 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... 1840 S sallow dark brown blue medium medium medium Twenty-seven previous convictions. Auckland ... Thomas Whelan Auckland ... Nov. 17, 1886 illegally on premises N. Zealand labourer ... 1870 S 6 fresh black grey prominent medium medium Anchor, I, and dots tattooed on right forearm ; mole on left groin; two scars above left ankle. Auckland ... Gordon Forbes, alias Helensville... Dec. 18, iSS5 assault and obscene 2 months’ labour on Australia... labourer ... 1865 5 9i sallow light brown hazel medium medium medium Five previous convictions. George Giles language each charge (concurrent) 2 month’s labour ... Arthur Kirk Helensville... Dec. 18,1886 obscene language ... Australia... bushman ... 1864 5 7i| fresh dark brown blue medium medium medium Two previous convictions. Auckland... Charles Taylor Auckland ... July s, 1SS6 breaking and entering g months’ labour England ... gumdigger 1849 S 84 fresh dark brown grey thin, full medium Scar on left shin; right middle finger dk. blue prominent crippled. Auckland... William Henry GranAuckland ... July 5, 1S86 breaking and entering 9 months’ labour ... England ... veterinary 1857 5 Si fresh black Roman medium medium Three scars on left forearm; mole on non surgeon large upper right arm. Auckland... John Dore Auckland ... Feb. 16, 1887 disobeying a mainte3 months’ labour in N. Zealand labourer ... 1854 S ni fresh dark brown It. grey medium medium Scar under right eye; mole on upper nance order default of sureties light br. medium right arm. Auckland... Robert Featherstone... Onehunga ... Feb. 14, 1887 assault 14 days’ iabour England ... labourer ... 1848 5 8i dark grey long, crooked, inclined medium One previous conviction. Slightly bald. to right Westport... Mary Hunter Charleston ... Tan. 18, 18S7 vagrancy, &c. 21 days’ labour Scotland ... housekeeper 1837 S 2 dark dark grey large large small Four previous convictions. Burn-mark I nvercargill Annie Tait Invercargill jan. 14, 1887 keeping a disorderly 1 month’s labour in Tasmania prostitute 1S48 S 3 sallow dark brown blue medium large medium house default of paying on right side of neck ; mark of cut on £5 and costs medium medium right wrist; cast in left eye. Invercargill Thomas McEwan Gore Dec. zr, 1886 disobeying an order 2 months’ labour ... Ireland ... ploughman 1852 5 8 swarthy dark brown grey medium Large scar on back of head; mark of of Court cut on left thumb and forefinger. Reefton ... Charles Lawry Reefton Feb. 2, 18S7 assaulting a constable 7 days’ labour in deScotland ... miner 1833 5,0 fair grey brown medium medium medium fault of paying £t fine and costs blue Dunedin ... Thomas Blair Dunedin Dec. 16, 1886 disobedience of orders 8 weeks’labour Scotland ... seaman ... 1864 s a fresh dark brown medium medium medium Dot tattooed on back of both hands; on board ship brown medium very hairy about breast. Dunedin ... Ah Sui Dunedin Jan. 10, 1887 being in possession of a flounder under 9 inches habitual drunken ness i month’s labour ... China hawker ... 1848 5 4 dark black medium medium Burn-scar on left cheek. Annie Whitely Dunedin Nov. 12, 1886 3 months' labour ... Scotland ... married .. 1855 5 3 fresh brown grey medium medium medium Twenty-two previous convictions. Annie Currie Dunedin Jan. 12, 1887 larceny 1 month’s labour Scotland ... married ... 1874 s 1 fresh dark brown grey medium medium medium Five previous convictions. Dunedin ... Henry Pearson, alias Dunedin Nov. is, 1886 obscene language ... 3 months’ labour ... England ... coach1838 5 94 fresh fair grey broken medium medium Three previous convictions. Flat feet; Henry William Pearbuilder slightly bald. Dunedin ... Ellen Ross Dunedin Nov. 15, 1886 insufficient lawful 3 months’ labour England ... prostitute 1863 5 4 fresh dark brown brown medium medium medium Two previous convictions. Oct. 15,1886 means of support Eliza Harding Dunedin habitual drunkenness 2 months’ labour ... J insufficient lawful 2 months’ labour ... S-Ireland ... prostitute 1844 s 2 fresh grey grey medium medium medium Forty-nine previous convictions. Nov. is, 1886 means of support (cumulative) J Dunedin ... Ellen Wakefield, alias Dunedin ... obscene language ... 3 months’ labour ... ) brown McPhee habitual drunkenness 14 days’ labour [•Ireland ... prostitute 1857 S 3 fair light brown medium medium medium Two previous convictions. Teeth out in (concurrent) ) upper jaw. John Atkinson Dunedin ... Nov. 17,1886 larceny 3 months’ labour ... [ New dark brown hazel sharp medium-! One previous conviction. Segment of insufficient lawful 3 months’ labour ... groom 1866 5 3J fresh medium circle, anchor, and dot tattooed on means of support (concurrent! J Zealand hazel 1 inside of left forearm. Dunedin ... Ellen Wilson, alias Dunedin Jan. 17, 18S7 riotous and indecent 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... prostitute 1843 S I sallow dark brown medium medium medium Forty-five previous convictions. Scar at Dufty behaviour 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... ha/el corner of left eyebrow. Dunedin .. Ellen Delany, alias Dunedin Jan. 17,1887 obscene language ... 1846 S 2 sallow black medium medium medium Eleven previous convictions. Teeth out Helen Delaney Scotland... in front. Dunedin ... Rose Jackman Dunedin ... Jan. 18,1887 riotous and indecent 1 month’s labour ... prostitute 1834 S 3 pale dark brown, grey medium medium medium Twenty-nine previous convictions. behaviour England... 5 7l turning grey brown * Dunedin ... George Courtier Dunedin July 5, 1886 burglary ... 9 months’ labour ... 3 months’ labour ... labourer ... 1851 dark black medium medium medium Two scars on right forefinger and one on right thumb; large irregular teeth. Dunedin ... George Humphrey ... Dunedin Nov. 19, 1886 insufficient lawful 1 means of support found in a house fre3 month’s labour ... [■ Victoria... labourer ... 1857 S 94 fresh light brown grey medium medium medium One previous conviction. Anchor and quented by thieves, (concurrent) J [ heart tattooed on left arm. Dunedin ... John Howard Oamaru Feb. 4, 1887 , damaging property 7 days’ labour. England ... labourer ... i860 S 7 1 fresh brown hazel medium medium medium Three previous convictions. Scar on right cheek; large purple birth-mark on left ribs ; ruptured; impediment in speech. Clyde John Robert McGill ... Cromwell ... Jan. 22, 1887 disobeying a mainte30 days’ labour N. Zealand - labourer ... 1847 5 n4 dark l dark brown blue medium medium medium 1 nance order Mary Daniels Hokitika ... 1 Nov. 18, 1886 obscene language ... 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... matron ... 1840 S 7! fresh grey hazel long medium pointed Several previous convictions. Henry Garland Hokitika .. Sept. 14, 1886 1 larceny 6 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1870 S 7 fair light hazel prominent medium broad One upper front tooth broken. Shortland Emily Richards Thames Jan. 25, 1887 obscene language (2 14 days’ imprisonmen England ... matron ... 1836 5 S sallow dark grey medium small medium ! i charges)



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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XI, Issue 5, 2 March 1887, Page 43

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XI, Issue 5, 2 March 1887, Page 43

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XI, Issue 5, 2 March 1887, Page 43