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Naval Deserters.

The authorities of the Admiralty have notified that the number of desertions from Her Majesty’s ships on the Australian Station has of late been so great as to demand more than ordinary exertions to check the evil. The police are now directed to give special attention to this subject, using the utmost vigilance in tracing men who have already deserted, and exerting themselves in every possible way to prevent intending deserters from escaping from any of Her Majesty’s ships that may hereafter visit New Zealand ports. Persons suspected of harbouring deserters must be carefully watched, and, if detected, rigorously prosecuted. The cost of escorting any apprehended deserter to the nearest New Zealand port will in future be defrayed out of colonial funds. In addition to the reward of £5 offered by the Colonial Government (see Neiu Zealand Gazette No. G, dated tho 29th January, 1870), a reward of £3 is offered by the Imperial Government for the arrest of each deserter. The following copy of a letter from the Admiralty to the Colonial Office on the above subject, and a descriptive return of the deserters, are published for general information: — The Admiralty to the Colonial Office. 18th July, 1883. Sir, —My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty having had under their consideration a report from the Commodore in Australia with reference to the very serious increase in the number of desertions of seamen and marines from Her Majesty’s ships on that station, I am commanded by their Lordships to request you will point out to the Secretary of State for the Colonies that, unless there should shortly be some considerable diminution of this evil, it will be difficult for them, with a due regard to the public interests, to continue to place a ship of the class of the “ Nelson ” on the station. 2. In the year 1882 there were no less than IGI desertions from H.M.S. “Nelson,” of whom 71 deserted at Sydney, 1 at Hobart, G at Wellington, 21 at Auckland, 35 at Melbourne, and 27 at Adelaide. Only 15 of the above were arrested, of whom 4 again deserted. In H.M.S. “ Diamond,” between March, 1882, and April, 1883, there were 52 desertions, of whom 32 deserted at Sydney, 2 at Albany, 4 at Port Lyttelton, 1 at Wellington, and 13 at Auckland. Nine were arrested, of whom 3 again deserted. In H.M.S. “ Espitiglc,” between April, 1882, and April, 1883, there were 25 desertions, of whom 22 deserted at Sydney, and 3at Adelaide. One only was arrested. The increase in the number of desertions is, in the opinion of the Commodore and of the commanding officers of several of the ships of the Australian Squadron, attributable, among other causes, to the facilities offered to deserters for escaping capture, on account of the insufficient number of police and the disinclination of the colonists to aid in the capture of deserters. To remedy this as far as possible, My Lords propose to increase the naval police in the squadron, a portion of whom will bo specially detailed for looking after deserters, and to offer large rewards for the apprehension of deserters. I am to request you will move Lord Derby to represent the state of tho case to the various Australian and New Zealand Governments, pointing out to them the great importance of repressing desertion, and requesting them to take all such measures as they properly can to co-operate with the Commodore in checking the evil and apprehending deserters. And in this view My Lords would suggest that tho police in the several colonies, and especially the water police at Sydney, might be increased; that some of these police might be specially told off to act in conjunction with the additional naval police ; that more stringent laws for the punishment of those who entice men to desert, and who harbour deserters, might be enacted; and that the Colonial Governments, as well as the naval authorities, offer rewards for the capture of deserters. I have, &c., G. Tryon.

By Authority: Gkobge Pidsbury, Government Printer, Wellineton. —JBB3,

Official Number in Admiralty Register. Christian Name and Surname in full. Rating. Date of Birth. Parish, Town, and County where born. Personal Description. Date of Description. Remarks, viz., Date of Desertion from Ship, and Place. 1681. Height. Ft. jn. Colour of Wounds, Scars, and Marks on Person. Hair. Eyes. Complexion. H.M.S. “Inconstant.” 87,324 W. R. Cooke .. Blacksmiths’ crew 19/2/58 Loughgall, Armagh 5 5 Light brown Grey Ruddy None On desertion 5 June, Melboitrne 84,789 W. Wood Ord. .. 9/7/58 Harrow 5 5 Brown Grey Fresh // 6 „ 93 j 485 R. Wood „ . • • • 7/5/60 Oldham 5 7 Auburn Blue Fresh Scar on left cheek 26 May, 99,044 J. Franks „ . . . . 31/12/60 Cameley, Somerset 5 8 Brown Blue Fresh None 26 „ 95,645 J. Lang „ 25/2/60 Longford 5 9 Brown Hazel Fresh // „ 28 „ 95,225 G. R. Cooper „ 1/5/60 St. Redmunds, N’tliampt’n 5 8 Brown Grey Fair „ „ 6 June, „ 95,298 J. McDonough .. „ * . • • 2/5/60 Aldershot 5 8 Dark brown Blue Fresh „ . • 26 May, „ 95,530 J. Baker „ • • . • 19/11/60 Canterbury 5 7 Light Blue Fresh Scar on front of throat 3 June, „ 61,364 W. D. Baughon.. A.B. .. 24/9/54 Adderbury, Oxford 5 8 Light Blue Fair None „ 7 „ 83,117 T. Stepens // 10/6/58 Washfield, Devon 5 6 Brown Hazel Fair „ • . . . , . 2 101,222 T. Jessup Ord., 2nd class .. 1/5/61 London 5 6 Brown Brown Pale „ 5 „ J. Strarer Gunner, R.M.A. 16/1/58 St. Peters, Jersey 5 n Dark brown Grey Fair Scar between shoulders 17 „ T. Wood Private, R.M. .. 10/6/54 Liverpool 5 Brown Grey Fresh None 5 „ „ S. Davies „ 11/9/60 Merthyr, Wales.. 5 8* Light Grey Fresh ,/ f 5 /, „ 56,477 F. Beck Cox., cutter 28/7/55 Bristol 5 9 Brown Grey Fair „ 2 „ 55,654 W. J. Adams A.B. .. 1/5/57 Piddletrenthidc, Dorset .. 5 74 Brown Grey Fresh „ 4 „ 88,017 P. G. H. Williams Sailmakers’ crew 17/4/59 Devonport 5 4 Dark brown Hazel Fair // • • • • , . 17 „ 104,151 J. Child Ord., 2nd class .. 25/9/61 Liverpool 5 9 Brown Grey Fresh Scar over right eyebrow 28 May, 96,404 J. Corrigan Ord. .. 22/7/59 Horseleap, West Meath .. 5 5 Dark brown Blue Fair Burn on right cheek .. 6 June, „ 98,509 G. Birch // • • . • 14/8/60 Konnington 5 5 Dark Dark Fresh None „ 3 „ 106,308 T. G. Drew „ • . * . 6/4/62 London 5 5* Brown Brown Fair „ 28 May, „ 84,652 W. H. Kelly .. // • • ♦ • 21/3/57 Plymouth 5 6 Brown Blue Fair „ 8 June, „ 86,990 J. Morrison Stoker.. 1/1/52 Port Glasgow .. 5 6 Light brown Blue Fair // 17 „ 98,655 J. J. Godfrey Ord 21/10/61 Bethnal Green .. 5 7 Brown Blue Pale Scar on left thigh 20 July, Sydney. 87,880 C. H. Peach A.B. .. 14/3/59 Hull .. 5 5 Brown Hazel Fresh None 2 „ Melbourne 103,634 J. Hart Ord., 2nd class .. 9/9/61 Chelsea 5 4* Very dark.. Dark brown Fresh Spots tattooed on left arm 3 „ 86,289 G. W. Williams.. A.B. .. 28/12/58 Portsmouth 5 8 Light brown Hazel Fresh None " 17 „ Sydney. 82,106 A. Fawcett Ropemaker 28/7/57 Islington 5 8 Brown Brown Fair 19 „ 55,588 F. Mutter A.B. .. 17/10/55 London 5 64 Brown Brown Fair 4 „ Melbourne 53,745 A. Rogers „ 20/6/55 Loughborough .. 5 9 Brown Hazel Fair Cut on right wrist 15 „ Sydney. 92,757 W. Collins Ord 20/5/60 St. Pancras 5 8 Light Grey Fair None 17 „ 97,785 G. IP. Hurley .. „ • • • • 19/2/61 St. Anns, Soho .. 5 4 Light brown. Grey Fresh // « « . . . . u 21 „ 92,831 W. Glascoe A.B. .. 5/8/59 Southwark 5 5 Light brown Blue Pale Scar on elbow of right arm 4 „ Melbourne 92,842 H. A. Sewell Ord 27/3/60 Greenwich 5 Dark Grey Pale None „ 20 „ Sydney. 94,662 R. Forsyth „ . • , . 2/5/60 Barony, Lanark 5 5 Brown Grey Pockmarked ,/ . . « . „ 4 „ Melbourne 96,498 F. Lee .. „ 2nd class .. 5/8/60 Chelsea 5 9 Red Grey Fresh // • . „ 16 „ Sydney. 56,426 F. Coles A.B. .. 12/11/57 Somerset 5 6 Brown Hazel Fair ,/ • • • • „ 2 „ Melbourne 80,721 J. S. Woodward.. Ord. 14/9/57 Deptford 5 4 Black Hazel Fresh // . . . . „ 16 „ Sydney. J. Kirk Private, R.M. .. 26/1/61 Dumfries 5 6§ Auburn Blue Fresh ,t « • • • • • „ 3 June, Melbourne 107,072 C. Stellen Ord. 30/5/62 Bredhurst, Kent 5 7 Brown Brown Fair Scar on left thigh „ 3 July, „ 59,652 S. Duncun Quartermaster .. 13/4/52 Dawlish, Devon.. 5 8 Brown Blue Fair None „ 3 „ 48,180 J. Tormey Captain’s steward 52 Dangan, Meath.. 5 8 Brown Grey Fair „ 9 Aug., Sydney. 108,981 W. Baggs Armourers’ crew 31/8/54 Portsmouth 5 9 Black Grey Dark „ „ 3 „ 101,205 H. W. Ware .. Bandsman 18/5/63 Camberwell 5 2 Brown Hazel Dark Two flags tattooed on left wrist.. „ 18 „ Brisbane. 107,726 E. H. Chappell.. Boy, 1st class .. 5/1/64 Islington 5 1* Light brown Dark brown Dark Tattooed on arms „ 18 „ 107,727 J. Nunn „ 27/8/63 Wrangel, Lincoln 5 %% Dark brown Dark brown Dark O.T.N. tattooed on left forearm » 21 July, Sydney.

107,733 H. Lyons 26/1/64 12/1/64 Brompton, Middlesex 5 Light brown Blue Dark Burn on right side 3 „ Melbourne 108,413 F. Easterbrook .. St. Thomas, Exeter 5 4 Black Brown Dark “ I love E. Martin ” on left forearm „ 21 „ Sydney. 108,418 T. Arnold 25/2/64 Camberwell 5 3 Light brown Light brown Fair * * None „ 18 Aug., Brisbane. 108,439 G. T. Jones 15/1/64 St. Lukes, Middlesex 5 3 Dark brown Light bro\.n Dark „ . . „ 18 „ Melbourne J. Grimshaw Gunner, R.M.A. 19/6/52 Manchester 5 9 Brown Grey Fresh Cicatrix on lower part of throat 3 July, , , J. Anglim 29/5/58 Cashel, Clonmel 5 8§ Dark brown Grey Pale None 3 „ Sydney. . , F. Rowland Private, R.M. .. 28/8/55 Ponghill, Stratton,Cornwall 5 9 Brown Grey Fresh „ n 19 „ , , T. W. Thomas .. 29/11/60 Merthyr 5 6i Brown Grey Fresh ,, H 21 „ Hobart Kerr " 8/7/58 Newcastle-on-Tyne 5 6i H Black M.S. “ CARysi Brown rORT.” Sallow 19 * 110,733 W. Livingstone., Stoker .. 2/2/56 Dunfermline 5 4 Brown Blue Fresh None On desertion 26 May, Melbourne 108,169 J. Prince Ord 17/11/62 St. Marys, Crewe 5 6 Brown Brown Dark „ 1873 " 26 „ 51,464 Israel Ridout Stoker .. 15/4/47 Bradford, Dorset 5 4 Black Black Dark „ 16 June, 103,269 W. Carter // 5/11/57 Deptford 5 4J Dark brown Hazel Fresh „ 1878 16 „ P. McCrosson .. Gunner, R.M.A. 27/5/59 Castlefin, Donegal 5 8i Brown Grey Fresh „ 1879 !! 1 ,> # # T. Day.. Private, R.M. .. 17/6/52 Richmond, Dublin 5 7$ Dark Grey Fresh „ 17 July, Sydney. 87,526 W. Hopkins Stoker .. 19/2/54 Preston Candover, Hants 5 3 Black Blue Fair „ 1874 4 „ Melbourne 89,001 D. Sullivan A.B. .. 3/3/57 Affedown, Cork .. 5 34 Brown Hazel Fresh „ 1875 19 „ Sydney. 101,754 C. Cootes Stoker .. 29/9/52 Bishop’s Stortford, Herts 5 4 Dark Hazel Dark H 1877 21 „ « G. Ansell Private, R.M. .. 22/10/53 Baston, Ludlow, Salop .. 5 6J Brown Grey FailM 1872 21 „ 82^129 T. Smith A.B. .. 4/3/57 St. Michaels, Warwick .. 5 3 Auburn Blue Fair Scar over left eye 1875 4 Aug., 41,352 W. Prentice y/ . . . . 6/8/52 Fetney, Lincoln 5 ■7J Brown Blue Fair 1873 5 „ ‘ «' 83,209 P. Rice // • • • • 24/8/56 Flamboro’ Head, Yorkshire 5 4 Light brown Grey Fair None 1874 5 ,/ 108,832 T. Brooks Engineers’ cook.. 15/9/59 Falmouth, Jamaica 5 6 , , Coloured „ 1879 5 „ 108,982 W. Calvert Carpenters’ crew 21/4/48 All Saints, Leicester 5 7 Dark brown Hazel Sallow „ 1880 .! 5 „ 102,522 G. Smith Ord. 13/5/62 Poplar.. 5 24 Brown Hazel Dark „ .... 5 ,/ J. Lee .. Private, R.M. 9/7/61 Uppingham, Rutland 5 64 Black Hazel Fail- „ .... 1879 5 „ » 108480 W. Irvine Ord. 1/3/63 Barony, Lanark 5 74 H Brown M.S. “ Bacch Dark ANTE.” Dark 1881 6 „ 111,488 56,425 J. Ryan Bandsman 24/4/56 10/7/56 Lambeth 5 6 Black Blue Dark . . None 1880 5 July, Melbourne G. Scott A.B. .. St. Johns, Surrey 5 34 Light Hazel Fair » 1874 14 „ „ 112,462 W. Summers Bandsman 12/56 Plaistow, Essex.. 5 9 [ Black H.M.S. “TourmDark 1LINE.” Ruddy „ 1880 25 96,895 J. Ahem Coopers’ crew .. 17/3/53 Limehouse, Middlesex .. 5 6 Brown Blue FailNone 1876 20 July, Sydney. 108,518 C. J. Benton Boy, 1st class .. 15/12/63 Leamington, Warwick .. 5 0J Dark brown Brown Dark Scar on little finger of left hand 1879 29 May, Melbourne G. Bramley - Private, R.M. .. 7/3/60 Little Ouseburn, Boroughshire, Yorkshire 5 5| Dark brown Brown Fresh None 1877 21 July, Sydney. , i H. Bridge „ 10/2/58 Codnor, Derby, Derbyshire 5 5| Light brown Grey Fresh Sailor on loft arm, cross on right arm 1876 20 „ Melbourne 107,102 H. Bull Ord., 2nd class .. 24/5/63 Bradford, Somerset 5 24 Brown Hazel Fresh 1881 2 66,143 J. Bessent A.B. 4/4/56 Alverstoke, Gosport 5 0 Sandy Blue FailNone 1874 4 „ J. Casey Private, R.M. 5/4/59 Strood, Kent 5 5f Light brown Grey Fair " 1877 26 Mav, 102 j 997 A. Hatcliffe Ord. 3/1/62 Ashby, Lincoln 5 14 Brown Grey Fair Cicatrix on left thumb, mole under cliin 1878 29 108,568 T. Hinman Ord., 2nd class .. 29/5/63 Ross, Hereford 5 6 Brown Brown Dark 1881 2 July, 82,048 J. Jupp A.B. .. 24/8/57 16/10/53 Croydon, Surrey 5 3 Brown Brown Fresh None 1875 4 „ Sydney. 70,795 W. Newman Breasthead, Kent 5 5 Light brown Hazel Fair Bracelet on right wrist 1873 20 „ 102,555 W. J. Perkins .. Ord. ;; 12/1/62 Old Ford, Bow ., 5 4 Brown Dark brown Fresh Anchor and part of cross on right forearm, anchor with cable on left forearm 1880 3 „ Mel bourne

Description of Deserters from Flying Squadron.

Official Number in Admiralty Register. Christian Name and Surname in full. Rating. Date of Birth. Parish, Town, and County where born. Personal Description. Date of Description. Remarks, viz., Date of Desertion from Ship, and Place. 1881. Height. Ft. in. Colour of Wounds, Scars, and Marks on Person. Hair. Eyes. Complexion. II.M.S. ‘ Tourmaline ’— continued. 100,694 J. Richardson .. Ord. .. 30/8/62 Eton, Surrey 5 4 Black Brown Dark None 1880 2 July, Melbourne. 108,405 J. Scully „ 24/4/63 Queenstown, Cork 5 7 Dark brown Blue Fresh Bracelet on right wrist, ‘My 1881 2 „ „ true x x ” on left, two dots back of left hand 97,761 A. W. Spooner .. // 5/10/61 Oldham, Colchester 5 6 Dark brown Blue Fresh None 1879 1 „ 107,020 T. F. Westcott .. Blacksmith 22/10/59 Truro, Cornwall.. 5 7 Dark Blue Fair * ... 1878 21 „ Sydney. H.M.S. “ Cleopatra.” 109,667 W. Lee Boj r , 1st class .. 6/6/64 Wexford 5 1 Black Grey Dark .. None 1879 23 June, Melbourne. 90,143 H. R. Greenfield Ord. .. 19/9/57 Harwich 5 4* Brown Light blue Fresh 1875 24 July, Sydney. 108,717 A. Brooks Engineers’ servant 16/4/61 Ivybridge, Devon 5 6 Brown Grey Fresh „ 1879 23 „ „ 95,248 J. Williams A.B 25/9/60 Gravesend 5 2 Light brown Light blue Fresh // 1878 3 „ Melbourne. 104,667 S. Beatty Ord. .. 22/1/62 Clones, Monaghan 5 6 Dark brown Hazel Ruddy TRUE tattooed on left forearm 1880 17 „ Sydney. 97,390 F. R. Annison .. „ . • . . 19/4/60 Hackney 5 2* Light Blue Fresh Flag on right wrist 1878 3 „ Melbourne. 99,750 A. Dyer „ . . . . 4/11/61 St. Andrews, Plymouth .. 5 2 Auburn Brown Fresh Bracelets on both wrists 1879 17 „ Sydney. 107,762 G. H. Thomas .. Boy, 1st class .. 5/6/63 S. Woollos, Monmouth .. 5 5 Dark brown Brown Pale None // 20 „ 107,783 F. Greenwood .. f/ % , 30/11/63 Marston, Yorkshire 5 3 Brown Hazel Fair „ • • // ■ ■ 21 „ /; 0. Mahoney Private, R.M. .. 23/5/56 Cork . . 5 8f Brown Grey Dark 1875 3 ,, Melbourne. H. C. Tyler Gunner, R.M.A. 2/10/59 Townhope, Hereford 5 n Brown Grey Sallow Scar on left thumb 1877 9 Aug., Sydney. 107,760 A. E. Rose Ord. 6/1/63 Hickling, Nottingham .. 5 4 Brown Brown Sallow None 1881 19 J uly, "

Description of Deserters from Flying Squadron — continued.

Gaol. Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Mount Cook Daniel Latham Nelson Aug. 1,1870 bestiality (2 charges) 20 years’ penal sendNova seaman ... 1832 t in. 9i fresh light brown grey large large large One previous conviction. DLTH, heart, tude Scotia and W on left a-m ; anchor and five stars on left wrist; ship on back of left hand; D on right arm; fourth toe of left foot malformed. Has gone to Nelson. Mount Cook John Prescott Christchurch June 10, i83i indecent exposure (3 3 years’ labour Somersetjoiner 1852 5 4* fresh light brown grey medium small round Quiet disposition. Left for Sydney by charges) shire bricklayer way of Auckland. Mount Cook Reuben Bason Wanganui ... April 25, 1882 wounding with intent 2 years’ labour England ... 1840 5 6 fresh brown hazel medium medium full Has gone to Wanganui. to do grievous bodily harm painter ... Mark of abscess on left side of neck; Addington Henry Taylor Christchurch Sept. 8, 1883 larceny (2 charges) 2 months’ labour Ireland ... 1850 5 8 pockdark, turngrey medium medium medium pitted ing grey three upper front teeth out. Addington Charles Beard Christchurch Oct. 1,1883 unlawfully wounding 6 weeks' labour England ... labourer ... 1850 5 4 sandy, freckled sandy blue medium medium medium Scar on left hip; arms freckled; nearsighted. Ashburton ... Nov. 1, 1883 habitual drunkenness 10 days’ labour Scotland ... labourer ... 1S59 5 7i fresh brown blue medium medium medium Left forefinger badly cut. Addington Addington, Christchurch Oct. 17, 1883 assault 1 month’s labour ... 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... prostitute 1858 5 I fresh black hazel medium medium medium One previous conviction. George Litmus, alias Amberley ... Oct. 19, 1883 creating a disturbTasmania butcher ... 1841 S Si sallow black dark medium medium medium Repeatedly convicted. Titmouse, alias Titmarsh ance in a licensed house, and using blasphemous lanAddington Alexander Beard or Ashburton ... Oct. 22, 1883 robbery with violence committed for trial... N. Zealand groom tS6i 5 5 fresh dark brown dark br. medium medium medium Admitted to bail. Wart cn left thumb ; Baird mark of cut on left arm ; scar on right John Jackson Palmerston May 29, 1883 false pretences 6 months’ labour ... England ... tutor 1843 5 si sallow black, turnbrown prominent medium large, full Mole on left forearm and on left freckled mg grey shoulder. Wanganui James McCann Wanganui ... Oct. 8, 1883 habitual drunkenness 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1838 5 4i brown, turngrey small small small Forty-two previous convictions. Ship, 8 years’ penal' serviing grey elephant, and woman on right arm ; anchor and stars on left arm. Wellington Frederick Gillon ... Wellington Oct. 1, 1877 rape Scotland ... shoemaker 1854 5 Si fair brown blue medium medium medium Star tattooed on right arm; downcast tude and 25 lashes fresh dark brown hazel medium appearance. Wellington Mary Ann McGreWellington Oct. 3', 1883 habitual drunkenness 7 days’ labour N. Zealand prostitute 1846 5 2 medium medium Forty-three previous convictions. Wellington gor Ann Russell, alias Mary Ann Russell, Wellington Nov. 3, 1883 vagrancy 7 days’ labour England ... prostitute 18C0 5 i» dark dark dark brown dark, curly brown brown long medium medium medium Nine previous convictions. Seven previous convictions. Mary Ann Winter... Wellington Oct. 26, 1883 vagrancy 14 days’ labour N. Zealand prostitute 1853 5 3. medium medium Wellington Oct. 29, 1883 vagrancy 14 days’ labour Africa prostitute 1846 5 black black black short large large Five previous convictions. A negress. Wellington John Prateger Masterton ... Nov. 5, 1883 habitual drunkenness 7 days’ labour France ... coal-miner 1850 5 \i dark dark hazel large medium medium JP in heart over anchor on right arm ; 4} sallow dark cross, heart, and anchor on left arm. Wellington Albert Pierlo Wellington Aug. 14, 1883 breach of Destitute 5 rno’s imprisonment Germany... baker 1838 5 grey medium medium medium Three small scars on forehead. Persons Act in default of bail dark dark dark v large Wellington Oct. 31, 1883 obscene language ... 14 days’labour 7 days’ labour 14 days’ labour Scotland... 1847 s S large medium Three previous convictions. Wellington Wellington Ellen McCann, alias Boyle Leopold Herson, alias Charles Cook, alias George, alias Robert Bolton Ngawharau Wellington Wellington Nov. Nov. 9, 1883 3, 1883 obscene language ... larceny Ireland ... Belgium ... prostitute labourer ... ‘857 1848 5 5 0 4 dark, freckled swarthy dark dark dark hazel medium large medium medium medium medium Ten previous convictions. Five previous convictions. Wellington Auckland ... April 2, 1883 assault, occasioning 9 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1843 s 8£ copper dark dark large medium medium HAKIATA on left arm. actual bodily harm 8i dark dark Wellington Pu Auckland ... April 2, 1883 assault, occasioning 9 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1848 5 copper medium medium medium actual bodily harm 81 dark dark Wellington Poutahi Auckland ... April 2, 1883 assault, occasioning 9 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... *843 5 copper large large medium HARE on right arm. actual bodily harm fresh brown Patrick Donovan .. Carterton ... Oct. 19, 1883 assault 1 month’s labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1854 5 9 grey medium medium medium Scar near left eye. Wellington Margaret Shields ... Wellington Nov. 5, 1883 habitual drunkenness and obscene language 17 days’ labour England ... prostitute 1859 5 dark fair dark brown light brown hazel medium large medium medium Five previous convictions. Nelson Krist Benneclie Nelson Oct. 27, 1883 obscene language ... 10 days’ labour Norway ... sailor *859 5 8 Si grey medium medium Three small boil-marks on left shoulderblade ; tattoo-mark on left forearm. fresh light brown Nelson Nov. 7, 1883 larceny 14 davs’ labour England ... soap-maker 1867 5 grey 1 medium medium medium George Jones Nelson Nov. 10, 1883 assaulting a constable 7 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 1855 5 6 fresh light brown grey crooked medium medium Squints; scar on loft knee; boil-marks William Hickmate.. Hawera Oct. 9, 1883 assault 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... bushman ... 1823 7 fresh grey hazel medium medium medium on right knee and leg. Dow Wah Riverton Oct. 6, 1883 larceny 1 month’s labour ... China miner I86;P 5 5 olive black hazel medium large round Mark of cut on right temple and cheek. 1 nvereargill William Mason Invercargill Oct. 15, 1883 larceny 1 month’s labour ... England ... horse1856 5 2 ruddy dark brown grey large medium medium English and American coat-of-arms on breaker fresh dark brown hazel right forearm; mark of cut on left 1 nvereargill Alexander Frank Riverton Oct. 18, 1883 larceny 1 month’s labour .. Scotland ... woolsorter 1853 5 3 medium medium medium Mark of cut on right eyebrow; bald on A fresh dark brown large forehead; blue dot on left hand. Invercargill Catherine Young ... Invercargill Oct. 27, 18S3 habitual drunkenness 14 days’ labour Scotland... domestic 1851 5 grey large round Eight previous convictions. Mark of servant cut on left cheek; two upper front teeth out.


Gaol. Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Dunedin .. John Elder Pt. Chalmers Feb. 9, 18S2 assault 2 months’ labour ... ) England seaman ... 1850 ft. in. fresh dark brown grey broad medium broad Crucifix on right arm ; small scar on Dunedin April 3, 1882 house-breaking and 2 years’ labour / corner of left eye ; two upper teeth out larceny on left side. Dunedin ... John Traynor, alias Dunedin Sept. 25, 1883 damaging property... 6 weeks’ labour Ireland ... whipmaker 1S23 5 6* pale grey grey medium medium medium Two previous convictions. Bald; variFreeman cose veins in legs; left leg broken at ankle. Fanny Williams Dunedin Oct. 25, 1883 larceny 14 days’ labour Dunedin ... ... 1863 II I fresh dark brown dark medium medium medium Dunedin ... Mary Ann Kelly, Oamaru Sept. 11, i33,t vagrancy 2 months’ labour ... England ... prostitute 1857 5 fresh black grey medium medium medium Four previous convictions. Several alias Nugent front teeth out. Dunedin ... Ellen Barry Dunedin Oct. 11, 1883 soliciting prostitution 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... 5 3 fresh grey hazel medium medium medium Twenty-one previous convictions. Dunedin ... Richard Daniels Dunedin Oct. 2.8, 1&I3 riotous conduct and 21 days' labour England .. gardener ... 1842 s 6 sallow black hazel medium medium medium Fifteen previous convictions. damaging property Two previous convictions. Dunedin ... Hannah O'Brien ... Oamaru Oct. 15,1S83 vagrancy 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... brothel1842 s 0 sallow dark brown grey broad medium medium Dunedin ... James Maurice, alias Dunedin April 2, 1883 forgery 9 months’ labour ... England ... clerk 1836 5 II* fresh fair dk. grey medium medium medium JMM, MTKS, and coat-of-arms on left Morris arm ; female on light arm. Dunedin ... Thomas Robinson ... Dunedin Oct. 31, 1883 assault 14 days’ labour England ... 1836 1834 5 10 fresh brown grey medium medium medium Dunedin ... John Russell Dunedin Oct. 19, 1883 larc ny 1 month’s labour Scotland... 5 6 fresh brown grey medium medium medium Four previous convictions. Lyttelton ... i homas Gaffney ... Timaru Mar. 16, 1882 larceny 2 years’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1839 s 8i fresh light brown grey thin, pointed long, small square Several previous convictions. Lyttelton ... Edward Reynolds, Christchurch May 28, 1883 larceny ... 6 months’ labour ... England ... labourer ... 1859 5 6i fresh black blue medium medium Several previous convictions. alias Campbell prominent Lyttelton ... Robert Kerrnish .. Christchurch Oct. 9, 1883 breaking into and 1 month’s labour ... Isle of Man clerk 184s S 7i fair light blue large large large Previously convicted. stealing ton ... William Henry HudChristchurch April 5, 1880 stealing in a dwelling ro years’ penal serviIreland ... apothecary 1839 5 2* dark, steel-grey ... grey small small small Several previous convictions. Smart son tude bloated gentlemanly address. Lyttelton ... James Neval, alias Christchurch Jan. 20, 1883 exposing his person 12 months’ labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 182S S 3 pale red, sandy grey long medium medium Three previous convictions. A on right Briesley, alias Briesland lower arm. Lyttelton ... William Leake Christchurch April 2, 1883 indecent assault 9 months’ labour ... England ... scenepainter prostitute 1854 S 3* fresh black dark br. large medium medium Large scar on left shoulder. Timaru ... Annie Allen, alias Mary Ann McQuaid Timaru June 1, 1883 vagrancy 6 months’ labour ... Ireland ... 1852 5 2 fresh dark grey medium medium medium Two previous convictions. Timaru ... Margaret Mary Belinda Todd, alias Ellen Young, alias Margaret Cruickshank Timaru Aug. 9, 1883 false pretences 3 months’ labour ... England ... 1827 5 2 fresh grey blue large medium double Previously convicted. Timaru Edward George VVaimate ... Oct. 12, 1S83 assault 1 month’s labour ... Victoria ... printer .. 1857 S 7 pale brown blue aquiline medium medium Scar on left arm. Auckland ... Theresa Kennedy ... Coromandel Oct. 6, 1883 larceny 1 month’s labour N. Zealand 1865 4 10 swarthy dark brown grey medium medium medium Five previous convictions. Auckland ... William Bryant Auckland ... Oct. IS, 1883 breach of Merchant 14 days’ labour England ... sailor 1855 S 4. fresh dark brown brown medium medium medium Shipping Act 3} Auckland ... Mark Marks Auckland ... Jan. 17, 18S3 larceny 12 months’ labour ... N. Zealand shoemaker 1865 s fresh black grey medium medium medium Auckland ... Henry Gibbs Auckland .. Jan. 19, 1883 breaking and entering 12 months’ labour .. England ... brewer ... 1837 5 8‘ fresh fair blue medium medium medium Three moles on back. Auckland... Thomas Stewart ... Auckland ... Jan. 19, 1883 stealing from a ship 12 months’ labour ... Scotland... sailor 1839 5 7 fresh sandy hazel medium medium medium Figure of a man on left leg ; American Auckland ... sallow arms on right arm; ASIB and two flags on left arm ; heart on breast. Auckland ... Richard O. Brigstock Jan. 17. 18S3 forging and uttering 12 months’ labour ... Wales clerk 1857 S 9 brown hazel medium medium medium Slightly pockmarked; no roof to mouth; impediment in speech. Auckland ... John Johnson Auckland ... Jan. 18, 1883 unlawfully wounding 12 months’ labour ... Sweden ... sailor 1850 S 4$ sallow light brown blue medium medium medium Anchor op right hand ; star on left hand. Auckland... Patrick Conroy, alias Cunningham Auckland ... July II, 1883 larceny 4 months’ labour ... Ireland ... sailor 1857 S 3 sallow fair grey medium medium medium Four previous convictions. Auckland... Alexander Chapman Auckland ... Oct. 29, 1883 vagrancy 14 days’ labour Scotland ... blacksmith 1837 5 5 swarthy grey hazel medium medium medium Thirteen previous convictions. AC on left arm; scar on side of head. Auckland... Peter Lennox Auckland ... Oct. 30, iS83 breach of Merchant 7 days’ labour Scotland... steward ... 1851 S sallow brown brown large medium medium Shipping Act Auckland ... Catherine Heaton ... Auckland ... Nov. 3, 1883 vagrancy 10 days’labour England ... 1828 S 1$ fresh black hazel medium medium medium Twenty-two previous convictions. Auckland ... Mary A. Derrick, Auckland ... Oct. 31, 1883 vagrancy .... 14 days’ labour England ... 1854 5 0 swarthy dark brown brown medium medium medium alias Stewart 3* Auckland... Stephen Cherrington Auckland ... Aug. id, 18S3 vagrancy 3 months’ labour ... England ... ironmoulder 1828 5 florid grey grey medium medium medium Three previous convictions. Auckland ... Ellen Hendry Auckland ... May 16, 1883 vagrancy 6 months’ labour ... Ireland ... 1.836 5 2 swarthy dark Drown grey medium medium medium Auckland ... Maria Smith Auckland ... June 8, 1883 vagrancy ... j 6 months’ labour ... Ireland ... 1840 S 4 sallow grey brown medium medium medium Five previous convictions. Auckland... James Milne Auckland ... Sept. 17, 18S3 larceny ... , 2 months’ labour ... Scotland... tinsmith ... 1330 S 8* sallow dark brown brown medium medium medium One previous conviction. Auckland... John Carroll Auckland ... Oct. 17, 1883 indecent exposure ... 1 month’s labour England ... Ireland ... fireman ... 1848 5 0 swarthy fair blue medium medium medium American arms, heart, and flag on left arm; scar on left shoulder; marks of cupping on left breast. Auckland ... Thomas Hutchinson, Auckland ... Nov. 6, 1883 insulting language ... 6 mo’s imprisonment labourer ... 1843 5 84 swarthv black hazel large medium medium alias Acheson in default of bail Hokitika ... George Barton Ross Oct. 13, 1883 indecent exposure ... 1 1 month's labour ... England ., miner 1842 5 61 pale grey grey pug, large large medium Three previous convictions. Large scar 1 nostrils on corner of left eye; scar on back of poll; two scars on left temple; scar on left eyebrow; upper front teeth nearly all out; bald on crown of head.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 24, 28 November 1883, Page 201

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Naval Deserters. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 24, 28 November 1883, Page 201

Naval Deserters. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 24, 28 November 1883, Page 201