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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1882, page 1922.) Clerk of Licensing Committee Appointed. . Department of Justice, Wellington, 27th December, 1882. His Excellency the Administrator of the Government has been pleased to appoint Constable Henry Graham to be Clerk of the Licensing Committee for the District of Waitoa, vice George Wilsop. Edwd. T. Conolly.

(From Gazette, 1883, pages 1,2, 3, and 4.) Constituting*-Districts under “Supreme Court Act, 1882.”

James Prendebgast, Administrator of the Government. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this first day of January, 1883. Present: His Excellency the Administrator of the Government in Council. In pursuance and exercise of the power and authority in that behalf conferred upon him by “ The Supreme Court Act, 1882,” His Excellency the Administrator of the Government of the Colony of New Zealand, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby divide the said colony for the purposes of the said Act into the districts set forth in the Schedule hereto.

schedule. Northern. Comprising all that portion of the Colony of New Zealand which lies on the northern side of the line separating the Provincial Districts of Auckland and Taranaki from the Provincial Districts of Wellington and Hawke’s Bay : except so much of the Provincial District of Auckland as is included in the Wellington Judicial District, hereinafter described. Wellington.

All that portion of the Colony of New Zealand comprised in the Provincial Districts of Wellington and Hawke’s Bay, the Chatham Islands and islands adjacent thereto, and so much of the Provincial District of Auckland as lies southward and eastward of a straight line drawn from the north-western point of the boundary of the Provincial District of Hawke’s Bay to the extreme end of Matakawa Point. Nelson. Bounded towards the North and East by the ocean to the Clarence River; towards the South by the Clarence River to Lake Tennyson; thence by a line to the summit of Mount Humboldt in the Spencer Mountains ; thence by the Westland District, as hereinafter described, to the ocean; and towards the West by the ocean. Westland. Bounded on the North and North-west by the middle of the Razorback Creek from the ocean to its source ; thence by a line to and along the summit of the Paparoa Mountains by Mount Faraday to the Buller River; thence by the middle of said river to its confluence with the Inangahua ; thence straight to a point in the Brunner Range near the source of the first stream; thence by the summit of that range to and across the River Buller ; thence by a hue along the summit of the Lyell Range to Mount Owen ; towards the North-east by the summit of the range from Mount Owen to a point on the summit of the St. Arnaud Range near the head-waters of the Motueka River; towards the south-east by a line along the summit of St. Arnaud Range, Spencer Range, and the Southern Alps to Mount Aspiring ; towards the South by a right line from the summit of Mount Aspiring to the mouth of the Awarua River; and towards the North-west by the ocean to the mouth of the Razorback Creek, the starting-point. Canterbury. Bounded on the South by the Provincial District of Otago from the mouth of the Waitaki River to the summit of the dividing range between the East and West Coasts at Mount Aspiring ; on the West by the watershed between the East and West Coasts to the summit of Mount Humboldt; on the North by a straight line from the summit of Mount Humboldt to the point at which the Clarence River flows out of Lake Tennyson, and hy the right bank of the Clarence River to the sea; and on the East by the sea-coast. Otago and Southland. Comprising all that portion of the Colony of New Zealand

lying to the south of the boundary-line separating the Provincial Districts of Canterbury and Otago. Forster Goring, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Criminal Sittings op Supreme Court for the Year 1883. Sittings for the trial of criminal cases will be held at the Courthouse, Auckland, to commence on the following days, at 11 a.m.:— Wednesday, 17 th January. Monday, 2nd April. Monday, 2nd July. Monday, Ist October. Sittings for the trial of criminal cases will he held at the Courthouse, New Plymouth, to commence on the following days, at 10.30 a.m.:— Thursday, 3rd May. Thursday, Ist November. Sittings for the trial of criminal cases will be held at the Courthouse, Wellington, to commence on the following days, at 10 a.m.:— Wednesday, 17th January. Monday, 2nd April. Monday, 2nd July. Monday, Ist October. Sittings for the trial of criminal cases will be held at the Courthouse, Wanganui, to commence on the following days, at 11 a.m.:— Tuesday, 24th April. Tuesday, 23rd October. Sittings for the trial of criminal cases will be held at the Courthouse, Napier, to commence on the following days, at 10.30 a.m. : Monday, 11th June. Monday, 10th December. Sittings for the trial of criminal cases will be held at the Courthouse, Gisborne, to commence on the following days, at 10.30 a.m.:— Monday, 18th June. Monday, 10th December. Sittings for the trial of criminal cases will be held at the

Courthouse, Nelson, to commence on the following days, at 10.30 a.m.:— Friday, 15th June. Friday, 14th December, j Sittings for the trial of criminal cases will be held at the Courthouse, Blenheim, to commence on the following days, at 10.30 a.m. : Tuesday, 12th June. Tuesday, 11th December. Sittings for the trial of criminal cases will be held at the Courthouse, Hokitika, to commence on the following days, at 10 a.m.:— Monday, 2nd April. Monday, Ist October. Sittings for the trial of criminal cases will be held at the Courthouse, Christchurch, to commence on the following days, at 11 a.m.:— Wednesday, 17th January. Monday, 2nd April. Monday, 2nd J uly. Monday, Ist October. Sittings for the trial of criminal cases will be held at the Courthouse, Timaru, to commence on the following days, at 11 a.m.:— Tuesday, 19th June. Tuesday, 11th December. Sittings for the trial of criminal cases will he held at the Courthouse, Dunedin, to commence on the following days, at 10 a.m.:— Wednesday, 17th January. Monday, 2nd April. Monday, 2nd J uly. Monday, Ist October. Sittings for the trial of criminal cases will be held at the Courthouse, Invercargill, to commence on the following days, at 10 a.m.:— Tuesday, 24th April. Tuesday, 21st August. Tuesday, 11th December. If any of the days above appointed for sittings should be a public holiday, the sittings will commence on the day after the day so appointed.

By Authority: GboeGß Didsbcbx, Government Printer, Wellington.—lßß3.

Gaol. Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. r Remarks and Previous Convictions. Dunedin Dunedin ... Dunedin ... John Cogle Joseph Lafeber Philip Mulligan Nov. 27, 1882 larceny Scotland... labourer ... 1842 ft. 5 in. 7 fresh light brown grey medium medium medium Bald. Dunedin ... Dunedin ... Dec. 22, 1882 Nov. 22, 1882 larceny habitual drunkenness 7 days’ labour 1 month’s labour ... Germany Ireland ... cook labourer ... 1848 1819 5 S 2 7 dark fresh black grey dk. hazel grey medium medium medium medium medium medium Eleven previous convictions. BulletDunedin ... Dunedin ... Dunedin ... John Elliott Thomas William Wallace Margaret Williams Ireland ... labourer ... 1846 5 fresh dark grey medium medium medium Sandy whiskers; scar on nose. Dunedin ... Dunedin ... Dec. 13,1882 Sept. 30,1882 damaging property (2 charges) vagrancy io days’ labour 3 months’ labour ... England ... England... labourer ... prostitute 1853 1853 5 S 0 3 fresh fresh light brown black grey grey medium medium medium medium medium medium Four previous convictions. Scar on right eyebrow. Twenty-six previous convictions. Scar on right cheek. Dunedin ... Jane Ferguson Dunedin ... Dec. 14,1882 larceny (2 charges) 14 days’ labour on each charge (conIreland ... 1848 5 4 fresh brown grey medium medium medium Wellington Wellington Dec. S, 1882 Ireland ... 1S46 5 s dark dark dark large large medium Two previous convictions. Hannah Mendoza ... Wellington Sept. 19,1882 larceny 3 months’ labour ... England ... prostitute 1835 5 3 dark dark blue medium medium medium Twenty - five previous convictions. Wellington Edward Price Wanganui... Oct. 27,1879 larceny 4 years’ penal serviEngland... painter ... 1843 S 2 fresh brown grey small small small Convicted of horse-stealing at Dunedin. Collar-bones and legs broken. Dec. 13,1882 larceny 7 days’ labour 7 days’ labour Ireland ... miner 1853 S 8 sallow brown hazel large medium medium Five previous convictions. Mary Ann White ... William Waite Dec. 11, 1882 America... prostitute 1858 s 3 dark black hazel long large medium Wellington Wellington Oct. 28,1882 vagrancy 2 months’ labour ... England ... labourer ... 1850 s 2* fresh brown hazel large medium medium Bracelet on right wrist; sailor, ship swheel, and anchor on back of right hand; WFW, flags, crossed swords, crucifix, IHS, sun, moon, &c., on left arm ; star and bust of woman on back of left hand. Wellington John Smith Wanganui... Oct. 24, 1881 stealing from the per18 months’ labour ... Ireland ... shoemaker 1827 5 2 fair grey grey medium medium small Mark of cut on forehead; cross on right Wellington Dec. 21,1882 son 7 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 1829 5 IO sallow iron grey ... hazel large large large Three previous convictions. Wellington Elizabeth Downey ... Wellington Dec. 15, 1882 larceny 14 days’ labour England... servant ... 1828 5 24 fair light brown, turning grey hazel medium medium medium Ten previous convictions. Wellington Wellington Nov. 18,1882 larceny 1 month’s labour ... 1868 black flat large medium Pirihiri Whiwhia escaping from custody 14 days’ labour 7 New 4 10 copper black, curly (cumulative) 6 mo’s imprisonment hazel long, large large pointed Sailor on right arm; mole on left wrist Wanganui Andrew O’Brien ... Wanganui... Nov. 21,1882 threatening language Ireland ... groom 1856 S Ili fresh brown in default of bail medium and near right eye; cut-mark on left side of head. Wanganui John Shannon Wanganui... Dec. 18, 1882 exposing his person 7 days’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1832 5 8f fresh brown blue large, flat medium Eight previous convictions. Mole in bend of left leg; scar on left thigh and medium wide short on lower part of neck. Addington Elizabeth Arthur ... Lyttelton ... July 19, 1882 assault 2 months’ labour and Isle of Man matron ... 1833 5 3i blotchy dark brown dk. grey Two previous convictions. 3 months’ labour in medium medium Previously convicted in Auckland. Addington Elizabeth Gleeson, Christchurch Dec. 13,1882 habitual drunkenness 7 days’ labour Tasmania general 1852 5 fresh brown blue medium alias Mary Ann servant blue medium medium medium N. Plymouth William Rickard ... N. Plymouth May 1,1882 horse-stealing 9 months’ labour ... England ... labourer ... 1842 5 6 fresh brown One previous conviction. Opunake ... Nov. 20,1882 1 month’s labour ... labourer ... 1841 5 s* fresh brown hazel medium medium medium Lyttelton ... Arthur Hudson Christchurch Feb. 27,1882 vagrancy 12 months’ labour ... England... labourer ... 1855 5 84 fresh light dk. blue large medium medium Cross and anchor on left arm; cross, anchor, star, &c., on right arm; ring on middle finger of right hand. Lyttelton ... Michael Ryan Christchurch Nov. 13,1882 disobeying an order 1 month’s labour ... Dublin ... labourer ... 1836 5 6 fresh dark brown, dk.grey large medium medium Several previous convictions. curly large, prominent straight, medium medium Previously convicted. Lyttelton ... William Millan Christchurch Nov. 22, 1882 assault 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... miner 1840 5 5 swarthy grey It. grey Lyttelton ... Henry Bermingham Christchurch Nov. 25, 1882 larceny 1 month’s labour ... Dublin ... cutler 1829 5 7i fresh grey grey large large Previously convicted. Lyttelton ... Guiseppe Frigioni ... Christchurch Nov. 27,1882 assault ... 1 month’s labour ... Italy labourer ... 1855 S Si dark black darkbr. small, broad large square Heart, two anchors, FG, 1875, on lower left arm. Lyttelton ... William White Christchurch Oct. 31,1882 larceny 2 months’ labour ... India gardener... 1833 5 6} fresh dark brown dk.grey medium large round An ex Tasmanian convict. WW on right wrist; second finger off left hand. Heart with spear, LOVE, &c., on left Lyttelton ... Thomas Ciern Lyttelton ... Dec. 23, 1883 breach of Merchant 9 days’ labour Liverpool seaman ... 1850 5 si sallow light brown It. blue small small small arm; bracelets on wrists; five-pointed scene language, star on back of hands; American coatmedium medium medium of-arms on right arm. Tiir.aru ... William George Geraldine ... Sept. 22,1882 embezzlement 3 months’ labour ... America ... clerk 1858 5 6 sallow black grey McAllister Timaru Nov. 22,1882 vagrancy 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1847 S 9 fair white It. blue medium medium medium One previous conviction. Nearly blind. John Murray Thomas Hillman ... Dec. 15, 1882 assaulting police ... breach of Merchant 7 days’labour Dublin ... seaman ... 1830 5 5 dark black grey large medium medium Union Jack on left arm. Oaraaru ... Oamaru Dec. 14, 1882 14 days’ labour England... sailor 1861 s 74 fresh light brown blue medium medium medium Ship, sailor standing on barrel on right arm; anchor and heart on back of right hand; sailor dancing, &c., on left arm. Shipping Act .


Gaol. Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Oamaru ... Invercargill George McKenzie ... Hugh Borland, alias Oamaru Invercargill Dec. 18,1882 July 18,1881 larceny false pretences (5 3 days’ labour 18 months’ labour Scotland... Ireland ... labourer ... labourer ... 1848 1849 ft. S S in. 6 5 fresh fresh fair dark brown blue blue medium short, pug medium medium medium medium Two previous convictions. Invercargill Baldwin William Brinksworth Invercargill Oct. 6,1882 charges ) ship-desertion 12 weeks’ labour Tasmania sailor 1857 5 9 fair, sandy light brown hazel medium medium round Flower in potion right arm; cocoanut tree on left arm; anchor on left hand; female and shield on breast. I nvercargill Charles Canning „. Invercargill Oct. 6, 1882 ship-desertion 12 weeks’ labour Tasmania sailor 1S60 S 3 sandy sandy hazel medium medium medium Anchor on right arm; star on hand; RM, heart, and arrow, &c., on left arm; anchor on hand. 1 nvercargill Robert Thompson ... Lumsden ... Nov. 27,1882' larceny 1 month’s labour Melbourne labourer ... i860 S 8 sandy,^ red grey medium large square Star, flag, and R on right arm; RT on left arm; scar on left cheek. Napier John Colvin Napier Dec. 19, 1882 breach of Merchant 7 days’ labour America ... sailor 1852 5 6 dark brown brown medium medium medium JC on left arm; anchor on back of left hand. Napier Richard Collins Napier Dec. 19, 1882 Shipping Act breach of Merchant 7 days’ labour America... sailor 1853 S 54 dark brown brown medium medium medium St. John’s, Newfoundland, female, &c., on right arm. Napier William Morgan ... Napier Dec. 19,1882 Shipping Act breach of Merchant 7 days’ labour Australia sailor 1861 5 6 dark dark brown brown medium medium medium Scar over left eye. Napier ... Napier Herehere Akena ... Charles Rennison ... Napier Napier Dec. 12,1882 Dec. 4,1882 Shipping Act uttering a forgery ... larceny S months’ labour 21 days’ labour N. Zealand Scotland... labourer ... sailor 1866 1853 5 S II 8 copper fair black light brown brown grey medium medium medium medium medium medium A half-caste Maori. Sailor on left arm; anchor on right arm; impediment in speech, Nelson John McCaw Nelson Dec. 20,1882 keeping a bawdyacquitted at Supreme Ireland ... carpenter 1827 5 8 fair grey blue pointed straight broad Slouching gait. Westport... Annie Annett Westport ... Dec. 12,1882 house abusive and threatenCourt 6 months’ imprisonIreland ... housekeeper 1840 5 3 dark dark grey large large medium Admitted to bail. ing language ment in detault Oi Clyde Ah Lane Clyde Dec. 12,1882 mining without a bail 14 days’ labour China miner 1831 S 7* olive black hazel small small small Clyde Ah Su Clyde Dec. 12, 1882 license mining without a 14 days’ labour China miner 1842 5 4$ olive black hazel small medium medium Scar over left eye; large rupture on left side; legs frost-bitten. Auckland... Charles Nelson Auckland ... Nov. 20,1882 license vagrancy 1 month’s labour Sweden ... sailmaker 1849 S 9i fresh brown hazel large, fiat medium medium Auckland... Auckland... Mary Burtonshaw ... John Sweeney ... Auckland ... Auckland ... Dec. 6,1882 Nov. 21, 1882 larceny larceny 14 days’ labour 1 month’s labour Scotland... Scotland... sailor 1853 1854 5 5 0 *4 sallow sallow dark dark brown hazel brown medium medium medium medium medium medium Eleven previous convictions. Crucifix, stars, female, IHS, on right arm; nail on third finger of right hand deformed. Auckland... Auckland... Eliza Rice Peter Quinlan Auckland ... Auckland ... Sept. 22,1882 Dec. 8,1882 larceny obscene language ... 3 months’ labour 14 days’ labour Ireland ... Scotland... steward ... 1844 i860 S 5 1 2 sallow fair dark brown black blue grey medium medium medium medium medium medium Thirty-six previous convictions. Left leg artificial; female holding flag on right arm; crossed guns on left Auckland ... Oscar Brostom Auckland ... Dec. 7,1882 breach of Merchant 1 month’s labour Sweden ... sailor i860 S si fresh light brown blue medium medium medium arm. Anchor, cross, and heart, &c., on right arm. Auckland ... Franz Hamberg ... Auckland ... Dec. 7,1882 Shipping Act breach of Merchant t month’s labour Sweden ... sailor 1861 S 9 fair fair grey medium medium medium Auckland ... Auckland ... Auckland ... Auckland ... Nicqlas Cummings Pahiriko ... Daniel Gleeson Mary Carmichael, Auckland ... Ohinemutu Auckland ... Auckland ... Dec. 18,1882 Oct. 26, 1882 Dec. 19, 1882 June 28,1882 Shipping Act indecent exposure ... injury to property ... assaulting a constable vagrancy 7 days’ labour 2 months’ labour 7 days’ labour 6 months’ labour N. Zealand N. Zealand Ireland ... Scotland... lumper ... constable labourer ... 1859 1857 1852 1813 s s 5 S 8 ! II fresh copper fresh withered brown black light brown grey blue brown blue hazel medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium Anchor on left hand. Scar on left hip. Five previous convictions. Twenty-three previous convictions. Auckland ... alias Jackson, &c. George Bennett Auckland ... July 3, 1882 stealing in a dwelling 12 months’ labour England ... ship steward i860 S 11? fresh light brown blue medium medium medium Anchor, crucifix, IHS, on right arm; star on right wrist; ship in full sail on left arm. One previous conviction. Large mole Auckland... Thomas Smith, alias Whangarei Oct. 30, 1882 false pretences 2 months’ labour Ireland ... bushman... 1851 5 si fair fair blue medium medium medium Auckland... Michael Henwright James Watson Auckland ... Dec. 16,1882 breach of Licensing 14 days’ labour Ireland ... currier ... 1839 S 4 fresh black brown medium medium medium Nineteen previous convictions. Auckland ... Gisborne ... Gisborne ... Arthur Dewson Anaru Michael Barrett Auckland .., Gisborne ... Gisborne ... Dec. i, 1882 Nov. 27,1882 Dec. 20,1882 Act larceny larceny damaging property 1 month’s labour 1 month’s labour 6 days’ labour England ... N. Zealand Ireland ... wood-carver shoemaker 1849 i860 1838 S 5 S 3* II 5 fresh dark dark brown black black, turning grey hazel brown hazel medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium Repeatedly convicted. American flag and crucifix on right arm; woman sitting in chair, &c., on left arm. Fourteen previous convictions. Two previous convictions. Hokitika ... Hokitika ... John Sweeney George Barton Greymouth Greymouth Nov. 28,1882 July 22, 1882 abusive language .. larceny 1 month’s labour 6 months’ labour Ireland ... England ... shoemaker miner 1833 1840 S 5 3* 6-i pale pale brown light brown, turning grey grey grey pug pug medium large medium medium


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 1, 10 January 1883, Page 4

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 1, 10 January 1883, Page 4

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 1, 10 January 1883, Page 4