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Unusual Twin Set in Neutral Tone

Many women want a plain twin set to wear with several different skirts. The pattern given below should prove suitable if it were made up in a neutral shade. This simple design would look well with a variety of materials, and the unusual neck could be transformed in many ways with the use of a scarf, cravat, or other accessories. ABBREVIATIONS: K., knit; p, purl; z st., stitch(es); inc., increase; dec., decrease; tog., together; si., slip; p. 5.5.0., pass slipped stitch over; beg., beginning; cont., continue;, stocking stitch; rep., repeat; foil., following; rem., remaining. The Cardigan Materials: lOoz. of grey 3-ply wool; 2 No. 10 and 2 No. 12 knitting needles and 2 short No. 12 needles for front borders; 7 buttons. Measurements: Length. 20in.; bust, 42 to 43in.; sleeve seam, 17in. Tension: 7J stitches to lin. Back With No. 12 needles cast on 120 st. and work in k. 1, p. 1 rib for 4in. Next row: Rib 7, work twice in next st., * rib 14, work twice in next st. Rep. from * to last 7 st., rib 7. (128 st.). Change to No. 10 needles and cont. in (1 row k., 1 row p.), inc. 1 st. at both ends of the next and every foil. 6th row until there are 150 st. Then cont. straight until work measures llj-in. from cast-on edge. Shaping Armholes ' Cast off 6 st. at beg. of next 2 rows, then dec. 1 st. at both ends of every row until 116 st. remain. Cont. straight until work measures 20in. from caston edge, ending with a p. row. Shaping Neck and Shoulders Next row: K. 47, cast off next 22 st., k. to end. Now work on this second set of 47 st. for. one side of neck thus: — First row: Cast off 10, work to the last 2 st., work 2 tog. Second row: Work 2 tog., work to the end. Rep. these 2 rows twice more. Cast off rem. st. Rejoin wool at neck edge to rem. 47 st. and work to the end. Now work to match first side of neck. Right Front With No. 12 needles cast on 76 st. and work -|in. in k. 1, p. 1 rib. Now make a buttonhole thus: — Next row: Rib 4, cast off next 4 st., rib to the end. Next row: Rib to the last 4 st., cast on 4, rib 4. Cont. in rib, making 2 more buttonholes in the same way above first buttonhole at intervals of lfin., measured from castoff edge of previous buttonhole. Then cont. in rib until work measures 4in. from cast-on edge, ending at side edge (opposite edge to buttonholes). Next row: * Rib 7, work twice in next st. Rep. from * to last 12 st., rib 12. (84 st.). Now change to No. 10 needles and work in for main part, inc. 1 st. at the end of the next and every following sixth row, but keep the first 12 st. at front edge on the short No. 12 needles and in k. 1, p. 1 rib for front border. Thus the next 2 rows will be: —

First row: With short No. 12 needles rib 12. With No. 10 needle k. to the last st., k. twice in last st. Second row: With No. 10 needle p. to the last 12 st. With short No. 12 needle rib 12. Cont. thus, inc. 1 st. at the end of every sixth row until there are 95 st., and at the same time work buttonholes in front border as before, but at intervals of 3in. from cast-off edge of previous buttonhole. Then cont. straight until work measures ll|in. from cast-on edge, ending at side edge. Shaping Armhole Still making buttonholes as before until there are 6 buttonholes altogether, cast off 6 st. at beg. of next row, then dec. 1 st. at armhole edge in every row until 78 st. remain. Then cont. straight until work measures 15-Jin. from cast-on edge, ending at front edge. There should now be 2|in. worked after sixth buttonhole. Shaping Neck Next row: Cast off 29, work to the end. (49 st.). Next row: Work to the end. Now work shoulder dart thus: Next row: K. 27, p. 1, k. 21. Next row: P. 21, k. 1, p. 27. Rep. these 2 rows 6 times more. Next row: K. 25, si. 1, k. 1, p. 5.5.0., p. 1, k. 2 tog., k. 19. Next row: P. 20, k. 1, p. 26. Work 12 rows straight, keeping the continuity of the p. st. for line of dart. Next row. K. 24, si. 1, k. 1, p. 5.5.0., p. 1, k. 2 tog., k. 18. Next row: P. 19, k. 1, p. 25. Work 12 rows straight as before. Next

row: K. 23, si. 1, k. 1, p. 5.5.0., p. 1, k. 2 tog., k. 17. Next row: P. 18, k. 1, p. 24. Work 12 rows straight. Next row K. 22, si. 1, k. 1, p. 5.5.0., p. 1, k. 2 tog., k. 16. Next row: P. 17, k. 1, p. 23. Now cont. straight, still working the p. st. until work measures 22in. from caston edge, ending at side edge. Shaping Shoulder Next row: Cast off 10, work to the end. Next row: Work to the end. Rep. these 2 rows twice more. Cast off. Left Front With No. 12 needles cast on 76 st. and work 4in. in k. 1, p. 1 rib. Next row: Rib 12, * work twice in next st., rib .7. Rep. from * to end. (84 st.). Now work main part in on No. 10 needles, inc. 1 st. at the beg. of the next and every foil, sixth row, but keep the 12 st. at front edge on short No. 12 needles and in K. 1, p. 1 rib. Thus the next 2 rows:— First row: With No. 10 needle k. twice in first st., k. to the last 12 st.; with short No. 12 needle rib 12. Second row: With No. 12 needle rib 12. With No. 10 needle p. to end. Cont. thus, inc. 1 st. at beg. of every sixth row until there are 95 st. Then cont. straight until work measures 11 Jin. from cast-on edge, ending at side edge. Shape armhole as for right front, omitting buttonholes, then cont. straight until work measures 15|in. from cast-on edge, ending at front edge.

Shaping Neck Next row: Cast off 29; work to the end. Next row: Work to the end. Now work shoulder dart in same way as for right front, but reversing the number of st. on either side of the p. st. Thus the next 2 rows will be: — First row: K. 21, p. 1, k. 27. Second row: P. 27, k. 1, p. 21. Complete to match right front. Sleeves With No. 12 needles cast on 56 st. and work 2|in. in k. 1, p. 1 rib. Next row: * Work twice in first st.; rib 3. Rep. from *to end. (70 st.). Change to No. 10 needles and cont. in, inc. 1 st. at both ends of the next and every foil, sixth row until there are 110 st. Then cont. straight until work measures 17in. from cast-on edge. Shaping Top Dec. 1 st. at both ends of every alternate row until 70 st. remain. Now dec. 1 st. at both ends of every row until 50 st. remain. Cast off 4 st. at beg. of next 8 rows. Cast off rem. st. Neck Borders With No. 12 needles and right side of work facing pick up and k. 42 st. evenly along back neck edge and work fm. in k. 1, p. 1 rib. Cast off fairly loosely in rib. With No. 12 needles and right side of work facing pick up and k. 32 st. along cast-off edge at neck of right front, 1 st. at corner, then pick up and k. 60 st. along straight neck edge. (93 st.). Now work thus: — Next row: Work in rib to the end, beg. and ending with p. 1. Next row: Work to within 2 st. of corner st., work 2 tog., p. 1, work 2 tog., rib to end. Next row: Rib to end, .allowing for dec. st. Rep. the last 2 rows until border measures fin., making a buttonhole in the next 2 rows above previous buttonholes. With No. 12 needles and right side of work facing pick up and k. 60 st. evenly down straight neck edge of right front, 1 st. at corner, then 32 st. along cast-off edge. Now work to match right neck border, omitting buttonhole. Make-up Press work lightly with a hot iron and damp cloth. Join side sleeve and shoulder seams. Make a stitched dart on both fronts, taking in 2in. from about lin. above beg. of armhole shaping and seaming to nothing in about 3in. Sew in sleeves, press seams, and sew on buttons to match buttonholes. The Jumper Materials: lOoz. of grey 3-ply wool; 2 No. 10 and 2 No. 12 knitting needles; 2 short No. 12 needles for neck-opening border. Measurements: Length, 19Jin.; bust, 42in., sleeve seam, sin. Back With No. 12 needles cast on 120 st. and work in k. 1, p. 1 rib for 3Jin. Next row: Rib 7, work twice in next st., * rib 14, work twice in next st. Rep. from * to last 7 st., rib 7. (128 st.). Change to No. 10 needles and complete exactly as given for back of cardigan, beginning after inc. row at end of welt, but working armhole shaping when work measures Ilin, and neck and shoulders at 19Jin. Front With No. 12 needles cast on 128 st. and work 3 Jin. in k. 1, p. 1 rib. Next row: ,Rib 3, work twice in next st., * rib 7, work twice in next st. Rep. from *

to last 4 st., rib 4. (144 st.). Change to No. 10 needles and cont. in, inc. 1 st. at both ends of the next and every foil, sixth row until there are 166 st. Then cont. straight until work measures Ilin, from cast-on edge. Shaping Armholes Cast off 6 st. at beg. of next 2 rows, then dec. 1 st. at both ends of every row until 132 st. remain. Cont. straight until work measures 13in. from caston edge, ending with a p. row. Dividing for Neck Opening Next row: K. 60, with a short No. 12 needle work twice in each of the next 4 st., turn, and cast on 8 st. with short No. 12 needle. Leave remaining 68 st. on spare needle and cont. on these 76 st. for left side of neck opening, keeping the 16 st. at centre on short No. 12 needles and in k. 1, p. 1 rib, and working rem. 60 st. in on No. 10 needles until work measures 15in. from caston edge, ending with a row on the wrong side. Now work shoulder dart thus: — Next row: K. 21, p. 1, work to end. Next row: Work to the last 22 st., k. 1, p. 21. Rep. these 2 rows 6 times more. Next row: K. 19, si. 1, k. 1, p. 5.5.0., p. 1, k. 2 tog., work to end. Next row: Work to the last 21 st., k. 1, p. 20. Work 12 rows straight, keeping continuity of the p. st. for line of dart. Next row: K. 18, si. 1, k. 1, p. 5.5.0., p. 1, k. 2 tog., work to end. Next row: Work to the last 20 st., k. 1, p. 19. Work 5 rows straight as before, thus ending at neckopening edge. Shaping Neck Next row: Work across the 16 border st. and leave these st. on a safety-pin, work 2 tog., work to end. Work 6 more rows, still keeping p. dart st. and dec. 1 st. at neck edge in every row. Next row: K. 17, si. 1, k. 1, p. 5.5.0., p. 1, k. 2 tog., work to the last 2 st., work 2 tog. Next row: Work to the last 19 st., k. 1, p. 18. Work 5 rows keeping p. dart st. and dec. 1 st. at neck edge in every right side row. (43 st.). This completes neck shaping. Work 7 more rows straight. Next row: K. 16, si. 1, k. 1, p. 5.5.0., p. 1, k. 2 tog., work to end. Now still keeping p. dart st., cont. straight until work measures 21Jin. from cast-on edge, ending at armhole edge. Shaping Shoulder Next row: Cast off 10, work to the end. Next row: Work to the end. Rep. these 2 rows twice more. Cast off. Return to rem. st. on spare needle and with right side of work facing and using the short No. 12 needles, rejoin wool and work twice in each of the first 8 st., then with No. 10 needles k. to the end. Keeping the 16 st. at centre edge of short No. 12 needles, and in k. 1, p. 1 rib, cont. straight until work measures 15in. from cast-on edge, ending with a row on the wrong side. Now work shoulder dart thus: — Next row: Work to the last 22 st., p. 1, k. 21. Next row: P. 21, k. 1, work to end. Rep. these 2 rows 6 times more. Next row: Work to the last 24 st., si. 1, k. 1, p. 5.5.0., p. 1, k. 2 tog., k. to end. Next row: P. 20, k. 1, work to end. Work 12 rows straight, keeping p. dart st. Next row: Work to the last 23 st., si. 1, k. 1, p. 5.5.0., p. 1, k. 2 tog., k. 18. Next row: P. 19, k. 1, work to end. Work 6 rows straight as before, thus ending at neck-opening edge. Shaping Neck Next row: Work across the 16 border st. and leave, these st. on a safety-pin,

work 2 tog., work to end. Work 5 more rows, still keeping p. dart st. and dec. 1 st. at neck edge in every row. Next row: K. 2 tog., k. to last 22 st., si. 1, k. 1, p. 5.5.0., p. 1, k. 2 tog., k. 17. Next row: P. 18, k. 1, p. to the last 2 st., work 2 tog. Work 5 rows keeping p. dart,st. and dec. 1 st. at neck edge in every right side row. (43 st.). Work 7 rows straight, then work final dart shaping. Cont. straight until work measures 21 Jin. from cast-on edge, ending at armhole edge. Shape shoulder as given for first side. The Sleeves With No. 12 needles cast on 86 st. and work lin. in k. 1, p. 1 rib. Change to No. 10 needles and cont. in, inc. 1 st. at both ends of the next and every foil, fourth row until there are 102 st. Cont. straight until work measures sin. from cast-on edge. Shaping Top Dec. 1 st. at both ends of next and every foil, fourth row until 82 st. remain. Then dec. 1 st. at both ends of every alternate row until 62 st. remain. Now dec. 1 st. at both ends of every row until 46 st. remain. Cast off 5 st. at beg. of next 6 rows. Cast off rem. st. The Front Facing With No. 10 needles cast on 44 st. and work 2 rows in Divide for Neck Opening Next row: With No. 10 needle k. 16; with No. 12 needle work twice in each of the next 4 st., turn and cast on 8 st. with No. 12 needle. Leave rem. 24 st. on spare needle and cont. on these 32 st., keeping the 16 st. at opening edge in k. 1, p. 1 rib on No. 12 needles until work measures sJin. from caston edge, ending at opening edge. Shaping Neck Next row: Work across the 16 border st. and leave these st. on a safety-pin, cast off 1 st., work to end. Cont. in, dec. 1 st. at neck edge in every row until 8 st. remain. Now dec. 1 st. at neck edge in every alternate row until 5 st. remain. Cont. straight until work measures 3Jin. from beg. of neck shaping. Cast off. Return to rem. st., and with right side of work facing, rejoin wool at opening edge with No. 12 needles, work twice in each of the first 8 st., then with No. 10 needles, work to the end. Now work on these 32 st. to match first side. Neck Border Join shoulder seams. With right side of work facing, and using No. 12 needles, work in k. 1, p. 1 rib across the 16 border st. from safety-pin at right-hand side of neck opening, pick up and k. 98 st. evenly all round neck edge, then work in rib across the 16 st. from safety-pin at left-hand side of neck opening. Work lin. in k. 1, p. 1 rib. Cast off in rib. Make-up Press work lightly with a hot iron and damp cloth. Join side and sleeve seams and make stitched darts in front armhole shaping in same way as in cardigan. Sew in sleeves. Pin front facing into position on wrong side and si. st. down neatly. Sew down cast-on edge of underwrap on wrong side. Press all seams.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 87, Issue 1, 15 July 1953, Page 81

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Unusual Twin Set in Neutral Tone New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 87, Issue 1, 15 July 1953, Page 81

Unusual Twin Set in Neutral Tone New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 87, Issue 1, 15 July 1953, Page 81