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Methods and Equipment Used at Patumahoe



Fields Instructor, Patumahoe.

TRACTOR inter-row cultivation in New Zealand is a comparatively new venture which received considerable impetus during the war, when the shortage of manpower caused mechanical cultivation to be used to the utmost in the production of the large quantities of vegetables necessary for the Armed Forces. This article, based on observations at Patumahoe, one of the largest projects in the Services’ Vegetable Production Scheme, in three years’ operation during the war, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of tractor inter-row cultivation compared with hand cultivation, and describes the cultivation equipment and methods used.

/CULTIVATION of the soil has always been recognised as an important part of successful cropping and from the days of animal- or humandrawn crude ploughs and cruder chopping and hoeing implements to the modern mechanical cultivation equipment the management of the soil has been given close attention. Cultivation

is necessary to aerate the soil, conserve soil moisture, control the growth of weeds, and prepare a seed-bed. Interrow cultivation has always been looked on as an integral part of the successful growing of crops, but unfortunately either through lack of labour or lack of efficient tools this phase of cultivation is often neglected.

It is only on the larger .areas that tractor cultivation has a place in market gardening. A market garden large enough to be ploughed and disced by tractor is generally big enough to allow tractor inter-row

cultivation. With the cultivation equipment available today it is very easy to make the one tractor do all the work, necessary for the crop. The tractor which will bring the land up to the seeding point and in some cases sow the seed requires only the addition of cultivation equipment to carry out the full range of work. If tractor cultivation is used in market gardens, the rows have to be spaced more widely apart than the normal 12 to 14in., and consequently a smaller quantity per acre will jbe produced. Normally most small crops such as carrots and onions are grown in rows 12in. apart. At this spacing all inter-row cultivation has to be done by hand, using small hand-operated power tractor wheel hoes and hand

wheel hoes. However, to allow the free movement of equipment on an area being cultivated by tractors it is necessary to increase the width to between 18 and 21in. The yield from crops grown in 21in. rows is about 40 per cent, lower than that from crops grown in 12in. rows. Crops producing 15 to 16 tons an acre off 12in. rows will give about 10 tons off 21in. rows.

Excellent Opportunity for Test

At the Patumahoe project of the Services’ Vegetable Production Scheme, an area of 900 acres of medium to heavy volcanic soil, a full range of tractors and inter-row equipment gave an excellent opportunity to investigate the possibilities of tractor inter-row cultivation of crops grown in 21 30, and 42in. rows. . Furthermore, the areas in crop at Patumahoe were so large and the shortage of labour . so acute that every endeavour had to be made to use mechanical cultivation wherever possible.

Advantages of Tractor Cultivation

The chief advantages of tractor cultivation were found to be: — 1. Saving in time. 2. Saving in labour. 3. Deeper cultivation. 4. More frequent cultivation. Saving in Time and Labour: It was found that a light tractor working in 21in. rows in such crops as carrots, onions, and beetroot cultivated about 1 acre in an hour, but a man with a hand wheel hoe took about 8 hours to cultivate the same area planted in 21in. rows. The cultivation of such crops as cabbage,- cauliflower, and potatoes, which are grown in 30in. and 42in. rows, was generally done by a heavier and more highly-powered tractor which could cultivate 1| acres an hour.

Deeper Cultivation: The advantage of deep cultivation is apparent on heavy soils like those at Patumahoe. A wet' season ' packs and consolidates this type of soil to . such a degree that ordinary hand- methods ..of ..cultivation are of little use. The beneficial effect that deep.' and efficient inter-row cultivation 'had in crops grown "under these conditions was most noticeable.

More Frequent Cultivation: Cultivation by tractor can be carried'.out more frequently because of the rapidity with which a tractor can cultivate large areas, and also because the tractor can be used continuously during rush periods or long hours of work, requiring only a change of drivers. The success of many a crop has depended on whether other. jobs could be finished in time to allow attention to be given to it. If shortage of labour and time causes neglect, the crop, if not totally lost, will give such a poor return that in some'cases it will not pay for the cost of

One of the most important factors revealed by the work at Patumahoe was the ability to cultivate the crop at the right time. Cultivation of a crop at the seedling stage of weed growth usually produces a total kill of the weeds, but, if left and allowed to develop, weeds cannot be destroyed completely and a dirty crop results.

Disadvantages Some of the main disadvantages of mechanical cultivation were found to be: — 1. Soil conditions limit the ability to use the tractor. 2. Smaller tonnage an acre for crops grown only in 21in. rows. 3. Hand working is still necessary in . the 'initial stages of growth. 4. Soil texture must not be turfy or full of fibre. Soil Conditions: The condition of the soil decides whether a tractor can be used or not. At times of high and consistent rainfall it is not possible to put a tractor on the ground, and wheel hoes and horse-drawn cultivators are the only implements that can be used. It was found that perhaps for several weeks the soil conditions were such that it was impossible to use tractors for inter-row cultivation and it was only by the use of the wheel hoe that efficient weed control could be maintained.

Hand Working: Under Patumahoe conditions it was found that where labour was available to do the initial inter-row cultivation by hand it was not practicable to use tractors. By the time the crop has germinated and is just showing above the ground the weeds have also germinated and are making more rapid growth than the crop. At this stage wheel hoes can deal more efficiently with the weeds. With these implements it is possible to work closer to the rows of crops than with a tractor and less damage is done to the crops. Generally the first two cultivations are best done with the ■wheel hoe and then, if soil conditions .allow, tractor cultivation can be commenced.

Soil Texture: Freshly-broken-up ground out of lea is not suitable for -tractor cultivation or for any cultivation, as it is full of fibre and clogs .and blocks cultivator points. This .applies more to crops grown in narrow rows up to, say, 21in. apart. It- is only a ■temporary difficulty, however, as usually by the second season most of ■the fibre has disappeared. Under normal conditions new ground would be used for a crop like potatoes, which ■would give no trouble in this respect. The common practice locally is to take a crop of potatoes off first and then t crop .with ;the smaller and finer crops.

Initial Cultivation Must be Well Dene

Practical experience has proved that the initial cultivation must be well done, regardless of whether it is intended to cultivate later by tractor or by hand methods. Faulty cultivation before planting the crop makes it almost impossible to cultivate efficiently later.

An important aspect of tractor cultivation is the speed at which the tractor is driven. For thorough cultivation the pace must be a secondary consideration; a good crop will be ruined if the tractor is driven too fast through it. Tractor intercultivation requires very careful driving and attention, as a moment of inattention can destroy several yards of a row of seedlings. A tractor can be used for inter-row cultivation only when the crop has been sown by a tractor. It is not possible to cultivate, say, 4 rows with a tractor unless those rows have been laid down by a gang seeder. Seed put in with a single-row seeder must be cultivated by other methods than a gang cultivator doing 4 rows simultaneously. This is quite obvious to one who has seen crops sown with a singlerow seeder. No two rows are the same for spacing and the first row may take a bend to the right in one or two places. The second row may have bends to the left at’ various places, and consequently each row. must be

cultivated individually. If seeded in by a 4-row seeder, and the tractor which carried out the seeding does the cultivating and tracks in the same 4 rows, any bend put in by the seeder can be followed by the cultivator and no damage is done to the crop. The method adopted at Patumahoe was to sow all areas of small-seeded crops, such as carrots, turnip, onion, lettuce, and beetroot, by a 4-row seeder attached to a light tractor. This type of seeder when properly adjusted sows the seed very accurately and was found to be much better than any other type of seeder used. The seeding attachment is fitted to the tractor and the power is obtained from the seeder wheels (Fig. 1). It can be seen that a distinct advantage can be obtained by using the same tractor to do both jobs. Light Tractors The tractor shown in Fig. 2 is a light 4-wheeled tractor for cultivating in 21 in. rows fine crops such as carrots, onions, lettuce, and other crops with little foliage. This will cultivate 4 rows of crop simultaneously and the depth of cultivation can be regulated from 1 to 4in. Preparatory cultivation of the seed-bed of the crop illustrated in Fig. 2 would have been one or two wheel hoeings. Tractor cultivation could start earlier than this, provided the soil was in a suitable condition to allow a tractor to work on the ground.

Fig. 3 gives a close-up view of the necessary equipment for the cultivation of 1 row of crop. The discs known as disc weeders are set about 2in. away from the row of seedlings and their main purpose is to cut away from the row and to protect the young seedlings from being smothered by dirt thrown from the other cultivation points. The triangular-shaped equipment attached to the standard on the outside of the disc weeders in Fig. 3 are known as ■duckfeet. The purpose of this equipment is to cut all weed roots, to stir up and aerate the soil, and to level out the small ridge left by the disc weeder. Also shown is a long narrow cultivator tooth known as a deer tongue. The main purpose of this attachment is to cultivate the small areas missed by the disc weeders and duckfeet. A sufficient number of these cultivators can be attached to the machine to give complete coverage. A deer tongue or tongues are fixed to the back standards (known as the rear track sweep) of the cultivator and their purpose is to wipe out the track marks and loosen up the soil packed by the tractor wheels. A great strain is imposed on the driver while doing this type of work, and it was found that where possible it was advisable to change drivers frequently. This applies particularly to areas the size of Patumahoe, where perhaps 300 to 400 acres were being given similar inter-cultivation, treatment. Under normal conditions the cultivating equipment illustrated in Fig. 2 can cultivate an acre an hour. The easiest way to drive a tractor fitted with cultivation equipment working 4 rows simultaneously is to fix a marker on the tractor at an easy level to the eyes, and to steer the tractor by keeping the marker over one row. If the crop has been put in with a 4-row seeder, no thought need be given to the other rows. Knife Weeder A different type of inter-row cultivator is shown in Fig. 4. This is attached to a light, 3-wheeled tractor, but could quite easily be put on to a 4-wheeled machine similar to that shown in Fig. 2. This equipment is primarily used for weed destruction, although it gives a certain benefit by shallow cultivation. Here again 4 rows can be cultivated at one time. This equipment effectively : replaces the wheel hoe on crops past the small seedling stage, but it cannot be used as efficiently as- wheel hoes on seedling crops in the very young stage. It is. however, very effective in crops from the stage shown in Fig. 4 to maturity. The chief advantage of this equipment is that once it is set. all its cultivation will be uniform, which is not often the result if wheel hoeing is done indifferently.

These cultivating attachments are known as knife weeders, and are similar to those used on wheel hoes. When working, the knives are 1 to 2in. under the surface of the soil and cut all weed roots and stir and aerate the soil. They can be set at any distance from the row of crop and are also set to overlap, thus covering all the row. It will be noticed that deer tongues have also been fitted and the purpose of these is to drag weeds after they have been cut and so prevent any chance of their re-establishing. This applies more particularly during wet weather when soil conditions are damp and conducive to root growth. The deer tongues also level off any ridge or cut left by the weeder. The chief advantage of this type of cultivator is that it can very efficiently replace the wheel hoe at this stage of the crop’s growth. As with wheel hoes, however, the soil must be dry and friable and contain only a small percentage of fibre for the best results. The slope given to the leading edge of these weeders tends to let fibre slide off and lessens the chances of the knife choking.

Although they are not shown attached to the equipment in the illustration, rear track sweeps are an advantage in loosening up and wiping out the tracks left by the tractor.

Applying Fertiliser

For intensive cropping, particularly for such crops as lettuce, radish, soft turnip, and similar crops where quick growth is needed, or for any crop backward in growth, a very quick and efficient method of applying fertiliser is by a combination unit of cultivation and fertiliser equipment.

In Fig. 2 attached to the side of the tractor is one of the brackets which hold a fertiliser bin. Fig. 5 shows a fertiliser bin attached to one side of the tractor and another bin is attached to the opposite side. These bins have a capacity of lewt. and a sowing capacity of 1 to 20cwt. an acre according to the ratio of the drive of the bin. The quantity sown is regulated by the small lever. and ratchet seen on the lower portion of the bin and by ; the

drive ratio on to the bin. The mechanism of the bin is star-fed and is driven by the tractor. Fig. 2 shows on the inner side of the back wheel a nest of cogs which operates the bin. The fertiliser is fed down through two flexible tubes in each bin. Fig. 6 shows one band of fertiliser being placed on the side of the row. By using one tube to each row, 4 rows can be done at once. The fertiliser is worked well through the topsoil by the knife weeders. If two bands of fertilser are required on each row, only two rows can be topdressed. Any cultivation gear will do to work the fertiliser into the topsoil. If the machine and equipment are set up correctly, even fertiliser which would severely burn or damage the crop can be laid in perfect safety at any distance from - the row far more satisfactory method than applications made by hand. . Similar bins can be used on larger tractors to sidedress such crops as cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, or any field crop. Heavier Equipment A very efficient type of cultivator was used on the more mature crops. Although this is a much larger and heavier type than those used on the younger and smaller crops, it was found from experience that it can

work in crops at the same stage as lighter tractors. This can be seen from Fig. 7, which shows the assembled cultivation unit. Although lighter tractors can be put through rows several inches narrower than 21 in., this tractor could not work in rows of less width than 20in. For its size the machine is remarkably manageable and it was found that some drivers preferred this unit for inter-row work. Normally this type of tractor is fitted with a twin steel front assembly which makes it impossible to use for any inter-row cultivation work. As can be seen in Fig. 7 the entire front stem axle and wheels have been taken off and a front fork made, and to this has been fitted an ordinary 16in. rim and tyre. This rubber front, which is the secret of the unit’s manoeuvrability, has proved a great success and has allowed the tractor to be put into fine intercultivation work. The cultivator can work to a greater depth than any previous unit described, and it cultivates 4 rows at once. The cultivation units shown in Fig. 7 are known as chisel teeth because of the pattern on which they are made. The overall length of one tooth is 24in. Running from the point up to a height of 6 to 7in. is a knife edge which allows easy penetration- into the soil but which does not collect fibre as a blunter and thicker blade would. The

chisel teeth tend to cultivate under the surface of the soil and do not throwup a large amount of soil when the tractor is driven at a moderate speed

—a big advantage when small, fine crops are being cultivated. The point of the chisel tooth is replaceable when worn out or damaged and is merely riveted on to the standard. Fig. 8 shows how the front assembly of this cultivator is set well forward on the tractor. The advantages of this are: First, the unit is easily seen by the driver; secondly, there is better balance on the tractor; and thirdly, the cultivator is more easily controlled by being close to the front wheel The chisel teeth on the back gang loosen up the soil and wipe out the wheel marks. The arrangement of the teeth is generally 3 chisel teeth between each row of crop. It is not practicable to set these teeth too close to the row of crop, 3in. being close enough. In Fig. 8 the cultivator is shown working at a depth of 6in. and it will be seen that it does not bring up large lumps or blocks of soil. As the crops grow the speed can be increased and the small amount of earth thrown out by the teeth at the higher speed is an advantage at an advanced stage of growth, as it tends to form a small mould on each side of the row which smothers any weed growth in the row and protects the plant generally. This equipment is operated by a hydraulic pump in the tractor and a slight pull on a lever raises and lowers the equipment. This is very much easier to handle than handoperated levers which require a good deal of strength to raise and lower equipment of this nature. The hydraulic lift by bringing the cultivators back to the exact setting each time it is raised and lowered at the ends of the rows ensures cultivation of an even depth throughout the crop. Hand-operated cultivators generally do not maintain an even depth because the driver is likely to vary the settings of the hand lift. This unit can cover 1 to 1? acres an hour, depending on the size of the crop, and can cultivate up to 2 acres an hour in maturing crops.

Cultivating Crops with Heavier Foliage

Larger crops such as cabbage, cauliflower, dwarf beans, peas, and potatoes, which were generally grown in 30in. rows, required frequent and deep cultivation. The practice where possible at Patumahoe was to put one unit just ahead of another and to complete two jobs at once as shown in Fig. 9. The cabbage cultivators and moulders shown in Fig. 9 are on separate machines. This, of course, was necessary on account of the large areas under production. At times there were 200 acres in cabbage and cauliflower, all needing the same cultivation. For the average farmer

using one tractor to carry out all the work it is not a big job to change over from cultivators to moulders or vice versa, or to drop off the cultivation gear altogether. Makers of this type of equipment always bear this in mind and quickly-attached devices are features of most cultivation equipment.

The front machine in Fig. 9 is the cultivating unit, the rear machine being the moulding unit. This type of cultivator and similar types are fitted with tool bars to which can be attached any particular type of cultivator. Chisel teeth were used and generally three were sufficient to cultivate thoroughly between the rows of crop. This cultivator will cultivate only 2 rows of crop and will follow the 2 rows put in by the 2-row ridger.

It is also used for sowing the fertiliser required for cabbage and, in some cases, cauliflower crops. The rate of sowing is 20 to 25cwt. to the acre and the manure is placed under a ridge of earth. This is best done, if possible, a week or two before planting out. Planting out is generally done immediately following rain, when soil conditions are moist.

Efficient System of Planting

The system of planting developed in the district has proved very efficient and trained workers can plant out very large areas in a very short time. Plants are generally grown next to the area to be planted and when needed are pulled and placed in cases and laid between the ridges. Workers are paired off, one “planting” and one “dropping.” The dropper holds an armful of plants and drops one at about the right spot along the row. The planter follows and with a trowel makes a hole in the ground, places the plant in it, and with one foot firms the ground around the plant, the whole planting being done in one motion. A team of 8 to 10 can plant 2 acres or more a day. The two rows thrown up by the ridger are the two • rows cultivated together by the cultivator. On a cultivator of the type shown in Fig. 9 there are 9 chisel teeth operating between the 4 rows and 6 more are attached to the back gang to wipe out wheel tracks. The 15 chisel teeth, all in the soil to the depth of several inches, give complete culti-

vation for 2 rows. On heavy soils considerable power is needed to cultivate efficiently and to prevent the cultivator being too heavy a load on the tractor. The general practice in the cultivation of the cabbage and cauliflower crop was to put the tractor into the crop 10 to 14 days after planting out. This gave the plants a chance to become established and, provided the chisel teeth were not set too close to the row and the tractor was driven slowly, no damage was done to the young plant. Generally planting out was done after rain and as a result the ground between the rows tended to pack and consolidate from the passage of people doing the planting out. These crops required deep cultivation for best results and it was found that cultivation units such as the one shown were very efficient. The average area covered by one of these units in an hour was 1| acres. Cropping methods in the Patumahoe and Pukekohe districts require cabbage and cauliflower crops to be properly moulded like potato crops. The chief advantages of this are: First, it protects the plants from the high winds experienced in the districts; secondly, it smothers weeds close to the plants; and thirdly, it helps to raise the plant up, particularly during the winter and early spring, and keep the roots warm and dry. Fig. 10 shows a set of moulders fitted to a cultivation unit similar to other

units shown in this article. The moulders are composed of three parts, the moulder, the point, and the wings. The point is replaceable and this is an advantage in stony or timbered country where snags may be encountered. As a further safeguard a safety device called a “spring trip” is incorporated in the moulders; on striking any solid obstruction it detaches from the standard and flies back. Fig. 11 shows the spring on the moulder which operates the safety device. The moulder moulds only 2 rows. The moulders attached to the front of the unit have only one wing, which throws the soil inward. The back moulder has two wings and these throw soil to either side and complete the moulding of the two rows. Normally moulding is not carried out till the plants are half matured, and here again the speed of the tractor is important. The first time the moulders are put through the crop a slow speed is necessary, because the thrown soil would smother a part of the crop if the speed were too fast. On the second moulding the tractor can be driven at a higher speed, which will cause the soil to be well thrown around the plants, smothering the weeds and giving the plants adequate support. Fig. 9 shows the moulders going through the crop for the first time. Moulders will not work success-

fully unless the soil between the rows is loose. The crop must be

thoroughly cultivated just before moulding to ensure a plentiful supply of loose, friable soil.

In Fig. 11 the land shown has just been broken out of a peaty swamp and the crop of cabbage is the first crop grown on it. As fine inter-row cultivation with knife weeders, duckfeet, and similar cultivation equipment cannot be done efficiently if the soil is full of fibre and rubbish, great difficulty would be experienced in working this land.

Cultivation of Beans and Tomatoes

Large areas of both beans and tomatoes were grown at Patumahoe and . tractor inter-row cultivation played an important part in the maintenance of these crops. Both crops were grown in 42in. rows to allow ample room for harvesting, and the tomatoes were sprayed with a tractor power spray.

It was not possible to stake the beans, as the areas were too large. However, it was found that, by sowing in 42in. rows, and by occasionally pruning back the runners with a cabbage knife, a bushy plant could be grown, and the plants supported each other, forming a low bushy hedge. Excellent returns were obtained from the beans grown in this manner. Both tomatoes and beans respond to regular and efficient shallow inter-row cultivation and the tractors were kept in the crops right up to harvesting if necessary.

For the cultivation of these crops the units shown in Fig. 12 were used. Only two rows of crops could be cultivated simultaneously. Fig. 13 shows the front portion of the cultivation equipment. The triangular-shaped cultivation units are known as spear heads and are capable of deep penetration of the soil if it is in a loose and free condition. Deer tongue cultivators can also be used very efficiently on this type of cultivation unit. As the crop grows the distance between the two spear heads can be widened to suit the crop by the lever and ratchet above the spear heads. Fig. 14 shows the sweeps, which are shallow cultivators to loosen up and level out the soil behind the spear heads. Four spear heads and 7 sweeps complete the unit. Two spear heads work down each side of the row of crop and 2 sweeps cultivate behind the wheels and wipe out the marks left by the tractor. The remaining 3 sweeps cultivate between the 2 rows and wipe out the track left by the front wheel. One and a half to 2 acres an hour can be cultivated by these units, depending on the size of , the crop and the distance the cultivation points are away from the row. Fig. 15 shows the depth of cultivation and the distance the spear heads are from the row. Periodical side dressings of fertiliser were necessary for the tomato crops

and these were applied by a unit similar to that shown in Fig. 12. This unit worked in the same way as the one described earlier in the article. From each bin two tubes led down to the back of the spear heads, and the fertiliser was applied to the soil immediately behind the spear heads. The sweeps on the rear of the tractor mixed and distributed the fertiliser thoroughly through the topsoil. This method of applying fertiliser was found more economic and satisfactory than hand methods, and quantities of up to 1 ton an acre could be applied. All the initial marking out and application of fertiliser for the tomato crop was done with these machines, the spear heads being set 14in. apart and the sweeps not being used at all. The fertiliser was applied to the soil at the back of the spear head and the two spear heads formed a small low ridge of earth which was sufficient to enable the planter to set out the young tomato plant. No damage resulted to the plants from fertiliser burn, as the fertiliser was placed 7in. away from the centre of the ridge formed.

For best results only a small application of fertiliser was found necessary when setting out the plants and, although the total quantity given to the crop ranged from 15 to 30cwt. an acre, this was given as several side dressings during the crops’ growth.

It must be clearly understood that the cultivation methods described in this article were used only in vegetable crops, but all the cultivation equipment could be put into almost any field crop. A noticeable feature an all the illustrations is the absence of weed growth, which has resulted from sound cultivation practices up to the seedling stage and subsequent inter-row cultivation. It may be concluded from the illustrations that this district is free from weeds, but Fig. 16 shows clearly the weed growth in a crop not cultivated efficiently and eventually abandoned in this district. One attempt had been made to wheel hoe this crop and the few visible rows of onions showing are the result of that wheel hoeing.

Improvements on Existing Methods

Any method which reduces the width of the crop row required for tractor cultivation should be considered and one way of doing this is shown in Fig. 17. The wheel shown is known as the “tip-toe” wheel and has proved most satisfactory. With the knowledge gained from experience at Patumahoe it may be possible to reduce the row width which can be intercultivated from 21 to 15in. This would be the ideal, as very little loss of production would result from crops grown in this row width.

A still greater degree of mechanisation for cultivating farm crops will be

possible when further discoveries are made in methods of weed control. Such a discovery has meant that in the growing of a carrot crop little or no tedious and costly hand labour is now required. Provided the carrot crop has been seeded in at a rate requiring little or no thinning, ordinary power kerosene at the rate of about 30 to 40 gallons to the acre sprayed over the crop when in its second or third fern leaf stage will kill all weeds. If soil conditions allow the use of a tractor, the crop can be cultivated 'by machinery from seeding right up to harvest.


The success of tractor cultivation depends largely on the care with which the tractor is handled, but it should not be very difficult for the average farmer to train a man to operate a tractor efficiently in this work. The work at Patumahoe required not one man but as many as 15 to 20 all capable of using tractors on inter-row cultivation. To find and train men presented many difficulties. The extreme shortage of manpower during this period meant utilising whatever labour was available and required high-pressure methods and

concentrated effort to train the men to use tractors and equipment proficiently. ’ The experience gained has shown that a wider use of tractor inter-row cultivation for farm crops of New Zealand is well worth consideration.

The cultivation of the large areas of vegetables needed for the Armed Forces was possible only by the use of mechanical equipment and results at Patumahoe have proved that it would be a simple matter to use this form of cultivation for all farm crops; without doubt this would be the means of increasing production. Acknowledgment Thanks are expressed to Mr. E. Copsey, Auckland, for his help in the preparation of this article. His knowledge and application of tractor interrow cultivation made it possible to mechanise successfully the large areas in the Auckland Province which were utilised for the production of vegetables for the Armed Forces during the war.

All photographs in this article, except FigS. 13, 14, and 16, are by Sparrow Industrial Pictures Ltd.

Radio Broadcasts

ID AD IO talks to farmers will be given from Station IYA, Auckland, at 7.15 p.m., on the following dates: — March 17“ The Work of the Fields Division in Post-war Farming,” by J. W. Woodcock, Assistant Director of the Fields Division, Wellington. March 24—Young Farmers’ Clubs session, by S. G. V. Avery, Dominion President of the Young Farmers’ Clubs Federation. March —“Kikuyu Grass,” by E. H. Arnold, Instructor in Agriculture, Whangarei.

Pig Broadcasts

T JNDER the auspices of District Pig Councils broadcasts will be delivered in March as follows: — AucklandlYA, on March 19, at 7.15 p.m., “Equipment that Makes Pig Keeping Easy,” by H. E. Clark, Supervisor, Auckland District Pig Council. Wellington2YA, on March 18, at 7.15 p.m., "Origin and History of Breeds in Use in New Zealand,” by I. Owtram, Supervisor, Taranaki District Pig Council.

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New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 February 1947, Page 191

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TRACTOR INTER-ROW CULTIVATION New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 February 1947, Page 191

TRACTOR INTER-ROW CULTIVATION New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 74, Issue 2, 15 February 1947, Page 191