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Printed below is a statement of extraneous seeds found in commercial samples of agricultural seed on the New Zealand market, showing, by means of a key, the relative frequency of occurrence of each, and whether harmful or otherwise. The list is based on the results of some thousands of purity analyses of seeds made in the Biological Laboratory during the past four years. The list is now printed on the back of the report forms issued under the Department's seed-testing system, and affords’ a useful and handy reference for the person to whom the report is furnished, enabling him to estimate the importance or otherwise of the impurities specified ,by weight and numbers per cent, in the report. In many cases, even in comparatively well-cleaned lines of seed, the number of different extraneous seeds specified appears rather formidable, and to the uninitiated the sample might seem quite unsuitable for sowing., A reference to the. table, however, will put the matter in its practical proportions. Unless the seed is required for some very special purpose the majority of extraneous seeds in a sample are not a matter of much consequence, although the presence of any one in large numbers would, of course, be a drawback. On the other hand, the really dangerous or troublesome impurities the inclusion of which should not be tolerated are clearly indicated in the list, and it is for the persons concerned to act on the information given. , . Key. - ’ ■ ■ ' ■

EC = Extremely common. VC = Very common. C = Common. . RC = Rather common. RR = Rather rare. R = Rare. VR = Very rare. ER = Extremely rare. (a) = Dangerous. , (b) '= Dangerous (except on wellstocked sheep-country). (c) = Troublesome. (d) . = Not troublesome. . (e) = Weed of pasture. (/) = Weed of arable land and tem- . porary crop. (g) = Weed of waste places, roadsides, stockyards, &c. (A) = A small percentage in a line of. little moment. ■ -

(?) = Useful seed. (7) = Found mainly in imported seed. (k) Found only in New -Zealandgrown seed. (l) Indicator European lucerne. (w?) = Indicator Asiatic lucerne. (n) = Indicator American meadow-fes-cue. (o) = Plant not yet recorded in New Zealand. (p) = Weed in damp pastures. (q) Sometimes used as an adulterant. (r) = Sclerotium of a fungus said to be injurious to stock. (s) = Troublesome in arable land. (7) = Troublesome in permanent pasture. (w) = Occasionally sown under special conditions. (v) = Harmful to wool. ' ■

List of Extraneous Seeds found in Commercial Samples of Seed on the New Zealand Market, showing Relative ' Frequency r OF Occurrence of each, and WHETHER HARMFUL OR OTHERWISE. L Alsike (Trifolium hybridum) C (i, h). American cress (Barbarea praecox) RR (j, g,d, p,h). . . • Annual knaul-grass (Soleranthus annuus) ER (g, d,j, h). Annual meadow-grass {Poa annua) VC {g,.e, d,.h).. • Asiatic star-thistle {Centaurea picris) R (m, h, o). Australian flax (Linum marginale), RC (g, e, d, h). Austrian chamomile .{Anthemis austriaca) VR (j, g, o, h). '■ Axeweed {Coronilla varia) VR (j, d, h). Barley-grass {Hordeum murinum) VR (g, d, v, h). Barnyard-grass (Panicum crus-galli) VR (g, f, s, h). Bathurst burr {Xanthium spinosum) VR (e, c, v). Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) ER (g, e, c). Black-eyed susan {Rudbeckia hirta) R (j, d, h, o). . Black mustard {Brassica nigra) R (f, c). Black nightshade {Solanum nigrum) RR (g, f, s, h). Bladder-campion (Silene inflata) C (g, d, j, h)..Bindweed (Polygonum convolvulus) RR (f, c). Birdsfoot trefoil {Lotus corniculatus) C (i, h). . Bokhara clover {Melilotus officinalis) RR (i, h). > ■ - Bracted plantain {Plantago aristata) C (n, o, h). Broad-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius) VC (g, f, p, c). . ‘ ' Burdock (Arctium Lapp a) VR (g, e, d, v). ■ Californian stinkweed {Gilia squarrosa) ER (j, g,.e, c). Californian thistle {Carduus arvensis) RC {a).. Canadian blue-grass {Poa compressa) RC (j, d, q). Canary-grass {Phalaris canariensis) C (g, f, d, h). Capeweed {Cryptostemma.calendulaceum) ER (g, e, c ). . Catchfly (Silene anglica) VC {g,f,s, h). . ' Catmint (Nepeta cataria) RR (j, g, d, h). Catsear (Hypochaeris radicata) EC (e, d, h). Celery (Apium graveolens) VR (g, d,.h). Celery-leaved buttercup {Ranunculus scleratus) R[(g,L, p, d, 1) Charlock {Brassica arvensis) VR (f, c). Cheat (Bromus secalinus) RC (g, f, d, j, h). Chewings fescue {Festuca sabulicola) R (i, h). Chickweed {Stellaria media) VC (g, f, e, s, h). Chicory (Cichorium Intybus) VC (g, 'd,.i,.h, u). ■ Cinquefoil {Potentilla norvegica) C (j, e, d, h). Cleavers {Galium aparine) C (g, s, f, h). Clustered clover {Trifolium glomeratum) RC (e, q). Cocksfoot {Dactylis glomerata) EC (i, h). Common daisy {Bellis perennis) VR (e, c). ■ Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) R (g, d, j, li). Creeping-buttercup (Ranunculus repens) C (e, a). . Creeping-fog (Holcus mollis) R (e, f, s).. Crested dogstail {Cynosurus cristatus) EC (i, h). ' . . . Crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum) C {i, h). ‘ Curled dock (Rumex crispus) VC (g, f, c). Cutleaved cranesbill {Geranium dissectum) C (g, f, e, d, h). Dandelion {Taraxacum officinale) VR (g, e, f, d, .h). Darnel (Lolium temulentum) ER (f, c). Dodder (Cuscuta spp.) C {a). , ■ • English hair-grass {Aira praecox) C (g, f, d, h). ■ ■ - ■ English trefoil {Medicago lupulina) C (i, q, h). . ■ Ergot {Claviceps purpurea) VC (r). ■ ■ ■ : .

Evening primrose {Oenothera biennis) VR (g, d, j, h). False flax {Camelina microcarpa) VR {g, d,f, h). } Fat-hen {Chenopodium album) VC {f,cj- - g -j, , • ■ Fennel {Foeniculum vulgare) VR'(g, c). .■. -.- , Fiddle-dock {Rumex pulcher) R {g, c). Field-buttercup {Ranunculus acris) RC {e, c).' , Field-chamomile {Anthemis arvensis) VC fj,f, g, d, h). Field-cress {L'epidium campestre) VR (g, e,.j,,s,Ji). Field-gromwell {Lithospermum arvense) VR {f, g, d, 'h). , Field-madder '{Sherardia arvensis) VC (/, gj e, d, hj. ’ - Field-rush {Luzula campestris) R {g, d, h, p). ? Fiorin {Agrostis spp.) C {i\ A). <? ■ . KSiU: Forget-me-not {Myosotis arvensis) VC {fygpdfli). d ■ Four-seeded vetch {Vicia gemella) R {g, d,' h).. ' Foxglove {Digitalis purpurea) ER {g,e, -c); • Fumitory {Fumaria muralis) ER s, h). ■ German millet {Setaria italica germanica) V r R {.j, o). Goat’s-rue {Galeg'a officinalis) ER {e, c). .■..ffi.f. Golden pigeon-grass {Setaria glauca) R (7, f, d, h). . Goose-grass (Bromus hordeaceus) EC {f, g, e, d, h). . Greater birdsfoot trefoil {Lotus major) C {i, h). Greater plantain {Plantago major) C {g, e, p, d, h). Green pigeon-grass {Setaria viridis) C {f, c, h). .Groundsel {Senecio vulgaris) VR,{g, d, h). .. . . . Hair-grass {Festuca bromoides) EC {f,g, e, d, h). Hairy birdsfoot trefoil {Lotus hispidus) RC {i, h). . ; Hairy buttercup {Ranunculus sardous) C {e, c). Hard fescue {Festuca duriuscula) ■ C {i, h). ■ Haresfoot trefoil {Trifolium arvense) VR {g, e, d, h). Hawkbit {Leontodon hirtus) VC {g, e, d, h). . ■ Hawkweed {Crepis capillaris) EC {g,f, e, d, h). Hedge-bedstraw {Galium Mollugo) R (7, e, d, h). . Hedge-parsley {Torilis nodosa) VR {j, g, d, h). Hemlock {Conium maculatum) ER {g, c). ' Hemp-nettle {Galeopsis Tetrahit) VR {g, d, h). Hop-trefoil {Trifolium procumbens) C {e, g, d, h)., Hungarian forage-grass {Bromus inermis) VR (i, h). Inkweed {Phytolacca octandra) ER {g, e,-cj. ; GV Italian rye-grass {Lolium italicum) EC (i, h). . V. ?. ■ - ■ Knee-jointed foxtail {Alopecurus geniculatus) C {e, g, p, d, h) Lamb’s lettuce {Valerianella Morisonii) VR {j, d, g, h). 'i Lamb’s succory {Arnoseris pusilia) VR jj, e, d, h). j Large-leaved plantain {Plantago- hirtella) RR {g, e, d, h). Large-seeded danthonia {Danthonia pilosa) C {k, i, h) j ■ ; Lesser bindweed {Convolvulus arvensis) VR {f, c). Linseed {Linum usitatissimum) C {i, f, d, h). ■ - w •• ■; Lucerne {Medicago saliva) C {i, h).. !. . Mallow {Malva spp.) RC {g, d, h). . ; • Mayweed (Ikf alcana inodor a) RC {g, e, d;h): y ' . Meadow-fescue {Festuca pratensis) VR (f, h). ' . Meadow-foxtail {Alopecurus pratensis) RC {i, h). ■ Mediterranean rocket {Eruca saliva) R {I, d, h). Milk-thistle {Carduus marianus) ER {g, e, c). ' Milkweed {Euphorbia'peplus) ER {g, f, d, h). Millet {Panicum miliaceum) -R {j,f, d, h). ' y ' : Mouse-eared chickweed {Cerastium vulgatum) VC {f, g, d, h)-.' Mulldin {Verbascum.Blattaria) R {g, e, d, h).-- V ' . " Narrow-leaved cress {Lepidium ruder ale) C'{g, e, f f s, h). Nettle-leaved,vervain {Verbena iirticifolia) R (g, j, d, hj.:.. New Zealand rice-grass {Microlapna stipoides) RR {k, f h). New Zealand wind-grass {Aira spicaventi) RC {k, f, e, d, h). \ Night-flowering catchfly {Silene noctiflora) C : {g, d, h). .■ Nipplewort {Lapsana.communis) VC .{g, f, d, h). ' .. .■ Nodding-thistle {Carduus nutans) ER {e, g, c). , ' . Oat {Avena saliva) R {f, i, d,h).' . ■ V Orache {A triplex spp.) VR {f,g,-d,:h)'. ■ A

Ox-eye daisy {Chrysanthemum leucanthem/um) C {e, &). Ox-tongue {Pieris echioides) C (g, e, d, h). ■ ‘-'-he Pale persicaria {Polygonum lapathifolium) VR {f, p, d, h). Pansy {Viola spp.) RC {g, d, h). . - Paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum) VR {i, h). Pennyroyal (Mentha Pulegium) VR (g, e, c, p). Pepper-grass {Lepidium intermedium) RC (g, d, h). Perennial rye-grass {Lolium perenne) EC (i, h). : Pigweed {Amaranthus retroflexus) R (f, s, h). ■ Poppy {Papaver spp.) RR (g, f, d, A) . . - ■ ' J-h’’' _ Prairie-grass {Bromus unioloides) R (i, h). . Prickly sowthistle {Sonehusasper) C (/, g, d, h). ■'> w ’»' Ragwort (Senecio Jacobaea) RR (e, g, b). , Ratstail {Sporobolus indicus) R (i, h). .'■ ■■ Rayless chamomile {Matricaria- discoidea) VR (g, d, h). '■ ■ . Red clover {Trifolium .pratense) VC (i, h). Red fescue {Festuca rubra) C (i, h). : - ■ Red tarweed {Odontites rubra) R (j, s, h). Reed canary-grass {Phalaris arundinacea) VR (e, p, u). Rib-grass {Plantago lanceolata) EC (e, g, d, u, h) .. Rough-stalked meadow-grass {Poa trivialis) C (i, h). Rugel’s plantain {Plantago Rugeli) C (j, g, o, d, h). Sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa) RR (i, h). St. John’s wort {Hypericum perforatum) RR (e, g, c). Salsify {Tragopogon porrifolius) R (g, d, h). '• . Sand-clover {Anthyllis vulneraria) R (?, A). Sandwort (Arenaria serpyllifolia) VR (g, j, d, h). .■■■•■.- Scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) VC (g, f, d, h). ■ Sedge {Carex cephalophora) C {j, h). . ' /■ Selfheal {Prunella vulgaris) VC (g, e, t, h). adella {Ornithopus sativus) R {j, i, d, h). Shepherd’s purse {Capsella bursa-pastoris) VC {f, c). : v-ycXP Sheep’s burnet (Poterium Sanguisorba) R (i, h). - '■ ■ Sheep’s burr (A caena ovina) R (e, c, v). • • . ■ Sheep’s fescue {Festuca ovina) R {i, h). Shore-plantain {Plantago Coronopus) R (g, d, h). Slender birdsfoot trefoil {Lotus angustissimus) C (i, h).' Slender rush- uncus tenuis) RC (e, d, h). - ■ ' Small-flowered, buttercup {Ranunculus par 'viflorus) C {g, f, c). Small-flowered cranesbill {Geranium pusilium) RC {j, o, d, h). Small-seeded danthonia {Danthonia semiannularis) C {k, i, h). Smart-weed {Polygonum Persicaria) RC (/, c). Smooth-stalked meadow-grass {Poa pratensis) VC {i, f, s). Soft-leaved cranesbill {Geranium molle) VC (e, g, d, h). ' . Soldier’s button {Cotula coronopifolia) VR (k, g, p, d, h). ■■ Sorghum {Sorghum vulgare) R {j, d, h). c Sorrel {Rumex acetosella) EC {g, e,f, Sour dock {Rumex acetosa) C {j, e, g, d, h). ■ Sowthistle {Sonchus oleraceus) C {g, d, h). ■■ ' . . Spear-thistle {Carduus lanceolatus) C '{e, g, c). i C Spotted burr clover {Medicagomaculata):R_{g, c, v). ’ Spurrey {Spergula arvensis) VC {f, c). ' : - J Sterile bromegrass {Bromus sterilis) RC {g, d, h). 1 ...iX .'.L Stinging-nettle‘{U{r tic a dioica) VR {g, h).' " Stinking-chamomile {Anthemis cotula) C {j,g,e,f,'d,'h): ' ■-■'■'■'p J -- Stinkweed {Thlaspi ,arv.ense)-R {j, f, s). . Stitchwort (Stellaria graminea) RC {j, e, d, h). ' . " ■ u Storksbill {Erodium cicutarium) R {g, e, f, s). ■■■■■:' { .Strawberry-clover .{Trifolium fragiferum) R {i, h). ■>. ’ Subterranean clover {Trifolium subterraneum) R {i, h). -' J t ! ' J Suckling-clover {Trifolium,-minus) EC {f, e, u, d, h). ■ , . Sweet alyssum {Alyssum alyssoides) R {j, g, d, h). -T" . Sweetbriar- {Rosa rubigindsa) ER {g, e, o). . >'.■ < ' V . Sweet floating-grass -{Glyceria fluitans) R {g, p, d, h). ' Sweet vernal {Anthoxanthum odoratum) VC (e, g, t, h, u). ■ ■ ■ ; Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) C {p, c, u). . - Knr’ "■ ’’ •

Tall oat-grass {Arrhenatherum avenaceum) RR (i, h). Tarweed {Bartsia viscosa) VR (e, c). ■ • Thompson's'bent-grass {Triodia Thompsoni) RR (k, e, d, h). Timothy {Phleum pratense) VC (i, A). . Toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris) VR {j, d, f, s, h). Toad-rush (Juncus bufonius) RC (g, p, d, h). • Toothed burr-clover (Medicago denticulata) R (g, c, v). Treacle-mustard (Erysimum cheiranthoides) RR (j, g, f, d, h). Tufted hair-grass (Aira c'aespitosa) C (g, d, h)'.. ■ Tutsan (Hypericum . Androsaemum) ER (g, c). Twitch {A gropyron repens) VR (e, f, s). . * . Veronica (Veronica spp.) RC {f,d, h). ■■ . Vervain {Verbena officinalis) RR (g, d, h). • Vetch (Vicia saliva) RC (g, f, d, h). ■ . Vipers bugloss {Echium vulgare) VR (g, e, i, h). . . Virginian cress {Lepidium virginicum) RC (j, d, h). Wart-cress (Senebiera didyma) VR (g, f, s, h). .... Western Wolths rye-grass (Lolium westwolticum) (i, h). Wheat (Tnticum vulgar e) RR (i, h). White clover (Trifolium repens) VC (i, h).. White mustard (Brassica alba) RR (i, h). Wild carrot {Daucus carotaf'RC (g, f, d, h). Wild beaked parsley {Anthriscus silvestris) RR (j, g, d, h). Wild lettuce {Lactuca spp.) VR (g, d, h). Wild melilot {Melilotus arvensis) RC (g, d, h). . : ' ' Wild mignonette {Reseda luteola) R (j, g, d, h). Wild oat (Avena fdtua) RR (f, s, h). Wild turnip {Brassica campestris) RC (f, s, h). Winged thistle {Carduus pycnocephalus) RR (e, c). Wireweed {Polygonum aviculare) C (g, f, c). Witch-grass {Panicum capillare) RR (f, d, -h). Wood meadow-grass {Poa nemoralis) R (i, h). Woolly-headed thistle {Carduus eriophorus) ER (e, g, c). Woolly mullein {Verbascum Thapsus) VR (g, e, d). Woundwort {Stachys arvensis) R (f, d, h). Yarrow {Achillea millefolium) VC (e, s, h, u). Yellow star-thistle {Centaurea solstiiialis) R (e, d, h). Yorkshire fog (Holcus lanatus) EC (g, e, c, p, u).

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XIII, Issue 3, 20 September 1916, Page 208

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SEED-IMPURITIES. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XIII, Issue 3, 20 September 1916, Page 208

SEED-IMPURITIES. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XIII, Issue 3, 20 September 1916, Page 208