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SUMMER MEETING. ANOTHER RECORD ATTENDANCE. CUP WON BY STARLAND, FOAL STAKES BY MERMIN. Fine weather conditions are necessary to the complete success of a i ace meeting. The Auckland Racing Club were in luck once again, and Cup day at Ellerslie will long be remembered as one of the most successful in the history of the club. The attendance was certainly a record one —between thirty-five and forty thousand may be within the mark in estimating it. The spaces in front of the stands and the totalisators were uncomfortably crowded, and all along the rails in front of the stands, the hill and other vantage spots were well patronised as usual. Hundreds lined up near the starting places. The scene was an animated one of welldressed men and women. City bands enlivened the proceedings both inside and outside the enclosures. There were capital fields without being unweildv, and splendid racing, good finishes being witnessed in nearly every race, the Cup one being especi-

ally good between the placed horses and two or three other of the runners. Though the time was the slowest for that particular race for many years, it was due to the time lost over the first mile and a-quarter, which was much slower than usual, the last six furlongs being run fast. The totalisator turnover it, was always considered safe to anticipate would be a record one. All clubs throughout New Zealand have been showing increases in that way during the season, and that of the Auckland Racing Club had only to be proportionately good to be far ahead of the previous records. During the afternoon the figures for each race showed large increases as compared with last year, the opening race (the Shortland Plate), the Auckland Cup and the Railway Handicap showing the largest returns in that respect. The sum of £154,188 10s. was passed through the totalisators, as against £124,916 10s. last year. Our new Gover-nor-General (Lord Jellicoe) and Lady Jellicoe and staff had a fine reception from the crowd when they arrived, and they remained until just after the seventh race. It would be impossible to note all the prominent visitors. Sir George Clifford (head of the Racing Conference), Sir Thomas Mackenzie, Sir James (barroll, members of both Houses of Parliament,

the American and Australian tennis champions,, and many leading horse owners were- noticeable. It was truly a great gathering. The racing commenced with the Shortland Plate (Special weights) which resulted in a half-length - ' win for Mr. E. W. Alison junr.’s Aus-tralian-bred three-year-old gelding Geoffrey, one of four of that age that started in the fipld of 18. Better supported ones in Bonnie Heather, Early Dawn and Forest Gold (the favourite) also had their numbers hoisted on the judge’s box and number board, Marble Slab and Guerre a Mort running best of the others. GREAT NORTHERN FOAL STAKES. A really fine field of nine were saddled up for the Great Northern Foal Stakes. The previous four consecutive successes of Mr. W. G'. Stead’s Absurd colt Mermin were sufficient to cause him to be installed favourite, and to such an extent was he supported that he carried £9294 of the money invested, which stands as a record for the Dominion on one competitor. Mermin had to put forth his best efforts to win, however, as the Martian colt The Hawk set such a sound pace and responded so well when approached that some backers were quite prepared to see the tables

turned on Mermin by his former opponent. It was not to be, however. The Hawk was made a lot of use of and he could not go right on at the pace, with the result that Mermin got to him and won by a head. Maunu was also able to close up the gap and to get within a length of The Hawk as the line was crossed. Outside these placed ones Grotesque, who is improving, was fourth, and Royal Box, Kick Off, Oranga, Loyal Irish and Winning Hit finished in order. The time (Imin. 13 4-ssec.) was 2-sth of a second outside that registered by Biplane.

The Robinson Handicap followed, and Tinohoro, one of the two topweights, was made favourite. Right well he played his part in a wellcontested race, and just when he had got the measure of Clonmel, Hyrax, Heathermoon and Formalin, the leaders, Tressor and Nightime having dropped back, Lovelight, well served on the score of weight, got to him and beat him over the last halffurlong, having a neck to spare, Hyrax being a length off, third, followed by Clonmel and Formalin, War Tank, Nightime and Heathermoon being most prominent of the others THE AUCKLAND CUP. The scratching of Kilgour and Sunart and of Glen Canny left twelve starters for the Auckland Cup, a

rather mixed looking lot with a few outstanding in .the. matter of conformation' and classy appearance. Opinions were, divided to -sucli an extent that it - was. not until..the totalisators stopped recording that it would have been safe to gamble as to which would end up favourite, so evenly were Fir st - Salute, Uncle Ned and Gasbag supported. The investments on each were heavy, and the New Zealand Cup winner, Oratress, was next in demand. The money, however, was so much in evidence for the horses named and others that the pool ran out to the large sum of £29,417 10s. A RECORD BETTING RACE. It proved a great betting race, and in the actual running and the finish in particular, one worthy of the occasion and the valuable stake. Blue Cross was responsible for the pace' for the greater part, of the distance, and really surprised many of those who had seen him working during the week, by getting as far as he did before- resigning his place. He was followed for nearly a mile and a-half by Prince Willonyx, Gasbag, Woody Glen, First Salute, Uncle Ned and Starland at that stage being most prominent of the others, while Nightraider, who got away. badly, had passed some of the runners.- In the straight Blue Cross was supplanted by Gasbag, First Salute also coming on, and when this pair got together Starland put in his claim and in a fine finish won by a neck, First Salute beating Gasbag by a head, Oratress finishing well and getting up fourth, just beat Uncle Ned and Blue Cross, followed by Woody Glen, Red Ribbon, Johnny Walker, Prince Willonyx, Nightraider and Tenterfield bringing up the . rear; There has rarely been a closer Cup finish between three horses in Australasia over such a distance of ground. Though dead-heats have been registered in the New Zealand Cup, and some very fine other finishes between two, three and as many as four have been witnessed in that race, the finish of the Auckland Cup of 1920 was one such as is seldom surpassed. The official timekeeper, Mr. J. K. Douglas, struck off the stages of the journey as follows:- —One furlong, 14 3-ssec.; two furlongs, 27sec.; three furlongs, 40 2-ssec.; six furlongs, lmin. 20 2-ssec.; seven furlongs, Imin. 34sec.; mile, Imin. 47 3-ssec.; mile and a-quarter, 2min. 15sec.; mile and a-half, 2min. 40sec.; two miles, 3min. 30 l-ssec. The last half-mile was covered in 50 l-ssec. The way Prince Willonyx raced suggests that he was not ready for such a trying ordeal. The absence of Sunart and Kilgour was due to both going sore, Sunart proving so right on the • eve of the battle, after doing a pleasing gallop. Glen Canny’s late withdrawal -was not the cause of any surprise, but the owners of the horses named are to be commiserated with in not having them ready to compete. The Grafton Hurdle Race was another good race, but, except that it provided a splendid finish, Paddington Green winning by half a length and Oakleigh and Khartoum running a dead-heat for second, it presented no special peatures. Luperino, the favourite, was racing behind the field for a long way and when he reached the last hurdle most people were expecting him to come away and win. It was not to be, however, as he ran out wide and finished badly. THE RAILWAY HANDICAP. The Railway Handicap saw Arrowsmith, despite his big weight, made favourite, Humbug, Hymestra and Missgold being next in favour—a great betting race. The start was not as satisfactory as could have been wished. It looked as though the barrier did not lift evenly, and that King Abbey had shot under it before it went up. He did not remain in front long, however. Silver Link, who ran second last year, was quickly into her stride also, and in the straight Golden Bubble .and that mare and Statuette could be seen well together as they came past the massed crowd on the rails, Right and Left (carrying 71b. overweight), Dovelet and Rossini being other conspicuous ones. Arrowsmith, on the outside of the field, and Humbug (who also got off indifferently), in the centre, tried to get up, but neither had a chance as things happened. To give weight and a start is out of the question. Though Silver Link ran up to her last year’s form she had to strike her colours to Statuette, who from the half-distance made a good final run and won by three-parts of a length in the same time as the Foal Stakes took, viz., Imin. 13 4-ssec. Right and Left, finishing on, got within a head of Silver Link, Dovelet being fourth, almost on terms and between the pair. Rossini ran out and lost ground thereby, or when straightened up might have been closer.

The Nursery Handicap was won by an outsider in Mr. Gerald Stead s Leithfield, who, like the Cup winner Starland, is a son of Nassau. , He beat a good sort of colt in Unahi, and the topweight, Toa Taua, cut Soulterina out of third place. Maioha and Tigritiya were the best supported of the Christinas Handicap runners. Tigritiya, next the rails, led until the last few strides, when Maioha, who was brought along with a good finishing effort, got up and won by "a neck, Tinopai being a length away, third, with Heather Sprig fourth. The results were: — SHORTLAND PLATE of 500sovs. One mile. 4 e W. Alison’s b g Geoffrey, 3 yrs bv The Sybarite — Irish Mist, car. 7.8 (C. Reed) •• 1 2— C. Elgar’s br g Bonnie Heather, 8.2 (McFlinn) C ' " s—Exors. late W. .T. Douglas br m Early Dawn, 7.11 (R. Heed) .. . 3 Also started: 14 Bitholia 8.2 (Ryan), 12 Canowindra 8.2 (J. 2-’ Shea ?’1 6 iSrest ter Attack car. 8.4 (Robinson), 1 Foiest Gold car. 8.4 ( Brad y)’„ g l ’ car 8 4 (Ericksen), 3 Marble Slab 8(Gray) 7 Over There 8.2 (McTavish), 17 Thrace car. 8.3 (Henderson) 9 Pavo car. 8.3 (Deeley), 8 Actrice>7 IL (Tucifprl 11 Amberine 7.11 (Bairy), m Monocrat 711 (Tinker), 18 Commission 7.7 (Conquest), 13 Illumination 7.7 (Carmont), 16 Pagoda -7.2 (Glover). Won by half a length, a simitar tance between second and thud. lo est Gold was fourth. Time, Imm. 39 great northern foal stakes of 1500SOVS, second 250sovs, third 150SOVS. For two-year-olds. six furlongs. 1— W G. Stead’s ch c Mermin, by Abs urd—Sea Elf, 8.10 (Gray) . . 1 2— Exors. late W. J. Douglas b g The Hawk, by Martian — Sparrowhawk, B.<lo (R. Reed) 4H E. Troutbeck’s br c Maunu, by Wolawa —Float, 8.10 (Oise ll .) 3 Also started: 5 Winning Hit 8.10 (McFlinn). 9 Kick-off 8.10 (Barry), 3 Oranga 8.10 (Deeley), 8 Royal Box 8.10 (J. O’Shea), 7 Grotesque 8.10 (C. Reed), 6 Loyal Irish 8.10 (Robinson) Won by a neck, two lengths separating second and third. Grotesque was fourth. Time, Imin. 13 4-ssec. ROBINSON HANDICAP of 400sovs. Seven furlongs. 3— Mrs. J. Hughes’ br g Lovelight, 3yrs, by Lucullus —Te Arolia, 7.1 (McTavish) 1 I—r.1 — r. Hannon’s ch h Tinohoro, D. 4 (Robinson) • ■■■ - B—E. Gibbs’ b g Hyrax, 8.7 (C. Reed) " Also started: 12 Explode 8.10 (McFlinn), 2 Prince Jewel 8.6 (Olsen), 6 Clonmel 8.6 (Gray), 4 War Tank 7.13 (Glover), 7 Heathermoon 7.12 (R. Reed), 10 Night Time 7.11 (Barry). 11 Formalin 7.11 (Gussey). 5 Pepin 7.7 (Tinker), 3 Aircraft car. 7.6 (Mackie) bracketed with Lovelight, 9 Sylvan car. 7.1 (Carmont), 16 Miss Melva 7.0 (Dennison), 14 Recreation car. 7.5 (Nightingale), 15 Tresor 7.0 (Coleman), 13 Poanui 7.0 (Wiggins) 17 Prince Menschikoff car. 8.3% (H. Young), 9 Brightlight 7.0 (Jarvis), 18 Marble Bell 7.0 (Hall). Won by a neck, a length between second and third. Clonmel was fourth. Time, Imin. 27 3-ssec. AUCKLAND CUP of 3000sovs; winner to receive 2000sovs, second 700sovs, and third SOOsovs. Two miles. 6 — G. L. Stead’s br g Starland, 4yrs, by Nassau —Stardancer, 6.11 (T. Glover) I 1— f. e. Ross’ br h First Salute, 5 yrs, by Marble Arch —Salute, 8.4 (H. Robinson) 2 3—A. B. Williams’ br c Gasbag, 3yrs, by Demosthenes — Lady Cilia, 7.11 (R. Reed) 3 Also started: 4 Oratress 0.2 (Gray), 2 Uncle Ned 9.0 (Connell), 8 Red Ribbon 8.4 (Deeley), 7 Tenterfleld 8.3 (J. O’Shea), 9 Prince Willonyx car, 7.12 (Henderson), 5 Woody Glen 7.5 (McTavish). 12 Johnnie Walker car. 7.4% (Tucker). 11 Nightraider 6.9 (Dixon), 10 Blue Cross car. 6.8 (Wiggins). Won by a neck, a head separating second and third. Oratress was fourth, followed by Blue Cross, Uncle Ned, and Woody Glen. Time, 3min. 30 1-5 sec. GRAFTON' HURDLE RACE HANDICAP of 500sovs. Two miles. 2— W. G. Emeny’s ch g Paddington Green, aged, by Flagfall—Polly Perkins, 10.0 (Bowden) 1 7— B. T. Bennett’s b g Khartoum, 9.9 (Copestake) .. . * 5—G. and F. Peach’s b g Oakleigh, 10.4 (Warner) . . , * Also started: 1 Luperino 1i.9 (Rennie), 8 Deviation 11.5 (Roach), 3 Kohu 11.0 (Preston), 4 Cymer 11.0 (Henderson), 6 Tenacious 10.0 (Packer). Won by half a length from the deadheaters. Time, 3min. 49sec. RAILWAY PIANDICAP of 1400sovs; second 250sovs, third 150sovs. Six furlongs, 3— -G. D. Beatson’s b m Statuette, syrs, by Marble Arch—Seatonella, 7.13 (Gray) 1 7— A. Alexander’s br m Silver Link, syrs, by Achilles'—Secret Link, 9.3 (McFlinn) 2 10—-,G. L. Stead’s blk g Right and Left, 3yrs., by Merry Moment —En Parole, car. 8.3 (Robinson) 3 Also started: 1 Arrowsmith 10.7 (Campbell), 5. Rossini 8.12 (Deeley), 2 Humbug By 7 (R. Reed), 4 Hymestra 8.1 (J. O’Shea) and' Missgold 7.7 (Tucker) bracketed, 6 King Abbey 7.12 (McTavish) and Tinokaha 6.7 (Glover) bracketed. 9 Landslide 7.6 (Mackie), 12 Arran 7.4 (Barry), 14 Golden Bubble 7.2 (Wiggins), 8 Miss Mimic 6.9 (Dixon), 11 Cantabile .car. 7.7 (C. Reed), 13 Dovelet 6.7 (Johnston). Won by . three-parts of a length, a head between second and third. Dovelet was fourth. Time, Imin. 13 4-ssec. NURSERY HANDICAP of 500so v s. For two-year-olds. Five furlongs. 6—G. L. Stead’s ch f Leithfield, by Nassau—Garston, 6.7 (Jarvis) 1 2—C. Morse’s ch c Unahi, 6.13 (T. Glover) . 2 I— Exors. late W. J. Douglas’ br g Toa Taua. 8.8 (R. Reed) 3

Also started: 3 Soulterina 7.6 (Conquest), 5 Arch Laddie 7.5 (Downing-), 7 Golden Dream 7.4 (McTavish)', 4 Poet 7.4 (Johnston), 12 Alburnia 7.4 (Barry), 9 Bonny Doreen 6.7 (Wiggins)-,--8 Mountain Gun 6.7 (C. Reed), 14; Thurnline 6.7 (Coleman), 13‘ Blushet 6.7, 11 Silver Rain 6.7 .(Walsh), 10 Marble Crag 6.7 (Carmont). Won by two lengths, a length between second and third. Time, Imin. 2sec. CHRISTMAS HANDICAP of 500sovs. One mile. I—Exors. late W. J. Douglas’ ch g Maioha, syrs, by Hallowmas — Fairy Gold, 8.8 (Gray) 1 4-—K.. S. Williams’ ch m Tigritiya, 8.8 (R. Reed) 2 6—R. Hannon’s br m Tinopai, 7.5 (Glover) S Also started: 8 Mangamahoe S.S (Robinson), 3 Trespass 8.4 (J. O’Shea) and Raceful car. 7.4% (Tucker) bracketed, 2 Heather Sprig 7.11 (McFlinn), 9 Arch Salute 6.9 (Dixon), 7 Bute Sound 6.7 (Wiggins), 12 Prince Carl 7.6 (Scott), 11 Bezant car. 7.1 (Walsh), 5 Archie 6.7 (Carmont), 10 Prince Rufus car. 6.11 (T. Reid). Won by a neck, a length between second and third. Heather Sprig was fourth. Time, Imin. 39sec.

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New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Issue 1601, 30 December 1920, Page 11

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AUCKLAND RACING CLUB. New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Issue 1601, 30 December 1920, Page 11

AUCKLAND RACING CLUB. New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Issue 1601, 30 December 1920, Page 11