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THE UNDERMENTIONED girth with very stroug hindquarters, and measures well the ; C.J.C. Spring Meeting he won the New Zealand Cup season in the Auckland ditnct, and n his at at all points. His performances are of too recent date to in with 7.7 up, the heaviest weight ever carried to the stud Hylas, winner of Musket Stakes, who beat a large THOROUGHBRED STALLION be forgotten. As a two-year-old he started five times, victory in this race by a three-year-old, and ran second and select field, among the number being Hermosa, who Will Stand at Sylvia Park The early part of the season he was too overgrown to show to Stepniak for the Derby; at the A.R.C. Summer won so many races all over the colony. to advantage, but in the autumn he won the Northern Meeting he won the Auckland Cup with 8.9, in tne Terms for approved mares—2s 'guineas for single mare ~ Champagne Stakes, and carried 9.4 into second place in Great Northern Derby, and Auckland Plate. As a six- 20 guineas for two or more mares the property of the same H the Nursery Handicap the next day. being beaten a bare yerr-old he ran second in the Auckland Cup, carrying 9.9, owner. Grazing at Sylvia Park by arrangement. All Kr JL * JOLAJI JL x# • head by North Atlantic, to whom he was giving lOlbs. As and won the A.R.C. Handicap with 9.9, beating the winner care taken of mares but no responsibility accepted. a three-year-old he won the September Handicap at the of the Cup, giving her 2.3. This was his last race. ST. HIPPO is a bav horse with deep black points, and A.R.C. First Spring Meetin r; at the Hawke’s Bay Spring ST. HIPPO in his first season at the stud produced Miss For particulars apply to—stands about 16 hands 2 inches. He is a horse of great Meeting he won the Guineas and Spring Handicap; at Anna wno proved herself the best two-year-old of the L. D. jNAIUAIN & CO. cFZ Z ~ , o Irish Birdcatch’r Sir Hercules 1826 (2>, by Whalebone 1807 (1) (won Derby) from Pen 1822, by Wanderer 1811—Thalestris 1809, by Alexander—Rival 1801 ggg o —. S Ihe Baron 1842 (11) Guiccioli 1823, by Bob Booty (23) from Flight 1809, by Irish Escape (son of Commodore and Highflyer mare)—Young Heroine '3.... d WnnTpapr Economist 1825 (36), by Whisker (won Derby) from Floranthe 1818, by Octavian(B (-Caprice 1797, by Anvil—Madcap 1774, by Eclipse-Blank mare 1748 I £ g S e ° Echidna 1838 Miss p r att 1825, by Blacklock (2) from Gadabout 1812, by Orville (8)— Minstrel, by Sir Peter Teazle (3) (won Derby)—Matron 1782, by Flonzel § 5 uBa? ~ ...Sultan 1816 (g) by Selim (2) from Bacchante 1809, by Sir H. Williamson’s Ditto (won Derby 1803)—Sister to Calomel, by Mercury—King Herod mare 1776 S-gS S oft 5 ='<*”? Pocahontas 1837 Glencoe 1831 (1) j rampo ii ne ]S2S, by Tramp (3) from Web, by Waxy 1790 (won Derby) from Penelope 1798, by Trumpator —Prunella 1788, by Highflyer d o coo Dal ? of Kata - Muley 1810 (6), by Orville 1799 (8> (won Leger) from Eleanor 1798 (won Derby and Oaks), by Whisky—Young Giantess, by Matchem—Molly Long-Legs «o® co Plan Marpessa 1830 Q] are ig24. by Marmion < 28) from Harpalice 1814, by Gohanna—Amazon, by Driver—Fractious 1791, by Mercury—Woodpecker mare 1785 y g jg ts ™ ... , 77Z7Z Touchstone 1831 (14) (won Leger), by Camel 1822 (24) from Banter 1826, by Master Henry (3>— Boadicea, by Alexander—Brunette, byAmaranthus—Mayfly . § s a> S'-S Te ,““ ln S ton 1848 Orlando 1841 (13) Culture 1833, by Langar 1817 (7) from Kite 1821, by Bustard 1813 (35)—Olympia 1815, by Sir Oliver 1800—Scotilla 1795, by Anvil—Scota 1783, by Eclipse 2 AacoOz ” 5 “so Won Derhv Miss Twicken- Rockingham 1830 (1), by Humphrey Clinker 1822 (8), by Comus 1809, by Sorcerer 1796, by Trumpator 1782, by Conductor 1767, by Matchem 1748, by Cade 1734 W jg. §~ © g Sgjqrta y ham Electress 1819 (sister to Regent), by Election (5) from Stamford mare—Miss Judy, by Alfred—Manilla 1777, by Goldflnder, bred 1752 §8 imi Buzzard 1821 (8), by Blacklock 1814 (2) from Miss Newton 1812, by Delpini—Tipple Cyder 1788, by King Fergus-Sylvia 1783, by Young Marske § ®.3 Z § § Sister to Singa- Katan 1841 (9) Rainbow’s dam 1831, by Picton 1819 (9) (son of Smolensko—Selim (2) and Pipator mare—Brunette—Squirrel—Queen Mab (sister to Mercury) § -fl ”2 fe ooSa T ? pc i re l • 18 -. Capt. Elsmalt’s Melbourne 1834 (1), by Humphrey Clinker 1822 (B)— Mentor’s dam 1825, by Cervantes 1806 (8), her dam by Golumpus—Paymaster mare, by St. George g g £ jtoaled in 1851 I mare [Lisbeth 1828, by Phantom 1808 (6) (won Derby) from Elizabeth 1823, by Rainbow—Belvoirina 1813, by Stamford-Sister to Silver, by Mercury ggo W f “ 5 'S » txt- aL 1824 Castrel (2) 1801, by Buzzard from Selim (2) and Piccadilly’s dam 1790, by Alexander—Highflyer mare—Alfred—Engineer .Jo W 0 S WmdhoundlB47 Idalia 1815, by Peruvian 1806 (27) from Musidora 1804, by Meteor—Maid of All Work 1786, by Highflyer—Syphon 1771— Regulus-Snip £2 o M S s lurpd in win Touchstone 1831 (14), by Camel (24)—Banter 1826, by Master Henry (3)—Boadicea, by Alexander—Brunette, Amaranthus 1771, by Matchem I § •0 a B Phyrne 1840 p ecoy 1831, by Filho da Puta (12) (won Leger 1815) from Finesse 1815, by Peruvian 1806 (27)—Violante 1802, by John Bull 1792 (won Derby)—SkyscraperSqS § a Alice Hawthorn Muley Moloch Muley 1810 (6), bv Orville (8) 1799 from Eleanor 1798, by Whisky -Young Giantess 1790, by Diomed—Giantess, by Matchem— Molly Long-Legs 1753 S„ ° g EH JJJ ■§ iS Eh §g? p sg§g 1838 1830 Nancy 1813, by Dick Andrews 1799 (9) from Spitfire 1800, by Beningbrough 1794 (won Leger)—Young Sir Peter mare—Engineer, bred 1756 03 SS 50 o & p:-a; Won Goodwood n , 1B „. Lottery 1820 (11), by Tramp (3) from Mandane (sister to Enchantress) 1800, by Pot-8-os from Young Camilla 1787, by Woodpecker—Camilla 1778 W M Cup Reoeccaibdi r y k e ’ s Jam 1818, by Cervantes (8)— Anticipation 1802, by Beningbrough—Expectation 1779, by King Herod—Skim mare 1758, her dam by Janus g* o - | 5— 5 M xxr-11 -n t I£3QK Cain 1822 (8 i. by Paulowitz 1813 from Little Gimcrack’s dam 1810, by Paynator—Delpini mare, by Young Marske—Gentle Kitty 1774 § 1852 (7)' yrell ion 1835 (4 z Margaret 1831, by Edmund ((2) from Medora 1811, by Selim (2'—Sir Harry mare 1803, her dam by Volunteer—King Herod—Golden Grove ~£S J ' 1 WonDerbv wn™ Bay Middleton 1833 (1) (won 2000 Gns. & Derby), by Sultan (8) from Cobweb 1821 (wonlOOOGns. & Oaks), by Phantom—Filagree 1815 • S § ts I P Ellen Middleton Mymia 1831, by Malek 1824 ( 3), from Bessy 1815, by Young Gouty—Grandiflora 1810, by Dimsdale—Pipator mate—Phenomenon a 0$ u -g glu g q+ • 18 0 7 Sultan 1816 (8)> by Selim (2)—Bacchante, by Sir H. Williamson’s Ditto—Sister to Calomel, by Mercury—Herod mare 1776, her dam Folly 1771 -2 §8 S ffl 8 Midia 1846 ®cutan 183/ Velvet 1823, by Oiseau from Wire, by Waxy (18)—Penelope, by Trumpator—Prunella, by Highflyer—Promise, by Snap—Julia 1756 .j; & 8 H A "8 — ? Bred in England 189 , Soothsayer 1808 (15) (won Leger), by Sorcerer 1796, from Golden Locks 1793, by Delpini—Violet, by Shark 1771, by Marske 1750, by Squirt r Srt'£S § 'o ■_ aiarmeiia 18Z4 Bess xsQ6. by Waxy (18), who besides being inbred to The Parly Arab, had in him four strains of The Byerly Turk 1679 (a noted Charger at Battle of Boyne) SyffiZZ m ® iqkq icaa da) Bustard 1813 (35), by Castrel 1800 (2, from Miss Hap 1806, by Shuttle 1793 (21)—Sister to Haphazard 1798, by Sir Peter Teazle (3) T OQj o - So &«2i isherman 1853 Heron 1833 (19) p ortcas t er > 8 /i am 1827, by Orville 1799 (8) from Rosanne 1811, by Dick Andrews (9) Rosetta, by Beningbrough—Rosamond 1788£ o 1 511 ft ? 5? § o«J M ‘g Sire of Fishhook i qaa Sheet Anchor 1832 (12), by Lottery (11) from Morgiana 1820 by Muley (6) —Miss Stephenson, by Scud or Sorcerer—Precipitate mare 1796 ® | I risnnooK Mainbrace 1844 Queen pf Trumps , v 18 J 39> by Bay Middleton (1) from Nitrocris, by Whisker-Manuella (won Oaks), by Dick Andrews (9)-Mandane g i a fe-S? 7dl»OsL , - Melbourne 1834 Humphrey Clinker 1822 ( 8), by Comus 1809 from Clinkerina 1812, by Clinker—Pewet (won Leger 1789), by Tandem—Termagant H'S Ji — “§ d Z '2‘olS 'Marchioness i (j) Morpeth’s dam 1825, by Cervantes 1 from Golumpus and Paynator mare—Sister to Zodiac, by St. George—Abigail, bred 1788 s n-v.nimWii i«io Touchstone 1831 (14), by Camel (24) 1822 from Banter 1826, by Master Henry (3)—Boadicea, by Alexander—Brunette, by Amaranthus-Mayfly (J'S • t §hJ ce ® won nng. ua scm e 1842 Brocade 1834, by Pantaloon 1824 (17) from Bombazine 1817, by Thunderbolt 1806—Delta 1810, by Alexander—lsis 1805, by Sir Peter cJ & o Ph •9 k S § o 1849 The Baron 1842 Irish Birdcatcher 1833 (1 i), by Sir Hercules 1826 (2) from Guiccioli 1823, by Bob Booty (23)—Flight 1809, by Irish Escape Y. Heroine ~ Otl 3 (3) (24) Echidna 1838, by Economist (36)—Miss t ratt!B2s, by Blacklock (2) —Gadabout 1812, by Orville (8 >— Minstrel, by Sir Peter—Matron 1782 2 "2 § a-S ® '^ on , 2000 Gns. p , , IBQ7 Glencoe 1831 (1), by Sultan 1816 (8) from Trampoline 1825, by Tramp (3)—Web 1808, by Waxy (18)—Penelope 1798, by Trumpator—Pruuella, bred 1788 S Ml p S'gHp'S ana Leger °<> Marpessa 1830, by Muley (6) from Clare 1824, by Marmion (28) —Harpalice. by Gohanna —Amazon, by Driver—Fractious, by Mercury—Woodpecker mare ”0 a a PS £I. Q§ ° T t , K Touchstone 1831 Camel 1822 (24). by Whalebone 1807 (1) from Gaberlunzie’s dam 1812, by Selim (2; —Maiden, by Sir Peter—Phenomenon —Matron, by Florizel —Maiden- cLUd-S p Q§ S q JulmUJnip) 1851 (14) Banter 1826, by Master Henry ■3 ) from Boadicea, by Alexander —Brunette, by Amaranthus—Mayfly 1771, by Matchem—Starling mare !_l S a z w Ghnrnn Vla T anoaa’rp witch Tom-Boy 1829 (8), by Jerry 1821 (won Leger) from Androssan mare 1817, her dam Lady Eliza, by Whitworth from X.Y.Z.’s dam 5 « H o g J 1 Kite 1821, by Bustard 1813 (35) from Olympia 1815, by Sir Oliver I£oo—Scotilla 1795, by Anvil—Scota 1783, by Eclipse—Harmony 1775 E g O -3 JO ofg O M R-pinic Hmnl Weatherbit 1842 Sheet Anchor 1832 ( 8)> By Lottery (11) from Morgiana, by Muley (6)—Miss Stephenson, by Scud or Sorcerer—Precipitate—Woodpecker j | g aoPSgftg 1855 (1) (12) Miss Letty 1837, by Priam (6) (won Derby 1830) from Miss Fanny’s dam 1815, by Orville 1799 Q)—Golden Legs’ dam, by Buzzard (8) Sf§ 50 « 5 Sire of Newbold child thoivriot St. Francis 1835, by St. Patrick 1817 from Suprise 1822, by Scud— Manifreda 1814, by Sir H. Williamson’s Ditto ‘ g rg Ph Ph +□ c Taurina 1843, by Taurus 1826 from Esmeralda 1833, by Zinganee 1825 —Pastille 1819, by Rubens—Parasol 1808, by Pot-8-os' ° $ ,S iste 1-1 2 S « v /- . Sir HerculeslB26 Whalebone 1807 (1), by Waxy 1790 (18) from Penelope 1798, by Trumpator—Prunella 1788, by Highflyer—Promise 1768, by Snap—Julia 1756 § pj 5 & . 4850 ( imp ‘ W Peri 1822, by Wanderer 1811 (L) from Thalestris 1809, by Alexander—Rival 1800, by Sir Peter—Hornet 1790, by Drone—Manilla 1777, by Goldflnder D’m of Gnswnrka Fa ntnrv Giri 1837 Lamplighter 1823, by Merlin 1815 from Spotless 1809, by Walton—Trumpator mare, her dam by Highflyer—Otheothea, by Snap—Otho « | 5 S -umomasworKs ractoryuiriiad/ Spinning Jenny 18H> by JuD i per i B q s (9 ) from Q scar and Dairymaid mare 1804, by Diomed—Nelly 1787, by Conductor-Peggy 1778® § H ■ * OiiJ to I, u Camel 1899 /941 Whalebone 1807 (1), bv Waxy (18)—Penelope, by Trumpator—Prunella, by Highflyer—Promise, by Snap—Julia, by Blank—Spectator’s dam—Bonny Lass 1723 EH ® ® B'S rH Archy 1839 ' 1 Gaberlunzie’s dam 1812, by Selim (2) from Maiden 1801, by Sir Peter Teazle (3)— Phenomenon mare 1782, by Florizel—Maiden 1770 LinS? § ■£, h-1" ® redbyCol ' l>eel nnrria 1893 Octavian 1807 <8) (won Leger), by Stripling 1795—Oberon—Sister to Sharper, by Ranthos—Sweepstakes—Sister to Careless “ p g Half-sister to Little Fanny 1806, by Shuttle 1793 (21) from Katherine 1798, by Delpini—Durham’s dam, by Paymaster —Le Sang J; *5 “ « 2 Tn-S-S li- l+ioxo Bay Middleton Sultan 1816 (8), bv Selim (2 (—Bacchante, by Ditto—Sister to Calomel, by Mercury—Herod mare 1776—F011y 1771, by Marske—Vixen 1752~~ ffl b Ld 1833 (1) Cobweb 1821, by Phantom 1808 (6) from Filagree 1815, by Soothsayer (15)—Web 1808, by Waxy (18>—Penelope 1798, by Trumpator—Prunella 1788 £ .SPA § S'A Bentinck ° r Torch 1835 Lamplighter 1823, by Merlin 1815 from Spotless 1800, by Walton, her dam by Trumpator—Highflyer—Otheothea, by Otho—Snap mare, by Regulus ~ ~ ® P 0 Zi Danoise (dam of Starlight) 1830, by Oscar 1820 from Camerine’s dam, by Rubens—Tippitywitchet 1808. by Waxy (18)—Hare 1794, by Sweetbriar—Justice oErH"©

THE UNDERMENTIONED Thoroughbred stallion Will Stand at Sylvia Park. SEATON DELAVAL (imn.), By Melton (the well-known English Derby and St. Leger winner of 1885) out of Rosedale, by Rotherhill out of Moss Rose, by King Tom out of Couleur de Rose, by West Australian (also winner of the English Derby and St. Leger). Rutherhill is by Lord Chifden (winner of the St. Leger) out of the celebrated mare Laura, the dam of Petrarch (the winner of the English Two Thousand Guineas and St. Leger), and Lord Clifden is by Newminster (also the winner of the English St. Leger). Melton is a great grandson of Stockwell (winner of the English St. Leger) out of a granddaughter of Thormanby, winner of the English Derby. a Rtnptwril 'Fhe Baron, by Birdcatcher n S i Pocahontas, by Glencoe “ S § a Edith Newminster, by Touchstone 9 Diademia, by Pyrrhus I. M—— —————— — i M Plnm Puddino Sweetmeat, by Gladiator g Plum Pudding Foinnualla) by Birdeatcber ® s M ® - Crozier or Dey of Algiers, bv Judy Go Priam OD Cacique, by Palinurus aL ■ s 3 §h E — Mira Ann The Little Known, by Muley O miss Ann Bay Bay Middleton ” g • h Melbourne or Windhound, —J S £ Thormanby by Pantaloon o S A. Hawthorn, by M. Moloch j k Woodbine Stockwell, by The Baron t ,i Honeysuckle, by Touchstone ° * Newminster b ?> Ca^ el , 2F gm Beeswing, by Dr. Syntax g B 5 Q i_ jiS 5 Melbourne, by Humphrey 5 5 0 The Slave Clinker Uj S Volley, by Voltaire tff I j a <«»*> 11 _ £ T °"- t ffsy&ar ► § S TT a ,k..—Economist, by Whisker H mare by Nabockiish 11 BSX W S® Melbourne, by Humphrey £ os bi Wert Anatrl’n, Choker ” 2 Jj> Mowerina, by Touchstone V.i4. Harkaway, by Economist ° Suspicion, by Speculation fe It will be noticed that Seaton Delaval is full of the most ashionable and best-staying English Mood, and it is, therefore, not surprising that he was a stayer of the first -water. Seaton Delaval vton as a two-year-old, as a three-year-old, and as a four-year-old. and quitted the turf in 1894 as a five-year-old, sound in wind and limb. For quality and beauty of outline it would indeed be diflicult to match him, and he ought to be a most successful stallion The most noteworthy of the many triumphs were winning the Great Northern Handicap of £5OO at York, distance If mile, and the Great Northumberland Plate of £lOOO, at Newcastle, 2 miles, and in this race he beat the winners of the Chester Cup, of the Manchester Cup, and of the City and Suburban He also ran second in the Great Metropolitan Stake at Epsom, 2| miles, only beaten a head; and in that race had behind him the winners of the Great Yorkshire Handicap, of the Goodwood Stakes, and -of the Northamptonshire Stakes. The London Sportsman of December 19th, 1894, writes as 7 • Hows :—“ As a son of

Rowing pants to uder for 8s 6d per pair at Geo. Powlds.

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New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume IX, Issue 431, 27 October 1898, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume IX, Issue 431, 27 October 1898, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume IX, Issue 431, 27 October 1898, Page 4