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Auckland Kennel Club’s Show.



For a first attempt the dog show held in the Drill Shed on Friday and Saturday did credit to the hearts and brains of those enthusiasts who had the management of it. I had seen many of the shows held in other parts of the colony, but knowing that the Aucklanders were, so to speak, “ rather raw at the game,” and that there were not many canine fanciers here as compared with the Strength of the population that devote their attention to other branches of sport, I was certainly not prepared to see such a creditable lot of exhibits. True, some classes were very weak both in quantity and quality, but there were on the other hand several classes that made up in quality for what was lacking in quantity, and would have held their own in any show in the colonies, by which term, of course, 1 include Australia with New Zealand. The arrangements for the conduct of the show reflected great credit on those who had the management of them, the dogs were well benched ; a liberal supply of food and water was given them, and they all seemed happy and contented under surroundings that must have been somewhat novel to them. Not only were there many Auckland exhibitors, but from the South there came several exhibits, who, I am pleased to state, took a fair share of the prize money. The total strength of those exhibited was 170, exclusive of puppies shown with their dams and of the special exhibit of hounds made by the Pakuranga Hunt Club. Mr Watson, of Gisborne, who so ably officiated at the last dog show held in Wellington, judged all the classes but the collies, in which Mr A. A. White, of Auckland, made the awards, and both gentlemen seemed to give general satisfaction, though of course there will always be a number of grumblers at any competition of this sort. However, it is pleasant to record that on this occasion the grumblers were in a decided minority. The attendance on both days was a capital one, and specially on Saturday evening, when the drill - shed was so crowded that locomotion was somewhat difficult. Taking the classes in the order as catalogued, I first of all come to the mastiffs, with which, as a whole, I was disappointed. None of them seemed to have that commanding appearance about them which a connoisseur generally associates with this class of dog The Newfoundlands, too, were poor in quantity, only three being shown, and I was inclined to think that the winner, Mr J. Lamberg’s Pluto, should have changed places with Mr Pannell’s Rover, who was placed second. Undeniably Pluto was a bigger and better footed dog than the other, and this probably influenced the judge to a great extent. The St. Bernards were not a strong lot in numbers, neither was the quality much in the aggregate. The winner among the dogs was certainly, I thought, the best of the bunch, but neither of the two bitches exhibited was considered by the judge to be good enough for a first prize, a “second” being awarded to Mr A. Tarlin’s Gip. Only two dogs under 12 months were shown, and Mr A. Tarlin’s Rover got a first award. Considering that coursing has not so far gained much hold on the affections of Aucklanders, the muster of greyhounds was, in point of number, very ci editable, but some of them were most distinctly outclassed. In the dog class Mr W. T. Carroll gained the first and special prizes with Clarence Rose, Comet being placed second and Union Jack 11. third. Mr R. Barber’s Roe came out first among the bitches (there being only three exhibited), and Messrs L. and L. Castleberg’s Memphis beat three others —and they were a very even lot —in the class for dogs under 12 months. In the class for dogs under six months, Mr T. Richards was the sole exhibitor with Paris, who got a ‘‘ commended ” ticket. A fine lot were the Retrievers taken all round, though there were less of them than we expected to see. Mr Martin’s Rover was the only exhibit among the

wavy coated black dogs, and he got first prize and “ special.” Only three bitches were shown in this class. Mr Littlejohn taking first and second prizes. There was only one curly-coated black dog benched —Mr T. Jenkins’ Cinico and he got first prize. In “any other variety’ the trio shown were excellent types, and a first, a second, and a third were awarded. The Pointer dogs were a nice class indeed. Mr J. H. Dixon took first and second with Bang out of five exhibits, but though there was one entry for dogs under 12 months and one for bitches of the same age both were absent. The Setters made one of the nicest features of the show. Among the English (black, black and white, or black, white and tan) Mr J. Hunter’s Pinfire took the first prize for dogs through his two opponents being entered in the wrong class. The lemon and whites, liver and whites or whites, attracted a lot of attention from lovers of this breed, and they well deserved it. In the class for champion dog or bitch, Mrs. F. W. Maddox gained the first and special with The Baron, who has now a big record to his credit, comprising among other souvenirs a first at the Victorian Kennel Club’s Show in 1890; Ist prize (special and silver cup) at Wellington in 1891 ; 1 st and special at Dunedin, 1891 ; Ist, Napier, 1891; 1 st and special, Wellington, 1892 ; 1 st and special, Blenheim, 1892; and i st, Christchurch, 1892. There was only one exhibit in the open class for dogs, and it took a first prize, and out of three bitches Mr A. W. Chatfield’s Juno deserved her award. The solitary dog under 12 months that was shown was given a “ first” ticket. The Irish Setters showed up well except in the classes for young ’uns, and the same remarks may be applied to the class for Gordon setters. A good many of the collies catalogued never showed up, and at this I was somewhat surprised, for I thought that this useful class of dog—useful especially to sheep farmers —would have been a lot more in evidence in this district. In the dog's class Mr W. H. Cooper’s Donald put down three opponents, the second best being the property of Mr Rudolph Wark, of Christchurch. Mr Wark was, however, first in the class for bitches. The rest of the classes for collies received but very scant patronage. I was not much impressed with some of the Spaniels shown, and decidedly the best classes among this description of dog were the “ field” spaniels and the “ liver, liver and white or lemon and white”- —particularly the latter Out of eight dogs exhibited therein three were “very highly commended,” in addition to the first, second and third placings, •and right well did they deserve it. The bull dogs were not a good lot by any means, but I was much taken with the chief prize winners in the Fox Terrier class. Peri and Koko are a brace of “ hummers,” and would, I think, make a perfect nick if their owners would match them. The open class for bitches contained one or two handsome animals, Though the Skye terriers only numbered four, they were an even lot. I hope to see more of this useful little class on a future occasion. Mr Askew, of Nelson, exhibited a particularly attractive toy terrier. We were surprised there were no poodles shown, and there were only a couple of pugs exhibited. Fourteen dogs of different kinds were shown for exhibition only exclusive of a set of beagles kindly lent to the club for the occasion by Mr W. Percival, the Master of the Pakuranga Hunt Club. These attracted great attention from the visitors, as did also the champion greyhound sire Blue Cap. Appended is the prize list: — Mastiffs. —Champion dog or bitch: Mr H. J. Rodgers’ Waihora Die, r. Open class, dog: Mrs Georgina Rodgers’Admiral, 1; Mr Burgess’ Colonel 11., 2 ; Mr G. Wright’s Leo, 3. Open class, dog under 12 months : Mr H. J. Rodgers’ Marshall, 1. Open class, bitch under 12 months : Mr H. J. Rodgers’ Countess, 1 ; Mr H. J. Rodgers’ Princess, 2. Newfoundlands. —Open class, dog : Mr J. Lamberg’s Pluto, 1 ; Professor J. G. Pannell’s Rover, 2. St. Bernards.—Open class, dog : Mrs Mary Skardon’s Lion, 1 ; Mr W. A. Craig’s Lion, 2 ; Mr Chas. Bailey’s jun., Victor, 3 ; Mr W. Collinson’s Alpine, v h.c. Open class, bitch: Mr Alfred Tarlin’s Gip, I. Open class, dog uuder 12 months : Mr Alfred Tarlin’s Rover, 1. Greyhounds.—Open class, dog : Mr Wm. Thomas Carroll’s Clarence Rose, 1 ; ‘Mr Robert Hill’s Comet, 2 ; Mr J. Wakefield’s Union Jack 11., 3; Mr Thomas McEwin’s Blue Peter, v.h.c. Open class, bitch : Mr Robert Barber’s Roe, 1; Mr Lindon Brenan’s Little May, 2 ; Mr Clarence Potter’s Nass, 3. Open class, dog under 12 months : L. and J. Castleberg’s Memphis, 1 ; Mr A. Evans’ Snowflake, 2 ; Mr J. Wakefield’s Sailor, 3; Mr J. Wakefield’s Ensign, h.c. Open

class, dog under 6 months : Mr Thomas Richards’ Paris, c. Retrievers. — Wavy-coated, black : Open class, dog, Mr James Martin’s Rover. Open class, bitch, Mr William Henry Littlejohn’s Bess, 1 ; Mr William Henry Littlejohn’s Nell,. 2. Curly-coated, black : Open class, dog, Mr Thos. Jenkins’ Cruiso, 1. Any other variety, retriever: Open class, dog : Mr James A. Cooper’s Bingo, I ; Mr Thomas W Jones’ Duke, 2; Mr D. W. Richmond’s Bosun 11., 3. Pointers.—Opan class, dog : Mr John H. Dixon’s Bang, 1 ; Mr R. J. Hastedt’s Quill, 2 ; Mr Alfred W. Chatfield’s Bang, 3 ; Mr Horace Walker’s Ranger, h.c. Setters. —English, black, black and white, or black, white and tan : Open class, dog, Mr Jas. Hunter’s Pinfire, I. Lemon and white, liver and white, or white : champion dog or bitch, Mrs F. W. Maddox’s The Baron, 1. Open class, dog, Mr William M. White’s Prince, I. Open class, bitch, Mr Alfred W. Chatfield’s Juno, 1 ; Mr E. Wood’s Juno, 2. Open class, dog under 12 months, Mr George Hood’s Dandy, 1. Irish : Open class, dog, Mr Herbert Marshall’s Rufus, I ; Mr C. M. Watson’s Ranger, 2 ; Mr Robert D. Lockhart’s Shot, 3; Mr J. Kelso’s Shot, v.h.c.; Mr J. Newell’s Ranger, c. Open class, bitch, Mr Mack’s Gip, 1 ; Mr Jas. Ansenne’s Sappho, 2 . Mr S. J. Neel’s Flo 11.. 3 ; Mr Harry Kinder’s Di, c. Open class, dog under 12 months, Miss Alma Wallace’s Rex, I. Open class, bitch under 12 months, Master John Andrew’s 1 ; Master John Andrew’s Nora, 2. Gordon: Open class, dog, Mr Wm. Forgie’s Lance, 1 ; Messrs Johnstone and Forgie’s Windsor Major, 2 ; Mr Edward James Harvey’s Shot, 3. Open class, bitch ; Mr R. S. Martin’s Sappho, 1, Open class, dog under 12 months: Mr G. B. Beere’s Grouse 11., 1 ; Mr C. H. Sexton’s Rock, 2. Collies. — Rough - coated (Scotch): Open class, dogs, Mr W. H. Cooper’s Donald, Ist and special; Mr Rudolph Wark’s Young England, 2350, 2; Mr J. Morran’s Fido, 3. Open class, bitch, Mr Rudolf Wark’s Ormskirk Stella, I ; Mr Andrew McLeod’s Jep, 2 ; Mr Wm. Roseman’s Tui, 3 ; Mr T. A. Bridson’s Floss, h.c. Open class, dog under 6 months, Master H. Cotter’s Gus 11., 1. Open class, bitch under 6 months, Miss A. M. Cooper’s Massie, 1 ; Master Cecil Grainger’s Juno, 2. Smooth - coated (Scotch) : Open class, dog, Mr Wm. G. Phillipps’ Ginger, 1. Spaniels. — Clumber : Open class, dog, Mr W. W. Phillipps’ Ponto, 1 : Mr Seymour Beale’s Patch, 2 ; Mr Percy Langton’s Toss, 3 ; Mr W. Jones’ Dash, c. Cocker; Open class, dog, Mrs H. Bryan’s Tory, 3. Open class, bitch, Mr Wm. Bines’ Flot, 1 ; Mr Charles Bartley’s Flow, 2. Open class, bitch under 12 months, Mr Edward James Harvey’s Gipsy, 1 ; Mr C. I. James’ Cloe, 2; Mr C. I. James’ Gip, 3. Field: Open class, dog, Mr W. H. Hitchcock’s Spring, 1 ; Mr E. Monk’s Taipo, 2 ; Mr J. E. Anderson’s Earl, 3 ; Mr P. Macalister’s Maori Nigger, v.h.c. Open class, bitch, Mr P.vMacalister’s Maori Neil, I ; Mr J. Douglas’ Nell 2 ; Mr Wm. H. Hitchcock’s Gip, 3 ; Mr E. T. Oldum’s Merry Duchess, v.h.c. Black and white, or black, white, and tan; Open class, dog, Mr F. A. Fenton’s Smoker, I. Liver, liver and white, or lemon and white: Open class, dog, Mr P. M. Thomson’s Dash, I ; Mr W. Forgie’s Squib, 2; Mr H. Hickiion’s Skipper, 3 , Mr J. M. Phelan’s Zulu, v.h.c. ; Mr P. Macalister’s Maori King, v.h.c.; Mr J. C. Dickinson’s Shot, v.h.c. ; Mr James B. Fairs’ Steadfast, v.h.c. Open class, bitch, Mr A. W. Chatfield’s Vic 11., 1 : Professor J. G. Pannell’s Lady, 2. Open class, dogs under 12 months, Mr E. Lowe’s Bruno, 1. BullDogs—Open class, Mr J. D. Williamson’s Donald Dinnie, I ; Mr A. R. Mackellar’s Master Patch, 2. Open class, bitch, Mr Charles Flanney’s Sib, I. Terriers. —Fox : Champion dog or bitch, Mr F. Rogers’ Peri, I. Open class, dog, Mr W. E. Outhwaite’s Koko, I ; Mr T. Shewring’s Crib No. 2,2. Open class, bitch, Mr T. Shewring’s Moe, 1 ; Mr John Kelso’s Spot, 2 ; Mr Bertie McEwin’s Fan, 3; Mr T. Shewring’s Daisy, v.h.c. ; Mr A. W. Morrin’s Sting, h.c. Best team : Mr T. Shewring’s Moe (fox terrier); Crib No. 2; Daisy, I. Irish : Open class, dog, Mr W. H. Sefton Moorhouse’s Con Cregan, 1 ; Mr W. H. Sefton Moorhouse’s Barry Lindon, 2. Skye : Open class, dog, Mr Harry Maxfield’s Pepper, 1. Open class, bitch, Mr D. Quinn’s Duchess, I. Open class, dog (under 12 months), Mr James Andrew Whitson’s Chico, 1 ; Mr Alex. Schultze’s Snider, 2. Rough coated: Open class, bitch, Mr W. C. Walkei’s Nukei, 1. Toy : Champion dog or bitch, Mr T. A. Askew’s Avon Nana, 1. Pugs.—Open class, dog, Mr R. P. Dix’s Prince, 1. Open class, bitch, Mr R. Dix’s Topsy, I. The special prizes were awarded as under: — The New Zealand Kennel Club’s trophy £6, for the best dog in the show: Mr W. W. Phillipps’s Clumber dog Ponto. Mr A. Cleave’s prize : Mr H. J. Rodger’s mastiff bitch Waihora. Messrs J. and J. Dickey’s prize : Mr J. Lamberg’s Newfoundland Pluto. Messrs E. Partridge and Co.’s prize; Mrs Mary Skardon’s St. Bernard, Lion. Messrs Cruickshank and Miller’s prize : Mr Thomas Carroll’s greyhound Clarence Rose. Mr W. H. Hazard’s prize: Mr James Martin’s black retriever Rover. Mr F. Sharland’s prize: Mr John H. Dickson’s pointer dog Bang. Mr J. R. Hanna’s prize ; Mrs F. W. Maddox’s setter The Baron. Messrs T. and S. Morrin and Co.’s prize : Mr W. W. Phillipps’s Clumber- dog Ponto. Mr A. Tyler’s prize : Mr J. D. Williamson’s bulldog Donald Dinnie. Mr F. Edwards’ prize: Mr F. Rogers’ champion fox terrier Peri. Mr Goodson’s prize : Mr W. C. Walker’s Scotch terrier Nukei. Mr H. Kohn’s prize : Mr J. D. Williamson’s dog Sancho.

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New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume III, Issue 136, 2 March 1893, Page 9

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Auckland Kennel Club’s Show. New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume III, Issue 136, 2 March 1893, Page 9

Auckland Kennel Club’s Show. New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume III, Issue 136, 2 March 1893, Page 9