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The Championship TournamentInteresting Matches — Miss Collins Wins the Final. , The New Zealand Ladies’ Golf. Championship Tournament was continued on September 2nd. The. rain had ceased but some of the players found tiie northerly wind a trifle ’ disconcerting. The third round of the championship was played, the most interesting match being that between Mrs Slack and Mis« G. Gorrie. The game was not productive of particularly good golf, but the spectators wore kept upon the qui vivo until the last putt. Both ladies went out in 50, Miss Gorrie being 2 up at the turn. Mrs. Shack played a plucky, steady game during the latter half of the return journey. Miss Gorrie was 3 up at the 13th, but Airs. Slack gradually wore her down until they were all square at the 17th. At the 18th Mrs. Slack cleared the hill covering the green with a fine length ball, but Miss Gorrie drove right into it. Mrs. Slack holed out in 5. winning the match by one stroke on the last green. The Donnelly Cup was won by Mrs. Guy Williams, with a good gross score of Bft, handicap 2. net 87. In conjunction .with the Donnelly Cup a teams match was played, the Wellington A team proving the winners with 384 points. Christchurch being second, with 413. The results of tin* games on the third day were as follows: Championship,. Third. "Round: Miss Snodgrass Leal Miss Gray. 7 up and G; Aliss Collin* beat Miss E. Ledger, 7 and l>; Miss B. Wood beat Miss Ilannay. 6 and 5; Mrs. Slack beat Miss Gofrje, I up: Miss Barnes beat Miss 'Tweed, 6 atpl 5; Mrs. Guv Williams beat Miss Itobieson, oand4; Miss Pearce boat Miss R. G-orrie, S ami 3: Mis. MGArtby heal Mi-s M. lli ml 3 and 2. Donnelly Cup.—Senior: Airs. G. Wil*

liarns, Bft, 2 87; Mrs. Ilandyside. 103, 14 —Bft; Miss Collins, 96, 7 — 89; Miss G. Gorrie, 95, 6—89; Miss R. Gorrie, 100, 11 —B9; Miss P. Anderson, 103, 14— —Bft; A Liss Snodgrass, 97, 8 89; Miss N. Brandon, 103, 12 —91; Miss 'Tweed, 103, 12—91; Mrs. Slack, 94, 2 92; Miss Wood 99, 7 ft2; Aliss 1). Fisher, 106, 8 92; Miss M. Hind marsh, 101, 8—93; Miss Robieson, 101, 8—93; Aliss Pearce. 95, 1 94; Miss Gould, 98, 4 94; Miss R. Wilson, 98, 4—94; Miss J. Mill, HH», 11-95; Miss Burnes, 10G, 11—95; Miss L. Ledger, 110, 4—90; Aliss McCarthy, 105, 9—90: Miss Cotter, 106, 9—97; Miss Cross, 100, 12—98; Miss Theoinin, 110, 11 9ft; Miss D. llindmarsh, 106, 6—100; Miss D. Anderson, 115, 15—100; Miss Ilannay. 111, 8—103; Aliss Brandon, 104, 1 —103: Miss Rattray, 112, 7—105; Aliss Cowlishaw, 116, 10—106. Junior: Airs. Donald, 105, 16 Bft; Airs. Bruce, 106, 17—89; Aliss Cock, 110. 20— 90; Airs. Cox, 10ft, Pi—93; Airs. McLean, 109, 16—93; Aliss Stafford, 106, 22 94; Mrs. Lewis, 11G, 22 —94; Aliss Glasgow’. 119, 24—95; Airs. Bewley, 116, 18— 98; Aliss Davis, 122. 24—98; Aliss Adams. 116, 17— 99; Airs. W igram, 128, 24- 104; Airs. AJellsop, 123, 16 107. The Teams’ Alatch. — Wellington A. 384; Christchurch, 413; Wellington B, 423; Dunedin B, 423; Dunedin A, 426; Napier, 439; Christchurch B, 451. The Fourth Round. The fourth round of the championship, played on September 3, resulted in Miss Collins easily disposing of Miss Snodgrass by 5 up and 3. Aliss Pearce .beat Mrs. AlcCarthy by a similar margin. A most sensational game was provided by Aliss Burnes and Airs. Guy Williams. Aliss‘Barnes won on the last green, and her victory over such an experienced player as Airs. Williams was almost as unexpected as it was meritorious. Airs. Williams w&nt out in 48, and Aliss Burnes in 49, the game being all square at the turn. The remaining nine holes produced some splendid golf, no less than six holes being done in bogey by each player. The match was all square at the seventeenth and it was expected that the strain would tell on the less experienced of the pair, but such was not the case. Both were on the green in two, and a couple of putts saw Aliss Burnes down. Afrs. .Williams failed to hole, a. two-foot putt for a* half, and the match<went to the younger player. . - x . Another sensational liiatch, which went to the 29th hole, was between Mrs. Slack and Aliss W r ood. Air's. Slack was 2 up at the 7th, but Afiss.AVood, playing very steadily, reversed matters, and held a similar advantage at the 13th. Mrs. Slack pulled up the dilference until at the 17th the game stood all square," with one to play. The 18th was halved in four, and the 19th in bogey score. The 20th saw the end of the game, superior putting giving Mrs. Slack the advantage. The bogey handicap, played on tire same day, was won by Aliss r l’weed with the good score of 2 up. Iler stroke performance was 90, a remarkably good performance for a 9 handicap player, when the scores of the back-markers on the local links arc taken into consideration. Afrs. AlcLean and Miss Davis. 4 down, tied for first place in the junior division. Results wore as follows: Championship. — Fourth Round: Aliss Collins beat Aliss Snodgrass, 5 up and 3 to play. Airs. Slack beat Aliss Wood, 1 up at the 20th hole. Aliss Burnes beat Airs Williams, 1 up. Aliss Pearce beat Mrs AfcCarthy, 5 up ahd 3 to play. Bogey Handicap. Senior: Miss Tweed (9), 2 up: Aliss Collins (5). 2 down; Miss Burnes (8). .5 down: Miss R. Gorrie (81. 6 down; Aliss Abraham (8). 6 down; Aliss N. Brandon (9), 7 down; Miss G. Gorrie (5). 8 down: Mrs. Ilandyside (11), 8 down: Aliss Fisher (6), 8 down: Miss Pearce. (1).- down; Miss Ilannay (6). 9 down; Miss I). Anderson (II). 10 down: Aliss Al. llindmarsh (6), 10 do»vn; Miss Gray (14). 14 down. Junior: Airs. McLean (12), 4 down: Aliss .Davis (IS). 4 down; Miss Adams (13), 5 down: Miss Stalford (17). 5 down; Mi>s Holmes (IS), 6 down: Mi>s Lucas (18), 6 down: Mrs. Donald (12). 7 down. The Semi-finals. The scjni-finals were played under ideal weather conditions, and a large crowd followed the players. The first game was between Miss Pearce ami Miss Barnes. 'The J.istnaiued lady drove longer, but Mis* Peace’s short game was* superior. Mi-s Pe.irre was I up at the turn, but Mis> Ifyirnes squared the game nt the tenth llo* clcxcntli was lialvcd. and the ivrlfth and, the thirteenth went to Aliss Burnes, makqig

her 2 up. Aliss Pearce took the fourteenth (5 —G). and was all square at the fifteenth with three to play. Mi>s Pearce took the sixteenth, and holing a 10ft putt at the next hole won the game 2 up and 1 to play. The match between Miss Collins and Mrs. Slack was full of interest ami possibilities right through to the seventeenth hole, where Alias Collins secured the victory. The Coronation medal match was by Mrs. Lewis, with 8 2, Mrs. Donald B—38 —3 being second. The North Island team heat the South Island in a match in conjunction with the Coronation medal by 18 points. The results in detail were as follows: Championship, semi finals: Miss Collins beat Mrs. Slack. 2 up and 1 to play; Aliss Pearce beat Miss Burnes. 2 up and 1 to play. The Coronation Aledal Match: Mrs. Lewis, 104 -22 —82; Airs. Donald. 99 — 16 S 3; Miss Collins. 92— 7 85; Aliss G. Gorrie, 94—G—88: Miss E. Ledger. 99 11 — 88; Miss Gould, 94 4 90; Mrs. G. Williams, 93—2—91; Miss Kettle, 105 14 -91; Miss Bewley. 109—18 91; Mis> Pearce. 92 1-91; Mi» Wood, 99 7 92; Miss R. Gorrie. 103 11 92; Miss N. Brandon. 105 — Miss Rattray. 100 -7—93: Miss Robieson, 102—8—94; Miss Tweed. 102—8—94; Miss 4 otter. 103—9—94 ; M iss Bruce, 112—17 -95 ; Aliss Fisher, 103—8—95; Mrs. MrLcan, 111—16—95: Airs. AlcCarthy, 106 9 - 97: Aliss Gray, 110 —13—97; Miss Burnes, 108—11—97; Miss C. Wilson. 103 —4 —99; Aliss L. Brandon. 105—I—--104: Airs. AlacLaine. 118—14 104; Airs Slack, 107—2—105. Inter-island Alatch: North Island —• Aliss Pearce 92, Miss Collins 92, Airs. Williams 93, Aliss G. Gorrie 94. Aliss Tweed 102, Aliss N. Brandon 105; total. 578. South Island—Miss Gould 94, Miss Ledger 99, Aliss Wood 99, Miss Rattray 100. Aliss Snodgrass 101, Miss Wilson 103; total, 596. Alellscp Cup. for the three best medal rounds in the tournament: Mrs. Williams, 94- 89—93—276; Miss Gorrie, 95 _95_94_284; Miss Gould, 94—98—94 —286: Mrs. Slack, 94-94- 107- 295. The Final. Aliss 'Collins and Miss Pearce, both Wellington players, met in the final. The result proved an easy win for Aliss Collins. The/xgame commenced abotfi 10 a.m.. the links being in .splendid opler. 'The weather conditions were deligh-tful. Then*, was considerable excitement

amongst the spectators when the mt tell <*oinmeiice<l, but this simmered down when it had worn on a little. Pepul ir opinion at the start was that Miss Pvaree. who is* looked upon as the better golfer of the two—her handicap is I, compared with Miss Collins' 7 would win by a fair margin, but the many supporters of Miss I’carce were doomed to disappointment. Mi-s Pearce as a rule showed a minimum o»r strain in big matches, but she was obviously very worried on this occasion, and it was the cause of putting her completely otT her game. Aliss Collins never looked like losing, and was ahead from the first hole to the last. She played with a confidence in her long game which caused surprise at the few minor mistakes she made. Aliss Peaice. on the other hand, was ragged at the start, and could not pull herself together, although she made a pluckv recovery half way through the match. Some of her shots were badly topped, while the 'putting of both ladies was not up to the mark. Collins won by 5 up and 4 to play. Prize Fist—Championship. Aliss Collins, winner; Mi>s \. Pearce, runner-up; Airs. Slack and Miss Burnes, semi-liualists. Mellsop Gold Cup

(a) Winner of short handicap prize; (b) winner of long handicap prize; (e) tied for scratch prize (in play dlT Mrs. Williams won).

First Handicap Bogey. Miss P. Anderson (a), 11 —1 down

(b) tied for long handicap prize (M?s» Donald winning in play-off). Teams Match. Wellington A 384 <'liristehiircli A 413 Second Handicap Bogey. Miss Tweed (a) o—2 tup Miss Collins ......... .5—2 dow%, Miss Rattray 5—4 „ Mrs. M.-Lean (b) .. 12—4 „ Miss Davis (>b) .... 18—4 (a) Winner of short handicap prize; (b) tied for long handicap prize. Mrs. Melreai. won in the play-off. Coronation Medal Match. (Open to all Handicaps.) Mrs. Lewis (a) ... 104—22—82

(a) Winner of first prize; (b) winner of second prize; (c) tied for scratch prize tie to be played off in Wellington. Inter-island Match. North Island (Miss Pearce, Mies Collins, Mrs. Williams, Miss (4. Gorrie, Miss Tweed, Miss L. Brandon) .... 578 Fouth Island ( Miss Gould, Miss Ledger, Miss Wood, Miss Rattray. .Miss Snodgrass, Miss W’ilson) 596 Tin handicapping-, all of which was done by the L.G.L. method (that is to say that the properly certified handicaps sent by club secretaries were accepted and used without any alteration), turned out very satisfactorily. In the Ist Medal Handicap there was a tie for first net score, but as the handicaps of the players concerned were in two, different grades, each was the winner of the trophy assigned to that grade. In the Donnelly Cup the winner was two strokes ahead of the next eight, who tied at 89, among the hitler being last year’s holder. In the Coronation .Medal the results were not quite so close. The winner at 82 net and the runner-up at 83 were very mar ea-.-h other, but there was then a drop to 85. followed by two 88’s. Against Bogey, as always, the handicaps appeared less steady. The first Bogey Match was ■won at 1 down, then followed 2 down, 3 down, and four players at 4 down. In the second Bogey Match the winner was 2 up. th<- next best being two down, followed by three at 4 down. Although visiting players had the impression that the links were fairly easy and that they would be very likely to get on comfortable terms with the “par": it was found that finally the “par"' had beaten most of them. Only twice was it beaten, once by a stroke in the Coronation Medal Match, in which it was also squared, and onee in the second Handicap Bogey, where the winner wa. 2 up. The par of a good many holes was beaten frequently, but the decisive cliarai t r of some of the hazards brought it about that at the end of the complete round the total par of the eour-e remained uiiconquered. Per vious Winners of Present Championship Cnp. 1901. —Ali-s Gillies, Auckland. 1902. Mrs Bidwell, Wairarapa. 1903—Mrs A. Pearce, Wellington. 11*04 - Miss E. Lewis, Auckland. 1905—Mi-s Stephenson, New Plymouth. 1900-. Mrs Bidwell, Wairarapa. 1907. —-Mrs G. Williams, Wairarapa.

1908— Miss Christie, North Otago. 1909 — Mrs Bevan, Otaki. 1910 — Miss Collins, Wellington. 1911— -Mies L. Brandon, Wellington. Previous Winners of Donnelly Handicap Cnp. 1905 — Miss Sealy, Timaru. 1906— Miss N. Campbell, Christchurch. 1907 — Miss G. Gorrie, Auckland. 1908— Mrs McCarthy, St. Clair. 1909 — Miss N. Gorrie, Auckland. 1910 — Miss F. Moore, Christchurch. 1911— Mrs Donald, Christchurch. Previous Winners of Mellsop Gold Cnp. . 1911—-Mrs G. Williams. L.G.U. Annual Meeting, 1912. The above meeting took place on September 2nd, at the Haeremai Tea Rooms, Nelson. There were present: Miss Rattray (president), Mrs Kelly, Mrs A. Pearce, Miss E. Ledger (vicepresidents) ; Mrs Good, Mrs Wigram, Mrs Hope Lewis, and Miss Gould (deputy vice-presidents); Mrs Mellsop (lion, sec.), and 25 delegates various clubs. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed, and the secretary's annual report and balance-sheet read and adopted. The following notices of motion were then dealt with: — Remitted from last annual meeting—■ Ist: “That the Championship meeting be held three times in the North Island to twice in the South.” The voting on this motion was even, and by the easting vote of the president the motion was lost. 2nd: "That in future the Championship final lie played over 36 holes.” This was negatived. "That a rota of championship courses be drawn up for the venue of the championship meeting.” Proposed by the Otago club, but lapsed without discussion. •"That in the event of two or more players in the ’Home Links’ Coronation Medal competition, beating or being short of the ‘par’ by the same number of strokes, a time be fixed for the players concerned to play off for first position.” Proposed by ( hristehurch, and seconded by Miss Cowlishaw (Hagley). Carried. “That the New Zealand Ladies’ Championship Meeting be held during the last fortnight in September.” Proposed by the Manawatu Club, seconded by Mrs Slack (Manawatu). An amendment-was proposed by Mrs. Kelly (Napier), and seconded by Mrs. Williams (Masiterton): “That the championship meeting be (held not earlier than the Ist 'September, and that the club desiring to hold it be prepared to state at the previous annual meeting the date on which it will hold it.” —Carried. "That ithe Inter-Isilaaid contest be played by mateh play, nine a side.” —■ Proposed by the Manawatu Club, and seconded by Mrs. Kelly (Napier).—Car rie.L A clerical amendment of Rule 7, New Zealand L.G.l'. rules, proposed by the lion. ser-ret'ary, and seconded by Mrs. Pearce, Wellington, was carried. “That in future the draw for partners in the handicap events ait the championship meeting be arranged in three grades: Scratch to 12, 13 to 20, and over 20.” Proposed by the hon. secretary, and seconded by Miss G. Gorrie, Auckland.—‘Carried. The question of paying ilhe travelling expenses of the hon. secretary (or her deputy) at the ehampionsihip meeting w as introduced by Mrs. A. Pearce. The presence of that official is practically necessary, and tlie meeting recognised the fact that <m honorary official should not be put to considerable expense to carry out honorary duties. On Mrs. Pearce’s motion, seconded by Miss G. Gorrie, it was decided that the L.G.U. subs i ip.tions be raised to 5/ per 50 members per club in. order to provide the necessary funds for this expenditure. A bonus to defray travelling expenses out of funds in ihtwids was voted for tire current year, on, the motion of Miu A. Pearce (Wellington), seconded by Mrs. Kelly (Napier). The date and place of the next championship meeting w ill be the ll.t!i September, at Napier. The next “Homo Links” Coronation medal maitdh will lie played the last Friday in May, 1913. The election of officer's for the year November, 1912, ■to November, 1913, then took place, with the following result: — Mies Rwttiuy, president; Mrs. Bloomfield, vice preeident for Auckland, Mrs. Kelly

(Napier), Miee Stcplnenson (New Plymouth) ; Mbs Montgomery Moore (Wanganui), Ma’s. A. Pearce (Wellington), Miss E. Ledger (Nelson), Mrs. Vernon (ChristchiiTeh), Mrs. Butterworth (Dunediin), Mrs. Haggitt (Invercargill); Mrs. Melsop, hon. secretary and treasurer. The meeting concluded with ‘the usual vote of thanks to the chair.

Mrs. Williams, 94, 89, :♦ 2. b Miss Gorrio, 95, 95. 4 Jhb First Medal Handicap. Miss s, Abraham (a ). 97 1 1 S6 Miss Richmond (b) 110 24 Sil Miss Snodgrass .... 96 ss Miss Davis 112 24 S6 Miss s Miss G. Gorrie 95 89 M rs. 'McCarthy .... 99 9 90 .Miss Gould (<■) .... 91 4 -90 Miss M HindmarMi. 99 8 91 Mls.S Crosse 10:; 12 91 M rs. Donald 107 l(i 91 Mrs. Sla-ck (e) 94 92 M rs. Williams (el . . 91 92

Miss Burnes ...9-2 „ Misrt UobieHon .... M ISM Tweed ... 9-4 „ M iss • I. Gorrie ... Miss Collins ... 6-4 „ .Wisst Richmond (b) ..18-4 (a) Winner of short handicap prize? (li) winner of long handicap prize. Donnelly Handicap Cup. Mrs G. Williams (a), 89—2—87 Mrs. llandvside .. 103—14—89 JVItSN I*. Anderson, 103—14—89 Miss Collins .. 90—7—89 (>. Corrie ... . . 95—d—8!) Miss R. Corrie ... 100—11—89 M IMS *»i . . . . . 97—8—89 Mrs. Donald (b) . . 105—10—8!) Mrs. Bruce ( b) ... . 100—17—89 ■Miss < ‘ook on (a) Winner of enp and serateh score;

'Mrs. Donald Ob) .. 99—16—85 MisS Collins (<•) . . . 92—7—85 Miss < ?. G or rie . . . 94—6—8.8 Miss E. Ix'tlger . . . 99—11—88 Al is* Gould . . . Miss Pearce (<•) . . . 92—1—91 Miss Kettle . . . 105—14—91 Miss Bewlay . . , 109—18—91

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11, 11 September 1912, Page 7

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LADIES’ GOLF. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11, 11 September 1912, Page 7

LADIES’ GOLF. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11, 11 September 1912, Page 7