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Turf Gossip.



RACING IIXTLRES. August 15 and 17 'J.C. Grand NoHLmuG Meeting. September 21*. 25. 23 Avondale IC. Spring November 2*, <», I*- - A uckltUKl Racurg Clute Spring. November 27. 30 Takapuna J.C. Spring*. _ Ueeember 26, 30, January T-, ±—A.R.C. \ Summer. January io, It—Whangarei B.C: A newel. January 23-—Bay ot I’leuly J.C. January 20, February 1, s*—TiUcapium J.C. Summer. February rt--Te Kurti R.C. Aikmwl. February 12, 13--lh»torua J.C. February 21. 23—South Auckland B.C. ♦ Not yet DMSKdL W. Tozer hast <1 Uprated of fla- sr-rUitm-■Jl'.»y:ii .News to a resident of the Walicat •» I Word fi’«Hu Canibrid-srw juaG** t-hw? » very little likeMinwHl of Kiug Soul’ Ahiiuilug another preparation. c $ The progeny of the defunct P’rpnknr* Bire Sunlt won £2,661* in Auntrali* Vast season. ’’ A prorit of 5*T wise* mini" by the Avondale Jockey Club oiv r-tetdr twr meetings last season. > Several of the license* issued tw jockeys by the Canterbury .hickey Clute- were canklltkHml licence*. and are t<» fc»»- withdrawn if m<» übiunts are secured- l»y tlur h**Uter before November 1. \ Word from the South state* that the San Frnn« i’-.->> Sir ’Friwea haw Ivtpelerady broken down, and is- Co iw retired to tbe stud. A half-brother to Surplus. l»y Sylvi.t Park, was brought from the Waikato "during the week, and Ims gone h«to- W G. Irwiu*s stable. The Avondale Jockey Club have increased their .-take money by £225. the pnw.t allotted for the four days being '£4loo. The A emulate Jockey Club w:m privi tested t > donate to the Government last season the snm of £1.548 6 I as the result >f their four days’ racing. There Is every probability Mr T. If. -Lowry filly ike Hague being brought, to Auckland for Lite Avondale Stakes nexc •month. The Webb imrsv M rrlowv wTtieli 1 a k’t ,if ra« ing in the South last, season, is expo'-itwt r<» put j a an appearance nt Tilers He shortly. ami will probably he uub." the charge of \\ . G. Irwin. The fuimssivr gehlfnsr Manwvrt. wli’ h went amiss on the eve of the Gisborne Ra •- 1.2 < lub s \\ inter Meeting, has made a good recovery, and is working regularly aga.i; at Kllers 1 ie. T a i» ‘ r ouu:rv horsemen fc. Tbompsoa c,. 4 11 Gray have only been granted v.mi ditmn-t license* by the Hawke's Buy Jockey ■ -Hi». ;»nd at the end of three months they •w id be repaired :•♦ apply again*. Hr J Waits.’ team for A'l&uxWi* u* to •o . e-pa’«■.'■•.ed from V elliugtou uit August 12. rhe two-year-old colt Jason* by Aeh’.rs ->tepnia. is not to be taken weress, but will l»e left behind to fultH his. New Zealand eugagemeuts. Ib.o gt ■! ng by Starina from Coryphee a» F ’“IT,7* nr ’lcr the «-harge of J. Chatife, Jun . ar b, j- f,» shipped to Wanganui «‘ : er tae C.J.t Grand Meetiirg. « I will ii-» in u ihe eca4de that shelters n:- half-brother. AntarctTe \ two-year old full bnuher to Walter Wairikr has gone into W Toner's i to 1- broken, in and prepare! for future en-•-.igt m.-iii- The youugsier is oae of the I »w Jengthv - .rt. and will probably be given plenty of time to furnish. The Canrcrhnry Jerkev 4’luh luw approved cf the programme for future chMtf e events The C humps mi e Stakes of !!M4 and the < haiienge it ils ; IMTe fr o?ii t.Sfcmrs r>r }.«Mtan*nvs. and V’XwL 1 ' l,e r’»y ..f i!’i4 frmu l,::5i)N<>VM ».o n k *i v i . ‘ * 1 ,r ~** <*•»» in work at icandvj. k. v th - nt . w t surrpssfril mentor la th- » .. ry r*•]>•»!itan area last prcpar.M eight winners .tf thirto-n r I h»* mo-t important event bis To *’l! r f’*i j ? ! * ,C TattorsnO's Cup, wntt fl ere were twenty r.oniinati-nw f w -he P -Hion Of committeemen of tfte Hwwke’s my J«*efcey ’ -’’tb. nml Q>p following w*»r*» • Ki , ’■ Anmarong, M. F Bair I. r P*"- V - F *■ H Has««n. 1 I. i.-au. T >i l..mry. J B- M ■v.jr. U G. St-ad. and K. J. Wet. AlitcKenale won Id be a very Pj***^ 1 »c *»<wday. when hl» eelebrated root mar- Gdv Mtvtkr bmled a Cx>» to r..p.ta. The youngster a* • moat

vaJvsMe uMuI-mi :•». *tu£ and will probably roach a high figure when hl** turn to be disposed of at auction. The < J.C. National Hurdles cantiidate The Native U stated to have received n knock on his off hind and was carrying a bandage when lie was shipped from Wellington to Lyttelton. His work on the tracks wilt .-uwir explain whether the knock is serious er not. During the Victorian racing season hist cl.>sed. 160 days’ racing were held in the Metropolitan area, the stakes given at these meetings wmourring tn the dggregsite to £160,601, the four leading clubs (V.R.C.. V.A.T.C.. WiilunuMtown. and Mt»onee Valley* distributing £11R»OIH o f this amount. The amounts given by The wrinus clubs were: V.R.(\ (.lii, days*, £tSU4:U»; V.A.T.C. (1.5 days), £215,2*25; Moanee Valley (12 days), £10,655; WFlI’.-inwfnwir ••riysl other club*. £42,600. Rrrnuin*, which w.w recently purchased by Mr. Samuel Hordern, is described by ICnmsduTvr ns “a mertluni-Mxed chestnut, accurately built from end to end, and typical of many of the best class of Kelpie horses we used to know in days gone by.” Judging hr some hrfornuMhut he received from Fagland h white buck. “Milroy'* has reason to believe that, the figure Mr. Hordern gave for rhe horse was in the vicinity of £12,000 Among the mares with whom he win pro.'.aWy be mated this season are F’osMdon's sister Iriaii romer, and two of Haul Drroti's daughters in Istria and Fungus. s.wue surprise was. expressed In Auckland wheir ie was known that S. O’Netti had ri.Men Wiwmen in the Australian wShl® of T. Cahibl, uno had the mount on the Mer ~ 2 ?V ee gehfmg when he won in July It* rw » Bi * f >r 'hange of horsemen was n«u e of the Sydney nles by which brought the news that 1 aihill and J. Lnughlin (both. of whom hail from New Zealand) had been fflsquaSfied tor twowflrs. hr connection with the running of yhe recently-purchased hurdle horse see at M-euiee Valley. in eonneetion with ’lie race, a Sydney paper states that the horse in question was not severely handicapped, but for some reason he travelled :>adly in rhe betting market, and eventually the long olds w ere shouted out against him Joe, who in his other races here Bas shown plenty of dash, was nearly always in the rear, and never raised a saltop. The stewards held an inquiry,, the upshot of which was that Loughlin, as well as the rider T Cahi’l, and file gelding. were <l:s.jna!ifieii“for twelve nioti-fhss. NaG.-e was given that n appeal would be made to the V.R.C. committee against the decision. Evidently the appeal was not upheld, for Horae Rule which was owned by Loughlin. has not paid up for the Australian .steeplechase. Lutess advirrw sr.i * :h;i Loughlin is selling off ail Ills horses * t * THE GAMING ACT. The following resolutions are being carried by every branch of the New Zealand Sports Protection League throughout the Dominion:—ill That the support of the league be given to any proposed legislation providing for a reasonable extension of the present number of racing days, and to any proposal to allot such increased number of days among ra -Ing elute by some d.-finite tribunal sm !i as" the Dates Committee appointed by the New Zealand Racing Conference. t 2i That the support of the league be given to any legislation , repeal tae present prohibition agafnsr the publication of dividends paid on a race in New Zealand, or of the atartiag prices In respect of any race outside of New Zealand, so as to permit the pnMira. » I * r hoi dine of a rac e dividend paid or Marring price. ♦ ♦ THU TURF REGISTER. The New Zealand Tv.rf Register for 1911- - t ,r b * w,f frOTO th <* pnttjghers. -Th- * Ltd. A depart are M'Dicn will he appreciated been made Im the maKe up of the b.«.k this season, and rne rarfn< and sections are now divided, while the tabteb of past winners, nominations for coming events, rules of racing and other information appears a' rhe end of fhe book. The register, as usual, is t-ioriwigbly up-to-date, anti no aporfstmiti can afford to ue without At. and as M is Issued st ill.- low price .f to 6 j. sb.,,:lt meet with a ready sate. AVONDALE JOCKEY CLUB. The tnnuai rep.wt .rf the Avondale Jockey < tub states rb«t the usual spring and aututnu meetings were held during rhe eweii. the club giving added money fo the amount of £3.875. and the amount passed through the totalUafor amoont.-d to DiM.RtO 10/, as against £4U>ti> last, showing an Increaae »f £IIJUM 10/, nut withstanding that fhe spring meeting was only two days I ns tend ad nree The season was eommenrnd wh* a deter haiunee at the Unnk of £l.Jttff < N, and during the year a gross profit on m.f meeting* of £.’JIK S "7 wax made The diabnr.emenrs were as follows G»n»rst account iV>i impnvwvt

account Ci-la 15/4. During the season the sum of Lt,31,) has been l-akaed from the bank with the object at" paying off the overdraft current accoant. Sibace wiping off the overdraft the Huh has also pnM £•>00 off the loan account, leaving the total liability to the bank of £2.000. The free-

bold, shown as £3,487. remains the same value as last year, but this land ban much Increase.! iu value, and should at least be worth over £T.W)I The assets amount to ttd.rtru XII i.vfter writkoa o* the sum of £730 9 V>,. aad the tUMUtS of £2,WO ( h , the bank!, flow sluing a balance of £8.635 3.11. an un-rease on last *” fell 05. Assets are slr.xa st 3. »1. <• + + AUCKLAND METROPOL7T AN COMMITTEE. A meeting of the Metropolitan Committee was held yesterday afternoon at Rem tiers. Hie Hon. E. Mrt<*helson presiding. The programmes of the Jocko, Club for the season I*>l2 I;: were approved. The following licenses were granted for the season lt»K*-T3:-Jorkeys: J. w. Anderton. 1 uinp Brady. Vernon Coleniau. J. J Conquest. B. Ileeley. do Im fb-erv .fas. li.w4, .1. O. Jones. A. J. McFHr.u. Hugh Vl onnor. i- Ji J ' p *»Tjval. John Tilater. Frank Tntehen. J. L. Begin.-, Jas. Brady. J. T. Brady. E. <*. Browne. It. E. Brown. J. M -Hndknium. Thos. Mnicuy. fr. K. F>r<-ival. J’- G - Boss. Si. A. Uy:u>. A. R. .Sullivan. Harold Webb, B. O. Wilson A. y. Rite. P. S. O’Brien. Apprentice Jockeys: J. B. O'Shea. C. O. Irnnn. Chas. H. Paulgratn. Oentfeißcn riders: Harold «7. t.ingfe Wm. Hieks. E. Chmiwiek. |!aniei B. Flynn. K. McDotignH. A. Terry. Trainers: C'liaa. W. Coleman, Rich. Hannon. C. F. Stob-olm, D. F. Moraghan. E. J. 1,. Kae. John Wdiiam f<n, p. Conway. N. >'immngk»m. Wav. Galt. A. E. Kelly. F. J. MeMiutemin. Thus. M. Morris, A. M. McMillan, sen., Chris. Norjrrore. F. B. Rosu. F. A. Sullivan J. K. Thorpe. Rolu. Thorpe. A. Booth. W. G. Irwin. A meeting of the A.R.C. was held nnhs-pquently. the Hon. R. MitchelSOn presiding. The following were appointed for the sewwo:—Messrs Z. Clayton, Fred. Eart, N. A. N.Hhan, O. Nicholson, <4. W. s. Patterson, Chas. Kanson, T. J. Sinclair. W. C. Womers, and Sir Rotiert Lockhart. Mrasrs Ferry Bwtier and A. J. Denniston were reappointed auditors and Dr. E. W. Sharman surgeon. The following officials were appointed:—lf and icapper, Mr tieo. Morse: judge, Ur R. R. Lusk; starter, Mr C. O'Ctwnor: clerk of course, Mr A. Selby; cierk of scales. Mr F. W. Marks: assistant-cterk of scales, Mr H. B. Massey; assistant- star ter, Mr A. Fattenson; track steward, Mr G-eix Cults. The following transfers were approved: —F. J. Barton to It. Kerehmua, fwovear-mlf, by Sarto— Re!I: D. Maher b» D. J.' Lynch. Tri poXi; E. s. Evelyn to W. J. Brown, Flying Feather. Accounts amounting 4o £231 were passed far payment. ft was. decided to hold the usual monthly meeting on the second Thursday hi the ofieritoon. WAIPA MEETING. The following handicaps have been declared f«»r the W.aipa Jorfcey t'hd»*a meet ing. which takes place at Te Awamutu <h» the 21st hist.:— Hunters’ Hurdle Race. —Weka 11.0. Mil dura 11.0, Mavourneen 10.9. Skv High 10 5, Merry Dancer 10.5» Arty Sioio 11.4, Smokeless 10.0, <hissedy !»>.(*. The F.irt 10.0, The Scotchman HUK. AJahere Ivo. The Stroller 10.0, Tom 10.0, Kaponas 10.0. Maiden Hack Flat Handb'ap.—Little John 9 12. Hamlet 9.10. Ma!via 0.9, Toreador 9.9, Sky High 9.9, Atnhere 9.9, Spsrlpeenite 9.9, Mahang» 9.9. Spalpeen colt 9.Si, Hierarchy U-9, Glen Afric 9.9. South Foie 9:\ Dily Rank 9.7, Fluwcrette 9.7. Miss Sharp 9.7. Lt Sylphe 9.7, I.izette 9.5, Zeuni*' 5».5, Nancy 9.3, Gipsy Martfan 9.0, Genera! Duart 9.0. Tolo TVmy Handicsrp.—Taka 12.2, htobefi 10.4. Illngia 10.4. Mis* Elma 9> *. Jack 190. t ashmere 10.9, Curio l*kO. Te Awamutu (’up.—Explesire l'»c>. Taka 9.10, Romantic ’3.9, W ek.-i 99. MiJdura 9.*i. Muskewai 9.0, St. Wood 9.4, Sioio 90, Hierarchy 9.<». Floweret!e •.» if, G!ei» Afric 9.9, Zenaie 9.<\ Nancy 9.0. Hunters.’ Flat Hamticap.—Mridura 11.4. Smokeless 11.1, Sr«»t«*huian lt.l, Weka 11.1, Arahere 11.1. Su Peer 11. 1. Sky High 11.1, Romantic 11.1, Merry Dancer II 1. Siolo 11.1. Faiire lt.l, Arty 11.1. Mahonga 11-1. Te Waharoa 11.1, T«krea<lor 11.4, Strong Arm 11.1, C'asaidy 11.1, The Flirt 10.13* Ma vonrn eeu 19.13. Handicap Trot, two mile*. — iMck Fly scratch. Royal Victor bis.. Alt McKinney his., Lndy Me’don 3fe., Teifafy M-Kinney I.Hiiviina 36a., Desm«»n«f Mouawai 3Hb., Free Nance 56a. WAIRARAPA NOTES. During the past racing season Mr C. F. Va Mance, president nt the Masternm Racing Vlnb. wou in stake money, this being the highest amount aeewred by a Walrarapa owner. Mr. Harry Nee. of Masterton. was a rfiwe second with £X2O, obtained throagh rhe agency of ane borsc. Sir Knox. Mr. A. R. Daraat. horses are trained at Tauherenikan, »on ££7o, Mr W. E. Bidwflt < Featherston i CIOO. Mr. A. R. Maltby (Masfert-m> Mr. H. Hodge irarterton) GUiii. -Mr C. K. Pharazyn (FeatheratMi» £275, Mr. F. Dursef (Masterton i £270. Mr. G. Hume (MarttoiaM-ough) £2fls, Mr. M. Lavery (Masferfonj £225. Mn. M. A. Dwyer 4 f ormerly of MasferGm, but now of Sydney! £220, Mr. R. Cooper IGladotune > £145. Mr. F. B. Valla nr r (Kahritningai £35, Mr. J J ro»HM*r (Maa tertoii £W». Mr. •‘Ck M<-dnn* (Cart er Gm» £T<K Mr. J. Jamieson (MaMterltmi Lucretina. which vim a winaer it the Woo«naD<k) meeting, was formerly owned •iixi trained by Mr R Knos. of Moat er Gm She H one of the Merrfe EogUml i»r-M

from R<»n«*y, and is developing into a pretty smart mare. KrlsU Rifle is to be given a fairly lengthy ♦ * < TURT TALK FROM THE SOUTH. The weather seems to have cleared ail right at last. The conditions for several days have been ideal, warm sunny days being the rule. It is quite a treat after the wretched spell experienced for sonh* time past. The tracks at Klevarton are drying very fast under the influence of the genial sunshine, and unless there Is another break the course should be In great order for the Grand National Meeting. There is an unusually large number of horses at Riccarton this year, the gathering of visitors !>eing very nearly a reiw(l That the fields would be large has l»een pretty well assured for some time, and the acceptances and final payments hare quite confirmed anticipations in that direction. The totals are as follow: Hunters’ Hurdles. 15: Trial Hurdles, 17; Jumpers’ Flat, 13; Grand National Steeplechase. 15; Winter Cup. 24; Enfield Steeptecbase. 15; Avonhead Handicap, lt>; Grand National Hurdles. 21. The Auckland trainer. D. has had an unfortunate experience In connection with bls visit to Riccarton. for this year’s Grand National Meeting. Master Theory has been lame ever since his arrival, and Taiaha has also become troubled in a similar way. It is probable that Moragltan will leave on his return journey honu to-morrow, there being no prospect of either of his horses racing at ■the meeting. • John injured his shoulder through a fall while schooling over hurdles on Wednesday. He has been very sore since, and as he has dropped out of the Grand National Hurdles Handicap, it may be concluded tliat he is too bad to race at the meeting. Antarctic has done no work during the last few days. His old trouble, mu.*citlar rheuaiadsm, having become worse again since He came to Riccarton. The fall sustained by Te Roti on Friday must have been much more serious than was at the time supposed. On Sunday he refused all food and became very violent j in fact. to all intents the animal became quite uncontrollable, jumping high Info the air and Ibrowing himself violently M the ground alternatively. Mr ,T. R. Charlton. M.R.C.V.S., was then called In. and under his treatment Te Roti made steady progress, and although his condition was sufficiently critical to render an all-nigh* watch necessary, on Monday all the morr* urgent symptoms had disappeared. and Tuesday found him practically himself again.

Hautere c'i£ up badly in a schooling display over fences on Thursday, falling at the first of the double. Ik was afterwards got round, imt did not impress the onlookers. His stable mate. Armagh, gave a good exhibition.

Continuance has done all his work well since he has been at Riccarton, his jumping being very dean.

Sir Lethe was responsible for a brilliant display of fencing on Thursday. Hawick was schooled over fences this morning, and’jumped in a proficient man ner.

Pari tutu hits out in rare style in ait his work, and he is evidently in good condition.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7, 14 August 1912, Page 12

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Turf Gossip. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7, 14 August 1912, Page 12

Turf Gossip. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7, 14 August 1912, Page 12