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ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. 4. J. Edwards.—The ace la the highest. Header. - No. The dealer mu«t tell how many he drew hiinseif, but not the number any other player draw. Curious. --1 have received no previous comlaunication from you. The information 1 presume you require appeared iu our Saturday’s issue. Mr. J. Muir’s brood mare Folly has fouled a colt to Penury. The pony Caedmon Is now trained at Avondale by 11. French, The light-weight J. O’Shea will ride Duma in the Auckland Cdfii Master Wairlkl is looking nice and fresh, end is striding along freely iu his work at Ellerslie. The Merr’e England. horse Merry? Christtnns is now under I*. Cowway's charge at (Ellerslie. The trotting more Seacolh was disposed r»f at'auction yesterday by ’Messrs. A. Buckland and Sons for 28gnH. The Waikato* tmlner R. Hannan, has engaged five boxes at the Harp of Erin for the A.R.C. Summer Meeting. Accommodation has been engaged at the Ellerslie hotel for 81. Cwtls’ horses, and tilso for Ck Murray: Aynsley’sk The Torpedo- mare Formidable was schooled over the hurdles at Ellbrslie last week, fencing hi good 1 style; The Freedom gelding Haku was schooled over the pony hurdles fit Ellerslie lost week, his display being a pleasing one. Mr. Morse’s weights for the minor events et the AuckHnd Racing Clubs Summer Meeting are due on Friday next, the Bth lust. •F. Davis is expected to arrive with Mr. T. H Lowry’s horses for the A.R.C. Summer Meeting after the Woodville Meeting. One of Mr. Fl. J- Watts’ representatives In the Auckland Cup. Cheddar, came in for fiome support for the two-mite- race during the week. The Menschikoff gelding Turbine lightened up considerably during bis trip south, end is being indulged in a short rest at his owner’s place. Mr T. IT. Lowry has allowed Bobrlknff and Sea Pink to drop out of the Auckland Cup, in which event his sole representative rwill be Bel lull. Mr C ,T. Parker Is having some trouble In getting a private trainer. Atlas "White, who recently took over the position, has already resigned. Some of the riding at Takapuna on Wedjiasday was of a very ordinary character, nnd In one or two instances the losing fee was easily earned. The top weight in th? Railway Handicap, OEquitns, Jias come in for a lot of support for that event, nnd It Is stat-ed she is to fulfil her engagement. The Cuirassier gelding Royal Armour is do be tried at the jumping game, and will probably got his first lessons over the obstacles during the week. Although Gohlfinder’s showing at the Feildlng meeting was something of a disappoint men I, (he son of San Ifran has been paid wp for iu the Auckland Cup. J. 11. Prosser’s team for the A.R.C. Summer Meeting will probably consist of half a dozen horses, for accommodation has been 6 ecu red fur that number at Ellerslie. Although nothing has yet been definitely decided the probabilities are that the Kara mu horseman F. D. Jones will have the mount on Sedition in the Auckland Cup. The jockeys C. Brown and J. Deerey, who have been riding in Australia for some dime past, have been granted licenses by Ihe Auckland 'Metropolitan* Committee. ■Several Auckland Cup candidates are engaged in the -St. Andrew’s Handicap at iFcilding to-day. A win In the event will earn a 51b penalty for Hie Auckland Cup. Five boxes have been engaged for R. <T. iMaeon’s team nt John Rae’s, Greonlune, bud aceninmodution for T. Quiidivan. junr.’s team has also been secured at the game place.

Word from the South slates that Miscount has been going on the right way since his return from Kiecarton, and promises to be at bis best fur the A.R'.C. Summer Meeting, It is stated, in the South that R. J. Mason’s team for the A.R.C. Summer Meeting wilt consist of Byron, Miss Mischief, Pefrene, and' the two-year-olds Gnome and Georgia. The Cuirassier gelding Tul Cakobau has been broken to harness, and Is being driven by his owner, Mr. R. Duder. There is every probability of Tui Cakobau carrying silk again in the near future. There was a lot of interference In the various events at Takapuna on Wednesday, and it is rather a pity the stewards did not deem, it advisable to administer a word of caution, to some of those riding. The apprentice, J. O’iSLea,. who rode Sphinx to victory in the St. Andrew’s Handicap at Takapuna on Wednesday, piloted his fifth winner, and is now ineligible to claim the apprentice allowance. The latest Australian papers state that I»r. Bennett’s colt Sanskrit was sent home to Adelaide from Melbourne for a spell, so that all hopes of his being a 1 starter in the Auckland Cup are now shattered. After being schooled at Ellerslie on Thursday morning, the Merriwee gelding. Jack Jbhnson, was very lame, but tile seat of the trouble could not be ascertained. It is thought that he ricked his shoulder. Seven boxes have been engaged at the Harp of Erin for the Hon. J. D. Ormond’s horses. There is a probability of S. Waddell, private trainer to the Hawke’s Bay sportsman, bringing eight horses* A Hawke’s Bay writer is responsible for the statement that California is to be put into work again. The son of San Fran has not been seen under silk since the Avondale J.C. Spring Meeting 14 months ago. The Cuirassier—Gipsy mare •which is an inmate of F. McManemin’s stable was tried over the small fences at Ellerslie last week. Although she got over safely the mare took a lot of risk with the fences, and will require a. bit u£ making, liie L eilding Jockey Club opens its Spring Meeting to-day, and concludes to-morrow. A lot of interest centres in the meeting in Auckland, as quite a number of horses engaged figure amongst the nominations for the C. Summer Meeting. Advices from Feilding state that A. Jackson will probably be represented at •the A.R.C. Summer Meeting by Coromandel, Ta’ft, and Roosevelt. Coromandel is considered to have a fair chance in the Auckland Cup, iu which, event he has 6.11 to carry. Alterations are being effected to the totalisarfor house at Ellerslie which it is anticipated will cope .with the rush at the Summer Meeting. The present building is not being, enlarged, but accommodation Is provided fur two sellers at each race instead of one as at present. When Hoanga won at Caulfield he com piled new figures for the “about two miles’’ steeplechase course, which he covered in which is IJs faster than the previous best. An offer of oOOgns was refused for Iloanga before he was submitted to auction, when he was passed in at 270gns. The Hierarch gelding. Hierarchy, which was sold as a yearling two years ago for 360 guineas, and which has never raced, was sold by auction yesterday at the N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Co.’s yards for six guineas, Mr. S. Evelyn being the purchaser. The Gluten gelding Gohlslze, which was •turned out in capital nick by J. Chaafe, jun., Looks like being useful, and his double victory at Takaipuna on Wednesday was very easily earned. Goldsize Is only a little fellow, but possesses a lot erf pace, and it will be surprising if he does not add further to his winning account before long* The “Salvadan gelding Antarctic, which was bequeathed by the late Mr Theo. Bowling to one of his closest friends, and which ilias been enjoying n spell since the last C.J.C. National Meeting, will be put into work again shortly, but will not be asked •to carry «ilk until the autumn. Mr. R. Wynyard’g Adjustments for the opening day’s racing of the Thames Jockey Club's Summer Meeting are due on Friday next. As there promises to be a scarcity of light boys riding at the meeting, Mr. Wynyard will probably be found framing his handicaps on a high scale. The St. Paul gelding, Captain Paul, let hU supporters down again on Wednesday, the best ho could do belii£ to run third in the

Ponui Hurdles at Takapuna. At one stage of the journey Captain Paul looked like making a one-horse race of tt. bait he tired to nothing in the concluding stages, and a lot of bright gold was lost, # After an absence of nearly twelve months the Sa Ivadan gelding Black Northern irode his reappearance under silk at Taka puna on Wednesday, when he was sent out to contest the Tirl Handicap Hundte* Black Northern showed a lot of his old dash, and was forcing the pace In the early stages, but l»is condition failed him, and he finished out of a place. The Auckland Racing Club Is moving with the times, and it has been decided to erect a new notice board by the. fence dividing the inside and outside enclosures at Ellerslie, which will give the scratchings, overweights, and allowances, and also the position each horse draws at the post. The innovation should be greatly appreciated by the Club’s patrons. An innovation was made In the Takapuna race cards by inserting the placed horses at the Avondale J.C; Spring and Auckland R.C. Spring Meetings. The innovation is a start in the right direction, but might reasonably be carried further, and a few more particulars, be given. Probably as time advances further improvements will be made. The victory of Sphinx hi t»he tSt. Andrew’s fllandicap at Takapuna on Wednesday was the surprise of the afternoon*. and. the daughter of Bluejacket returned a two-figure dividend. Sphinx, which le a fratf-slster to Ben Johnson, by Bluejacket, has not done a great deal of racing, and her win on Wednesday was the most important she has yet registered. Mr. C. Dawson, her owner, Is at ipresent on a visit to Japan. Nominations for all events aL the Auckland Trotting Club’s Summer Meeting close with the secretary (Mr. C. F. Mark) cn Friday next, the Sth lust., at 9 p.m. The up-to-date course of the Auckland Club and the fact that something like £2500 is ibeing distributed in stakes is sure to attract a large number of outside entries, and the forthcoming meeting promises to mark the commencement of a new era hi trotting in Auckland. When Mr. W. Ring returned to the Waikato from Christchurch, after the C.J.C. meeting, he brought back with him. Trireme, a colt by Treadmill, owned by Sir George Clifford. The youngster was touched in the wind, and was sent up for Mr. C. Ring, who recently returned from America, do operate on. Mr. Ring has operated on the colt, and the youngster is progressing favourably, and there is every reason to believe that successful results will follow. Although Prophet was only taken up recently by J. Chaafe, junr., -hJs connections are sanguine that the son of St. Paul will be forward enough to fulfil his engagements at the A.R.C 1 . Summer Meeting. During his rest Prophet has been fed regularly, while he was turned out In a large paddock, and, being a light-hearted little fellow, he go-t plenty of exercise, so there won’t be much useless lumber for his trainer to get off between now and Boxing Day. The Musketry gelding, Muskewai, which managed to dead-heat with Tipperary in the Melrose Handicap on Wednesday, has been a long time giving his owner a return for the money expended on him, and Wednesday’s event was the fourteenth in which he has started during, his two years on the turf, and the first time he has succeeded In catching \the judges’ teye. Musikewai’sl owner is one of those who race for pleasure, ■and now that the son of (Musketry has started winning, it is to be hoped he will continue. The new caretaker of the Ellerslie course, Mr A. Hill, is introducing a number of innovations, and one that will be welcomed by trainers Is a notice board which <s to be erected, and which will give information as to the tracks open each morning. Another benefit to those whose duties take them to headquarters is the erecting of a verandah on the end of the casualty room, which is to be proceeded with at once. This will provide shelter from the rain and sun, and will be greatly appreciated. The sixth Fending Stakes only attracted a field of seven, three of which were two-year-olds, and the race was something of a disappointment. The connections of both. Autumnus and Ermengarde were very sanguine of success, although the latter had been having an easy time of it on account of the heavy state of the tracks. Autumnus was a hot favourite, but, according to the accounts in the southern Press, the veteran Naumal got out with a fly,, and was never caught, winning easily by a distance estimated by some writers as half a length, and by others as a length ami a-ha If. ■Says the Napier writer, “The Squire”:— Taking as a guide the able manner in which. tßobrikoff got through his portion on Saturday morning, there cannot be a great deal the matter with him, for he swung along in a taking style and pulled up sound. Certainly the track had been improved by the showers which (had visited the course the previous night, and iu the early morning; still, they were solid enough to find out the w'eaknesa of any of the gee-goes had there P>oen any trouble about, and on those grounds it would appear as if the racing trail will see Bobrikoff again. The Auckland Racing Club have purchased one of “ Julius’ ” patent tot a lisa tors, and expect to have it installed ready for their autumn meeting. The machine is stated to be an exceptionally good one, and it is estimated that the issue of tickets will he considerably quicker than at present, while as the tickets are sold they are registered on the grand total. This will effect a big saving of time, as under th* present system it has taken anytMug from threequav-

tere of an hour to an hour and a during the day fco adjust the totals n ™s*L , ,' e **7. e *e* 1 dow “: but with thl aww maoklne this delay win oe done aaZj w*th mX wtt, eu3ste tnveaunents t‘ "2 made ap to th- advertised t ii2 of starting the races. With ' new machine working, the homes will he heW waiting nearly so long at the noo as at present, which iu it-selt will bUiestimalde buna. a “ The general entries for the Auekla.e, Summer Meeting. WIII9IX are utisfaetorj as compared: with the Suinm.. Meetlag aw fche ",2 parative table shows :— “*

With- an acceptance- of 2t foe the Auckland Cup, all doubt as to w Iler her a decent field -will contest the event or not is dispelled, and unless the unforeseen occurs, there proraises to be at least fifteen runners The defection of Bobrikoff, which headed the list, was expected, bat some surprise has been occasioned by (the fact -that Lus Angelos still remains in-. Reports frora the South gave the information that the son of- San B'ranciaco was to comp- te at the Manawatu Meeting, but evidently hi a owners are not yet decided on their movements. Waltnangn and his stable com pani-on, Santa Rosa, both appear hi the list, the Auckland division being represented by this pair. Sedition, Souit-jrla, Domino, Maxwell, Ngapuka, and Diiiu ~ and probably the best of the tot will be hard to beat. Mendip, which lias earned a 51h penalty as a result of his success at Pending. is expected to fulfil his engagement. Sir George Clifford has paid up for both his three-year-olds, Connterfeit and Masterpiece, but certain indications point to the last named being the stable elect. The much-discussed Miss Mischief, which Is the ruling favourite, has had her engagement continued, as baa Miscount,, which Is nt almost as short a price an Miss Mischief. Prim is expected, and also Coromandel', which has to carry 31b: ewtra for bis win at L-’eilding, and altogether the field promises to be as good a one- a-a seen out st Ellerslie for some time.

A.K.C. ACCEPTANCES. THE AVCKLANDi CUP. I’wo miles st. Ui. st. 111.

Grafton Hurdle Race.—(Prophet 111®. Reumac 11.6 (includluw Tib penalty), lx>” Que a 11.6 (including 71b penalty);, Delegate 11.4 Hawick 10.9,. Black Northern 10.4, Miss Explosion 9.11, Presently 9.5, Captain Paul 9.0, Master William 9.0, MiMura Railway Handicap.— E.tuitas 9.13, H’WJ ».S (including 31b penalty), Royal MB 8.11, I'ormby 8.10, Electrakuff B.i, h'Us, Boult 8.6,, Peirene 8.5, Antoinette 8. A Salute 8.4, Royal Scotch 8.4, Kakauia 8..,, Culprit 8.1, Gipsy Belle 8.1, Miss Wmsoira 8 0 Bvron 8.0, Ireland 8.0, Dearest i.L, Turbine 7.10, Jack Detaval 7.8, Hoh»Wtahi 7 7 Cloy 6.13, Lucille 6.11, (11 Pearl 6.7, Tirukehu 6.7, Lady Dot «>< B]’>« Garment 6.7, Taketumu 6.T, Elegance o.i, Muskewai 6.7. i i * WAIRARAPA NOTES. The Masterton horse Turnut. .Mr IM. T. McGrath,, ran. second to BUF shooter in -the Will hi ms town (V., lormr Handicap. of one . % , pn . The stable® at South Featli’erstiHi 11 .pled by Jack Matthews, the trainer, >were destroyed ‘by fire dd?" ;j twomlng. The racehorses luongsiH’ • Longwood wtN Jest rescued to J l ™®',, rf . Mr. A. R. Maltby, of Masterrtou. h.ii reived several tempting, offers ‘lev Gaelic, but none (have been high enG ito induce him to part with ' the „. ® . Scotland gelding, A Sydney sportman M anxious. ito obtain the horse ur oruei take ibim to .Australia to. trace, and may y give the money asked by Mr. Maltby, win is .reported to be a fairly substantial s Winchester has been purchased W R. Nacelle, of Wanganui. The burue r aced for the first time in his new ewuti a colours at Felldtag. ... Boanerges has been turned out,, ana be treated to n good spell. , , iMr. W. Smart has decided to put .Blast over hurdles in fhe future. Jw Quarryman filly, which tie purchase.! f.iwn Sir George Clifford fioe 200 giiineai, proved somewhat of a failure on the but judging by the way edio Is shaping over sticks she should pay her way ns a hiiTinfr. AU Trumps. Which Will fsce the barrier

In the hurdle event* at Woodville, !» voing excellent work at <lreeuwaaAowa, and Mr. lauiorick a nrureßeutatlve is sure tu start a hut lawurin. Mr. It. A. McDowld's pair, Aaeakro and Hcrwia, will be starters at th* Maisawatu meeting en December -■•Uh, 31<h, ami zvtb. Both are showing futr form, but should Improve by the tnna the (nesting comes round. Aberbrothuek, who has not sported silk since he won the Feudaltou llaudKap at the C.J.C. Meeting la November, IUW‘, la amongrt the hornet nominated tor the Manuwatu Racing Chib's meeting. It Is doubtful whether Che eon of I’apukura and Miniature »ill suud the preparation. December will bo a regular carnival month, ns far as racing hi Walrarupa is concerned, Woodville, Master ton, Taratahl, I arterton and Wairarapa Racing Clubs II •Wing their meetings within a few days of each other. * 4 i T AKAPUNA SPRING MEETING. THE OPENING DAY. the opening day's racing m connection with the Takapuna Jockey Club's Spring Meeting took place at the North Shore cn Wednesday. The heavy rain In the morning looked like causing a postponement, but just before midday the weather cleared and a beautiful afternoon followed. The track was a trifle greasy, especially at the turns, In the early part, but improved as the racing advanced. The attendance aim exceptionally large for an off day. Mr W. J. Ralph officiated as judge, Mr ft. It. Speight as timekeeper, and Mr C. O’Connor as starter. The latter gentleman’s work was hardly up to his usual standard, several of the dispatches being a bit ragged. rhe management of the day’s racing by the various officials, under the secretary, Mr R. Wynyard, left nothing to be desired, everything passing off without a hitch. During the afternoon a musical programme was rendered by the Mounted Rides Band under Bandmaster Whalley Stewart, while Mr J. Gallagher supplied and excellent lunch. THE TOTALIBATORS. Speculation was brisk, and during the afternoon the staff of Messrs W. Blomfield and Co. handled the sum of £12,353 10/, as against £9879 last year, when the opening day was on a Saturday, and £362 10/ was received in bookmakers’ fees. Details are:— TRIAL HANDICAP of lOOsovs; second horse to receive lOsovs and third horse osovs out of stake. Distance, one mile. Mr. W. C. Ring’s b m Taketumu, Byre, 7.3 (Whittaker) ..., 1 Mr. E. W. Alison’s ch m Tiresome, 4yrs, 7.1 (P. Brown) 3 Mr. R. H. Duder’s rn m La Reina, Byrs, 7.3 (W. Percival) 3 Scratched: Leafire and Malka. There was a bit of delay at the post, and when the barrier lifted Sapper was badly left, Taketumu being first to move, and when the stand was reached had a slight advantage of Master Lane, after which came Firelock, La Reina, Belle Crlspiu, Jolie Fllle, and Hemisphere. Racing along the back Taketumu was a length •dear of Firelock and Master Lane, with La Reina most prominent of the others, and these positions were maintained as they crossed the top and turned for home. In the run to the poet Tiresome and La Reina challenged, but could not reach Taketunin, which won by a length and a-half from Tiresome, which beat La Reina halt-a-Jength for second honours. Firelock was fourth, and then came Jolie Fille, Frontino, Miss Ada, and Bell Crispin. Time, 1.40. Taketumu was favourite. BOROUGH HANDICAP of lOOsovs; second horse to receive lOsovs and third horse Bsova out of stakes. Distance, five furlongs and a-half. Mr. J. 11. Walters’ ch g Goldsizc, 3yrs, 7.3 (Stockley) 1 Mr. W. J. Handley’s br e Worcester, 3yrs, 6.13 (Henderson) 2 Messrs. T. and H. Auekram’a br m Lady Dot, aged, 6.13 (Conquest) 8 Goldsize was first to move, but when they reached the course Moreykoflt and Urekehu were in the lead, but they were soon displaced by Mighty Atom and Gbldsize, the latter taking charge after a couple of furlongs, the nearest attendants being Mighty Atoni, Urekehu, and Peggy Pryde, with the rest of the field bunched. Goldslze drew out crossing the top, and had a couple of lengths’ advantage as they turned for home, when the field were all together. In the run to the post Worcester and Lady Dot set sail after the leader, but he easily kept them at bay, winning comfortably by a length and a half, with a neck between second and third. Urekehu was fourth, and then came Miss Livonia and Peggy Pryde, with Mighty Atom last. Time, 1.11 3-5. Goldsize was favourite. ITinui MAIDEN HURDLES of lOOsovs; > ceond horse Wsovs. Distance, about a ’nile and a-balf. “ Weal’s eh g Blue Mountain, 9.3 (Julian) 1 J Cunningham’s ch g Matarere, 9.4 (Ili'kton) 3 Hendon's gr g Captain Paul, 9.10 ‘McFlynn) 3 Also started: Blue Mount 9.13, Sabine 9.0, > Cyr 9.4, Master Stead 9.4, LJoyds 9.4, J'hudeen 9.2, Arty 0.2, Naponape 9.1, Milu” i; ‘ y.o, Hobartown 9.0, Kabila 9.0. Altov several breaks away they were let gIJ to an uneven dispatch, leading P‘i”t the stand, with Hobart Town as his »:• <st attendant, hat when the ftrst nuKiie was reached Captain Paul was in ’ i.iige, and the stand the second ’nue had three lengths’ advantage of ■’•ine, after which came Blue Mountain JU'd Matarere, all close up, the rest of the ne.d being strung out. Going along the tack the last time, Captain Pau! began to Ur®, and crossing the top stretch Blue Moun-

tain aixl Matarere were aiiuoet ou terms and the trio came to the laet fence In cloo.j company. Once over, Blue Mountain diow out, and, finishing fttrougly, won by a lentil and a-haif from Matarere, which was a length In front of Captain Pau). Lloyds was fourth, then came Sabine, Arty, and Napenape, wkh Hobart Town tawt. Time, 2.59 4-3. Captain Paul was favourite. BT. ANDREW'S HANDICAP of 290hovs; second horse 26sovs. Distance, one mile and a quarter. C. Dawson's eh in Sphinx, 6yr?, by Bluejacket—Hour!, 7.0 (O’Shea) 1 T. A. Williaina* ch g Sir Artegal, ttyrs, 8.11 (Brown) 2 Foes Bros.’ br h Master Jack, 7.6 (Con-

quest) 3 Alro started: Sublhne 8.5, Flying Soult 8.3, Wee Olga 8.2, Fuss 7.1, Spectre 7.1, and Caedmon 6.1.3, The barrier lifted to a straggling start. Sir Artegal losing a lot of ground, Sphinx. Fus«, and Wee Olga being first to move. When the stand was reached Fuss and Sphinx were racing together in the lead with Sir Artegal, which made up his lost ground very fast, lying third, just In front of Wee Olga, and then came Master Jack, Flying Soult, Caedmon, Spectre, and Sublime. Racing along the back Fuss and Sphinx were still together In the lead, just clear of Sir Artegal and Master Jack, with Wee Olga at the head of the others. These positions were maintained across the top and Into the straight. At the distance Fuss fell away beaten, and Sir Artegal, Master Jack, Flying Soult, and Wee Olga all came at the leader, and a desperate race resulted, Sphinx getting the verdict by three parts of a length from Sir Artegal, which was a length In front of Master Jack. Flying Sonlt was fourth, just In front of Wee Olga, the last to finish being Sublime. Time, 2.14 4-5. Sir Artegal was favourite.

CAMBRIA HANDICAP, of lOOsovs. Four furlongs.

W. L. Thomson’s ch f Monoline, 2yrs, by Monoform —Delanta (Deeley) Bst.. 1 H. D. le Latour’s b c Lannacost, 2yrs, 7.8 (Hall) 2 A. Bach’s br f Lady Gladstone, 2yrs, 7.8,

(O! Brown) 3 Also started: Semolina 7.11, Lady Wairlki 7.8, Indulgence 7.8, Geneva 7.8, Allworthy 7.6, Erry Oge 7.1, Monowai 7.1, Salvannie 7.0.

Lady Gladstone caused a lot of delay at the post through dislodging her rider, but the tape lifted to a fairly even start. Eventually Monoline was quickest to begin, and when they settled down was showing the way to Geneva and Lady Gladstone, with Lannacost at the head of the others. Monoline still had charge when they turned for home, and easily stalling off a strong challenge by Lannacost, which came fast in the straight, won by two lengths. Lady Gladstone was half a length away third, then followed Indulgence and Geneva the last to finish being Allworthy and Lady Walriki. Time, 525. Semolina was favourite. MELROSE HANDICAP of lOOsovs. Five

furlongs and a-half. Rybnrn Bros.’ ch g Tipperary, 4yrs, by Spalpeen —Success, 8.2 (C. 8r0wn).... * V. F. Hull’s eh g Muskewai, 4yrs, by 8.2 (B. Deeley).. • W. C. Ring’s b m Taketnmu, syrs, 9.1 (Inc. 7lb pen.) (A. Whittaker) 3 Also started: Harenoa 9.0, Sir Walter 8.8, Maulnina 8.3, Cloudy Dawn 8.2, Gibson Giri 8.2, Makura 8.2, Beite Crispin 8.2, Solitude 8.2, Avalon 8.2, Blue Thread 8.2, Lenella 8.2, Clemseln 8.2, Glad Heart 8.2, Lady Thorn 8.2, Marla Regina 8.2, Miss Jewel 8 2 The big field was dispatched on fairly even terms, Muskewai and Mauinina quickest to begin, the pair leading to the course proper, when Sir Walter ran Into the lead and showed the way along the back, followed by Mauinina, Mnskewal, and Taketnmu, with Tipperary at the bead of the others. Sir Walter still had charge when they turned for home, being just In front of Tipperary and Muskewai, with Taketnmu elose up. When they ened up for the run to the poet Sir Walter was done with, and Tipperary and Muskewai dashed into the lead, the pah fighting out a desperate finish, flashing past the post locked together, the judge aeclartng a dead heat. Taketnmu was a length and order** B », s a e Tn M 4 a Ttme, " “VS ’"MSfu was Hi ANDI CAP iHURDLE RACE, of Over seven flights of hurdles. One mile and three-quarters. H Wilson’s ch g Don Quex, aged, ny "eaTdiganljeeeamtne, U.O (MeFlynn) 1 T. Stanfley’s b g -Master William, aged, 9.1 (Hickton) ■ •••■"• 45 L. Harris’ b g Presently, flyrs, 9.9 (A. Also 1 started’; Black Northern 16.7, Seldom 9.12. Don Quex was quickest to begin, but passing the stand Black Northern was tho leader, the order of the others being Don Quex Seldom, Presently, and Master William.' Black Northern still had charge as they came past the second time, a length clear of Don Quex, with Presently, which was running out at his fences, third, and Seldom last. Going along the back, Don Quex went to the front, and joined by Presently the pair raced across tihe top and to the last fence together. Don Qnex made the better jmnp and shook Presently off, but had to be ridden to stall off a long run by Master William, which just failed to get up, Don Qnex winning by threeparts of a length, with a similar distance between second and third. Seldom was last. Time, 3.23 4-5. Presently was favourite. CHELTBNIIAM HANDICAP, of 125SOVS. Seveu furlongs. J. H. Walters’ eh g Goldsize, Syrs, by Gluten —Gold Weh. 7.13, including 7U» penalty (J. Buchanan) I A. H. Tapper’s hr m Zinnia, 7.9 (J. Conquest) 2 Tooman and McHugh's br g Admiral •Sorlt. Syrs. 7.9. including 51b allowance (Henderson) 3 Also started: Sir Artegal 9.0, Flying Soult

7.9, Miss Livonia 7.9, Elegance 7.4, Aristocrat 7.1. Scotch 6.9. _ ~ , When they reached the stand, Goldslze was the leader, followed by Miss Livonia and Zinnia, and then came Admiral Soult, Flying Sonlt. and Aristocrat. Goldslze piloted tßie field along the hack. Miss Livonia and Zinnia being his nearest attendants. with Sir Artegal nt tho head of the others. Admiral Sonlt falling hack. Turning for home. Goldslze still had Ida advantage. and holding his own In Hie run to tbo post finished nn a winner hr a length from Zlnnln. which heat the fast finishing Afim'ra' Sonlt by a neck for second honours. Aristocrat was fourth ainl Elegance last. Time, 1.30. Sir Artegal was favourite.

Trial Handicap 1MM1 18 IMt 12 • • IT Robinson Handicap .. Nursery Handicap .. . . 18 Christmas Handicap .. $>*> Bowen Handicap .... Visitors’ handicap .... 26 » • jf Ron son by Hurdles. . .. 18 Criterion Handicap .. 17 WaUemiuba Handicap . 21 • • 25 Salisbury Handicap . IT • • 17 Ferguson Handicap .. :«) New Year's Hurdles .. 15 • • 18 County Handicap . . .. 25. Midsummer Handicap . 18 Maiden Handicap .... 21* Glasgow Handicap . ... 24 Goodwood Handicap .. 85 i* • 32 Sylvia Handicap . . .. »; Auckland Hurdles . . .. Handicap . 32 Grey Handicap 48: • • 40 — 521 5.7 — — —

Las Angelos .. f> 8 •Cheddar 7 10 ■WiMinangu 8 8 (Prim T 10 (Miss Mischief 8 5 iMidnight Sun 7 4 /Sedition 8 4 iKa rvta Rosa. .. 7 3 (Mendip (includCoromandel (iu dng 51b penalty) R chiding' 31b pen) 7 0 iCouwterfeit .. 7 KJ iMax-weM 6 1(> (Masterpiece .. 7 12 Ngwpnka 6 10 'Miscount .... 7 12 Bell ah ....... 6 7 ,Goldflmler ... 12 (Puma fi 7 (Soultoria . ••• 7 11 ItJhlando G 7 Domino 7 1'1

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVI, Issue 23, 6 December 1911, Page 12

Word Count

TURF GOSSIP New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVI, Issue 23, 6 December 1911, Page 12

TURF GOSSIP New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVI, Issue 23, 6 December 1911, Page 12