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Exam School of Art. The certiueates won at the annus! exaa '; l i:ion Ly pupils of the Elam School o> Art ‘whisk was established by bequest • . Dr. J. E. Ela n in ISfO. and is registered C.U the Minister of Education as ;• ter ' oi,al school) were presented bv the .'I .yor of Auckland (Mr. C. D. Gray), in A Auckland City Council Chamber last v.eek. Certificates were awarded as f*. -Tows: — Fieehvnl drawing: Edith Allen, Wil-1-a n H. Rayne, Hilda P. Gronwall, Beatiiec K. Hayward. Edwin O. Nicholas, Margaret A. Rankin, James S. Slower, Dorothv M. Tarbutt, Enrilv E. Ward, J. :. i Week*. <-• -emetri drawing: Ivy M. Copeland, Margaret E. Cowl»y, Ralph B. Owen, .V ■. 1.. Turley. Gerard K. Webber. _• in ll_'.: and shade: Edith A - ->. Dorothy Averill. Hilda P. Gronwa 1, XX. K. J :.;.r.-on, Ssnis-1 Meekan, Pieug di Ph;!av;a, Margaret A. Rar.kin, James S. Mo -y, A• ra F. Turley and Emily £. JVardModel dr.v.l Dorothy Averill, Hilda, 1. Gron a all, FI jg de Philania, John W. A=. PersF-.tivc: Ivy M. Cop ’and, Gerard K. WebVr. Memory drawing of plant form: Ivy Al. C and, Vera L. Turley, Gerard K. XVebV -. i'-ra .Ing common objects from memory: Juba Weeks. V ->gu: Ivy M. Copeland, Ver* L. Xurtoj, Gerard K. Wetter.

Pharmacy Examiaatloa Reswlm At a meeliqg of the New Zealand Pharmacy Board last week, it was reported that the following candidates in last mouthis examluauoaß had gained passes:—

Section A.—Auckland: K M. Irvine; XVellingtoa: XV. J. Duff, W. J. Iagl», A. F. Stubbs, J. W. W. McKenzie; Dunedin: H. F. F. Grant.

Section B.—Auckland: J. G. Gallagher, C. G. Sandin, J. F. Brooks, A. A. P. Clonston, E. J. Cronin; Wellington: G- <?. Armstrong, B. Hill; Christchurch: XV. A. B. Morton, A. F. Brooke; Dunedin: H. E. H. Gill, H. F. Menzies. F. XV. Pratt, H. Brown, €. G. G. Sinclair.

The Board decided to oppose the proposal made by Dr. McKelixr (of Auckland) that hospital nurses should bo allowed to serve their appremk-eship in hospital dispensaries.

Lord Robeiis.ex-Conmiander-lu-Chief of the British Army, celebrated his golden wedding yeesterday.

In connection with th? vacancy created by the promotion of Mr. Harrington, ofE-eer-in-charge et Wellington, to be telegraph engineer to the Westland district. Mr. C. H. Hawk, oScer-in-ehange of the Telegraph Office at Auckland, will fill the vacancy in Wellington. Mr. F. G. Gangway, assistant officer-in-charge of telegraphs at Christchurch, will be promoted to the position cf cSeer-in-eharge of telegraphs at Auckland, vice Hawk.

A most important departure has been made by the management of the St. Paul’s Recreation Club in the engagement of M:ss S. H. Rutherford as instructress for the ladies’ section, aavs the Napier paper. Miss Rutherford has recently completed a course of physical culture at the Alexandra College. ’Kensington. perhaps the leading school of its kind in Ixrnden.

Shortly before the s.s. Wkakarua left Napier roadstead a presentation was made, in the form of a smoker’s companion, to Mr A. Menson, who is goin” on a holiday visit to the Old Country. Mr Monson was foreman for Mr J. Fenwick, stevedore, for the last nineteen years.

The Verv Rev. Father Keogh, who has resigned the rectorship of St. Patrick’s College, WelHngtcn, to tak’e charge cf the Hastings parish, will relinquish his college duties at the end of next month.

Mrs T. M. WHford will leave for the Old Country about the end of July. She will be accompanied ty her son. Master G. M. Wilford, who is going Home to study engineering. Captain Wilkani Morri-on, of Hawera. formerly a member cf Lord Roberts’ bodyguard, is at present fh Wellington. A gun accident recently injured one of Captain Morrison’s eyes, and treatment by a Wellington specialist is accessary. Mr G. R. H. Ibbetson, of the District Roads Department, has been admitted to the Wellington hospital for treatment of his left eve. The Hon. W. W. McCardle, ML.C., has returned to Wellington from Auckland. Mr J. R. N. Stewart has arrived in Napier to take over the managementfor Hawke's Bay of the National Mutual Life Association in succession to Mr H. Johnson. Mr Stewart- was with the AALP. Society in Auckland for 15 years and rethed to take an appointment as manager in Auckland for the Equitable Life, which he held until the withdrawal of that company from Australasia.

At the weekly parade of the Petor.e Garrison Artillery, held at the fort at Ngr.haunng* last week. Lieutenant Eli:s was unanimously elected captain of the corps. About CO men were present. Lieut.-Colonel Campbell briefly congratulated the new captain on his pro-

motion, and Caps. Ehls returned thanks to the company for the honour conferred on him, expressing his intention of doing all in his power to further the • ffi, io: yan I interests of his new mmand.

Mr. and Mrs. Hogg, of Dunedin, and formerly of Auckland.were passengers for Sydney on Momixv bv the Mokoia.

Major-General Hogg was a passenger by the Rotoiti to New Plymouth on Monday, bound for Wellington, where he will join the New Zealand Shipping Company’s steamer for London. Mr Jno. Fisher, chairman of the Waipa Qounty Council, was thrown from his ’ogzy through the horae shying while cressing Walker's Gully bridge on Friday. His injuries, were confined to several nasty cut* and tewisMr George Wilton, well known in

Auckland for hie ecnnee’.ion with the Provident Life Aararawee Cowtpany, and who has been acting hi charge of South Canterbury District for that Company during the past twelve monthe, has accepted an important appointment with the Temperance and General Mutual Life, asd will be arriving in Anekland in time to take up his new appointment on the 25th of this month. The Hon. J. T. Paul, AI LC., is on a brief visit to Auckland on labour matters. Mr. J. Trerethick returned to Auckland on Saturday night from a holiday in the Whangarei district with the gun. Lord Richard Neville is to tour New Zealand. He is Lord Chamberlain to Farl Dudley, Governor-General of Australia. The Rev. J. M. Simpson and Mrs. Simpson, of Auckland, who have been on a visit to Christchurch, have returned. Mr. H. Carr, conductor of the Royal Comic Opera Company, and Mrs. Carr, are staying at the Star Hotel whilt in Auckland. Mr. A.- S. Baird, cf Sydney, was a passenger by the Victoria on Sunday on a visit to the Dominion. He is making a brief stay in Auckland, stopping at the Star Hotel. Mr. C. Holdsworth, general manager at Dunedin to the Union Steam Ship Company, left for London last week, via Suva and Vancouver, accompanied by Mrs. Holdsworth, the Misses Holdsworth <2), and Mr. G. Holdsworth. Mr. Holdsworth will be away six or seven months. Mr. John Cook tof Port Chalmers), who was for many years superintending engineer for th- Union Steamship Company, left with Mrs. Cock by the Maitai last week to join with the IMakura, en route for Horne. Sir James Mills has teen eletted president of the Otago branch of the Navy League. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Buddle and Miss Buddle left Auckland last week by the Maitai to join the American boat at Suva. Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Rayner were passengers from Auckland by the Maitai for Suva, en route for Vancouver. Dr. and Mrs. T. Douglas (of Suva) returned by the Fiji boat last week from ing New Zealand en a holiday trip. Air N. E. Hoiroyde. cf Sydney, is visiting New Zealand on a holiday trip. Mr. E. C. E. MHls (managing director of B. XV. Mills, Ltd., of Wellington) left by th«* Maitai last week on a visit to Great Britain and America. Bishop Neligon last week returned to town from a pastoral visit to the North. On the 22nd cf the month he leaves on a visit to the Waihi district. Mr. XV. R. Bloomfield has been reelected for the eighth time in succession a- chairman of the Epsom Road Beard. P..XV. Bro. Oliver Nicholson of Auckland), the newly-appointed Deputy Grand Master under the New Zealand Constitution. is paying en official visit to the south before returning home. Mr. Alfred Hill, the well-known musician, is reported fo be mending considerably. A meeting was held in Wellington last week, at which the Mayor presided, to make arrangements for tendering him a complimentary concert. Mr. Cyril G. Collins, son cf Mr. R. J. Collins, Secretary to the Treasury, who was recently transferred to Auckland from the Audit Department in XVellington, has been appointed Audit Inspector for the Auckland district. Mr. and Mrs. Studholme, of Canterbury, who have been spending a holiday visit- in the Auckland district, left for the South last week. Mr. A. B. Wright, district roads engineer to the Aucldand province, has been appointed inspecting engineer of roads, with headquarters at XX’el'ington. At the last meeting of stiarehciaers of the New Zealand Laundry Co., Ltd.. Auckland. Mr. Horace Bastings, chairman of directors, presented Mr. Charles Clarke, on behalf of the company, with * handsome dressing case as a souvenir of his long connection with the firm. Air. Clarke is leaving New Zealand this week. Mr. Garnet Holmes, of Jesus College, Canterbury, who is classical professor at California University, was a passenger to Wellington by the Talune from San Franeisco, via Papeete, on Wednseday. Before leaving the University, Air. Holmes produced Henry Vandycke’s "House cf Rlmmon” in the famous Greek theatre attached to the university.

Mr. Douglas AfcLean was last week presented by the Scotsmen of Hawke’s Bey with a portrait is oils of himself, painted

by Mr. XV. A. Bowring. Reference wm made to Mr. McLean’s high qualities as 4 public man and private citizen, and his sympathetic and pmctieal interest in thg welfare of Napier and Hawke’s Bay. Mr. McLean is chieftain of the Hawke's Bay Highland Society. Air. J. Schaeffer, of California University, was a passenger by the Ihlane to Wellington on Wednesday. He has nome over to learn all he ean about New Zealand Rugby football. When he returns he will coaeh the California or Berkeley team for their match against Stanford University, their old enemies (in a football sense), in November. This is an event far California, which, is regarded in the light of almost national importance. Mr. Chas. Kalman. Auckland, is spending a few weeks’ holiday in Christehurch. Mr. Thomas Cook, the talented violinist ■nd secretary of the Wellington Orchestral Society, intends leaving for England in five weeks’ time, ears the "Dominion.' l Air. J. P. l.wxc. >I.F., or Wellington', who has been visiting Auckland, returned home last week. Mr. George Anderson, an oid and well known resident of Wellington, and an exeity councillor, after whom Anderson Park is named, died at the age of 78 years last week. Miss Madeline Kn.ght, Auckland’s well-known Bsemo-ooprano. has gone to Wellington, where she will join Bollard’s Opera Co. Mr. G. L’ren, of the head office of the Customs Department, is being transferred to Auckland ae landing waiter. Mr. J. Patrick, lauding waiter at Wellington, is al«o being transferred to An kiand. Air. B. Christian was the recipient Of a presentation from the members of St. Joiui’s Anglican Chnreh, Walbi, last week in appreciation of the musical services he had rent!cred to the chnreh. The presentation was made by Mrs. C’arke. Mr. .Samuel McCullough lone of the oldest settlers at Rangatira Valley, near Temuka) died on Sunday week at the age of eighty-live years. Mr. McCußongh esme to New Zealand in 18K3, and since 1808 has resided at Rangatira Valley. Dr. and Mrs. Craig <of Rotorua) left Auckland on Monday by the Mimmera, en route to Adelaide, where the doctor intends to settle. Mr. James Perry, who has severed hia eenne. tien a< inspector for the borough ot Palmerston North, was presented last week, by the munieipel staff in that town, wit', a geld medal, the Mayor (Mr. Nashj making the presentation. An afternoon tea service cf silver, and a tray were presented to Mrs. Periy. Air. and Mrs. Arthur Frater, who have been on a trip South, via the Wanganui River, returned to Auckland last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Macfarhvne, Sydney visitors to the Dominion, were arrivals by the Victoria on Sunday, and during their stay in Auckland are stopping at the Central Hotel. Mr. N. Falla, auditor for the Union Company, arrived by the West beat from the South on Sunday, putting v-p at the Star Hotel. He will return about the end ot the week. Mr. F. XValdegrave, L’ader-Seeretary of the Justice Department, is coming to Auckland to confer with the AttorneyGeneral cn business affecting the local Justice Department. Mr. John Wallace, of London, who pays periodic visits to the Dominion, where he has many friends, was an arrival by the Sydney boat on Sunday, and during his stay in Auckland is a guest at the Central Hotel - 'fe a The Government has received * dispatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies notifying that the King has approved of the Hon. James McGowan, late Minister of Justice, retaining the title of “ honourable ” for life. Dean Regnault was entertained by a large gathering at Waimate on Friday evening, and presented with an address, album, and cheque. The Mayor presided, and epreehes were made acknowledging his useful work there for over 20 years. The Colonial Auxiliary Forces long eervi.e medal has b en awarded to Captaint XV. H. Med«Hngs (active Ost. unattached/, Colour-Sergeant D. Fraser (Dunedin High, land Rifles', and Colour-Sergeant O. B. Aitken (Manchester Rifles), who have all completed twenty years’ servire. An interesting ceremony was performed last Friday evening by the men employed at the Waitakerei water works. Mr, George Herbert, late manager there, having resigned, the men presented him with in making the presentation, expressed ths of their esteem. Mr. XV. Belt, a handsome and valuable pipe *• a inart

BWtr’k appretfgtiea of th* Mr and impartial ssanwr hr wMck Ur. Herbert had carried cat his dotfe*. IfiMea Madotuae Wtbbc and Ger trade Fpeeaer, who are to give two wwuraforte reei tale in the Wemngton Town Hall Concert Chamber, leave Auckland by to■igiit’e express. They are accompanied by Mines Peggy Bain and Blanche Gar LONDON, April 8. Messrs. A. H. Cewrt stiff IT. F. Court, •f Anekland, are here on •■busxaeso trip for their firm, John Court »L*4.), Auckland. of which Mr. A. H. Court is one of the directors. They win be here about three months altogether, buying for the firm, and will be visiting ail the manufacturing centres in Great Britain and on the Continent during that time. They ease ria Saez, by the Oroya, landed at MareeiHe., and spent two days there and three days ia Paris. They will return via America, taking in Quebec, New York, the Falls, and the treat Lakes, and hope to be back in Auckland by the end of August. Jfr. J. A.' Pottinger, of Gisborne, has passed the examination for the degree of F.R.C.S., Edinburgh. He will proceed shortly to the Continent and spend some time In study tn Berlin and Vienna. The delegate’ to the Imperial Press Conference hare been made members of the Royal Colonial Institute, and a special entertainment in their honour •was proffered some time ago by the Council, hut it was found that the whole of the available time of the delegates during their stay in London would be absorbed by their existing arrangements. Mrs. Fember Reeves, wife of the exHigh Commissioner for New Zealand, will be a candidate for the London County Council at the next elections. Sirs, Reeves is a prominent Fabian Socialist, and has been a member of the Council of the Fabian Society for some years. She is a practised speaker, and on many platforms in this country has advocated the enfranchisement of women and the endowment of motherhood. Last Friday was “capping’* day at Edinburgh University. The presence of candidates for medical degrees at a spring graduation was a novelty, and their numbers were not very large. So far as I eould ascertain only one New Zealander was capped—Hr. Alexander Kenneth hfaclachan, who obtained’ the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. On February 15. at Dresden, Flora Isabella Louisa, eldest daughter of the late Baron von Waldenburg and his wife Fefina Macaulay (nee Greig, New Zealand), was married to Baron von Krakewitz. Callers at the High Commissioners clEee this week:—Mr. Arthur R. Andrew (Dunedin), Mr. Basil Herapath (Auckland), Mr. A. H. R. Hunt (Wanganui), Mr. P. P. Bigwood (Wellington), Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Dißon (Marlborough), Mi-s Nellie Nannestad, Miss Nora Nannestad (Wellington), Mr. Ralph T. Rayner ’Brnnnerton), Miss J. E. Beckenham (limans', Mr. W. Mcßae Peacock (Napier), Major Nelson George and Mrs. George (formerly of Auckland), Miss Fatten (Auckland). Archdeacon Scott fCbrJstehureh', Mr. J. E. Russell (Auckland?, Mr. A. W. Court (Auckland), Miss Tolnie and Miss Haggit (Nelson), Mrs. ChrystaH and family (Christehureh), Miss Jngliu Miss Belcher, Messrs. R. and T. W. Briehcr < Christehnrch). The death reecntbr took place at Cowdenbeath. Fife, of Mr. Andrew Selkirk, a descendant of Alexander Selkirk, who was the original of Defoe’s “Robinson Crusoe.” Andrew Selkirk was an engineer by trade, and had himself led a roving and adventurous life. He travelled extensively in Australia and New Zealand, taking part in the early rashes to the gold diggings. He eould tarn his hand to practically anything, and was the owner of much house property, which was all planned and large’v built Ij himself.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLII, Issue 20, 19 May 1909, Page 8

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PERSONAL NOTES. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLII, Issue 20, 19 May 1909, Page 8

PERSONAL NOTES. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLII, Issue 20, 19 May 1909, Page 8