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Dear Bee, Augutt 25. Society is having a delightfully quiet time just now, and those who followed every event of the Fleet Week are living on the memories of the past, or recuperating after expending so much energy in the search of enjoyment. The social lull was broken when Mrs. Louis Myers gave a very enjoyable AT HOME at her charming residence, “The Mount,” on Tuesday afternoon as a welcome to Miss Irene Ainsley, the gifted young contralto artist, who has just returned to New Zealand. Miss Ainsley, who is a protege of Melba’s, has for the past four years being studying music in Europe, and her musical career has been watched with much interest by Aucklanders. The reception given by Mrs. Myers on the afternoon of Miss Ainsley’s arrival was a happy idea, as it gave the guest of honour an opportunity of renewing old friendships before her departure this week for her Southern tour. Mrs. Myers received her guests in a handsome black striped marquisite gown mounted on a glace foundation, and a lace bodice over white silk, with lovely Honiton lace V.: Miss Ainsley was charmingly gowned in a pale blue striped skirt and coat, and an electric blue hat with blue plumes all over the crown; Mrs. A. Myers was attired iu grey chiffon velvet, and grey plumed hat; Mrs. Coleman wore a smart electric blue cloth gown over white lace bodice, and a brown hat with shaded roses; Lady Stout was in a mole grey cloth costume, and white plumed toque; Mrs. Cussen wore a black silk toilette, with a black and white chiffon ruffle, and black hat with feathers; Mrs. Leo Myers favoured a reseda green cloth gown, a black hat, and lovely brown furs; Miss Ruby Coleman was pretty in a pastel green cloth frock over a white lace blouse, and a green hat : Miss Brown, ruby silk semi-Empire frock over a white laee bodice, and a black hat;.Mrs. Hacon (Wellington) was strikingly gowned in mauve chiffon taf fetas, with vest and yoke of silver diamante net. smart hat in shades oi heliotrope and purple; Mrs. T. C. Williams, black velvet gown, handsome black silk applique coat, white velvet bonnet with long osprey, and beautiful white ostrich feather stole and muff; Mrs. O’Rorke, Clive green skirt kind coat with black soutache, and floral toifuc of violets; Mrs. Boscawen, gazelle fawn corduroy velvet robe, and large white felt hat with long white ostrich plumes; Mrs. Fyler, dark costume, and white furs; Mrs. Rankin Reed, ruby gown with velvet, coatee, and white plumed toque, and lovely ermine furs; Miss Edith Isaacs, cream serge Eton costume, and black picture hat: Mrs. Arthur Nathan, black toilette, and handsome Stone Marten furs; Mrs. Rathbone, black marquisette over white silk, smart velvet crinoline, toque, with violets and touches of ceris ll velvet: Lady Lockhart, violet cloth skirt and coat, with black soutache, violet hat. with shaded roses in the same tone, and rich bear furs; Mrs. Edward Russell, black serge Norfolk costume, white felt bat., and white ostrich feather stole; Mrs. (Dr.) Kenny, mole grey cloth tailormade gown, white felt hat. and white furs; Mrs. F. Waller, violet doth costume. black picture hat. and ermine furs; Mrs. Willoughby Kenny, black silk with touches of white, and black hat: Mrs. Ruck, black silk, long sealette coat, and black hat; Mrs. McDowell, ruby chiffon velvet gown over a cream laee bodice, black hat, and sable furs; Mrs. Challinor Purchas, black chiffon taffeta over a white luce blouse, and a white nnd black hat; Mrs. H. W. Seagar, claret

doth cost time, and hat of the same tonO wreathed with crimson chrysanthemums; Mrs. Buckland, black silk toilette, with touches of white; Mrs. R. Isaacs, smart Havana brown skirt and short coat, and a white felt-hat with ruched chiffon; Mrs. Alfred Nathan, pale grey tailormade, and brown and peacock green hat; Mrs. Copeland Savage, dark myrtle green cloth costume, and large stylish black plumed hat and lovely white ostrich feather stole; Miss Winnie Leys, cyclomen violet cloth frock, and stylish violet hat with roses and grapes in the same tones; Miss Ada Lockie (Wellington), graceful pastel green semi-Empire frock with tucked net chemisette, and Leghorn hat with shaded crimson roses; Mrs. Parkes, black Marquisette gown, black hat with long black and white ostrich feathers falling over the brim; Mrs. Zinian; Mrs. R. Bedford, olive green gown with Hi rec Uu re coat, and green hat wreathed with roses; Mrs. Whitney, myrtle green velvet robe, and grqen hat with blue ami Damask roses; Mrs. Colbeck, brown cloth Directoire coat and skirt, vieux rose hat and white fox furs; Mrs. Cross (Christchurch), pale grey silk with lace encrusted vest relieved with black, white and black hat; Miss Beauchamp (Wellington) was daintily frocked. in Havana brown, and wore a becoming heliotrope* hat; Mrs. Lindsay, Parma

Violet gown with white lace guimpc. anti white hut with |s»lv blue ami pink rone*; Alra. Coleman Penrice. graceful pearl grey voile <le snie over white Milk. an<l black picture hat; Mrs. G. Roberts, black point d’exprit with white lace'V. and black plumed hat: Mi» Ward (Wellington), oliVe green silk, and hat en suite; Mrs. KliVath: .Mrs. Gvortz, smart French grey ninon de soie over white silk with touches oi black velvet, ami black plumed hat; Miss Mice Walker, stylish electric blue cloth frock, and black picture hat to Airs. Pilling (Te Arolia), lined green chiffon taffetas, and dainty green hat to match: Mrs. Egerton. black chiffon taffetas with touches of white, and . black and white hat; .Mrs. Pabst, navy silk and cream lace, hat <n suite; Miss Pea<ocke. ruby silk shemi Empire frock ami pale blue hat; Mrs. Talbot Tubbs, pale grey costume and black hat : Mrs. Raynor, olive green cloth tailor-made with soutache, and black and blue hat with pale blue ostrich feathers; Mrs. A. Boult ; Miss A. W hitelaw. reseda green tailor-made ami electric blue velvet hat; Miss E. W hitelaw. cream serge coal and skirt ami electric blue hat: Mrs. liellabv. brown tweed and violet velvet hat; Mrs. Macgregor. cream ninon costume ami black velvet plumed hat: Mrs. V. .1. Parr, royal navy tailor-made gown and roseate straw high-crowned hat: Airs. R. Anthony Carr, sapphire blue brocade gown ami black toque; Airs. TewsJex | Wellington) wore an effective toilette of heliotrope satin cloth a la Empire and modish hat of same shade; Airs. Elliott. beautifully-fitting dark grey striped tailor-made, heavily soutached with black, small black and white hat: Mrs. .Moore was gowned in dark blue, ami wore lovely white furs and' white plumed hat: Mis. T. Peacock, black silk, black silk applique coat, and black bonnet with pink roses: Mrs. Caro, black brocade, black and white toque: Airs. D. Peacock, floral chiffon gown and black hat; Airs. C. M. Nelson, black brocade and black hat : Mrs. Ernest Benjamin, black ami pale grey striped tailor-made and black hat; Miss Keogh, pastel blue nimm frock and black hat; Mrs. Napier, dark green tailor-made, sable fur toque with shot green silk rosettes; Mrs. Morton. nav\ cloth tailor-made, olive green tulle ioqm with violets; Mrs. Hudson Williamson, brown and green plaid cloth costume a'.d brown sable toque with touches of hllie: Mrs. Lyons, smart orchid mauve doth gown with velvet bolero ami black hat ; Miss Lusk, cream serge Eton costume with pretty carnation pink tulle toque: Mrs. I’ritl. black toilette with ermine furs; Airs. Phillips; Mrs. Sutherland. pearl grey with black soutache and olive grey toque: Miss Maude Peacock. violet doth tailor-made costume and whit; icki-hat: Mrs. Sholto Douglas, smoke grex doth costume, hat en suite; Ahs. Derry black tailor-made and Ham • pink sill liai; .Mi's. Mackay, brown doth skirt am- coat. hal en suite: Mrs. (’larkhandsoim black toilette of chiffon velours with la < yoke, black picture hat with black a* I white plumes; Mrs. Guinness was pn.t’lx gowned in a green and grey heather odxlur: tweed tailor-made, worn with a dainty rutiled lawn vest, small dome—hared hat with floral crown: Mrs. Clem Law ford wore a navy doth coat- and skirt back plumed hat; Airs-. J. Alexander was charmingly gowned in grey am’ white, striped taffeta, effectively toned with pah* blue touches, black picture hat Mr-. Sweet, periwinkle blue miroii whet toilette with dainty lace encrusted net yoke, picture hat to match witl shaded ostrich plumes; Miss 'Allan. < id blue doth gown with lace vest smart hot en suite; Mrs. Bullock, smart navy chiffon taffeta with cream lace r. Hide \ and green and blue upturned hat: .Mrs. J. J. O’Brien, black velvet and black ami white hat: Mrs. Arm it ,gv. olive green doth gown with black sou t ache, hat ensuite; Miss Savage, •black coat and skirl ami white felt hat with pale grey; Mrs. Oxley, navy tailormade and black velvet hat: Mrs. Sharma n. smart white chine silk wit.i a design of posies of violets ami white k.irr- ' igh-donved crown hat with small flower wrr.iihs encircling the crown: Airs. Stewart, pretty white and grey strip* d chiffon taffetas gow n and white hat with forget-me-nots: Airs. (’. Phillips. cream co-ttmie; Mrs. Dawson, black silk toilette: Mrs. t’olpgrove, claretcoloured gown and small toque to match. St. Mark’s Ladies* Guild held their popular DAFFODIL AT HOME’’ last Thursday under the management of Mix Payton and Miss Winifred WestWOvd, assisted by Miss M. Herrold and

Miss Hall, anti other willing helpers. These “At Homes'’ rank as the early flower shows in Auckland, and the flowers were lovely, some Very flue specimens .being shown. The table decorations were a feature, and Mesdames H. Campbell. Neager, and 11. Clark f< und judging no easy matter. The prizes presented by Mesdames R. A. Carr and if. Campbell, and Jfr S. Hesketh. were won by Miss Craig (1), Misses Towle and F. Edgerley (2) a tie. For the Children's Baskets, the prizes presented by Mesdiunes Buckland and R. Rowe ami Jfr Cochrane were won by Misses Eleanor and Ruth Roberton, and Bertha Lusher and Doris Dive. Afternoon tea was served to those present, and was much appreciated. Mrs A. Myers wore a handsome plum-coloured doth costume, hat with plumes to match; her friend, dark blue; Lady Lockhart, blue costume and hat, white feather boa; Mrs Tewsley, dark costume, heliotrope toque; Mrs Cochrane, handsome black costume; Mrs Gamble, dark grey, petunia bonnet.; Mrs Pritt; Mrs E. Hesketh. black: Miss Lucas, dark blue; Mrs If. Clark, brown; Mrs IL Campbell, black: Mrs Scager. pretty tailor-made; Mrs Hall, electric blue; Miss Towle, crimson: Mrs Clayton, navy blue; Mrs Petrie, dark tailor-anade costume; Mrs Finlayson, black; and Mrs Sellers, brown. A novel idea for raising funds, or rather materials, for the ‘’Creche Bazaar” was originated by Mrs Munro (’lark last Thursday. Mrs < lark issued invitations to a large number of her friends to an AT HOME at her pretty residence. ■'Waratah,”. Val-ley-road. Mt. Koskill, and each guest was asked to bring- with her an infant’s woollen garment. 'The result was an unqualified success, and it is comforting to know that for the remainder-of this winter, at least. there will be no diflieulty in adequately clothing quite a number of unfortunate mites who otherwise might have shivered t.’n'ough the rest of the cold weather. We had most delicious afternoon tea. and the tables were most beautifully decorated with yellow and white aiid large fragrant bunches of violets. Mrs. Clark had provided an amusement for her guests in the shape of two fortune tellers, who were kept busy foretelling the future and reading the oast. Our hostess .wore a. graceful gown of ■black chiffon taffeta, the bodiee veiled in lilet net and insertion; her sister, who was a mist energetic ’'aide-de-camp,'' to Mrs Clark, was prettily flocked in hy-' drangea blue ninon, with becoming floral hat to match: Mrs Arthur Myers wore dark blue, with a large blue picture hat: 'Mis filling was gowned in black tai" feta, smart black and gold hat: Mrs Grant, naw. blue tailor-made costume, pretty periwinkle blue hat, crowned with ostrich featliers: 'Mrs Lindsay, dark blue cloth toilette, white and blue hat; Mrs Peter Moir, black and white cheek, with -mall black and white toque: Mrs Fred Kenderdine, dark green, with white facings, black and white hat: Mrs Mahoney woie a striking green toilette, and green hat. brightened with touches of gold; Mis Wil-on, dark blue coat and skirt, dainty brown and green hat; Airs Frank Wilson (New Plymouth), dark tailormade costume, black-plumet! hat; Mrs Griffiths, brown cloth gown, brown hat on suite. Others present were: Mrs Oliver Nicholson. Miss Outhwaite, Mrs Jones, Mrs Hunt, Mrs Lawford, Mrs Maefarlane. etc. MISS IRENE AINSLEY'S FIRST CONCERT IN NEW ZEALAND. Miss Irene Ainsley's first concert given in New Zealand after her four years’ sojourn in London and Paris, cvenuated in the Chora! Hall on Thursday last. A very large' and enthusiastic audience greeted our New Zealand contralto, and Aliss Ainsley must surely have been gratified by the reception accorded her. All her contributions were vociferously encored, and numbers of really exquisite floral emblems were showered on the young artist, testifying to the pride taken by her townspeople ill the first Aucklander who lias really made a “stir” in musical circles at Home. Aliss Ainsley's gown for the occasion was very beautiful. It was composed of rich lustrous folds <>f ivory satin eharmeuse, made *‘a la Empire" with a prettily draped skirt, the bodice was softened with lace ami had a V-sliaped vest of pearl encrusted net. The ceinture was also heavily embroidered with pearl passementerie. Mrs. (the accompanist of

the evening) was charmingly gowned in eau de nil chiffon taffeta, the double skirt accentuated with edgings of ecru lace, daintily gathered’ net tucker. Mrs. Cusseu qa.s gowned in black silk finished with jetted lace sleeves and deep berthe of ecru Bohemian lace. Amongst the large and fashionable audience were'the Mayoress (Airs. Arthur Myers) and her guest, Airs. Fryer, the wife of the Commander of the Encounter. Mrs. Louis Alyers and .Miss Northcote, Mrs. Gillies, Aliss Williamson, All’., Mrs., and Miss Bleazard Brown, Air., Airs, and Miss Coleman, Air. and Airs. Gibson, Airs. Ilacon (Wellington), Airs. Cross (Christchurch). Airs, and Aliss Buckland, Aliss Loekie (Wellington), Misses Aloss-Davis, Air. and the Alisses. Keogh. Airs. Goodhu, Aliss Goldie, Airs. Walker. Airs. Bayloy, Mrs. Hellaby, Mrs. and Aliss Sholt Douglas, Airs. Rose, etc. PERSONAL ITEMS. Airs Eliot R. Davis has returned to Auckland after her lengthened visit to Sydney. The Alisses Jessie and Grace McVay left bv the Waikare for their home in

Napier, after a meet enjoyable visit te Auckland’, where they participated in th* festivities of Fleet week. Mrs T. Cotter, of Reinuera, Auckland, left last week for Sydney,-via the Smith. She is accompanied by her niece, Miss Vera Latimer. Miss Fanny Glasgow, of Wellington, has been staying with Dr. and Airs Roberton for the fleet week festivities. ' i Mrs Arthur Kenderdine, Taumaruuui, is staying with Mrs W. A. Knight, “St. Ronan’s.” Alt. Eden. Mrs Fyler. wife of the commander of the Encounter, is the guest of Mrs .-Arthur Alyers. “Cintra,” Symonds-street. Airs Frank Wilson, of Taranaki, is. at present on a visit to' Auckland, and 19 the guest, of her sister-in-law, Airs Wilson, St. Stephen's avenue, Parnell. Air and Airs Newell Arber, of Hamilton. left Auekland last Tuesday for Timaru. where their future home is to lx?. • • • , . The Misses Leila and Winifred Web-, st-er. who have been staying with their sister. Mi’s Bob Lusk. ”Ohaupo" Parnell, returned to New Plymouth last week. PHYLLIS BROUN.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLI, Issue 9, 26 August 1908, Page 61

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLI, Issue 9, 26 August 1908, Page 61

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLI, Issue 9, 26 August 1908, Page 61