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New Zealand in 1827




Draughtsman to His Majesty s Surveying Ship “The Beagle." [CONTINUED.] WANT OF REGULAR GOVERNMENT. The great and leading defect in this country, and the principal cause of their frequent wars and disturbances, which harass and depopulate the tribes, and puts a stop to all improvement, is the ■want of some regular system of government. There are only two classes of people—chiefs and slaves; and. as consanguinity constitutes a high claim, the eldest son. ot a large family, who can bring the greatest number of warriors of his own name into the field, is considered the chief of that district or tribe: ami as he, by reason of his followers, can take possession of the greatest number of prisoners or slaves, he becomes the ruling man. Every other man of his tribe considers himself on an equality with him in everything, except that he allows him obedience, and follows him to battle. Each is independent in his own family, and holds uncontrolled power of life and death over every individual it contains. They seem not to exercise any coercion .over the younger branches of a family, who are allowed unbounded liberty till the girls have sweethearts and the boys are strong enough to go to war. They are kind and hospitable to strangers, and are excessively fond of their children. On a journey, .it is more usual to see the father carrying his infant than the mother; and all the little offices of a nurse are performed by him with the tenderest care and good humour. In many instances (wherein they differ from most savage tribes) 1 have seen the wife treated as an equal and companion. In /act, when not engaged in war. the New. Zealander is quite a domestic, cheerful, harmless character; but once rouse his anger, or turn him into ridicule, and his disposition is instantly changed. A being, whose passions have never been curbed from infancy, and whose only notion of what he conceives to be his right is to retaliate for an offence with blood, must naturally form a cruel and vindictive character. Such these islanders seemed to us on our first visiting them. The sight of beings so extraordinary (for thus we Europeans must have appeared to them) excited in their savage minds the greatest wonder; and they thought we were sent as a scourge and an enemy; ami though (look, one of their earliest visitors, adopted every method his ingenuity could devise to conciliate them, yet, as they never could thoroughly understand his intentions. thev were always mi the alert to attack him. Heme arose the horror and disgust expressed formerly at the mere mem ion of the name ot “a New Zealander.” MAORIS AND AUSTRALIAN BLACKS COM PARED. 1 have often.tried, in vain, to account for there being swell a decided dissimilarity between the natives of New Holland and New Zealand. So trilling is the difference in their situation on the globe, and .«> their ilimales— both having remained so long unknown to the great continents, and so devoid of intercourse with the rest of th<' world—that one would be led to imagine a gnat resemblance must be the result. But the natives of the former seem of the lowest, grade-— the last link in the great chain of existence which unites man with the monkey. Their limbs are long, thin, and Hat. with large bony knees and elbows, a projecting forehead, and pot-bejly. The mind, too. seems adapted io this mean configuration; they have neither energy, enterprise, nor industry; and their curiosity can scarcely be excited. A few exceptions may be met witlj; but these arc their general characteristics. While the

natives of the latter island are “cast in beauty’s perfect mould;” the children are so tine and powerfully made, that each might serve as a model for a statue of “the Infant Hercules;” nothing can exceed the graceful and athletic forms of the men, or the rounded limbs of their young women. These possess eyes beautiful and eloquent, and a profusion of long, silky, curling hair: while the intellects of both sexes seem of a superior order; all appear eager for improvement, full of energy, and indefatigably industrious, and possessing amongst themselves several arts which are totally unknown to their neighbours. DEPARTURE OF THE BRIG. On April the 14th, our brig being stored with planks, flax, and potatoes, and ready for sea, I went on board of her. We had fine weather till we dropped down to the entrance of the river, where we intended taking in our stock of water for the voyage, when the scene suddenly changed, and a severe gale came on, right out to sea, which we could not avail ourselves of: neither could we get the water off, as our rafts of casks got adrift in the attempt to get them on board. To add to our disasters, one of our cables parted, and we had to ride out the gale (of two days’ continuance) with one only, the sea rolling heavily right open before us, and we in momentary expectation of the remaining cable's going: we had not a single day's allowance of water on board, and at one period all hands (except the carpenter and passengers) were out of the brig, on shore, filling the casks. Fortunately for us, the cable proved a tough one: had it parted, we should have been in a. most perilous situation. April 20th.—For the last week we were stationary at the river’s mouth, waiting for a fair wind to carry us over the bar; ami during that time there was no appearance of any change; we also heard that vessels had been detained here for six weeks before they could accomplish it. We were visited daily by parties of natives, who seemed to rejoice at our being delayed, as it gave them more of our company than they had calculated upon. They were more delighted with our society than we were with theirs; in a small vessel they are a serious nuisance, on account of the swarms of vermin they bring with them, and which they communicate liberally to all. Myself and all the passengers on board had our leisure tiipe fully occupied in dislodging these “little familiars” from their strongholds in different parts of our apparel. T’HE INTRODUCTION OF FIREARMS. During the time we were lying here, I saw and conversed with several individuals who had attended the “Great Meeting,” and their accounts gave rise to various opinions respecting the policy of supplying the natives with firearms. As I had always been an advocate for the measure, I was gratified by hearing that it was thought to be in consequence of each party's being possessed of a nearly equal quantity of muskets, that a general and exterminating war was avoided. Some may suppose that similar tranquility would have been preserved, had they been equally well supplied with their native weapons of war: but that would not have been the case. When they found that each party could furnish forth the same number of European muskets, they paused, well knowing that it was contrary to the wish of all the white settlers that they should proceed to hostilities. Indeed, Europeans intrepidly mingled amongst them, urging them to a reconciliation, and threatening that, if they failed in their endeavours, the supplies of arms and ammunition should be discontinued. This threat had its desired effect on the minds of the natives: no blood was spilt, and each chief returned quietly to his own home. A TRIBAL WAR AVERTED. On the night we heard of the death of George and his wife, “Revenge and war” was the universal cry. His party would not believe that it could be an accident, nor would they hear of any apology being received. At this time they imagined the tribes of Hokianga were possessed of but very few firearms; and, as the skirmish took place in that district, it was determined that an exterminating war should be carried into the heart of it. However, before all the preparations could be made to carry their intentions into effect, they received certain information that the people of Hokianga were even better supplied with muskets than those of the Bay of Islands. This intelligence occa-

sioned an assemblage of the different tribes to be proposed, and when it took place the friends of George saw their opponents so well prepared for the “tug of war” that they deemed it'judicious to come forward and to shake hands and to acknowledge that the death of Shulitea proceeded cither, from accident or mistake. A curious circumstance took place in the midst of their debate. Ah old chief, who wished for a fight, and did not approve of the introduction of firearms, but was an advocate for the old method of New Zealand warfare,proposed that each party should send away all their muskets and ammunition, and engage manfully with their own native and then it could be easily proved which were the- “best men;” but this mode of settling the dispute, not being agreeable to the majority, was instantly negatived, and treated with disdain. A COLONY OF SCOTCH CARPENTERS. The colony of Scotch carpenters, who had formed a settlement at the head of the river, and of whom I made “honourable mention” on my first journey, finding themselves so close to what they feared might become the seat of war, and having no means whatever of defending themselves, made an arrangement with Mboetara, the chief of Parkunugh (which is situated at the entrance of the same river), and placed themselves under his protection. They accordingly moved down here, which gave great satisfaction to that chief. Neither could their former protector. Patuone, feel offended at their removal, from the peculiar nature of the circumstances they were placed hi. These hardy North Britons were delighted to find a reasonable excuse for moving, their former establishment being situated too far from the sea for them to reap any advantage from ships coming into port, Nothing can be more gratifying than to behold the great anxiety of the natives to induce Englishmen to settle amongst them; it.ensures their safety; and no one act of treachery is on record of their having practised towards those whom they had invited to reside with them.

Mooetara is a man of great property and high 1 rank, and is considered a very proud chief by the natives; yet he is to be seen every day working as hard as any slave in assisting in the erection of houses for the accommodation of his new settlers. He has actually removed from his old village of Parkunugh (a strong and beautiful place), and is erecting huts for his tribe near the spot chosen by his new friends; so that, in a very short time, a barren point of land, hitherto without a vestige of a human habitation, will become a thriving and populous village, for it is incredible how quickly the orders of these chiefs are carried into effect. I was frequently a witness to the short space of time they took to erect their houses ; and, though small, they are tight, weather-proof, and warm; their storehouses are put together in the most substantial and workmanlike manner.


It is very difficult to make the New Zealanders explain the nature of their religious belief. One superstition seems general with all the tribes respecting the formation of the world, or, rather, of their own island, for that is the place of the first importance in their estimation. They say a man, or a god, or some great spirit, was fishing in his war-canoe, and pulled up a large fish, which instantly turned into an island ; and a lizard came upon that, and brought up a man out of the water by his long hair ; and he was the father of all the New Zealanders. Almost all their grotesque carvings are illustrations of this idea in some way or other. The favourite theme on which (I observed)] the missionaries discoursed to them were “the tor-

ments of hell.'” This has become a subject of ridicule to most of the natives; they do not deny that there may be such a place, but they add, it is not for them, for if Atua had intended it so he would have sent them word about it long before he sent the white men into their country; and they conclude by stating that they know perfectly well the situation of the island where they are to go to after this life. MASSACRE OF A SCHOONER'S CREW. While remaining here wind-bound, in imaginary, security, and amusing ourselves with noticing the curious customs and peculiarities of these islanders, a dreadful tragedy was taking place only a few miles’ distance from us, and to which 1 be-

fore ajiuued, when I mentioned crossing the bar on our first arrival from Port Jackson. The Enterprise schooner, a very fine vessel, which was built at the settlement on this river, had been sent to Sydney, and while we were lying there we were in hourly expectation of her return. She did return. The unfavourable weather which detained us so long proved fatal to her, and she was wrecked a few miles to the northward of the river’s mouth, and every soul on board perished.

. The moment this catastrophe was known every European hastened to the spot, and, with feelings of horror, perceived but too plainly, from the appearance of the wreck and the-boat, and-by finding also the clothes of the crew, that they had reached the shore in safety, and had afterwards all been murdered; but how, or by whom, it was impossible to discover. The most probable conclusion was that the tribes situated around the European dockyard at Hokianga, having meditated for some time past a great warlike expedition, waited the return of this schooner from Sydney to possess themselves of an additional supply of arms and ammunition, which might enable them to take the field with a certainty of conquest. They bad regularly purchased the cargo of this vessel by their labour and their merchandise, and the schooner was merely employed to convey it thither from Sydney, for the use of the natives; unhappily for the poor creatures on board, in running for the mouth of the river, she fell to leeward, and got stranded on the beach, in the very territory of that tribe against ,wlu>m these preparations were made—the tribe intended to be invaded. Though no formal declaration of war had taken place, the tribes well knew the preparations that were making against them, and the nature of the cargo contained in The Enterprise; falling into the hands of such fierce and vindictive savages, the fate of the crew’ may be imagined—all our poor fellows were sacrificed to gratify their feelings of revenge. Mooetara (the friendly chief of Hokianga) no sooner heard of the fate of the vessel and her crew than he hastened with his party to the spot; it was owing to the investigation which then took place that the conclusion was arrived at that all had'been murdered. What remained for Mooetara ,to do (according to their savage notion of what was-right) was to take ample revenge on all the hostile tribes that might fall in his way, whether our poor countrymen met their deaths through accident or treachery. Mooetara instantly commenced the work of destruction; and, having made his vengeance complete, he returned laden with spoil. The promptness with which ho acted on this melancholy occasion greatly increased the feelings of security possessed by those Englishmen settled on the banks of the river, as it proved to them that he was both able and willing to protect them, and though the dead could not be restored, yet he had inflicted an awful punishment on their murderers. FAKEWELL TO NEW ZEALAND. On the 21st a fair wind and smooth sea favoured our departure. Early in the morning the natives who were on board assured us everything would facilitate our passing over the bar with safety, and they prepared to leave the ship. When the moment of separation came, it caused a great deal of emotion on both sides. I must confess I felt much affected when I came to rub noses, shake hands, and say “Farewell” to these kind-hearted people. I saw them go over the ship’s side, arid reflected that I should never behold them more. There is always something repugnant to our feelings in the idea of separating from any being for ever; and as, in this instance, I felt assured that this was our last time of meeting, it east a gloom over the pleasure tlie fair wind and smooth sea would otherwise have afforded me. As we fell down towards the river's, mouth, and, indeed, as long as their banoes wyre to be seen, they kept waving their hands towards us. Thus terminated my visit to the islands of New Zealand. I had arrived with feelings of fear and disgust, arid was merely induced to take up a temporary residence amongst the natives, in hopes of finding something new for my pencil in their peculiar and picturesque stylo of life. I left them with opinions, in many respects, very favourable towards them. It is true, they are cunning and oyer-reaching in trade, and filthy in their persons. In regard to the former, we Europeans, I fear, set them a bad example; of the latter, they will gradu-

ally amend. Our short visit to Kororarika greatly improved them in that particular. All took great pains to come as clean as possible when they attended our “evening tea-parties.” In my opinion, their sprightly, free, and independent deportment, together with their kindness and attention to strangers, compensates for many defects. On looking round upon their country, an Englishman cannot fail to feel gratified when he beholds tlie good already resulting to these poor savages from their intercourse with his countrymen ; and they themselves are fully sensible of, and truly grateful for, every mark of kindness manifested towards them. They have stores full of the finest Indian corn, which they consider a great luxury, a food which requires little trouble in preparing, keeps well, and is very nutritious. It is but a few years since this useful grain was introduced amongst them; and I sincerely hope this introduction may be followed up’, not only by our sending out to them seeds of vegetables and fruits, but by our forwarding to them every variety of quadruped which can be used for food. Abundance of the finest water-melons arc daily brought alongside vessels entering their ports; these, in point of flavour, are superior to any I ever met with. I have no doubt every variety of European produce essential to the support of life would thrive equally well; and as food became abundant, and luxuries were introduced, their disgusting feasts on human flesh would soon be discontinued altogether. We were soon at sea, and speedily felt consider-

able apprehensions as to the safe termination of our voyage. Our vessel (the brig Governor Macquarie) we well knew was a leaky one, though her leaks did not distress us on the outward voyage, she being then only in ballast trim ; but now that she was loaded to the water’s edge, and the winter coming on, we became greatly alarmed for her. Another disagreeable circumstance was having no bread or flour on board. To obviate the first evil, and to save the sailors a great deal of hard labour, our Captain offered to give a passage to Sydney to several natives, who accepted his offer, they being always anxious to see the colony; we likewise had on board the great Chief from the Thames, who had caused us so much trouble at Kororarika. Those men, being fine, strong, active young fellows, were indefatigable in their exertions at the pumps; and though we had to contend with much heavy weather, and contrary winds, they kept our vessel pretty dry. The want of bread was not so easily remedied; though our Captain treated it lightly, saying he was sure of getting a supply by making a requisition to the missionaries. He accordingly waited upon them, and acquainted them with our distressed condition; they had plenty (for only a few weeks previously they had received a large supply), and as we knew their agent at Sydney, Mr. Campbell, we had no doubt of procuring a sufficiency from them to carry us home; but in this we were disappointed. Captain Kent did not ask them for a supply as a gift, but solicited merely the loan, of a cask or two till we arrived at Sydney, when he guaranteed that the owners of the brig should return the same quantity into the missionary storehouse there. The little monosyllable No was again put in requisition, with this qualification — “that they did not like the Botany Bay skippers.” Through their “dislike,” the passengers and seamen of the brig might have gone unprovided to sea, had not a “worldly-minded” whaler (fortunately for us) at that critical moment come into port, who, the instant he heard of the illsuccess of our entreaty, vented his indignation in pretty coarse language, and said, “if it detained his vessel a week, he would supply us;” and he kept his word; he gave us a bountiful supply, which rendered us comfortable during the whole way home. It was most interesting to observe our savages when we got well out to sea. They soon appeared to become accustomed to their novel situation, and seemed to feel quite at home and at their ease “on board ship.” Their exertions,at the pumps wepe indefatigable. 1 felt convinced they thought that during all voyages the same labour was gone through to keep the vessel afloat; and as it only required strength ami exertion, they cheerfully took that department entirely to themselves, especially as they soon perceived how useless they were when they attempted to perform any other duty on board of the brig, as their knowledge of voyaging extended no further than the distance they go

in their own canoes, which, though very beautiful, are sad leaky things -at sea; and as, during tho time they are out, the greater part of the crew are baling the water out of them, they thought the leaky state of our vessel was no uncommoif occurrence. But however cheerfully they worked during the day. nothing could induce them to “turn out” at night; they always stowed themselves away, but in what part of the vessel I never could conjecture. They have a dread of some unknown evil spirit, which they imagine has power over them at night; and this supposition makes them terrible cowards in the dark. The second day after we were at sea, 1 saw a group of savages lying round the binnacle, all intently occupied in observing the phenomenon of the magnetic attraction; they seemed at once to comprehend the purpose to which it was applied, and I listened with eager curiosity to their remarks upon it. “This," said they, “is the while man's God. who directs them safely to different countries, and then can guide them home again." Out of compliment to us, and respect for its wonderful powers, they seemed much inclined to worship this silent little monitor. During our voyage to Port Jackson we experienced a succession of southerly gales, which Captain Kent informed me were very prevalent at this season of the year. Notwithstanding all our exertions to prevent it, we were carried considerably to leeward of the port. We made Lord Howe’s Islands, whose high and bold features rise, as it were, out of the ocean; as we passed close to them, we perceived they were well wooded and watered; ami one of the men, who had been on shore there, informd me that there was a tolerably good harbour for small craft. A few miles to the southward of these islands is Ball’s Pyramid, a most singular and sublime-looking rock, rising perpendicularly outof the sea to a height of a thousand feet; the base of it is enveloped in perpetual surf, dashing and climbing tip its craggy sides. Its appearance, as we saw it, relieved by the setting sun. and the coining on of a stormy night, was awful in the extreme! Nothing could exceed the delight manifested bv our New Zealanders as we sailed up Pori Jackson harbour; but, above all, the windmills most astonished them. After dancing ami screaming with joy at beholding them, they came running and asking me “if they were not gods.” 1 found they were inclined to attach that sacred appellation to most things they could not understand; they did so when they first became possessed of their muskets, and actually worshipped them, until they discovered how soon they got out of repair, and then, notwithstanding all the prayers they could bestow upon them, they would not mend again of their own accord. Our Chief from the Thames, who hail a great ida of his own dignity, commenced adorning his person, as he felt convinced the'Governor would instantly grant him an audience when he came on shore. All our lamps were emptied to add a more beautiful gloss to his hair and complexion; his whole stock of feathers and bones were arranged to the greatest advantage.' He at length became quite enraged when he found that he was allowed to sit two (lavs on our deck, amongst all manner of dirty porters ami sailors, without either being visited or sent for; and he was loud in his reproaches to us for having deceived him. We certainly were to blame in having induced him to believe we had any influence with the Governor, for however politic we(who had lived in New Zealand) niight think it. to pay some attentions to tries • simple savages, his Excellency, unfortunately, thought otherwise ; anil though the ('hief, attended by his followers, used to sit in the verandah at Government House from morning till night, the Governor never once deigned to speak to them, and they were, in consequence, constantly coming to me with complaints. At length they told me that unless thev obtained an audience from our Chief they should consider it so great an insult that they would revenge it upon all the Europeans they could get ill to their power; and I, well knowing that several families were settled in that part of the country wherein this man was (thief, thought it my duly' to lot the Governor know, that, however he might dislike their manners and appearance, it might lead to some serious calamity, if he continued to refuse to give them an audience. 1 accordingly waited uprin the Brigade Major, aud explained to him how unwise it was to treat

these men with such undisguised contempt. The result was, the Governor saw the affair in the same point of view as myself, and condescended to meet them and converse with them for about five minutes; and with that they were satisfied. Other heads of departments (civil and military) behaved differently, and evidently felt a pleasure in having th< m with them. The Commander of the troops suffered them to sit at the same table with himself

and officers, and had the war-dance performed in the mess-room, which I thought would have brought the house down upon our heads. He likewise permitted them to fall into the ranks with the soldiers,. which pleased them beyond everything, inasmuch as they considered it a higher honour in being permitted to stand by our warriors on the martial parade than to take food with our Chiefs at their own table!

The Attorney-General of the colony took a particular interest in these savages, and gave a large party, to which they were invited. Several of the visitors on this occasion came out of curiosity tosee how these cannibals would conduct themselves, expecting, no doubt, to witness a display of disgusting gluttony; but in that they were disappointed, for never did any set of men behave with’ greater decorum than they did.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XL, Issue 19, 6 May 1908, Page 2

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New Zealand in 1827 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XL, Issue 19, 6 May 1908, Page 2

New Zealand in 1827 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XL, Issue 19, 6 May 1908, Page 2