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Personal Paragraphs

AUCKLAND PROVINCE. Mrs. Sainsbury (Gisborne) has been spending a few days in Napier. Mrs. Blair has returned to Gisborne from her visit to Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Gaddum have left Gisborne on a visit to England. The Rev. Dawson Thomas and Mrs. Thomas have returned to Gisborne after spending some time in Sydney. Mr. A. Alison, manager of the Devonport Ferry Co., left for Wellington by the Rotoiti last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Kenderdine have returned to Auckland after a delightful trip to Melbourne and Sydney. Mrs. Whitson and Miss Muriel Whitson left Auckland on Monday last by the Miowera on a six months’ visit to Aus tralia. Miss May Anderson, of Brisbane, who has been visiting relatives in Auckland for the past few months, returned to Australia by the Miowera last Monday. The Rev. J. L. A. Kayll was presented with a purse of sovereigns at Bombay last week on the occasion of his leaving the district. Mrs. G. 11. Baker, of Ponsonby, left on .Sunday by the Rarawa, on an extended visit to Wellington and the South. Dr Buck (Te Rangihiaroa) who graduated at the Dunedin University, and is now attached to the native Health Officers’ Staff, will probably be stationed at Auckland. Members of the Auckland Rowing Club presented Mr. J. A. Dyson, their genial secretary, with a handsome silver biscuit barrel and a dinner cruet, by way of a wedding present, Mr. W. F. Markman, who has been appointed manager to the Auckland branch of Messrs. Briseoe and Co., arrived from Wellington last week to take over his new position. - Amongst recent changes in the Bank of Australasia is the appointment of Mr. : C. R. Cowper, previously inspector of 'New Zealand branches, to the position of superintendent.

Miss Fanny Preece’ has returned to Auckland after a pleasant visit to Sydney and Melbourne, She paid a short visit to Tasmania, where she went to meet Miss Ethel Atkinson, who returned by the R.M.s. Corinthic from .South Africa.

Mrs Townley, wife of the Mayor of Gisborne, celebrated her 70th birthday on Monday week, when she was presented with a silver rose bowl suitably inscribed. The presentation was made by members of the fire brigade, of which Mr. Townley has been superintendent since its inception. Recent guest’s at the Royal Hotel are Mr., Mrs. and Miss Levy (Tahiti), Messrs. J. R. Pedley (Sydney), T. Howlett, T. J.

Storey (Picton), H. Wright (Papakura), C. Williamson (Gisborne), G. Sheppard (Sydney), Mr arid Mrs. Fuller van Cos (Transvaal).

Mr. Barry Coney, the popular Auckland baritone, lias retired from the service of the Bank of New Zealand, and is proceeding to London in July, for the purpose of some years’ further study of the pianoforte and singing, before entering the musical profession. Mr. Coney was presented by his fellow-officers with valuable mementoes.

Our Pacroa correspondent telegraphs: “One of the smartest functions of the season was given on Friday night in the Criterion Social Hall by Mr. and Mrs. W. Bagnall, of Fenton, Turua, on the occasion of the coming of age of Miss Edith Bagnall. During the evening Te Rangi Pai gave a delightful rendering of the Maori love song “Aroha.”

Visitors at the Grand Hotel include Captain Leighton, Colonel l.awley, Mr. J. Rutherford (England), Messrs. S. F. (Hunt (New York), J. M. McCarthy (Hamilton), J. Major Nilsom (Tahvoa), Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gully (Wellington), Messrs Arthur Day, J. P. Harris (London), A. R. Grant (Wellington), Mr. and Mrs. Bowman (Tunbridge Wells), H. N. Southwell, Henrich Haege (Sydney). Included amongst recent guests at the Star Hotel are: —Messrs. A. J. Macdon-

aid (Siugapou), A. B. Croft (lamdmit. Colonel Drury (England), Mrs. luiurence, the Misses Lawrence (2) (Fiji). Captain Cuming (Gisborne). Madame Arial (Paris), Messrs. 11. Basset ( New York). H. Tetley Proctor (Adelaide). Dr. Meade (Cork), J. Stewart (Dunedin). H. Torzillo (Sydney), Capta.'n F. A. Hemming (Vancouver), IL Poons (Franco), Philip de Angelism (New York). Callers at the Government Tourist Office during the past few days include Mr. F. W. Parker (London), Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Mel.en (Johannesburg), Messis. .Stanley Wemyss (Wellington), E. H. Montgomery (Sydney), D. G. Broad (Ilarpeiiden, Englandi Arnold Isaacson (Melbourne), Frank R. Johnstone (Midbourne), A. D. C. Pethig (Rotorua). J. E. Howell (U.S.A.). Major R. W. Wykeliani Jones (London), Air. A. It Falconer (Dunedin). Recent visitors at the ten I nil Hotel include Messrs J. S. Dull' (Kaikohc), A. C. Williamson (Ellerslie), David Zander (Wellington), E. C. Harrison (Welling ton), H. R. Holmes (Waihi), A. E, Goodall (Melbourne), W. B. Robertson (Wellington), Mr. and Airs. J. Caesar (Ormond), Mr. J. E. Hart (.Morven). Mr. H. Stevens (Gisborne), Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tombleson (Gisborne), Miss A. F. Stirling (Mount Lofty. South Australia), Miss M. H. Tomkinson (Alount Lofty, South Australia). Rather an interesting lady died recently in London, the. Hon. Airs. Barnard. She accompanied her first husband. Colonel the Hon. Henry Handcoek. ti. the Crimea, and lived in a tent oil the battle field from the commencement of the war until her husband's death at the Redan, Sth September, 1885. She was mentioned in the papers of that time as a “beautiful and devoted young English woman.” She was eighty at the time of her death, and was aunt by marriage to the Countess of Ranfurly. Last week Mr Mark Fitzwilliam, in severing his connection wit h the firm of Messrs Frank Harris and Co., sculptors, Wellesley-street, was the recipient of a token of respect from his fellow workmen. It took the form of a handsomelycarved Maori “Kia Ora” pipe and hand-

ImUhUml smoking cap, designed and pain ted by one of the firm's artists, Mr Carlow. Mr 1 itzwilliam has been favourably connected with the works tor some years, and leaves to take charge of a branch establishment for another city firm. HAWKE’S BAY PROVINCE. Miss Reese, of Gisborne. is on a vMt to Napier. Miss Johnstone, of Wanstvad. has been in Napier for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Cameron, of Hastings, are on a visit to Masterton. Miss Ruddock, of Auckland, is spending a holiday in Napier. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Smith, of Hawke’s Buy, are on a visit to the Old Country. Miss Smith, of \\ aipukurau, has been on a short visit to Napier. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Jones, of Hastings, arc on a visit to Wellington. Mrs. Gregory, of Woodville, is spending a week or two in Napier. Mrs. 1.. McHardy, of Blackhead, lias been in Napier for a few days. Miss rilbcl. of Lyttelton, is on a. short visit to Hastings. Mr. W. Bidwell is spending a holiday visit in Napier. Miss Bailey, of Tiinaru. has been spending a holiday in Napier. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter have been on a short visit to Napier. The Hon. W. Johnstone and his wife an? spending a few days in Napier. Mr. I’. Brabant, of Auckland, is on a holiday visit Io Napier. Mr. E. G. Rtisselh of < hristchurcli, is on a visit to Napier, Mr. C. I). Kennedy, of Napier, is on a. visit to Fiji. Air. and Mrs. Bygum, of Wairoa, have been in Napier for some weeks. Miss Ruthledge. of Australia. is»on a sisit to Napier.

Mr. Hamilton Jones, of .Gisborne, has been in Napier foV a few days, eu route < to the South. ”'f’

Di 7 and Mrs. Bernau have returned to Napier, after spending a holiday in (Australia.

The Bishop of Waiapu, who has been On a visit to Auckland and Gisborne, has returned to Napier. - -

Messrs. J. Clark, J. M. Gouldsmith and F. Lysnar have returned to Gisborne from Napier. 'They travelled by motor-ear.

TARANAKI PROVINCE. Mr. F. Morsheail, of Feihling, is on a visit to his parents in New Plymouth. jWrs. H. Stocker, New Plymouth, has gone on a visit to Wellington.

Mrs. .Simpson has returned to New Plymouth after a pleasant trip to Napier. Mrs. Sanders, wife of Dr. Sanders, Raglan, is the guest of Mrs. Malone, New Plymouth.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, of Auckland, passed through Now Plymouth last week on their way to Wellington. Mr. E. .laidine, master of New Plymouth High Schoo), is spending his term holiday in Sydney. Mr. 11. AL Hum-hope, of Hawke’s Bay, has lieen on a short visit to New Plymouth.

Mrs. Davy has returned to New Plymouth, after visiting her relatives in Wellington ami Levin.

Miss G. Kemp, New Plymouth, is visiting her sister, Airs. Thomson, of Masterton.

Mr. Quilliam, of New Plymouth, has been on a short visit to Auckland. Miss Huth Horroeks, of Parnell, accompanied him on his return home.

Mr. J. D. Adams, of the Hank of Australasia, New Plymouth, has been transferred to Wellington, while Air. Falkner, oi the same branch at Stratford, has received notice of transfer to Timaru.

'The late Air. John Veal, New Plymouth, was one of the few who could say that they had lived under live Sovereigns—George 111., George IV'., William IV., Victoria, and Edward Vll.

The many friends of Mrs. A. Al. Williams, daughter of Air. 11. Cock, of New Plymouth, will be glad to learn that she. is improving as well as can he expected, sificr the very serious operation she underwent last week. Mr. Arthur Cowie, who has just recovered from a severe attack of pneumonia, has left for Auckland, where he will stay for some -weeks before taking up bis duties in St. Mary's parish, writes our New Plymouth correspondent.

WELLINGTON PROVINCE. Miss Fitzherbert lias returned to Palmerston from a short stay in Wellington. Miss B. Stafford (Wellington) is the guest of Airs. E. Warburton. Palmerston. Mr. R. Keeling (Palmerston) has gone up the Wanganui River. Mr. and Airs. Pratt (of Waitotara) are in Wanganui to spend the winter. Miss Good (of Jiawera) is the guest of Air. and Airs. 11. Good in Wanganui. Mrs. Barnieoat (of Wanganui) has returned from her visit to Canterbury. Mrs. S. Izard, of the Wairarapa, is claying in Wanganui. Mrs. P. Baldwin (Palmerston) is in Wellington, visiting Airs. W. Turnbull. Miss Loirimer (Nelson), is spending* a fortnight in Wellington. All. Miles (Wellington), has gone to Australia for two or three weeks. Mrs. Rhodes is back in Wellington alter a long stay in < b list church. Miss Meek ( Wellington) has gone to 'Australia for a viMt. Sir Robert ami Lady Stout are back in Wellington after a trip up North. Miss Booth (Nelson) has been in Wellington, staying with Mr. and Mrs. Reed. Mrs. Lees (Wellington) is visiting friends in Dunedin. Mrs. F. M. B. Fisher (Wellington) has gone to Sydney for some weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. Litliton (of Waitetarn) have been staying in Wanganui >jlh relatione.

Dr. and Mrs. Ramage (Pretoria) arrived in Wellington by the Ruapehu, and intend to settle in New Zealand.

Air. and Mrs. Godfrey Pharazyn have returned to Feilding after a stay in Wellington. ,

Mrs. Tinlay Saunders (of Wanganui) has returned from her trip to Wellington.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Willis (Taranaki), have returned after a round of visits in Wellington and Palmerston. ;

Mr. and Mrs. C. Pharazyn, who have been visiting Wellington, are now at “ Longwood,” Featherston.

Air. Justice llaselden and Airs. Haselden (Nelson) have been visiting Wellington.

Mr. and Airs. P. Levin are back in Palmerston after a week or two in Wellington.

Mr. and Airs. E. Coleridge arc back in Wellington, after a stay of some months at the sea-side.

Airs Denniston, who has been making a stay in Wellington, has gone back to Christchurch.

Aliss Tabart has returned to Christchurch after two or three weeks in Wellington.

Airs, and Aliss Allport are back in Wellington, after a visit to Sydney and Melbourne.

Aliss Elder lias returned to Waikanae, after a stay in Wellington with Airs. J. E. Fulton.

The marriage of Mr. T. S. Hamer and Miss Spragg (Wellington) will take place at Wellington on Alay 29.

Miss Mort, who is the lady golf ehampion of Australia, has been spendingsome weeks in the South Island. She made a stay in Wellington before proceeding to her home in Australia.

Mr. Colin Campbell (of Wanganui) has gone to Napier, where he will relieve Air. Stedman, of the Bank of New South Wales, who lias been granted eight months’ leave of absence, and goes to England.

Bishop Julius has returned to Christchurch after a stay in Wellington, Airs. Julius has remained longer, and is staying at Karori with the Rev. A. R. and Airs. Hansell.

Aliss Banks, who has been living in Wellington for the last year or two, faking an active share in the work of the Free Kindergartens, has gone to England for good. She received several presentations before leaving.

Dr. J. Mackintosh Bell, Director of the Geological Survey, is leaving for Canada in July for a holiday trip. Dr. Bel’s home is in Canada, ami it was from there that he came to New Zealand about two years ago. SOUTH ISLAND. Miss Cotterill ((.‘hristehurch) is paying a visit to Airs Arthur Elworthy, Tiniaru. Aliss Boyle (( hristehurch) has gone on a visit to Wellington. The Alisses Gerald (Christchurch) are staying in Napier. Air Justice Williams and Airs Williams (Dunedin) passed through Christchurch on their way home. Air and Airs George Julius, who have spent some months in Christchurch, have left for their home in Adelaide. Airs W. B. Rhodes, who has been staying in Christchurch for some time, has returned to Wellington. Air and Airs George Merlon (Christchurch) have gone for a trip up the Wanganui River. Air and Aliss Alorelaml (( hristehurch) have left for Queenstown and the Southern Lakes.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 20, 18 May 1907, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 20, 18 May 1907, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 20, 18 May 1907, Page 41