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Personal Paragraphs

AUCKLAND PROVINCE. Mr. and Mrs. H. de Latour (Gisborne) have gone for a trip to Sydney. Mr. G. D. Roberts returned from the South by the Takapuna on Sunday. Mr. F. E. Baume, M.H.R., returned to Auckland from the South on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Black are back in Gisborne from their trip fo the Sounds. (Miss Reid (Gisborne) who has been to Christchurch, is home again. Mr. John Marshall arrived from the South by the Rarawa last week. Mr. H. Gudgeon, brother of Colonel Gudgeon, left Auckland for Sydney by the Manuka on Monday. Miss Holdsworth, daughter of the chief postmaster, Auckland, was a passenger last week by the Talune for Napier. Mr. Petrie, school inspector, returned from the South by the Takapuna last week. Mr. IV. J. Napier was a passenger to Wellington by the s.s. Rotoiti last week on professional business. Mr. Geo. E. Read left by the Rarawa on Sunday on a holiday tour in the South. Miss E. D. Dinneen is at present spending a few weeks in Taranaki with Mrs. A. Rutherford. Miss Rooke, who has been staying with Mrs. Winter (Gisboine), has gone to Christchurch. Mr. and Mrs. F. I’atullo, Rangatira (Gisborne), have returned from their visit to the South Island. Inspector Cullen, who has been paying an official visit to the Kawhia district, has returned to town. Miss A. de Latour, who has been visiting her sister in Wellington, has returned to Gisborne. Mr. F. H. Wood, of Woodhill, Tauranga, arrived in Auckland by the Nga- . tiawa last week, en route to the Wairarapa and the Christchurch Exhibition. Mr. V. A. Sproul, manager in; New Zealand for the Oceanic Steamship Company, left by the Talune last week for Wellington. Mrs. Robison Eltham, Taranaki, is at present on a visit to Auckland, and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Anderson, Remuera. Mr. W. A. Robertson, general manager of the Ferro-Concrete Company, left Auckland on a visit to Australia by the Manuka on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lawrie and family left by the Manuka bn Monday for Sydney. en route for Home on a holiday visit. Dr. Cox, Mr. A. W. Chatfield, of Auckland, and Mr. J. A. Young, of Hamilton, returned from the Dental Conference by the Takapuna on Sunday.

. The Rev. P. Cleary, curate of St. Matthew’s, has resigned, and will relinquish his work in the parish at the end of April. The Rev. J. If. McWilliam, Anglican home missioner, left, en route for I.omlon. by the Victoria, and will be away from the colony for several months. Mr. A. H. Wallis, accompanied by Mrs. and Miss Wallis, have left Gisborne for a trip to England, via Auckland and Sydney. Mrs. C. Seymour and Miss Seymour, who have been on the Sounds trip, are home again, writes our Gisborne correspondent. Mr. E. 11. Northcroft was admitted as a solicitor by Mr. Justice Denniston last week, upon the motion of Mr. W. M. Neumegen. Mr. W. B. Buller, manager of the Auckland branch or the Bank of New Zealand, is returning from th? Old Country with Mrs. and the Misses Buller, by the Tongariro, now at Wellington ’ flora London. Mr. H. O. Townsend Hanby has b en apprised by the University that the advance cable reports him as having passed the first section of the B.A. examination. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morton and two boys returned from a lengthened visit to Otago and the Christchurch Exhibition by the s.s. Takapuna on Sunday last. Captain Zander, of the Herzogin Sophie Charlotte, accompanied by Mr C. Seegner (German consul paid an official visit to the Mayor at the Municipal Offices last week. Miss M. H. Dawson was appointed from among fifty-one applicants by the City Council last week to the position of assistant librarian at the Auckland Public Library. Mr. William Duncan was appointed by the City Council last week as its representative on the Assessment Court, under the Government Valuation of Land Act Amendment Act of last year. Mrs. E. W. Alison, of Lake Takapuna, left with her two daughters for Sydney on Monday, en route for Europe. Miss Alison will be married in London, and Miss Ivy Alison will study in Paris under Madame Marches!. Miss Marion -Frater, who has been visiting the Old Country for some months, returned to Auckland by the Mokoia last Sunday. Mr. Frater and Miss Minnie Frater, who went to Sydney to meet her, also returned on Sunday. Mr L. J. Bagnall, chairman of the Education Board, returned by the West Coast boat from Wellington last week, having been away attending the conference in the Empire City of Training College Advisory Boards.

Mr W. Fiaser, Whaugarei county engineer, captain of the Mangakawhia Rilles, was married on the 31st tilt. at St. Matthew’s Church to Miss Caroline Featherstone-Griffin, eldest daughter of the late Sir Braybrooke Featherstone, of Remuera.

At the ( hureh of tin- Assumption, Onehunga. last week, Miss Leahy, who has officiated as organist for the past -3 years, was presented with a purse of sovereigns. Father Mahoney made the presentation, on behalf of the congregation. If

Miss <’. Dinneen and her brother. Mr. J. D. Dinneen. 8.A.. returned to Auck land last week front a trip to Sydney, where they had accompanied their sister, Miss Dinneen, B.A. Miss Dinneen recently left for Fu Chau. China, where she takes up her duties under the C.E.Z.M.S.

Mr. A. F. Howarth has received intimation from the University that he is reported by. cable as having passed the final section of the B.A. degree and the second section of the LL.B. Mr. M. H. Hampson has lieen informed that he has passed the second section of the LL.B.

Mr Capper, who was recently transferred from the chief postmastership of the Thames to the charge of the luvercargill office, went South by the Talune last week to take over his new appointment, Mrs Capper accompanied him. lie is being succeeded at the Thames by Mr W. 11. S. Nichols, from Masterton.

Mr C. B. Rodgers, a founder and vicepresident of the Wellington Boxing Association. has been appointed manager of the Auckland branch of the Oeean Accident Company. As a memento of his connection with boxing matters in Wellington, the members of the executive of the association intend presenting Mr Rodgers with a photographic shield.

Captain T. 11. Steadman, of the Whangarei Volunteer Rifles, has placed his resignation with the officer commanding the Auckland district. Captain Steadman has, during his command of the corps, done a great deal to improve its efficiency, and his decision will be keenly regretted by the company generally.

Oversea callers last week at the Government Tourist Office have included Mr. Janies Jeune, of Jersey. Channel Islands; Miss E. S. Morell, Wigan, Lancashire; Mr. and Mrs. George Chester, of Buffalo, U.S.A.; Mr. Philip E. Bursley, Fort Wavne, U.S.A.; and Miss Loretta F. Clarke and Miss L. V. Cokely, of Scranton, U.S.A. The many friends of Mr. W. F. Burrow, formerly of Auckland and second son of Mt. R. Burrow, of this city, will be pleased to learn that he has been promoted by the Government of New South Wales from the position of Superintending Engineer of Bridges (which he has held for about ten years) to the important appointment of Head Analyst and Testing Engineer in the Department of Works. - At last week’s meeting of the Auckland Presbytery, the Rev. W. Gray-Dixon, of St. David’s Church, applied for extended leave of absence, and stated that he had been successful in obtaining a locum tenens who would be acceptable both to the congregation and to the Presbytery. Leave of absence for eight months was cordially granted. Mr. Gray-Dixon will be relieved by the Rev. H. C. Wedderspoon, of Lyttelton, and formerly of Onehunga. Mr. J. Ziman has received news that his son, Mr. S. N. Ziman (Auckland candidate for the Rhodes’ scholarship),

lir-.s «on Iwo seaior University staelnfti ship'. one in pure and the other ht applied mathematics. He has alw passed in chemist which completed his B.Nu. course. This is the first tim< two scholarships for mathematics hav< l»een crc.itrd by the New Zealand Un(« versify, r.nd (he young Aucklander is ttf he congratulated upon having carried them both off.

Mr \\ ill him C. Robinson, secretary Hie New Zealand Power Boat Associa* tian, was entertained at the Association's rooms,. Auckland, last week. Mr. \\. C. Whitley (commodore) presided, and was supporhd by Mr. A. C. Whitney, (vice commodore) and Captain George McKenzie ( rear-commodore). 'two very pleasant hours were spent in song and story, insterspersed with toasts, while appreciative references were mada in the course of the evening respecting work done in the interests of the Association by Mr Robinson who i> alxnit to leave for Wellington.

The following guests were staying at the Waiwera Hot Springs during the past week:—Mr. and Mrs. W. 1). AivLcan and family. Mr. Guinell, Mr. 11. R. Barter, Mr. Graham. Mrs. Bradley, Miss Allen. Mr. Kettle, jun.. Mr. John Mowbray. Miss Ilazad. Mr. Rutherford, Misses Brown. Mrs. Whittomc, jun.. Miss Bracken, Mr. Broome. Mr. and Airs. J. Murgat royd. and family. Mr. McKaig. Mr. James, Air. and Airs. I). Teed, children, and nurse. Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Allen, Judge Kettle, Mr. W . E. Johns. Miss Evitt. Mr. A. Walker, Mr. Duunett. Mrs. W hit tome, Captain Meikleham, Miss Robin. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Seccoinbe and family.

At the Premier Picnic on Saturday week at Alotutapu, Mrs. Craig, mother in law of Air. Janie.: Reid, owner of Alotutapa, was presented with a very handsome gold broocn set with pearls. The presentation was made by the brethren, as the Provincial Grand Master, Brother Thos. Aitken, explained, in order to mark the esteem which the order felt for Brothcif James Reid, who year by year had placed the island of Alotutapu at their disposal, for the purpose of holding the picniou Alotutapu was air ideal place for the purpose. and. indeed, there was not its equal anywhere near Auckland.


Miss Kennedy, of Napier, has gonti on » short visit to Christchurch. Air. and Mis. Taylor, of Wellington, are on a short visit to Hawke's Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Knight, of Napier, liav< gone to Wellington. Aliss West, who recently went to reside iii Palmerston North, is on a short visit to Napier. Airs, and Miss McVay have returned to Napier from their visit to Christchurch. The Misses Gilbertson have been on a short holiday visit to Napier. Thejj were the guests of Mrs. Wen ley. Alias Kettle, who has been in the country for a few weeks, has returned to Napier.

Hiirs. G lend ini ng, of Wairoa, is on a holiday visit to Napier. She is staying at the Masonic Hotel. Mrs. and Miss Martin have returned to Napier; after having >p'nt some days in Wellington. The Misses Russell and Williams have retu rued from the Sounds trip to Napier. Mr. Frank Logan, junr., returns to England by the P. anti <). liner Riverina, sailing on March Bth, writes our Napier correspondent. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bee, of Napier, have booked* passages by the P. and O. steamer Moldavia, sailing for England in March. Lady Campbel! and the Misses Campbell left Napier by the Winnnera last verk for Wellington, on their way to Australia, where they join a P. and O. liner for a visit to Scotland.


In a notice concerning Mr. Oliver Eamuel, furnished to the “Graphic” on the occasion of his election to the Legislative Council, it was stated that Mr. Samuel was. in 1890. defeated by Mr. E. M. Smith for the New Plymouth s?at. ,We regret to say the correspondent misled us, ami we can only hope this was not done intentionally. Ihe fact is, Mr. Samuel, who is enormously popular in New Plymouth, never contested the peat on that occasion, or the result might have been different, for had he stood there it is distinctly possible the redoubtable “Hee Hem” might not have headed the poll. Mr. Findlay, of New Plymouth, has gone South to Timaru, Miss Bedford and Miss I). Bedford (New Plymouth) are spending* three weeks in Christchurch. Mrs. Home. New Plymouth,, ami her E>*ter. Miss Wade England) are spending two weeks in Auckland. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Cachemaille (Wellington) are on a month's ‘ visit to New Plymouth. Captain Young, of Oakleigh, Auckland, is staying some weeks in New Plymouth. Miss Ethel .Bxker. who proposes taking up missionary 'work,*has left? New Plymouth ami gone to a training eSjfege in ‘-Melbourne, where she will refflS&n «lor . •* > . ---uPT- ■ two years. Mrs. Graves (Patea) was in New Plymouth last Sunday week, when a memorial brass tablet erected to the memory of her father, the late Colonel Stapp, was uff\<iled<’ in' St. Marv's Church. Mr


Mrs. Arthur Skerman, Hawke's Bay, is visiting in Palmerston North. Miss F. Park. Palmerston North, has gone to the Christchurch Exhibition. Mrs. Ruck (Auckland) is the guest of of Miss Coates (Wellington).' .Mrs. Baldwin (Palmerston North) was in Wellington for a few days lately. Mrs. W. Kennedy is back in Wellington. after two or three weeks in Christchurch.: Mr. ami Mrs. M. Denniston have been paying a visit to Mr. Justice Denniston (< hristchinch). The Misses Barnieoat. Palmerston North, have returned from their holidays in Wellington. Dr. ami Mrs. Christie, of Wanganui, have returned from their trip to Christchurch and the Sounds. Mr. Victor Fitzherbert, Palmerston North, has joined the Levin staff of Alessr*. Swainson ami Bevan, Limited. Mr. ami Mrs. Gifford-Moo re and family, Palmerston North, have returned from their trip to the South Island. Mi*s Cleghorn, of Wanganui, leaves next month for a visit to relations in India. Mr. and Mrs. Orford, of Wanganui, have ret in ned from their holiday in. the South. Mrs. John Mason, of Wanganui, has returned from her visit to the Waira. rapa. Miss Cou per, “Knkuta.” Wanganui, has retmned from her visit to Danncwirke. Mrs. < •oldingham and <-hildien, jl’almer*ton North, have returned . from a two months’ visit to Christchurch. Mrs. West ami the Misses West are

■uuuth for England, where they will spend a year or two before returning. Mrs. Field and Miss' Cowper (Wanganui) spent a few days in Wellington, on their way home from a stay at Mount Cook. ' Mr. and Mrs. Northeote (Wellington) are off to England by the Gothie. Mrs. and Miss Adams travel by the same steamer. Mrs. Peel and Miss N. Cooper, of Wanganui, have returned from their visit to Mt. Cook and the Christchurch Exhibition. Miss Jackson, of Wanganui, who has been staying with relations in Napier, _is back in Wanganui. She leaves next month on a visit to Indra. The Hon. Mr. Weedon (Victoria), who with Mrs. and Miss Weedon has been visiting New Zealand, returned to Melbourne on .Saturday, via Sydney. Mrs. Rhind and the Misses Rhind are leaving Wellington this week for England. After a short stay there, they go on to Jersey, where they will probably remain for some years. K • The Rev. T. H. and Mrs. Sprott are back in Wellington again, after an absence of a few weeks in Dunedin, where Mr. Sprott has been a tending the meetings of the General Synod. The Bishop of Wellington and Mrs. Wallis have been making a stay at the Hermitage on their way home after a stay in Dunedin. They returned to Wellington on Wednesday last. Mr. Humphrey Barnieoat, son of Mr. J. L. Barnieoat, manager of the Union Bank. Palmerston North, left for London- last week. He lias gone Home to study medicine, and will lie away about seven years. , . , Mr. and Mrs. E. Baleombe Brown (Wellington) are off to England for a few months trip by the Rimutaka. Col. and Mrs. Baillie travel with them, and they expect to be back in Wellington before’ the session begins, so that Colonel Baillie can atteild to his Parliamentary duties. Mr. W. F. Kennedy, and the Misses Kennedy, who are so well known in musical circles,, are going to England in the Rimutaka.. They will be absent for some length of time, during, which Miss Grace Kennedy will make a stay in Germany, in order to study her special instrument, the violin, under the .very best masters. Mr. and Mrs. Lang (England), who are making 'a' stay “of two- or three months in the colony, spent a few days in Wellington, after visiting the West Coast Sounds and other places of interest in the South Island. They go on to the Hot Lakes, making Auckland the final port of departure. The return journey to England will be made by way of Canada.

The Rev. H. Van -Staveren, who lias been Rabbi of the Jewish Congregation in Wellington for the past thirty years, is taking a six months’ holiday. . He left for England by the Rimutaka, and will go straight to London, where he hopes to find many old friends in spite of his thirty years’ absence. Mr. Van Staveren received several handsome presentations, before taking his departure.


Mis and Miss Deans hive lift Christehureli for a visit to the Southern Lakes

Mr and Mrs C, G. Hill (Auckland) are in Christchurch. Mrs and Miss Dangir (Sydney), who have been staying in Christchurch for some weeks, have gone tj Mount Cook. Mrs Brett and Mr and Mrs H. L.' Brett (Auckland) are visiting friends in Christchurch. Mr and Mrs Sydney William-on (Gisborne) are staying with Mrs Elworiliy at Merivale, Christchurch. Mr and Mrs F. C. 'iapha.-l have returned tri Christchurch from a trip-to Rotorua and other parts of the'North Island. Mr and Mrs .Mister 'lark and Mrs Barclay (Australia) and Miss Russell (Hawke’s Bay) are ? lie»■•nests of Mrs Heaton Rhodes at ‘’Elmwood"” Christehnrcih.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8, 23 February 1907, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8, 23 February 1907, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8, 23 February 1907, Page 41