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Dear Bee. December 31. THE PACIFIC CLVB “AT HOME.” It is only occasionally that ladies gain access to those exclusive resorts, ffentlemcn's vbibs. We hear a good deal about them, and not always to their advantage: the promoters of the Pacific Club, therefore." acted •wisely in giving ns a peep behind the scenes, so that ire may feel assured that this new candidate for the patronage of our masculine friends is a place to be trusted if not encouraged. The club rooms' occupy the whole of the top flat of Endean’s buildings. Queen and Quay-streets, and ec’mmand a magtiifi<ent view of tlse harbour. shipping and islands of the gulf. Tl»e luxurious comfort of the rooms on the opening night made one feel envious, and suggested the question “why could not a similar place he established by the ladies j” The members and guests assembled to the number.of two hundred, and were received on arrival by the office bearers. Mr W. J. presided, in the unavtddablc aVst-nte <-f >h Roliert Stout..who. it was hoped, would have officiated on the occasion. He explained, that the constitution of the dub was similar to that of the AUiauee in London. Meml«ership was not confined to taj .tletainers—m» re than half the members were free from pledges on the liquor question, but alcoholic liquor and gambling on the premises were absolutely laired by the dub', rules. It had been j~se:tei tl-tt a •--.:h i-otdd not l<e made fnaudally suve.ssful without the profits fr. m intoxi ants, but they intended to prove that this was a mis- - ■ b w< I be-sTne a centre of pleasant social iiwereocxse as vtell as a convenient place of lesort for members and t to • nr city. The Hon J. A. Tele ami Messrs W. B. Leylaud. W. IL Smith and W. H. Lyon spoke • ■ r.lially of the prospe ts of the dub and wished it success. Afterwards, an v,a- ren- ...< by Mis •’. W Stewirt, Miss Blanche - < tarland. M< ,-r- Hamilton Hodges. C. E. P./ore- and A. Hoc-ton. the gtseets dispersed nsto the -xasprend in tbe dining-f>.in and aas banded round. The Iloial decorations were a spe ial feature, an-1 an artist'« Land .- - . meat of „<u.e lovely flowers. One - large table was d« orated with ]<ink and bitt*, composed of pink Maltuabcn ear nations and pink and blue sweet |«. in-termingh-i with feathery era— -*s in crystal sp^m-n gla*-es. and pink and Line silk down the centre of- ’.able arranged in a lattice eflT**t. caught with pompadour nnmthlets »i tiny pink r»".**s The ether .table was a study in ticii ctaneoa fio-were and Msrgu-ri’e -isieies

and grasses. Miss K. Speight daughter of the president. Mr W. J, Speight) was responsible for tbe floral decorations. _• . _ . _ \ . The suite of rooms is handsomely and comfortably furnished- Ail the main rooms open on tlie lift lobby by swing doors; tbe smoking-room, to Hie right, ou tlie eastern side of tbe building, and social ami dining-rooms to tbe left- Tl«e smoking-room, about 30ft by ibft, is a very pleasant apartment, comfortab’y and-substantially furnished with plenty of easy chairs anil lounges.; tbe upholstery Wins, of course, in leather. Three windows light it, while in the middle of tbe ceiling is a wide skylight for ventilation purjoses. Leading from this room is a passage, upon which often the lavatories and biath-rooms. while at the end of it is the staircase by which* members may reach the'billiard-room and lower lavatories. The club kitchen, cool and light, in which the most up-to-date booking apparatus has been installed, including an automatically. gas-heated boiler, which maintains an unvarying beat of 140 degrees. also often on to this passage. West of the smoking-room, and faeing the lift entrance, are the manager's ana strangers’ rooms, while beyond them is the social and reading room. This apartment, 3Sft by 20ft. is the room pur excellence of the suite, for, occupying a corner site, its external walls look both north and west, and, in faet, one can from its seven windows command a superb aspect, embracing practically the whole harbour, from Kauri Point to Rangitoto. This rooth ha- bWh handsomely furnished in rimu. while the green velvet pile bn the floor harmonises aftistieally with the walls and ceiling, shaded in delicate tones of the same colour, picked out with yellow. the tout ensemble beiWg exceedingly attractive. Swing doors ebrineet this social room with the dining-room, which also opens on to tbe lobby, and here, in a well-lighted and airy space of nearly 4t» clear feet square, the inner wants of the members will be attended-to. Dining in this room, which will considerably over a hundred diners with eonifort. will be something mere than a mere attention to tlie details.of mastication, for its half-dozen windows faeing the western or Queeu-street side, command an unrestricted view of all that . part of the city lying between Queen-st. and St. Mary's Point, besides taking in tbe upper harbonr. The furniture here i- all in American oak, while the eclour effect of walls and ceiling, which here, as throughout the suite, is of stamped steel, is produced in light shaded green and delicate rose pink. From the diningroom access is obtained to the card or chess rooms, while the pantry and serc-ing-rbom,' fitted with special heating apparatus for keeping dishes warm, lie handily behind it and the kitclien. Ti-e - billiard-room, downstairs, is not yet out of the plasterer’s hands, but when finished it will complete a suite upon the possession of which the Pacific Club may genuinely pride itself. The furnishing lias been done by Tonson Garlick Company and Smith and Caughey. Ltd., while the club itself imported its silver and chinaware, the latter being of a uniform pattern. having a royal blue border edged with gold, and being of an especially delicate shayie and quality. Some idea of the general completeness of the furnishing can be gathered from the fact that it has east tbe club upwards of TIOOO'to eSeet. Mrs. W. J. Speight wore a black striped crepe toilette: Miss Speight’ was charmingly frocked in a rich white satin with silver sequins applique on decollerage; Miss V. Speight wore yet lew silk with herthe of 'Valenciemses lace: Miss C. Speight was in a soft white mousseline de soie and laee edged frills: Mrs. Beatty, biaek toilette with laee elbow sleeves; Mrs. Rees, Idack with touches of white; Mrs. J. VV. Stewart, black satin evening frock Lrighteue:! with jet: Miss Blanche land. white mousseiuse de soie witli lacw lierthe ami heliotrope eeinture: Mrs. -T, A. Tole wore white chiffon glace veiled,', in white net. and large bow of Maci\ velvet on deeolletagc: Mrs. T. Mahoney, biaek velvet evening frock, with rich , lace bolero: Mrs. that. Wallmitt looked *

▼?ry dainty in * ere?*<n voile evening gnnn trimmed iritH yellow Feb? rib bun.; Mra- W. IL Smit*. effective biscuit chiffon voile gown: Mrs. IL Hudson, rich white satin ev-nirg gown with laee berthe: Mrs. C, C. Baker, white silk and pretty blue evening eoat; Mrs. Smcetoc. dove grey evening gtwn; Mrs. J. Daw son. black erepe de chute.evening gown; Mrs. Wiseman. wh.t? sift: Mrs. W. Hutchison, violet silk with white laee; Mrs. Stopford, heliotn p' brocade; Mrs. K. Querve was dainty in a lovely cameo pink brocade, with cretin laee on corsage: the Misses Dawson looked pretty in China blue silk and white satin evening frocks respecti.rfy; Miss Tibbs wore white Indian < -.nbroidered muslin anj blue ribicon on dw'lletage: Miss X*. James was in ehanipngne chiffon voile; Mrs. D. B. McDonald black, with white lace entredeux: Mr-. C. M. Calder, black taffetas evening gown with velvet shoulder straps, and chiffon sleeves; Mrs. W. R. iseyland looked exceedingly well in a black satin evening gown with jot encnistaiicas; Mrs. W. H. Lyon, black silk with white entredeux; Miss Elkin, black toiiecte; Mrs. Neaves. black brocade evecirg gown; Mrs. J. Hl Maekie. black silk with cream lace yoke: Miss May Fees looked pretty in white mousseline de soie: Miss Kennedy. cream silk; Miss Vaile, white silk with touches of blue: Miss Jessie Reid, white silk and lace evening frock; Mrs. A. GoMi-?, black evening and pale blue boas: Mrs. Oxley, grey skirt ard cream _ silk blouse: Miss louis. dainty white silk evening frock; Mrs. E. C. Browne, black satin evening gown; Mrs. (kmond. shrimp pink silk: Mrs. Casey, black silk; ’Mrs. Mackay. Mack satin with cluster of damask rases: Miss Russell was dainty in azure blue silk with er cam applique and black skirt. GARDEN PARTY. *Moa Desir." the charming s ■■■ e -residence of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hansea. was eit fete last Saturday afternoon, when Mr. and Mrs. Hansen gave a large "Af Home" in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Tegetuceier and Mr. Emil Garc-ke. of I.ondon." The -as. Kestrel had been chartered to convey the guest-s to the Lake, and the trip enlivened by the. starring music- of the brass epnd in attendance proved an apropos presade to a delightfwl’afternoon.' Mr. and Mrs. Hansen received their guests on the lawn, and they had spared » trouble in providing for the enjoyment and -comfort of their numerous guests. > Afternoon tea was served at small tables scattered about under the shade of the trees, an efficient staff of waiters being in attendance to see that nc« one wanted for anything. Some c-harmfng frocks were worn. Amongst others I .particularly noticed: Mrs. Hansen, w ho wore a charming gown of pale grey floral me esselin? over glace with V-shaped vest of lovely laee. becoming white chip straw toque, trimmed with ostrich plumes and touches of green velvet ribbon; Mrs. Tegetmeier was gowned in a beautiful apricot chiffon taffeta with vest of ctvasn lace. Tuscan straw hat, garlanded with clover veiled in brown tulle, hands-Mne white- ostrich feather boa; Mrs. Sch. rff. riels black silk toilette with vest of white satin overlaid with white lae? applique, pretty black and white toque; Miss Scherff.'beauti-fully-fitting navy cloth tailor-made costume, with smart little green hat; Miss Dolly Scherff was effectively frocked in sea blue spotted e-iu-iin with Valenciennes lace transpar-nt yoke, dainty white hat. areatl»e<l with pink roses; Miss Kathleen Hill was dainty in white inserted muslin with lace yoke, pale blue ceinture. pretty white hat, swathed with yule blue; Mrs. F. E. Raume was strikingly gowned in ivory shirred silk, prettily finished with Lice, small white toque with pink rose crown; Mrs. Prickett, handsome black silk, relieved with white, black silk mantle, and pretty black bonnet. "brightened with pink roles; Mrs. Seager was tastefully gowned in black taffeta with cream lace and insertion, folded, belt of pale blue, and a becoming white toque; Mrs. Young wore a cream voile toilette, relieved with green, and ■ green hat with rol berries; Mrs. Brett, handsome black taffeta gown with' white lace, and* black and white bonnet, white laee scarf; Mrs. A. Brett, in a navy"chiffon- taffeta with a V shaped yoke of whiU- lace, and a Tuscan hat, wreathed leavM; Mrs. Harrv in a |>ah> J«Kj£ii UC moltsseline with.-Valetwie®nes laoPWiumiiig.qunk and't: Mrs. I.aujeff# w»e wearing a .pale qroy crepe' de diiae with lends of dark-green velvet white lace vest, and a ilxMr green hat Mrs. Thorne George, handsome black chif-

fon taffeta with a white lace vest embroidered with black, and a becoming l>laek areL white toque: Mrs. Duthie. white cloth costume, ami a Tuscan hat with bhf feathers; Miss Coates wore a striking gown ot prune-coloured doth with myrtle green faring*, cream lace vest outlined with chine ribbon, smalt toque to match; Mrs. Nelson, black tailor-made csdltunje with blaek and white toque*; Mb* Ndson was gowned in a pretty pink gown with white insertion, and a Tuscan hat. trimmed with pink; Mrs. Lecky. in a dainty whit? inserted muslin, with a blaek plumed hat; Miss Ireland, in a blue and white striped doth costume, white vest, and a white hat; Miss J. Ireland, black and' white tailormade. with a small white hat; Air*. Alison wore a striking gown of rose pink eolienne with a cream laee vest, and a rose toque to match; Miss Alison, in a Brussels a t rote over white, white folded belt, and white and blue hat; Mrs Myers wore a beautifully embroiilered Hack cainbri.-. with a dainty black and cream Irohuet; Mrs Coleman was becomingly gowned in royal navy taffeta with cream vest, beaver hat with dr cm* ping ostrich plqme of same shade; Mrs Richardson wore a striking plumcoloured taffeta gown toned with cream lace vest, smart hat to match; Mr* Gerant. pale blue figured chailie Empire gown inset with hands of Valenciennes laee. small blue toque.of .same shade; Mrs Cotter wore a lovely English gown of pompadour silk with lace X -shaped vest, blaek plumed toque; Miss Cotter, pretty white inserted muslin froek with chine ribbon ceinture, white hat swathed with electric blue; Miss Baillie Cotter, c-00l green silk Icanded with chine ribbon. cream vest, and becoming green hat: Mrs XVare. blaek chiffon voile* with laee vest and Nack and white hat; Miss XVare. dainty eream crepe de chine finished with laee. and green shaded hat; Mrs Denniston wore H’ack sre**e de chine with cream laee yoke. Ijecoming pink hat ; Mis* Denniston looked pretty in pale grey with white laee yoke embroidered with shaded French knots, green tulle swathed hat: Mrs Benjamin, pretty pale grey check silk toilette finished with Mack and white laee. dainty black and white toque; Mrs Kerr Taylor. pale blue linen eoat ami skirt, white toque; Miss Kerr Taylor wore white muslin and pretty white hat relieved with touches of scarlet; sii«« Ivy Alison was daintily gowned in white glace veiled in cream lace, and a pale blue hat with long shaded feather; Mrs Abbot in a charming gown of grey mousseline with bauds of white insertion, and a pretty toque to match: Mrs Owen, white embroidered muslin with white folded belt, black picture hat: Mrs Finlayson wore a handsome biscuit coloured silk with cream lace and insertion, and a toque ensuite; Mrs Buckleton was gowned in a check taffeta, the bodice outlined with cream insertion, cream hat wreathed with shaded flowers; Miss Prickett, dainty ivory Sicilian costume, white hat with touches of gr-en; Mrs Devore was richly gowned in blaek silk with net and laee vest, very- pretty black and white bonnet trimmed with pale pink roses: Miss Devore, cream mohair Eton coat and skirt with lace vest. Wack picture hat; Miss L. Devore, pretty cream canvas voile gown prettily finished with cream silk knife pleatings, dainty pink hat with touches cf blaek: Mrs Basley, handsome black silk with touches of cream, black and heliotrope bonnet; Miss Basley. very pretty white inserted muslin with chin? sash and large blaek picture hat; Mrs Gresham, Mack silk with cream laee vest and pretty electric blue hat; Mrs Smith wore black chiffon voile handsomely appliqued with eream and blaek, dainty mauve hat; Miss Smith, tahae brown silk relieved with cream, small Tuscan hat; Mrs Suggate. cream mousseline with cream Valenciennes lace edged frills, white hat trimmed with black wings; Mrs Marriner wore a lovely frock of grey floral muslin handsomely inset with bands of black Chantilly laee. Mack picture bat; Mrs. Tole wa-> strikingly gowned in a plum-coloured chiffon taffeta with lace vest, and dainty hat en suite: Mrs. Rathbone, navy blue chiffon taffeta with Maltese laee yoke and navy velvet strapping-, pretty j«ale blue plumed bat ; Mis* Lu?k. pale blue mohair with cream yoke and blaek hat; Miss Olive Lusk, shrimp pink Sicilian pinafore frock and pink tulle hat; Mrs. Geddi*. becoming brown silk toilette relieved with cream, small hat to match; Miss G?ddis wore white muslin, white hat brightened with pale Nue; Min* Dunnett, hand i* black chiffon taffeta with

t ream thread 'd with grr-it vdvd l»ebc ribbon. Idack an*l gr*en txxjtte; Mixs HraHtrn. soft white mn«!in froek and black hat: Mrs. Mair, blaek silk grenadine over gre?n glace. Wack hat: Mr*. St. Clair. ro*e pink costume, small dat hat wreathe*! with rose*; Miss St. Clair, pretty "white embroideretL muslin, white hat brightened with pink Mrs. Craig. champagne canvas voile over glace, and black toque; Mrs. Keogh, dark tailor-made costume, white vest, and a black aird white toque; Miss Keogh, dainty white embroidered muslin with a pretty jank hat; Mrs. Mackay, whit ' linen costume, smart hy <<rangra toque; Mrs. Goldie wore an autumn tinted green Sicilian gown, cream lac?* vest, and a green texjue tie match; Miss Goldie was goun.d in cream voile, with lae? and insertion, pic turv hat; Mrs. Pritt, handsome black silk costume with heliotrope silk vest and a Hack and white toque; Mrs. Shalto Douglas was wearing a pr.tty pale grey nioustedin<* with green ceinture.. and a pretty green toque; Miss Douglas, in a dainty pink and white floral mwdin. uith pink silk h It. and a pink and brown tulle swathed hat; Miss —. IVougias was charmingly frocked in white embroidered muslin with Hue <*eiuture. and a white lac? hat with blue ribbon; Mrs. Scott, pretty pink muslin gown with toqu? to match; Mrs. R. R. Hunt, in a becoming mauve chailie with white net and hi? vest. Tuscan and mauve hat to match: Miss Hooper, white embroidered muslin with pale blue ceinture. and a whit * and blue hat; Mrs. Thomas wore a stone Hue Eton coat and skirt, white vest, and Hack jetted lace toque with pink roses; Mrs. Lyons, white Eton coat anil skirt with a Rroderi? Anglaise vest, and a white toque with Neapolitan viol.t-s; Mrs. Evans, royal navy taffeta gown relieved with white, and a pretty toque to match; Mrs. Stopford, in a dainty cream frilled muslin, with hat en suite; Mrs. Monckton, b.coming blue costume; Miss Brodie wore dark blue and pretty white hat; Mrs. Bush wore a well-fit-ting electric blue cloth corselet gown with pretty Eton jacket, cream vest, becoming white hat garlaned uiUr shaded roses: Mrs. T. Hope Lewis wore a white and Hack striped cloth costume with black and white striped silk facings, pretty heliotrope hat: Mrs. Up ton, rich black silk with white V-shaped vest, black and white bonnet: Miss Stewart, champagne and white spotted grass lawn, with small whit? hat: Mrs. Burton wore black relieved with white, and black toque. BONING DAY RACES. Really I don’t re ue.uber having such lovely Christmas weather for years, and the races at Ellerslie were letter patronised than ever. The lawn looked lovely, and between the races present*d a most brilliant appearance. Alter the first race the >tand was so crowded that it was impossible to get a seat, so many people wandered up to the saddling paddock and sat under the trees, which really was the coolest place, as there one got a slight breeze. Among those present 1 noticed; — Mrs. Thorne George was gowned in black and rose pink mousseline over pink glace, black toque with pink roses; Miss Georg?, in a lovely white caiffon taffeta with lac? and insertion, ami a becoming pale pink hat: Lady Lockhart wore a white embroidered muslin, blue hat with green leaves and touches of pink: Miss Gorrie. pretty red and white spotted muslin and red buttons, and a green hat with white tulle; Miss Gwen (iorrie. ciel blue cheek taffeta. Tuscan s-raw hat turned up at the side with black wings; Airs. Duthie wore a charming gown of pale blue mousseline with white lace, and a Leghorn hat with tulle and a shaded blue feather; Mrs. Ho|«e Lewis, smart cream Sicilian, with a green tulle swathed liat finished with red roses; Mrs. \V. Bloomfield was gowned in a lieliotrope and white flora] muslin with white lace, heliotrope ceinture. and white hat with shaded f atixTs; Mrs. Lucas Bloomfield, grey chiffon taffeta, softened with lace, and a white hat with pink roses; Mrs. G. R. Bloomfield wore a daintx gown of white and pink luoussdinc with bands of whit? lace, pink ceinture. white liat wreathed with pink roses; Mrs. Ravage wa- charmingly gowned in a white chiffon hand]»aiirted design in heliotrope irises and gre n leaves, heliotrope liat with l*and of velvet, and a feather, to .match: Mr*. Hriiiy NiJan. lively guftn of old rose eolienuc "with cream Igcv, and a Hack jdufpeil J««t ; Mr*. blue chiffon voile with ewm li<d a?d Iqullim of apple green velvet, Tuscan liat with shaded rose-; Mrs. Alfred Nathau. pale grey

cre]*e de chine with lovely Irish hue. and a grey hat with ostrich frathet*; Mrs. Ijeatham was gowned in a larcoming grvv and pink Japanese silk, with a pink hat to match; Sirs. Myers, in a handsome black and white striped silk, with a Mack and white toque to match; Mrs. leo. My I-, exquisite eor*eM frock of uh:ta and pink chine silk with lovely lace bolero, white hat with tulle and pink rosebuds: Mrs. George Dunnet. in a grey >ilk gown with white lace and band* o< black velvet, liecoming black toque with pink ro-es; Miss Dunn-t. cream floral mousseline with cream lace yoke outlined with black \elvet. and a black hat with shaded ro*c-: Mr*. B njattiin. handsome grry chiffon taffeta with white lac? and louche* of black, smart grey and black toque to match; Mis. Er nest Benjamin. pretty cream ami pink floral mousseline, black picture hat; Mrs Sharutau, charming gown <»f black and white spotted \oilv with Im nd* of white lace ami \ vke and slcetes of Valenciennes lave, large I lack au.l white bat; Mrs Roberts, thrown ch’ffon taffeta with cream laee ar.d in*?riion ami smart brown Lal to n.aith; Mrs Lyons in a lovely cream clamped chiffon over glace, cream lace \okv outlined with blue embroidery and black velvet ribbon pretty cream toque with Nea|K>lilan violets: Mr* Fitzroy reaiXH-kc was gowned in cream n t over Llack glace with touches ot mauve and a black lioiuiet with mauve and while; Miss Pcacocke. j retty pale blue gown with white vest, blue hat with shaded feathers; Miss Madge Veaetxk?, heliotrope silk pinaf< re with dainty white vest and a lieliotropv and a white hat to match; Mrs Ponsomby Peacock?, navy chiffon voile with blue and whit? striped silk vest, and blue and while toque; Miss Inez Peaeocke, dainty cream silk frock with white lace hat: Mis Pabst was charmingly gowned in pale green chick silk with white late yoke ami a becoming hat swathed with lulle an I pink roses; Mr* IVvure was gowne<l in a grey and whit** stiiped mousseline over white glace with white lace and a becoming grey and white bonnet : Miss Devore, deep civam i-anvas voile, trim--ined- with cream taffeta and a prHdy pale pink hat : Miss K. Devote, dainty white embroidered muslin with blue ribl»ons and a white lace hat: Mrs Alison wore a deep rose pink chiffon voile with yoke of cream lace and a pretty rose toque: Miss Alison in a becoming blue and cream silk with white yoke, white lace hat with blue and white striped ribbon<: Mis* Dy Ali*on. dainty white tucked muslin, blue hat with long shaded feather: Mrs Dargaville. handsome black chiffon taffeta with white Irish lave white feather boa and a black toque with white feather; Miss Muriel Dargaville wore a charming frock of while inserted muslin with a chine s : lk sash, white hat with black velvet and white feathers; Mrs Harold Thompson (Elthaim. white embroideie! muslin with blue veniture and a black picture hat: Mrs W. N. Hc-imes was gowned in a black chiffon taffeta and a Hack hat with white feathers; Mrs E. C. Smith, royal navy mousseline with white lace yoke, pretty hat wreathed with p.nk roses: Mr* Harry Marsack, prettv pale pink mousseline with Valenciennes lace yoke ami a becoming pink hat on suite; Mrs Charles Brown, cream chiffon voile over glace with cream lace and insertion and a smart green hat; Miss K. Mitchell in a charming heliotrope mousseline with white lace and a pretty French sailor hat to match; Mrs John Reid, handsome black chiffon taffeta with a black toque with white ostrich Mis* Jessie Reed was dainty in a cream pinafore frock with white lace yoke and a white lace hat with heliotrope and blue ribbons; Miss Williams, deep pink linen with wide lumL of insertion, black picture hat: Mis* Ida Thompson, pretty pale pink mousseline with white lace insertion: Miss Towle wore a becoming gown of white and black *pottc«! nm*liu 4 cream liat with white clove; crown, white ami crimson under the brim: Mi>« — Towle, dainty white inserted with Tuscan lace and green liat; Mi?. B kland. handsome black chiffon taffeta, softened with white, pretty black l*onnet with whit? tulle and ostrich Mi*- Buckland, pretty white inserted muslin, white and green hat; Miss —• Buckland in a x ha ruling gown of pale bhia spotted muslin with white folded belt and a whit? and blue liat; Miss H. Buckland was daintily frocked in white with a liecoming white hat: Mr*. Baker w• ra a black silk with black lace, and a becoming black hat: Dr. Elinor Raker waa daintily gowned in white inserted intislitw with a Tuscan hat wreathed with vvhiU roses; Miss Lloyd?, pretty cream cot

turn© relieved with pink, and a white and pink hat;.Mhw W. Cotter was charmingly go\vne<! in a cream silk gown, the dainty little bolero opening over a cream Brussels net blouse with transparent lace yoke. Itrcoming green hat garlanded with marguerite daisies and bandeau of nasturtium Iwlvet; Miss Millie Cotter wore a white inserted lawn gown with chine silk sa>h. large picture hat with white ostrich feathers and pink roses: Miss Stevenson, pretty white muslin and lace frock, green hat with pink roses; Mrs. ( harlie Owen wore a very smart biscuit coloured voile with brown velvet, shaded embroideries, dainty little green I<Hpie with crown of pink sweet peas; Mrs. Peter I-a w leave, ereani Sicilian long «•<•.»I anti skirt, worn over a white silk blouse. re*rda green tulle swathed hat. with clusters of pink roses; Miss Perth al was gowned in navy blue silk with ci vain lat e yoke and small blue and erram t<»qup to match: Miss Myra Reed, dainty cream voile Eton costume, with knife pleatings, and silk braid on the coatee, white and green hat; Mr-. Ilolgate wort* a -mart bottle green taffeta with < ream yoke, pretty black toque; Airs. Harry Clark’s gown was a dainty pale pink mousseline, finished with Valt‘.'( irnnrs lace, white hat swathed with white tulle and shaded pink and white o-trirh leather-: Mrs. Derry wore white -ilk with while phimed hat: Mrs. Markham was gowned in well-lit ting ivory Sicilian coat and skirt, white hat; Mrs. Ranson was gowned in a pale grey and white striped costume, white hat trimmed with black: Miss De Camp was wearing a royal navy chiffon voile with touches of cream on bodice, small blue toque; Mrs. Ching, handsome grey and white check taffeta with brown v< Ivet ribbon lacings, deep cream toque finished with brown velvet and pink roses; Mrs. Cottle, handsome black chiffon taffeta with cream lace vest, black toque: Mrs. t oney was prettily frockcd in pale blue silk mousseline with Valenciennes lace yoke, black plumed pic ture hat: Mrs. Angus Gordon w ore a beautiful white chiffon with hand-paint-ed design of pink sweet peas, deep pink rein ture and small black toque; Airs. Masefield wore a charming gown of pale blue -ilk. and small pale blue hat to match with bandeau of pink roses; Miss Wylde Brown was dainty in pale pink, small pink hat to match: Misses Kerr-Taylor were gowned in pale pink striped muslin. with pink hats to match: Mrs. Clifford Dawson (Waihi), white radium silk with transparent lace yoke ami Tuscan hat; Mrs. Pilkington, cream cloth costume, ami white hat with deep pink roses: Miss Duder. white embroidered muslin with pretty pink hat: Miss —. Duder \va* dainty in a white inserted muslin, and smart Tuscan and black hat: Mrs. Leavie. pretty pink ami white floral muslin, white hat garlanded with pink roses; Mr*. Louisson. pretty striped eolienne gown in two shades of pink banded with French knotted glace silk, white hat trimmed with tulle ami ostrich phnue>: Mrs. 11. Keesing was gowned in grv m taffeta with cream lave vest, becoming black hat : Airs. McDonald, handsome black costume, with touches of eream, black ami cream bonnet ; Miss McDonald wore white. with small black and white hat : Airs. Good hue was gowned in black relieved with cream ve*4. black toque with cluster of pink roses at one side: Miss Ireland, smart blue, white striped ilau nvl tailor-made costume, with small gem hat: Mi*s J. Ireland, black and white striped summer tweed coat and skirt, gem hat: Miss Sylvia was prettily iT«h-kvd in cream voile with blue and white bat: Mir-* Lily Thorpe, dainty white Madra* muslin with lace insertions. white Valenciennes laee hat with rhou of pale blue ribbon: Mrs. Otway, pale grey Norfolk coat ami skirt, ami black hat: Mrs. Grierson. black silk spotted mohair with touche* of cream, black and cream toque with green faliage: Ah-. F<»*ter. smart navy blue taffeta with cream lave and yoke, pruce i-olotiriKl hat -w a tiled with tulle: Mrs. Thornton .lacksoil wore a navy chiffon taffeta with white Valenciennes lave yoke, pile blue hat; Mrs. Walker, holiotro|M* chv.-k eolienne with cream net y<»ke pretty h<*liotr<q>e toque to match: Alt*. Barter wore a beautifully embroidered pale biscuit coloured cloth gown, hat eii -nite; Mrs. Forbes, champagne yoilv lini-Jied with brown velvet, brown hut; Mrs. R. R. Lu-k. pretty white musUn with < mliroidercd bolero. pale green, Kat; Mt*. Herz, lovely white embroidered lawn worn over pale pink glace, pretty pink hat: Alis.s Bracken was charmingly gOwmd in white muslin and

black picture hat; Mrs. McLaughlin, rich toilette of navy blue and white check silk, smart black and cream toque voile; Mi’s. Sain Morrill, aavy and white pin spot gown with lace vest, blue hat swathed with blue tulle; Mrs. Hamley wore a stylish black chiffon glace with >ilk medallions, and pale blue hat. It is with regret we learn of the departure from Auckland, after a period of twenty-two years, of Mr. and Mrs. Sibbald and family. They left by the Ta lune on Doc. 22 for Napier, where Air. Nibbald has Im* n appointed Collector of Customs. During their stay in this city they have made many friends, amt Mrs. Sibbald has endeared herself to many by her cheerful and genial disposition. and she has ever been ready to lend assistance to a good object by her vocal ability. Her (laughter (Mrs. Rylance) is booked for London by the lonic about the end of March next, where she will pursue ht r musical studies. MT. EDEN COLLEGIATE SCHOOL SPORTS AN D DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. The annual sports and distribution of prizes in connection with the Mt. Eden College (Misses Bews) were held on the Domain Cricket Ground on the afternoon of Tuesday. 18th. The function was favoured with ideal weather, and there wa- a very large attendance of parents ami friends. Ever since its inc.ption this function has proved highly enjoyable. both to parents and scholars, and this year's proved no exception. Some of the events on th- programme were very attractive from a spectacular point of view. The bicycle parade, in which a large number of girls, all dre-s 'd in white and riding machines decorated with flowers, took part was exceedingly picturesque. During the sports there were indications that the girls of this school receive physical as well as mental training. The mu-ical drill, in which some 100 girls took part, was another conspicuous item of the programme, and both in marching and dumb bell exercises credit was reflated on pupil and teacher. Ihe Maypole dance was another attractive event: while the numerous cycling and running events were well contested. The potato, sack ami menagerie races were very amu-ing. especially the lastmentioned. into which all species of animals. from a chicken to a Calf, were brought into requisition. The Bavarian Baud was in attendance, ami provided some choice music. Afternoon tea was provided. The prizes won during the year were distributed by the Rev. W. Beatty, who congratulated the school upon the solid progress that had befln made during the year. He -poke in eulogistic terms of the practical evidence of humanity displayed by the scholars in providing an entertainment during the year for the purpose o f raising funds to assist in the education of Maori girls. This entertainment realised fullicient money to pay for a Maori girl's schooling for two years at the Victoria College. The conduct and general tone of the children, he said, indicated the sort of influence they had been subject to at school, and he impressed upon parents the desirableness of backing up that influence at home.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 1, 5 January 1907, Page 42

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 1, 5 January 1907, Page 42

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 1, 5 January 1907, Page 42