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Personal Paragraphs.

AUCKLAND PROVINCE. Mrs. G. T. Murray (New Plymouth) is visiting relations in Parnell, Auckland. Mr and Mrs T. Todd have returned from Sydney to their home in Gisborne. Archdeacon Calder returned by the Ngapuhi last week from a visit to Whangarci. Mr. Lucas, of the Nelson “Evening Mail,” has been on a short visit to Auckland. Mr Walter Jackman, who has been visiting relatives at Whakapirau. returned to G'sborne last Saturday. Miss Maggie McMurdo. Whakapirau, JKaiparii, is visiting Mrs J. C. Colbeck, Portlandroad, Remuera. Miss Wright, of “Loloma," Cambridge, is at present staying with her sister, Mrs Arthur Herrold, of Parnell. Miss Willis, of Papakura, has been visiting Mrs Hammond, of the Bank of New Zealand, Cambridge. Mrs Wells, of “Oakleigh,” Cambridge, is at present visiting friends in Auckland. Mrs H. Hawkins (Auckland) is at present in Gisborne, and is staying with her sister, Mrs A. Rees. Mr. and Mrs. A. Withy returned from * visit to the United' States, Canada, and Australia, by the Maheno on Sunday. Judge C. E. MaeCorniick, of the Native Land Court, left for New Plymouth last week", to attend a sitting of the Native Appellate Court. Miss Gudgeon, daughter of Colonel Gudgeon, Commissioner of the Cook Group, was a passenger tor Wellington by the Te Anau on Monday. Mr H. Nolan, of Christchurch, who has been on a holiday trip to Auckland, returned South last week via the West Coast. Mr. W. G. T. Goodman, electrical engineer, who is advising the City Council regarding the proposed electrical lighting scheme, arrived by the Alahen» on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Baker left for a holiday trip to Australia on Monday by the Mokoia. They were accompanied byMiss Land, and expect to be absent from Auckland for about two months. Mr. and Mrs. Buckland, of Cambridge, and Mrs. J. Phillipps are. at present guests at the Central Hotel. In about a Weeks time they intend leaving on a visit to the Straits Settlements. Miss Kyall returned to Auckland via Wellington after an extended visit io Australia, 'which included some months at Newcastle with her "sister Mrs J. H. Hooper. - Mr. E. F. Black has now taken up the tnanagement'of the affairs-of the Australian Widows’ Fund Life Association for Auckland province.. Prior to coming here he managed the-business of the Society in Dunedin for six years. Mr. Hill, second in command at Dunedin, is to take charge of the Auckland telegraphic office during the absence of Mr. Seagar, who is going away on a month’s holiday leave. Mrs. Leonardo, who has filled the position of secretary to St. Patrick’s annual ball committee for the last 14 y ears, was presented last week with a gold chain bangle ami Maltese cross, subscribed to by the bishop, clergy, and committee. Among the Mokoia’s passengers for Sydney on Monday- were Messrs. G. B. Osmond, J. Bouskill, Gardner, and J. Court. Auckland members of the New Zealand bowling team to Australia. Mrs. Osmond and Miss Court are accompany- • ing the team. Mrs. McArthur, wife of Dr. A. McArthur, S.iM., is at present lying ill at « private hospital in Wellington. On Thursday week she underwent an operation similar to one she had to have performed upon her fifteen yearn ago for a Mrious ailment

Colonel and Mrs. Roberts and the Misses Roberts returned on Sunday by the Mahcuo from their visit to Australia. Before proceeding home to Tauranga they are spending a week in Auckland, and all staying at the Central Hotel. The many friends of Mies Ruby Skeet, of Cambridge, will bo pleased to hear that she is now on a fair way to recovery from her accident from which she has been laid aside for the last six weeks. Mr. Fred Karl (president of the Auckland Law Society) has received a reply from the Native Minister, expressing the gratification of the Government and himself at the Society’s approval of Mr. C. K. Mact'ormick’s appointment as a judge of the Native Land Court. A presentation look place at Messrs. Bennett and Sluter’s water works contract. Waitakcrei. on the occasion of the. departure from the contract of the foreman of works, Mr. George Sims, the men on the works presenting him with a case of very handsome silvermounted pipes and gold-mounted cigar and cigarette holders. The presentation ■was made by Mr. Elk-rby. During the progress of the No. 1 Company’s Native Rifles’ Ball at the Hiberian flail last week Major Bartlett, on behalf of the company, presented Captain Coutts with a hand-somely-framed photographic shield of the company, the presentation being in recognition ot Captain Coutts’ services in the interests of their corp. Mr. C. MacGregor, formerly of Auckland. and now of Rhodesia, has arrived ■here on a four months’ holiday visit. As a member of the Transvaal Mounted Rifles, he recently assisted in quieting the Zulu rebellion in Natal. Mr. MaeGregor is well-known in football circles in Auckland, haring represented the province in 1898 and ’99. Miss Ivy Clayton, who it will be remembered was severely injured some three months ago by her horse rearing and falling upon her at Stratford, has made a wonderful recovery, and is now on a visit to Auckland. Her father, Mr .1. 11. Clayton, came up from Tauranga on Sunday to meet her. At the Mayor’s room in the Auckland City Council Chambers last week. Miss Coleta Lorrigan, who is leaving Auckland, was presented with a purse of sovereigns by her many musical friends in the -city and province. The presentation was made by his Worship the Mayor (Mr A. M. Myers). Mr A. 11. Nicol! has left Cambridge to reside in Auckland, where he has received a good appointment. He will be much missed, as during his stay here he became most popular, being an enthusiast at golf ami tennis, ami a member of the Savage Club, who gave him a send oil’ before leaving. Messrs. E. J. Fitzgibbon ami If. O’Leary have been selected to represent Vietorii College in the University debating tournament at Auckland next Easter. Mr. Fitzgibbon was a member of the team which won the .Toynt Shield for debating at the last Easter Tournament, ami last year the won the Plunket medal for oratory. Mr. O’Leary was the winner of the I’lunkct medal at the recent competition. The statement that Madame Melba, the. famous singer, is suffering from, is contradicted by lu-r uncle,-Air J. W. Walker, of Auckland, who returned to New Zealand by the Tongariro. Mr. Walker says that he saw a good deal of his niece when he was at Home, and found her looking particularly well. She is working as hard as ever and making prenty of money, but talks of retiring from the operatic world at no distant date. ■ The Wellington stall of Messrs. Bnrgood Son and Ewen gathered nt the Hotel Arcadia one day last week for the purpose of farcwelling Mr. A. I>. Stewart, who has been jftomoled to a joint managership in the Auckland branch. The chair was occupied by t/>e local manager, Mr. IT. C. Tcwsley, to whom fell the lot of presenting to Mr. Stewart, on behalf of the Wellington employees of the firm a gold repeater suitably inscribed, hud a gold cable bangle for Mrs. Stewart. Airs. Morris Wood left Auckland last week for Napier, where Mr. Wood recently secured an important appointment in the service of the New Zealand J<ou.n and Mercantile Agency

Company. Mr*. Wood will prove a welcome addition to musical circles in Napier. She is a gold medallist for piano playing, and was selected as accompanist to Dolores and Amy Sherwin in their ■Sydney seasons. Mr. Wood was also hon. accompanist to the Sydney Philharmonic Society. The following visitors were staying at the VVaiwera Hot Springs Hotel during the past week: Mr. and Mrs. K. Russell and family, Mrs. Rolterton, nurse, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie, Auckland; ■Mr. and Mrs. Wigg, Mr. and Mrs. McIndoe and family, Te Arohn; Mrs. Crombie, Mrs. ,Streater. Misses Campbell anil Ewing, Rev. McWilliams, Messrs. Moore. Hainer, Bachelder, W. Brown, W. 11. Mowbray, Auckland. The Rev. Father Cahill, who has been transferred to Ngaruawahia, was entertained by his late parishioners at St, Patrick's Convent School last week. The Rev. Father Holbrook, on behalf of the parishioners, presented the reverend guest with a beautiful gold chalice, while an illuminated address from the H. Society-, o. which he was chaplain, was presented by- the secretary. Mr. William Kane. A musical programme was contributed by Messrs. C. Lorrigan, F. Hunter. M. Hunter, M. Sheahan, and L. Latin, and Messrs. ,1. I. and H. lliscoeks. TARANAKI PROVINCE. Miss E. Bayley, who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. Christie, of Wanganui, has returned to New Plymouth. Mr. H. J. Thomson, of Inglewood, was admitted as a barrister of the Supreme Court by Mr. Justice Cooper. Mrs. Burton, Dunedin, is visiting her daughter. Mrs. R. C. Hughes, of New Plymouth. On the motion of Mr. O. Samuel, Mr. W. Wilkes was admitted as a solicitor of file Supreme Court, New Plymouth. Mr. Fraser, who has been on a visit to tire South Sea Islands, has returned to his home in New Plymouth, looking much better for his trip. Mr. A. -Waters, of the Survey Office. New Plymouth, left last week for the King Country, where he joins Mr. 11. M. Skeet’s field party. Mr. E. ManuerinT. manager of the Union Hank of Australia. New Plymouth. has been transferred to Tim-iru. Mr. A. H.Glasgow, manager of the Wai mate (Canterbury) branch bank. succeeds him. Mr. F. W. Carter, accountant of the Bank of New Zealand, New Plymouth, has been promoted to the Auckland branch, Mr. Jim Taylor filling the vac aney here. Mr. W. Wilkes, of the firm of Messrs. Malone. MeVeagh and Anderson, was presented by Mr. Brewer, on behalf of his fellow employees, with a handsome travelling hag. suitably inscribed, prior to his approaching marriage. At St, Mary’s Vicarage, last Monday evening, the members of St. Mary's choir took the opportunity of presenting Miss Chong, in view of her approaching marriage, with a silver-mount<-d bread board and knife. Mr. flume making the pres.-n--tation; the Rev. F. G. Evans and Mr. Fletcher (organist) making suitable and ajipi opriate speeches. HAWKE'S BAY PROVINCE. Mrs. C. Williams, of Wnipnwa. is spending some weeks in Rotorua. The Misses White, of Kaikora. are spending a few days in Napier. Mrs. F. Williams. Napier, is spending some weeks in Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh are spending some weeks in Taupo. Dr. and Mrs. Gregory, of Marton, are spending a holiday in Napier. Dr. and Mrs. Reid, of Wnipnwa, arc in Napier for a few days. Mrs. Kemp, of Gislairne, is on u visit to Napier, and is the guest of Airs. Wilson. Lady Whitmore and Mrs. Dixon, of Napier, me spending two or three weeks in Masterton. Mrs, Loder left Napier this week, and intends spending some months in Rotorua. Miss Hitchings (formerly of Napier), of London, is spending a few weeks in Napier, and is the guest of Mrs. Dr. Edgar.

WELLINGTON PROVINCI. Airs. Rhind is liaek in Wellington a fit* her stay in the South. Mr, and Mrs. Grigg (Longbeaeh) MM making a stay in Wellington. Air. Justice Hasetden and Mrs. Hasdb den are in Wellington at present. Mr. and Mis. T. Warrell (Welingtonj have gone to Australia for a trip. Alisa Denniston (Christchurch) ha* gone- to Sydney. Miss Boyle (Christchurch) has gone M Sydney for a visit. Mr. A. Munro (Welling tan) has bee* visiting New Plymouth. Air. Rankiue (Ihinedin) has been making a stay in AVellington. Alls. Darby has returned to Wanganui after a visit to Wellington. Mrs. and Miss Barnieout have returned to Wanganui afte a stay in Wellington. Airs Roborston. Dannevirke, is th* guest of Mrs Alellsop. Palmerston North. Air and Mrs Dan Riddiford, Marton, were visitors to Palmerston during th* week. Airs Shivns, of AVellington, is visitin* her sister. Mr- AMI 11. of Palmerston North. Aliss Cameron. Wellington, is stayin* with her sister, Air- Bendall. Palmerston North. Mrs MeKniglii has returned to P»U merston alter spending a fortnight Wanganui. Miss Finch, Wellington, is s»tay with her sst er. Mrs Putnam, Palmer* st on North. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Hislop are back iM Welington after a trip extending somr weeks to Auckland ami Rotorua. Miss Ch.iylor (Pirton) is in Wellington, visiting her relations. Colonel and Mrs. (.haytor. Mr. and Mrs. Coeburn Hood (Wairarapa) have gone iiume after a week or two in Wellingl on. Airs, ami Mi.-s Monro have ieturne< to Marlborough after a sta\ in Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. Wor>ley have returned to Nelson after a shi i t stay in Wellington. Dr. mil Mrs. Macaithur are bark ia Wellington, after two <»r three wueks the South I-land. Mr. and Mrs. Denniston arr bark in Wellington after a short \ i-it to Christeh un h. Airs, ami (hr Mis.-os R. S. Abr.ihaM are back in Palmerston, after their .trq» to Christrhurcb. Mrs. Wilford (Wi llington) bus gone to Australia for some works. The Misstw Marleau ( Dutir lin) : re trave'liiig with her. Mrs. ( . Cooper, who has l»;‘en in Well* ington for some works. •Maying witM Mrs. Hislop, returned to Christchureil last week. Miss Izard (Wellington) has been paying visits in the Knngitikri. where shs lias been slaying will) Mr. and Mv< .!.<*' In. Mr. Stewart, Monteith and Aliss Monteith. from the South, arc staving ufe the Royal Oak in Wellington for a fevfc weeks. Airs Reed. Sydney, who has been fo< several weeks visiting friends ia Jhilmer* •ston North, went <»u to Hawke’s on Wednesday hist. Mr. R. Watson. uh<» has just bee* admit te<l as a soliritor to the So prema 4’bui t, is a son of Mr. William’ Wutsnn, (Wellington >, who wa.> formerly of the Bank of New Zealand. Mr. E. < . E. Mills, who has just Im*oK elretiHl a life member of rhe Port Nicliof. hou A'achl. Club, is :i very well-knowtt resident of Wellington, and has for mun* years been an enthusiastic yaelitsmaX Afajor-General Bubington and his stnfl) olliccr. Captain Campbell, left for Scdnejf, an route for England, on Saturday. Gen. Bubington luts made many warm friend* during his five years in the colony, and his departure was the cause of mucM regret on both sides. In S.vdncy he will join Mrs. Babington, who has been spend.*

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVII, Issue 14, 6 October 1906, Page 33

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVII, Issue 14, 6 October 1906, Page 33

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVII, Issue 14, 6 October 1906, Page 33