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Dear Bee, August 27. Mrs. Cromwell Tewsley’s large and fashionable “AT HOME - ’ last Monday was a brilliant success. As you know, her entertainments are always delightful, and certainly her last one before leaving her beautiful home in St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell, for Wellington, was no exception. The house and ciiarming grounds are admirably adapted for entertaining, all the rooms are so spacious. However, they were not by any means empty, for everyone oue knew was there last Monday. We had a most delicious afternoon tea. and the decorations were exquisite. Very high vases, arranged with anemones in shades of heliotrope and purple, were interspers d with smaller vases of violets, and ribbons of the same shade were artistically arranged amongst them. The shades on the gaseliers were of heliotrope, and numerous silver candelabra, with the sweetest and daintiest of heliotrope shades, made a charming finish to one of the prettiest afternoon tea tables I have seen. Mrs. Tewsley was becomingly gowned in an ivory chine silk, with design of pink rosebuds, V-shaped, of beautiful lace, with touches of pink; Miss Doris Tewsley looked dainty in a very pretty soft white muslin, elaborately inserted with Valenciennes, white eeinture, and white ribbons; Mrs. Houghton, blaek eoat. and skirt, and, small blaek hat; Mrs. Smith wore a pale grey costume, and pretty violet toque; Mrs. Brown, brown voile over glaee, with cream lace yoke, pretty hat of cream lace and sable: Mrs. Blaek, dark green corselet gown, with short bolero. worn over a net and lace blouse, small black hat: Mrs. Friend was wearing blue cloth, hat to match, garlanded with cornflowers; Mrs. -Afarsack,. navy bine coat and skirt, with pretty pink hat; Mrs.-Hansen, pretty brown taffeta, brown hat; Mrs. Seagar wore a pretty brown silk costume, with eream applique on bodice,, and pale blue toque; Mrs. Jack Reid was gowned in black ami white, black hat; Mrs. Tole, beautifully-fitting heather mixture tweed, small velvet toque, with touches of scarlet: Miss Tole looked well in Bordeaux cloth, relieved with eream laee applique, smart hat on suite; Mrs. Brett wore black eolienne, , with white vest, relieved with touches of violet, blaek and white bonnet: Mrs. Colegrove, pale grey Norfolk costume and blaek toque: Miss Binks, black coat and skirt, with cream vest; Mrs. Edwards wore white, pretty toque to correspond ; Mrs. Ruck; Mrs. Leatliam wore. a grey costume, dainty white hat, trimmed with shaded roses; Airs. Bloomfield wore a violet cloth gown, with cream laee and violet velvet trimmings, very pretty violet bonnet; Mrs. J. R. Bloomfield,’navy blue tailor-made, the eoat smartly braided with blaek; Aliss Reay, black silk, with Maltese laee yoke, and blaek hat: Mrs. Gilfillan, . dark blue .sac • oat and skirt, and white 7 vest, small blue hat to match: Airs. I’pfil. dark blue coat and skirt, ■with eream laee vest and pale blue hat garlanded with crimson roses': Airs G<‘rdoii looked very'pretty in brown silk wij.h chic little green.'hatMrs Stubbs. ds»rk'e,tailor made with .black and white ,hat; Miss Audrey Stubbs was dainty in white inserted njusl n;/ Mrs Chatfield, white cloth gown with dark facings and becoming hat eu suite: Mrs Hill, blaek voile relieved with cream ’dainty plum coloured hat: Mrs Frater wore a violet cloth gown with hat to match; Mias Doyley (Christchurch) ) was wealing pale grey-relieved with touches of pale blue, white and blue hat; Mrs farmer w'ore a black costume aml b'aek pictiiYe ')igtj r . Mid J Lbnis Myers. Wack and white costume, with toque to match: Mrs Cdlenujn wqs richly gowned in black chiffon taffeta' with befoniiqg blaek velvet ,ht|t trimmed with ostrich J MV* re; Mrs- Alfred ‘Nathan wore‘a charming velvet gown relieved wlfh •cream laee, pretty toque id crtrri'sponj; AJistvh< ( vv’t-Uifi^-tpWtty ' pale blue"*fiitw4f• with velvet of darker

cloth gown with pink-facings and -white vest, small hat trimmed with same shades; : Mrs ' Alexander, lovely black silk relieved-with-while; .-Mrs Roberts, navy blue doth eoat and' skirt and white vest’, small blaek “ toque; Airs Edmiston," biscuit ’ coloured cloth ; Mrs Limlsuy,' violet doth gown with cream lace applications; Airs Lewis wore a rich black taffata with yoke of lace; Madame Boenfve, beautifully fitting dark blue Eton costume opening over a cream lace vest, small white hat; Airs lai Cren, dark blue sac coat and skirt with white furs and white hat; x.xrs Archdale Taylor, pale grey and black ring spotted voile softly trimmed with lace, black and sable furs; Mrs John Reid, black silk voile costume relieved with touches of green, blaek hat; Miss Reid wore a graceful navy costume with dainty hat en suite; Airs Kissling was gowned in black with black hat; Aliss Kissling, cream hopsacking Russian costume with lace vest,' white felt hat with brown tulle, and pink roses; Airs Alacklow wore a striking costume of cornflower blue with beautiful lace jacket and velvet hat to match; Aliss Alacklow, white corduroy velvet corselet gown with smart bolero opening over a cream vest, blue hat; Airs Collseek was—gowned in dark grey with braided coat, pretty pale blue hat; Mrs Waller was prettily gowned in grey tweed .with lareg black Leaver and velvet hat; Airs Pollen, blaek spotted voile with cream applique vest, small pink hat: Mrs Rathbone, black shirred taffeta relieved with eream, black and white hat; Airs Russell was effectively gowned in blue chiffon taffeta with smart little pale blue hat to match; Airs Savage loked charming in brown chiffon taffeta with touches of cream on the bodice, becoming sea blue hat; Airs Hertz,- wine coloured cloth gown with lace, net vest, becoming hat of same shape trimmed with shaded roses: Airs Owen wore a taseful Burgundy red cloth ecat and skirt with white vest, white hat with shaded roses; Mrs Lyons wore a white eloth costume w.ith caracul jacket, white upturned hat; Airs Gill; blaek silk with silk chiffon mantle, dainty black bonnet brightened with touches of pink; Miss-Gill brown with blaTk hat trimmed ..with ostrich feathers; Airs Thompson, black silk small blaek bonnet; Mirs Pritt, stylish blaek costume " with black hat; Mrs Cheesman ' wore grey with a mirror velvet toque; Airs White, black silk ywith silk and chiffon mantle, blaek bonnet; Aliss White, brown cloth Eten costume with smoke blue facings, hat to match; Aliss May White, violet doth Directoire costume, faced with white, white hat trimmed with violet; Airs John Kenderdine; Mrs J. P. Stevenson, brown spotted silk voile with green eeinture and facings, brown and green hat: Airs Nicol in a black cloth coat and skirt arid a blaek hat to match; Mrs Hunt, heliotrope and violet gown ami small hat'to' correspond; Airs Duthie, beautifully fitting tailor-made sown, pretty plum coloured hat; Mrs Deniston. dark plaid tweed eoat and skirt, with white vest and becoming toque composed of violets; Aliss Denniston was gowned in brown eloth with nasturtium velvet facings and brown beaver hat; Airs Greig, black, with eream laee vest and pretty electric blue toque; Miss Greig, brown costume with hat to match; Miss Sybil Greig wore white, with small green hat: Miss Daisy Alowbray, dark blue costume, white felt hat garlanded with roses: Mrs Robert Dargaville was wearing pale grey with velvet facings and white vest, black and white toque; Aliss Harris, smart navy blue tailor-made gown, relieved with cream, navy, hat, to match; Mrs Hanna wtore a grey Norfolk coat and skirt; Mrs McAndrew was in a brown tweed tailor-made, hat to mate’ll: Aliss AlcAndrew. navy blue Eton coat and skirt with Broderie Anglaise facings, navy hat; Mrs Harold Kissling wore a violet eloth gown with cream vest, white felt hat trimmed with violet velvet; Airs Thornes, well cut prune coloured eloth Directoire coat and skirt, with dainty little velvet-toque of same shade; Miss Mowbray ; Mrs Goodhue, wore black relieved with, white; Mrs Ranson; Mrs Bodie was gowned in a grey tweed coat and skirt and black .picture, hat; Airs Edward Anderson wore, a picturesque corduroy velvet gown "with. pretty toque to match,, brightened with touches of green; -Miss- Scherff; Mrs Bob Walker; Miss FJomiee ;. Walker was smartly gowned m- n > navy elotb cowtume with green-,hat; Mrs •Kgerton;-, brown silk

voile toilette with touches of eream laea in bodice; _ Mrs”D?Wy‘ Wor‘<f‘K : hTut« / - elint and skirt" with— dark—velvet tarings,pretty toque en suite;-Mrs Hugh Campbell; Mrs ' Dunoon Clerk; Mrs R. B. Lusk wore a pretty resrila green clotki tailor made costume with facings of a darker shade of. velvet;; white felt hat with ostrieh p.lumes; Miss Lusk, navx blue .hopsack with eream vest, blue ami crimson hat; Aliss O. Lusk, Bordeaux eloth coat and -skirt; with- cream lace vest, felt hat of same shade .with pheasant’s wing; 'Mrs Kempt home, rieh blaek silk toilette and small black bonnet; Miss Kempthorne, heather mixture tweed coat anil skirt. ’ black hat; Mrs Bireh, ' navy blue costume; Aliss Birch wore a navy blue, coat and skirt, with white vest and small bhi6 hat; Airs Grierson, dark gray tweed Eton coat and skirt with braided facings, eream vest and blaek and white toque; Aliss Ethel Grierson was daiqty in a pale grey eostume faced with white, white felt hat; Airs Kent, navy clotii eoat and skirt with small black toque; Airs Heiiry Wilson was gowned in black chiffon taffeta with' touches of cream, hat en suite; Aliss Horton was strikingly gowned in orchid mauve with violet eeinture, white hat with sable band; Airs Thomas wore a beautifully fitting black eoat and skirt with eream vest and pretty bright red hat; Afrs AfiteheLson; Aliss Afitc-helson, white eostume with brown facings, hat to match; Airs Phil Alonis, dark blue coat and. skirt, with small navy hat; Miss Alulvany, wore black with black' toque brightened with scarlet velvet; Aliss A. Alulvany, navy blue eostume with "smart hat to match; Alrs.Erson was'gowned in blaek, with black hat; Airs Afackay, smart pale grey costume, With ’ hat en suite; Airs W. Johnstone; orchid' mauve cashmere, shirred and finished with‘motifs of eream. laee and touches of violet velvet, toque composed 'of violets and' eream ostrich, boa; Airs Buck let bii,. blue tailormade gown arid" very pretty white hat trimmed itrtli'shaded'roses and ribbon; Airs Young, green heather mixture tweed coat and skirt, with eream vest, small hat to match; Miss Emmie Young, dark blue tailor-made, with blue felt hat; Airs' Ivor Evans, white hopsacking costume, with. smart toque composed of violets and fur;', Mr’s Edward Innes, navy sac coat’ and skirt and dainty pink hat; Mrs Fred Hesketh looked very well in brown taffeta with medallions of cream laee, picture hat td match ; Aliss ®avy, grey tweed tailor-made eostume. with eream vest and bright crimson hat. , . ~ ■ AN AUCKLAND GIRL PRESENTED AT COURT. Aliss Grace Sharland,- who was presented at Court Qi) June 1 by Lady Alaegreggor, is the eldest daughter of Air Charles Sharland, and was born in Auckland 20 summers ago. Her photograph, which we give on another page, shows her wearing her dress of white mousseline de soie made in Empire style over skirts of "white glaee silk and chiffon, the waist being defined by bands of satin interlacing folds of the mousseline'. berthe of wide laee was arranged on the, the pattern of which was worked in silver thread and fine Wileneiennes lace, and being lined with silver tissue, had a cha'rmi ng effect. Sprays of white silk roses and •trooping leaves. adorned the top of the berthe, the petals of the flowers being svorked in silver thread. A deep insertion of lace over silver tissue was arranged on the skirt, also a deep flouiiee of mousseline which was, caught up at intervals with sprays of-silk roses. The full Court train was composed of pearl white, satin lined with gathered chiffon and draped with deep, laee ,insertion and sprays of lace.and silver-roses leaves. Her bouquet was of white roses and lilies-of-the-valley. ■ * ■ < • THE “AT HOME’’ given by Airs John. McKail Geddes, at “Hazel - Bank,”. . Wynyard street. last Thursday evening, was a most brilliant one.. The beautiful gardens and carriage .drive were profusely , decorated with coloured lights, presenting a fairy-like appearance, picturessque in the extreme. The whole house,was. thrown open to the guests, and the ball roojn ami supper-hall were exquisitely decorated, the colour, scheme being yellow",: The first part of the, .evening, .was ,<le.vo.te<li to music. During supper. time ,the seais were removed from, the concort’FOOm,.,. And dancijig brought almost entertaining and enjoyable evening, to, a, «10« et ..

4 THE I. A RGB CHILDREN'S FANCY k DRUBS BALE In connection ’ with the Devonport Carnival, to augment the. funds of the local ba ml of the marine suburb. was held in the Foresters’ Hall, Devonport," last and was an unequivocal success. The attendance was excellent, ■nd the large hall presented a most animated and pretty appearance with the many young folk dancing in their cleverly-designed fancy dresses. The Devonport Band of course supplied the music, and most inspiriting it was. A capital children’s-supper was served upstairs, and, needless to say, was done ample justice to. During the evening the Government "prizes of £1 each for most regular attendance and best improvement in work were awarded to C. •Hartly. T. laingtou, and Sergeant Barnsay. Bandmaster Adams also personally gave, handsome prizes to librarian, Mr. Mallet (a set of military brushes! and to Ckrrporal Fuljames, as an appreciation of the enthusiasm shown in the year’s work. Everyone worked hard to make the ball the success it certainly was. Note. Mr. and Mrs. Vaile kindly gave a prize of half a dozen cabinet photos, to the best dressed character (boy and girl) represented, which were won. by the following:— Ist prize. Miss Una Walker (80-Peep) ; Ist prize, Gwen McGregor (baker boy). The prize winners were voted, for by ballot by. the audience, and were deservedly applauded when the results were announced. The following is a Ist of names of those, present and the characters they represented Misses Rita Mays, Ca'chuca girl;' Hazel .Mason. Cachuca; Dossie Dacre, Japanese lady; Lottie Mott, flower girl; Olive Ingils, Highlander; Nellie Mcljean, Cachuca; Jessie Eaton, blue' hell; Janet Elton, Re.l Cross nurse; ; G wen McGregor, " baker boy; Emma Fulljames. A.M.R. Band; Myrtle Wyriyard. Maori: Cora Gribble, Cachuca girl; Maud Newman, ivy; Elsie Martinson, Japanese lady; May Fuller, Highlander; Uiia Walker, Bo Peep;. Gladys ‘ Ewington, Irish girl; Ada Ramsay,”’“forget-me-not: Eileen Ramsay, fairy; Madge Turman, yacthing girl; , Dossie Verraii, little Miss Muflit; May Annesan. Cachuca; Ada Wells, Jajranese lady ; Pearl Wynyard, Yeoman "of the Guard; Jessie Webster, ping pohg girl; Bertha Pitts, Cachuca; Winnie Boylan, French peasant; Nellie Reid, evening dress: Phoebe Martinson,, evening dress; Dorothy. Boylan, Spanish g : rl; Nora Limewell, house maid; Gladys Grey. Gipsy girl; Olive Langton, Britannia; Norma Langton, Queen of Hearts; Matie Stirman yachting; Adeline Le Seelie, startight; Jeffy Spry, ivy; " Myrtle Deacon. Star of Forest; Olive Crozier, cards; Ida Crozier, drummer M. 11. R. Band; Stella Martinson. Red Riding Hood; Kathleen Bogue, evening dress; May Fuller . Highlander; Iris Kinell, evening dross; Bessie Patterson, evening dress; Flossie Gasson, evening dress; Edna Stephenson, evening dress; Els : e Stephenson. evening, dress; Jessie Reid, evening dress; Mabel Woodward. evening dress; Miss Dorothy Richards, evening; Bertha Parsons,Japanese lady : Sarah Thompson, evening dress;' Ivy Deacon, evening dress; Dolly Grant, evening dress; Dorothy Timewell, evening dress; Freda Williamson. rainbow blue; Masters Archie Dick, gentleman: Reginalds Ballantyne, little boy;. Philip Slirinan, sailor boy; Life Dacre, footballer'; Leslie Spinley. crossing sweeper;: Stewart Wells, jockey; George Bartley, footballer; Laurence Spinley, ’sou-wester; Edwin Dick, Highlander ; Syd. Wynyard, footballer; Alan Spinley, Chinaman; Charlie Dacre. footballer; Freddie Spinley. Maori; Roland Ramsay, sand^iyhman; Johnny Graham, evening dress; Willie McLean, baby; Kenneth Mcljcaw, " drum-major A.M.R. Band; and many others, whose names I did hot know. : " The ludieS ‘of the Social Committee who were present' were—Miss Dora Russell, Japanese’" lady' ;■ Miss Millie Fulljanleh. Japanese lady ; Miss Amy Webb, Japanese 'lady-;' Miss Nellie Fulljames, Japanese laity'; "Miss Lily Fulljames, Japanese lady*;''Miss'Eva Bartley, Japanese lady;' Mis McLean (president), tvtlhing dress; Mrs- Ewington, evening dress; MrsJtdWieH, evening dress; Mrs Ramsay. Evening "dress; Mrs Fulljames, evening drcim'; , ’Mi'*'Martinson, evening dress. Mead amerf'ftyi nicy and W. Waik•r kindly assisted.

THE ANNUAL BALL GIVEN BY THE COLLEGE RIFLES was held in the new Royal Albert Hall, on Wednesday, the 22nd August, and was a most successful affair. The Hall is quite the best in Auckland for a large gathering, the tall-rooni, supper-room, and sitting-out rooms are so delightfully large and airy, and the dressing-rooms are quite palatiai compared with those of some of the other halls. The gallery was used principally by the chaperons, but Burke’s band was stationed at one end, of it, and, the excellent music provided by the band of seven or eight musicians could be distinctly heard all over the room. A most recherche supper was provided, and the tables were so pretty. Blue and white are the College colours, and hanging baskets of lycopodium.-suspended with blue and white ribbons, formed a striking contrast to the daffodil liedeeked supper tables, and it was evident that the ladies’ committee had not grudged either time or trouble; however, the charming result must have quite repaid them for their labour. The following are the committees: Ladies’ committee-— Mesdames Corbett, Dawson. Gorrie, Sellers, Kinder. Major, Price, Reid, Shera, Steele, Whyte. Misses E. Bagnall. R. Brassey, E. Cooke, M. Dawson. Dyer. M. Hesketh. N. Kinder, C. King, B. Price, K. Shera, C. Steele, R. Whyte, Wyatt, F. Woodrofl'c. General Committee—Capt. C. T. Major, Lieuts. H. Dawson. L. M. Shera, and C. D. Cooke. Colour-Sergeant C. Coles, Sergeants G. Whyte and H. S. King, Corporals H. Steele and H. C. Cotton, Private H. Rishworth. Some strikingly pretty gowns were worn, but I am afraid that the Auckland ladies do not know or do not care what are the correct colours to wear at military balls. Only black or white should be worn—they form such a striking contrast to the rich colouring of the officers' uniforms. However, I suppose now that so much khaki is worn; it really does not matter. Mrs. Corbett was gowned in a rich black silk toilette, with clusters of flowers on corsage and in her hair; Mrs. Dawson wore a handsome gown of black silk, with overdress of black and silver spangled net; Mrs. Gorrie. black merve.illeux. with cascades of beautiful black lace falling over the sleeves and forming a berthe; Mrs. Kinder, black crepe de chine, with Paris net and applique on bodice, very handsome satin opera coat finished with blaek chiffon and cream applique; Mrs. Major was charming in white figured silk, with encrustations of lovely applique; Mrs. Price, striking gown . of lemon coloured silk, with black lace panels and berthe; Mrs. Sellers, rich black chiffon taffeta, with,cream net and lace applique vest, pale blue chiffon, A ictoria scarf; Mrs. Steele, black glare, with V-shaped yoke of ruehed Valenciennes lace outlined with Paris laee applique; Mrs. Whyte wore a black silk toilette, with becoming opera coat; Mrs. King, blaek silk .with white tucker, the decolletage outlined with a baud of jetted lace; Mrs Cochrane was gowned in black silk with clusters of pink roses on corsage; Mrs Milne, dainty white silk Empire gown with corsage spray of deep-coloured roses; Mrs Bagnall, black silk toilette relieved with touches of cream: Mrs Kenny, black silk gown with encrustations of cream lace; Mrs Geddes, rich black silk toilette; Mrs Brassey was handsomely gowned in a blaek merveilleux and lace; Mrs J. R. Reid was becomingly gowned in ivory Oriental satin with rieh cream lace applique insertion, wreath of Parana violets in coiffure and corsage bouquet of same; Mrs Mackay, smart black satin gown with cream lace berthe and transparent yoke; Mrs Wilfrid Johnstone (Christchurch), was chic in black chiffon taffeta with beautiful cream lace berthe caught with a cluster of roses; Mrs G. Bagnall wore an eau de nil striped chiffon over satin with crimson roses in her hair and on corsage; Mrs E. Bagnall looked charming in rose pink satin with white silk chiffon overdress and pretty chino silk sash; Miss K. Brassey was gowned in rich white brocade with eream laee encrustation* and touches of pale blue on bodiee; Miss E. Cooke was much admired in a pink amt white- striped gown With pink eeinture; Miss- M. Dawson’s frock was of cream Brussels net much befrilled and trimmed with satin bebe ribbon, the corsage outlined with fink tuanksia roses and for-

get-me-nota; Miss M. Hesketh. white chiffon taffeta with ' French knotted seams and.laee berthe; Miss G. Kung; Miss Price wore white satin with deep cream laee berthe; Miss K. Shera look ed well n eiel blue silk, prettily finished with laee; Miss Steele was gowned in daffodil silk, the bodiee draped with cream lace; Miss K. White wore a seagreen striped chiffon frock over ivory satin; Miss Gorrie wore an ivory Oriental satin with pink camellias on corsage; Miss Elsie Cooke was picturesquely gowned in crimson silk, with narrow chiffon tucker threaded with black bebe ribbon; Miss Izo Whyte looked well in primrose silk with finishings of soft white lace; Miss A. Steele, white chiffon taffeta and lace with wreath of pink roses in her hair and corsage bouquet of same; Miss A.initt. blaek sprigged net over satin, dainty frilled skirt, the frills edger! with Valenciennes; Miss Hellaby wore a pretty can de nil silk frock softened with lace and pale pink chiffon roses; her sister smartly gowned in blaek will ereamc lace berthe; Miss Kenny, dainty pale blue gown with cream laee arranged with lichu. effect, on lipdice; Miss Conies wore a lovely white chiffon taffeta beautifully trimmed with laee; Miss Mona Hay was prettily froek ed in white chiffon taffeta with lace amt chiffon on bodice; .Miss Hogwood wore a dainty white muslin softened with lace, high corslet belt; Miss Maeklow. in a lovely white chiffon taffeta with a corsage bouquet of violets; Miss Goodwill was gracefully gowned in blaek velvet relieved with blue; Miss Until Goodwin was prettily gowned in white chiffon taffeta with a wreath of pink roses in hair; Miss May Sloniah wore a dainty gown of soft white silk, with pretty pale blue eeinture; Miss Elsie Slonian, in a while yanragn, with touches of pink: Miss Violet Williamson was in a whit? Oriental satin picture froek, with (oral pink culture; Miss Vcrsi Lewis was tastefully gowned in white, with a ciudcr of red geraniums: Miss Phyllis Lewis, in a pretty heliotrope mousseline, with ribbons of same shade; Miss Clara Slonian wore a white eolienile, with deculletage outlined with fur: Miss Thorne looked charming in white mousseline, with black eeinture, and Idaek in her hair: tier sister was dainty in while eiiibroidereF muslin, with touches of blaek; Misses Bagnall (2) ' (debutantes) were similarly gowned in lovely white silk toilettes, softened with chiffon and lace; Miss Geddes was strikingly gowned in daffodil yellow taffeta, with clusters of deeper shadeed rosebuds in her hair and oa corsage: Miss Webster (debutante) was pretty in white taffeta and bice, and she carried an exquisite shower bouquet; Miss Armstrong wore a striking gown of silver sequin net over white satin; Miss Lindsay, black silk and net, the bodice softened with cream laee; Miss M. I’eacocke. dainty white silk, with old gold eeinture; Miss Inez Peaeoeke, blue silk, with white lace tucker, and spray of pink roses on her shoulder; Miss Clements was gowned in white silk, brightened with pale pink: Miss Gossett, pink chiffon taffeta, with tiny pink rosebuds on corsage; Miss Crowther, pretty Swiss muslin and lace over pale heliotrope silk; Miss Douglas wore a dainty

white crepe de chide, .with ly corsage bouquet of .viuiets; .Misis Richardsoß (Cambridget was prettily gowned «a white miudin ami lace; Mu»s Horrockd wan in a white chifTou taffeta Huipire frock, with spray of roses on corsage;* Miss Erater looked sweet in pink crepe de. chine, with eeinture of deeper shade, and festoons of chiffon roses and velvet ribbon; Miss Mabel Hay looked well in white silk and Ince, with spray of rosea on bodice; Miss Thornes whs exqwsrteljr gowned in white chiffon taffeta trimmed with iieautiftil laee; Miss May Dawson looked sweet in pale sea green, taffeta, with white lact arranged with bolero effect oft bodice; Miss Culpaw- wits* graceful in white eolienno. with satin ceinture, and white lace transparent yoke; Miss Lusk wore black and cream, bright** oned with cherry ribbons; Miss D. Lusk, pale green soft silk, with lace encrustations caught with chiffon roses; Miss Ruth Col beck was daintily frocked in shrimp pink Louisino silk, with cream lace insertion on bodice.* and spray of pink roses on coiffure: Miss 'Tanton was daintily frocked in white Swiss muslin, with knife pleated frills and clusters of crimson roses; Miss Dolly Tanton looked sweet in cameo pink chiffon taffeta, softened with lace, eaught with red crush roses; Miss Lily Tanton picturesquely gowned in claret coloured soft silk, with black velvet bow in her hair, and black bow in front, of corsage; Miss Metcalfe wore a lovely nil green chiffon taffeta, with French knotted seams, and cream lace on corsage; Miss Stephenson wore a befrilled orchid mauve silk muslin, softened with lace: and her sister looked well in black, with cream I a. co berthe; Miss Goldie wore a black chiffon taffeta, with cream lace berths caught with crimson crush rbse, erimsom rose in her hair; Miss Cochrane, lemon coloured silk, frilled and trimmed with black Valenciennes lace; Miss Mahon was in a soft white silk and lace toilette, with pale blue, ribbons; Miss Donaldson wore blaek, with a beautiful lace berthe; Miss St. Raul was'dainty in white silk and chiffon; Miss Munro was gowned in black, w’ith cream lace berthe. and cluster of pink and red crush roses on bodice; Miss Nora Morrow, soft Nile green chiffon over glace, with silver embroidered

Bet on bodice; Miss Morrow, dainty white silk and lace; Miss Saunders wore * rich white Oriental satin picture frock; Miss Julian, very pretty muslin gown worn over sea green silk; Miss Halliwell was gowned in black glace, with cream lace on bodice. A LARGE AND FASHIONABLE AT ' HOME was held by Dr. and Mrs Moir at their residence, Symonds-street, on Tuesday afternoon. The entertainment was given in honour of the prospective marriage of Miss Dolly Moir, their eldest daughter, with Dr. Hugh Jones. The form of amusement during a part of the afternoon was an opera and musical comedy competition. Each guest wore a badge to represent an opera or musical comedy. There were some excellent ideas introduced by the guests to denote the play they represented. A very unique and original one was a glove puffed out and pinned on, to represent “French Maid”; anol her was a photo of a young lady’s “niarmy” and a rosette, to indicate “Ma Mia Rosette”; another lady had her visiting card with “Oh” added for “Mikado,” while a picture of a man patiently fishing with a rod was a good representative of “Patience.” Handsome prizes were the crowning of one’s efforts. Miss Julian winning the first, and .Miss Hermia Hudson the second. Songs were contributed by Mrs. C. Phillips and Mrs Blaikie. The tea table decorations wore very much admired, the dainty repast lieing set amidst violets and tall crystal vases generously filled with nareiswi. The afternoon was a most enjoyable one. Dur hostess wore a becoming navy voile over glace, and adorned with cream lace; Miss Moir looked very pretty in royal navy voile relieved with cream lace; Miss B. Moir wore cream voile skirt, and blue silk blouse; Miss L. Moir, cream silk with touches of green; Mrs P. Moir, black skirt ami pretty silk blouse; Mrs (Dr.) Savage, grey costume and black hat; Mrs Devore, black, black bonnet with touches of crimson: Mrs Frater, black; Mrs (Dr.) Bedford, brown costume, brown hat; Mrs Gresham, brown; Mrs Julian, navy tailor, smart hat; Mrs Brown, black; Mrs (Dr.) Roberton, black over white glace; Mrs Hyde, stylish cream costume, black hat; Mrs Nelson, cream voile, cream hat; Mrs R. .Watt. Bordeaux cloth faced with pale pink, hat en suite; Mrs Cox, black silk; Miss Devore, pink pastel cloth; Miss Ralph, grey: Miss Foote, navy tailormade; Miss Howard, brown voile; Miss Chilpan, grey costume, pale blue hat; Miss Julian, black and white silk; Miss P. Julian, eream, red hat; Miss Nelson, Bordeaux cloth; Miss Oliphant, blue shot silk: Miss Thorne, cream and black; Miss J. Thorne, cream aud black; Miss R. Hudson, brown silk, brown hat with pink; Miss M. Hudson, blue tailor-made; Miss H. Hudson, eream; Miss Haven, sweet green; Miss Anderson, green tailor-made; Miss A. Anderson, grey; Miss Sharland, grey; Miss E. Oxley, brown; Mrs. (Dr.) King, black; Mrs. Howard, cream costume, pale-blue hat; Mrs. Longuet, oyster grey cloth; Mrs. L. Marslan. Hack over white glace; Mrs. H. Whitley, blue costume, black hat; Mrs. Lane, navy blue silk; Mrs. Oldum, navy blue silk; Mrs. H. Griffiths, brown skirt, beautiful silk blouse; Mrs. (Dr.) Sommerville. grey costume; Mrs. Buttle, black; Mrs. Johnston, black.; Mrs. Blaikie, blue tailor-made; Mis. C. Phillips, blue tailor-made; Mrs. Oliphant, brown shot silk; Mrs. Sharland, brown; Mrs. Jagger, black tailor made; Mrs. Abbot, brown costume; Mrs. Kyall, black costume, fur cape; Mrs. Morpeth, grey; Mrs. Munro Wilson, green; Mrs. Hodgson, purple with grey; Mrs. Newell, brown silk; Mrs. Keesing, eream; Mrs. < 'aro, black; Mrs. Somers, blue tailor; Mrs. Guilliver, navy silk; Mrs. Metcalfe, black: Mrs. Cumming Clarke, black; Mrs. Reynolds, purple cloth; Miss L. Butters, cream; Miss Muriel Knight, brown; Miss Beattie (Christchurch), blue; Miss Smart, black; Miss Girdler, grey tailor-made, black hat; Miss Smith, cream; Miss O. Smith, cream; Miss siittos. brown; Miss Goldie, purple; Miss E. Goldie, cream; Miss Wingfield, cream; Miss Stephenson, navy blue silk: Miss N. Stephenson, Bordeaux; Miss D. Stevenson, Bordeaux; Miss Murphy, grey; Miss Hellaby, green; Miss R. Hellaby, blue tailor; Miss Caro, cream, pale blue hat; Miss Douglas, cream; Miss Ziman, green, red hat; Miss Rothschild, blue, sailor hat; Miss Owen, black silk; Miss A. Owen, blue, crushed straw hat; Miss L. Winks, cream, black hat; Miss Savage, •roam. " —

THE GRAFTON LADIES’ HOCKEY CLUB entertained their friends at a dance held in King Edward’s Hall. As in former years the gathering was a great success. Marriage’s excellent orchestra supplied the music. A recherche supper was served on the Stage, the tables being prettily decorated with daffodils. The Messrs Connelly, MacGregor, Reid, Steele, Good, Culpan, acted as M.C’s. and weie untiring in their efforts to give enjoyment to all. Badges of crossed flags were worn by the M.C’s. and the members of the club. The following ladies acted as chaperons: Mrs Connelly who wore a handsome gown of black silk; Mrs Roche, black silk with handsome fawn opera eoat; Mrs Stevenson, black skirt, light blouse; Mrs Wilson, black; Mrs Goodwin, black silk with handsome lace collar; and Mrs Farrell who also wore black silk. Miss Crowther wore blue silk; Miss N. Crowther white silk relieved with pink; Miss Metcalfe, green silk, gauged skirt with pretty bodice trimmed with lace; her sister wore a handsome salmon pink silk; Miss Holland looked dainty in a blue crepe de chine with insertions and lace; Miss Lyons, white silk prettily trimmed with lace and insertion; Miss Minnie Frater, pretty pink silk with chiffon roses round corsage and skirt; Miss Alison, dainty Empire gown; Miss Murray, handsome white brocade with silk insertion bodice being daintily’ trimmed with lace, relieved with a spray of red roses: her sisters wore dainty white silks, the skirts being box pleated, with insertion; Miss Stevenson wore pink silk; her sister looked chic in a dainty mauve dress, the skirt being frilled from the waist the bodice prettily finished with scollops edged ■with Valenciennes; Miss Connelly handsome white oriental satin with Valenciennes lace the bodice being formed to represent a coatcc, her sister also wore white prettily relieved with pale blue; Miss V. Rose, dainty white silk with net frills edged with white bebe ribbon; Miss Smith wore white silk with red roses on corsage and in coiffure; Miss O. Smith, black velvet with eream lace berthe and pink roses; Miss Cronin, white silk relieved with red, her sister also wore white; Miss Goodwin looked well in black velvet with handsome Maltese berthe, with lilies of the valley in hair; Miss Blake, white silk; Miss Roche wore a pretty gown of white silk and handsome blue opera coat; Miss Farrell, pretty pale pink silk; Miss S. Farrell looked well in white silk; Mrs Dacre, black with red roses; Miss Wilson, Pompadour silk, and Miss Al. Wilson wore white silk; Miss F. Clarke, blue silk; Miss S. Clarke, handsome dark blue voile relieved with cream; Miss A. Cooke, dainty -white silk: Miss 8. Whitson, cream silk with pink spray; Miss E. Whitson also wore cream with purple spray in coiffure; Miss Elliott, pretty white silk with blue sash; Miss Milne, blue silk and her sister wore white; Miss L. Cooke, handsome brown velvet relieved with cream laee; Miss Buttle, pretty white silk; Miss Harper, black silk, bodice prettily finished with crossed chenille ribbon; Miss Trevithick, canary silk; Miss G. Hill looked well in white Oriental satin; Miss Ansenne wore a pretty black silk relieved with red; Miss Reddell, pretty ■white silk; Miss 11. Hellaby, handsome black silk relieved with blue; Miss Ivy Hellaby wore white; Miss Brodie, dainty white silk with Valenciennes; Miss Brassey, white Oriental satin; Miss C. Bell looked well in black silk; Miss 11. Steele wore her debutante dress; Miss V. Hosking looked very dainty in a pretty white frock; The Misses Sheppard wore white silk; Miss AL Walker, pretty white silk: Miss Dunlop, pink satin with nasturtiums in coiffure; Miss Posseneskie, black; Miss AL Hay, white silk; Miss Davis, cream relieved with pink; Miss Mabel Webbe, white; Miss Hampson, white silk and Miss C. Sloman wore white with blue scarf; Miss Ruth Goodwin wore white and pink, pink spray in hair.

At the annual meeting of the Radies’ College Old Girls’ Association, held at the College, Remuera, the annual report, read by the I’resident, Miss V. Walsh, showed that the Association has had a very successful year, the members on the roll having increased from 35 to 77. The officers elected for the ensuing year were:—President, Miss K. Clark; vice-president, Miss E. Tylden; secretary, Miss V. Walsh; Treasurer, Miss S. Pay,-

ton; committee, Misses H. Walker, Court, Shera, Lovatt, Farley, Morrin, aud Frater. At the meeting a handsome presentation was made to the Patron of the Association, Mrs Moore Jones, by the President, on behalf of the members, as a recognition of the kindness shown to old girls.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVII, Issue 9, 1 September 1906, Page 46

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVII, Issue 9, 1 September 1906, Page 46

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVII, Issue 9, 1 September 1906, Page 46