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Personal Paragraphs

AUCKLAND PROVINCE. Mr F. W. Browning was in Hamilton for a few days last week. Mrs and the Misses Souter, of Parnell, are at present on a visit to Mr W. Souter, of Cambridge. Miss Dagmar Gilfillan, of Auckland, is staying with Mrs Wells, of ‘’Oakleigh,” Cambridge. Mrs N. Hunt, from the King Country, is visiting Mrs E. J. Souter, of Cambridge. Mr and the Mis-es Hague-Smith, from the Thames, are the guests of Mrs Wells, “Oakleigh/* Cambridge. Miss Cave, of Papaknra, is on a visit to Miss Wright, of "Loloum,” Cambridge. Captain Haultain has rejoined the s.s. Aupori after having been absent on holiday leave. Mr. J. C. Wilkin, manager of the ‘‘Lyttelton Times’’ Company, is visiting Auckland. Mrs. W. A. Prime returned to Auckland from San Francisco and Europe by the Sonoma. Air Crabb leaves tor Auckland shortly, having resigned his position as a Government veterinary inspector. Mr and Airs Rayner, of T? Whiti, leave Auckland at the end of the month for a trip to the Old Country. Airs. Richmond and her three daughters left Auckland bj- the Victoria on Monday, en route for London. Air. Harry A. Keesing returned per Rarawa last week from a business trip to southern cities. Mr Milton Porter, of Wellington, arrived by the Victoria on Monday on a visit to his people at Birkenhead. The Rev. Dr. Bruce, who has been on a prolonged visit to Auckland, left for Sydney on Monday. Air John O'Brien. Putiki Bay, Waiheke Island. leaves Auckland shortly for a trip to England. The Misses Ruby and Olive Graham, “The Lodge." Hamilton, are spending a holiday al Raglan. Air Godfrey George, who was in Auckland for his sister's wedding, returned to Wellington last week. The Rev. T. IL B. Wolloxal’, who was recently appointed to tlx* Primitive Afethodist Church at Waihi, arrived in Auckland last week. His Honor Mr. Justice Edwards loft Auckland on Monday, in order to preside at the sitting of the Supreme Court in New Plymouth. Air. J. A. Watt, accountant of the Bank of Australasia, leaves Auckland by the Alanuka on Alonday en route for London. Air. Jas. A. Millar. AI.H.R. for Dunedin, accompanied by Mrs. Millar, left Auckland on Monday on a fortnight's holiday trip to Rotorua. Captain Todd, of Napier. marine superintendent in New Zealand for the Tyser Company, will be a passenger for London by the Cori nt hie. Air. B. T. Hawkins and family, of Birkenhead, left on Monday by the Victoria, en route' to England. They intend to bi* away almut eight months. Mr W. G. T. Goodman, who is Io confer with the Auckland City Council respecting the installation of electric light, arrived from the South last. week. On account of ill-health, Mr A. E. A. Clarke has resigned his position in the National Bank at New Plymouth after thirty-four years’ service. Airs Park ami family, of Birkenhead, returned from Dunedin last week, after spending some months with Professor Park of the Otago Cniversity. Mr Amies, chief accountant of the A.M.P. Society in New Zealand, has been appointed general manager in Great Britain. Captain F. W. Macbelh now commands the Warrimoo in place of (’apt.* McDonald, who is in charge of the Monowai.

Mr and Mrs Holmes, Gladstone road. Parnell, left Auckland last week on a short visit to Rotorua. They are staying at the Grand Hotel. Air an<l Mrs Bert WhitsAn (Parnell), accompanied by Miss Muriel Whitson, leave Auckland this week on a holiday trip to Rotorua. Air. C. IL Williamson, of Takapuna, with his daughters, Mrs. Warren Bly th hih! Miss Williamson, left Auckland on Alonday for an Eastern tour. Dr. McDowell and Mr ( . C. McMillan will represent the Auckland Chamber of Commerce nt the forthcoming conference of the Associated Chambers in London. Air T. G. Palgrave. M.R.C.V.S.. of Wellington. has joined .the Government veterinary staff, and will shortly take up the duties of inspector at I In* Pareora meat works. Air. Chailei W'dliancon. of Laki* I’akapuna. left Auckland on .Monday by the Victoria for a trip to China and Japan, lie is accompanied by his daughters. Miss Williamson and Mrs. Warren Blyth. Miss Fratcr, City-road, left, by the Victoria, yesterday for Sydney, en route for England, where she intends staying for a year. Air J. W . Frater accompanied her as far as Sydney. Mrs. Cotter, of Remit ra, Auckland, ami her two daughters left, on Monday by the Victoria for Sydney en route to Europe. They expect to return before Christmas. Airs Ernest Simp-on left Auckland on Tuesday by the Zealandia for Napier, where Mr Simpson is at present acting as relieving officer of the New Zeeland Accident Insurance Company. Mr and Mrs George Best (North Shore) have gone to Hamilton for three or four months. Mr Best having exchanged with Mr Met Tea in the post office for that time. Miss Duder has a<compani*d her sister (Mrs Best) for a vi-'it. Air. G. F. Court returned to Auckland by tbi‘ Sonoma from a business tour of Breat Britain and America. Mr. Court went via Suez, crossing the Continent from Naples, and returning across the I idted States. Mr. E. C. Binns, of the shipping firm of Messrs Bradney and Binn-x left Auckland on Monday for a threA month-' holiday in Australia. He was accompanied l»y Mrs. Binns. ( aptains Skinner and Shepherd. Sergeants .1. F. Atkinson and White, .nd Privates W. Cox. Preston. M. I obi;*, and Anderson, who have been taking n.irt iri the rille championship meeting, a! 1 rentliam, returned to Auckland on Sunday. Miss Maud Spooner, who for the past ten years has been on the staff of the New Zealand Insurance Compunv's Accident Branch, left that institution last week to enter the service of the South British Insurance Company at Auckland. Air. William Butler, manager of the Naumat sawmill, was prior to his <l<»parture for the I’nitrd Kingdom pre seated by the residents of Naumai with a handsome travelling bag. Mrs. Butler was presented with a pair of opera glasses. Mr. John Stal’worl hy. M H.IL, for Kaipara, made the presentat ions. 'The Rev. T. J. Parry, of the clergy of St. Marks’. Notting Hill, London, arrives from England this we<*l< in order to join the Horne Mission -.tall of thft Anglican diocese of Auckland. He will work in the North wi:h the Rev. k. J. AleWi’liam. The Rev. I*’. A. Latter leaves tin* Home Mission stall ami lakes up his duties in New Plymoth at the <*.nd of the month. Captain Neiterstein. Cont roller General of Prisons of New South W’al<*s. has been on a visit to the cohmy, and during his stay in-p<*ctrd the Mount Eden gaol and Waiotapu. Captain Neiterslein expressed himself as particularly pleased with the conduct and management of the Auckland institution. At the meeting of the Auckland Hospital Board on Monday Dr. McDowell wrote stating that he was unable to apply for re-appointment to the honorary staff as he was shortly leaving for a trip Io Britain and would be absent f<»r about a y< ir. lie asked to Im* relieved of attendance at tin* hospital from March 17th, and expressed his thanks to the Board for the tenure of office which ho had enjoyed.

The following is a list of the visitors at the Okoroiiv Thermal Springs Hotel for the past week: Mr and Mrs Hardy Tupham, Mrs Forbes, Mr C. Stimuelsnn. Mr and Mrs Morton. .Mr Irelmd. Mr Pre-ton. Mr Meers. Englainl: Mr Davidson. Scotland: Mi's Mil ward. Ma-teru .Milward (2). Fiji; Mr and Mrs W law. Mr and Mrs Eilberk and son. New South Wales; Dr. and Mrs Grant. Mr Norton. Mr W hitehouse. Miss Hart. Mr and Miss Wan I. Mr and Mrs Smevton, Mr J. Reid. Dr. and Mrs Raynor, Mr Glenister, Mr and Mrs Skeates. Auckland: Mr O’Callaghan. Wellington; Mrs <). 11. Hiles, Misses Hiles (2>. Sydney. The following is a list of visitors at Waiwera during Ihe past work: Ativk land: Mr Young. Mr Jeffries. Mr Joyce. Mr and Mrs and Miss Shaw. Mr Shaw, jun.. Mr and Mrs Pike. Missps Pike (2). Miss Goddard. Miss Gtirrie. Mr A. Siu ( lair. Misses Sinclair (*2). Rev. .1. T. Wil liam. Miss Newall, Mr. Mrs and Miss N. (’. Bagnall. Mr \. Grierson. Mr Burton. Mr •lon( , s. Mr and Mrs ( hnl«*r. Masters ( hater (2). Mr Bell. Mr J. Garrett. Mr Maekin.loe. Miss Wratten. Mr Hard wick. Mrs Brown. Mrs and Misses Daw son (3). Mr Dawson. Miss Shera. Cap tain McKenzie. Masters McKenzie (2). (apt ain Dawes. Miss Lower, Miss k. Oakden; South Africa: Mr King; W’hakatane: Mi-s McGavey: Ellerslie: Mr Dawson; Sydney: Mrs Wright. Mr Noyes: Melbourne: .Misses Hunter. Mr Spenc<*v Jones. Mr Gaffney; Dunedin: Airs and Miss Oakden. Mr Goodman. TARANAKI PROVINCE. Mrs Tom King, who has been visiting her son. 1). F. King. Searliffe. Dunedin, returned to New Plymouth last week. Miss C. Maiklow. who has Im*cu visiting her relatives lor some months in "New Plymouth, has returned to her home in Epsom. Mrs Harn Stocker has icturncd to New Plymouth after her plca.-ant trip to Invercargill, where she was the guest of Archdeacon Stocker. Mr I). Johnson, ('olledor of Customs, Wellington, wit’} his wife and grand daughter, passed through New Plymouth on his way to Auckland, proceeding t!." 'ico to G)-borne and Napier. Mis Fred. Taylor. Auckland, is on a short vi<il. to Now Plymouth. HAWKE'S BAY PROVINCE. Mi-- Hal! (Auckland) is the guest <>| Ai 1 > i’o. I<l. Na pier. I’he Missps Buchanan (Napier) ar< spcmling a few weeks in ( hrisichurch .Mrs Levien (Nelson) is staving with her soil. Mr l.iinl » Levien. Napier. Mrs Dr. Reel (Waipawa) is spending a few days in Napier. Mrs Broad (Napier) ha- gone t<» Wvllingt in for a holiday. Miss Chapman (Napier) is stax ing with .Mrs Perry. ( i issoge. Mrs Porter (Gi-dimne) is staying a few dav s in Napier, and is (he guest of Mrs I annin. Miss Ncvill leaves Napier for England in a tew weeks’ time, where she intends spending a couple of years. Mrs Duncan and Mi-s Todd have been staying at the Lake Hole;. Waikarenioaiui, for a few weeks. Mr and .Mrs Clifford him h it Napier last week for Africa, where thev intend taking up their residence. .Mi-s ('ranby has returned lo Napier after having sp<*n( some months in AusMiss Susie Rutherford has lefnrncd to Napier after spending a most eiijovable holiday in Gisborne. (aptain and Mrs Davidson have returned to Napier after having spent a. year in England. Mrs Dean has returned In her home in Wellington, alter spending some weeks in Napirr. Miss Russell. Greymouth. who has been on a vis'd to Mr** <» 11. Russell, of Hastings, loft for hoi home last week. 'l’he Misses Burke are absent from Napier, and are spending a holiday in Mastrit on.

Mis'* F.lla Burke, of Napier. lias gone to Wanganui, where she is the guest of Mrs Sanders. Mr and Mrs C. 15. Hoadley. of Napier, are spending some weeks in Rotorua for the benefit of their health. Mrs ami Miss Vickernian (< hristchurehi are staying in Napier for a short lime. Mrs Dawson and her sister Miss Meredith (Wairarapa) are staying with Mrs Hamlin. Napier. Mrs Dalziel and family, who have been holiday-making in the South Island since Christinas, have returned to Napier, and have taken up their residence in "The Villa,” Bluff Hill. Mr and Mrs Hawkins arrived by the Corinthie from England last week, and intend staying in New Zealand for six months. They are staying with Mrs Kettle, Bluff Hill, Napier. WELLINGTON PROVINCE. Dr. and Mrs Purdy (Lower Hutt) are making a stay in Christchurch. Mrs G. Campbell is visiting friends in Dunedin. Mrs John Mason, of Wanganui, is staying with relations in Pahiatua. Dr. and Mrs Collins (Willington) are in Christchurch for a week or two. Miss E. Harding (Wellington) is paying visits in Dunedin. Mr and Mrs 11. Sarjeant. of Wanganui. have gone to Hawke's Bay. Mr G. F. C. Campbell (Wellington) has been making a stay in Auckland. Miss Higgins, of Christchurch, is the guest of Mrs Waterston, in Wanganui. Mrs King, of New Plymouth, is the guest of Mrs Dodgsbun. in Wanganui. Lady Fawkes passed through Wellington (his week on her way North, after a stay in Christchurch. Mrs and Miss Hall Jones are baek in Wellington after a stay in the South Island.' Mr and Mrs A. Brandon are back in Wellington after a trip through the Wairarapa. Mr and Mrs Pulton and Miss Fulton leave Wellington by the next steamer for ’Frisco. cn route to England. Mr Cowper, who has come to live in Wellington, has taken Mrs Pynsent’s house in Hobson-street for a term. Miss Walker (Wellington) has gone for a trip Home. She will, visit Scotland before returning to New Zealand. Mrs and the Misses Wilson (Bulls) have gone to Christchurch for the championship polo tournament. Mr and Mrs Strang were in Wellington for a few days en route to Christchurch. Miss Violet Laisliley, of Wellington, is at present the guest of Mrs George McLean, Collins-street, Hawera. Mrs Wilson (Manukau) is staying with Mrs A. Thompson, Park-road, Palmerston North. Miss Kirkby (New Plymouth) is the cuest of Mrs Moeller, Palmerston North. Miss Hadfield (Waikanei) lias been paving a round of visits in Palmerston Nori li. Miss MeWilliam (Otaki) is visiting her sister. Mrs Harvey Burr (Palmerston North). ’Miss M. Denniston, who leas been the guest of Mrs R. Abraham (Palmerston North >. has returned to Christchurch. I lie Bishop of Wellington and Mrs Wallis are baek at Bishopseourt, after a. star of some weeks in the South Island. Miss Good, of Hawera, who has been staying in Waugutiiii with Mrs Ewen Campbell, has returnde to her home. Mrs Honey field, of Patea, was in ■Wanganui, for the Horticultural Show this week. Mrs Pharaz.yn and Mrs Stedman, of Hawke’s Bay. spent a few days in Wanganui last week. Miss Dodgshun. of Wanganui, who has been staying in Auckland ami Cambridge. has returned to her home. Miss Cameron, of ihe Wairarapa. is the guest of Mrs Geo. Humphreys, in Wanganui. Mr and Mrs Cowper, of Wanganui, have returned from a long visit to relation- in Hawke's Bay. Mrs Friend, of Palmerston North, who has been staying in Wanganui, Campbell, has returned to her home.

Dr. Elizaluth Gunn, who recently returned from a course of study in Great Britain, has settled in Wellington, where she intends to practise. Miss Bly th (Wanganui) is in ' Palmerston North for two months. She is taking Miss Barry’s place at the Col-lege-street school for that time. _Mr A. Macintosh and the Misses Macintosh have left Wellington for Sydney, where they intend to live. Mrs Macintosh went over a few weeks ago. Mr and Mrs Lionel Abraham and Miss Sybil Abraham. Palmerston North, leave for a trip Home early next month. Mr and Mrs E. Morrali, who have been the guests of Mrs Morrah (Wellington) for some time, have gone back to Adelaide. Miss (’. Graham, who has been spending some months in the North Island, made a short stay in Wellington on her way home to Dunedin. Dr. and Mrs Valentine, of Wellington, are thinking of taking a trip to England very shortly, as the former has obtained six months’ leave of absence from his duties as assistant health officer. Mr Trevor Gould, who was recently transferred to Auckland from Wellington, was hack in Wellington lately for a few days prior to his departure for Sydney, where his business necessitates his living for the future. Air and Mrs T. F. Warren. Wellington, have given up their house, and intend to live in Hawke’s Bay for the future. Mrs Warren’s father is Archdeacon Williams, of Te Auto, and much of their time will be spent with him. SOUTH ISLAND. Mr and Mrs Denniston (Peel Forest) were staying in Christchurch last week. Mrs Napier Bell has arrived in Christchurch from Tasmania. Mr and Mrs Otterson (England) have returned to Christchurch from the South. 11. ({. Denham, of the Canterbury College. has been awarded the 1851 science exhibition scholarship. Miss Bioinfield (Canada) is ihe guest of Airs John Doans, Riccarton, Christchurch. Miss Campbel! (England) is on a visit to her uncle, Mr P. Campbell, at “Ham.” Riccarton. , Air and Airs George Rhodes (Claremont) have left for England after a very short stay in Canterbury. Miss McGuire (England) is the guest of Mrs AV. Wood at Springfield, St. Albans, Christchurch. Air and Airs Morton-Ollivier have returned to Christchurch from their trip in the North Island. Airs Michael Campbell has returned to Christchurch from a visit to the West Coast. The Rev. J. Bowden and Airs Bowden (Mornington. Dunedin) are visiting Air and Ahs Ronald Alacdonald at “Hambleden,’’ Christchurch. Sir Charles Colin Campbell is visiting in the North Canterbury district. He recently returned from England on a short visit to the colony. Dr. Belt is acting house surgeon at the Christchurch Hospital during the absence of Dr. Crooke, who left on a visit to England, accompanied by Airs ( rooke.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11, 17 March 1906, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11, 17 March 1906, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11, 17 March 1906, Page 41