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Personal Paragraphs

AUCKLAND PROVINCE. Lady Phiuket left Auckland lasi week for Rotorua. She will probably spend a week at IVhakarewarewa. and will then proceed to Okorvire, where Their Excellencies* family is staying. Lady Phiuket is attended by Captain Boseuweu, Hon. AJ>.C. Miss Serivenor, a prominent musician In Christcbureh, is visiting Rotorua. Dr. Maitland returned to Auckland last week from the South. Mr Lysnar. of Gisborne. came up to Auckland last week for a. few days. Mr Helnionr (Christchurch) has been staying at Waiwera House, Rotorua. Mr Crawford (Wellington) is still in Rotorua. Mr and Mrs N. B. Scantlebury (Web lington) are visiting Rotorua. Mr C. Millear (Willaura, Aus.) is visiting Rotorua just now. Mr Young (Fiji) is in Rotorua for a weekMr Holliusworth (Cape Colony) is visiting Rotorua. Airs Young and Miss Emmie Young (Parnell )are visiting Rotorua. Colonel Roberts and Mrs and Mites Roberts are. visiting Rotorua. Mr Mulgan. who has been appointed Inspector of Schools in North Canterbury, has returned to Auckland. Mr W. H. Derry, the local manager for the A.M..P. Society, left hist week on a holiday trip to Rotorua. Bro. Swend llaroldson has been >Br stalled as WAI. of the St. George Mr sonic Lodge (Northern Wairoa). Mr and Mrs Russell, of Waihi, are visiting Rotorua just now, and are doing the sights in their motor. Mr and Mrs C. W. Brown (Wellington) are staying at Waiwera House, Rotorua, Mrs Hall and Miss ■ Ijigan, who have been visiting Rotorua, returned to Wellington last week. Air Cooper, of Auckland, and his sister. Mi-s Cooper, nf England, are paying Rotorua a visit just now. Miss F. Al. Wolters (Carterton) and Aiiss Tully (Wairarapa) are staying at Waiwera House, Rotorua. Air and Airs P. Dignan and the Masters Dignan (Auekbiud) are staying at Waiwera House, Rotorua. Mr and Mrs MeVengh (England) returned to Auckland last week after a visit to Rotorua.. Miss Richardson, of Cambridge, is at present staying with Mrs Muir Douglas, of Epsom. Mr E. E. Willoughby has been appoint district superintendent of (he Provident Life Assurance Company. Captain Sinker, of the Mission yacht Southern Cross, returned to Auckland from the South on Saturday. Mr. C. Kilburn Scott, of Sydney University. who arrived in Auckland last week by the island steamer, intends touring New Zealand. Bishop Olier. Catholic Bishop of Tonga, was a pas-enger by the island boat to Auckland last week, on his way home to Borne for a twelve months' holiday. The Rev. E. Glanville Hicks, of Sydney, is. just concluding a twelve months’ visit to New Zealand, with a visit to Rotorua. Dr. Chipperfield, a passenger by the Miowera from Vancouver lo Brisbane, comes on to Auckland from the hitter port. Airs Fraser, widow of the late Colonel Fraser, died at her residence, Tararu, yesterday, at the advanced age of 74 years. Dr. Inglis, who has been to the Great. Barrier on a holiday excursion with Airs Inglis, returned to Auckland last week. Dr. and Mrs. Parkes, of Symondsstreet, Auckland, leave for China, Japan and Europe on February 28th. Mr. Fred Ross also goes by the same boatMiss Hogan and her niece, and Miss Lewis, are on a tour of the Hot Lakes district from Melbourne, and left Rotdrna last week.

Mr Taylor, M.L.A. (Koplgardie) is on a visit to New Zealand for the benefit of his health, and is at present in Rotorua, and staying at Waiwera House. Mr W. J. Culver, secretary of the N.Z. Liberal and Labour Federation, arrived in Auckland on Sunday. Hrs wife accompanies him. Mr J. W. Tibbs, M.A., principal of the Grammar School, returned to Auckland on Sunday fro ma trip to Hobart and the South Island. Sir G. Maurice O’Rorke, M.L.C., who ha? been to Dunedin attending the University Senate, returned to Auckland on Sunday. Mrs and the Misses Knox (England) are visiting the Hot Lakes District. They have gone from Rotorua to Wairakei and Taupo, but are returning to Rotorua. Mr Geo. Thornes and the Misses Thornes (England) are visiting New Zealand, and at present are touring the Hot Lakes District, making Rotorua their head-quarters for the time being. Mr. Parsons, for some time past conductor of the Paeroa Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo Club, has been presented with a case of pipes by the secretary in recognition of his work in it. The Kt. Rev. Dr. Cairns, Moderator of the Victorian Presbyterian Church, is visiting New Zealand with Mrs. Cairns, and intends to spend some time here. They are at present in Dunedin. Mr Frank Kettle, accountant of the Christchurch Meat Company’s Dunedin branch, has been appointed secretary' of the Otago Dock Trust out of 35 applicants. The Christchurch “Spectator’’ hears that Mr T. E. Taylor will take up his residence in Wellington shortly, having •ceepted the management of a business In the Empire City. A Press Association telegram from Dunedin states that Mr. Grant, traffic superintendent of railways for the South Island, has l>een granted six months’ leave. He will visit the Old Country. Mr J. A. J. McLaren, manager of the New Zealand Portland Cement Company’s works at Limestone Island, left Whangarei bn Saturday on a visit to Christ church. Mrs., Miss and Miss Winnie Cotter, of Remuera, Auckland, leave Sydney for England by the Orentes on March 21st. Mrs. and the Misses Richmond, Epsom, •Iso go by the same steamer. Among others leaving Auckland in March for the Motherland arc Mr. and Mrs. ( . C. Macmillan, of Remuera, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bull, of Waingaro. They- go by the Alooltan, which leaves Sydney on 14th March. Mrs R. Campbell has been visiting her daughter, Mrs H. H. Wallace, of “Ratanui.” Cambridge, and has now returned to Auckland. where she intends to take up her residence. Mr W. F. Massey. M.H.R., Leader of the tipposition, is to be entertained at a garden party by his supporters on Saturday, February 17th, at the Helvetia (Istrich Farm. Pukekohe. The council of the Wellington Chamber of Commerce has elected Mr George Shirtcliffe president, and Mr W. C. Duthie vice-president, for the ensuing year. Messrs F. Lawry and 11. J. Green•lade. M’s.H.R., were passengers for ■Wellington by the Rarawa on Sunday. Mr Greenslade proposes to return about Wednesday. Mr .lustice Williams left Dunedin last week for the North en route for England. He was seen off by a number of legal people in Dunedin, including Sir Robert Stout, C.J., and Mr Justice Cooper. Dr. Sweet, of Whangarei. who recently disposed of his practice to Dr. Baxter, who arrived in the colony from England a few days ago, will leave New Zealand shortly on a lengthy tour through America and Europe. air, R. M, Houston, M.H.R. for Bay of Islands, whpse health broke down just before the last election, is still laid tip, and ir is stated in the North that if he does not recover his health shortly he may resign his seat in Parliament.

Dr. Valintine. acting-CVicf Health Officer for the colony, is at present in Auckland. He will remain here for some time dealing with health matters. Dr. Mason, the Chief Health Officer, is returning to New Zealand at the end of March. The Right Key, Monsignor O'Brien, D.D.. who is the rector of St. John's University College, Sydney, arrived in Auckland on Sunday for a shrot holiday visit to New Zealand. He preached in St. Patrick's Cathedral in the evening. J-ast week Mr Herries. M.H.R., was banqueted at Katikati in honour of his election. About fifty were present. Mr. G.- Vesey Slewart. chairman, on-behalf of the settlement, extended a hearty welcome to Mr. Herries. The usual toasts were honoured, and an enjoyable eycpiiig was spent. , . , Mr C. H. Poole, M.11.R. for City West, left Auckland'on Monday; bji the Sydney steamer on a visit to the Commonwealth. He will spend about six weeks in the different States, and endeavour to absorb as much information on the state of affairs there as possible in the time. Mr James Hendy. who is ‘‘in advance” of Edwin Geach’s Chas. Holloway Dramatic Co.’s New Zealand tour, arrived in Auckland on Sunday by the Manuka from Sydney to make the necessary arrangements for their Auckland season, which commences next Tuesday (13th inst.) at the Opera House. Mr A. Grant, traffic superintendent of railways at Dunedin, has been granted six months' leave, and will pay a visit to the Old Country. The Minister of Railways has stated that this will lead to a readjustment of the railway- managers, and a decision will be come to this week as to the necessary changes. Mr D. A. Budge, whose rec-ent. visit to Auckland will he remembered well by'those who take an interest in the work of the Y.M.C.A., has consented to undertake, the supervision of the Y.M.C.A. work in Australia for a year, and Mr Pierce. of Washington, has been engaged to act as general secretary for Victoria. Amongst Auckland visitors at Waiwera House, Rotorua, last week, were Mr J. ij. -Moore.rMissr,Dudley; Miss Horton and Miss Coates, -Mrs Newman and party of four. Mrhfnd Mrs'J. H. YO'img : ahd two sons, Mr A. Clark, Mrs Faulder and the Misses Fauldei*. Mr, Mrs Arch. Clark and .Miss t lark, Mr Andrew Young. Miami Mrs E. Martelli. Air and Airs Harold Beauchamp, of Wellington, have booked passages to England by the Athenic, which is to sail from Wellington on March 1 next. They will return to the colony with their three eldest daughters, who have been studying at Queen's, College and the Royal Academy for Music for several years past. ' • ' The Rev. David Bruce, D.D.. who arrived in Auckland on Sunday, and was welcomed , back at a social at St. Andrew's, will Ilf well remembered as the first minister of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, being engaged in Scotland

for that purpose. He received the degree of D.D. from St. Andrew’s University during his career in Australia. Mr John McWliae, of Melbourne., who has been staying in Wellington as the guest of the Hon. C. H. Mills, to whom he is related by marriage, arrived in Auckland by the Mokoia on Sunday. The present is Mr McWhae's first visit to New Zealand, and he is very- enUjusiasticip. his praises .of the- hcajity of the Marlborough Sounds and of the great resources of this country. Lieutenant-Colonel G. M. Fitzpatrick, Royal Engineers, D.A.Q.M.G., in the department of the chief of the general staff, who is on a visit to the Commonwealth and New Zealand, in the interests of the Intelligence Department, arrived at Sydney last week from Queensland. He was to stay there a week, during which he would visit the fortifications and military depots. Air E. W. Alison, M.H.R. for Waitemata, was entertained at dinner at the Esplanade Hotel last week by a number of his supporters, Mr F. E. Jacksou being in the chair. After the dinned the Health of the guest was proposed by the chairman, who handed to Mr Alison a framed photograph of himself. Mr Alison, who was received with great applause, made a reply in which he traversed the results of the last campaign. Miss E. McClatchey, who-has been connected with the '.•Auckland Star" for many years past, for a considerable portion of that time in the responsible position of chief proof reader, having resigned her position in order to undertake the professional teaching of music in Waihi, the staff of the "Star” gathered ou Saturday to bid her farewell and to make her a presentation. A canopy of British flags was erected on the linotype platform for the occasion, with the mottoes ‘•Farewell” and "Kia Ora” on its walls, . and within this the presents were set out. They included a very handsome toilet set of silver-mounted brushes, etc.* a fine silver manicure set, and other little tokens of the office. ’ Complimentary speeches on the value "of Miss McClatehey’s work in the office were given by Messrs. T. W. Leys '(editor), A. S. Reid (sub editor)., E. \y. G. .Rathbone (editor "Graphic'”), W. Wright (printer), W. Mitchell (accountant), .and D. MacFarlane (linotype staff)., and Mr JC. Aldridge replied for Miss McClatchey. Mr Leys, on behalf of the proprietors, presented to Miss McClatchey an envelope containing a cheque, which was to indicate their appreciation of her work. HAWKE’S BAY PROVINCE. Miss Preece (Feilding) is staying in Napier for a few days. Miss Thompson (Christchurch) is visiting Napier. Mr and Mrs Banner (Melbourne) are staying ab.the Masonic Hotel, Napier. Miss Madge Rhodes (Wairarapa) is the guest of Mrs Kinross White, Napier.

Miss Brandon. Wellington, is visittag Mrs Dewes, Sea View terrace, Napier. Mrs Sainsbury has returned to Gisborne after having spent a few, days in Napier. Miss Kuby Well wood has returned tn Hastings after having been in the Wairarapa for some weeks. The Misses Burke have returned tn their Napier after having Spent some weeks in -the Wairarapa. Mr and Mrs Adair Blythe, who left Napier last year, for the Old Country, have now returned to Napier after an enjoyable holiday. TARANAKI PROVINCE. Mr and Mrs Harry Bayly left New Plymouth' on Thursday for a trip Home, via Sydney. Captain Sniker. of the mission yacht Southern Cross. has teen paying New Plymouth a visit. Miss Bee Evans, of New Plymouth, is shortly leaving for Wellington, where she will take up duties as a nurse in Miss Palmer's hospital. Mr J. H. Clayton, late proprietor of the ‘’Daily News,” New Plymouth, has left for Tauranga to take over the “Bay of Plenty Times.” Mr and Mrs AVilfred Kennell, of Auckland, made a short visit to New Plymouth during the week to be present at the marriage of their son, Mr Allan Kennell, of Hawera. Dr. and Mrs. Ijeathara. with their two daughters, left New Plymouth last Thursday for the Old Country on a prolonged tour. He was entertained by Tennis Club and the members of the Taranaki Club previous to his departure. Mr T. V. Mackay, of the Survey Office, New Plymouth, has been transferred to Napier for the benefit of his health. Mrs D. Cumming, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs Theo. White, of New Plymouth, has now returned to her home in Auckland. WELLINGTON PROVINCE. Miss T.ord (Sydney) is the guest of Mrs- Fuller. -Palmerston North. Mr A. Nixon, of Wanganui, has returned from his visit to Wellington. Mr and Mrs C. Bull, of Wanganui, have gone .to .Auckland for a visit. Miss Swainson is back in Wellington after a round of visits. Mr and Mrs Michie (Dunedin) are in Wellington for a month or two. Miss Aird, of England, is the guest of Mr and Mrs Innes, in Wanganui. - Mrs Innes, of Hawke's Bay, is staying in Wanganui with Mrs C. B. Innes. The Misses Davies, of Auckland, are staying in Wanganui. Air Jordan, of Tauranga, has been spending a short holiday in Wanganui. Dr. and Mrs Anson, of Wellington, have been on a short visit to Wanganui.

Mrs A. Southey Baker (Auckland) la • visitor to Palmerston. -She is staying her-parents, Mr anil Mrs Lloyd. ‘ ; Miss Joyce Fitzherbert has returned to Palmerston North from a pleasant holiday in the Wairarapa. Mr and Mrs'Alan Strang, Palmerston North, are also making preparations for a trip Home. They leave shortly. Mrs Webster < Wellington) has been the guest of Mrs Guy, Palmerston North, for the greater part of the week. Mr Norman Fitz Herbert, of Wanganui, has returned from an enjoyable trip to Rotorua. Miss MeKellar, of New Plymouth, has returned home* after a visit to friends in Wanganui. • Mr and Mrs E. Heywood, of Wanganui, left last week for Wellington, where they intend to reside. Mrs A. Sherriff and Miss Page, of Wanganui, have returned front thenvisit to Rangitikei. Mr and Mrs W. Empson, of Wanganui, have returned from their holiday in Christchurch. Air and Mrs E. Atkinson, of Wanganui. have returned from their holiday in the South. Miss Kane (Wellington) is going to England shortly. She travels with Mrs and Miss Vi right. ‘ Miss Holiest on (Christchurch) is in Wellington, where she is the guest of Miss Harcourt for a week ■or two. Mrs Imlay Saunders, of Dannevirke, is the.guest of Miss Imlay, “Mt. Desert,” Wanganui. Mrs Bacchus, of Manukau, is the guest of Mr and Mrs Barnard Brown in Wanganui. Mis Cohen, Palmerston North, sails on the lltlrof England. She is going for a- six months’ trip on a visit to her father and sisters. Mrs A. F. Fitzllerbert, of Feilding, has returned from her visit to Wanganui, where she was the guest of Mr and Mrs C. Bull. * r a „ Miss Moore, of Wanganui, has returned from her visit -to Canterbury, where ehe was the guest of her uncle, the lion. W. Montgomery. - - The Hon. Kathleen Plunkct is paying a round of visits in Wellington. At present she is the guest of Mrs Wallis at Bishopscourt. Mrs T. Wilford has returned to Wellington from Dunedin, where she has been paying s round of visits among friends and relations. Miss E. Heywood and Miss S. Bransfield (Wellington) are leaving for England by the Athenic. Affes Heywood goes to visit her married sister. Mr and Mrs Sidney Johnston and Miss Johnston are in Wellington for the present. Later on they are going to England. Mr and Mrs Paterson, of Ohakune, who have been spending some months in Wanganui, have returned to their home this week. - .. . Mr Braik, ALA., of Invercargill, who has been appointed chief inspector of schools for the Wanganui distract, arrived last week to teke up his duties. Mr Charles Bull, of Wanganui, who has recently imported a powerful Argyll motor, drove through in it from Wellington last week. - - ~ . , ; Alias Cottercll, of Christchurch, who bps been the guest of Airs Gonville Saunders in Wanganui, has returned to the South. ’ - ‘ : s The Hon. G. Swinburne, Alinister for Agriculture in the Victorian Ministry, is at present in Wellington. He has been inquiring into matters in- connection . with agriculture in New Zealand. . .Sir Robert and Lady Stout have been Visiting Dunedin for the sitting of the University Senate. During part of her stay Lady Stout was the guest of Professor and Airs Shand. -Mrs Ralph Fitzherbert, who with her daughter has been staying in Wellington with her mother, Mrs Kennedy, has gpm* back to Levin, where she has been Jiving for the last year or so. ~Lady CamstelFban gjne-bac)f..Ao-Na-pier after vlsrtiiig friend's t&>. During part of her stay- site was tire guest of Mrs Tolhurst and of Mrs lA>til;r - --1, ;•

Mrs and Miss Deans (Sydney) are visiting New Zealand for the summer months-. At present they are staying in Wellington, where Mrs Deans’ elder daughter, now Mrs Stanton Hareourt, is living. Mr and Mrs Mai-Whae and Miss MacWhae, who have been staying with the Hon. C. H. and Mrs Mills (“Wairau,’’ Wellington), have gone on to Auckland and the Hot Lakes before returning to Victoria. Mr and Mrs Harry Cowper, of Wanganui, who have been travelling in England and the Continent for nine mouths, have returned to New Zealand, and are the guests of Mr and Mrs Cowper, “Kukuta,” Wanganui. Mr Win, A. Fitzherbert, a well-known resident of Wellington district, died unexpectedly from heart failure at Lower Hutt last week. He was a son of the late Sir William Fitzherbert, and was in his sixty-fourth year. ' Visiters to Palmerston for the floral fete included His Excellency tin? Governor, Mrs W- Johnston (Awahuri). Miss Cotter (Greytown), Mrs Sherwell (Feilding), Miss Moore (Feilding), Mr and Mrs S. Fitzherbert (Feilding). Mr; Levett (Bulls), Mr and Mrs Bennett (Bainesse). Mr and Mrs Michie (Dunedin) are In Wellington at present. As Mr Michie's duties as general manager for the Bank of New Zealand will necessitate his making Wellington his headquarters for a time at least, he has been looking out for a furnished house, and has taken Mr Beauchamp's, resilience . in Tinakori-road for a term. . Mr and Mrs A. Macintosh, who have been living in Wellington for eight or nine years, are returning to Australia. Mr Macintosh has resigned bis position of general manager of the Bank of New Zealand, aud intends in future to live in Sydney, where some of his family are settled. Mr and Mrs Macintosh have been occupying Mrs Pynsent’s house in Hobson-slreet for some time past, but they will most likely gi"'.' it up at the end March, as they are leaving for Sydney abo’=t then. Oh‘Friday mbrning.a pleasant function’took place in the V.F.C.A.. Palmerston North', when Mr. M. Cohen was presented with ’ an illuminated' address by the'members of tlie board of directorsTire address was presented by Captain Hewitt and Mr. L. Wallis on behalf of the board. In it were expressed th? appreciation of the directors for the lung and valued services of Mr. Cohen, who for the past. 20 years has been general manager and lately managing dire-tor. Mr. Cohen, who .has retired from- the position, suitably responded, thanking the donors for the. gift and ti e kindly spirit indicted by it. SOUTH ISLAND. Dr. and Mrs Crooke. of Christchurch, also leave for England in April. Miss Bogle has returned to Christchurch, after paying a round of visits in South Canterbury. Mrs Guy Ronalds (Christchurch) and her little son are staying at Waikari with Mrs C. Wynn-Williams. Mr aud Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes, of Christchurch, with their children, will leave for England in April. Professor and Mrs Blunt, and. .the Misses Anderson (Christchurch), have left by the s.s. Kaikoura for a coastal trip. Mr and the Misses Govett. who have been visiting Christchurch,' re- ’ turned last week to the North Island.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 6, 10 February 1906, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 6, 10 February 1906, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 6, 10 February 1906, Page 41