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Personal Paragraphs


Dr. Marshall, of Dunedin, is on a short visit to Auckland.

Miss Phillips (Auckland) is staying with Mrs F. Rhodes, Rotorua.

Dr. Player, of London, has taken over the Birkenhead practice of Dr. Carolan.

The Hon. G. F. Richardson left for Wellington by the Talune on Saturday.

The Rev. Canon Mac Murray went South last week in the Takapuna. Miss M. Metcalfe (Auckland) is the guest of Mrs C. Wallnutt, Rotorua.

Mrs Seville (Waikato) is the guest of Mrs Empson at Rotorua. Canon and Mrs Nelson (Auckland) went South last week.

Dr. J. Somerville left Auckland last week on a short visit to the South.

Sir Robert Sinclair-Lockhart returned, to Auckland from Kamo last week.

Sir Robt. Lockhart arrived in Auckland last week from Whangarei.

Mr A. R. D. Watson, of the North Shore, returned to Auckland from Sydney by the Sonoma. Mr William Stewart, of Melbourne, is at present on a visit to his relatives in Auckland.

Sir G. Maurice O’Rorke left for Dun* edin last week in order to attend the University Senate.

Mr W. R. C. Walker lias returned to Cambridge from his trip to the Southern Lakes, which was most enjoyable.

Mrs Darga ville (Remuera) is at present on a visit to her daughter, Mrs Harold Thomson, Inglewood, Taranaki.

Mr Fred Pirani, ex-M.H.R., was in Cambridge last week, and has gone to Rotorua with his brother, Mr D. Pirani.

Miss Ida Sharland has been staying with her aunt at the Bank of New Zealand, Hamilton.

Mr D. M. Beere (who is over from Australia on a holiday) spent a day in Hamilton last week, en route to Te Aroha.

Mr and Mrs Fitzroy Peaeocke, Remuera, are at present on a visit to Mr and Mrs E. F. Peaeoeke, Weston Lea. Mrs C. L. Long, who has been visiting Mrs Empson at Rotorua, has returned to Feilding. The Hon. J. A. Tole, Crown Prosecutor at Auckland, went South last week.

Mr A. R. Welham has resigned the post of secretary to the Northern Wairoa Hospital trustees. Mr W. P. Crick, the well-known Australian politician, is again visiting Auckland. He arrived by the mailboat.

Mr C. V. Houghton, Auckland manager for the New Zealand Shipping Company. returned by the Rarawa on Saturday from New Plymouth. Mr C. Haynes, sanitary inspector of the City Council, returned to Auckland on Sunday from his visit to the Commonwealth.

Mr F. Worley, M.A., a student at St. • John’s College last year, has been appointed to the teaching stall of the Scotch College in Melbourne.

Mrs Knight, of Auckland, and her children have been the guests of the Rev. and Mrs MaeFarland, St. Andrew’s Vicarage, Cambridge.

Mrs Barber, of Wellington, Is at present staying with Mrs Braithwaite (Cambridge) for the benefit of her health.

Mr A. H. Elkin, who has been on a visit to the South, returned to Auckland on Sunday. He visited the Cold Lakes while in the South.

Mr Channing Buckland has returned to Cambridge after an ab-cnce. of fifteen months, during which time he lias done a great deal of travelling.

The Misses K. and E. Cussen, Gisborne, are spending some of their holidays with their aunt at Brooklyn, Hamilton East.

Mr E. Shaw has won the championship of the Paeroa Bowling Club, beating Mr Forrest in the final by three points.

The Very Rev. Father Hays intends to leave the colony at the end of this month, travelling to England by way of Australia.

Mr J. R. Stringer has been relieved as chief ofliirr of the Talune by Mr Nicholson, and it is understood that he will join the A parr ma. Miss Frieda M. Macky, of the Devonport School has been chosen by the Northeote School committee as assistant teacher.

Dr. McDowell (Auckland) went South last week to attend the sittings of the University Senate. He was accompanied by Mrs McDowell.

Mrs and Miss Braithwaite, mother and sister of Captain Braithwaite, A.D.C. to the Governor, went to Wanganui by way of Taumaranui and the river last week.

Mr A. E. Savage, who held the position of bandmaster of the Hamilton Town Board for two yeai-s, has been appointed to the position of bandmaster for the Dannevirke band.

Mr. Witty, secretary of the Gisborne Harbour Board, has been spending a holiday at Rotorua and Auckland. He returned to Gisborne in the Mokoia on Tuesday. Mr W. J. Culver, general secretary of the Liberal and Labour Federation, intends to visit Auckland at the end of the month. Mr G. F. Gray, the Liberal organiser, has returned to Auckland from Waiheke, much improved in health.

Mr J. Walker, the pre 'lent of the Newton Pigeon and Cc. ary Club, has gone to Palmerston ? jith to attend a meeting of the North Island PoultryPigeon, and Canary Association.

Mr J. F. Hartland, secretary of the Auckland Racing Club, went to Trentham last week for the opening of the new course of the Wellington Racing Club. ‘

Prior to the meeting of the Birkenhead Council last week Councillor H. M. Shepherd presented the Mayor (Mr A. F. Porter) with a large, handsome rimu mavoral chair, designed bv the D.S.C.

Miss L. Livesay, a recent arrival from England, where she had considerable experience in beekeeping and horticulture, has been appointed assistant apiarist at the Government experimental farm, Ruakura (Waikato).

Mr. von Stunner, who has been transferred from Penrose to Drury- as station master, has been presented by his fellow-employees with a set of silvermounted pipes, and by the travellers along the line with a set of cutlery and an eleetro-plated jug.

Mr. A. J. Walker, A.M.1.E.E., who is the electrical inspector of the Auckland Fire Underwriters’ Association, has been appointed chief electrical inspector for the colony In the service of the New- Zealand Underwriters’ Association.

Mr F. E. Baume, M.H.R., went South to Dunedin last week to attend the meeting of the University- Senate in that city. Afterwards he pays a visit to the Cold Lakes before returning to Auckland. Mrs F. E. Baume accompanied him.

Mrs Miles Featherstone, who has been on a visit to her mother, Mrs Ware, Remuera, Auckland, left for Invereargill on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Featherstone leave shortly for Loudon. where Mr Featherstone has been transferred. The near departure from Auckland of Miss Eileen Hill who is to be. married shortly to Mr Leslie Ross, Christchurch, was taken advantage of last ■week by a large number of her friends to entertain her a,t a “Gipsy tea” at Northeote. Mr B. F. Toy, who has been subeditor of the “Wairarapa Age” for •three years past, and was employed in journalism in Auckland prior to that, has returned to Australia. Before he

left the “Age” he was presented with a gold watch and chain and a case of sil-ver-mounted pipes by the stall.

Mr. C. Miller, tlie manager of the Onehunga Woollen Mills, who leaves shortly to take charge of the Parramatta Mills, near Sydney, was presented last week with a travelling bag and dressing ease by the employees of the company. The presentation was uiade by the secretary, Mr. E. D. O. Foote. Mr. A. Fell, reported in the cable news as the successful candidate (Unionist) for Great Yarmouth in the British elections, is a brother of Dr. Fell, of Wellington. Mr. Fell, who was born in Nelson, will thus be one of the very few New Zealand-born members of the House of Commons.

Mr Fred G. Lawry, nephew of Mr F. Lawry, M.H.R., has been admitted into partnership with Messrs W. S. Cook and Son, warehousemen, Sydney. Mr Fred Lawry was well and favourably known when residing with his uncle at Ellerslie, and his rapid advancement in the firm indicated will cause pleasure to his many friends in Auckland’. The resignation of Dr. Hilton Cheeseman from the position of surgeon at the Coromandel Hospital has been accepted by the trustees with regret. Dr. Cheeseman intends to leave Coromandel for irkenhead, where he will reside in future, on February 13. He has been very popular during his six years’ stay in Coromandel.

Mr. George Hutchison, ex-M.H.R. in the New Zealand Parliament, who has been living in the Transvaal for some time past, returned to New Zealand in the Turakina, which arrived at Wellington last week from Capetown. It is Mr. Hutchison’s intention to remain in New Zealand, which he revisited some little time ago.

The Auckland Builders’ Association completed its presentation to Mr S. I. Clarke at the conclusion of its meeting last week, when a photographic enlargement of the recipient was presented to him supplementing the purse of sovereigns given a week or two ago. The portrait was artistically framed in New Zealand woods, the frame designed by Messrs Winks and Hall, being a really good illustration of the wood workers’ art and of the beauty of New Zealand timbers. Mr J. Baildon, President of the Association, made the presentation in a laudatory speech, Mr Clarke suitably replying.

Mr. Charles C. Ferguson, son of Mr. Hubert Ferguson, of the Labour Department, after seven years’ service in the Post and Telegraph Department, resigned his position in order to go farming at Pukekohe. On Saturday, Mr. Ferguson’s fellow employees presented him with a very beautiful smoker's companion, in which were silver-mounted pipes with amber mouthpieces, and also the other requisites for th,? due burning of incense to my Lady Nicotine. The presentation was made by Mr. Wylie, chief clerk, on behalf of the employees. He spoke regarding the kindly relations that had ever existed between Mr. Ferguson and his comrades. He wished Mr. Ferguson every success in his new career as an agriculturist.

There was a large muster of Devonport Foresters last week at the Devonport Foresters’ Hall to say goodbye to Dr. Laing, the late Court Surgeon, who is leaving the district. The proceedings took the form of a smoke concert. Chief Ranger W. J. Napier presided, supported by D.C-R-elect Harris and Bro. Osborne. In proposing Dr. Laingls health, the chairman paid a high tribute to Dr. Laing’s professional and social qualities, and said the whole Devonport community regretted the doctor’s departure. The toast was enthusiastically drunk with musical honours. Dr. Laing made a feeling reply, and said lie had hoped to spend the remainder of his days in Devonport, but circumstances had otherwise decided.


Miss Hamlin has returned to Napier after spending some weeks in Wairoa.

Miss McLernon (Napier) is at Wairoa on a short holiday.

Miss McLean has returned to Napier after spending two years in Australia. Miss Bendall (Wellington) is the guest of Mrs C. Cornford, Napier.

Miss Irvine (Dannevirke' is at present in Napier. Mrs Westall (Napier) is on a short visit to Ormondville. Mr and Mrs Russell are spending some weeks at the Masonic Hotel, Napier. The Misses Burke have returned to Napier from the Wairarapa after having spent a few weeks there. Miss Nevill has returned to Napier after spending some weeks in Wellington. Mr and Mrs Ronald (Christchurch), who are spending some days in Napier, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs Ronald. Mrs Gregory is spending a few weeks in Napier. She is staying with her mother Mrs Dinwiddie. Mr and Mrs White have gone to Auckland, where they inft-nd to live fdr the next year, writes our Napier correspondent.


Miss Caplen i Hawera) is visiting friends in Dunedin. Mrs Nicholas (Hawera) has gone on a visit to Mrs Vicars (Inglewood). Miss McKellar (New Plymouth), has gone for a holiday to Wanganui. Mrs Hutchison (New Plymouth) is staying in Dunedin. Miss Standish (South Canterbury) is visiting Mrs Griffiths, New Plymouth. Dr. Borrie (Invercargill) has taken Dr. Westenra’s practise at Hawera whilst the latter is in Canterbury. Miss Eva Champion (Sydney), the well-known contralto singer, is visiting her sister, Mrs Greville, Hawera. Bishop Wallis (Wellington) was last week the guest of his sister, Mrs 11. Lysaght, Normanby. Miss Medley (Wellington) has been stopping with Captain and Mrs Good, “Ramanui,” Hawera. Mrs Waldegravc has been staying wftK her daughter, Mrs 11. Temple Atkinson, Hawera. Nurse Cotton (Christchurch) has lately taken up her duties as relieving nurse at the Hawera Hospital. Mrs and Miss Marshall, of New Plymouth. arc spending some weeks in Wanganui with Mr Gifford Marshall. Mr and Mrs Pridham, who have been spending their holidays in Rotorua, are returning to New Plymouth this week. Miss B. Evans is leaving New Plymouth and joining her sister in Wellington, where she intends to study nursing. Mr and Mrs O. Samuel (New Plymouth), have returned home after spending an enjoyable holiday in Rotorua. Miss Stevenson, so well known as a golf player, is leaving New Plymouth for England in a few days. En route for England she will stay a few weeks in Australia with her sister, Mrs lx-win.


Mr and Mrs A. G. Smith, of Wellington, are staying in Wanganui. Mr> Biss,, of Auckland, is .staying in Wanganui with Mr and Hohn Biss.

Mrs Freeth (Palmerston North) is visiting friends in the Wairarapa.. . , Mr. and Mrs. Butt are liack in Wellington alter a visit to Blenheim.

Mrs. Stratton Izard (Greytown) is spending a week or two in Wellington.

Mr. Louis Pharazyn is back in Wellington after a trip to England. Mi s Moriah (Wellington) is staying ■with friends in Otaki. Miss Lilian Izard has returned to Wellington from a trip to England. Mrs. Field (Wellington) has gone to Otaki for sonic weeks.

*“Miss Medle-f is back in Wellington after a stay in Taranaki.

Mrs. and Miss Gore (Wellington) have gone away for some weeks.

Mrs. Bidwell (Wairarapa) has been spending a few days in Wellington. Miss Denniston (Christchurch) is the guest of .Mrs Til ng (Palmerston North). Mrs Blundell (Wanganui) is visiting Mrs Mellsop (Palmerston North).

Mr.- W. Keeling and family (Palmerston North) have gone to Plinimerton. The Hon. W. Johnston and Mrs. Johnstor. were in Wellington for the races. Mrs. and Mi,-s Dalrvmple (Bulls) paid a visit to Wellington for tlie (lower show last’ week.

Mr. and Mrs. Strang (Palmerston North) are paying a short visit to Wellington.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan have moved into their house in Hobson street, Wellington.

Miss- Moore (Blenheim) is paying a short visit to Mrs. C. W. Adams, Bellevue road. Lower Hutt. Wellington. - '■Mis-; M. Jackson, of Wanganui, lias been- staying in Christchurch' with friends. ' ’

Mrs and Miss Alexander. of Wanganui, are spending a lew weeks in Auckland. 1 ’

Mr A. Izard, of Wanganui, has returned from her visit to Christchurch and the Wairarapa.

Mr.- A- Lewis, erf Wanganui, has re-, turned-from lier holiday in Wellington and I’ljinpigflop--Ma' and- "Mrs Atkinson, of Wanganui, am’ -staying in Christchurch with ■friends.. . .

Mrs H. Peake and Miss Dodgshun, of Waiiganiri. are on a visit to Auckland. 1 heme they go On to Cambridge.

Mr and Mrs Lomax, of Wanganui, -have returned from a short visit to Wellington. •

Mis A. E. Allison, of Wanganui, has gone to Greymouth to stay with her relations.

Mrs Kissling, of Wanganui, is staying in Nelson with her mother, Met Richmond.

Miss Harkness (Nelson) is staying with Mis Barnieoat, Union Bank, Palmerston Nor Hi. —

Air. C. Crawford has just returned to Wellington from his trip to England. He left New Zealand last April. is going to England by the Gothic, which leaves Wellington about March.

Mr. and Mrs. Hislop arc back in Wellington after a very successful motor journey to Auckland and back. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham and the Misses Abraham (Palmerston North) were in Wellington for the races. Mr. and Mrs. Bucholz and the Misses Eiiott are back ill Wellington after two or three weeks spent holiday-making in the Piet oh Sounds.

Mrs.- Macintosh has returned to Wellington from Sydney, where she lias been for the last two months. She spent several weeks in the Blue Mountains.

Miss Coates has returned to Wellington from her visit to Auckland, where she usually spends Christmas and New Year.

Mrs J. C. Greenwood, of Wanganui, has returned front her visit to the country. ami is spending a few weeks at Castirrtrff. -

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Reynolds (Dunedin) have taken up their residence in Wellington for good. They are occupying a house on Wellington Terrace-

Mr. and Mrs. L. Blundell and Miss May Blunndell have left Wellington for the’ South Island, where they will spend two or three weeks visiting the Cold 1 -tikes'. Mr. and Mrs. von Haast .have returned to Wellington after a very delightful holiday in the South Island, part of which was spept in making the overland journey to Milford Sound. Mrs. and the Misses Johnson returned io Wellington by the Turakina after an absence of two or three years in England. Much of their time was spent in Norwich, where Mrs. Johnson has properly. . . . Mr John McNair, of the field staff of the Public Works Department- in the Stratford district, has been appointed assistant engineer to the Wellington and Mavawalu Railway Company. Mr Harold, of Wanganui, has returned from Dunedin, where be won the golf championship there, and is now hi the Hawke’s Bay district on a fishing tour.

Misp Frances Hodgkins has left Wellington for a two or three years’ sojourn in England and elsewhere. - Her pictures of life and scenery in Morocco have ;been particularly successful, and this time she means to do a good deal of painting in Spain and Southern Europe.

Mr. and Mrs. Latham (Wellington) are shortly going for a trip to England. They will travel with Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Fitzlierbert, of the Lower Hutt, who .aw going Home for the marriage of Miss. Fitzlierbert (o Mr. L. Andrew (England).. .....

■ Mrs. and Miss Laing-Meason are in Wellington staying at- “The Mansion.” Mr. liaing-Meason is so busy with engineering works in the Wairarapa and the surrounding districts that much of his time is spent in the neighbourhood of Wellington. Mrs. and .Miss Laing-Afea-son have therefore left their home in Timaru, and intend to live in Wellington for the future.


Mrs. and Miss Deans (Riccartou) are spending the holidays at Homebush.

Mr. and Mrs. Otterson (England) are visiting their relations in Dunedin.

Miss Gladys Thomas (Christchurch) is staying with Mrs. Hay, at Timaru.

Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Ronalds have returned to Christchurch from a visit to Leithlield.

Mrs. and Miss Woodhouse (Christchurch) arc staying with Mr. Hamish AlcLean. Mt. Hutt. Mrs. and the Misses Julius (Christchurch) arc staying at their cottage on the Cashmere Hills.

Mrs. Smithson (Timaru) has been visiting Mrs. Wardrop at the Union Bank, Hereford street, Christchurch. Miss Tendall, of Nelson, leaves New Zealand shortly for Australia, and intends to reside in Melbourne. Miss M. Graham (Ashburton) has lieen staying with Dr. and the Misses Nedwill, Christchurch.

Mrs. Herbert Elworthy (Timaru) is in Christchurch, staying with Airs. Elworthy, Papanui road. Miss Wynn-Williams, Christchurch, is I lie guest of Mrs. C. Wynn-Williams (Waikari).

Mrs. J. D. Ormond, who has been staying with Mrs. Wilden at Fernside, Christchurch, lias returned to her home in Hawke’s Bay.

The Misses Burns (Christchurch) have gone to Orari to stay with Mrs. Rollestdii. loiter-on they will be the guests of their uncle, Air. F. Burns. < - •

Miss Rliind (Wellington), who has been Staying with Mrs. Elmslie at Cashel street, Christchurch, has gone to Kowai Busin' • >■ i

Mrs. Barton her children passed through' Christchurch last week on their way. to Kowai Bush, where they will spend the holidays. ,

Mr. and Airs, J. D. -Hall went to Hororata last week for the races there. Mrs. J. Turnbull (Methven), Mrs. Mur-ray-Aynsley and Miss Gerard were also at the race?, writes our Christchurch correspondent.

Miss Meares will leave Christchurch for England by the Athenic in a few months'-time. -Mr. and Mrs. 11. O. Devanish Meare.s are also leaving for a trip to England iu the beginning of April,

Mr. and Mrs. Alister Clark will arrive Melbourne this week, and- intend spending the rest of the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Heaton Rhodes, writes our Christchurch correspondent.

Mr A. M. Burns, who for many years past has Ken connected . with , the United Press Association, lias resigned that position in order to a-sutre the post of sub editor of the “Christchurch Press,” • is • •

Mrs. Bcswick and her little daughter have returned from -Dunedin, where they were visiting Airs. James Mills. I hear Mr. and -Mrs. Alills have sold “Afount Lodge," in Dunedin, and leave shortly for England, writes our Christchurch correspondent,

Dr. Aimee Alills has returned to Christchurch after a very successful career at Edinburgh. She has specialised in children’s complaints, and will probably take up a practice in the North Island, Her sister. Aliss AL C. Mills, who has lieen travelling on the Continent during the greater part of last year, has returned with her.

Sumner, our fashionable seaside resort, is very full at present, writes our Christchurch correspondent. Mrs, ,G. Gould and family intend spending the remainder of the holidays there. Mrs. H. 11. Loughnan and her children arc doing the same. All the Clifton Hill houses are occupied. Air. and Airs.' MacDougal and family are in their beaiitiful house. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kinsey, Mr. and Airs. Parson*-and family. Air. and Mrs. Wood and family and several others are staying there, in addition to the usual residents.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 4, 27 January 1906, Page 41

Word Count

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 4, 27 January 1906, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 4, 27 January 1906, Page 41