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Dear Bee, October 24. A most successful fancy dress ball was given by Mrs Alalcolmson Boult in the Choral Hall last week. The hall looked charming, being decorated with nikau palms and whole fern trees. The floor and the music were both particularly good, and the supper-room was perfectly' lovely, the tables being a mass of beautiful spring flowers, arranged with Mrs Boult’s well-known exquisite taste. Airs Boult received her guests in a handsome black satin with lace, and a large red crush rose bodice. A great musical treat was provided by Herr and Aladame Wielaert, who gave a pupils’ concert hist ATonday at the A’.AI.C.A. Rooms. The room was very prettily decorated with palms, also the stage. The jnogranime was short, and every item was particularly well rendered. The programme opened with a pianoforte quartette from Mendelssohn’s “Buy Blas,” played by the Alisses Tewslvy, Tucker. Ensor, and Schischka. Miss Doris Tewsley played Godard's “Deutieme Alazurka” for the pianoforte. Pianoforte selections, Chopin’s ‘‘Nocturne No. 2,” op. 9 and “X'alsc No. 14,” also the Schutt concert paraphrase, were played by Air W. Firth. A'iolin solos were played by Afiss Beryl Yeoland (aged 12), “Kuyawiak,” by Wieniawski; by Miss Beatrice Bennett, the ”7th Air Varie” of de Beriot; and a violin trio. “Air de Ballet” (Borel li) was played by Alisses Yeoland and Steadman and Mr Gordon. Alias Alice Court sang I’r band’s aria from “Les Huguenots’’ and Rambert’s “See, Rove, 1 Bring Thee Flowers,” and Alias K. Aloon sang Rae’s “Rife’s Epitome” and Bohr's "Were I a Rose.” No encores were allowed, but the items were one and all greatly appreciated. Ala dame "Wielaert received her guests in a charming gown of white shirred crejie de chine with a latticed yoke of white velvet ribbon and a lovely' spray' of roses on corsage; Aliss E. Aloon wore a cream Brussels net over white satin, with a wide satin belt; Miss Alice Court was daintily gowned in a white shirred silk with transparent yoke of white lace; Miss Bennett wore a white sunray pleated skirt and a very pretty whitte silk blouse with a green chine ceinture; Aliss Tewsley wore a charming white frock with a pale pink ceinture; Aliss Schischka was in a pretty soft white silk with a white bow in her hair; Aliss

TuekeW was daintily frocked In soft white silk; Miss Ensor also wore white with white in her hair; Miss Beryl Yeoland was in a white inserted muslin witli a white silk sash; Mrs Tewsley wore a lovely pale blue satin with eream lace medallions and a pink crush rosa on bodice; Mrs Friend was in n black silk skirt, pretty blue crepe de chine • blouse, and a blue Velvet bow in coiffure; Mrs Houghton, black skirt, dainty white silk blouse relieved with black, and lovely roses on bodice; Mrs Hunter, black silk skirt, pink and white strippeel silk blouse with a transparent lace yoke; Mrs Colegrove wore a dark blue taffetas inset with Paris-tinted lace, and a pretty cream lafe tucker; Airs Hairy Keesing wore a black silk gown with tucker and sleeves of black chiffon; Mrs Schischka wore a handsome black silk with a red and black opera eoat; Mrs Bennett in a black silk with a lovely black silk and lace coat; Mrs Peyton, in a black silk skirt and a pretty white silk and lace blouse; Mrs Sinclair wore a black skirt and a shrimp pink silk blouse; Miss Gould, black skirt and a pretty floral silk blouse inset witli lace; Miss White wore a black silk gown softened witli chiffon; Miss May White was in a black satin gown with a berthe of cream laee; Miss Ireland, in a dainty white frock with a eheiniseette of white chiffon; Miss Gilflllan wore a black Jamisine with a cream lace yoke threaded with velvet ribbon; Miss Keesing was in black silk veiled in spotted chiffon; Aliss — Keesing. in a black silk skirt and a pretty pink silk blouse: Aliss N. Kissling, in a black skirt and a dainty white silk blouse; Aliss Alay Kissling. black voile skirt, very pretty blue silk blouse with transparent yoke of white laee; Aliss Alacklow, black skirt and a pink silk blouse, cream face yoke threaded witli pink bebe ribbon; Aliss — Alacklow was in a soft wiiite silk; Aliss Beryl Keesing wore a pale pink silk with a transparent yoke of real laee; Aliss 11. Cleveland, black skirt and a pretty pale pink silk blouse; Aliss Lusk, black skirt and a yellow silk blouse with a tucker of ereani laee; Aliss A. Stubbs, in a pretty white tucked silk with white lace yoke; Aliss Peyton, in a pretty white figured silk; Aliss Binks was in a black satin skirt and a dainty white silk blouse inset with laee.

MUSICAL EVENING. Madame Wigmore entertained a large iiumla*r of friends at an ‘‘At Home” at her residence. Khyber Pass, last Tuesday evening. An excellent musical programme had been prepared in which Madame Wigmore, Madame Wielaert, Mrs McLeod, Miss Biggs, Herr Wielaort, Messrs Ernest Brown, Harding, Haniblyn, and Mr Garland’s Glee Club, took part; also little Miss Elsie Stewart, a promising violinist pupil of Madame Wigmore’s, who played a violin solo exceedingly well. Two rooms were set apart for bridge, and euchre and a very enjoyable evening was spent. The hostess received in an ivory voile. elaborately shirred, with a deep flounce on the skirt; Mrs Aloginie looked exceedingly well in reseda green lace voile, with frilled skirt, and lovely ecru lace yoke; Airs J. L. Hulse, pretty azure blue silk blouse with blonde lace yoke ami frill, and a black voile skirt; Madame Wieleart was graceful in white lueTve.illeux with Paris-tinted point lace collar, and black sun-ray pleated trained skirt; Mrs Gray Dixon, black silk, with cream lace entredeux and pelerine; Afrs Hudson Widiamson, black silk with cream lace over pink on square ent corsage, and blue chou; Miss Williamson, ruby velvet blouse with handsome cream lace, and black skirt; Airs McLeod, black satin with turquoise blue ribbon velvet on white lace tucker; Alisses Alelvern wore white and azure blue silk blouses trimmed with lace, and black skirts respectively; Miss Pierce, black satin, the corsage veiled in point d’esprit. and cream point lac? yoke: Afrs Coleman, black silk; Airs 11. Count 11, black with cream lace jabot, and applique; Miss Bellairs, green and pink floral biouse. and black skirt; Alisses Baber were attired in black with touches of heliotrope; Aliss Butterworth, dainty white silk blouse, black skirl ; Aliss Draper, black velvet evening frock, with lovely filmy lace scarf; Aliss Biggs, cameo pink blouse with cream lace, and black skirt: Miss Speight, moonlight blue Oriental satin blouse with white lace yoke, and black skirt-. Alisses Marks wore white silk blouses, and black voilp skirt; Airs Garland, black satin; Al’istf Hawkesby, champagne voile trimmed with satin ribbon: Airs Alorrish, white and green striped floral silk blouse, and slate grey skirt; Afrs Pickmere, black silk and white silk vest; Miss Pkkmere, pretty rose pink Oriental satin blouse* with cream lace motifs, black skirt: Aliss Elsie Stewart, cream voile; Airs J. H. Rayner, cream beribboned voik; Aliss West wood, deep pink figured silk blouse, and dark skirt;’ Mrs Rayner, black velvet, white satin corsage veiled in black chantilly lace: Mrs and Alisses Webb, Alisses 'Potter, Aliss King Davids. Airs A'ates, Airs Leonard, Aliss Ivie Hudson. Aliss Coleman, Airs and Aliss Erson, Aliss Schofield, Airs Budd, Alisses Stewart, Aliss Bull, Aliss Dawson. Miss Sargent. Among the gentlemen Were: The Rev. Gray Dixon. Herr W ie finer t. Alessrs Winter, Garland, Connell, Haniblyn, Ernest Brown. Budd, A. Pickmere, Yates Vause, Leonard, O. Alelvern. Harding. Morri sh, Rayner, Hawkesby, Aloginie, Sargent. PONSONBY SHAKESPEARE AND RHETORIC CLUB. I ndoubtedly one of the most successful recitals .by the Ponsonby Shakespeare and Rhetoric Society was given in the Leys Institute on Wednesray last week. The attendance was large and most appreciative; indeed, little fault •could be found with the manner in which the individual members rendered their parts. The play selected was “Much Ado About Nothing.” The dramatis personae were: Don Pedro (Prince of Arragon), Air E. T. Hart; Don John (his reputed Brother), Air \\ . H. Graham; Claudio (a young lord of Florence), Air G. Kent; Benedict (a young lord of Padua), Mr IL Heunis; Leonato (Governor of Messina), Mr A. S. (*. Brown; Antonio (his brother). Air L. Hamann; Balthasar (a musician attendant on Don Pedro), Air WTurkey; Conrade and Bora ch io (followers of Don John). Air A. Alison and Air G. Tate; Friar Francis. Mr E. F. Brady; Dogberry (a constable), Air G. Nev ill; Verges (a headborough), Mr E.

Craig: A Sexton, Air G. E. Adams; A Boy. Mr W. Turkey; Hero (daughter to Lronata), Mis* Margaret R. Slo.uir; Beatrice (nicer to Leonato), Miss A. Rhodes; Majgarrt and Ursula (gentlewomen at tern ling on Hero). Mi-fl Mary Al. Sloane and Mrs Maxwell Walker. Miss Rhodes wore a becoming white voile, with pink roses; Miss Margaret Sloane looked very pretty in an azure blue silk Romney frock, with white transparent lace V; Mrs Maxwell Walker wore a Quaker-grey voile, with wide tucks and lovely silk eliifu lace; Aliss Alary Sloane was in a white s.’lk and voile frock, with touches of blue; Miss Bleazard-Brown, white silk blouse, and grey skirt: Aliss Harris, very pretty’ white chiffon voile softened with lace; Aliss (.’leghorn wore a buttercup silk evening blouse and dark skirt; Miss Clare Haven, pale blue silk; Aliss Cooke, white silk: Aliss Stebbing, rose pink silk blouse, with black velvet bebe ribbon and black skirt; Mrs D. B. McDonald, black gown, relieved with white; Aliss AlcDonald wore a becoming pink ami white, floral silk blouse, anil black skirt; Airs Ross, violet silk gown, with black Spanish lace yoke; Mrs Atkinson, cream tucked voile blouse and black trained skirt: Aliss Ada Davis wore white, relieved with black; Aliss Oxley, dainty light blouse, and black skirt: Aliss Husking, pretty white silk, with insertions of ecru lace; Aliss Anriol Gittos was in a dainty white chiffon voile blouse, trimmed with lace, and a dark skirt; Airs AV. Alorpeth wore brown, with pink lace entredeux: Miss Jourdain, electric blue blouse, prettily shirred, and a darker skirt; the Alisses Johnston were in pretty light silk blouses and dark skirts; ("t )'M P E’TITI ()N A FTER NOON. A very pleasant guessing competition afternoon tea was given last Saturday afternon by Mrs C. Coom be-Baker, Prospect Rise. Mt. Eden, for her sister, Aliss Blades, who is leaving for England shortly. Afrs C. J. Parr was the winner of the first prize, and Mrs B. Heather carried off the. second. The tea table was *a study in heliotrope, the flowers chosen being lilac and wistaria, intermingled with lycopodium. Mrs Baker received her guests in a black trained voile skirt, with black silk lace transparencies, and a dainty white silk blouse; Aliss Blades wore a smart brown toilette; Miss B. Blades, pretty ivory silk blouse, and n’avy skirt; Mrs C. J. Parr, pale grey costume, and champagne coloured straw hat, with cherry trimmings; Airs Oberlin-Brown, black gown, and hat with pink roses; Mrs Kenderdine, bright navy blue gown, trimmed with Paris lace, hat io match; Airs Jobson, navy blue silk voile, with cream lace insertion and pretty floral toque; Airs R. Al. Watt, sapphire blue canvas voile, relieved with Paris-tinted lace, lighter blue floral hat: Mrs McFarland, black voile gown, with touches of white; Mrs Aston Bruce, navy blue voile and silk gown, hat en suite; Mrs B. Heather. brown costume, brown and tangerine hat; Airs Arthur Hooker wore blank silk tafl<*tas gown, with light lace collar and navy hat ; Mrs Sharia nd. very pretty grey silk gown, and emerald green Watteau - hat, with clusters of roses; Mrs ( Iras. -Hudson, black trained skirt, and pale green silk blouse; Airs E. Hart, navy coat and skirt, and blue Marquise hat. with osprey.; Miss GiMillan; Mrs Stone; Miss Girdler, black gown, and hat en suite: Aliss Garlan.l. reseda green costume; Miss Bella Bl*ides, grey skirt and pretty white silk blouse. Airs John Reid. Alten-road. gave A DELIGHTELL DANXE last Thursday. The weather wa< execrable all day, but cleared up in the evening, and the gatli-ering was one of the julliest of the season. 'l’he house lias recently been altered and added to considerably, and makes a splendul place fur a dance. Burke played, and the floor was excellent. Alws Reid and her two brothers ably assisted Mr and Airs Reid in looking after the guests, who al! spent a most enjoyable evening, and w ere genuinely sorry when the last dan *e was over. Among those present were Mrs Luckie, Alisses (. hapman,

Browning (2). Green, Pierce (2i, Ware, Giiei*orj. Gorrie (2>. Erater. I)<*nni--oii. (‘otter (2). Buckland (2), Richmond (2). Upton. Towle; Messrs Pierer*. Boult. Wynyard. (biter. Gurdon. Hay. McCormick. Dennison. George Alison. Horton. Upton (2). Luckie. and several officers of H-M.s. Prometheus. DANCE AT “OAKLANDS.” A disagreeable morning turned out a beautiful evening last Tuesday, when the Misses Cotter entertained a number of their friends at a small dance at their charming home. In the absence of Mrs Cotter, who is at present on a visit to Sydney with Miss Cotter, the hostesses were assisted by Mrs Hanna and Mrs Black in entertaining, ami as is usual at “Oaklands,” everybody enjoyed the dance immensely. Miss Mil lie Cotter was daintily frocked in white muslin with pale blue sash; Miss Winnie Cotter wore a pretty Nil green silk with touches of crimson; Airs Andrew Hanna was in a black evening gown: Airs Black looked exceedingly well in pale yellow silk. Among those present wer<‘ Mrs A. Blair, .Mrs Young (Wellington). Mrs E. Horton, Misses Gorrie. Jackson. Ware, Stevenson (2), Gwen Gorrie, Upton, Reid, Green, Richmond (2), Browning (2). Towle, Wilson (Christchurch), Alessrs. Shorn. llenni-ker-Heaton. Richardson, Ah Laughlin, Dargaville, Pritt. Hay. Aht ormick, Horton (2), Griffiths, Aleredith, etc. DELIGHTFUL D.\N( E for young people was given by Mrs Lyons at her pretty residence. ‘‘The Bungalow,” last Friday. As it was Trafalgar Day, Airs Lyons had used the national colours in decorating with wonderful eflect. The wide verandah was awned in and hung with lings. Red, white and blue flowers were used for the supper table, which looked charming, and the supper itself was all one could wish. Over the supper room door was a large red (lag with Nelson’s motto in white letters. A very few older people wtwi* invited, and these very ably assisted Mrs Lyons in her efforts to make the dance a success. Mrs Lyons received her guests in a black Louisine silk, inset with wide bands of Paris-tinted lace, and tucker and lace berthe to match; Mrs I‘vwsley wore a lovely black spangled net over glace, and a white chou in her hair; Mrs Houghton was in a pretty cream silk, with a cluster of poppies on corsagt* and in coiffure; Mrs Anderson, in a lovely cream lace over white: Airs A. Friend wore a cream mousseline dr soie over glace, with touches of blue and forget-me-nots in her hair: Airs Owen was in a black shirred yamaga. with black chiffon on bodice: Mrs Hood wore a handsome black brocade, with real lace; Miss Ireland, in a charming cream lace* robe, with reinture and corsage bow of blue velvet ; Miss White wore a flame-coloured silk, with berthe and tucker of Tuscan lace; Aliss ( raeroft Wilson was in n dainty gown of floral muslin, wide folded belt, and a wreath of daisies in her hair. It would be very hard to describe the dresses of the young people, but the majority wore dainty white silk frocks, with coloured sashes. AT THE RINK. The club nights at the Skating Rink continue to be very popular, in spite of the warm weather. The membership is just sufficiently large* to ensure a pleasant evening’s amusement without overcrowding the floor, which is in particuJarlv good order just now - . Last dub night among those present 1 noticed Mr and M>' s Robert Whitson. Mr and Airs John Kenderdine, Mr and Mrs Koesing. Mr and Mrs Anderson. Mrs Maxwell, Airs Sharman, Misses Whitson. Ireland, Lusk, Bell, Goldie (2). Sloman (2), Messrs Jackson, (hddie, Scherff, Patrick, Jervois and Denniston. On Friday, October 13th. the PAPAKI RA SOCIAL CLUB brought its season to n clos? with a plain and fancy dress daiiet*. I nfortu-nat-ely the bad weather prevented many from coming, especially from a distance. However, those, who were present enjoyed themselves thoroughly, lhe supper whs all that could be desired, whilst

the music by Burke was simply delightful. Those in fancy costume were: Min Shepherd. 80-Peep; .Miss B. Shepherd, Sailor Lass; Miss Cave, Lad\ Barrister; Aliss (’. (’aw, Egyptian ; Mis*. N. Black, Spanish Girl: Anss ( <»nn>c B’. ick. Polly Put the Kettle On: Miss M<-Ew in. Japanese: Miss ( utiibertson, Highland Lassie; Miss Ma<*( oiinavk, milkmaid; Alis s F. Wright, Sailor Lac-; Miss Pirrit. I iiion Jack. In owning dress were: Mrs Findlay, black voile, trimmed with cream lace; Mrs R. Willis, black; Mrs Black, black silk; Mis \ Willis, black lace; Mrs Lewis, bla<-k. with powdered hair: Mrs ( lark, cream lac<*. o\< r sea green; Mrs Gaw. black silk, with powdered hair and patche* : Mrs Bryan, white* silk; M.*s Black, lovely gown of him* velvet, trimmed with (Team la.-c; Miss Willis, black lace, and scarlet roses: Miss Swears, while; Mi*-es Lupton (2). white muslins; Miss Woods, pretty dress of sea green: Miss S. Wright, white silk; Miss llilb. butter(tip silk; Miss Thompson, pah* green chiffon- Amongst the men were Mr ( . Black. Clown: Mr Brown. King’s .les’, er; Mr Martin. Montr Carlo. Messrs Ijowis, Gaw. Swears, MacUormiiHc, Willi*. Cave, A'oungliuslmnd. Jones, Brjaii. I‘»a it left, Walters (2). Rarry, Clark, etc. FAN( Y DRESS BALL AT ONEHI NGA. “Owle Barn,” Onehunga. was a scone of briglitm**s and mirth on the 2<»th inst., when “The Moroporks” hold a fancy dress dance as a wind-up to a series ot surprise parties held during the' winter. I’he floor was in perfect order, and the barn, which was decorated with flags and lycopodium, looked very bright. The supper tables, whir!: laden with all the delicacies of the season, were prettily decorated with the ( lub’s colours. Most noticeable amongst the dresses were: Mr*. E. O’Rourke (Matahum), Little Red Riding Hood; Mr. E. O'Burke (Matahurnj, Lit lie Nigger Buy; Mrs. De Lit our, black dross, and jewelled front ; Mrs. A onge, Powder and Patches; Aliss Noakes, Spanish GirL and her sister went as a Sailor l assie; Mrs. Seigrin. Grandpapa’s Darling: Miss Selgrin. Pieretic; Miss Armstrong. Dancing Girl; Miss Suttle and Alisses (Jra.v (2). Negresses: Alisses E. Hickson ami Crowther, Two Little Girls in Blue: Miss Bassett, Old English Style, and her sister went as a Fortune Toller; Miss Kathleen Gibbons, Milkmaid; Aliss Yongo aud Miss Swears, Pierettcs: Aliss Murphy. Grecian Girl, and her sister wore liluc crepe de chine; Mrs. Scott, Good Night: Miss Scott, a student: Aliss Harness, Spanish Lad\ ; Mrs. Blythe, Mrs. K. .Martin, and Mrs. J. Gray looked well in Powder and Patches; Mrs. Kempthorne, Butterfly; Miss AL Devereaux. Powder and Patches, and her sister was a Japan ese; Miss Little. Swiss Girt: Miss Wilson, Dolly A’ard<*n; Airs. J. Neill, a Study in Black and White; Aliss Farquhar, the Squire’s Daughter; Misses ('onnelly, Gipsy Girls; Aliss Martin, Powder aml Patches; Miss M. Martin, white silk: Mi*s ( luumings, black dre-s; Mr. Norman Rishworth’s disguise waft perfect, and his brother Percival’s costume, as Folly, was much admired; Mr. Moeller. Alephist(q>holes; Mr. Brown, Nanki Poo; Mr. Gray, the Rev. Air. Stiggins; Mr. ( lamb* Seigrin, Debutante. Mr. Vernon Frost made a splendid Ulown. while Mrs. Finche's dress as fb(* “Auckland Star” was \ery good.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 17, 28 October 1905, Page 44

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 17, 28 October 1905, Page 44

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 17, 28 October 1905, Page 44