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Personal Paragraphs

AUCKLAND PROVINCE. Miss Phillips, of Parnell, is visiting Rotorua at present. Mr. C. Tesehmaker (Christchurch) is visiting Rotorua just now. Air. David Nathan (Auckland) is staying at the Geyser Hotel, Rotorua. .Mr. Mayan. Inspector of Schools, was in Rotorua last week. Mr. Thornes (Auckland) has been visiting Rotorua lately. Miss Heather, of Auckland, is the guest of Airs. W. Cook, Ashburton. Air and Airs N. Alfred Nathan leave London for Auckland on the lonic on October 19. Major and Airs. Winter, who have been for a three months’ trip to Tasmania, have returned to Gisborne. Airs. W. J. Napier (Auckland) went to Wanganui last week to take her son down to college. Airs and Aliss Cotter, of Remuera, Auckland, leave for a holiday visit to Sydney on .the 18th inst. Airs F. C. Bull. Waingaro, has been spending a few days with her mother, Airs C. C. AleAlillan, Remuera. Dr. and Airs. T. Hope Lewis (Auckland) are staying at Waiwera House, Rot orua. Mrs W. C. AlcDowell returned to Auckland after a very pleasant visit to New Plymouth. Canon AlaeAlnrray returned to Auckland from a visit to the South by the Zealandia on Sunday. Air Burlinson, manager of the Caversham Industrial School, is on a visit to Rotorua.

The Hon. S. Thorne George. M.L.C.. went to Wellington by the Rarawa on Sitndav.

Dr. Barraclough, medical officer at Avondale Alental Hospital, went to New Plymouth by the Rarawa on Sunday.

Airs. Barton Ireland (Auckland) is visiting her daughter, Airs. C. Tisdall, at Rotorua.

Air., Airs., and Aliss Cameron (Canterbury) have been staying at the Geyser Hotel. Rotorua.

Air. David Goldie returned by the Takapuna on Sunday from the employers’ conference, which was held at Wellington.

Captain E. A. Stenbeek, \\lin ba* :c--li oin the banpient inc Sf. Kihht, is to take charge of the hunjnentinc River Hunter.

The estate of the late Captain HoJge, of Coromandel, who was well known io many Thames residents, has been certified to at £ 13,275.

Mrs. and Mm Langdalc Sunderland (Hawkes Bay) have been visiting GisLoiiie and staying with Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds at Sandown. The Rev. E. Adams, of St. Andrew’s, Hamilton, returned last week, after a three-months’ holiday in New Snath Wales. He has greatly benefited by Ihe trip. Air. P. A. Edmiston, general manager of the New Zealand Accident Insurance Company, went South on Sunday by the Rarawa. Lieut.-Colonel Loveday. who commands the cadet volunteer force in the colony, is visiting the Auckland district. Mr. J. B. Jack, chief clerk in the Auckland agenev. has been appointed io sneeeed Mr. AL W. P. Lascelles as ihe Napier agent of the Public Trust Office. Missis. A. and C. Gouk returned to Auckland on Sunday by the Victoria from Australia. They have been to England ami back for a six months' holiday. Air Bruce Wallace. AI.A., of l.e <ls University, has been appointed assistant, master at King’s College. Remuera, ami will arrive here in a month's time from England. Captain Craig, who arrived on Sunday in Auckland by the Victoria, has been pilot at Singapore for many years, and has now come to New Zealand to settle down. 1 he Rev. N. A. Davis is to be honorary superintendent of the new Baptist Church at Epsom, the building of whieli was ceremoniously inaugurated on Saturday afternoon last. The Rev. .Harold Anson, AI.A., ami Mrs Anson left Auckland on Monday by the Zealandia. en route for England. They join the Nord Deutsche:-Lloyd steamer Seidlitz at Sydney on her next voyage to Europe. 1 he Rev. Aim. Gittos. who lias spent no less than 45 years in the Maori mission. and is still a very vigorous nian, is at present in Wellington on Methodist Home Alission deputation work. He is probably one of the most experienced Alaori students now living. Air. Gittos is accompanied by bis assistant, the Rev. Hone I lari.

The following is the weekly list of guests at the Okoroire Thermal Springs Hotel: Air. W. E. Watkiu and Mr. I'. M. Willink. England; Airs. Fenwick ami Miss Harper. U.S.A.; Mr. D. Downs, Feilding; Air. Lange, Matanuita; Mr. Broadfoot, Air. Matthews, Air. and Mr«. Lane. Air. ami Airs. AleCuiloeh. and Master McCulloch, Auckland. CiW.on Fox, who has been attached to the Anglican Diocese of Nelson, arrived in Auckland last week to take charge of St. John's College ( I'amaki) for the remainder of the session. He. is an exceptionally clever Hebrew scholar. The late Warden (the Rev. Harold Anson. M.A.). who recently resigned the position, left. Auckland foi Australia en route for England on Monday. He was accompanied by Airs. Anson and family. TARANAKI PROVINCE. Air F. W. Wilkie (Kanonga) has returned from a trip the world. Mr and Mrs E. Carttsv (New Plymouth) have gone for a trip to Sydney. Air George Fookes is on a visit to Ids parents in New- Plymouth. Mrs R. Lusk (.Auckland) is visiting her mother, Mrs W. D. Webster, New Plymouth. Mr 11. Buckleton, manager of the New Plymouth branch of the Bank of New Zealand, has been appointed inspector. Air A. J. Harding, of Malice, has joined the teaching staff of the Central School, New Plymouth. Nurse Holford has left New Plymouth for Dunedin, to take up her duties as matron of the St. Helen's Hospital for Women.

Aliss Nessie Evans, of Auckland, who has been visiting her uncle, Bev. I . »J. Evans, of New Plymouth, has gone -m to Wanganui and Wellington.

Mi E. A. Tdkr. of the New Plymouth Branch of the New Zealand In mi ranee Company, has been transferred to Wanganui, and Air It. Baker takes his place. Mi Dick English and Mr Gerald ot lerAon ha\e both been on a short \ isit Io New PI, mouth. but have now returned to Wellington. Mr ami Mis Wilfred Benell, of Auckland, who hair been on a short visit to New Plymouth, have now returned home. Miss B. Evans (New PlxnioiilhV is visiting her sifter. Mi-s M. Evans, who is a nurse in Miss Pa burr’s hospital. Wellington. The New Plymouth I Jockey < h:b have presented their captain. Mi 11. B al. in view of his approaching marriage, with :ni aft rnoou tea service. Mr l\ I*. (•orki!l. pre-iilent of the chib. made the pi-rs-uiat i. »i. Mr -Joe Thomas. of St in'.ford, has been appoii.l* d headma*ler of the Omata s-tiool. Ki-iore leaving he was entertainel ?»/ many friends, and presented with i parse of sovereigns and a framed <»•: irgenttml of the senior fool Im l l team, of wh’rh he was a member. WELLINGTON PROVINCE. Miss B. Fitzgerald is back in Wellington after a week or so in ( liristchurch. Miss Baker, of Wanganui, has gone to P.dmerdon North for a short, holiday. Mr. X. J'itzherberl. of Wanganui, has Ptunpil from hi< visit to Australia. Mr. ( . Good son, of Haw era, was in Wanganui for the bulb show. Mrs. (-ill <’arev. of llawera. has been in Wanganui for a short visit. Mrs. Mcßae.-of-Auckland, is the guest of Mrs. Hope Gibbons. Wanganui. .Mrs I . Hagg-itt < Wilding) was a visitor i•» I’liliiirM on North lately. Miss Thompson i .Melbourne) is the gne>t o’ Mis Fuller (Palmerston North;. Mo Powell I Wanganui) is visiting Mrs M•• Knight I Palmerston North). Miss N. West (Wellington) is spending ,tw<.» or three weeks in Christchurch. Mis? !b>na\n<* (Wellington) is in Dienheim for a week’s visit. Miss Deans i ( hrl-dehtirrh i is visiting Wellingi on. Mi.s.s Somerville is hack in Wellington after a stay in Christchurch. Mrs (oivett (New Plymouth) is visiting Wellington. Miss Ilamerton (Welling!on) has gn'ie to Sydney for some weeks. Mrs 'Thompson (Palmerston North) his gone for a short trip to Wellington. Mrs Davidson (Pahiatua) was in Jetliners! uii North last week. Mis < lapperton (Dunedin) is -laying ’v it h her daughter. Mrs J. M. Johnstone tPa liners? «»n Nori hi. Miss i ariie Watson (Palmer-ton North, ha-, been in Wanganui spending Mi-..- (.. Harcourt, has returned to Wellington alter a short slay in < ’hristchurch. Miss McDonnell and Miss Edwin (Welling! on • are staying with Mrs Chaytor. •Marshlands.” Blenheim. Mrs <_ Johns! <m has returned to Hawk ’s Bav after a week in Wellington. Mi ind Mrs \ Izard (Wanganui) have returned from a week in Wellington. Mis* Mti iel yA'aldegravr (Wellington) is slaving ifT* .Palmer-ton North with Mi. Harold and Mr. 11. B. Wat-on. of Wanganui, vv.-re in Nattier foi the golf ch • mpion-hip. Mi is K. Be« 4, of Auckland, is the gii Mt of Mr-*. J, ( . Greenwood, in Wangami i. Profe-sor Scott has returned to (In isi. hiirrh after a short visit to Wellington on t ni\ersity business. MGs limner ( Poroiigahau. Hawke’s Bay i- -laying with Mrs Moriah. Wei* Mi »nd Mrs W ilkin (< hri-Ichurch) or.: makinif a short slay in WellingMr *» Per ton (Sydney) came over to Wellington latelv to visit her people ill the Wait ii ipa district. ’The Hon. T. and Mr- Ibov lev have re tm» • 1 to Wntigiiiiui after some weeks iu W '

Miss M. Taylor (Feikling) is making a short slay in Wellington, where she is the guest of Mrs Browne. Mr and Mrs Cecil Cox (Ma-teitoiH air the guests of .Mr It. N. K *c!ing (Pal-nier.-toH North i. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Izard, of Wanganui. have returned from a short visit to Wellington. Mr W. .Fitzherliert (New Plymouth) paid a short visit to Palm er-ton North last week. Mi-s N. Wilson has returned to Hangitikei after a Hying visit to Wellington. Miss Anderson (Wanganui) has been spending a week or two in Wellington with Mrs Harding. Mrs Saiprdcr- (Wanganui), who has been visiting Christchurch, spent a few days in Wellington with Miss Coates on her way home. Miss Horlon (Auckland), who has been paying a round of visits in Wellington. is al present the guest, of Miss Coates. Mrs Grattan Gray (Australia) is in Wellington for a time, having conn? over to stav with her daughter, Airs Sidney Stafford, at Khandallah. Miss ('. Anderson and Aliss E. Anderson, of Wanganui, have returned from their vi-it to friends in Christchurch and Wellington. Miss O. Fitzgerald is back in Wellington after a month or so in Christchurch. Miss Denniston returned with her. and is now paying visits in Welling! on. Mr ami Mrs Lawson (Wellington) are back after their visit to the South Island. 'They are making preparations to settle down in their new house at Kelburne. Mrs Collins was successful in winning the silver putter played for by the ladies of the Wellington Golf ( lub. On a previous occasion Mrs Collins carried oil’ the championship of the club, and her golf record is an exceedingly good one. Miss Millie Stuart (Wellington) lias gone to Australia on route for Colombo, where her marriage will take placeMiss N. Stuart, who has been paying a louml <>f visits in Sydney, accompanies her sister. Mrs Stuart and Ali.s O. Stuart will join them in Ceylon. Aliss Millie Stuart’s fiancee is Uent. Hancock. K.N.. who made many friends when he was out here on TI.AI.s. Penguin. SOUTH ISLAND. Mr Powell Whyte has returned to Waitara after a holiday at W 7 estport. Miss Souter (Christchurch) is the guest of Mrs Sruthers, W’estport. Mrs F. Uobinson (Aferivale. Canterbin v; is <m a brief visit to b’otorua. Miss Irene Nixon (Wanganui) is spending her holidays at W’estport with her cousin, Mrs Anthony Cottrell. Mr and Mrs John Marris have returned to West port after a pleasant trip to Auckland. ‘ . Major Winter has just returned to ( liristchurrh from his trip to England, thoroughly recruited in health. \fr Pownall (Wanganui) is the guest of Mr and Airs Gow er-Burns, Christchurch. Mrs T. Saunderson (Napier), who, with her children, has been visiting the Misses Heywood, ( hristchureh, lias returned homeMr and Airs Dunean Cameron. Miss ( amcron. and Mr Sandevs have gone for a trip to Itotorua and other parts of the North Island (writes our ( correspondent). P.ecent news received in (Jiri st church from England states that Mr ami Mrs G. Helmorr intended returning at once to New Zealand as Mr Ihdmore’s health has not bemi very good whilst there. Mr< -I. I. Kinsey has returned Io Auckland from Dunedin, where she has hern spending several weeks with her daughter, Ah- W. A. Moorei at Moini ngion Mr F. G. Warlmrton. who until recrntly has been treasnr<*r of the Canterbury Rugby I nion, ami has been transferred to Wellington, wa-. Im fore his departure from Christchurch, presented by the memh(*r- of the executive of the I nion with a dressing case and a Loewe pip J.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 11, 16 September 1905, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 11, 16 September 1905, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 11, 16 September 1905, Page 41