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Hear Bee. 12 . THE 111 XT < 1.1 I! BALL held in I be Anmri Drill Hall. (Hiv-er.leji on W e.ln, s<la\ last, was a Mieeess'' Dancing was kepi np n itil live when t he visitors front <'ln i .teiittv.'h breakfasted and eangiit the six n.m. tram to town. Yoh can ima»di:e whit a weary set of fra veil is vv e weie and liovv vv e envied (hose fori limit? ones who liad Iteea invited to pda <,ne <,f the various house part'es. Mr . I.cs'ie .Ru I In rlLi (I (Moulrose) w . re a lov<dv gown of soft pink satin. jeaeveJ with cream hue: Mrs. Pt.llii!!. n jb-ii b'ack surah. with jetted lata: Mi-s Polltill. a dainty white silk: Mi-s rcnce looked « h:imiag in her debiita'de’s frock of whin* -ilk and ehitlon: Miss Viola Bark; •. pink crepe de chine, pink ro><s in her < >iffurc; Miss Chaff’cy. a becoming gown of em de nil silk; Miss E. Murray, wiii c -ilk and lace, with llowerd rimau d de.tdlcLe; Miss Mather and Miss E. M illi.uii" were daintily gowned in white: Miss M. Allan wore pale blue crepe de chine; Mrs. Tlioinpscn (Balmoral), handsoa.e toih'tlc; Miss Prins 1« o'.ej well in pile pink, reditved with black \<l.el ami hue: Miss I’. A'.ilsmn wore fine white muslin, with L.ce inseiHcn- am! hills; Mrs. ( haliey. black s::t n, ie'icv<<! with rich lace. Others prr>eil wire- The Missi s Davidson 1.3). Brf-vvn. Ru: ! <-i ford, billion. Jamc-on. 1 l;om •>o i. \l.ijer Chr.ffey, Alcs-i". Ollivier Xe.vt< i. Bui berry. Guthrie. Ruth: r<»l. -darkey. Jameson, Thompson. 1' i .i ’s >;». Mil" mi. White. Ensor (2). (hi Thursday affci <>»>n 1 he Misses Mears gave a |.’E( El'l h>\ at their rcsi(h nee ’’Tool o<, w \|eri vale. Miss Mears wore a h iu-1-oni” gown of line broea<l ■. with <ieam !.!<■.• vokc. Iler "istirs were < h i rm i ’■_> I ; gowned in creani silk, wi h in.. u : ci i A e tucks. Among the guest's we •( : Mr-. Denniston, in a prcltv gr<\\ snk. b’a-k and white toque; Mi". Tabail wore black, brocaded coat, fu t-iiirncd. !• :< x bonnet: Mis. E. \ . P. I.ner. | r« I ■ y * ■ tunic of green cloth. cr«am top tiimnu d w it h \ iolet s; Mis. ( h rv * i I \. n ft

bla<k: Mr*. Ki-itli Gurrick. picftT cream Bilk, trinini'd with laee, bl'ov.n with pearl and turquoise oriiameiu -; Alls. Anderson, lawn cloth costume, toque of cream lace: Mrs. Ogle, blue serge dies-, blue straw lia*: Mrs. 'A'aiiirop, smart dri— ol grey tweed, while felt hat: Mrs. Wilding, fawn coat amt skirt, edged with I'm and blue velvet; Mrs. Hugh l!< eves, pretty eoslume of brown cloth, with cream lace appliques, hat on suite; .Mis. .1. Palmer, grey tweed eoat and skirl, white fur toque and stole; .Mrs. Hose wore black: .Mis. 11. Mears, dainty fawn coloured costume, with fox furs, hi liot rope lloral toque; Mrs. P. <'nmpbell. black dress, with vest of cream lace, b’aek hat and feathers; Mrs. Fox, brown eoslume. cream laee vest, brown hat with cherries; Mrs. A. Scott, dark red elot 11. white fur toque, with touches of black: Mrs. W. Recce, a handsome black dress, and black hat; Mrs. Frank Graham, him- serge, white toque: Mrs. F. Robinson, black, with white fox fins; Mrs. lieales, blue cloth, faced with pale blue silk black hat. and fur stole: Mrs. Ac land, dark blue coat and skirt, toque to match; .Mrs. Henry Wood, stylish costume of cream serge, relieved with black, black and white hat; Airs. Alolineaiix. prettv grey costume, with white vest, black hat: Airs. Blunt wore a grey voile, with bright red toque; Miss Hun* ter-Brown (Nelson). a pretty costume of brown cloth, with velvet and cream guipure, toque to match: Mrs. Isaac Gibbs, blue coat and skirt, white silk vest, white toque, and white fox furs; Alls. Guv Pascoe, grey costume, toque with violets: Mrs. Crook wore brown, large brown fur eape. and brown hat. Air. and the Misses Mears were indefatigable in attending to their guests. A string band, in which a harp was included. played at intervals during the afternoon. Aliss Muriel Mears, who is a skilled pi mist, charmed her guests with her playing, d’ea ami dam refreshments held sway in the diningroom. The rooms, were tastefully decorated with flowers and'palms. The reception given by Mr -I. < Iramson at the Royal Cafe on Friday TO MI£ET MISS TITTEL BRUNE, was largely attended, over 300 persons being present. Miss Brune received her guests at the door. She was beautifully gowned in a rich black lace, embroidered ■with gold ->equins. worn over white silk and aceordiim-pleated chiffon, long laee elbow sleeves, ami ermine furs; large black hat. wi'ih feathers and tulle strings. She was accompanied by Airs John Deans. Mrs Litchfield, and Mrs Isaac Gibbs. The scene was a brilliant one. an-,1 Hie elfeet was enhanced by the shaded elec:rie lights. The pale green of the tinted walls, curtained and panelled with brown: the rich crimson of the carpet, and spotless white table linen, the decor.ii ions i.f scarlet holly berries, mid a profusion of lovely ipahns and pot. plants; and lastly, the throng of richlydressed guests, formed a picture not easily forgotten. A most excellent afternoon tea was served, and while we enjoyed ii. a mus.'ral programme was gene through. The orchestra, under Air George Hill, played various selections. Airs Dr’.ins and Mrs laiehtield both wore black, wit h rich furs: Mrs Isaac Gibbs, cos time of blue cloth, white toque. :.nd set of white iox furs: Mrs Kettle, stylish coat

and skirt of navy blur, black and while hat; Mbs Kettle, blue costume and bat to match; Miss Denniston, brown tweed, and brown hat; Miss F. Denniston (Dunedin), gown of cream serge, cream hat. and brown marabout stole; Mrs Qiraine, a pale grey cloth costume, cream toque. with sable fur and violets; Mrs Norton. a light French grey coat, and skirt with fox furs; Mrs Wilding, brown tweed costume, faced with check Jlk, black and white liat; Miss Fairhurst wore black and heliotrope, with floral toque; Miss Hargreaves, stylish costume of pale grey cloth, grey furs; Mrs Chilton, blue grey tweed and red hat: Mrs Patterson, blue cloth and sable furs; Mrs Croxton, dark brown costume, black and white toque; Mrs 11. Cotterill. grey tweed, hat of heliotrope tulle; Miss Guthrie, navy blue cloth, red hat. and brown marabout stole; Miss Meredith-Kaye, navy blue cloth, faced with pale silk, large white hat, with ostrich feather; Mrs Aeland, brown tweed, fawn toque; Mi-' Fay Mathias wore black. Others ]uc cat were: Dr. Jessie Maddison. Mrs and Miss Staveley. Mrs and Miss Secretan. Aliss Bloxam. Mrs and Miss Wilkin, Mrs and Miss Woodhouse. Mrs Alorton Anderson, Professor and Mrs Cook, Miss Cabat, Airs W.-Stringer. Miss Fodor. the Misses Burn. Miss Merton, Mrs and Miss Anderson, Mrs Bourne. Mr and Mrs Wood. Mrs MacDougall, Mrs Ti’pler, Mr and the Misses Mears, Mr and Miss Trlggs, Mrs Wanklyn, Dr. and Mrs Coleridge Farr. Dr. and Mrs Irving. Dr. Alice Moorhouse. Mr Ranald Macdonald, Airs and the M isses Ba Ilin. THE GOLF LINKS AT St 11 RLE V. were very gay on '1 uesday. when, in response to Mrs Beal’s invitation both Hagley and Shirley Ladies’ Clifts met and played handicap foursomes. Miss Kettle and Miss Anderson won the first prizes (beautiful water-colour pictures by Christy). Mrs G. G. Stead and Mrs Henry Wood came second; their prizes being small silver toilet boxes. The prizes ivere presented by the hostess, Mrs Beal, who thus commemorated her national holiday. July 4. Between 40 and 50 guests were present. Tea was held in the pavilion. The tables looked very pretty, with bowls of chrysanthemums. and here and there a tiny flag of Star and Stripes. Among these present were Mrs Archer, Mrs and Mis>j Kettle. Mrs Wigram. Mrs and the Misses Denniston. Mrs F. Robinson. Mrs 11. Wood. Mrs and Miss Campbell. Mrs Hamner and Misses Reeves, Denniston, Humphreys. Kitson, Ainger. Stead, Ci aero ft. Wilson. Anderson, Overton and Moore. AT HAGLEY PARK on Friday there was a competition for golf balls presented by Mrs G. G. Stead. I'he tinners were Mis Boyle and Miss Newton. For the second prize a silver salts bottle Miss Nora ('ampbell and Miss Stead tied, and will have to play oil. Afternoon tea was provided by Misses Russell and Westen ni. AN AFTERNOON TEA was given by Mrs El worthy on Friday to welcome home Miss Elworthy, who has been travelling for nearly two years in Egypt, India and Europe. Among the guests were Mrs Cowlishaw. Mrs Beswick. Mrs R. Macdonald, the Misses Kettle. Macdonald. Hill. Cotterill. Reeves and Murrav-Avnslev.

Airs Ensor gave A PROGRESSIV E BRIDGE PARTY on Wednesday evening at her house in Park Terrace. The first prize was won by Aliss Bassett, and the second by Mr Na m arrow. The evening wound up with a carpet dance, which was thoroughly enjoyed. The guests were the Misses Julius, Campbell, Merton, Humphreys. Inman, Denniston, Nancarrow and AI ears, and Messrs Pou It on, Moorhouse, Bl undin, Gould, Hazelden, Jameson and Dr. Moorhouse. On the same evening the Misses Cholmondeley gave a small card party at their residence “Alalpas,” CarltonAIISS COX HELD HER ASSEMBLY in her rooms at ‘‘Te Whare.” These dances are most popular. Two more are to be held this season. The chaperones were Airs Percy Cox, wearing rich black silk with lace collar and cap; Airs Struthers Williams, who was also in black, with white lace, and Airs Bowman Fox; Miss W. Cox wore a pretty grey gown with white lace; Miss Anderson. pretty pink crepe de chine with lace bertha and flowers; Aliss Gladys Anderson, pink men'., cream lace flounces, pink flowers in her hair; Aliss Day. primrose coloured silk and lace, red geraniums in hair; Aliss Staveley, black dress relieved with white; Aliss Middleton. white silk and lace, pink sash; Miss Devenish-Mears, grey voile with cream* lace insertion; Aliss Guthrie, black voile, white' lace bertha and sleeves; Miss Preston, white silk and laee: Miss Todhmiter, white silk; the Alisses Cook. Kitson. Moore, Fox, Williams and Ensor. Messrs Moore, Cox, Guthrie. Haselden. Preston. Nalder, Anderson. Collyns. Tribe and Dr. Thomas. 'The next- Alusical I nion concert will be given on Tuesday. The programme will be chiefly orcDestral. The vocal soli st s are to be Aliss Livingsten and Air. Claude Allen. THE HIGH SCHOOL OLD GIRLS’ ASSOCIATION held their social on Friday evening. A very good musical programme was gone through. After which there was a question competition, which (‘aused much amusement. The first prize for the gr»?atest number of correct answers was won by the pre«id(‘nt. of the club. Miss Gibson. Miss Nellie Marshall came second. A delicious supper brought the evening to a close. Great preparations arc being made by the members for a public entertainment. which they purpose giving next month. Half the proceeds will be given to some local charity. THE THEATRE ROYAL was crowded to the doors on Friday when Miss Tittel Brune opened the Williamson season with “L’Aiglon.’’ The audience was most enthusiastic, and undoubtedly Aliss Tittel Brune deserves the great reputation which precede her. All are delighted with her clever acting, and charming personalty. in the circle among others were the Hon. ('. Louis<on, Mrs. and Miss Louis-on. Mrs. and Miss Boyle, Air. and Airs. H. Wood. Dr. and Mrs. Keeley. Dr. ar.d ;)lrs. Diamond. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wood. Dr. and Mrs. Shone. Mrs. Selig, Airs. Harris, the Misses Harley. Mathias, and Maling. Mr. and Mis. Hugh Reeves, Mrs. ami the Misses Kettle. Air. Kettle,

Mr. and the Misses Mears. Mrs. Chaffs Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ( lark. Mf. andy Mrs. T. Cowlisliaw. Dr. and Mrs. Hertz, Mr. and Mrs. Cobham. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Dr. Gibson’s marriage to Miss Flower, who has just arrived from England, will take place in Melbourne from Bi shopscour t, the Bishop of Melbourne being a relative of Miss Flower. The solemn and imposing ceremony of the reception of nine nuns into the convent of the Sacred Heart took the Cathedral, Dean Ginaty conducted the ceremony. It is understood that Mr. F. Waymouth’s beautiful property in Lower Riccarton has been purchased by Mrs. J. If. Townend. The appointment of the Hon C. C. Bowen to the Speakership has given great pleasure to his Christchurch friends. He has been the recipient of numberless t legrams and congratulatory messages. The Shakespeare Society met last Monday at Miss Moreland’s, Christ’s College, when “King John” was read. Mr. and Mrs. Smithson, Timaru. who stayed last week with Mrs. Wardrop, on their way to Hamner, received the very sad news of the death of their only son, who was at school in England. Miss Na near row has gone to stay with her sister,. Mrs. D. Maclean at Mount Hutt, where a large shooting party is b?ing entertained.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 3, 22 July 1905, Page 47

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CHRISTCHURCH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 3, 22 July 1905, Page 47

CHRISTCHURCH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXV, Issue 3, 22 July 1905, Page 47