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Orange Blossoms

( mIIKANE—TETLEY. At the Methodist Church in Pavroa last week Miss Mary Tetley, eldest daughter of Mr W. Tetley, of Paeroa. was married to Mr Arthur Cochrane, of Auckland. *1 he Rev. E. D. Patchett. assisted by Kev. T. A. Norrie, officiated. ’l'he bridesmaids were Misses Sarah 'l ot ley and Lily Sileoek, and Messrs J. uud < Short were the groomsmen. CONOLLY—WIGHT. On June 6th a ipii.’t but pretty wedding took p’ave at ”Belmont.” Paeroa. the residence of Mrs. Wight, when her youngest daughter. Miss Mary Edith Wight, was married to Mr. Edwin 'l' liny son Conully, eighth son of the Hon E. T. ( <»nully. of lu.miuera. Auckland. The Rev. Mr. Patu’la, of Waihi. was t4ie officiating minister. The bride, who looked very winsome in a white silk gown trimmed with chiffon and insertion, ami the orthodox veil and wreath, was given away by I » hrothri. Mr. Albert Wight, of Karaiigahake. 'the bridegroom wa* mtended by Mr. A. Wilson. of Pavroa, ami tin* bride by her si-tcr. Miss K. Wight. who wore s pretty’ frock of pink delaine. The bride's travelling dt:*ss was a handsome blue cloth with white fa iigs nnd white felt hat to imtfch. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a gobi chain, ami to the bridesmaid a gold brooch with initial in pearls. In th* afternoon Mrs. Wight held an “at home.” which was attended by a large ntimlwr >f guests. and this was followed by a jovial in the evening to the young people M tl • district. Mr.• and Mrs. Conully ire very impnlar. ami were the recipients of a large number of handsome and useful presents. DYKES— MEE. A wedding which attracted a great am<»i*nt of interest ‘wasr Hint of Miss’ Isabel Mee and Mr James Dyke*. The ceremony was performed at St. Paul’s

Pro-Cathedral, Wellington, on June 7. The bride, who was given away by her father. Mr George Me?, linked very charming in a lovely gown of ivory satin delicately embroidered with silver roses and a treiilage <»! narrow satin ribbon. The bodic? was draped wi.h Point de Venise lace, and her Brussels lace veil was worn over a coronet of orange blossoms. She was attended by six bridesmaids— her sisters (Misses Hilda and Mabel Mee). Miss Jessie Mee (her cousin). Miss M. Newcombe. Miss F. law is, and Miss G. Richardson. They had exceptionally pretty dresses of ficelle luce over cream satin royale, the full skirts bordered with flounces of lace; kilted frills of lace ami satin adorned the bodices overhanging the deep Empire belts of satin. The decolletage was veiled wish fichus of lace, and the short elbow sleeves had deep rutiles of the same. They wore floral hats of Parma violets and foliage, and carried artistic bouquets of violets and arbutus tied with long streamers of mauve. The bridegroom gave them each a silverbacked mirror. To the bride he gave a pearl p?ndant. Mr A. Gele was best man. The groomsmen were Messrs. E. Blundell. A. Haslam. T. Winter, and A. Mee. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride's parents. Mrs Mee wore black sarin with cellar of jet pailettes. becoming pink bonnet with roses. and a bouquet tied with pink ribbon. Amongst the guests were Mrs Gilmer, wearing black voile de soie; Miss Gilmer, pale blue taffetas, white fur stole, ami white beaver hat; Miss M. Nedd on. pale blue canvas and black picture hat: Miss Hannah. pale grey cloth, whi’e furs, ami while beaver hat : Miss J. Hannah, white soiiple cloth and royal blue hat; Mrs (’. Richardson, brown tailor-made, brown hat with touches of orange: Mrs O. K ember. navy blue cloth, blue hat with wings; Mrs Richardson, black satin and bonnet with purple violets: Miss Richardson. blue canvas; Miss Kirkcaldie. dark blue canvas and pale bine hat: Miss <). Kirkcaldie. zinc grey cloth ami picture hat; Mrs Richardson, black brocade with touches of purple; Mrs Holmwood. black canvas with motifs of lace: Miss Holmwood. ivory cloth and picture hat: Miss Lockie. grey voile and white hat. Th • bride’s travelling dress was a dark tailor-mad** gown, worn with white furs ami a smart velvet hat. Among the many handsome presents was a purse of sovereigns from the members of th Savage Club, of which Mr Dykes is hon. secretary. After the honevmoon. which is being spent in the NorflF. Mr and Mrs Dykes are returning to Wellington, and intend to live at Island Bay. McCOSH CLARK —THOMPSON. A charmingly pretty wedding was celebrated at St. Mark’s Chunh. Remit'rt. on Wednesday. June 7th. at half-past two. when Miss Kathleen Nora Thompson. second <laught< r of Herbert Thompson. Esq., of Christchurch, was married to Mr. Harry Met ash ( lark, of R* mu ra. son of the late -lames McCosh ( lark, of this city. Th* service, which was fully choral, was conducted by Canon Brat y. vicar of St. Mark’s. Madame Wigmore presiding at the organ. The church was Iteaulifuliy decorated by the numerous friends of the bride and bridt groom with a w: «:».th of pilms. ferns, and variegated grasses, intermingled with elust* r- »f arum lilies ami other white floweis. Tin* seats reserved for the guest* wire all roped off with white satin ribbens. An exceptionally pretty wedding hell composed of white azal *as and trails >f maiden-hair fern, tied with white satin streamers, was 'ii>pt-nd«'d in the chancel. The bride, who was given away by her fat 1-r. looked lovely in an exquisite ‘‘Romney** gown of ivory satin, the trained skirt festooned with Mechlin lace, caught tip with chiffon rosebuds. The l»odiee. opened at the treat. revealed a V of transparent Mechlin lace, finished with a. cluster of orange blossoms. \ flowing tulle veil worn over a coronet of orange blossom* ami a lieautiful shower bouquet of rare white flowers with trails of maiden-hair, completed a most becoming toilette. She also wore a pearl and turquoise necklace and pendant, ami a pearl ring art with diamonds, flu* gifts of tie* bridegroom. The I »yidesma ids. Misses Lla Thompson l sister of the bride) and Penrl McCosh ( lark (sister of the bridegroom), wore effective cream

cloth tailor-made gowns slightly trailed with \csts of cream lace, becoming hats of pah* blue miloil* velvet, softened with bands of satin and chiffon choux of same -shade. A pk-tiue-Mpm lwish to-the bridrsmai<ls’ costumes were the dainty pale blue miroir velvet drawn muffs, finished with lace ruffles and sprays of delicate pink rosebuds and leaves, which they carried.. They also wore handsome gold curb bracelets with lock pendants, the gifts of tib* brithgroom Mr. Archie Met osh ( lark attended his brother as best man. and Mr. Sydney Thompson officiated as groomsmen. After the ceremony a large reception was held at “Waimaraina.” Arney Road, the residence of Mrs. M<-( osh C lark, w here the large number of costly wedding presents, including a grand piano from the parents of the bride, and a silver tea and coffer? service from Mrs. McCosh ( lark, were displayed. During the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Me(‘O’fh ( l.xrk left c.n their incon tour, which includes a tour of the Southern lakes, th.? bride wearing a smart tail-or-made blue serge costume with soft white >ilk ami la<.? vest, becoming white felt hat. trimmed Parma violets. Many beautiful costumes were worn at the wedding. amongst those I specially noticed being:—Mrs. Thompson wearing a black chiffon de soie. handsomely trimmed with black applique, and lace, hat of grey panne. trimmed with purple pansies and osprey plume: Mrs. Met’osh Clark, recherche black satin dress, veiled in black Chantilly lan?, bodice made with V shaped voke and long light cuffs of cream Erench Hower lace, black velvet hat trimmed with jewel straw relieved with shaded ro>es; Mrs Halcombe (Urcnui) was smartly gowned in a brown cloth tailor-made costume, with Paris lace vest, brown picture hat trimmed with lave and shaded roses; Mrs Jack Smith; Miss Trixie Smith wore a brown cloth coatee costume, with lace vest, brown hat to match: Mrs Seymour George was beautifully gowned in a black and white checked taffetas, with lace vest, pretty black ami white toque relieved with touches of turquoise blue; Mrs Wilfred Colbeck wore a graceful pearl grey tweed gown over glace silk foundation, black picture hat : Mrs Louis Myers, very handsome black brocaded silk costume, the bodice linished with a deep cape collar encrusted with lace motifs, becoming black and white bonnet ; Mrs Leo Myers was charmingly gowned in cream eolienne with lace vest anti touches of brown, white and brown bat : Mrs Richmond, handsome black silk, black hat with cluster of pink roses at one side; Mrs Hanson. dark blue coat and skirt, with pretty white hat. ostrich feather boa; Mrs Bodie, black eolienne gown, the bodice richly trimmed with black and white lace motifs; Mr< Tonks. dark blue, smart blue hat wreathed with pink roses; Mrs Street, black silk ami black chiffon pelerine. dainty black and white bonnet; Mrs Pritt, black chiffon voile trimmed with niched ribbons, black toque; Mrs Edward Rus<ell. crimson gown profusely trimmed with ecrue lace medallions, black hat; Mrs Duthie. beautifully - fitting navy cloth tailor-made costume, with lace vest, smart black and cream hat smothered with roses; Mrs Robert Burns was effectively gowned in pale mauve cloth piped with velvet a shade darker, velvet hat to match swathed with velvet roses; Mrs Archie ( lark was in a bottle green cloth gown -martly trimmed with black, black hat : Mrs Robert Rose, graceful gown of cream eolienne. with touches of black, black plumed hat: Mrs Nolan wore a pretty blue gown, and blue torpedo toque linished with pink roses; Mrs Paton, black voile with encrustations of lace over white satin, black and white hat; Mrs Foster wore a pretty violet costume with dainty violet toque; Mrs McMillan wore a striking gown of violet Lou : sine silk with tloum es of Paris-tinted Ince, vest of >ame lace, and pretty violet lainnet finished with white osprey: Mrs Bull I Waingsirn). lovely gown of pastel pink cloth linished with lace ami sable fud. picture hat: Mrs —. Bull wore biscuit coloured cloth, hat to correspond; Mrs Ranson, stone grey costume, the ImhL ire linished with levers braide<l with black and white, black toque; Mrs Gamble, navy blue serge, tailor-made, with cream vest, black bonnet with cluster of violets in front; Airs Thompson, rich black silk gown finished with chiffon. black bonnet relieved with touches of blue: Miss Reay. dark cloth tailormade costume, with lace vest, black hat; Mes Buddle. dark blue. with hat ph suite; Mrs Colonel Ranks, dark grey tweed costume with small black hat; Mrs Henry Walker; Mrfl Heather wore a very pretty coatee costume of pale bi sen it-colon red cloth with black satin facinga veiled in Paris lace, pale blue ceinture and hat ; Mra

Cheeseman wore a beautiful white and pink floral silk, profusely trimmed with lace. pretty toque enwreathed with pink roses and leaves; Mis Arthur Myers wore ft lovely stone grey Louisine silk picture frock, smart grey plumed hat to match; Mrs Wertheimer looked eharming in a pearl grey Romney gown of velvet and doth, sweetly pretry hat to match with lace scarf tied under the chin, white ostrich feather boa; Mrs Ernest Bloomfield was picturesquely gowned in brown voile over glace, dainty beaver hat. trimmed with shaded ribbons: Mrs Edwin Horton. bright blue cloth gown with white vest, pretty violet and white toque; Mrs Roach, smart navy blue cloth with pale blue facings, dainty net and lace vest, black toque with touches of turquoise blue; Miss Dorothy Ware looked very well in a cream costume. relieved with touches of turquoise blue and black, hat en suite; Miss Cohen (Sydney) was smartly gowned in sapphire blue cloth with white vest, while hat. trimmed with blue: Miss George wore an effective white cloth gown, becoming white felt hat. ermine furs; Miss Zoe George looked charming in a pale blue hopsack coat and skirt with cream vest, black picture hat: Miss Violet Banks wore grey tweed and pale grey hat to match, ostrich feather boa: Miss Stephenson, dainty white spotted silk gown, large black hat ; Miss — Stephenson, cream voile, inset with cream yak lace, blue ceintiue. cream straw hat. wreathed with forget-nie-not<: Miss Horton, dark blue coat and skirt, cream vest, and blue hat; Miss Browne, brown hopsack costume, brown hat. trimmed with shaded roses; Miss — Browne, blue serge coat and skirt, and hat to match: Miss Richmond wore a dark grey tweed tailormade. black hat: Miss — Richmond was wearing dark blue: Miss Nolan, dark blue coat and skirt, pretty green h<U; Miss Kitty Clark, white cloth costume, pretty hat. trimmed with shaded fringed ribbon and roses: the Misses Scherff wore dark blue cloth costumes with white hats, wreathed with violets; Miss Buckland, sapphire blue voile with cream insertion, blue felt hat to match; Miss R«M»ke. black chiffon voile gown, trimmed with Paris lace, threaded with blue lu’be ribbon, black and white hat, finished with garland of green leaves; Miss Georgic Denniston wore a becoming costume with a large black plumed hat; Miss Isaacs, dark violet coat and skirt with cream vest, pretty bla-ck hat; Miss Dargaville. white cloth costume,., white feather boa. and a black picture hat. GRAEME-COX—WRIGHT. The marriage is announced of Mr A. Graeme-Cox to Miss Edith Wright. Mr Graeme-Cox. who is the eldest son of Mr A. Vassa 11 Cox. of < litton. England, occupies an honourable post in the South African constabulary, having during the war served Sir G. Baden-Powell as quartermaster-sergeant. He was educated first at Bradford College. England. and after at New Plymouth High School. His bride was Miss Edith Wright, daughter of Mr George Wright, of Plymouth, who fills tin* important position of manager of the Wilts and Dorset Bank in that city. Mr GraemeCox has a brother in Auckland—Vassa 11 Cox. a journalist and horticultural enthusiast.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 24, 17 June 1905, Page 44

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Orange Blossoms New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 24, 17 June 1905, Page 44

Orange Blossoms New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 24, 17 June 1905, Page 44