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Personal Paragraphs

Air and Mrs Arthur Myers, of Auck land, have been visiting Rotorua.

Mrs McCallum (Dannevirke) has been visiting Mrs A. Guy, Palmerston North.

Jlrs Bell and Mrs Tripe (Palmerston North) went to Wanganui for the races.

Mrs Innes (Palmerston North) paid a short visit to Wanganui last week.

Mrs and th? Misses Boyle have returned to Christchurch from Waimate.

Miss L. West is back in Wellington after a stay at Castlepoint.

Mrs Rawnsley is back in Wellington after a month or so in Christchurch. Mrs. Friend, of Palmerston North, is staying in Wanganui on a short visit. Miss Coates is back in Wellington after a short stay #.l the Wairarapa. Mrs Charles Gordon (Hastings) is visiting her mother. Mrs Michael Campbell. at Avonside, Christchurch. Mrs Melville Jameson, Tinrarti, is paying a visit to Mrs Elworthy at her residence, Papanui-road. Christchurch. Miss M. Burke, who has betn staying in Gisborne for some months, has returned to Napier.

Miss Muriel Mears (Merivale) has gone to Timaru on a visit to Mrs Newman.

Mr and Mrs Einbling (Wellington) are visiting their old friends at Christchurch. Mr St. Clair (of Messrs. Hall ami Co.) leaves Auckland this week for San Francisco on a trip round the world.

Mrs. and Miss Kenny (Auckland). who arc living in Hawera for a few months, have taken Mr. Koch’s house.

Dr. and Mrs. Skerman, of Marton have been in Wanganui for a short holi dav.

Mr. Russell Duncan has returned to Napier from his visit to the Southern Islands in the Hinemoa.

Miss Locking. Napier, has left for Sydney en route for London by the P. and O. S.S. India.

Mr. and Mrs. Orford, of Wanganui, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Birch, in Rangitikei. Miss C. Graham (Dunedin) is in the Rangitikei district, paying a round of visits.

Mr and Mrs Firth, who have lieen spending the holidays at Nelson, are back in Wellington again. Mr and Mrs Einbling. who have been visiting friends in Canterbury, are liaek in Wellington again.

Mrs and Miss'Somerville are back in Wellington after a visit to Masterton.

Mr V. A. Sproul, of the Oceanic Steamship Company leaves Auckland this week on a visit to San Francisco.

Mr. Brodriek, Government Surveyor, is busily rngagid in the work of re-divid-ing the Flaxbourne Estate. Mrs C. E. Waldegrave (Palmerston North) has gone to Hastings. She is visiting Mrs C. Bennett.

Mr and Mrs Tibbs, of Auckland, have been visiting Mr and Mrs Wells, of “Oa kleigh,” Cambridge.

Mrs Proude and Miss E. Taylor are the guests of Mrs Taylor, of “Bardowie,” Cambridge.

Miss B He Allen (Picton), who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. Chaylor, in Richmond, Nelson, Ims returned home. Mrs Marriner, and her sister. Miss Rice, are still staying at "Sa It hurst,’’ Cambridge. Mr. T. Scott Smith. S.M., and Mrs. Smith (Pieton) are visiting Christchurch. Mr and Mrs E. R. Bloomfield returned from their visit to Australia by the Mararoa on Sunday. Mr. A. P. Wilson, who has been on a visit to Sydney, returned on Sunday by the Mararoa. Mr. T. C. Robson, of Christchurch, bon. secretary of the N.Z. Amateur Boxing Association, is visiting Auckland. Mrs Judd, of Auckland, line been spending a few days in Cambridge with Archdeacon and Mrs Willis. Mrs Dudley and her sister, Mrs Heaphy, have returned to Auckland, after spending a month in Cambridge. Miss Wright, of “Loloma,” Cambridge, is in Auckland for a month’s visit amongst friends. Miss Blades, of Auckland, is at present visiting Mrs G, Runciman, of Caab ridge. Mr and Mrs Grant Sim have returned to Palmerston North from their wedding trip to Auckland and Rotorua. Mr , ami Mrs N. Garr (Dannevirke) were visitors to Palmerston North during last week. Mrs Mackay, ami her little daughter Dorothy have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs Robrrts, of Cambridge, for ten days- . Dr. Wohlmann, Government Balneologist, is returning from Hamner to Rotorua. He was in Wellington on Saturdav.

It is understood in Onehunga that Father Mahoney will succeed to the parish rendereel vacant -by the late Monsignoi Paul's death.

Mr Mepbam Ferguson, the well known engineer, of Melbourne, nirived in Auckland on Sunday by the Mararoa, and »• staying at the Grand Hotel. Mrs Elworthy has returned to Christchurch from Gisborne,' where she has lieen staying her daughter, Mrs Williamson.

Mr and Mrs G. Holmes, Halswell, Canterbury, accompanied by two of their daughters, are on a visit to Rotorua.

Mr A. 11. Burton G.M., and Mr M. Niecol, G.S., of the N.Z. Freetnazona, who have lieen visiting Auckland, went back to Wellington last week. Mr. P. Sargood arrived here from the South by the Moana on Sunday, and loaves this week for California by the Ventura, on a pleasure excursion.

Mrs Pearce has returned to Masterton after a short stay in Wellington, where she was the guest of Mrs G. Johnston.

Mr and Mrs W. Kettle, of Greymoutli, leave Auckland this week for America by the Ventura on a trip round the world. Miss N. Heath (Wellington) has returned” from Napier, where she hue lieen visiting relatives during the holidays.

Mr. D. Wallace has lieen appointed a deputy Government Commissioner at Niue, and be leaves for the island in the Countess of Ranfurly on her next trip.

Mr and Mrs and the Misses Mandel (3). Wellington, left by the Gothic for a trip to England. They will probably lie awav about a year.

Mrs. RonaLl M l pan. of Hawera. left New Zealand by the Gothic to join her husband at Buen.»* Ayres. Mr. left early in the year for the Argentine. Mrs and tie Misses Hislop ("Waimariv.” Ilobson—treet) are back in Wellington. I'h’y hive been sprinting the last *ix months in Australia, principally Sydney. Mi an I Mrs Lees, Wellington, have gone to Aii'-tralia for a month or two’s holiday. Dining their absence Mr and Mrs J. A. Pike are occupying their house on‘ Talavera Terrace. Mr and Mrs ( . W. S. Cox have given up the house they occupied in Tinakori Hoad, ami have moved to the new suburb of North kind (writes our Wellington correspondent I. , Mr.-J. R. Rutherford, M.A.. of Dunedin (a Press Association telegram states), has been selected as assistant master of the Wanganui Boys’ District High School. Miss-E. M. Allen, who has joined tbs atatY of the Nelson Girls’ College, was the recipient of wveral useful presents from her Piet on friends. ’ Amongst the visitors at Kia Ora House. Rotorua last week, were Mr Paul Hansen and Mr Louis Nathan, of Auckland.

Messrs 11. D. Vavasour and W. Pollard. of Blenheim, are paying a flying visit to Rotorua and the Bay of Plenty. Mr. C. W. Chief Engineer of Roads, who Iras been sfHMidiug sonw time in the Marlborough district, has returned to Wellington. Mr and Mrs Herbert Thompson (Christchurch) have come up to Auckland for their daughter’s marriage to Mr Harry Clark, which takes place next week. Mrs Amphlett. who, accompanied by her daughter, has been on an extended ▼ lait to. her motheu. Mrs Albyn Martin, of Ellerslie, returned to Sydney by the Moana on Monday evening last. Mr ami Mrs Henry Wood, who have l»ren spending som> weeks at Sumner, have gone to reside with Mrs Wood, aen.. on the Papanui road (writes our Christchurch correspondent). : Mr Hadfield, a meml»er of the Christchurch City Council, will be a candidate for the Christchurch South seat at the coming election, standing in the Liberal interests. Miss Mahon, who is leaving the Mer-_ cer School for Newton East, was presented by her scholars with a gold mounted brfipch, ami by the members of the Ladies* Cricket Club with it mahogany writing desk. . Major and Mrs. Winter and Miss Horne have left Gisborne for Sydney amt Tasmania. They will be in Tasmania until September, ami will be preM»n* at the marriage of Mrs. Winter’s sister. Dr. McNair, of Glasgow, arrived in Auckland last week by the Nairnshire. He was in Auckland some years ago. and since then h/s been on :t tour through several countries, including Central Africa. Mr. G. W. Mclntosh, who has been manager of the National Bank at Blenheim for the past 1»> years, has lv*en promoted to the Invercargill office. Both Mr. ami Mrs. Mclntosh will be a loss to Blenheim musical and social circles. Mrs D. T. Stuart and the Misses Stuart (Wellington) are contemplating a trip to Ceylon. They will probably start next spring. After a few weeks in Ceylon Miss N. Stuart is going on to spend a year or England before returning to New Zealand. Mr ami Mrs and Miss Laing-Measnn (Timaru) spejit a few days in Wellington before going to England in the Paparoa. After their return it is their intention to settle permanently in Wellington. They will probaldy return to the colony early next year. (‘able news was received from Melbourne announcing the illness of Mrs Alistcr Clark. The patient is. however, progressing favourably, so her numerous friends here h<»|w soon to hear of her c«»nvHles«’ems» «writes our Christchurch correspondent). Professor K. Rutherford, the eminent New Zealand scientist, who is now Professor of Physics at the Montreal University, is expected on a vis t to New Zealand early this month. He is • brother ox Mr G. Rutherford, of Rag Ta

The friend* of Mr William ( . nyers. formerly Commissioner* of Railways, will legret t«» learn that he has fallen into a very low state of health, ami iall but blind, in '.Melbourne, where he has been practising as a patent agent, etc., for some considerable time. Mr A. Barron, the well-known Canterbury cricketer, has been transferred to Wellington on relieving duty. There is a probability that he will be permanently stationed in that city. Mr Howell, another Canterbury rep. cricketer. has left for Sydney en route for England. Mr Metai Mikaera, a Wairarapa Maori student, who went to Queen’s College. Kingston, Ontario, has graduated as M.D. there. He made a specialty of electrical treatment in diseases. and is now going to study in the English hospitals before returning to New Zealand.

The Thames paper states that Mr. ‘’Long Drive” Walker has gone to England in search of capital for Waihi operations. With the conclusion of the war aml the progress of development in the Grand Junction be hopes to be on the spot at the right time, and to obtain at least suflirivnt money for permanent prospecting.

Air. A. G. Holland has just been gazetted Deputy Registrar of the Auckland Native Lands Court. Mr. Holland, who is a son of Mr. J. J. Holland, of this city, is well-known in athletic circles as a ‘Tfep” cricketer and footlmllcr. ami he has been warmly congratulated by his many friends on his well-earned promotion.

Mr and Mrs Herapath (England) have come to Wellington for the winter months (writes our correspondent). They have taken rooms at Miss Malcolm's. Both Mr and Mrs Herapath are enthusiastic anglers, and since their return to the colony they have been devoting all their available time to the sport.

Miss Edith Bendall (Wellington) has returned to New Zealand. For several months past she has been studying art in Melbourhe. where she has met with gratifying success. Her metier is depicting child-life, and already she has had commissions to illustrate several books. Wellington hopes to see an exhibition of her works before long.

A new arrival at Petone (Wellington) is Dr. Harding, who has taken over Dr. Hamilton’s practice. For some years past he has been living at Inglewood, Taranaki, where be was very highly thought of. Dr. and Mrs Harding have been spending a week of two in Wellington, staving with Airs Harding in Hobson-street. while they were getting their house at Petone ready for occupation. Air Gillon. who has been transferred from the charge of the Whangarei railway to Grey mouth as loco, engineer, was presented with a set of pipes, a cigar-holder, and a box of cigars by the Whaka'para Football Club, and at a supper given in his honour by Air McKinstry (manager of the K.T. Company at Whangarei) some of his friends presented him with a handsome rimu escritoire and an address. Mr. A. E. Argali, who was well known at Thames as manager of Blagroves anti other mines, is now in charge of the Sangli Gold Alines. Ltd., Gadag. Bombay Piv'sidvncy. India. Since leaving New Zealand, he has been all over the world, having been in the Soudan for a year or two. and has l>een in his present location for about 18 months. Airs. Argali (no? Miss Clymo) is also in India, and they are both enjoying the life immensely. Mr 11. C. Wheeler, accountant for the Kauri Timber Co.. Mercury Bay. and secretary for the local hospital, who is leaving to take up the position of accountant for the Taupo Totara Co.’s Mokia mill, was tendered a farewell social last week. During the evening Air F. AV. Meikle, on lx*half of the hospital trustees ami contributors and the public of the surrounding districts, presented Mr Wheeler with a valuable gold watch and gold Albert as a token of their appreciation and esteem. The following visitors were in Wanganui for the winter race meeting: Air. and Mrs. D. Riddiford (Msrton), Alisa

N. Itid liioi.l (Marton). Mis. E. KicLlifoid I I’ainu-ist. n North), Miss FitzGerald I Wellington). Mes-rs. N." Wilson, 11. Wilson (llangitikei'i. 11. Good Man:ii:> i. Mr, and Mis. A. Fitz-lleidieit 11'eildmgi. Major-GeneYal •‘Babington (Wellington), Air. and Mrs. McGovern (Feildingf. Mrs. Tripe (Palmerston North). Mrs. Bell (Palmerston North), Miss Durie (Sydney), Mr. and Mrs Brewer (Hawera). Dr. Newman has been successful beyond ex|>cetation in raising money for the Wellington Consumptive Home. He has thrown himself heart and soul-into the cause, and liis cheery enthusiasm lias literally conjured money out of people's pockets (writes our correspondent). For ntany years Dr. Newman-had a seat in Parliament, but he has not contested the last two elections. His only son. Frank, is an undergraduate at Oxford. and next year Dr. and Mrs Newman are going Home to see him. Our Coromandel correspondent wires that a social was held in St. George’s Hall last week to welcome Bishop latnihan. There was a large gathering of all denominations, and Mr. J. B. Roekliff presided. A good programme of vocal and instrumental music was submitted.’ Mr. Rocklitf, on behalf of the Roman Catholic congregation, presented His Lordship with an address of welcome. The Bishop held a special service in St. Coleman’s Church on Saturday, and yesterday he conducted a confirmation service. when about forty people were confirmed.

It will be learned with regret by playgoers that Miss Rose Musgrove, the bright little eomedy actress who has been appearing with so much success in “The Cingalee” at Sydney, is somewhat seriously ill. She was seized with a sudden illness, which necessitated her removal by the Civil Ambulance to’St." Kilda Private Hospital, where she is under the eare of Dr. Sinclair Gillies. Mr. Julius Knight, of the Knight-Jeffries Company, who is also on a bed of sickness,* is reported to be progressing as well as eould be expected in view of the serious nature of his illness.

Under date of April 20 our London correspondent writes: — So Australasia is not after all to see the famous violinist Kubelik yet awhile. The paragraphs announcing that Mr Tait had obtained a contract from Kubelik for an Australian tour, and that the violinist would go to the Antipodes this year, were, according to Mr Hugo Gorlitz. all wrong. And Mr Gorlitz ought to know, seeing that he has recently been rt-appointed Kubelik's manager and that his appointment as such includes the Australian colonies. Kubelik has signed no contract, says Mr Gorlitz. and "there will be no question of Mr Tait managing Kubelik’s tour if it should come off during the time that I remain his manager.” Callers at the Agent-Goneral’s this week—Nurse Griffith (Auckland). Mrs A. McKellar, Miss Campbell (Auckland), Mr A. E. Baron (Dunedin). Mr G. Booth (Christchurch). Mr W. A. Ross (Palmerston North). The following colonial candidates for cadetships in the Royal Navy has passed a qualifying examination: —H. F. Currey. E. G. Rhodes, C. N. E. Correy. Mr Arthur H. Adams is returning to New Zealand for a visit. It is stated that he is at work upon another volume of verse, and also a second novel of Australasian life. At the annual meeting of the Institution of Civil Engineers, held last Tuesday evening. Mr C. Napier Bell, of Wellington, was elected a member of the Council. The “Daily Mail” has received a large number of letters discussing Mr P. A. Vaile’s theories regarding swerve in bowling. The Aucklander’s statements are supported by some, and denied by others. “Tyke.” a well-known Yorkshire cricketer, declares that all swerve bowlers, including Hirst, put the very spin on to check the swerve which Mr Vaile contends is necessary to produce it. A Mr A. T. Davies, on the other hand, who claims to have made a special study of bowling during many years, declares that Mr Vaile is perfectly right in his facts; and Mr S. A. Mussabini. a well-known authority on billiards, also supports the Aucklander's conclusions regard the spin of the ball. —r

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 22, 3 June 1905, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 22, 3 June 1905, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 22, 3 June 1905, Page 41