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Personal Paragraphs

Dr. and Mrs. Savage and family J Auckland) are staying at Te Arolia. Miss Ina Stuart (Wellington) is staying with friends in Umaru. Mrs Edgar (Napier) has been visiting Wellington.

Miss A. Edwin (Wellington) is paying a round of visits in Dunedin.

Miss Hursthouse is baek in Wellington from her trip to Pieton.

Mr P. S. Kenway (Gisborne) has returned from his trip to the South.

Mr Sainsbury (Gisborne) has returned from a visit to Rotorua.

Mr and Mrs Noble, of Auckland, are visiting Mr W. Bayley (New Plymouth). Mrs. and Miss Dampier-Atkinson (Marlborough) are visiting Christchurch.

Mrs. Denniston (Christchurch) is slaying with her sister in Dunedin.

Mrs. and the Misses Rolleston, Rangitata,' South Canterbury, have returned from their trip to England.

Dr. and Mrs. McArthur, of Wellington, have been spending a few weeks at Hamner Springs.

Dr. and Mrs. Briffault are on a visit to ’Auckland, and leave shortly on a trip to England.

Mr and Mrs Mentcath (Wellington) are at Titahi Bay.

Mr and Mrs S. Levin (Wellington) are at present in Nelson.

Mr Geo. Anderson, of Christchurch, is Staying in Wanganui with relationsMr A. Izard, of Wanganui, has returned from his holiday in Christchurch. Mrs Goldinghani (Palmerston North) is visiting Christchurch. Air L. H. Darlot, of Australia, is in Rotorua at present. Mrs Fletcher Harrison, of Wanganui, is spending a holiday in the SouthMr. A. Alison and his wife. Auckland, lire on a holiday trip to Sydney. Mrs Blundell (Wanganui) is the guest of Mrs Mellsop (Palmerston North). Mrs Harold Cooper (Palmerston North) is visiting Wellington. Miss Grace Harvey (England) is the guest of Miss Earle in Wanganui. Mr Cyril Dynioek, of Taihape, was in Wanganui for the Christmas holidays. The Mayor of To Aroha (Mr. A. J. Farmer) is on a visit to Kawau. Mr and Mrs G. 8. Robertson, of Wanganui, are on a trip to Rotorua. Dr. and Mrs Innes, Blenheim, have gone to Wellington for the holidays. Dr. Brown, of Hawera, is visiting Rotorua. Mrs and the Misses Allen (2), Pieton, arc in Wellington for a few days. Mrs Petrie, “Kaipupu,” Pieton, is visiting Wellington. Mr Armstrong lias returned to Palmerston North from a trip to Gisborne. Mrs A. E. Allison, of Wanganui, is staving in Greymouth with relations. Mr. and Mrs. V. Hargreaves have returned to Christchurch after a very enjoyable holiday in Nelson. Miss Bedford and her sister (New Plymouth) are in Auckland on a visit. The Misses Gard’ner (Christ church) have gone on a visit to their brother, Mr. Maitland Gard’ner, Dunedin. Dr. Mules and Mr Edmund Mules (Nelson) are at present staying in New Plymouth. Mr and Mrs F. Bare-lay (Wellington) have been staying at Anikivva (Pieton) with Mr and Mrs Beauchamp. Mrs and Miss Fergus have gone back to Dunedin after a short stay in Wellington. Mrs. K. Gard’ner (Dunedin) is staying with her aunt, Mrs. R. Gard’ner, at Sumner.

Mrs. an<l Miss Reid (Auckland) are visiting Christchurch, and staying at Warner's.

Mrs and Miss Harding (Wellington) are in’ Inglewood, staying with Dr. Harding.

Mrs W. 11. Brabant, of Napier, is stay ing in Wanganui with Mr and Mrs Bra bant.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cowlishaw (Christchurch) are having a holiday at Akaroa.

Mr. and Mrs. de Vries (Christchurch) are spending a holiday at Governor’s Bay-

Sir Edward and Lady Osborne-Gibbes (Wellington) are in Auckland for a visit of a few weeks.

Mrs Dalziel (Wairarapa) is staying with Miss Monekton, Patutahi, Gisborne.

Miss Armstrong (Palmerston North) is visiting Gisborne and is the guest of Mrs W. Martin.

Miss Bright and Miss D. Bright (Gisborne) returned last week from a short trip to Napier. Miss C. Steele (Parnell, Auckland) is at Gisborne, staying with friends in the country. Mr and Mrs Watson (Wellington) are re-visiting Dunedin after many years’ absence. Miss Wynn-Williams (Christchurch) is staying at Waikari with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wynn-Williams. Mr. and Miss Connal (Christchurch) have gone to Hamner Springs for the rest of the month. Mrs Stow, Pieton, has gone to Nelson, to visit Mrs Preshaw, at the Bank of New Zealand, Nelson. Miss Sutton (Napier) is the guest of her sister, Mrs Ewen, Wellington, for a week or two.

Mr and Mrs Quick are baek in Wellington from tliein trip to Lake Waikaremoana.

Miss Pickering, of Auckland, who has been visiting friends and relations in Wanganui, has returned to her home. Mrs and Miss Hirst (Patea) have gone to live in Hawera for some months.

Mrs and the Misses Berry, of Takapuna, have just paid Rotorua a longvisit.

Mr and Mrs Rawson are back again in Wellington after a visit to Mount Cook.

Miss E. Burnett (Wellington) was one of a jolly camping party which spent the holidays in Queen Charlotte Sound. Miss W. Fraser (Wellington) is visiting her sisters at “Craven,” Palmerston North.

Mr and Mrs E. B. Brown (Wellington) arc spending some time at Trentham.

Mrs. Esson, of Esson’s Valley, Pieton, is in Wellington for the marriage of Miss Hawke to Mr W. Esson.

Mr. C. M. O’Brien has been appointed a clerical cadet in the luands and Survey Office.

Mr and Mrs I-'. E. Watson (Palmerston North) arc spending a holiday in Napier.

Mrs F. Riddiford (Palmerston North) and her two little girls are paying a short visit to llawe.ra.

Mrs Mowatt (Blenheim) is staying with Mr and Mrs Willis at Jbhsonville, Wellington.

Mrs T. 11. Pytt-Jackson (Wellington) is at present spending a holiday with her sister, Mrs. W. G. Russell, Napier.

Miss Mamie Wwttegrave (Wellington) has been spending a few days in Palmerston North.

Mrs C. Pearec (Wellington) has gone over to Lowry Bay for two or three weeks.

Miss Constance Chaytor is over in Wellington from Blenheim on a visit to Colonel and Mrs Chaytor.

M* IT. D. Bell, the well-known Wellington barrister, who has been abroad, is returning to Wellington next month.

Mrs. Roberts, of Cambridge, is at pre sent in Auckland staying with Mrs. F Templar, Devonport.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell, of Auckland, have booked passages to London in t he lonic.

The Rev. I. Jolly has returned to Palmerston North from a holiday spent in the South- Island.

Mr. 11. Tankard, of the. North Shore, has gone to Melbourne in the Mokoia en route to England, where he intends to live in future.

Miss Watt, of Wellington, who has been spending a short holiday in Wan-ganui,-has returned home. Mrs Bull, of Wanganui, is staying in Feilding with her daughter, Mrs A. F. Fitzherbert. Airs Fred. Jones and Miss Jones, of Wanganui, are in Wellington for a short' visit. Mrs Geo. Humphreys am! her daughters (Wanganui) have returned from a visit to New Plymouth. Dr. L. C. Barnett, of Dunedin, returned from a trip abroad by the R.M.s. Ventura last week.

Miss W. Griffiths, of Wellington, who has been visiting relations in Wanganui, has returned to the Empire City.

The Rev. H. Ensor, Christchurch, Mrs Ensor, and Mrs Hazlett arc in Pieton, staying with Mrs Dunean, Waikawa road.

Mrs C. Beauchamp, “Anikiwa,” Queen Charlotte Sound, has gone to visit her daughter, Mrs F. Barclay, Karori, Wellington.

Mr and Airs G. Richardson (Wellington) have been in Dunedin visiting their married daughter, Mrs E. Reynolds.

Miss Jessie Mac Lean, of Adelaide, who has been residing in Rotorua for eighteen months, and has been very ill lately, is now convalescent. Air and Airs Jack Redmond, of Wanganui, are on a visit to Auckland, anil are the guests of Mr and Mrs Henry F. Seager.

Mr Nalder, District Land Registrar, Blenheim, has been removed to Invercargill, Air Broughton takes his place in Blenheim.

Inspector Cullen, chief of the Auckland police, went to Rotorua last week, and will spend a short holiday there fishing and sight-seeing. Mr and Mrs H. T. Fitzherbert, of Wanganui, have returned from their visit to Wellington, where they were present at their niece’s wedding. Air Al. A. Clark, cf the firm of Arch. Clark and Sons, Auckland, accompanied by his family, is on a trip to the Hot Lakes.

The Misses Henderson (2) have returned to Karori, Wellington, from a. visit to Mrs Beauchamp at "Anikiwa,” Pieton.

Airs 11. Beauchamp and family anil Mrs Elder and family, who have been in Pieton for some weeks, have returned to Wellington. Ah- 11. P. Hudleston has been appointed secretary to the Auckland Stock Exchange, in place of Air AV: H. O. Johnstone, who resigned. Air L. J. Bagnall, ( hairman of the Conciliation Board, left for Turua last week, and will be out of town for a couple of weeks.

Mr Al. C. Barnett, public trust i’e at. Christchurch, returned from a tour to Hie Continent and America by Hie Ventura last week. Air Stanley Enrpsoii, who lately qualified as a surgeon dentist in Dunedin, is now paying his parents al Rotorua a visit. Air J. C. Maeky, of Macky. Logan, Steen and Co., who has been on a trip round the world, returned by the mail steamer last week. Air Govett has returned to New Plymouth after- meeting Mrs Govett in Sydney. Mrs Govett has just returned from a trip to England. Alias A. Turner (Wellington) is revisiting Patea, which was her home formally years before she and her sisters moved to Wellington. Miss Croxton, Airs. G. Merton, Mrs. F. At. B. Fisher, and Mrs. Hartley Smith, all of Christchurch, arc visiting friends in Ashburton. Airs. Kenderdine, Afanukaii road, Parnell, left last week for Gisborne. She intends paying a round of visits to relatives there. Mrs. Blake, of Afonganui, who has been living for some months past in Manukau road, Parnell, is returning home next week. Mrs. C. R. Pollen, Balfour road, Parnell, returned last week from her trip to Rotorua. Mr. Pollen, who has been to Te Aroha, is also back in Auckland. Mrs. R. D. and Miss Gladys Thomas have returned to Christchurch after six months in Adelaide and Melbourne looking greatly benefited by the trip.

Mr. j-iid Mrs. von Stunner, of Ifamil-l-ao, uie viewing Auckland, and are at present the guests of Mrs. Clarke, in Carlton Gore road.

- 1-ady Maid has gone to Rotorua to spend some weeks for her health. She has not been really strong since last winter, when she was laid up with a severe attack of influenza.

Air. ami Airs. J. 11. Beswiek have returned to Christchurch from a years trip to the Old Country, and are'staying at “Fassifern’ for the present.

Mrs. Aloore, of Aherlow Castle, Ireland, a sister of Sir George Clifford, has arrived in Christehureh. and will visit her brother at Stonyhurst.

Genera) regret is expressed at the resignation of Air. Andrews as one of the masters at Christ’s foliage, I hrislehuieh, on account of iil-healtli. His place has been taken by Air. J. U. Collins.

- Air. and Airs. Alister Clark arc expected from Atclbournc this week on their annual visit, to Afr. and Airs. Heaton Rhodes (writes our Christchurch correspondent). Air. and Airs. Hurst-Seager, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. D. Alvares and parly (Christehureh) have returned from a delightful trip to Alount Cook, having reached the AJatterbrun Hut. Airs F. G. Westeina (Hawera), accompanied by her father and mother, Mr and Airs Scott, is on a holiday trip, which includes Auckland, Rotorua, and the Wanganui river. Captain McKenzie, who at one time occupied a farm near the Waiorongomai bridge, is at present on a visit to Te

Aroha. He is accompanied by his daughter.

f Ti e Rev. F. Bennett, who Eas been appointed to take charge of the Whakarewarewa mission to the Maoris has arrived in Auckland from New Plymouth.

Mr. and Mrs. John Knight, of Hamilton, who have been abroad visiting various interesting lands for the past 18 months, returned to Auckland last week bv the Ventura.

M r IL J. M. Rogers, of the superintending staff of the A.E.T. Company, who was married in America last month, returned from the United States last week with his bride.

Sir Joseph and Lady Ward and daughter visited Rotorua last week, louly Ward intends staying some time, her medical adviser having ordered her a change.

Captain F. Jonas, who was in command of the Young Dungaree, has been appointed to the command of the Glenelg, which is now in the possession of Messrs J. Smith and Co.

Miss Wiliis (Rangitikei) passed through Wellington the other day on her way to the South, where she intends to visit the Cold Lakes and other places of interest.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bloomfield and Mrs. Bloomfield, senr., intend leaving Auckland on the -6th of February for the Old Country. They are going home via Japan.

Mrs. and the Misses Ireland, who have been spending the last two months at ■Rotorua, have returned to Auckland, and intend settling down again at their own home, llulme Court, Parnell.

Mr W. Gribble lias resigned his position as organist of the Unitarian Church, 'Auckland, which he has held for the past three years. Pressure of work has compelled him to resign.

Mr R. W. de Montalk, who lias been away for three weeks in the South, returned to Auckland on Sunday. He made the overland trip from Dunedin to Milford Sound and back during the holidays.

Mr A. Crabbe, M.R.C.V.S., will probably take up the duties of Government Supervisor at the Islington works, shortly to be relinquished by Mr J. R. Charlton, M.R.C.V.S., who is going into private practice.

A notice in the last “Gazette” provisionally recognises the appointment of Mr W. Brown as Consul-General for Chili at Sydney, with jurisdiction over New Zealand.

Mr James Ferguson, who was until recently chief engineer of the Mokoia, has left the service to join the engineering firm of Messrs A. J. Parker and Co., as a partner. He arrived in Auckland last week from Dunedin by the Talune. Mr. E. A. Pavitt, eldest son of Mr. F. ■Pavitt, of Te Aroha, who has occupied some important positions in Borneo for a number of years past, is spending part pf a lengthy holiday with his people.

Mr Herbert Robert Seddon has been appointed a cadet in the Department of Agriculture. Mr Archibald T. P. Hubhard has received an appointment as stock inspector under the Department of Agriculture. Mr G. E. Butler, the well-known Southern artist, is visiting Milford Sound for the purpose of painting two pictures for the Tourist Department. He .will leave New Zealand at an early date to follow his profession in England. Mr. C. E. Bryce, son of the Hon. J. Bryce, and late of the Bank of New Zealand, I'lltham, is up at the Cambridge Sanatorium, and Mrs. 0. E. Bryce is at present staying at the “Bungalow,” Cambridge.

The Chief Justice (Sir Robert Stout) and Mr Justice Cooper, who have been ■visiting the North, have returned to Auckland, and Sir Robert- has gone back to Waiwera. where he is staying for some days at the Hot Springs Hotel.

Mr E. G. Smith, who is well-known in Auckland and the Thames, has been appointed to a junior mastership at Nelson College, and takes up duties in February. Mr Smith studied for the past couple of years at Auckland University College.

Mr McNab, M.H.R., was the organiser of a party which sailed from the ■Bluff in the Ilinemoa on a visit to the leas frequented sounds during the'holidays. Mr McNab was collecting data 'for a historical work on winch he has been engaged for some years. Mr Orlon Stevens, general manager for New Zealand for the National Mutual

Life Association, is still confined to bed, but will probably be able to get up in a week or two. It will be some time, however, before he will be well enough to resume duty.

Mrs. James Martin, who is well known in the colonial history-books as the Grace Darling of Maoriland, is at present in Auckland on a visit. Iler sobriquet was gained by her great courage in saving the lives of people wrecked on the coast of Tasman Bay, near Wakapuaka (Nelson). Mr. Alfred Kidd, M.H.R.. has gone to Wellington on various matters connected with his constituency. From Wellington he goes to Dunedin to join the Sounds excursion steamer for the benefit of his health. He expects to be back in three weeks.

On Saturday week in the Dargaville Club Rooms, Mr. E. C. Fletcher, late chief clerk in the Dargaville Branch of the National Bank, was, on the eve of his departure from the district presented with a handsome dressing case by his friends as a token of their esteem.

Lieutenant E. H. Shackleton, R.N.R., who was an officer of the Discovery during the first year of the expedition’s sojourn in Antarctica, and was invalided home, has been accepted as the Unionist candidate for Dundee. He is secretary of the Scottish Geographical Society. Amongst the passengers by the lonie from South Africa was the Rev. J. R. Flynn Anderson, chaplain of the Presbyterian Railway Mission of South Africa. Mr Anderson left the steamer at Hobart, but will arrive in New Zealand in a week or two. He intends to undertake evangelistic work during his furlough. Mr. A. Slater, bandmaster' of the Bluff Band, has been appointed bandmaster of the Hawera Band. Herr Fritz Paul, of Sydney, who has been appointed to succeed Mr. Mellor in charge of the Timaru Garrison Band, iias taken up his duties.

Dr. Grant, of Auckland, who is spending a holiday at Rotorua, had a good day’s sport, chiefly in Rotoiti, on Saturday week. Among some fine fish landed with the fly by the party was one of 131 b secured by Dr. Grant on a “Silver Doctor.” In all, 14 fine fish were landed by his party of a total weight of 801bs. The Mayor of Tauranga, the Rev. Canon Jordan, 8.A.. is at present suffering from an attack of influenza, which has attacked him when he.was just recovering fro ma very severe illness. Mr Jordan’s medical adviser has recommended him to take an extended trip and a complete respite from duty for some months.

Mr. Aitken Carrick, of the Auckland firm of Carrick and Colbeek, who returned a few days ago from London in the lonic, is returning to England again by that steamer. He has booked a passage by her on Iter outward trip, and will be absent in England on the firm’s business for some months to come. The seamen and officials of the Seamen’s Mission in Wellington have presented to Mrs W. R. Williams an interesting souvenir of her generous gift to the Mission of a fine new building. It was an album containing views of the different places in which the Mission had at various times been housed before the new building was presented to it.

Commander C. B- T. Moore, who replaces Commander Underwood as Governor of American Samoa and master of the U-S.s. Adams, was a passenger by the Ventura to Pago Pago last trip. Commander Underwood goes back to America by the Ventura on her return trip.

Dr. Neligan, Anglican Bishop of Auckland, left Auckland last week for Tirau. where he spends a fortnight’s holiday with Mrs. Neligan. During his visit Dr. Neligan will do home missionary work in the district. He. returns to Auckland on January 25. and two days later he goes to Taranaki, where he spends a month visiting the different parts of the pro-

Mr A. 11. Shanks, who has been on the Government Telegraph Office staff at the Wakapuaka Cable Station for some years past, is being transferred to Auckland. He enjoyed a large measure of popularity on the station, and his departnre is generally regretted. The vacancy will be filled by Mr Cooper, of Auckland.

Mr. F. Noel Bamford, a son of Mr. Bamford (District Land Registrar), and at present studying architecture in Landon, has passed th* intermediate exaiui-

nation for the Associateship of the Royal Institute of British Architects. Mr. Bamford served his articles with Mr. E. Bartley, Auckland, and is now in the office of Mr. E. Lutyens, one of the best-known English domestic architects. Mrs and the Misses Mills have been travelling about since Christmas, writes our Wellington correspondent. First of all they went over to Marlborough and paid a round of visits there, and then they went up to Wanganui, and on to New Plymouth to see the interesting little Exhibition which is attracting so many people.

The Rev. J. ,B. Russell, M.A., 8.D., minister of Knox Church, Parnell, met with an unfortunate accident on Saturday, which will keep him in bed for a week at least. He was getting off the tram when a cyclist dashed by and knocked him over, causing such injuries that Mr Russell had to secure medic al aid, and was unable to leave his room yesterday. It is believed that a week’s rest will set him right again. Mr Alfred Brindley, who is touring the colony, accompanied by his wife, was some years ago resident in New Zealand, and left to take up an appointment in the service of the New South Wales Government. Mr Brindley is a brother-in-law of Mr Scager, the well-known chief of the local Telegraph Department. Mr R. G. M. Denny, whom His Excellency the High Commissioner for the Western Pacific lias appointed to the positions of Chief Postmaster and Collector of Customs for the Tongan Group, will be remembered in Auckland as one of the most popular pursers of the Union Company. His many friends were very pleased to hear of his promotion.

The Rev. Mr. Bennett, who has been doing splendid work in Taranaki in the Maori Mission, has been appointed to take charge of the Maori Mission at Whakarewarewa. which concerns itself with the moral and spiritual welfare of the Maori women and children at Whakarewarewa and Ohinemutu. Miss Doyle, deaconess, has succeeded Miss Griffin in the management of the mission.

The “New Zealand Times” says that although the Professorial Board has not dealt with the applications from Victoria College students, it is understood that Mr P. W. Robertson, 8.A., will be again put forward as the candidate of Victoria College for the Rhodes Scholarship. Mr Robertson, it will be remembered, was the candidate last year. The Canterbury College candidate has not yet been named, but it is highly probable that Mr Archibald E. Currie, 8.A., who last year stood down in favour of Mr Cook, will be nominated.

At the warehouse of Messrs. A. J. Entrican & Co., Ltd., last week. Miss I. J. Entrican, who is severing her connection with the firm on the occasion of her approaching marriage, was presented by the employees With a silver salver and hot water jug, in recognition of the esteem in which she was held. Mr. Gailey, in a few well-ehosen remarks, referred to Miss Entrican’s popularity and the good feeling whieh had always existed. Mr. A. J. Entrican, on behalf of the recipient, suitably responded.

The London “Times” records the death of General Snow, late of the Bengal Cavalry, in his 84th year. He was a brother of Mr Hastings Snow, who died three years ago at the Hutt, and was wellknown in Auckland. The latter came out as an officer of the first English Government in Auckland, and followed the service to Wellington when the seat of Government was removed. His widow went Home after his death, and returned two years ago to live in Auckland, and she now has her residence in Parnell. Major Snow, of the Customs Department in Christchurch, and commander of the First Battalion of the North Canterbury

M.R., is • nephew of General Snow’s, 5S> ing the son of Mrs Hastings Snow. Our London correspondent writes under date of December 10: Mi' and Mrs Willium Steuart arrived from the Continent on the 6th. They had a most enjoyable experience at Rome, Florence, Milan, and Venice; they are stopping with Mrs F. G. Steuart. at Ladbrooke Grove, W. An exceedingly interesting meeting was in store for Mrs William Steuart, with her brother, Dr. Roland Aickin, whom she had not seen since leaving Auckland seven years ago. Many well-known New- Zealanders have gravitated to the world’s metropolis lately* amongst whom are Messrs Sheriff, Galbraith and Albert Robins, who are acting with Mr Wm. Steuart in the interest of the Galbraith iron and steel furnace. This patent has exercised much" interest, and some experts are enthusiastic over its prospects. The following visitors have been staying at Waiwera Hot Springs Hotel lately:—Mr and Mrs S. Jackson, Mr and Sirs Stansfield and daughter. Mr CassTells, Mr W. Jackson, Mr G. Jackson, Mr T. Proud, Mr R. Proud, Mr and Mrs Larner and family, Mr and Mrs A’. Hanna and family, Mrs and Misses Browning, Mr and- Mrs Adkins, Mrs Proud, Miss Carr, Sir Robert and LadyStout, Miss Stout, Mrs Smith. Misses Smith, Mr and Mrs W. R. Bloomfield, Miss Bloomfield. Miss Cumming. Mr and Mrs Payton and family, Mr and Mrs JTboynes, Mr and Mrs Gorrie, Miss Gorrie, Master Gorrie, Miss Thornes, Mrs and Miss Taylor, Mr Burns, Miss J. Reid, Mr and Mrs Buddle and daughter, Mr C. Buddle. Miss Ching. Mr Brown, Mr and Mrs R. Whitson, daughter am# nurse. Mr Allen Gorrie, Mr Gaffney, Mr A. E. Brown, Mr and Mrs D. R. Caldwell and family, Mr and Mrs C. C. McMillan, Miss McMillan, Mast. Curtis. Mr F. Ross, Mr C. Ross, Mr and Mrs Curtis. Miss Curtis, Mrs McCrae, Mrs Bedford, Messrs Bedford, Mr N. Menzies, Mr and Mrs W. D. Duthie and child, Miss D. Mowbray, Miss M. Mowbray. Masters Duthie, Hon. J. A. and Mrs Tolc and family. .Mr W. Floyd Harrop. Mrs Kelly, Mr and Mrs Wilson and child. Masters Wilsotr, Mr Thompson, Mr J. Mowbray, Mr J. Donald, Mr Gorrie, Mrs Cornaga amf child, Mr Caro, Mr Potts. Mr Dowdy, Master Dowdy, Mr and Mrs Abbott and family, Mr and Mrs Lawrence, Miss Ryan. Mr and Mrs Renniek, Mr Pickering, Mr and Mrs Mahoney, Mr A. Whitaker, Mr Alfred Walker, Mr J. R. Reed and two children, Mr Alex. Reid, Mr Justice Cooper, Mr A. Brett, Masters Brett, Mr and Mrs H- Walker and family. Mr Coster and son, Mr Taylor, Mr Robinson, Mr W. B. A. Morrison. Mr H. George, Mr Davidson, Mr Hudson, Mi' C. E. Brown, Mr and Mrs A. Clark and family, Mr and Mrs T. Ching, Mr and Mrs Tittier, Masters Tittier, Mr W. R. Mpwbray.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 3, 21 January 1905, Page 43

Word Count

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 3, 21 January 1905, Page 43

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIV, Issue 3, 21 January 1905, Page 43