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Dear Bee, October 10. ‘•WHAKAHOKF” TO MOANA. The gentlemen who have been the guests of the Moana Hockey Club for the past two seasons at its annual dance were moved by the exceeding pleasure of those dances to give the members of the elub a return—which is signified in the ingenious term, "Whakahoki”—and the danee was held in the Foresters’ Hall. Bevonport, on Friday last. The gentlemen, with Mr G. Cardno as secretary; arranged things Very well, securing Marriage’s band and providing an excellent floor, on whieh to danee. With the assistance of some of the Shore ladies the supper was made most enjoyable, and the tables were very prettily decorated. Decorations similar to, but not so elaborate as at. the girls’ dance, were put up in the hall, and looked very effective. The danee itself was a great success, and was enjoyed thoroughly by all who attended it. some of the ladies present I noticed: —Miss Phileox, who wore black satin, with white biee berthe; Miss Rogan, black, trimmed with’white lace, clusters of pink roses on bodice: Miss Essie Holland, pink crepe de chine, finished with lace; Miss Clark was becomingly gowned in white voile, with faggotted trimmings; Mrs George Edgecumbe. smart black crepe de chine, trimmed with lovely eream lace, cream lace panel; Miss Kathleen Wynvard, pretty soft blue silk. trimmed with lace; Miss Goudie, white nun’s veiling, with sunray-pleated flounce: and her sister wore a dainty white muslin frock, with crimson sash; Mrs Oakden. rich black brocaded silk gown, finished with laee; Miss Eileen Gill looked sweet in white hail-shower muslin, with gold belt; Miss Bartley was gowned in white silk; .Miss Kathleen Hunt, black crepe de chine; Miss Connie Butler wore a pretty jxile blue silk frock, finished with laee; Mis Gwen Hill, soft blue silk, with chiffon frills, edged with Lehe ribbon; Miss May Dawson, lovely frock of white gauged chiffon, profusely trimmed with cent insertion, and eream laee berthe; M.iss Eileen Ansenne, white muslin and insertion, pink roses on corsage, and butterfly bow in coiffure; Miss Meindoe, pretty white muslin, tucked and trimmed with lace, mid her sister was prettily gowned in pink and white; Miss Dolly Metcalfe looked pretty in crimson shot, silk, with niched bands white chiffc n Marie Antoinette fichu, caught with crimson ih’fl’on chon; Miss Julian looked exceedingly well in black

relieved with white; Miss White, soft black silk gown, with sunray-plea ted silk bodice, pink roses on corsage; Miss Bell, pretty * tucked giey voile, with beautiful point laee berthe, finished with clusters of pink roses; Miss Beatrice Beale, striking gown of turquoise blue voile, with accordionpleated frills and white fichu; Miss Brasscy looked sweet in white frilled muslin; Mb?s Erater, white >i»k; Miss Wood, pretty pink voile gown tucked and trimmed with laee; Miss Ida Senn, white with pale green cn corsage: Miss Kelly, pretty pale green satin with ac-cordion-pleated flounces; Mi<s Metcalfe, becoming black gown with gobi art novrau belt; Mrs Napier, beautiful gowiC <d white crepe de chine elaborately tucked and trimmed with ecru insertion: Mrs Cardno, handsome black satin relieved with white; Miss Tan tun, pretty white and black lozenge spotted net and black butterfly bow in coiffure; Mbs Dolly Tanton looked charming in black crepe de chine finished with sequin trimming: Miss — Alison, soft white silk prettily trimmed with insertion; Miss Lily Kissling. charming frock of soft white silk, with touches of blue, and pale blue veintlire; Miss Minnitt, dainty white silk tucked and trimmed with insertion: Miss P. Cardno, graceful frock of soft white silk and lace; Miss Cardno. lovely white satin gown; Miss Nellie Graham* was smartly gowned in while voile with accordion-pleated frills finished with yak laee; Miss Katie Graham. pink soft silk. Amongst the gentlemen were: Messrs J. B. Graham, Sellars, Senn, Beale, Grierson, Shaw. Cardno, Mackay. Redmond, Best (2). i’arm lk Shorland, George (2). Rishworih, Simm, Hanby, Huxtable. A BRILLIANT A EFAIR. The Garrison Officers’ Club ball last Friday night—one of the chief social events of the year—was a remarkably brilliant affair. Indeed, this had been fore-shadowed. For some days past the Drill Ila)I had presented a busy scene in the preparations that were being made for the balk The dame was held in the gun-room, but it did not look at all like one on Friday night, presenting a picture of Oriental splendour, such as is seldom seen in Auckland. All the ingenuity of the oflieers and the Decorating Committee had been spent upon it. Ft was a great, sweeping, swaying mass of flags and greenery. The end of the hall, where a dais was erected, was effectively arranged with the Onion Jack with the Rising Sun of Japan, the tri-eolour of France, the Star and Stripes of America, and the Sardinian Cross of Italy on either side, with circles of bayonets, crossed guns and arms of various descriptions arranged in picturesque devices. Every branch of the Army was represented in some form or other. Inc gun-room was connected with the drill-hall by marquees, which enabled the guests to pass to the cool recesses provided. At the doorway were great trees of nikau, through which the light of lamps shone with pretty effect. The drill-hall was transformed beyond recognition into a winter garden, and was one of the most admirable and comfort able retiring rooms that could ho devised. Around the walls were hung huge flags of the Russian, Japanese, American, French and Italian nations. The seats were arranged so that there was no crowding and it can be readily imagined that in the spacious hall there was room and to spare for the 201) guests who were present. The supper, set in the lecture hall, was of a very recherche character. The tables, which were studies in red, white, and blue, were artistically decorated by the Ladies’ Committee, composed of Mesdanic.s R. IL Davies, G. W S. Patterson, \V. Bloomfield. J. R. Reed, J. M. Shera. Kekewick, and Miss Buddle —the committee of gentlemen, who had so admirably done everything else in connection with the dance, declining to venture, the will to do by no means ensures success in the doing. A picturesque feature of the supppr-room was the appearance of the orderlies in the orthodox white jackets with ivd lacings. 'The orderlies were privates from the different companies, and did their work well. The supper was provided by the Strand Cafe in excellent fashion. The executive was composed of Major G. W. S. Patterson (treasurer). Captain Bloomfkhl (chairman of Bull Committee), Lieut. Murdoch (chairman of Decoration Committee), nn d Captain Phigge ami Lieut. L. Shera (secretaries). A very great deal of praise is due to the energetic secretaries, ('aptain

Thtgge and Lieut. L. IShcTrn, ioy thenwork in connection with the ball, and) they may claim much credit for its success; also special mention must be given to Captain Moorhouse, Lieut. Hewson, and Lieut. Murdoch, who all worked hard to make the dance “go.*’ There were also a number of oflieers told uff to arrange the smaller details, and they carried out their work effectively. The music for the dance was provided by the First Regiment of Mounted Rifles (under Bandmaster D’Anthreau) for the first two dances, and the orchestra of the same (under Mr A. Bartley) for the remainder. The official set for the first lancers was made up as follows: Consul-General Dillingham and Mrs Davies, Consul Boeufve and .Mrs Rein, Colonel Davies and Airs Dillingham. Colonel Banks and Mrs Patterson, Colonel Owen and Mrs Murdoch. Captain Wilkin and Madame Boeufve. Major Patterson and Mrs Coyle, Lieutenant Murdoch and Mrs Morrow. The scene was a very brilliant one during the round dances, for the officers all wore full dress uniforms, and many of the ladies were dressed magnificent 1 y for the occasion in either black or white (according to the well-established custom at military balls). The effect produced by the constantly mingling dresses and brilliant uniforms as the guests glided round the room was fascinating and charming to a degree. The dance concluded about two o’clock, and was pronounced a thorough success. It is the intention of the Officers' Club to make it an annual function, ami as such it will be one of the principal functions of the season. LIST OF INVITATIONS ISSUED. Air Graves Alckln. Miss An-kin. Lieut. J. Alexander, Mr F. Alison, Miss J. Alison, Miss E. Alison. Miss Bruce, (’apt. and Mrs W. R. Bloomfield. (’apt. and Mrs A. Bartlett, ('apt. A Baragwannt li, Mr mid Mrs F. Ball Icy, N’t T. and Miss Buddle, ('apt. and Mis Bosworth, Mrs Ashton-Bruce, Mr mid Mrs fc. It. Bloomfield, Mr and Mrs Geo. Blonipfield, Mr and Mrs 11. Brett, Mr J. E. S. Bailey, Miss R. Buckland, Miss M. Buckland, Col. and Mrs Banks. Miss Banks. Mi and Mrs A. Buchanan, Mr and Mrs Benjamin, Mis and Misses Browning. Mr and Airs (’has. Buddle, Mr Carl Buddle, Ma JotGeneral and Airs Babington, Miss Bablnglon, Consul-General and A! ad air. Boeufve, (’apt. and Mrs Bosca wen, Miss Bwawen, Air and Mrs Brett. Air mid Mrs W. Coleman, Lieut, Carpentcr, Miss Carpenter, Lieut, and Mrs Conti's, Lieut. Cumming, Mr and Mrs I). E. Clerk, Mr and Airs Archie Clark. Mr F. E. N. Crombie. Air and Airs Caldwell. Mr ,1. Campbell, Mr ,1. Cernlty, Lieut, and Mis Cave, Inspector mid Mrs Cullen, ('apt. and Airs Gavage, Major and Mrs Coyle. Lieut. Chesney, Sir John and Lady Campbell. Mill. ami Airs and Miss McCosh Clark, (’apt. Campbell. Air and Mrs D. W. Duthic, Col. and Mrs R. 11. Davies, Lieut, and Mrs E. Davis. Miss Dowraan, Miss E. Dawson. Lieut. H. Dawson, Airs Dawson, Miss Al. Dawson, Aliss I. Dud er, Mr ,1. E. Dulgan, Miss I. Devereux, Consul-General ami Mrs Dillingham. Miss Eh ron fried, Mr NV. and Miss Endean. Alajor ami Mrs Eccles, Aliss Evans. Miss Firth, Mr and Mrs \V. F. Firth, Mr A. mid Aliss J. Fritter, Capt. Forbes. Miami Mrs Fleming, Capt. Foot. (’apt. ami Mrs F. E. N. Gnmlin. (’apt. nnd Mrs Gardner, Lieut. Grant. Miss Gleeson, Air and Miss Grierson. Aliss George. Air C. Gillies, Lieut. Glasson. Mr W. ami Miss Gotrie, Mr and Mrs VV. Gorric, Mr

W T and Mis) Corrie, Mr and Mrs J. McNeil Geddes, Col. and Mrs Goring. Miss A. B. ilodKSvn, Lieut. HowdeD* Lieut, and Mrs Hewson. Lieut, and Mrs Hazard. Lieut. Hauseo, Col. ami Mrs Hol* gate, ('apt. and Mrs Htilton, Mr Hamer, Capt. 11 arrow el I, Mrs and Mias Haultatn, Mrs Hitchcock, Mr J. C. Hewson. Mr J. and Miss Hardie, Mr L. It. Hardie, Miss Muriel lloskelh, MUs Kileeu Hill. Mr It. and Miss Isaacs. Mr A. E. J# Irvine, ('apt, and Mrs Johnson, Mr N> Johnstone. Capt. I». M. K»ty, Miss Kay. Mr and Mrs G. Kronfeld, Mr 8. and Miss Kronfeld. Mrs Kok wick. Miss F. Kidd,. Mr and Mrs J, Kirker. Miss Kirker. Lieut. Lees, Mr fl. Leahy. Miss If. Louis, Miss Lindesay, Miss Lemlrum. Miss Lloyd, Miss P. Little, Miss l.c Gallate, Bishop Lenibau, Mrs l,eeflg Mr J. and Miss M Mueller. Major and Mrs A. M Myers. Mrs 1,. Myers, Mr Ben Myers. Mr mid Mrs lx»o. M. Myeis. Miss Myers. Miss E. Myers, Mr IL F. Moore. Lieut. <’. P. Murdock. Mrs Murdock. Mlsa Murdock, (’apt. and Mrs Moorhouse. Mrs Markham. Lieut. Mair, Col. and Mrs Morrow. Mr J. and Miss K. Morrow. Mr H Mueller, Mr 11. J. I>. Mahon. Mr W. and Miss l>. Mowbray, Miss L. Macrae. Miss M. Macklow, Mr it. H. McCallum, His Worship the Mayor and Mrs Miteheteori, Miss Mitchelaon. Surgeon-Captain and Mis .1. Hardie. Neil. Miss Nelson, Miss K. ’Nelson, Mr and Mrs Noble, Mr and Mrs L. I>. Nathan. Dr. and Mrs Neligun. Colonel and Mrs Owen. His Excellency the Governor. Lady Finn* kel and St aft’. Major and Mrs G. W. R. Patterson, Capt. and Mrs Pilkington, Miss F. Pollard, Miss Phillips. Major and Mrs Parker, Lieut. F. Bullen, Col. and Mrs Porrltt, Capt. A. Piugge, (Miss Chilson. •Misses Richmond, Lieut, and Miss Robinson, Mr and Mrs E. Russell, Capt. and Mrs J IL Reed. Miss M. Reid. Miss 11. Ross, Mr W. J. Ridings, Mr J. S. Rutherford, Mr (L Reid, Mr A. Reid. Mr G. M. Reid, Mr and Mrs J. RehL Miss Reid, Mr and Mis C. Ranson, Lieut, and Mrs Shersou. Mr and Mrs J. M. Shera. Miss Shorn, Miss W. Short. Miss Sage, Lieut. J. I>. G. Shera. Capt. and Mrs Skinner. Or. and Mrs Sharman. Mr F, E. Shera, (’apt. Splnley. Misses Spluley. Mr H. N. Shera, Mr T. J. S. Standish. Mr find Mrs Seagar, Right Hon. it. J. and Mr* Geddon, Lieut, i/. M. Shera,. Mr and Mrs Horace Stehbing. Capt. Tapper, Miss <♦. Turner, Miss In. Thompson. Mr S. Thompson. Mr and Mrs J, IL Upton, Mr IL Upton. Mr C. R. Vickeimaii, Captain and Mrs Wall. Miss M. WilliamSon, Miss A. Williams, Mr Alfred Walker. Capt. J. Wynyard, Mr R. H. Wynyard. (’apt. F. Wood, Lieut. 11. and Miss "Whyte. Miss Williams, Col. and Airs White. Mr D. E. Woodward, Mrs Witham. Miss J). Ware, Capt. Wilkin, Ward Room Officers H.M.s. Psyche and H.M.s. Clio,. Capt. Young. The following’ arc some of the dresses: "Mr*. IL IT. Davies looked exceedingly veil in black satin, trimmed with inched ribbon, with deep accordion-pleated chiffon flounces, and berthe, cluster of buttercups on corsage; Mrs. Morrow was attired in rich black satin, with ecru luce berthe, and spray of lilac on docolletage; Airs, Dillingham's handsome Umerick lace robe over malmaison pink Batin, with (ouches of ruby panne velvet, was very effective; Mrs. G. AV. S. Patterson wore a recherche black silk toilette, with crimson Howers; Madame Boeufve was charmingly gowned in primrose silk, with handsome white Chantilly lace flounces; Mrs. AV. Murdoch wore a handsome black satin gown; Airs. <«>yle, rich white nierveilleux toilette, trimmed with lace; Mrs. J. M. Shera, handsome black nierveilleux, with white satin inset round the skirt, and front panel, veiled in spangled net ; Mrs. J. IL Heed was in a superb black satin toilette; Mrs. W. R. Bloomfield wore a white satin confection veiled in chiffon, bort he caught in front with a hug? pink lose; Mrs. Browning was attired in a black lace rube over silk, and ecru lace on decollet age; Aliss Browning was pretty in a picturesque frock of white inerveilleux, with blonde lace birthe. and large pink roses; Miss L. Browning wore an effective while satin, and tangerine silk rosette in coiffure; Mrs. Eliot Davis was in a dainty cream point d’espiit, trimmed with inched ribbon, over satin, black velvet Empire bell; Mrs. Keck wick wore black glace silk, and tangerine silk twist and how in coiffure; M\s Ivy Buddle was graceful in black velvet, with white chiffon corsage under <astellatcd velvet bolero, gold butterfly in her coiffure; Mrs. D. AV. Dtilliie wore an ecru point d’cspril inset with lace, ovef Foft satin, sun-ray plea led chiffon berthe. ami cluster of large pink crush roses; Mu. bldward Russell was in daffodil yellow nierveilleux, with white bh ude lace berthe, strapped with yellow velvet; Mm. McCosh Clark’s black velvet gown had flowing chiffon sleeves end Imo motifs on berthe; Miss Pearl Clark was pretty in cream Russian ret, trimmed with satin ribbon, over silk, chaplet of leaves and maidenhair fern ill coitlure; Allas Lloyd wore & lovely

white gauged crepe de chine, with trails of pink roses on decolletage, nil green ribbon in hair; Mrs Seagar, rich black satin, with white satin fold round decolletage, encrusted with jet; Miss Seagar was charmingly gowned in blaek crepe de chine, with crimson sash; Miss Haultain wore a pretty creme crepe frock; Miss Nor.i Gorrie looked dainty in black and pink chenille spotted chiffon, over pink glaee silk. ro«e pink velvet Empire belt; Mrs Hitchcock wore a becoming black crepe de chine toilette; Miss Devereux was in mi electric blue flake crepe, trimmed with tinted lace-; Mrs (Dr.) Dawson wore a blaek be-ribboned Russian net over silk, and sunray-pleated chiffon sleeves and berthe; Miss Dawson was charming in blaek satin, with blue chou on chiffon berthe, violets in coiffure; Miss M. Williamson was beautifully gowned in pale blue silk ehiffou over glace silk, blush roses in her hair; Mrs Moorhouse, white silk, with eau de Nil silk sash; Miss Little, white and black floral silk: Miss Mowbray, an effective cream Russian net frock, trimmed with satin ribbon, and tangerine rosettes in coiffure; Mi*s Grierson was graceful in white silk and aunray-pleated chiffon flounces; Mrs Witham wore a lovely white tucked glace silk, with foamy chiffon flounces, tangerine roses on corsage; Miss Banks looked pretty in a lovely white point d'esprit frock, inserted with Valenciennes lace, over satin, and lace fichu; Mrs Markham was distingue in black Louisine silk, with rose pink ceinture and roses: Miss Firth wore a heliotrope brocade with ehiffou, Marie Antoinette, fichu caught in front, with pale pink roses; Mrs George Bloomfield wore a blaek crepe de chine toilette, toned with pale blue: Mrs Dun. can Clerk was in a lovely Luxeuil lace robe over satin, and a Maltese luce berthe; Miss Downan wore white silk, t rimmed with laee. Juliet cap of pearls in coiffure; Miss Morrow, pretty white silk frock and crimson sash; Miss Evans. blaek crepe de chine and crimson flowers; Mrs W. Gorrie. blaek laee over silk, with jetted collar; Miss Gorrie’# turquoise blue velvet bad a handsome ecru laee Vandyke berthe; Mrs Ashton Bruce, black chenille spotted chiffon over satin, with pink roses bestrewn on corsage; Miss Graves Aickin, white point d'esprit over satin, trimmed with black laee applique, pink: sash and black bird in coiffure; Miss Hardie wore a shimmering seafoam blue satin, with pink bands and sash, white chiffon berthe; Mrs Sharinan was smartly gowned in a black gauged Louisine silk, with ecru lace inset in corsage; Mrs Kronfeld, black silk and lace toilette; Miss Kronfeld wore a very pretty white and yellow silk, with yellow chiffon sash and roses in coiffure; Mrs Sherson. black crepe de chine gown with large chou on corsage of manderine satin; her sister wore a dainty white tucked voile frock trimmed with white satin bebe ribbon: Miss Jeanie Frater wore frocked in a pretty gauged ivory silk with a cluster of pale green leaves on corsage; Mrs Ernest Bloomfield looked pretty in adiaphanous frock of pearl grey chiffon over silk, cluster of buttercups on corsage; Miss Kathleen Thompson looked exceedingly well in a white Limerick laee robe over silk, garniture of sea green roses on decolletage and Marie Stuart wreath in coiffure; Miss Philson looked well in blaek crepe de chine with cream lace anil turquoise blue velvet round decolletage; Mrs Pilkington wore a white gauged ehiffon and crimson roses in coiffure; Mrs Arch. Clark’s shimmering grey satin had black chiffon flounces, and superb laee on corsage; Miss Torrance wore a very effective white silk gown, inset with Valenciennes laee. with pink and blue chiffon rosettes and tassels down each side of the front panel of skirt and on corsage;Mrs If. Lloyd Brett looked distinguee in a blaek satin toilette with touches of jet, and black chiffon bow in her hair; Miss Buckland, black Louisine silk, with white sun-ray pleated chiffon berthe and sleeves; Miss Ware was charmingly froeked in foamy azure blue ehiffon, with Mario Antoinette fichu; Mrs Mackay looked graceful in black satin, with clusters of crimson poppies; Miss Myra Reid wore a pretty white shirred crepo de chino over glace silk; Miss Kidd was in a dainty white silk, brightened with scarlet geraniums; Miss Alison, white chiffon over poppy red silk; Miss Millie Mueller, graceful white sun-ray pleated crepe tie chine, with white satin ceinture and clusters of pink roses; Miss Kennedy, rose pink ailk, white Jace; Mrs Oxley, soft whit*

silk and lace; Miss Pollard, graceful white silk gown with garland of forget-me-nots on corsage and blue bow in her hair; Miss Eileen Hilt looked pretty in white silk with a wreath of pansies in ■her hair and decolletage; Mrs Gowdie, black crepe de chine, with crystal garniture and cluster of crimson poppies ; Mrs Noble was gowned in black brightened with pink roses ; Mrs Hazard, blaek velvet gown with jet spangled berthe : Miss Bruee, black and ecru lace toilette. The sale ~f work held in St. Mary's. Hall. Parnell, was a very successful little ajlti ir. 11 was opened by His Lordship bishop Neligan, who made a most elo< quent speech, in which he referred, td pictures of the Home which appears ed in a recent number of the “Graphic,” and for the insertion of which he desired to thank the proprietors. The stalls, which were prettily decorated, did brisk business and over £3O was realised.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue XVI, 15 October 1904, Page 47

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue XVI, 15 October 1904, Page 47

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIII, Issue XVI, 15 October 1904, Page 47