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Prize Days in Auckland.

BCHUOLS BREAKING LT AUCKLAND GRAMMAR S< HOOL. TUe annur.l distribution of prizes to pupils of the Auckland Grammar Schoo! was held on December 17 at the Choral Hall. As usual, there vraa a large attendance of parents and friends. Sir G. M. O’Rorke (Chairman of the Grammar Schoo! Board) presided, and among those on the platform were Sir Roirf-rt Stout (Chief Justice and Chancellor of the New Zealand University;. and His Worship the Mayor of Auckland (the Hon. E. Mitehelson). Sir Maurice o’Rorke, in opening the proceedings, read an apology flout His Excellency the Governor, who was unable lu attend, and an apology from Mr Hogben, the Under-Secretary for Education. An apology was also received from Sir Joseph Ward. Sir Maurice then referred to the new Secondary School Act, and said the Grammar School Board would give it a fair trial. Personally he would have preferred primary and secondary education in Auckland to have been left in the hands of the Board of Education and the Grammar School Board, but lie was not without hope that the Education Department would yet empower the two bodies to confer on all matters affecting primary and secondary education. Mr J. W. Tibbs, the headmaster, then read his annual report. The report began by acknowledging the readiness with which the board responded to the representation made in the last annual report of the urgent need of a new laboratory. They had now a science department, equipped with apparatus for the teaching of chemistry and physics, rhe like of which, he supposed, was not to be found in any other part of the colony. Next year all the forms that took science would be able to do practical work. Dealing with the honours of the year, Mr Tibbs mentioned the Rev. W. Stt'lair Tisdall, the first old boy to obtain the

degree of Doctor of Divinity, and IT. D. Bamford, the hclhmA’h first Doctor of Laws. During the year 70 nanwsof former pupils appeared in the class and honour lists uf various universities and coHege*. and the list ww necessarily far froui complete. Mr Tibbs then dealt with the provision for secondary education in the colony, and with facts about German Higher Education. His remarks arc reported elsewhere. The prize li&t is as follows: — English E>j,ay: irnys side. S. X. girls’ side. A. A. W<*ihuin and 1». M. Sedd«»n, equal. Workshop.- R. Sinr-l. Drawing. Boys’ sid< M<-chanical: T. C. Mikkt-b. n. 1; IL G. Fry and H. C. Mealing. t-qual, 2. Brush work- -Class 1.. J. C. I>. Tub*, prize: C. E. Tmlebope. certificate. Class IL; K. Bu.ldl<*. priae; J». IL Klrkcr ccrrifi'tite. < bes HL; It. H. Gutteridge, prize: L. A. Moody. Certificate. Girls’ sid- Water.-uL.iu-: I>. M. Seddoxi. 1; A. IL Spencer, 2; A. Trevithick. ?*.; C. L. Reau certificate. <nu:iuv from fiat -Class IL: A. M. Goldie, 1: X. A. Bell. 2: R. Becker, certificate. Class III.: C. Buddie, prize: IL M. Wilson, certificate. Writing. Boys’ side: W. Hudson. D. L. R- ss. E. K. Russell. Giris’ side: L Bvehaj), G. W. Walker. E. Gibbons. FORM FRIZES. BOYS’ RIDE. Fpper Sixth. English. Latin, French: S. X. Ziman. 1: ii. IL Bell. 2. Matliematics and science: S. X. Zimau, 1; T. W. ,T. Johnson. 2. Lower Si:;rh.- English. Latin, French: W. G. Aidridge. 1: K. Sisaiu, 2. Mathematics and science: W. G. Aldridge, 1; M. T. Walsh, 2. Fifth. Eng’ish. I-atin. Fir h: W. Find son. 1: A. M. Seaman, 2. Mathematics and science: A. M. Seaman, 1: J. Phillips, 2. Certificates: Latin. F. Wilks; commercial subjects: T. C. Mikkelson. I pper Fourth.. -English, Latin. French: C. W. D. Mulgau. I: N. A. Campbell, 2. Mathematics ami science: J. E. Ilooton, 1; P. S. Bridson. 2. Certificates: French. A. G. Marshall: mathematics. E. C. Budd. Modern Fourth. -English, commercial subjects. French: A. J. Weir. 1; F. A. H. Parker. 2. Mathematics and science: A. J. Weir. 1: O. »’. Tuslehope. 2. Certificates: Commercial subjects. French, mathematics. science, and aggregate marks, IL 1:. Seddon. Low* r Fourth.- English. Latin. French: W. R. Alexander, 1: IL C. Mealing, 2. Mathematics and science: W. IL Alexander. 1: A. 11. Gant. 2. Certificates: English and aggregate marks, C. D. Handley; French, A. W. Taylor.

I'pper Third.—English. I.alii* Fixuch: D. L- Kom*. 1; IL E. Taylor. 2. M:itbewalks and science: F. C. Bacon. 1: A. Wallace, 2 Certffirtites: laHiu and aggregate marks, U. Powell; French, K. A. Kaiasay. Middle Third. - English, I.&lin. French: B. Buddie. 1; G. del*. Devereux. 2 MatlftC bustles and science: H. H. Taylve. 1; L. M. Petrie. 2. Certificates: French, A. l-ey ■ lend; mathematics. A. M. Crauwelt; science. R. A. Adi: ms; commercial subjccts, L. M. Petrie. Lower Third. —English and French: E. Biawpkd. 1; K. II Macdonald. 2. Matlie mattes and science: R. Middleman, 1; N. R. W. Thomas, 2. Certificate: Science, J. 11. Wyatt. Second. English and French: G. N. Hill. Arithmetic and brush work: G. N. Hill. I; D. McKinnon, 2. Uertificates: French. IV. Elliot; brushwork, A. G. Devore. GIRLS' SIDE. Upper Sixth. English. Latin. French: F. 51. Lewis, 1; A. A. W lhain. 2. Mathematics and science: I. L. Madden, 1; A. A. Welliam, 2. Lower Sixth. English. Latin, French: E. G. B. Lynch. 1: Gray. 2. Mathematics and science: K. I*. Edgerley, 1; E. G. B. Lynch, 2. Fifth.—English, Latin, French: O. M. Rhodes, 1; V. I. Eslick. 2. Mathematics and science*: S. G. Williams. 1; <). M. Rhodes. 2. Certificate: Science, J. C. Fordyce. Upper Fourth- —English. Latin. French: E. R. Dickinson, 1; E. M. Harris. 2. Mathematics and science: I. I. Hutson. 1; E. M. Harris, 2. Certificate: English, 51. E. Clarke. Lower Fourth.—English. Latin, French: A. 11. M. Spencer, 1. Mathematics and science: A. If. M. Spencer. I. Certificates: English and mathematics. K. W. Longdill; Latin. French, science, E. Blacklock. Upper Third.—English. Latin. French: B. Withers, 1: D. K. Wallace, 2. Mathematics and science: B. Withers, 1; E. T. Reynolds, 2. Certificates, English, G. W. Walker; Latin. V. M. Wallace. Lower Third. —English. Latin. French: 11. M. Craig. 1. Arithmetic: 11. M. Craig, 1; C. M. Tole. 2. Certificate: Enghsn. .Lathi, arithmetic, and aggregate marks, E. M. Carruth. Second.—English and French: D. C. Nathan. 1; M. S. Hanan, 2. Arithmetic: M. M. Ward, 1. PRINCE ALBERT COLLEGE. The Hon. E. Mltchelson (Mayor) presented the prizes at Prince Albert College on December 17th. The ninth annual report was submitted by Mr T. Jackson, head-

master, showing 140 pupils, of whom 24 arc board*.<9. The work on both sides had been up to the average of former year*. Au excellent example was set by the results of last year’9 public examinations. Four boys (M. A. Hampson. R. H. Dellow. J. H. La wry, and IL A. Brom) and six girls (Dora Grllfin, Eveline Hall, Marion Laserou, Edith Collins, Winifred Melloop, and Jessie Brooks) passed matriculation; D. D. Rosewarne passed the medical prellaiiuary examination; W. O’Meara, M. Hampson, IL Dellow and J. Boyes passed >M»th junior and senior Civil Service examinations. all taking high places in both: wjille Dora Griffin passed the junior Civil Service and Daisy Dean the teachers’ E certificate examination. This year the college had sent in 11 matriculation candidates, three students, seven l>oys and four girls, who finished the’ examination only yesterday, and they would also have two candidates for the senior and two for the junior Civil Service examination. A new departure had been made this year in school organisation. The second form on the boys’ side had l>ecn added to the second form on the girls' side, and the combined form placed under the charge of Miss Mary Alexander, who was appointed to the position after considerable experience in public school work. The result of the experiment had been excellent in ail ways. The report then details the work of the various classes, and proceeds: The list of honours won by old boys and girls grows apace. As the result of the recent annual examinations at the University College, Auckland, eight former pupils of the Prince Albert College kept terms, including the blind student, Ernest Chitty, who is steadily pursuing a university career. They took among them three first classes, IS seconds and nine thirds. The first premiums won by old pupils at the university examinations were taken this year; In French by Owen Williams and in biology by Miss Elsie Griffin. They have both done honour to their old school; and so has Miss Leia Button, the second old Prince Albert College girl to attain the B.A. degree. Moreover, the report of the last November law examinations shows that J. B. Johnston has passed his third and final LL.B, examination, and G. McLean a section of the third, while H. P. Lawry, H. C. Rlshworth and F. W. Thorne have passed the first section of the solicitors’ examination. Mr Mltchelson, after referring to the satisfactory nature of the report, said that one of the main features of the college was the teaching of the Bible. In the early days of bis political life he considered that the Bible should not be taught ’n schools, but since then he had come to realise that there was very little hope Indeed for a country in whose schools, primary and secondary, the Bible was not taught. He congratulated the prize-winners, and expressed the hope that next year the college would show even better results than had been shown this year.

Prises were distributed as follows:-— GIRLS. Kindergarten work: Max El Helt. Lower School.--Standard I.: Eva IJSwe*. Standard II.: Dorothea JaJcksuu. Improvement: Edna SmfM'tou. Form ll.—English: Elaine hon. mention, G. Li>«her. Arithmetic: NelUe Decide. Neat work: Janie Young. lin- * proveinent: Eva Gibson. Form lll.—English: Nora Battle; bon, mention. G. Griffith. Languages: Nora Buttle. Mathematics: Gladys Griffith. Improvement: Edith Utting, 1; Ruby Rest, 2. Form IV.—English: Madge Languages: Ella Garland. Mathematics: Mary Paterson. Improvement: May Bond. Form V.—Languages: Marlon Laseron. Mathematics: Edith Collins. Advances! work: Winnie Gymnastics: Emily Wallace, 1; Elaine La wry, 2. Needlework: Beatrice Hodge. Science: Olive Neilson. Reading: Emily Wallis, 1; Marjorie Lusher, 2. Writing: Olive Garland, 1; Elaine I.awrr, 2. Drawing: Emily Wallis, 1: Grace Hill (equal). 1: Winnie Westwood, 3. German: Edith Collins. Scripture: Madge Huttle. Examination: Sylvia Dunlop. 1; Gertie Rowe, 2; Myrtle Garland. 3. Dormitory prise: Grace Hill. Dux Lower School: Marjorie Lindsay. Til.: Gladys Griffith. II.: Gwr-i Lusher. IV.: Mary Paterson. V.: Edith Collins. * BOYS. *-Form ll.—English: Not awarded. Arithmet’c: R. Dykes, 1; B. Davis, 2. Improvement: R. Forbes. Form HI. —English: Not awarded; hon. mention, Sheppard. Mathematics: E. Hay. Languages: N. Clifford. Improvement: R. Bentley. (N.B.—Boys entered this term not eligible.) Form IV.—English: P. Bond; hon. mention, S. Brakenrig. Mathematics: P. Metge; hon. mention. S. Brakenrig. Languages: S. Brakenrlg. Improvement: L. Buddle. 1:S. Hugill, 2. Lower V.—English: R. Co’obe. Mathematics: P. Del low. Form V. —English: G. Marrlner. Languages: R. Brown: hon. mention. H. La wry. Improvement: L. Thompson. Science: W. Ruddock. Reading: A. Lush. Writing: C. Martyn, 1; E. Cobbe 2. Drawing: M. Gower. 1; k. Murray, 2* hon. mention, S. IlnglU. Gymnastics: L. Buddle, 1; N. Clifford, 2. Scripture: S. Macky. Bookkeeping: W. Healer. English Essays: A. Lush. Examination. — First term: IT. Allah. Second term: P. Metge. Third term: H. Lawry. Dux Prizes.—ll.: A. Hellaby HL: N. Clifford. IV.: S. Bra ken rig. Lower V.: P. Del’ow, V.: 11. La wry. KING’S COLLEGE. The annual distribution of prizes at King’s College, Kemuera. took place on December 17th. a large number of parents and friends of the pupils being in attendance. The Rev. W. Beatty presided, and besides the school staff there were on the platform Professor Segar. Messrs S. L. Abbott, 11. B. Morton, and J. Mowbray. In his annual report the headmaster, Mr G. Bigg-Wither, M.A. set forth that 38 new pupils had enrolled during the year, the roll number being now 93, including 31 boarders. Last year one boy passed the. matriculation examination and two the junior Civil Service. This year ten had entered for matriculation, one for junior scholarship, and one for junior Civil Service. It was to be regretted that the examinations were not Letter systematised. At present matriculation and junior Civil Service overlapped in some things, yet differed in others. The examiners in rhe public examinations practically bad the direction of secondary education, for the schools must teach what the examiners required. It was much to l»c desired that a definite standard should be fixed for each examination. The senate of the University of New Zealand had taken a wise course in asking for suggestions from teachers throughout the colony. There was little doubt that the views of those engaged in preparing candidates for these examinations will be uf value to the senate. The work of the year had been on the whole satisfactory, and they were sending a larger number of boys for public examinations than usual. There had been no changes on the staff, but Mr Kempthorne gave them valuable assistance for rhe first part of the term. It was much regretted that Mr Tisdall, who had acted as their chaplain fur two years, .was leaving them. The report laid stress on the importance of English grammar and composition, because of the great educational value of the grammar and the necessity of having a good groundwork in order to be able to write good English. He considered that every boy should be able to write his own language with ' clearness and precision. That many people were quite unable to do this was certainly a fact. The correspondence columns.of the daily press formed a rich mine of examples of how not to write English.. Science was making good progress in the school. The school institutions were all nourishing. The cadet corps owed much to the indefatigable work of Mr Stuckey. The college team came second in the competition for the Campbell vase, and Mr L. Chatfield won the Major bolt with the fine score of 87 out of JOO. The results of the annual examination that had just been conducted by himself and other members of the staff were on the whole very satisfactory. The Rev. W. Beatty emphasised the necessity of discmlnatlug a knowledge of pure English, from an Intellectual point of vkw. He

deplored the habit that bad grown up of confining talk mainly to details about per--OOU9, mid not to subjects requiring thought or knowledge, and alao to the restriction of reading to ephemeral writings of various kinds and to “snippets.'' It wm the business of the schoolmaster to correct thia. School life, especially with regard to boarders, wav of the greatest value. The school held the intermediate posit ion between the home and the larger world, upon which the boy had eventually to enter. The prises were then distributed by the Rev. Beatty, after which a programme was gone through in the grounds of the school, the cadets performing various evolutions under the supervision of Captain Stuckey, and the Junior gymnasium corps giving exercises under the guidance of Mr Worley. The sports prises were distributed by Mrs Mltchelson. Following Is the prize list:— Primer B: K. L. Caldwell 1, A. Caseibrrg 2. Primer A: B. C. Carpenter 1. R. K. Mowbray 2. Form I.: L. E. R. Littlejohn 1. N. C. B. Farquhar 2. Form II.: G. G. Callender 1. XI. Gandar 2. Form 111.: G. B. Russell 1. Form IV. B: English history and geography, and Latin, mathematics, writing and drawing, R. W. Pierce; science, 2nd in form. D. XV. Lawsen. Form IV. A: English history and geography, Latin and French, R P. Towle: mathematics and science, XV. S. Hill. Form X\ B: English geography and history, K. T. Woodward; mathematics, N. A. Duthie; Latin and French, IL C. Duthie. Form V. A: J. L. Sutherland J. Form VI.: 11. Barter (presented by L. Murray, Esq.), 1. Special prizes—Scripture (presented by the Rev. C. A. Ttedallj— Upper school: K. T. Woodward 1. H. Barter 2. Middle school: E. 11. Nolan 1. Lower school: G. G. Callender 1. Science Notes (presented by XV. A. Carrick, Esq., and Mrs Bruce) Forms VI. and V., R. K. Rinney and A. J. Gordon; Form IV. A, IT. T. Morton; Form IV. B, G. XV. Pierce. Elocution—Upper school (presented by Fred Earl. Esq.): R. P. Towle 1. H. f. Morton 2. Ixiwer school (presented by C. Ranson. Esq.), G. XX'. Pierce. Bookkeeping: Upper. J. Poach: lower, L. B. Hutton. Carpentry: 11. Scotland 1, J. C. Dive 2, 11. Laird 3. ST. JOHN S COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. The annual distribution of the prizes won by the scholars of St. John’s Collegiate School was made at The Pah, Onehunga, on December 17 in the most favourable dreumfor the mild sunny weather enabled the function to be celebrated c.n the lawn. The Anglican Bishop of Auckland. Dr. Neligan, presided, and with Mrs Aitken and Mr Bedford presented the prizes in the presence of a large number of people. The headmaster, the Rev. P. S. Smallfield, gave an encouraging report upon the 23rd year’s work. The roll had increased from 73 to 93, of whom 53 were boarders, and in view of the increasing popularity of the school a new dormitory for boarders was being added. The Old Boys had again given liberal help. The sports meeting had l>een a success, the Victor Ludorum being Brian Chaytor. Alfred Jowitt had matriculated, and Percy Hunt and Roy Harding passed the Junior Civil Service examination oh the last occasion: and this year five can•didates for matriculation and ihre# for junior Civil Service had been presented. The school had won the secondary schools Rugby banner this year. Mr A. Aitken had presented two special prizes for rhe boys who had excelled most in schoolroom education, leadership, and character— the Rhodes Scholarship requirements -these icing w ;■ by R. llesketh (first) and M. Stewart (second). The prize list was as follows: — Form V. —Divinity, T. Pounlney; Euglish, R. Hesketb; Latin and French, G. Smith; mathematics, M. Stewart; commercial work. M. Stewart; history and geography, J. Ferguson; drawing, M. Stewart: science, L. Mandeno: general information, L. Mandeno; workshop. G. Middleton. Form IV.—Divinity. IL Vaile; English. 11. Vaile; Latin and French. 11. Hull; mathematics, 11. Vaile; history and geography 11. X’ailo; drawing. B. Atkin: sc-ieii'e, N. Clarke; Latin. E. Faris: French, 11. X’ailr. Form HI. - Divinity, R. Proud; English, R. Webster: arithmetic, R. Mr-rton and W. Burton, equal; history and geography, R. Proud; science, R. Proud: dr.avJng. R. Webster: geometrical drawing. L. Brett. Form II. —Divinity, U. Dalzell; Sagii.-h. 11. Il indie: arithmetic, C. Barry: drawing. C. Barry: history and geography. 11. Ilindlo. Form I.- -General progress, A. Boucher. After the ceremony, afternoon t» a was served in the grounds, and the visitors spent a pleasant hour enjoying Mrs Small field’s hospitality and wandering about the delightful grounds and the fine old schoolhouse. “THE WILLOWS" LADIES' COLLEGE. There was a bright and pleasing gathering at the Federal Hall nn December 17th. when the pupils of- “I he Willows” Ladles’ College. Wynyard-strcct. received their prizes and entertained a large number of parents and friends with an enjoyable musical programme. The Rev. W. E. Gillam, who presided, expressed his pleasure at the progress of the school during the seven years it Lad been under his observation. At the closing of the school on Wednesday week for the Christmas vacation, the pupils presented Miss Williams with a handsome silver hot water Jug., and a greenstone and gold pendant. One of the junior pupils made the presentation, to which Miss Williams suitably, responded. Special prizes were presented by Mrs J. J. Craig. Mrs Gillam, Mrs Frank Marsden. Mr XV. Blnnifield, and Mr J. McKall Geddes.

The priea list is as follows• Upper School.- Isp*<-Ui Form: Joan Parker, Louie Phillip*, Rxuie Partridge. Form VI.: Ella lUacklock. Nelite Hellaby. Form V.: Janie Brownlie, Fred Hutchison, Alexander Geddes, Maggie Dalton, Agnes Williams. Form 11.: Kathleen Mclvor. Jessie Geddes, Marion Wigg, Dorothy Johnson, Gertrude Gillam. Ferm III.: Elsie Lamin', Kittle Churton, Harrf’d Hutchison, William Geddes, Joan Wigg Mary Johnston. lx>wer School.—Form If.: Jim Macfar lane, Phyllis Lindsay, Rita Aebton, Dorothy Montague. Form I.: May Reeve. Arthur Purchas, Howard Dalton, Colleen Partridge, Roy MrGregor, Tom Pun-has. infant Render: Frank Blyth, Beryl Churton. Graham Lindsay, J done! Goodwin, Minna Kroufeld, Alma Finlayson, Marjorie Tayler, Tul Montague.. Primer II.: Ivan Phillips, Hector Bolithn, Charlie Murray, Kathleen Patterson, Mary Bachelder, Jim Craig. Primer I.: Marjorie Hellaby. Alec. Craig. Norman McCallum. Special Prizes.—French (upper school): May Cattnnach and Jessie Stnart. French (lower school): Berth* Boult. Drawing: Nellie Hellaby, Alexander Geddes. Music: I>orothy Johnson, Ruby Blomfidd, Ix>u!g PhilHiv. Wood carving (relief): Louie Phillips; (chip). Bessie Dalton. Conduct (upper school): James Stairwell; (lower school), Jim Macfarlane, Frank Blyth. Attendance (upper school): Agnes Williams; (lower school), Rita Ashton. Plain needlework: Gertrude Gillam, Ruby Blomfield, Marion "Wigg, Dorothy Montague Tcripa Jackson. and Beryl Churton; Phyllis Lindsay, highly commended. Fancy work: Bessie Dalton, Ella Blacklock. Jessie Stuart, Janie Brownlie, Elsie lamb?, and Louie Phillips; highly commended, Muriel Campbell, Joan Parker, May Cattanach. THE LADIES’ COLLEGE, REMUERA. The prize distribution and breaking-np ceremony in connection with the Ladies’ College, Remuera, was held on December 10th in fine weather. The attendance of visitors was very large, and all were thoroughly pleased with the entertainment provided by the pupils which included selections by tbe college orchestra, musical drill, cantatas, French dialogues, pianoforte selections, and recitations. Admirable specimens of drawing and needlework by the pupils were displayed. The prizes were.distributed by the Rev. W. Beattie, who spoke highly of the work of the <ollege. Mrs Moore-Jones, the principal, also dealt with the care taken to mould the character of the pupils and develop a number of features which, sh? considered essential to an educational course. The prize list was as follows:— Form 11. A. - Sybil Payton, highest examination marks for the year (gold modal): Sybil Payton, Scripture: Mary Davis, highest daily marks for the year: Eileen Schischka. arithmetic. algebra, botany, and G.K.: Sybil Pay ton. French grammar and French conversation: Maggie Frater, needlework, steady application; Mary Davis, typewriting; Ettie Abbott, music

and hUlorj; A* «*c Ccurt, bookkeeping. Ferm XI. 8.--Doris Waddrll. Fre-ueb sb4 bookkeeping, Maixi NcMrn, hlghect exam, marks cf class fur the year, 8. at*d Q. rw*dat; Phyllis Ihrte. highest dally class marks for y**n»; I tydlr Davis, Scripture and botauy, Maud Nordeu. Freneß gramwar and ceuYeirxoion; Dorie Tewsiey. genera’ prog re-*?; Hexul Nairn, Algebra, and mythology; Blanche Norden, shurtbaud.

Form V. A.-*—Clairs B leak thorn, h.ghest exam, marks of class for tbe y*-ur (silver, medal); Maris Clark, highest dally marks of class; Nea Tocher. Latin and German; Ada Macklow, steady progress; Mavis Clark, science.

Form HI. B —Dorothy Morton, Germani Dorothy Morton, highest exam, marks for year; Gwendoltu Simons, highest dally, marks for year. conrensMional and graanmatb*d! French; Frances Garner J*mes, music; Nellie Thompson, drawing; Iris Don-' lop, composition and geography; Bertha Cleave, English and French conversation; Lena Cleave, English and French convexsxtfou. Form IX’. A. Marjorie Chirk, bighex: examination marks for year, French, gramma lira 1 and conversational; Ivy Banks, highest dally marks for year; Mary Foster. < imposition, reading, nud drawing; Hilda Kinxswel!, recitation <tml reading. Form V. A. -Claire Blenktbon, highest exam, marks for the year; Aye-Aye Walker, highest daily marks: Gladys Littlejohn, English, arithmetic, and music: Flossie Abbott, excellent progress and music: Aye Aye Walker, history; Beatty Galbraith, French. Form X". B. —Sybil Mahoney, highest examination marks; Thelma Norton. Scripture and English; Elva Walker, arithmetic: Fnna Mahoney, geography; Sybil Mahoney, French and excellent work. After a short and varied musical programme had beeu gone through. Mr H. B. Marton spoke from a parent’s point of view oil the work of the Ladies’ College. 1U was very thankful to know that the “cram” •system was thoroughly tabooed iu the college. and cited examples of its evil effects upon girls. MT. EDEN LADIES COLLEGE. The “breaking up” of Mt. Eden Ladles’ College was celebrated on the Domain Mount Eden Public School on December 18, Cricket Ground on December 1G with very entertaining sports, in which over a hundred young ladies, pupils of the Misses Bewes, took pa.t. They vere dre&aed in whit**, with gold ribbon, and both hi the competitions and a series of musical drills, acquitted themselves admirably. There was r large gathering » f visitors, and during the afternoon the successful scholars received their awards, the distribution being made by the Rev. W. liccitie, M.A.. vicar of St? Mark’s, Remuera. Afternoon tea was daintily served by the Misses Bowes and the school governesses. Tbe prize list was as follows:— Form \’l.—Scholarship (for year 1954. highest marks iu English. Frouel*. and mathematics), Edith Maca Uster; scil’»ce.

Be* trice Dawson: mathematics Edith Macallater; composition (<l»u work). Mary Bproule; prtse essay, Stcllt McLean and Winnie Bodie, equal; Latin. Beatrice Dawson; French. Beatrice Dawsou; drawing, Flora Petrie; needlework. Ruth Whyte. Form V.—Scholarship, Vera Page; French, Mary Taylor; prise essay. Winnie Bproule; science and mathematics. Vera Page; drawing, Florence Pcurell; needlework. Eileen Barstow and* Eva Gow, equal. Form Remove.—Scholarship, Gladys Erwou; English (class work), Eileen Friar; Latin. Marjorie Hull; mathematics, Marjorie Hull; acience, Frances Grierson; French. Marjorie Hull; drawing. Ma rule needlework, Daisy Carter. Form IV.—Scholarship, I'hyllis Macfarlane; English (special), Bessie Thompson; mathematics. Gladys Combes; science, Gwendolyn Beale; French. Phyllis Macfarlane; drawing. May Cologrove; needlework* Alice Barstow. Form 111. —(1) English (class and examinations), Lesley Sanderson; (2) English, Veda Caldwell; arithmetic, Clara Moginie; arithmetic (class work). Mary McFarland; French. Lesley Sanderson; writing. Idaline Valle; needlework. Wynfrida Thomas; spet-iai improvement. Cara Clark. Form ll.— First division: English, WinDie Coles; French, Adeline Trevithick; arithmetic (class work). Dorothy Newcomb;' Scripture. Gordon Fordyce: writing, Cissie Br.ddeiey; needlework, Kathleen Barstow. Second division: English, Leonice Wiseman; arithmetic. Mavis Morrison; English (special), Janie Williams; English (si»eciah. Doris Knight. Third division: Doris Mac Stay. Music (presented by Mi's Sr. Paul). — First division: Hilda Bloomfield. Kathleen Meir. Evelyn Kidd. Second division: Pi yllis Macfarlane, Kathleen Barstow. SACRED HEART COLLEGE. There was n large attendance at the Sacred Heart College. Richmond road, on Dec. 17. when rhe students gave a capital c icert. which was followed by the first distribution of prizes. The entertainment pr *\.d -d by the boys was of exceptional ni-rit. The prize list follows:— Matriculation Class.—Good conduct (gold medal presented by His Lordship Dr. LoulhanL Peter Amedeo; Christian doctrine (gold medal presented by Rev. Father Patterson). Peter Amodeo; aggregate merit (prize piesented by Rev. Dean ILicketti, Peter Amedeo; English. Paul Goldenstedt; matininatics, Thomas Little; science. Morgan O'Brien; French, Paul Goldenstedt; La Tin. Peter Amodeo; geography. Peter Amodeo; shorthand, Paul Goldenstedt. Civil Service Class.-—Aggregate merit. John Donovan: English. Adalbert Beeban; mathematics, John Donovan: geography; Rupert Knight: orthography, Charles Dunn; shorthand. John Donovan. 1, Florence FarreH. 2: wntu.i, Peter Cosgrove. Sub-Civil Service Class. —Aggregate merit: Valentine Blake. 1: William Rawson. 2. Christian doctrine: William Rawson. 1: John Brown. 2. English grammar: Ha.old IleightoD. 1; Valentine Blake. 2. Arithmetic: Guy Heighten, 1: George Fraser. 2. Elementary mathematics: Valentine Blake. 1: Gee. Hansen. 2. Reading and d- < iamciion: George Ricketts, 1; Cecil McDevitt, 2. English essay: Frederick Beeban, 1; Georg- Ricketts. 2. Latin: Valentine Bl.ike 1; Wilfiam Rawson, 2. French: Cecil McDavitt. I; Oliver Alley. 2. Shorthand: John Brown. 1: Oliver Alley. 2. Geography: Patrick Treacy. 1; Ignatius Fitzgerald. 2. Orthography: George Hansen. 1: Guy Heighten. 2. Bookkeeping and drawing: George Fraser, 1: Frederick Beehan. 2. Writing: Ignatius Fitzgerald, 1; Cringe Cole, 2. class VI. —Aggregate merit: Redmond Taylor. 1: Thomas Higgins, 2. Christian dovtriue: Wm. McClellan. 1; Redmond Taylor 2. Writing and drawing: Thomas Higgins. 1: Claude Quinlan, 2. Geography • nd bookkeeping: Clanue Quinlan, 1; Reduoud lay lot. 2. English: William McCi Ilan. 1: Redmond Taylor, 2. Matheru ics: Redmond Tay’or, 1; Claude Quinlan. 2. Reading: Cornelius Little, 1; Thomas Higgins. 2. Latin. Redmond Taylor 1: Thomae Higgins. 2. French: Claude Quinlan. 1: Wm. McClellan, 2. Shorthand: Ernest Roberts. 1. Class V. -Aggregate merit: Wilfiam Either 1: John Quinlan. 2. Writing and orthography: William Fisher, 1; John Quinlan. 2. Mathematics: John Quinlan. 1; William Fisher. 2. English: Everard McClellan. 1: William Fisher. 2. Reading: William Hutchinson, 1: John Quinlan. 2. Drawing bookkeeping: John Quinl.n, 1. Everard McClellan. 2. Christian doctrine (sth and 4th): Wynne Sheathe, 1; Ernest Fraser, 2. Class IV.—Aggregate merit. Ernest Frazer. 1: James Boylan. 2. English, French, and Latin: Ernest Frazer. 1: James Boylan, 2. Geography: Thomas Carroll. 1: Ernes' Frazer, 2. Bookkeeping: Ernest Fray ; 1; James Boylan. 2. Arithmetic: J»m< > Boylan, 1: Wynne Sheathe. 2. Shorthand and drawing: John Plielni.. 1: Ernest Frazer. 2. General knowledge Daniel O'Connor, 1; Ernest Frazer, 2. MAR] ST* BROS ’ SCHOOL. The annual distribution of prises to pupils att-*nding the Marist Bros.’ school, Pitt street, took place In the Federal Hall on December 17. The Bishop, the Right Rev. Dr. T>>nlhan, presided, and distributed priaea. An excellent concert programme was contributed by the following:—Masters A. Lennon. W. Miller, and White, and Messrs E. O’Hare, J. C. Gleeson, A. Smith, R. McVeagb. C. Bacon, M. Moodaber, and

W. Scanlon. Mr P. F. His cock s’ orchestra supplied the music, ami Mr T. Guscott played the accompaniments on the piano. The annual report of the working of the school during the past year stated that the school had opened tn February last with an enrolment of 144 pupils. This number had Increased until it reached 180, the number at present attending the school. This satisfactory state of affairs was largely* due to the efforts of the local clergy: but there was still room for improvement. During the second quarter the Board inspector paid a visit to the school, upon which be reported very favourably, saying that while the teaching was lively and energtic the order, discipline, and tone of the school were very good. In August last the Education Board's chief inspector visited the school to examine the sixth class. Twentyone pupils were presented for examination, and they were pleased to report that uo fewer than twenty passed. The prize list is as follows: —

Special Prizes.—Christian doctrine (gold medal presented by His Lordship the Bishop), Master A. Buckley; good conduct (gold medal presented by the Very Rev. Father Patterson), Master A. Lennon; dux of school isilver medal presented by the Rev. Father Holbrook*, Master A. Lennon; English essay (prize presented by the Rev. Father Furlougt. Master Considiue 1, Master W. Webb 2.

Standard VI. — Christian doctrine, A. Buckley; good conduct, A. Lennon: regular attendance. R. Fairweather and A. Earlly. 1; application. C. Ryan; general proficiency, A. Lennon I. E. Buckley 2. W. White 3. Standard V. -Christian doctrine. 11. Wills; good conduct. F. Bacon: regular attendance, A. Amodeo: application, F. Bacon; general proficiency, F. Bacon 1, J. Maxwell 2, A. Amodeo 3. Standard IV. — Christian doctrine. Leo. Cullen; good conduct, Arthur Lees: regular attendance. William Fischer: application, Win. Clarke; general proficiency. Arthur Lees 1, Owen Robertson 2, Norman Fairweather 3. Standard 111. — Christian doctrine. Andrew Smith: good conduct, Wilfred Taylor; regular attendance, Wm. O Connor: application. Joseph Martin: general proficiency Charles Woolley 1, Wilfred Taylor 2. Martin White 3. Standard IL—Christian doctrine, Wilber Clarke. Francis Mangan, and Roy O’Connor: good conduct. Wilber Clarke; regular attendance, John Earlly; application. Leon R. Buxton; general proficiency. Leonard Buxton 1. Claude Bacon 2, Hugh Alder 3. Standard I.—Christian doctrine, Michael Henderson: good conduct. Thomas Scott; regular attendance. Edward Earlly: application. Frederick Sayegh: general proficiency. Edward Earlly 1, Thomas Scott Peter McQuillan 3. REM LERA KINDERGARTEN. The annual exhibition by pupils and distribution of prizes in connection with the Remuera Kindergarten, conducted by Miss Brooke-Smith, was held on December 17 in St. Mark’s Hall. There was a large gathering of relatives and friends of the pupils, and those interested in the kindergarten system of education. The programme included marches, drill, recitations, and games representing the seasons and spring flowers. The vocal items were given with astonishing clearness and rhythm, and gave evidence of careful training. The little folks went through their pretty exercises with vigour and evident enjoyment. On tables in the hall the work of the youthful pupils was displayed, giving good” illustration of the progressive features of the kindergarten mode of teaching. The exhibits were interesting, and revealed an astonishing amount of skill on the part of children of such tender years. The Rev. W. Beatty distributed the prizes, and addressed the audience In his usual characteristic and happy vein, and paid a high tribute of praise to Miss Brooke-Smith for the manner she had carried on the school. The following is a list of the prizes:— Conduct: L'pper division, HeatUer Bews; lower division, Artla Hill. Attendance: Upper division, Joyce Bews; lower division, Jack Gamble. Reading and spelling: first class, Nora Prater; second class, lan Bews. Arithmetic and tables: first class. Nora Frater; 2nd class, Dosie Frater. Writing: Joyce Bews. General improvement: Douglas Gamble. Home work and dictation: Joyce Bews. MOUNT EDEN PUBLIC SCHOOL. There was a pleasant gathering at the Mount Eden Public School on December 18, when the following prizes were awarded on the result of aggregate marks taking all subjects:— Staudard VlL—Boys: Raymond Fletcher 1. Girls: Irene Mackie 1. Standard VI. —Boys; Lawrence Oldham 1, Charles Olsen 2. Girls: Gladys Harrison 1, Kathleen Denvers 2. Standard V.—Boys: Robert McFarland 1, Kenneth McFarland 2, Charles Courtney 3. Girls: Dorothy Parker and Gretta Hungerford (tie) 1. Mary He!lings 3. Standard IV. —Boys: Arthur Sharp 1, David Burton 2, Gavin Alexander 3. Girls: Ethel Harris 1, Gretta Rimmer 2, Mabel Crocombe 3. Standard ITT. —-Boys: Eric Watkin 1. Walter Grierson 2. Harold Adams and Silvey Denvers (tie) 3. Girls: Dorothy Burrow 1, Mabel Burrow 2, Leila Eady 3. Standard II.—Boys: Warwick Sxneeton 1, Cyril Watkin 2. Rolf Adams 3. Girls: Maggie Sanderson 1, Doris Gaze 2, Marion Olsen 3. Standard I.—Boys: Mervyn Alexander 1, Warwick Woodward 2, Alfred Crocombe 3. Girls: Doris Christmas 1. Mary Stoddart 2, Emma Bock 3. Primer 4.—Boys: Willie Cowan 1, Willis

Sanderson 2, Uric Sima X Girls: Maud Wilauu 1. Dorothy E*<‘U X Dulcie Sbe*. herd X

Primer X -Boya: Royal Vaughan 1, Noel Mackie X Kenneth Gorrie X Girla: Queenia Daria 1. Ella. Henry X Mabel Pritchard X Primer X —Boys: John Buck 1. Ernest Clarke X Robert Malone X Girls: Feodora. Jenkins 1. Winnie Stewart X Idly Christmas X

Upper Primer X —Boys: Roy McComble t. Leslie Hawk 2. Frank Mellreen X Girin: Nellie Ldrd L Alison Johuston X Thelma Lewis X Lower Primer I.—'Boys: John Jenkins 1, Howard Newcombe 2. Ronald Surznan X Girls: Eleanor Knight 1. Alice Crocombe X Doreen Rathbone X Sewing prises were awarded as follows: — Standard VI.: Kathleen Denvers. May Barnaby. Standard V.: Marie Hetghway. May Andrews. Standard IV.: Gretta Rimmer. Chrissie Boyd. Standard IL: Aleia Kelso. Ivy Hill. Standard II.: Bella Henry, Freeda Hooker. Standard L: Violet Rimmer. Edna Staiuton. PONSONBT PUBLIC SCHOOL. The time-honoured breakiug-up entertainment was held in Ponsonby School on December 17th. At 2 p.m. the children assembled, marched past and saluted the flag. Standards 1. 2, 3. aud 4 were marched to All Saints' Schoolroom, which was kindly lent bv the Ven. Archdeacon Calder; and Standards 5. 6, ami 7 to one of the large classrooms of the school. The entertainment consisted of vocal and Instrumental items and recitations contributed by teachers and scholars. Mr Baddiley delighted the children by giving a number of selections from his phonograph. Prizes were distrluted. and after singing the National Anthem the children dispersed with cheers for the Archdeacon and Mr Baddiley. The late Miss McLeod was not forgotten, as a cabload of wreaths and flora! emblems were sent to her grave by parents, teachers, and scho ars.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XXVI, 26 December 1903, Page 52

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Prize Days in Auckland. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XXVI, 26 December 1903, Page 52

Prize Days in Auckland. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XXVI, 26 December 1903, Page 52