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Personal Paragraphs.

Mrs Evans (New Plymouth) is on a visit to Mrs Bethune (Wellington). Mrs Guy Ronalds is at present staying at Hamner. Mr Hogg. M.H.8.. and Mrs Hogg have just eelebrated their silver wedding. The Archdeacon of Mawhera and Mrs York have been on a visit to Wellington. Colonel Davies, C. 8., returned from the North on Saturday night General and Mrs Babington have been spending a few days at Waikanae. Miss E. Harding, of Wellington, is visiting friends in New Plymouth. Mr and Mrs Reid, of Wanganui, are staying at the Masonic Hotel, Napier. Mr and Mrs Dove, of Taupo, are on a visit to Napier. Mrs Edgar, of Tennyson-street, Napier, is visiting friends in Masterton. Dr. Neligan, Anglican Bishop of Auckland, has been spending a short holiday in the vicinity of Okoroire. Mrs. J. and Misses C. and J. McCabe arrived in Auckland last week by the Ventura. Mrs. John Hunter and Miss Hunter arrived in Auckland by the Ventura on November 13 Mrs Riley (Dunedin) is spending a few days in Wellington before proceeding to Rangitikei. The Rev. G. W. York, of Greymouth, has been created Arehdeaeon of Mawhera. Mr and Miss Harcourt have returned to M ellington from Christchurch after a short visit. The Mayor of Auckland (the Hon. E. Mitehelson) has been, elpcMid chairman of the Art Gallery Committee. Miss Babington (Christchurch) has been on a visit to Miss Partridge (Wellington). Among the visitors at Rotorua are Mr Shacklock, of the Dunedin foundry firm of that name, and his wife and daughter. Mr Herbert Baker (Taranaki) is spending a holiday week in Christchurch. Bishop M allis, who has been on a short visit to Pieton, has returned to Wellington. Mrs Burden (Geraldine) is visiting with Professor and Mrs Blunt, Christchurch. Mi- James C. Walker, formerly ehief officer of the s.s. Mimiro, now occupies a similar position on the Indradevi. Miss Olive Rawson and Miss Flora Brandon, of Wellington, are visiting friends in Christchurch. Mrs Potts (Levin) and Mrs Keiller are staying at the Royal Oak. Wellington. Mrs and Miss Stafford (Wellington) are spending a few weeks in the South Island. Miss Wyincks (Invercargill) is staying with Mrs Loughnan, of Christchurch. Mr G. Fraser and Miss J. Fraser, of New Plymouth, have gone to visit their relations at Waipu, Auckland. Mrs Brougham (New Plymouth) is the guest of Mrs W. Moorhouse (Wellington). Mrs and the Misses Govett spent a few days in Wellington prior to their departure for England. Mrs Atkins (Wanganui) is staying at Miss Malcolm’s, The Terrace, Wellington. Miss Guthrie has returned to Christchurch from Australia, and intends spending the summer in New Zealand. Mr and Mrs T. Garrard and the Misses D’Oyly have left Christchurch for the Springs. Mr J. C. George, who has been visiting Cambridge and Auckland, has now returned to his home in New Plymouth.

Miss Whitelaw, of Auckland, is visiting Miss Trigg a, of Avonside, Christchurch Mr. J. 11. Muldoon announces that he is a candidate for a seat in the Grey Lynn Borough Council. Dr. and Mrs Cook (Amberley) are staying with Mrs J. C. Wilkin, Chriatchureh. / Captain Smith has resumed charge of the Mararoa, his old steamer, which has just been overhauled. Mt Tuxford, of, who Las been spending several months in Napier, left there last week. It is probable tha>t Mr A. E. Jull will oppose Sir William Russell for th* Hawke’s Bay seat at the next elections. Miss E. Seymour, ‘‘Tyntesfield,’’ han returned to Marlborough from a visit to Richmond, Nelson. Colonel McGilloway was a through passenger to Australia by the Sierra, from America. Mr and Mrs C. Gouter, of Blenheim, who have been staying at the Masonia Hotel, Napier, have returned home. Mr and Mrs F. Waterhouse, of Mangawhaie, Hawke’s Bay, went to Christchurch to attend the show and races. Miss Rosa Townsend recently returned to Christchurch from Edinburgh, where she has been studying medicine. Mrs Martin, of Christchurch, haa eome to Auckland on a visit to her brother Mr Carrick, of Mount Eden. Mr M. B. Curtis, the well-known theatrical manager, reached Auckland in the Sierra from Honolulu on Monday. Mr F. Scott (Picton) has gone to visit his sister. Mrs H. Baillie, in Carterton. Mrs Davidson (Napier) was staying at Warner’s during carnival week ia Christchurch. Judge Dunbar Johnson, of the Native Lands Court, arrived in Auckland by the Rarawa on Saturday. Mr anod Mrs F. Albert, well known ia Sydney and Auckland musical circles, were through passengers to Sydney by the Siena from San Francisco. Mr A. C. Atkin, of the firm of Cousins and Atkin, with Mrs Atkin, returned today by the Sierra from a visit to the Continent. Mrs Pinckney (Hastings) and Mrs F. Barker (Orari) are staying with their father, Mr Alfred Cox. Merivale, Christchurch. Lieut.-Col. H. Burton, who went Home on business connected with the Trotter range-finder, returned by the Sierra to Auckland on Monday. Mr. C. H. Reynolds, managing director of the Pacific Cable Board, was a passenger by the Sierra for Sydney en route for England. Dr. Horton, the newly-appointed medical officer of the Northern Wairoa Hospital, arrived by the Ventura. He is accompanied by Mrs Horton. Miss McHardy and Mr L. McHardy, who have been staying in Napier, left for their home at Blackhead Bay last week. Mr C. A. Laßoche, who has been paying Europe and America a visit, returned on Monday. Mrs La Roche accompanied him. Messrs. F. and G. Foote, of Whangarei, arrived by the Ventura from Sydney after completing a tour around the world. Judge Munro, of Auckland, is visiting his daughters Mrs Curnow and Mrs Craeroft Wilson (Christchurch), where he intends spending the summer. Mrs. and Miss Rose, wife and daughter of the Auckland Collector of Customs, arrived by the Ventura from Sydney last week. Dr. Ewart, Medical Superintendent of the Wellington Hospital, who has been spending his vacation in the South Island, has now returned home. Miss Sutton (Napier), who had been staying with Mrs Ewen (Wellington), went on to Christchurch for the race week. The Rev. E. Blanbawn, Rabbi of Sydney, is paying Auckland a visit. He arrived by the Ventura, and is staying at the Grand Hotel. Mr and Miss Pearce, who have for some years been living in England, are expected to arrive in Wellington by the Corinthic.

Mr and Mrs Perry, Crissage, Hawke’s Bay, and Mrs Donelly were in Wellington for a few days before their departure for Christchurch. Mrs Green and Miss Marjorie Green, who hare been staying with Mrs Reid, Willia-street, Wellington, hare returned to. Timaru. Mr Kenneth Webster, well known in New Plymouth, left last week for San Francisco, having decided to try his luck in America. Mr H. C. Cameron, the Government Produce C ommissioner, is going back to London by way of San Francisco. He was a passenger by the Ventura. Mr J. A. Milne, secretary of the Waikato A. and P. Association, has been laid up with influenza, and was unable to attend the show. Mr R. J. Gwynne took up the duties. Professor Brown has accepted his appointment to the Auckland Public Library Committee. The Mayor of Auckland (the Hon. E. Mitchelson) has been elected chairman of this committee. Mr G. T. Niccol, of Auckland, was expected at Sydney last week by the Britania from London, and is due here before the end of the month. He went to Europe by way of the United States. Mrs Trotter and Miss Trotter, and Messrs Kearnc and Strachan, are making the round trip from London by the Indradevi, which arrived at Auckland last week. The Ven. Archdeacon Grace (Blenheim) and the Rev. A. H. Sedgwick (Picton) have returned home from Nelson, where they have been attending the Synod. Mrs and Miss Lewin have returned to Christchurch from their visit to England and the Continent, where Miss Lewin has been studying music and painting. The public will be pleased to learn that the health of ex-Justice Conelly, whose recent retirement was preceded by a serious seizure, is now completely satisfactory. Mr Reynolds, general manager of the Pacific Cable Board, arrived in Auckland last week by the cable steamer Iris, and proceeded to Sydney in the American mailboat. Mr R. Beetham, SAI., and Dr. Anderson, of Christchurch, who are in Auckland in connection with the Costley Home Inquiry, are staying at the Grand Hotel. The Rev. J. Golden, of Kaikoura, arrived from America on Monday, and was present at the celebration of Bishop Lenihan’s episcopacy in the evening. A musician named Herr Mudroch was a through passenger by the Ventura. He is about to go to Prague via the States,. He claims student-fellowship with Kubelik. Mr Mestayer, the consulting engineer who is to report upon the water supply and drainage of Auckland, arrived last week, and put up at the Star Hotel. He is a4.-companied by Mrs Mestayer. The Rev. S. J. Handover, of All Saints’ Church, Palmerston North, has accepted the assistant curacy of St. Peter's, Wellington, and will take up his new duties after the New Year. Mr T. F. Cheeseman, Curator of the Auckland Museum, has been suffering from gastric fever, but, we are pleased to hear, expects to be able to resume his duties in a few days. Misses A. P. Murphy and Aimee Moore (English journalists), who are paying Rotorua a visit, were met on Monday by an oflicer of the ’Journalists’ Institute and cordially received. They went to Rotorua this week. After a short illness, Mrs French, wife of Mr Henry French, died on Saturday at her residence, Driving Creek. She had attained the ripe age of 77 years, and had resided in the district over 28 years. ‘ All of the Presbyterian ministry who could possibly leave Marlborough, including the Revs. Robb and J. U. Spence, have gone South to attend the annual conference of the church delegates. Captain W. P. Fish wick, late of the Niwaru, was recently presented with a purse of sovereigns by the representative business men of Napier and the port. The presentation took place at the Union

Mr Kendall, of the Public Trust Office, Wellington, was the recipient of a presentation from the staff of the office, the occasion being his departure for Greymouth, where his marriage will take place. Mr A. E. White has been appointed secretary of the Wellington Racing Club, and will take up his new duties on the Ist December. Mr White was until lately in the service of the Bank of New Zealand. Mr and Mrs J. Belcher, of Symondsstreet, arrived by the Westralia last week from a trip to England. They went Home by the Cape route in the White Star line from Sydney, and returned the same way. Mr 8. Williams, who has been promoted to the postmastership at Waitekauri, was presented with a set of photographs of Rotorua by the officers of the Rotorua post office, where he was second assistant. The resignation of Mr W. Hill, town clerk at Te Aroha, was due to the fact that he is also employed by the Tourist Department in the Domain office, and the work has increased so much there that his whole attention is necessary. At an afternoon tea given in her honour by Miss Hodge at Coromandel. Miss Inder.’ daughter of the retiring postmaster, was given by her friends a pretty purse and card case combined, and also a handkerchief sachet. Mr E. W. Bonwick, manager of the Talisman Consolidated, Ltd.. Karangahake, was feted by the employees on Friday week, and presented with a gold Albert and greenstone pendant as a farewell gift. The engraving on the gold centre of the pendant expressed the best wishes of the employees. Mr Howard Christie, eldest son of Mr H. F. Christie, of Wanganui, and an ex-student of Wanganui College, passed with first-class honours in anatomy, and seeond-elass honours in physiology at the summer examination of the Edinburgh University. Mr Christie is only 19 years of age. Mr F. C. Millward, accountant for Messrs Luke and Co., who is leaving Wellington to go into business at Wanganui, has been presented with a travelling bag and a cheque by the firm, who wished him success in his new venture. On November 14 Mr R. Ward was presented with a set of drawing instruments in a handsome ease from the departments of the “New Zealand Herald” on his severing his connection with that firm after 13 years’ continuous service as engraver and draughtsman to engage in business on his own account. Miss Banks, who has been transferred from the Worser Bay (Wellington) school, was, prior to her departure, presented with a sapphire and diamond bangle and ring by the scholars and residents of the Bay. Miss Banks was entertained at a social, at which the presentation was made. Mrs. Edwards, wife of Mr. Justice Edwards, arrived from Sydney by the Ventura last week, accompanied by her daughter. Mr Justice Edwards is staying at the Grand HvteP,’ and it is understood that he will not take up his residence in Auckland for some time. The Rev. C. H. Heather, of Derby, England, arrived last week by the Ventura from Sydney. He is accompanied by Mrs and Miss* Heather. The Rev. Mr Heather is a son of Mr. Arthur Heather, and a member of the Anglican Church. He is out here on a holiday visit, and remains in Auckland a couple of months. An interesting function took place on November 12. at the premises of MrThomas Miller, Victoria-street, Auckland. when Mr John Parry was presented, on the eve of his marriage, with a marble clock by Mr Thomas Miller, and a beautiful tea and coffee service by Mr W. H. Nagle, on behalf of the staff. Mr Lockie Gannan. of the engineers’ office. Auckland Harbour Board, who is taking the baths at Rotorua for an attack of rheumatism, is now able to get about with the aid of sticks. It will be some six weeks yet before he is able to resume his duties. The Rev. Joseph Campbell, M.A., of Papanui (near Christchurch) announced to his congregation that he had been offered the rectorate and Archdeaconry of Cairns by the Bishop of North Queens-

proffered appointment. Mr Campbell was stationed for some time at Te Aroha. Professor Otto Klotz, Astronomer for the Dominion of Canada, who is engaged upon the task of girdling the earth astronomically, arrived in Wellington by the steamer Victoria last week from Sydney. The girdle has been carried from Greenwich to Canada, thence across the Coutineot of America to Vancouver, from Vancour Island to Fanning Island, from Fanning Island to Sura, from Suva on to Norfolk Island, and before leaving Australia he made the connection between Norfolk Island and Southport, the terminus of the Pacific cable. He is to continue his work at Doubtless Bay, and will then return to Australia. Messrs Thos. Cook and Son advise us that His Highness Prince Bernhard von Sachsen Weimar will visit New Zea-

land early next year under the eieeroneship of thia firm. The local branch has been informed by the Hamburg Agency that the Prince intends to spend some time visiting the sights of this colony. His Highness is making a comprehensive tour of the world, and after visiting Kew Zealand he goes to South America, thence homeThe following have booked within the last few days at Thos. Cook and Sob's office for tours to the thermal districts of Okoroire, Rotorua, Wairakei, Taupo and down the Wanganui River: —Mr F. W. Wittscheibo (Bendigo), Mr J. J. Erskine (Middlesex), Mr Robert Pearce,. Mrs Eliza Pearce, Miss E. F. Pearce (London), Mrs and Miss McCosh Clark (Remuera). Mr A- G- Trower (London*, Mr A. Petroeokino (England), Rev. Wm. O’Brien. Mr and Mrs Bertram Armytage (Melbourne).

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XXI, 21 November 1903, Page 50

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XXI, 21 November 1903, Page 50

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XXI, 21 November 1903, Page 50